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A) Speech Writing: a heading, opening address and paragraphs recommended


Each drop counts, each drop an elixir

Each bit helps make each one the richer

Good morning respected Principal ma’am, teachers and my dear friends. Today, I, Yuri proudly represent
the Eco Club of our school, in my endeavour to help you understand the significance of water conservation.

All beauty comes from water. Ice-capped mountains, green forests, bubbling streams, energetic wildlife, our
complexions which crave eight glasses each day and even our school name owes its origin to water. Why
then are we so unconcerned about a leaking faucet, running tap or wasted rain drops?

Our irresponsible attitude has led to dry, cracked lands and unpredictable climatic conditions. Millions of
villages, cities and states that do not have enough water to meet the requirements of their residents. Once
an ice-land, the Sahara desert today is testament to desperation for water. The recent riots in Ghaziabad
have proven that urban areas in India are not untouched by this metaphorical epidemic.

It is high time that we become aware and conserve water. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, try a
sponge bath, reuse and harvest rain water. Do we want to leave our progeny a parched earth? The Eco
Club of Rainbow School understands the impending peril. Do you?

Tips: Open with a quote, give relevant examples and keep sentences short to capture interest

B) Debate Writing: opening address and conclusion

Points to remember: * Take a side – for or against. Do not be on the fence.

* Arguments must be logical, sequential and supported by examples / statistics
* Anticipate the opponent’s arguments and contradict them in your speech

Hard hitting statistic / powerful quote, opening address, state your support / disagreement clearly, present
arguments, anticipate what opponents will say, powerful conclusion

Solved example – Rising prices can be controlled only by the government (CBSE Board Examination 2016)


They say every problem has one root cause – the government!

Good morning respected judges, teachers and my dear friends. Today, I am here to strongly condemn this
habit of ours to blame everything on the government.
India is a democracy and we, the citizens of India, have ourselves chosen our government. Rising prices
have always been a concern irrespective of which government is in power. Enough laws have been made
to curb black marketing and hoarding which lead to inflation.

My worthy opponents will claim that infrastructure, relaxation or subsidies, international trade policies and
laws against black marketing or hoarding are all in the government’s hands and not properly implemented.
However, the truth is that we – the police, lawyers, shopkeepers, parents and children – the common
people – own infrastructure, execute laws and allow corruption to thrive. So instead of pinning the blame
solely on the government, let’s take accountability for the choices we make.

Friends, change must begin with us. We must raise a voice and think beyond ourselves to the benefit of the
nation as a whole. We must also not ignore natural causes of inflation such as poor weather, floods etc.
and prepare accordingly. Let us be responsible, raise a voice, demand change and implement it at our end
– in every little way we can to usher in, a new tomorrow.


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