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A state of tension created when a

person responds to demands and
pressures from work, family, external
sources, and internal self-imposed
demands, obligations and self-criticism.
The perception of physical or
STRESS psychological threat or danger.
It’s Psychological and Physiological Impact and How To
Handle It Involves the perception that the threat
or danger is beyond our ability to cope.

What is Stress? Causes - Stressors

 Dis-ease created by the abuse we give our  Mental Tensions/Psychological Threats.

minds and bodies.
 Frustrations, Insecurity.
By our personality.
 Having No Purpose in Life.
How we handle daily situations in our
 In-Laws, Parents, Finances, Family
 Can be damaging or unpleasant -”Distress.”
 Seeking Work, Job Pressures, Work
 Can be fantastic or fatal. Overload, Work Underload
 Complete freedom from stress is death.  Health Concerns, Lack of Rest and Leisure.

General Stressors…
Causes – Stressors…
 Grief, Loneliness, Sadness, Chronic Illness in Work
 Bad Diet, Dis-ease.
 Relationships, Poor Communication, Peer
Pressure. Legal
 Trauma, Abuse, Environment. Finances
 Poor Self-Image, Low Self-Esteem. Negative Health/illness
View of the World. Environment
 Fear, feelings of helplessness. Living Situation

Individual Consequences of Stress

Emotional / Psychological Behavioral Symptoms
Role Work
Occupation Symptoms •Eating more or less
Ambiguity Overload
•Depression or general unhappiness •Sleeping too much or too little
•Anxiety and agitation •Withdrawing from others
Mood swings •Procrastinating or neglecting
•Feeling overwhelmed responsibilities
Work-Related •Loneliness and isolation •Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs
Job Resource •Other mental or emotional health to relax
Security Stressors Inadequacy problems •Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting)

Cognitive Symptoms
•Memory problems
Physical / Physiological Symptoms
•Inability to concentrate
Management Working •Aches and pains
Monitoring •Poor judgement
Style Conditions •Diarrhea or constipation
•Seeing only the negative
•Nausea, dizziness
•Anxious or racing thoughts
•Chest pain, rapid heart rate
•Constant worrying
•Frequent colds or flu

PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT Organizational Consequences of Stress

 Erodes Performance.
 Reduces productivity. Leads to costly mistakes in the office.
 Poor morale, high employee turnover. •Absenteeism
 Burnout, absenteeism.
•Diminished productivity
 Impaired concentration, mental confusion, poor judgment,
irritability. •Compensation claims
 Older appearance, sagging eyes, creasing forehead.
 Skin disorders: acne, eczema, psoriasis, baldness.
 Chronic head and neck aches, stiff muscles, low back pain,
painful joints, arthritis.
 “Flight or Fight” response causes cumulative impacts of

Organizational Stress Management

Direct effect
How Stress Promotes Illness?
Raises blood pressure
• Increase individuals’ autonomy and control
Impairs immune system
• Ensure that individuals are compensated properly
 Active Coping Strategies Indirect effect
• Maintain job demands/requirements at healthy levels
• Ensure that associates have adequate skills to keep up-to- Less positive behaviors
Re-Appraising (exercise, healthy diet, lack of sleep)
date with technical changes in the workplace
Praying More negative behaviors
• Increase associate involvement in important decision
Problem Solving (drinking, smoking, unhealthy diet)
• Improve physical working conditions Controlling
• Provide for job security and career development Seeking Social Support
• Provide healthy work schedules Types of Coping Strategies
• Improve communication to help avoid uncertainty and

Individual Stress Management Managing Stress Stress Relief Strategies
 Body Relaxation Exercises
Take control of  Breathing Techniques
• Find jobs that provide a personally self  Therapeutic Massage, Foot &
acceptable balance between demands and Change thinking. Hand Reflexology
control and between effort required and  Deep Breathing.
rewards. Change habits.  Physical Exercise
• Redesign a dysfunctional job. Find time for  Yoga / Meditation / Prayers
• Develop healthy ways of coping. leisure and fun.  Work Out Routine
 Counseling
Get a hobby.  Talk Therapy / Life Coaching
Exercise Proper Diet
 Improve Communications.
 Laughter, Humor.
 Rest & Relaxation.
Support Relaxation
Network Techniques  Warm Baths
 Color Therapy.

 Caffeine (Coffee, Tea,  Vegetables & Fruits
(berries, pineapple,
Colas, Chocolate).
 Sugar, Alcohol, Dairy apples).
Products.  Potatoes, Sweet
 Red meats & poultry.  Legumes (green, peas).
 Wheat & Gluten
 Pasta, rice.
containing grains
(oats & rye).  Seeds & Nuts.
 Additives (MSG,  Fish
nitrates, aspartame).
 Water - Pure & Bottled.

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