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Confirmation Blessing Prayer

Prepare and Set the Sacred Space


Candles x3

1. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
We pray that we can make our mark when we are living in Christ
2. We pray that we can make our mark when we are loving in Christ

3. We pray that we can make our mark when we are learning in


4. Welcome to the year 3 Prayer Assembly. Today we are

dedicating this special time together to bless all our students who
have received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy
Communion over the last two weeks. We wish them continued
growth in their faith journey as they come in full communion with
our church.

Listen and View

5. A Reading from the Gospel according to John

“ I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the
advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said
to you. “

This is the Gospel of the Lord – Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
6. In his farewell speech to his Apostles, Jesus tells them that he will
return to the Father, but will not leave them alone. He told them
that after his death, God would send the Holy Spirit to be with
them forever. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Advocate, the one
who defends us from evil and sin. The Holy Spirit also guides us
into all truth, by helping us to understand the meaning of Jesus’
words, actions and miracles.

7. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the participants are

strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit. With the help of their
sponsors, the candidates renewed their commitment to carrying
out God’s work in the world.
9. (Lay dove symbols in the prayer space)
Our doves symbolize the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit which guide
7. us closer to God in our lives.

11. At the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, Jesus shared bread and
identified it as his body.

12. (Hold bread then lay in prayer space)

He also shared wine and identified it as his blood.

(Hold wine then lay in prayer space)

14. He asked his disciples to continue to share this meal in memory of

When the candidates received the Sacrament of First Eucharist,
this allowed them to receive the bread and wine, and share in
the meal that is at the core of our faith.
15. We receive the Holy Spirit through our Baptism and Confirmation
and share in the Eucharist through our First Holy Communion. So
now as we reflect on these gifts, may we have a silent prayer for
our candidates, that they continue to grow in their faith, guided
by the Holy Spirit.

Breathe in breathe out

Breathe in breathe out
Breathe in breathe out
We would now like to invite the students who received the
special sacraments to come forward

(once all students are there)

16. We invite everyone to raise their hand in blessing for our


Loving father, bless our friends as they embark on their new

journey into the church. May they find peace and solace in your
Holy Spirit and comfort and faith in your feast. We ask this
through Christ the Lord Amen

Tch We have a small gift for our candidates as they return to their

Share and give


17. God of Justice, send the Holy Spirit to help us to continue to

reach out to those in need of your loving guidance. Lord hear

18. God of Compassion, bless our students who have received the
sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. May they
continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Lord hear us
19. God of wisdom, through your gift of the Holy Spirit may we come
to make our mark in our world. Lord hear us

Go and tell

20. May Jesus who is the light of the world, be with us as we try to
get along with one another, think, learn and act so that we can
make our mark in our world. We ask God to hold us gently in his
loving hand and to help us be the face of God to all we meet.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Please join us in singing “The Holy Spirit’

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