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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Parents' involvement has always been an essential component of teacher-student-school

academic endeavor. It refers to the participation and commitment of the parent or a guardian

when it comes to schooling life of a child. The parents support is measured by attending a

general meeting, or a school class event, or by volunteering or serving on a school committee.

Parents play a vital role in making the educational experience of their children positive, thus, the

extent of the participation that most parents have in their children's education have to be


Teachers and school head administrators from primary and secondary levels have been

worrying for their students' parents and guardians lack of courage to attend school related

activities just like Brigada Eskwela. Aside from that the quarterly card giving day, together with

Parent-Teacher Associaton's meeting, that is aimed to monitor the students' academic

performance and achievements. For primary level, teachers used to distribute wavers to their

students for their parents or guardians to be informed about the meeting. The parents will sign

the consent if they will attend or not and will write the reason why they cannot be present during

the meeting. This system is gone for secondary level which results to 10 to 15 parents from 60

students per class are attending the meeting.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School
Parental effort is consistently associated with higher levels of achievement and the magnitude

of the effect of the parental effort is substantial (Corway & Houtenville, 2008). Various studies

have shown that parents' contribution in guiding their children in their education can cause an

effect in their school performances and achievements. However, today's environment is getting

complex, children's social environment is surrounded with "vices" that can destroy young

generations (Garbonel & Banggawan & Agbisil, 2013). According to Centre for Child Well

Being (2010), parental involvement in their children's learning not only improves a child's

morale, attitude, and academic achievements across all subject areas, but it also promotes better

behavior and adjustments. This connotes that children must be pampered with strong moral

values and attention to act accordingly to standards of morality and to improve their behavior

and performance since schoolis also part of social environment. In educating young learners, the

best tip for school success is to make sure that parents and teachers are working together as


Sapungan and Sapungan (2014) conducted a random interview and observations with their

fellow administrators and found out that "we-don't-care" attitude among parents is the most

common obstacle to parental participation. This means that there is also an incapability with

parents if they are not aware and mindful of their obligations. While people put the blame mostly

to the teachers and school heads due to their lack of persuasion to the parents to be involved with

their student's education.

There are different cultural ideologies about learning and parents' role. In United States,

parents are less involved in their children's learning with heightened control. In the Philippines,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School
Filipino families believe that education is the best way for a better life for it prepares individuals

to face them (De Jesus & Sabandal & Castro, 2018). Sending children to school is not enough for

them to achieve high level of academic performance. Filipino parents tend to subscribe to

authoritarian attitude (Alampay, 2012). However, this type of attitude cannot be observed

nowadays. Children are liberal to do things they want to do and reject the guidance coming from

their parents.

There must be a communication between teachers and students as well as between teachers

and parents. Defined as the teachers' perception of the positive attitude of the parents have

toward their children's education, teacher and school has significantly related to increase

academic performance. Boiver and Griffin (2011) found that low parent attendance despite

efforts by the schools tends to be reluctant that cause a lower mean grade to the performance of

the students. It is either the teacher has lack of communication to a students or a parent, or the

parent has low cooperation between the teachers and their children.

Review of Related Literature and Review of Related Studies

Parental involvement is important to the educational success of a young adolescent and yet

generally declines when a child enters the middle grades (Epstein, 2015; Jackson & Andrews,

2004; Jackson & Dans, 2000; NMCA, 3003). Parental Involvement is defined ashaving an

awareness of and involvement in schoolwork, understanding of the interaction between parenting

skills and student success in schooling.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School
According to Hornby & Lafaele (2011:37) parental involvement is a significant element in

education and can also be achieved through home-based parental involvement like listening to

the child as they read, helping them in completing their homework as well as school-based

activities, which include attending parents meeting and education workshops. According to

Labahn (1995) parents should also be involved in children’s sports activities, as this would

improve achievements and serve as motivation.

Traditionally, parental involvement has been defined as engaging parents in school-based

activities and events related to their children's education (Epstein, 2001). However, a more

comprehensive view of parental involvement envisaged to this study goes beyond just parent

activities in school settings but in subject-oriented perceptions. Parent-child involvement is one

of the most common ways to conceptualize and measure parent involvement, specifically by

educators (Mcneal, 2011).

A 2003 analysis of more than 25 public opinion surveys by Public Agenda, nonpartisan public

opinion research organization found that 65% of teachers were involved, and 72% of parents feel

that children whose parents are not involved sometimes "fall through the cracks" in school

(Johnson & Duffett, 2003).

Parental involvement is one factor that has been consistently related to a child's academic

performance (Topor, 2010; Kgo- Sidialwa, 2010). While this relationship between parent

involvement and a child's academic performance is well established, studies have yet to examine

how parent involvement increases a child's academic performance. The goal of the present study

was to test two variables that may mediate or explain how is parental involvement is related to a
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

child's academic performance. Many researchers recognize the important role of a strong positive

bond between homes and schools play in the development and education of children (Sanders &

Sheldon, 2009; Richardson, 2009; Sheldon, 2009). Research has also shown that successful

students have strong academic support from their involved parents (Sheldon, 2009).

Furthermore, research on effective schools, those where students are learning and achieving, has

consistently shown that these schools, despite often working in low social and economic

neighborhoods, have strong and positive school-home relationships (Sanders & Sheldon, 2009;

Sheldon, 2009). More importantly, these effective schools have made a real effort in reaching out

to their students' families in order to bring about cooperation.

The researchers observed that most teachers are having a hard time to communicate with the

parents of the students with lower academic performace or those who have academic concerns

while those students with higher academic performance, their parents are attentive for every

school related activities. This leads to the researchers' study which is to know the relationship of

parents' involvement to their children's academic performance

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined through operational way.

Academic Achievement- connotes the level of learning which a student acquires in class based

on his ability to apply what he has learned in a specific field or subject.

Academic Performance- refers to what students have learned throughout a grading period that

is measured by their grades.

Brigada Eskwela- is an initiative by the Department of Education that mobilizes parents,

students, alumni and teachers to do maintenance works and clean up for public elementary and

secondary schools.

Parental Involvement- having an awareness of the parents to their responsibility in their

children’s education. It is how they understand the interaction between parenting skills and

students’ success in schooling.

PTA- is an association between the parents, alumni, and the teachers to discuss about students’

performance and achievements in school.

Vices- influence of bad or immoral habits or behaviors.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Significance of the Study

This research which is entitled “Parents' Involvement with their Children's Education in

relation to Grade 11 HUMSS Students' Academic Performance” is conducted to benefit the


Students- to improve their academic performance and other school-related concerns.

Parents - this study serves as an eye opener to the parents on how the parent's guidance can

affect the student's performance.

Teachers- this study can keep the teachers to be aware and to improve their consideration in

connecting to the parents regarding a student's performance in school.

Future researchers - this study as well as the literatures used can be a tool for gathering

information and ideas for their own study.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Theoretical Framework

According to Vygotsky's (1978) Sociocultural theory, emphasizes the relationship between

human beings and their environment, both physical and social, in his sociocultural theory. To

him, the influences of social and sociocultural factors on development and learning are abundant.

Human beings are surrounded by family members and are impacted by the culture in which they

live. Children's interaction with their family members in the community is so important for their

learning and development since their first teacher is the family and their first learning takes place

in the community. For this reason children gain knowledge about the world through this

interaction. Vygotsky focused on the internalization of knowledge by addressing the zone of

proximal development (ZPD) as a concept to argue that children have levels of problem-solving

ability. He defined ZPD as the distance between the actual developmental as determined through

problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers. He claimed

that children can learn and achieve by themselves at one level. However, he introduced another

level that refers to the child's abilities when working under guidance of an adult or a more able

peer. According to Ryan and Deci (2000), self-determination theory explores the innate

psychological needs and inherent tendencies that surround self- motivation, or that which drives

an individual from within to act or behavior. This theory also have the need for competence,

relatedness, and autonomy are innate needs that motivation is defendant upon self-determination

theory highlights the role of the social context, which can either facilitate or undermine children's

intrinsic motivation and internalization both intrinsic motivation and internalization are likely to
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

function optimizing when children's need for autonomy is supported by parents and teachers

(Ryan & Deci, 2000). In relation to the SDT. This study supports the idea that students can have

an active role to their own development even without their parents involvement in their academic


Conceptual Framework

 Monitoring study
 Performance Good Acad
emic Perfor
improvement checking mance of G
 Parent’s time rade 11-HU
Involvement MSS studen
 Attending PTA

INPUT meetings & Brigada OUTPUT

 Parent-teacher
 Child-parent

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

The researchers uses input-process-output model to elaborate the relationship of Parent’s

involvement to the students’ academic performance. The following process that the parents must

do and maintain are Parent’s time management, attending PTA meetings and Brigada eskwela,

Parent-teacher communication, Child-parent communication, Monitoring study habits of their

children and the Grades improvement checking. This would result a good academic perfromance

of the students. The Academic Performance is categorize as output because it is the dependent

variable that will show the possible result of the students’ academic performance.


Ho: There is no significant relationship between the parents' involvement in their children's

education and their children's academic performance.

Ha: There is significant relationship between the parents' involvement in their children's

education and their children's academic performance

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School



This chapter contains the research design, participants of the study, research instrument, data

gathering, and statistical treatment used for research methodology.


In this study the researchers used quantitative research. The researchers also used the

correlational method of quantitatuve research to test for the relationships of the variables. This

method will help the researcher to establish what is the relationship of parent involvement to the

performance of Grade 11-HUMSS student.


The study included students from grade 11-HUMSS. To determine the relationship of parent's

involvement to the students academic performance. The gender and age of the participants are

randomized and the participant's name are optional to maintain the student's confidentiality.


The survey questionnaires will help the researcher to identify the result if there is a

relationship between parent's involvement snd students academic performance. Each sub-section

contains question that are rated on a checklist response. The researcher will rely the participants

answers to get the result of the study.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School


Survey form was set for parents and children that is given and collected personally by the

researchers. Questionnaire is used to gather data from grade 11 HUMSS students of San Pedro

Relocation Center National High School. These students are chosen by conducting a simple

random sampling technique. The survey form was divided into two sections. Section A is

consisting of demographics information of the parents and the students, comprised of five items

such us name (optional), age, sex, gender, occupation and working hours. Section B is consisting

of questions that are guided by the SOP of the study, two constructs were explored: parental

involvement and the academic performance.


To interpret the data effectively, the researchers will use the following statistical tools:

1. Weighted mean

This tool will be used to compute the demographic profiles of the respondents.

Weighted Mean = ΣwxΣw

2. Pearson Product Moment of Coefficient Correlation R or Pearson r

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

This type of tool is used to determine the linear relationship of two variables. The data that

will be gathered from the respondents will be measured using this tool.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School



Name: ________________________________ Age: _______

Sex: Boy ( ) Girl ( )

Direction: Put a check mark (/) on the space provided.

1. Does the teacher give parental consent?

( ) Never ( ) Often
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
( ) Sometimes

2. Do you check the children’s activities in school?

( ) Never ( ) Often
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
( ) Sometimes

3. Does the teacher updates the parent s on their children’s academic

( ) Never ( ) Often
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
( ) Sometimes

4. Is it important to you to be involve in your children’s school activities?

( ) Yes
( ) No
5. Do you think that the teacher is your partner on improving the children’s
academic perfromance?
( ) Yes
( ) No
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Parents' Involvement in relation to Students’

Academic Performance

Alvarez, Roger M.
Javier, Junell T.
Aguado, Jerilene C.
Baje, Ivy J.
Doras, Micah Hanneah B.
Gavilo, Marriane D.
Samudio, Maria Jhanna Joy Q.

Grade 12- HUMSS B

To be submitted by: Mrs. Cherrie Manaloto
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School


Sapungan, G. M., & Sapungan R. M, (2014). Parental involvement in child’s education:

Importance, barriers and benefits. Retrieved from http://jml2012.indexco-


Alampay, L. (2012) Parenting in the Philippines. Ateneo De Manila University (Research).

Bower, H. A., & Griffin, D. (2011). Can the Epstein model of parental involvement work in a

high minority, high-poverty elementary school? A case study. Professional School Counseling,

15(2), 77-87. doi:10.5330/PSC.n.2011-15.77

Houtenville, A., & Conway, K. S. (2008). Parental effort, school

resources, and student achievement. Journal of Human Resources,

43(2), 437-453.

Carbonel L.G. & Banggawan M.L. & Agbisit I. (2013). Parent's Role in Enhancing the

Academic Performance of Students in the Study of Mathematics in Tabuk City, Philippines.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences. 2 (8). 302-311.

Retrieved from www.garph.co.uk (ISSN) 2278-6236.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

De Jesus J.M. & Sabandal R.M. & Castro D. (2018). Parent Involvement and Children's

Academic Performance in School. Liberal Arts and Education Journal of Faculty and Student

Research. 50-54.

Epstein, J. L. (2005). School-initiated family and community partnerships. In T. Erb (Ed.), This

we believe in action: Implementing successful middle level schools (pp. 77–96). Westerville,

OH: National Middle School Association.

Sheldon, S. B. (2009). In School, family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action

(3rd ed.). USA: Corwin Press.

Sanders, M. G., & Sheldon, S. B. (2009). Principals matter: A guide to school, family, and

community partnerships. Corwin: A SAGE Company.

Richardson, S. A. (2009). Principal’s perceptions of parental involvement in urban districts of

Ohio. Research in the Schools, 16(1), 1-12.

Jackson, A.W. & Andrews, P. G. (with Holland, H., & Pardini, P.). (2004). Making the most of

middle school: A field guide for parents and others. New York: Teachers College Press. Jackson,

A., & Davis., P. G. (2000). Turning points 2000: Educating adolescents in the 21st century. New

York: Teachers College Press.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

National Middle School Association. (2003). This we believe: Successful schools for young

adolescents. Westerville, OH: Author.

Kgosidialwa, T.K. (2010). Parental involvement and expectations of children’s academic

achievement goals in Botswana: Parent’s perceptions. Unpublished PhD dissertation Faculty of

Education Studies. University of northern Colorado. Topor, D. R.(2010). Parent involvement and

student academic performance: A multiple mediational analysis. Prev interv Community.


Hornby G. & Lafaele R. (2011). Educational Review. 63(1). 37-52.

LaBahn, J. (1995). Education and parental involvement in secondary schools: Problems,

solutions, and effects. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State

University. Retrieved [date] from http://www.edpsycinteractive/files/parinvol.html

Johnson J. & Duffett A. (2003). Rolling up their sleeves: Superintendents and principals talk

about what’s needed to fix public schools. New York: Public Agenda.

McNeal L. (2011). Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. 15(3). 37-53.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological

processesCambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic

motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68-78.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

Name: __________________________ Section: _______________
Sex: Boy ( ) Girl ( ) Age: ________

Direction: Put a check mark (/) on the space provided.

1. Does the school conduct a program that involve parents?

( ) Never ( ) Sometimes
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
2. Does your parents attend in your school activities?
( ) Never ( ) Sometimes
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
3. Does the teacher give attendance sheet every school activities?
( ) Never ( ) Sometimes
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
4. Does the teacher let the students get the report card?
( ) Never ( ) Sometimes
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
5. Does the teacher calls the attention of the parents when the students are having a
problem in school activities?
( ) Never ( ) Sometimes
( ) Seldom ( ) Always
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School


This study aims to determine the parental involvement in academic performance of grade 11-

HUMSS students in SPRCNHS. This study attempts to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Parents


Sex: Boy Girl







Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School

1.2. Students

Name: Age:

Sex: 10-14

Boy 15-19

Girl 20-24


2. How many times does the parents attend the following:

a. Parent-teacher meeting

b. Brigada-eskwela

3. Does the parents monitor his/her child’s perfromance in school?

4. To what extent does the parent’s participation relates to the academic performance of

grade 11-HUMSS students in SPRCNHS?

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