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Mahapurusha Yoga: - Among the most common and most useful of the yogas are the

Mahapurusha Yogas, the planetary combinations that create “great people.” These occur
when planets are located in their own sign or exalted, and at the same time are in an
angle from the ascendant or the Moon. Only the five major planets are considered not
the Sun or the Moon, although they also benefit from such positions. Such positions
serve to magnify the qualities of the planet involved and stamp the chart with its nature,
character, and force. They may make the person of the type belonging to the planet.
People with such charts often have the physical characteristic of the planet.
The Mahapurusha Yoga for Mars is called Ruchaka yoga, the “radiant
combination.” It endows a person with strong martial qualities like courage, daring,
force of will, decisiveness, determination, independence, leadership, power of action
and achievement. Naturally, this Yoga is common in the charts of such martial type
people as military leaders, generals, politicians, lawyers, scientists and executives. It
gives much success, but the tamasic qualities of Mars may come out, including
tendencies towards domination and violence.
The Mahapurusha yoga for Mercury is called Bhadra yoga, the “auspicious
combination.” It gives strong mercurial qualities like good powers of speech,
communication, commerce, intellect, wit, humor, mental sensitivity, humanism, and a
balanced psychology. It is common in the charts of intellectuals, teacher, writers, and
businessmen. It gives many powers and talents to the mind but may augment the
Rajasic, agitated or commercial side of Mercury the acquisitive mind and it’s seeking to
grasp life in terms of names, forms and quantities.
The Mahapurusha yoga for Jupiter is called Hamsa yoga the “swan combination”
(the swan being the bird of spiritual knowledge in the Vedas). It gives strong Jupiterian
qualities, such as an ethical, moral, philosophical or religious nature, optimism,
creativity, health, faith, prosperity, and affluence. It is common in the charts of religious
people, teachers, liberal social and business leaders, and some entertainers. It gives
much joy and compassion and can give spirituality, but it may just serve to make us self-
promoting (Jupiterian on a superficial level).
The Mahapurusha yoga for Venus is called Malvayya yoga. It gives vehicles and
material qualities like comfort and prosperity in life, command of vehicles and material
resources, beauty, charm, grace, and artistic talents. It is common in the charts of artists,
beautiful women, those possessing wealth or social influence, and sometimes even
politicians. Again, it can give lower or higher Venus affects depending upon its
placement. On a higher level it gives powers of devotion.
The Mahapurusha Yoga for Saturn is called Shasha Yoga. It gives strong Saturn
qualities like power over people, positions of authority, control of material resources,
strong work and achievement capacity. It is common in the charts of political and
business leaders. Since Saturn is a cruel planet, unless the Moon or Jupiter is strong, the
individual may be selfish, ruthless, or destructive (Saturn in an angle is usually looked
upon with some suspicion). Beneficially placed, it gives detachment and spiritual
insight, and the capacity for silence.
These yogas are prominent in the charts of famous people. However, they are not
uncommon; many charts have at least one of them. To really work, they be well-placed.
Such yogas are stronger when the planet is in the tenth house, the best angle, or if they
occur both form the ascendant and the chart or rules over many of the other planets.
Additional strength can be gained if such planets combine with friendly planets or
planets of like nature, like Mars with the Sun or Jupiter with the Moon. Poorly aspected,
these yogas can show the destruction of the qualities represented by the planet (as both
the planet and its sign may be ruined). While giving strength and power in the outer
world, these combinations do not always give spiritual knowledge or an ethical
disposition. Strong malefics in Mahapurusha yoga, like the Mars and Saturn, can create
tyrants (see the chart of Hitler for such yoga for Mars).
An important principle in planetary yogas is that stronger affects may be created
when a planet exchanges signs with another planet than if it is simply in its own sign.
For example, if one chart has a Saturn-Moon opposition, with Saturn in its own sign
Capricorn and the Moon in its own sign Cancer, and another has Saturn in Cancer and
the Mon in Capricorn (both planets exchanging signs), the latter chart will tend to be
stronger. The season is that the power of the planets is more integrated. In this regard,
the Raja yoga in Napoleon’s chart is stronger with this placement than it would have
been if the Moon and Saturn were in their own signs. For this reason some charts are
very powerful, even without any Mahapurusha yogas.

Planets can appear to go retrograde, or backwards, in thee zodiac because of their
different rates of orbit than the Earth. According to Vedic Astrology, retrograde is
usually a sign of strength. When retrograde, for example, Jupiter is thought to be good
for having children, even if by other factors it may be weak Retrograde sometimes
considered to, reverse the energy of the planets. Planets when exalted lose their strength
when retrograde, but those debilitated gain strength when retrograde.
Retrograde has an internalizing effect on planet’s energy. If Mercury is retrograde,
the intellect will be more introverted. The individual may be more interested in history
or occult pursuits. When afflicted, this may cause nervousness or speech difficulties, or
just hesitancy in communication.
Retrograde planets are said to indicate karmic result. They show an influence
from the past. They may be functioning to fulfill some karmic debt or promise or to
clear up affairs from the past. The individual will not go for ward with the influenced of
the planet, but must take them backwards or inwards to consolidate or limit them.
Karakas (Significator) of houses:
Lagna (1st house) Body, Limbs, Happiness, Unhappiness, Old Age, Knowledge, Birth
Place Fame, Dreams, Strength, Dignity, Political Life, Longevity, Peace, Age, Hair,
Appearance, Self-Respect, Livelihood, Gambling for others, Stigma, Honour, Skin,
Sleep, Wisdom, Wealth, Nature to Insult and to Avenge, Ability to do Work,
Endeavoring To Preserve Live-Stock, Kinsmen or Persons of the Same Caste.
2nd house Speech, Wealth, Faith in the sacred texts, Maintaining others, Nails,
Enjoyment of pleasures, Truth and falsehood, Tongue, Eyes, Clothes, Diamond, Copper
and precious stones, Pearl, Determination or control, Artificial products, Family, Sale
and purchase, Soft speech, Generous or charitable nature, Efforts to acquire money,
Helping others, Friends, Splendour or grace, Miserliness in giving money, Great
eloquence, Learning, Gold, Fine sliver, Corn, Humility, Nose, Firmness or steadiness of
mind, Close follower or Neighbour, Following the rules of going and arriving, and
Powerful or prosperous living.

3rd house :- Courage, Brothers, War, Ears, Feet, Road, Land or place, Mental instability,
Ability or fitness, Abode of the gods, Causing sorrow, Dream, Soldier, Valour, One’s
near relations, Friends, Wandering, Throat, Taking clean food and the like, Power,
Partitioning of inheritance, Ornaments, Good qualities, Education, Pastime or hobby,
Strength, Profits, Physical growth or development, Descent from a good family,
Servants, The part of the hand between the thumb and the index finger (which is sacred
to the dead ancestors), Maid servants, Small good vehicles or short good journeys,
Pilgrimages, Great undertakings, Performing personal religious duties.

4th house :- Education, National or governmental work, House, Travels, Vehicles drawn
by men, Boats and similar conveyances, Oil-bath, Mother, Relatives, Friends, Caste,
Clothes, Small well, Drink, Milk, Spices or Perfumes, One having happiness, A good
name, Miraculously efficient Medicine, Faith or trust, False allegations, Mandapa or
auspicious pavilion, Victory, Works that give sorrow or suffering, Agriculture, Land,
Garden or pleasurable place, Digging tanks and wells, The several sacred installations,
Relatives on the mother’s side, Pure or steady intellect, Father, Wife, Securing and
keeping safe one’s earnings, Palace, Sculpture, Entering into one’s own new house,
Character, Loss of one’s house, Paternal property, Food like that of the gods, Art of
giving mentally clues to the places where stolen property is hidden, Ant-hill,
Developing or contributing to the extensive spread of the Vedic texts and Shastras,
Buffaloes, Cows and bulls, Horses, Elephants in an intoxicated state, Abundance of
crops from wet lands, Wealth.

5th House- Children, Virtuous deeds of the father, King, Minister, Good character,
Sculpture, Mind, Education, Pregnancy, Discretion, Auspicious documents or
parchments, Clothes, Paternal property, Foresightedness, Wealth and prosperity acquired
through the wife or her relatives, Affairs with courtesans or loose women, Humility,
Welfare, Friendship, Stomach, Mantra, Upasna or worship with some penance,
Performing the japa or mantras, Splendour which is graceful and pleasing, Wisdom,
Means of earning money, musical instruments, Scholarship in literature.
6th House:- Diseases, Debts, Enemies, Obstacles, Maternal Uncle, Phlegm, Tumor,
Cruel or fierce, Activities, Madness, Smallpox, Foes and enmity, Miserliness, Ill-health,
Venereal boils, Boiled rice, Heavy breathing, Debts, Slanders, Delight of the foes,
Tuberculosis, Healed constitution, Wounds, Mental agony or worry, Many intense
worries, Hated by many, Frequent diseases of the eyes, Receiving alms, Untimely food,
Fall or loss or destruction brought about by foes who are collaterals, Profits, Wearisome
ness, Poison, Peptic or duodenal ulcer, Fetters, Protecting one’s own fame, Urinary
ailment, Dysentery, Six flavours (tastes in food like hot, sweet, bitter etc.), Reproach,
Sorrows from servants and theft, Imprisonment, Quarrels from brothers and others.

7th house:- Marriage, Loose sex life, Victory in love or passion, Hatred of a loose
woman, Deviation from the right or proper path, Having perfumes, Music and flowers,
Delicious food, Drinks and the like, Chewing betel leaves (tambula), Break in travels,
Curd, Loss of memory, Possessing clothes and the like, Semen, Husband’s purity, A pair
of wives, Generative organ, Urinary track, Anus, Commerce or trade, Milk, Sweet or
pleasant mansion, Food with cereals and ghee, Charities, Valour, Destruction of
enemies, Victory, Acquisition of money that is kept at a different or distant place,
Arguments, Sexual union, Adopted son, Preparations with ghee, Own place, Foreign or
distant place, Wife (or husband), All secret sex affairs, Theft.

8th house:- Longevity, Happiness, Disgrace or defeat, Money coming from the death of
some one as in surface, Worry about or arising from death, Absence of quarrels, Sorrow
from an ailment of medha, Worries arising from brother, Enemy, wife(of husband), The
fortress of the enemy, Misery or worry, Idleness, Fear of Punishment from the
Government, Loss of money, Debts, Receiving the money of others out of ignorance,
Long awaited money, The arrival of a wicked person, Sin, Killing a live being, Loss of a
limb, Capital punishment, Terrifying sorrows, A story that disturbs the mental peace,
Series of afflictions, Attempting to do highly cruel acts, Battle, Utmost mental anguish.

9th house:- Charity, Virtuous acts, Pilgrimages, Penance, Respectful devotion and
service to the teacher and other elders, Purity of mind, Worship of the gods, Effort to
learn, Splendour, Travel or conveyance, Fortune or prosperity, Polity, Valour, Listening
to or spreading good stories, Travels, Worshipping Shiva by pouring water on the image,
Nourishment, Coming into contact with the virtuous, Auspiciousness, Paternal property,
Sons and daughters, Eight forms of wealth, Horses, Elephants and buffaloes,
Coronation, Temple, Establishing or consecrating Brahma, or firmly securing the
Brahmanic faith, Vedic rituals and sacrifices, Circulation or distribution of money.

10th house:- Commerce, Honour from the ruler, Riding on a horse, Wrestling, Work of
or in the Government, Service, Agriculture, Doctoring, Face, Buried or hidden treasure,
Sacrifices and the like, Pre-eminence or the position of the best merchant, Teachers,
Religious yantras or symbolic diagrams, Chanting of sacred spells or mantras, Mothers,
Wide spread or extensive religious merit, Medicine, Thighs, Gods, Acquisition of the
full power of a mantra, Prosperity, Adopted son, Lordship, Right path, Good living with
self-respect, Honour, A prince, Fame, Expert teaching ability and the like, Authority
using a seal, Influence, Self-control, A mind that gives order to be obeyed.

11th house:- Gains in all possible ways, Evil desires, All forms of income, Dependence
on others, Elder brother, Paternal uncle, Worship of the gods, Worship of the satvic
deities, Education, Great skill in earning gold and money, Ancestral property, Knee,
Special position, Love of or fondness for ornaments and precious stones, Wealth, Lost
wealth, Seeking to possess ornaments made of gold for the sake of art and women,
Wisdom, Position of a minister, Brother of the wife, Profits, Rise of fortune, Achieving
the desired goal, Easy or good returns, Cooking, Desires, Longevity of mother, Ears,
Shanks, Skill in the art of painting.

12th house:- Disturbed sleep, Mental worry or anguish, The two feet, Fear from foes,
Imprisonment, Freedom from suffering, Relief from debts, Elephants and horses,
Paternal property, Enemy, Ascent into heaven, Left eye, Hated by the public, Crippled
limbs, Loose sex life, Break down of marriage, Giving up the sleeping bed, Loss of
power or authority, Kept in chains in an enemy’s house, Mental imbalance, Miserable
condition, Harm, wounded by the thought of the loss of happiness of the father and
brothers, disputes, Anger, Physical ailment, Death, Migrating to a different place,
Expenditure of all kinds, Loss of wife or husband.

Signification (Karkattawa) of Planets:

Sun:- Soul, Power or strength, Greatest severity, Fortress, Good strength, Heat,
Influence, Fires, Worship of Shiva, courage, Trees having thorns, favour of the king or
ruler, Bitter taste, Old age, Cattle, Wickedness, Land, Father, Taste, Awakening of
knowledge or enlightenment, Looking up toward the sky vary great ambition, One born
to a timid person or one whose actions are born out of fear, World of mortals, Square or
Harmonious, bones, Valour, Grass, Stomach, Enthusiasm, Forest, Half a year, Eye,
Wandering in or over the hills, Quadruped, King, Traveling, Dealings with affairs
personal or social, Bile, Feverish or inflammatory complaints, Circular forms, Diseases
of the eye, Body, Timber, Mental purity, Sovereignty over the entire country or over all
countries, Freedom from disease, Ruler ship over Saurashtra southern Gujarat,
Ornaments, Diseases of the head, Pearls, Ruler of the sky control over airspace, Short or
dwarfish stature, Ruler ship over the eastern direction, Copper, Blood or blood-red
gems like ruby, Kingdom, Blood red cloth, Stones, Undisguised or open conduct, Shores
of a river, Red coral, Strong at noon, East, Face, Long standing anger or strong
indignation, Capturing the foe, Satvik or benevolent and good temper, Red sandal paste
or saffron, Otherness or opposition or hostility, Thick or coarse yarn.
Moon :- Intelligence, flowers, Perfumes, Going to a fortress, Disease, Brahmana or
Dvija, Laziness, Phlegmatic constitution, Epilepsy, Hidden or ulcerous troubles in the
stomach, Nature of the mind, Heart, woman, Benefic and malefic nature, Acidity, Sleep,
Happiness, Liquids, Silver, Stout sugarcane, Malarial fever, Pilgrimage, Wells, Tank,
Mother, Impartial outlook, Noon, Pearls, Consumption, Whiteness, Waist-band, Bell-
metal, Salt, Short stature, Mind, Abilities, Ponds, Diamond, Sarad or autumn, Muhurta
or 48 minute duration, Facial luster, White colour, Stomach, Worship of Gauri, The
consort of Shiva, Honey, Grace or favour, Sense of fun or humour, Nourishment, Wheat,
Pleasures, Splendour, Face, Swiftness of mind or agility or mind, Fondness for curd,
One who does tapas or penance, Fame, Beauty, strong at night, Facing west, Lover,
Saline, Acquiring a post, Love of the west, Middle world, Nine gems, Middle age, Self,
Eating, Going to distant places, Ailments of the shoulders, Umbrella and other royal
insignia, Good fruits, Fine blood circulations or vital energy, Fish and other aquatic
beings, Serpents and the like, Clothes, Fine blossoming, Luster, Clean crystals, and
Refined clothing.

Mars:- Valour, Land, Strength, Carrying weapons, Ruling over people administrator,
Loss of virility, thief, Battle, Opposition, Foes, Charitable nature, Love of deep-red
objects, Ruler over sacred places-archeologist, Religious endowments, Sound of a
trumpet, Fondness, Quadrupeds, King, Obstinate fool, Anger, Going to a foreign
country, Steadfastness, Supporter, Fire, Controversy or arguments, Bile, Heat, wounds,
Service under the ruler, Day, Sky, Sight, Shortness, Ailment, Fame, Tin, Sword, Spear,
Minister, Firmness of limbs, Jewels, Worship of Subrahmanya, Youth, Pungent taste,
Hall of the ruler, Earthenware, Obstacles, Eating non-vegetarian food, Abusing or
bitterly criticizing others, Conquering foes, Bitterness of taste, Strong towards the end
of the night, Gold, Summer season, Valour, Strength of the enemy, Profundity,
Courageous behaviour, Man, Character, Brahma, Axe, Moving in the forest -forest
officer, Chief ruler or officer of the village, Favour of the king, Painful urination,
Square, Goldsmith, Wicked one, Burnt place, Good food, Leanness, Skill in archery,
Blood, Copper, Variegated or peculiar, clothes, Face turned toward the south, Fond of
the southern direction, Desire, Anger, Spreading scandals, House, Commander of the
Army, A fire arm that kills a hundred –something like a machine-gun, Tree, Sama Veda,
Brothers, Hatchet, Controlling fierce or wild animals, Independence, persistence, Land,
One who awards punishment, Snake, World, Speech, Fickleness or imbalance of the
mind, Getting on a vehicle, Seeing blood, drying or coagulating of blood, Many other
such things are attributed to Mars by the wise.

Mercury:- Education, Horses, Treasury, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, Dvijas,

Infantry, Script, Writing, New clothes, Construction of palaces, Green colour, Sculpture,
Astrology and astronomy, Pilgrimages, Wise or good conversation or lecturing,
Temples, Commerce, Best ornaments, Soft speech, Vedanta system of philosophy,
Maternal grand-father, Bad dreams, Eunuch, Face turned to the north, Skin, Moisture,
Bell-metal and the like, Renunciation, Seasons, Fine palace, Medical Practitioner, Neck,
Black magic, Child, Looking cross-wise, Heaven, Humility, Collaterals, Fear, Dancing,
Devotion, Tendency to laughter, Strong at sunrise or morning, The season of hemanta or
the beginning of winter, Scratching ailments, Self-control, Navel, Flourishing of one’s
own dynasty, Mixed or compound substances, Presides over the Telugu language,
Worship of Vishnu, Shudras, Birds, Younger coborns or brothers and sisters, Witty
language, Sticks, Atharvana Veda, Carrying out the Karmas or religious rites, Towers of
temples, Dust, Garden, Sex organs, Evenness, Beneficial nature, Wandering in the
villages, Balanced nature and outlook, Fond of the north-western direction, well-versed
in the Puranas or minor epics, Grammar, One skilled in researching and testing the
precious stones-Ratna-Parakhi, Scholar, Maternal uncle, Mantras or sacred spells,
Yantras or symbolic religious diagrams, Very powerful tantrik and the like.

Jupiter:- Brahmanas, One’s own teachers, Religious, Social and other duties, Chariot,
Cows, Infantry, Deposits, Mimamsa or enquiry into jurisprudence and the nature of
dharma, Treasure, Horses, Buffaloes, Large or stout body, Valour, Fame, Logic,
Astronomy and astrology, Sons, Grandsons, Complaints of the digestive system, Wealth
of the elephants, Vedanta system of philosophy, Elders like the great-grant-father,
Mansion, Gomedha or hessonite, Elder brother, Grand-father, Indra, Second half of
winter, Acts arising from great indignation, Precious stones, Tradesman, Physical health,
Strange or peculiar palace, Honour from the king, Great gods, Penance, Charity,
Dharma, Doing good to others, Impartial outlook, Facing towards the north, Circular
forms, Yellow colour, Wandering in the villages, North, Dear friends, Swinging on a
plank or on an elephant, Great eloquence, Brain, Cloth of a medium count, Happiness in
a newly built house, Old age or old persons, Mantra, Dvijas, Holy water or place of
pilgrimage, Knee, Moving towards heaven, House that offers happiness, Intellect, Great
proficiency, Great long poems, Towers, Delighting or impressing an audience, Throne,
Installation of the idol of Brahma, Cat’s eye or lahsunia, The great results of
Agnishtoma sacrifice, Sweet, Juices, Sattivc nature, Happiness and unhappiness, Long,
Gentle or benefic, Understanding the minds or thoughts of others, Gold, Decorations,
Tantra or technical subjects and the like, Wind complaints, Phlegm, Good yellow topaz,
Sound knowledge of the sacred texts and scriptures, Soft and pleasant stones, Worship
of Shiva, Performing religious and moral acts strictly, Traveling in a carriage covered on
the four sides.

Venus:- White umbrella which is a royal insignia, Cowrie, jewellery, Good clothes,
Marriage, Income, Bipeds, Woman, Dvijas, Gentle or benefic, White colour, Wife or
husband, Happiness from sex life, Short stature, Acid taste, Flowers, Commands, Fame,
Youth, Pride, conveyance, Silver, Fond of the south-east, Saltish taste, Cross-wise
vision, Cough, Fortnight, Rajasik nature, Firmness, Pearls, Yajur Veda, Vaisyas, Beauty,
Buying and selling or buying and selling the articles that contribute to beauty, Pleasant
talk arising from mutual love, Watery place, Elephants Horses, Peculiar or strange
poetry, Dancing, Middle age, Music, Enjoyment, Happiness from wife or husband,
Precious stones, Love of humour, Swimming, Servants, Fortune, Strange luster,
Tenderness, Kingdom, Fragrant garland, Taking pleasure in violin and flute, Pleasant
movement or walking, Eight kinds of prosperity, Well-proportioned limbs, Frugal in
taking food, Season of spring, Ornaments, Possessing many women, Facing the east,
Eyes, Speaking truth, Skilled in the fine arts, Semen, Sporting in water with love,
Profundity, Excess or eminence, Pleasant musical instruments, Decoration for the
dramatic shows, Indulgence in amorous sports, Declining physical form, One who
attaches great importance to sex, Receiving good respect or honour, Fondness for
having white clothes, Expert in Bharata’s Natya Sastra, Having the seal of authority or
of the Government, Ruler, fond of worshipping Gauri and Lakshmi, Emaciated from the
pleasures of sex, playing the role of a mother for those born during the day, Skilled in
composing Kavyas, Minor epics and the like, Blue-black hair, Benefic, Genitals, Urine
or urinary tract, Moving in the world of the snakes, Strong in the afternoon, An
awareness of the genital organs and the secrets connected with them.

Saturn:- Ill-health and other sufferings, Obstruction, Horses, Elephants, Skin, Income,
Standards, Distress, disease, Enmity, Sorrow, Death, Happiness from a woman, Maid-
servant, Asses, Outcastes, Persons with strange or mutilated limbs, Roaring in the
woods, Disgust, Charity, Lords, Longevity, Eunuch, One born outside the four castes,
Birds, Tretagni, One of the three sacred domestic fires, Servant’s duties, Doing
something other than the traditional or accepted duties, One losing his ego, Telling lies,
Lasting long, Wind, Old age, Tendon, Strong at the end of the day, The second half of
winter, Indignation, Exertion, Born of a low woman, Born in adultery, A widow’s
bastard, Dirty cloth, Dirty house, Mind turned to dirty things, Friendship with the
wicked, Black colour, sins, Cruelty, Ashes, Grains in black colour, Precious stones, Iron,
Generosity, A year, Shudras, Vital or supporters of the lover, Significator of the father
for one born in the night, Learning what belongs to another caste, Lameness, Fierce or
severe, Blanket, Facing the west Remedies for restoring life, Looking downwards,
living by agriculture or farming, One who knows where the arms are kept, Manager of
an ordnance factory, Cousin, An external position, Fond of the north-east, World of the
snakes, Falling, Wandering in the battle fields, Bones, Lead, Wrong or wicked valour,
Turks, Torn clothes or things, Oil, Wood, Brahman having Tamsik quality, Wandering in
poisonous places, Roaming in hilly Areas, Long standing fear, Hunter, Strange or Ugly
hair, Whole kingdom, Fear, Goats and the like, Buffaloes and the like, Indulgence in
sex, Displaying amorous intentions in dressing, Worship of Yama, Dogs, Thefts, Hard-

Rahu:- Umbrella, Cowrie, Acquiring a kingdom, Faulty logic, Harsh Speech, One
belonging to a caste outside the four main castes, A sinful woman, A conveyance
covered on all four sides, An irreligious person or a shudra, Gambling, Strong at sunset,
Having sex with a wicked woman, Going to a different country, Unclean, Bones,
Hidden abdominal ulcer, Falsehood, Looking downwards, Perplexity, Emerald, Facing
south, Depending on mlechchhas, Low castes and the like, Malignant tumor, Great
forest, mountains, Staying outside, South-western direction, Complaints of wind and
phlegm, Serpents, Southern breeze, Severe, Long, Reptiles, Interpretation of dreams,
Travels, One muhurta, Old age, Conveyance, World of the snakes, Maternal grand
father, Air, Acute duodenal pain, catarrh, Breathing, Great valour, worship of Vana-
Durga, Wickedness, Association with animals, Writing Urdu or Persian, Harsh speech.

Kethu:- Worship of the lord of Chandi, Ganesha and others, Medical practitioner,
Dogs, Cocks, Vultures, Final salvation, All sorts of prosperity, Consumption, Painful
fevers, Bath in the Ganges, Great penance, Wind complaints, Friendship with hunters,
Acquiring prosperity, Stones, Wounds, Mantra Shastra, Instability of mind, Knowledge
of Brahmn, Diseases of the stomach and eye, Stupidity, Thorn, Knowledge of the
animals, Zoology, Observing silence religiously, Vedanta, All kinds of luxury, Fortune,
Suffering from foes, Sparing in eating, Renunciation, Father’s father, Hunger, Great pain
from peptic or duodenal ulcer, Small pox, Boils and such other diseases, Horned
animals, Suicide, a servant of Shiva, Getting revoked, Conversation or association with
Yogas: Chapter 6 of Phaladeepika.
1. Panch-mahapurusha Yogas.
2. Gaja kesari Yoga.
3. Amla Yoga.- 10th from Moon or lagna occupied by a benefic.
4. Adhi Yoga- Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in 6th, 7th and 8th from lagna or Moon.
5. Shakta Yoga: Cancelled if Moon is in an angle from lagna or is in sign 2,4, 9 or 12.
6. Kemadruma Yoga: Cancelled if there are planets in kendras of Moon or if Moon occupies a
7. Sunapha (in 2nd from Moon), Anapha (in 12th), Durudhara (in both sides)
8. Subhavesi (in 2nd from Sun), Subhavasi (in 12th), Subhobhayachari (in both sides)
9. Papakartari: Malefics in both adjacent houses, in 4th and 8th,in 5th and 9th.
10. Shubhkartaari. Benefics in both adjacent houses, in 4th and 8th,in 5th and 9th.
11. Moon in an angle, panaphara or apoklimus from Sun. Known as Adhama, Sama and Vara
or Varishta yogas.
12. Vasumat Yoga: Auspicious planets in Upachayas from lagna and Moon.
13. Pushkala Yoga; Chandresh and lagnesh conjoin in angles or in friend’s sign and lagna is
aspected by a strong benefic.
14. Shubh mala or Sumala yoga: All benefics in 5,6 and 7th houses.
15. Ashubha mala: All malefics in 6th, 8 and 12th houses.
16. Lakshmi Yoga: 9th lord and Venus in own or exaltation in an angle or kona.
17. Gouri Yoga: 9th lord and Venus in own or exaltation in an angle or kona. And Moon is
aspected by Jupiter.
18. Saraswati Yoga: Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in an angle, kona or in 2nd while Jupiter is in
ooncha, own or in friend’s sign and possesses strength.
19. Srikanta Yoga: Lagnesh, Sun and Moon all are in angles or konas in ooncha, own or
20. SrinathYoga: Venus, Mercury and 9th lord all are in angles or konas in ooncha, own or
21. Vrinchi Yoga: Jupiter, Saturn and 5th lord all are in angles or konas in ooncha, own or
22. Parvata Yoga: Dispositor of lagnesh in an angle or kona in ooncha or own house.
23. Kahala Yoga: Dispositor of Dispositor of lagnesh in an angle or kona in ooncha or own
24. Raja Yoga; 9th and 10th lords conjoin in an auspicious house.
25. Sankha Yoga: Angular and trinal lords in auspicious houses.
26. Sankhya Yogas: 7 (Veena or Vallaki); 6 (Dama); 5 (Pasa); 4 (Kedara); 3 (Sula); 2 (Yuga); 1
(Gola) houses occupied by all 7 (except Rahu and Kethu) planets. Sula onwards are
27. Benifics in a house or aspect a house and lord of house is in good house, ooncha or own
house: 1st house (Chamara Yoga); 2nd (Dhenu); 3rd (Saurya); 4th (Ambudhi or Jaladhi); 5th
(Chhatra ); 6th (Astra); 7th (Kama); 8th (Asura); 9th (Bhagya); 10th (Khyati); 11th (Suparijata);
12th (Musala) (note: 6,8,12 are bad rest are good yogas)

28. If lord of a house is in trik bhava or if the house is associated with or aspected by evil
planets. Lord of 1st house-Avayoga; of 2nd – Nisswayoga; of 3rd Mritiyoga; of 4th – Kuhu; of
5th- Pamara; of 6th-Harsha; of 7th- Dushkriti; of 8th- Sarala; of 9th-Nirbhagya yoga; of 10th-
Duryoga; of 11th-Daridra yoga; of 12th –Vimala Yoga. Of 6th, 8th and 12th are good rest is
29. Duryoga- a. If 10th lord is in trik or is with or aspected by a trik lord.
b. A malefic in 10th and 10th lord with or aspected by inauspicious planets in 6,8 or
c. 6th, 8th or 12th lord is strong in an angle, kona and at the same time lagnesh, 4th
lord, 9th lord and 10th lords are weak and combust and are in 6,8 or 12th houses.
30. In serial no. 29 c in above yoga is bad but becomes good if 6th, 8 and 12th lords are weak,
combust and lagnesha, 4th lord, 9th lord and 10th lords are strong and are in angles or konas.
31. Parijat Yoga: Same as Parvata Yoga above.

Chapter 7 of Phaladeepika (Maharaja Yogas)

1. 3 or more planets in an angle or kona in ooncha or in own houses provided there is no
Duryoga or any planet is not combust.
2. A retrograde planet may be neecha in a good house (other than a trik bhava)
3. 2,3 or more planets in digbala.
4. Vargottama lagna or Moon Vargottama and lagna is aspected by 4 planets other than the
5. Lagnesh in an angle or in 9th in Vargottama and 9th lord in ooncha or own house.
6. Waxing Moon/strong Moon aspected by a planet in ooncha or in own house.
7. Full Moon in 4, 7 or 10th house.
8. Venus in nakshatra of Aswini in lagna aspected by 3 or more planets.
9. Strong lagnesh in 2nd with Venus.
10. Mars in sign 1,5 or 9 identical with lagna and aspected by a friendly planet.
11. Exchange of 9th and 10th lords.
12. Sun and Moon at 15 degree Sagittarius and Saturn in lagna and Mars in ooncha.
13. Saturn in lagna in sign 7, 9 or 12.
14. Full Moon in Leo Navamsa and benefics unassociated with a malefic occupy an angle.
15. Strong Jupiter, Mercury and Venus or Moon in 9th without any malefic
Influence and aspected by or associated with friendly planets.
16. Venus and Jupiter in Pisces, Moon full aspected by Mars, Saturn in Libra and Sun is in
Aries lagna.
17. For night birth- a. benefics in neecha or in satrugriha in 3,6,11.
b. Benefics planet in ooncch.
c. All benefics in angles
and in all the above three conditions Moon should be in sign Cancer in 10th.

18. Vargottama Full Moon.

19. Moon and Jupiter in angular houses aspected by Venus and no planet in neecha.
20. Moon in watery sign or amsa in lagna or in own house in auspicious vargas.
21. Venus or Mercury aspected by Jupiter.
22. Jupiter in lagna (but not in Capricorn).
23. Jupiter in lagna (but not in Capricorn) and lagna lord in angle in strength.
24. A planet in highest exaltation with a friendly planet aspected by a friendly planet.
25. Sun in own navamsa in D/9 and Moon in own house in D/1.
26. Full Moon in ooncha.
27. Full Moon in Pisces aspected by a friendly planet.
28. Moon in navamsa of a friend and aspected by Venus or Jupiter.
29. Raja Yogas: a. Malefics in 3, 6, 11 from lagna or Moon or lagnesh.
b. Mars and Mercury in second house.
c. Sun and Venus in 4th house.
d. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in 10th, 11th and lagna.
30. 2nd lord or 9th lord or 11th lord in an angle from Moon and Jupiter is 2nd, 5th or 11th lord.
31. Neechabhanga Raja Yogas:-
1. Lord of sign of depression or the planet that is exalted in that sign is in an angle from
lagna or Moon.
2. Lords of depression sign and lord of exaltation sign of the depressed planet are in
mutual Kendras.
3. Neecha planet is aspected by its dispositor and better if this planet is not in 6, 8 or 12th
4. Lord of sign of depression or lord of planet’s exaltation sign is in an angle from lagna
or Moon.
5. Neecha planet is in angle from lagna or Moon.
32. Kala Sarpa Yoga:- All planets located between Rahu and Kethu or between Kethu and
If any of the planets join one of the nodes, yoga becomes defunct but another inauspicious
yoga called chandala yoga is formed.
If lagna, Moon and 9th lord are strong, the evil effects of this yoga are mitigated.
This yoga gets mitigated if Rahu is in Vishakha Nakshatra and Kethu is in Bharani

33. Parivartana yogas :- Yogas formed by mutual exchange of lords of houses from lagna
to 12th. There are 66 such yogas.
a. Dainya yogas: There are 30 such yogas as under:
i. Mutual exchange of lord of 12th with all other 11 lords – 11 yogas
ii. Mutual exchange of lord of 6th with all other 10 lords (excepting 12th lord) –
10 yogas.
iii. Mutual exchange of lord of 8th with all other 9 lords (excepting 12th and 6th
lords) – 10 yogas.
b. Khala yogas – Mutual exchange of 3rd lord with lords of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11th houses –
8 yogas.
c. Maha yogas – 28
i. Mutual exchange of lagnesh with 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 7.
ii. Mutual exchange of 2nd lord with 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 6.
iii. Mutual exchange of 4th lord with 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 5.
iv. Mutual exchange of 5th lord with 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 4.
v. Mutual exchange of 7th lord with 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 3.
vi. Mutual exchange of 9th lord with 10th and 11th lord = 2.
vii. Mutual exchange of 10th lord with 11th lord = 1.
Dispositor yogas – (These are all very auspicious yogas). One is famous, brilliant, learned,
gets patronage of state, and holds conveyances, conforming to traditions and customs.
1. Parvata-mountain-yoga: - The dispositor of the lagna lord in exaltation or own sign and in
an angle or trine.
2. Kahala-large drum-yoga: - The dispositor of the lord of the sign occupied by the lagna lord
in exaltation or own sign and in an angle or trine.
3. Parijata – celestial coral tree-yoga: - The lord of the lord of the lagna lord, and the
navamsa lord of that lord, both these lords must be in an angle, trine in own or exaltation
sign in the rasi chart.
4. Kalpadruma-tree of plenty-yoga: - The lagna lord, its dispositor, the dispositor of that, and
the navamsa lord of the last, all the these four planets must be in an angle, trine, in own or
exaltation sign in the rashi chart.
5. Mridanga-tabour-yoga: - The lord of the navamsa of an exalted planet posited in an angle
or trine conjoins in the rashi chart with a planet that is in own or exaltation sign and the
lagna is powerful.
Parivartana yogas: - Yogas formed by mutual exchange of lords of houses from lagna to 12th.
There are 60 such yogas as given below.
a. Dainya yogas: It is a pulling down weight for luck and prosperity, commits sinful acts, will
revile others, tormented by enemies, unsteady mind, interruptions in undertakings. This yoga is
not wholly evil. It puts certain disabilities in the way of success, because of enemy’s action.
There will be set backs in enterprises, but if strong and well aspected, the native shall overcome
his enemies to dislodge the obstacles. There are 32 such yogas as under:
1. Mutual exchange of lord of 12th with all other 8 lords (excepting 3rd, 8th and 6th lords) – 8
2. Mutual exchange of lord of 6th with all other 8 lords (excepting 3rd, 12th and 8th lords) – 8
3. Mutual exchange of lord of 8th with all other 8 lords (excepting 3rd, 12th and 6th lords) – 8
4. Khala yogas – Mutual exchange of 3rd lord with lords of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11th houses
– 8 yogas. These yogas bring cycle of prosperity and distress.
b. Maha yogas – 28; These yogas give increase in respect of good luck in matters of the
concerned houses.
1. Mutual exchange of lagna lord with 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 7.
2. Mutual exchange of 2nd lord with 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 6.
3. Mutual exchange of 4th lord with 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 5.
4. Mutual exchange of 5th lord with 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 4.
5. Mutual exchange of 7th lord with 9th, 10th and 11th lord = 3.
6. Mutual exchange of 9th lord with 10th and 11th lord = 2.
7. Mutual exchange of 10th lord with 11th lord = 1.
Relevance of astrology: - Life is terribly difficult. At every step we have to meet a
challenge. We, at times, feel insecure especially when looms large uncertainty of
future. Even well planned and well-pondered actions go awry, and best possible
efforts do not yield desired results. Why did the best friends turn their back? Why
is there sudden fall from the grace? Even best analytical mind cannot give any
answer. We simply sit with our fingers crossed unable to solve the riddle of this
sudden spell adversely flung upon us. Actually the answer is shrouded underneath
the invisible hands of time. Vicissitudes and vagaries of time have jolted each of
us time and again and seers of all time have delved deep to unravel the mysteries
of space and time and tried to gauge the moods of time by their keen vision and
observation, which later on was known as Jyotish. They have found that there is a
definite relationship between the celestial bodies (planets and stars) and terrestrial
objects (human being and animals on earth). Even scientific minds all over the
world have begun to realize that the fore knowledge of events is only possible
through astrology. Scientists like Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Pythagoras,
Copernicus, Galileo, Albert Einstein and C. V. Raman, Dr. S. Chandrasekhar who
won the Nobel prize in 1983 has come out openly against critics of astrology.
Astrology – a Science:
“Scientists seem to develop certain arrogance towards astrology as a science. But, over
the years this arrogance appears to have subsided and even they have begun to believe that
there is unfailing correspondence between the planets and the human beings. Indian astrologers
have made marvelous predictions from out break of Second World War to assassination of
Mahatma Gandhi and Indira Gandhi. With careful and proper interpretation, astrological
indications do come true. The scientific minds all over the world have begun to realise that the
foreknowledge of events is oly possible through astrology only. The astrology or science of
stars has fascinated the mankind since the beginning of civilization and has now stood the test
of time. Reputed scientists like Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Pythagoras, Copernicus, Galileo,
Albert Einstein and C. V. Raman not only believed in astrology but had also studied this
subject. Dr. Chandrasekhar who won noble Prize in 1983 had come up openly against the
critics of astrology. A timely astrological counseling not only gives a fore warning and an alert
signal but also invigorates us to prepare for the future at the time of any emergency/exigency.
Now, the secular scientists speak of astrology that it is not a science and therefore, it
should not be taught in our Universities and colleges. But Literature, History and Philosophy
are not sciences. Should we abolish them from the curricula taught in our Universities? When
these three subjects are dropped from the curricula, it means that human values are not to be
inculcated in our students. These subjects are meant to inculcate human values in our youth.
Once these values are not taught, indirectly or directly, we will be leading the younger
generation to the most barbaric of ancient times.
Science subjects have basis of mathematics, specific principles and formulae.
Likewise, astrology is based on mathematics, i.e., astronomical calculations, various specific
principles of Signs, Houses and Planets etc. These ingredients rule over specific phases of life.
The formulae in science correspond to the various yogas and combination of planets in
astrology which give prediction based on patterns which they form in an astrological chart.
Even if Astrology is considered to be un scientific, does it mean that we should also do
away with all the Art subjects from the Universities. Nobody has so far raised a little finger
even against the teaching of these subjects on the ground that they are not sciences. Then why
this hulla gulla against astrology. It is a sacred subject. Such a subject inculcates not only the
human values but also gives an insight into our culture and heritage. We should not frown upon
a subject, which is perennial since our Vedic Times, which rather makes one to believe it to be
a science of the para-normal.
Moreover, we are not advocating thrusting this subject on everyone. Those who have an
aptitude or desire to study this subject, why to deprive them of this opportunity. Rather,
Universities can deal this science in more scientific way and can encourage further researches
to plug loopholes. Predictions do go wrong, I admit, but that does not mean that astrology is
not a science. An astrologer can fail but astrology never fails. Do we ever blame medical
science when a patient dies at the hands of a competent doctor? Never. Then why this bias
against astrology in not conceding that it is a science and including it in Universities. Why
blatant opposition. It shows complete ignorance of this subject on their part. I will ask the
critics to study this science and then give their opinion. I am sure that they would change their
opinion in favour of astrology once they come to know what Astrology is.

Yoga in astrology is defined as a special combination indicating some
definite or distinct feature pertaining to a particular signification of the horoscope.
Yogas in astrological parlance tend to show the degree of wealth, fame, rank, position,
adversity, ill health and misfortunes a man is likely to enjoy in his present life as a
sequel to his own actions in previous states of existence. The different specific planetary
combinations show a summation of inherited physical and psychological tendencies
which condition our present environment; the extent to which we can offset the
inherited tendencies by effort; the characteristics that will be dominant and those that
will be recessive and so on and so forth. All yogas are combinations of planet but all
combinations cannot be yogas. Only specific combinations can be styled as yogas.
All planetary combinations may be divided into two broad groups, viz., yogas and
arishtas. Though by the word yoga is meant a combination, in actual practice yoga is
always considered to imply a fortunate combination. Arishtas generally deal with
misfortunes. The yogas may be Raja yogas (political power), dhana yogas
(combinations for wealth) or gnana yogas (combinations for real higher knowledge and
spirituality). In the face of many yogas existing in a particular case, only a few can
operate. In respect of certain yogas, the results can happen only during specific periods
and not always.
The measurement of the strength of a yoga is a difficult process. No hard and fast rules
have be laid down by ancient astrologers. Planets have been classified into benefics and
malefics consistent with their inherent good or bad natures. In the formation of the
several of the Raja Yogas, even these natural malefics have their own part to play. Just
because a natural malefic causes a Raja Yoga, it does not mean that the yoga lacks
vitality to give the results attributed to it. On the contrary, if the malefic happens to be a
benefic lord also, then the potentiality of the yoga is considerably augmented. If the
benefic happen to be a malefic lord, there will be adverse repercussions on the yoga.
Jupiter, for instance, is a benefic but for Kumbha lagna, he is a malefic lord. Therefore,
a benefic can become a benefic lord or a malefic lord depending upon the kind of
ownership he obtains for a given lagna. The inherent and residential strengths of planets
(vargabala and shadbala) are of great use in assessing the potentiality of the
yogakarakas. If shadbala strength is not available easily, at least the saptavargabala of
the planet can serve the purpose. Residential strength reveals how much of the bhava
effects a planet is capable of giving as a result of its position there. When we know the
benefic and malefic lords, the knowledge of the inherent and the residential strengths of
planets makes the interpretation of yogas simplified. A yogakaraka could lose strength
by being
a. A malefic or bad lord
b. By associating with a malefic lord
c. By joining a neecha or being in inimical signs
d. By receiving the aspect of a malefic lord.
According to Varahamihira, as far Nabhasa yogas are concerned their effects are
realilsed throughout life. The effects of any yoga, Nabhasa or otherwise, can only be
realized during the periods and sub periods of, or during the times of favourable transits
of the planets causing the yoga. The transit of yoga forming planets in good houses in
their period and sub period definitely give good results of the yoga. Hence the
fructification of Yoga does take place during the period and sub period of the yoga
causing planets coupled with their transit in good houses.
Combustion of planets:-
Planets in close proximity with the Sun become combust or burnt up. Such
planets may be weakened or rendered powerless absolutely depending upon the
proximity of the various planets to the Sun. It is not the same for all but differs quite
For Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, all have an orb of combustion of 8°30`. That is to
say that when the distance between these planets and the Sun is less than the foregoing,
these are deemed to be combust. For Moon this distance is 15° and for inferior planets,
it is 4° and Mercury 2°. However, if a planet is in a favourable sign or house, the effects
of combustion may be nullified to a certain extent. Even when not combust, planets in
the same sign with the Sun are still counted as being in a full relationship with it and,
because of this, show better results often.
Generally speaking, all planets function better if located at a (safe) distance from
the Sun. This is particularly true of the Moon, Mercury and Venus, which are subject to
waxing and waning, but just as true about the other planets too. Nodes, however, being,
just energy fields, are immune to effects of combustion: It is, ironically, the Sun, which
comes under affliction if placed within 5° of the nodes.
The Moon is strongest when full and farthest from the Sun but weakens gradually
as it approaches it and is literally annihilated at full merger. The same is true of both the
inferior planets, Venus and Mercury, which, as per providential design, any way cannot
move too far from the Sun. superior planets are also subject to this rule.
The logic behind the combustion is that when in close proximity to the Sun, the
radiation of all the planets gets, so to say, over powered by the Sun’s radiation. Superior
combustion is much more severe than the inferior since, in this, the planet being behind
the Sun, not only loses its radiation to the Sun but could be properly eclipsed if the
declinations match. The very existence of such a planet is deemed to have been wiped
out. Conjunction with the Sun is generally regarded as negative for a planet, which may
be the case always.
Mere combustion does not ring the death knell and render a planet powerless. The
affliction is to be determined by taking into consideration the sum total of influences
bearing upon this planet. Should a planet qualify with required rupas of strength and fall
in shubhvargas, mere combustion may not be sufficient to pronounce this planet as
Besides subsidiary functions of working through aspects and associations, every
planet has three main functions to perform due to:
1. Ownership
2. Kartkattwa
3. Yoga formation
Combustion is one of the modes of conjunction and cannot always be termed as
harmful. The forms of conjunction are
1. Samayana(Coming together)
2. Samyoga (Conjunction)
3. Yoga (Junction)
4. Yudha (Fight)
The combustion becomes a source of strength if:
1. The combust planet emerges victorious in Graha-yudha.
2. The declination of the combust planet is more than 12°.
3. The combust planet is the yoga-karaka planet in the nativity.
Retrogression of planets:-
In fact, the planets never ever move backwards in space, in true sense of the word, but
only appear to go retrograde in the Zodiac because of the difference in their orbits and
relative positions as compared to our planet earth.
According to Vedic Astrology, retrogression is usually a sing of strength. For
example, when Jupiter goes retrograde, it is considered to be good for having children,
even if, by other factors, it may be weak. All the five non-luminous planets, as a rule,
are considered strong when retrograde. The benefit of such a strength goes to the house
of ownership of this planet in retrogression. In retrograde, a planet is supposed to
produce, more or loss, the same beneficial results as it would in exaltation. When a
planet whose dasha or bhukti is current, transits through its debilitation or unfriendly
house, shall produce much suffering and misery. If, however, this planet goes
retrograde, it shall produce just the good results. Classics so advise that while
calculating the Ayoo-kalas (quota of life-rays) contributed by a planet be trebled should
the planet be retrograde.
In actual practice, however, it is found that especially at the time of transit,
malefic planets cause much suffering, ill health and disturbed conditions while the
reverse is true when the benefic retrograde planet are involved. In international affairs,
some times, surprising development will occur when Saturn and Mars go retrograde.
As shloka 40 of chapter 15 of Sarvartha Chintamini, during the ruling period of
retrograde Jupiter, a native gets much wealth, sons, and wife. He is victorious in battle
and gets favour from the government, scented articles, and clothes and acquires
excellence of speech.
Chapter 4 of Phaldeepika says that a planet possesses strength when retrograde
and its rays are brilliant and even though it be posited in its debilitation or unfriendly
sign or Amsa but becomes weak when eclipsed due to close proximity of the Sun (just
as Moon is affected by Sun).
Retrogression is some time believed to reverse the energy of a planet. The exalted
planets lose while retrograde and debilitated gain strength.
Retrograde planets usually indicate a Karmic result. They show an influence from
the past (life) that be functioning to fulfill some Karmic debt or promise to clear up the
balance of affairs. The nature shall not move forward but backwards or inwards to
consolidate or limit a native’s action through the nature of retrograde planets, which
affect the internal energy at the subconscious level.
Mercury: If Mercury happens to be retrograde in a horoscope, the native is an
introvert and thinks in terms of symbols and has an insight more than the facts and
figures. The mind functions more easily on the subconscious level and the native shall
more interest in the study of history and the occult. When the retrograde planet is
afflicted, this may cause nervousness or speech difficulties or just plain hesitation in
Venus: The native with retrograde Venus does not enjoy the things which are
otherwise pleasant to others nor does he try to please others in the socially accepted
norms. It is rather hard for him to adjust to the outward social conditions. The native
may renounce true love for religion and turn only to ceremonious and ritualistic in these
Mars: When this planet of action goes retrograde, it implies a stubborn,
unyielding physical force which does not move unless for some mystic reasons for its
expression. This indicates as angry and frustrated person whose physical energy and
vitality never rise to meet an obvious challenge but gets into action by sub conscious
motivation unrelated to the act itself.
Jupiter: A native with retrograde Jupiter often succeeds where others fail. He
uncovers the hidden assets as his opportunism is so closely allied with his awareness at
sub conscious level. When facts are absent, the subconscious forces of retrograde Jupiter
assume control. With the same force they predict disasters when others see success and
vice versa.
Saturn: The native with a retrograde Saturn does not like to be stripped of the
mask that he wears in public for he subconsciously fears that there is no face behind the
mask. He finds security in intellectual and spiritual havens and adjusts himself to
material vicissitudes with astonishing ease.

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