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– other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews with out prior
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The author of this book does not give out medical advice nor prescribe the use of any
technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a
physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information
of a general nature to help you in your journey toward physical and mental fitness and good
health. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your
constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

To my parents the late Ivan and Marie Booker

I dedicate my life and this book to my mother and father Ivan and Marie, who taught
me at a very early age, how to love and how to give. It was a natural thing for me to give,
and all of my friends and employers can attest that I was there for them in that manner.
Sometimes we give so much that we do not give people the opportunity to reciprocate, and
if we do not have someone to receive from, we can become emotionally insolvent. When
my parents passed on, I was thrust into a personal world of confusion and despair, because I
had suddenly discovered that it was just as important to receive the gift of giving and love
as it was to give it. I had to receive it in order to maintain an emotionally balanced life.
You see all along, I had been receiving it by default, and never paid attention to what would
happen when it was gone. This kind of parental love gives you a very strong sense of
confidence that you can take on anything. That’s how I felt. So I kept giving as a way of
filling the void. I’m sure many of you who have lost a loved one felt that type of loss. What
happened to me was that I had nothing surrounding me to immediately replace it. I was the
only child and I was single. So, I had to find the solace from within in order to survive.

This journey of finding the true love for me was enlightening and the most
invaluable lessons I could have ever learned along the way. I will share with you in this
book some techniques I used for my emotional healing; how I learned to control most of my
thinking using my unconscious mind. I call this Mind Nutrition.

We always think of nutrition as food, but the most important nutrition next to eating
is our life and the condition of our minds. A body cannot be fully healthy if your mind is
troubled or your life is unbalanced. An unbalanced life starts with the mind. If you balance
and control your mind, your life will change.

I dedicate this very compact yet powerful book to my teachers of love; the ones who
loved and gave. I also dedicate this book to the teachers who knew not how to love. It
enlightened and strengthened me. Through my journeys, I managed to find an even solace
that centered me. I am extending these revelations to you the reader hoping that you too find
that solace from within to balance out your emotional bankruptcy and find peace,
abundance, joy, love and center. It’s a journey worth traveling; as you, personally, are the
greatest creature ever created on this amazing place we call Earth, this individualization of
the Absolute, we call the Universe.

We are all a Universal Blessing. Give thanks!



Chapter 1 The Unconscious Mind is the Driving Force in All We Do pg. 1

The Belief System

Chapter 2 Your Belief System pg. 10

Chapter 3 Negative Inner Conversation pg. 15
Chapter 4 What Are Your Gifts? pg. 17
Chapter 5 What is Your Purpose? pg. 19

Nurturing the Mind

Chapter 6 Meditation pg. 25

Chapter 7 Meditation Techniques pg. 28
1. Focus On Breaths pg. 28
2. Mantras/Sounds in Meditation pg. 29
3. Buddhism and Meditation pg. 30
4. Transcendental Meditation pg. 32
Chapter 8 Affirmations pg. 34
1. Affirmative Meditation pg. 34
2. Affirming pg. 34
3. Affirmative Meditation and Prayer pg. 35
Chapter 9 Visualization pg. 36
1. Vision Board pg. 36
2. Suggestion Visualization (Recorded) pg. 37
3. Visualization (Hold The Picture) pg. 38
Chapter 10 Self-Hypnosis pg. 40
Chapter 11 Understanding Meditation pg. 42

Conclusion pg. 48

Bibliography pg. 51




Let me start by saying that I am using a very unique approach to teaching nutrition, as

nutrition takes many forms. We usually think of food when we think of nutrition, but nutrition is

also in the lifestyles we lead, the people we encounter, the stress we live under; essentially, the

mind in operation. What I’d like to do in this book is share with you, how one very important

element can affect our overall balance; that is, the mind. For optimum health, the mind should

be in great working order, but most of the time it is severely unbalanced. If living optimally is

your goal, then keep an open mind as you learn the principles I share with you in this book.

What I intend to cover in this book are the principles of mind body healing. What do I

mean by that? Firstly, although the body is designed to heal itself, the mind is the central force

of healing. Secondly, the body is changing all the time, and since the change is taking place

regularly, it can maintain its proper conditioning depending on how we treat it and what we tell it

to do. We do not have the same body we had a year ago, however much it looks the same. Our

cells die and regenerate on a cyclical level, controlled by the universe in operation; just like

gravity and the transfer of energy. We cannot control this. What we can control is how we feel

and how we look as we gracefully walk through our experiences of life.

If we are aware that change is taking place in our bodies and our minds all the time at

record speed, then we need to work on our bodies and mind all the time to keep it as healthy as

possible. Let’s get started!

Debbie King, Ph.D., HC


Chapter 1
The Unconscious Mind is the Driving
Force in All That We Do
“90 Percent of our thinking is Unconscious” Ernest Holmes

If this is correct, we would only be aware of 10 percent of our thinking. How does

this work? We function every day effortlessly. We are intelligent beings. We

communicate flawlessly. How could we be using only 10 percent of our minds? The reason

is because we focus only on our conscious thoughts; the ones that we are awar e of. We

have thousands of thoughts per day, but only a few are surfaced where we can assess them.

The rest are buried in our subconscious mind. What happens is when we are not conscious

of our thoughts or guarding them, the buried thoughts will surface, sometimes not as a

conscious thought, but as an action. This means that although most of our thinking is

unconscious, the conscious mind has tremendous power, because it is the conscious mind

that feeds the unconscious mind so that it can store our thoughts. The unconscious mind is

our storage lot for all of our thoughts. This is where all of the inner chatter that we

experience comes from; the dialogue that keeps our minds racing. If we are not in control

of our unconscious mind, then it will control us. What this means is that we must store or

feed it nourishing data in order for it to function healthily, otherwise, you don’t know what

may surface when your conscious thoughts are not on watch. Let me give you a few


Example 1. You keep telling yourself how unattractive you are. Your unconscious

mind has received this information as truth, because it cannot refute what you tell it.

It will do what it is supposed to do, feed back to you what it has been fed. Going

forward everything you do will be encompassed around that premise of you not being

attractive. Your choice of clothing, how you apply your makeup, how you interact

with people, whether or not you like taking photographs, etc. Your opportunities or

lack thereof will be reflective of how you feel about yourself, even if you are not

constantly thinking about it. You feed the unconscious mind, and it will do the work

for you while you are no longer paying attention to the data you fed it.

Example 2. You tell yourself that you don’t like someone, and you keep telling

yourself how much you don’t like this person; for whatever reason. You don’t want

this person to know that you don’t like them, so when you encounter them, you

pretend. They pick up a negative energy from you and react to it. You can’t

understand why, because you are doing all you can to show this person you like

them. What happened here? Your conscious mind was definitely on guard most of

the time, but your unconscious mind controlled your energy, your body language and

so on. Most of the time, we know not what we do; meaning we are not conscious of

it. I’m not saying that people who do not connect with you is a result of your

negative thinking, but understand that if you think of anything, it will manifest to

align with your consciousness.

Example 3. You keep telling yourself how something is not going to work out,

although you say you wish for it to. Maybe the result is not really conceivable to you,

but you go out on a limb to make it happen in what appears to be blind faith. Your

conviction is unbalanced; meaning, you really don’t believe. While you are working

to actualize this thing you say you want, you are telling yourself how it’s not going to

be possible. When it doesn’t happen, you say you knew that it wouldn’t. You fed the

unconscious mind doubt and nonbelief, and doubt and nonbelief is all it knows.

Deep in the core, you didn’t believe. You were given the thing you believed you

could get. Do not get this mixed up with when you believe that something can

happen, and you tell yourself that it may not be so, just in case it doesn’t; as a way of

being prepared for failure. You need to dismantle this approach as well. Always

believe that if you conceived something, it is achievable.

Ok, how does this affect our lives? It affects our lives on every level. Our mind

controls everything we do and everything we experience; whether it be the conscious or the

unconscious. This is the power that many of us do not recognize.

There have been discoveries about what one can and cannot achieve through the use of

mind, and how the power of it creates for us our destinies, be they positive or negative. Our lives

have been shaped by the use of it, and it is the very core of our every existence. It has been the

instrument of healing, creating wealth and heightening one’s awareness, as well as destruction,

addiction, poverty and illness. It can give balance and centering, while it helps us find our path

through divine guidance. It is this power we use to manifest greatness or failure. The mind

creates for us our perception of reality. It is the driving force for all that is and is to be

accomplished, because it is through the mind, that we grow, heal, succeed, fail, love and destroy.

What creates this power, and if we were to acknowledge our divine connection with it,

will it change the directions our lives are led? We are governed by this power, and this power is

governed by the laws that govern the universe in operation. Any failure to abide by this law

provides experiences of discord, dis-ease, poverty, confusion, psychological and emotional

distress. Many of us understand it, but because it is not tangible, we vacillate in and out of our

belief of it. In other words, sometimes we are aware of what using this power can do for us. Part

of our awareness is certain that our minds have power, but we are not aware of how much of it

we can use. Hence, the boundaries we create for ourselves and the limitation of our growth. We

are magnificent creatures of this universe, with enormous potentiality in every area of our lives,

but many would dispute this statement.

It is my assertion that we can have and be anything we want; great health and finances,

peace and great relationships are possessions we need only take acknowledgement of. So what is

the problem? The problem is that we do not believe this greater source.. As we struggle to find

meaning of what this means to us, we cannot see the thing that guides all as a vehicle for change.

What we think about we receive. If we are not feeling our best, we place our attention to

it. The more attention we give to it; the more we feel it. Sometimes it persists or gets worse

depending on what our thoughts are about it because the conscious mind is not controlling this;

the unconscious mind is. If you want to control what the unconscious mind is thinking, you must

feed it different data. As with all things that are tangible, including our bodies, we think that

our minds are separate from it, but “there is not a single point in the entire universe that is not

indwelt by Mind; therefore, there is not a single atom in the body that is at any moment separated

from mental action.” (Bailes, 5)

This truth has been written about for centuries, and there has been evidence of it being

manifested throughout the world, but to have faith in it is our biggest hurdle. Why can’t we

simply have faith in the thing that has demonstrated to us our power of healing? There are people

who have been healed from terminal diseases, relieved from deep depression, and balanced their

lives through removing themselves from the things surrounding them that caused the discord.

This happened all by knowing and trusting in this truth. Many have returned to those lives they

escaped from because they have allowed the collective consciousness that surrounds them, to

convince them that it’s not normal behavior. Without proper faith, and/or having kindred

communal with others to remind you of who you really are, it can cause you to think in ways that

are not congruent with your higher self. Trust in the law that is all perfect and knowing. Trust in

the Universe that governs this law. Move outside of your physical self to the greater source that

creates all and you will find shear perfection and love. That place is Omnipresent and is within

you. During the times that you are connecting with the Omnipotent, which is operating to us and

through us, and you release unto it, your awareness of emotional and physical healing will

become clear to you. While you are working on building this relationship with yourself, you

should not reveal this to anyone until you yourself believe it to be true. Otherwise, the opinions

of others will convince you otherwise.

You cannot entertain this law as something to be trivial, because it operates for you in

whatever place your consciousness lies. In other words, if you believe it, it is real, and if you do

not believe it, it is also real. You will become what you think because of what you think. You

must have unwavering faith that the truth lies within you, so that you function in the only way

healing will take place, from within you.

Dr. Johnnie Colemon author of Open Your Mind and be Healed, had an amazing story

demonstrating the effect of knowing the truth. As a young woman, she was given a prognosis by

her doctor that she had only six months to live. Fifty years later she writes a book proclaiming

the evidence of right consciousness as it pertains to her healing. She did not seek a second

opinion; she stumbled upon it. As a student of New Thought, she learned that she needed to

change her conversation with herself, and not accept the prognosis as truth; that she was perfect,

whole and healthy. She writes, “the Life Principle resides in our soul, ready, willing and able to

respond to our command. But it cannot force itself upon us; we must activate its potential. Life

is Spirit, or the Breath of God. It unfolds in and through every fiber, cell, organ, gland, tissue,

muscle, and atom of our body as a witness to the Life Principle within us...after the shock of

finding out that my thoughts shaped my life, I learned that “there is nothing to be healed, only

God to be revealed.” (Colemon, 10, 11, 56) This same principle applies to money as well.

The consciousness state of lack and limitation, resulting in poverty, jealousy, competition

and delinquencies, is an ever growing problem in this world. Many of us can understand how to

relate to illness from the perspective of thought, but when it comes to money, the complexities of

trying to associate the mind and attracting wealth is inconceivable. So how can one application

work, when another does not? One reason is that with illness, you can actually start to feel

different when you consistently do the inner work. With feeling better, you will be inspired to

continue working and watching the progress. With money, you really have to stay on course and

watch the gradual incremental undertakings as you work from within. Sometimes change

happens fast, depending on how much you truly believe and apply. It really takes an enormous

amount of understanding and faith when you are behind in your rent. It is money that we need to

survive; to pay our bills, buy food, etc. We must be patient and surrender unto the Law, unto

that power within us to attract what we want and what we need. Our destiny lies within that

truth. When one says that through the changing of your consciousness, you can attract money

and anything else you want, it appears too magical to some. Those who consider themselves

grounded would be the first to argue that it just is not possible.

To attract the things we want, we must speak to ourselves in the affirmative, in present

tense; for instance, “I have an abundance of money.” “I am perfect and whole”. Never speak as

if you are to attain something, or speak as if you want something that you do not already have.

Always speak from a perspective of having.

In essence all that I am saying is that the one Mind allows us to attract whatever we wish,

because all natural resources are in place for us to receive anything we want. Answer this

question. Did electricity exist before it was discovered? Answer another question. Have you

ever discovered something about yourself that you never knew existed within you?

This belief system comes from many sources, our parents, teachers, colleagues, friends and so

on. We are rooted in this strong belief system that is very difficult to alter. What we believe

about our lives has been truth for us since we began speaking and understanding. Even as we

evolve, we still hold on to what we believe to be true about ourselves, unless something

compelling happens to change our perception of ourselves. There is fear in letting go of

something that we thought was true, and when it is challenged, we fight that much harder to hold

on to this belief. The question arises; who are we without it?

My belief is that once we become aware of this truth, our relationship with ourselves and

others will begin to shift toward more understanding, love, generosity and care. We will start to

see ourselves in others and others in us, from a much higher understanding of humanity because

truthfully, we are all made up of the one common denominator in all things; the Atom. We all

operate by way of the existence of the Atom. All of us, the animate and inanimate. A great

realization of oneness.


The Belief System

Chapter 2
The Belief System
What guides, and defines us is our belief system. How we see ourselves, how see the

world, and how we see our potential within the world, is key, and it is all perception. All of it!

All based on the premise that what we believe is and will become our reality. Once we start to

expand our vision of ourselves and the Universe, we will begin to see the need to change our

beliefs about who we are.

Nothing we do will ever be seen in the same light, and we will wonder how we existed

for so long without it. We will start to take chances with our lives for the purpose of satisfaction

and fulfillment, and will walk with more confidence and determination. We will find creative

ways to get through the challenges that we face, and creatively design a pattern of behavior

conducive to our own personal growth.

I’m addressing only your unconscious mind, as it is most receptive to new information.

Your conscious mind, if it is conditioned to guard and protect what you already believe, will not

be so receptive to new information that challenges this belief. This is called inner conversation

or chatter, which we sometimes have to quiet in order to receive positive and expansive data. I’ll

talk about this later in this book.

When you are in the process of developing your greatness, your inner dialog will change

and you will begin to flow more freely toward your goals. You will become more demanding

and more expecting of your achievements. I want you to just think for a moment about your

belief system about you? What guides you? What defines you?

Belief is defined as “the mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another

or yourself. Acceptance of and conviction in the truth”

I’d like to share a story I read from one of my favorite series “Chicken Soup for Soul”

"The Live Your Dreams series” Subtitle It’s Never Too Late

Nurse Susan, at age 13 married a man age 22, and had 3 sons. A marriage of 6 years

was a physically abusive one, where he once savagely knocked all of her teeth out. She

and the children managed to get out of the home, and she never went back. Nurse Susan

was age 19, when the judge awarded her husband full custody of their children because

she was 19 years of age and underemployed. Her husband, with the children, moved out

of the state where she never saw them again. Depression set in but she found a job as a

waitress making a very low salary, barely able to eat a decent meal.

She eventually remarried and had another child, a girl. One day, visiting her mother at

the hospital, where her mother had had surgery, she paid close attention to a nurse as

she cared for her mother. She said to herself “I CAN DO THIS”. Now with a way out

she began her mission, which was to go back to school. The only thing was that she was

age 46 with an eighth grade education. That did not stop her. She completed her GED,

and then enrolled in nursing school for 2 years. After several attempts at quitting

nursing school, she graduated and worked as a nurse until retirement.

If you keep a steadfast attitude about life and your goals and believe in them, you will get

what you want eventually. Develop a patience to achieve your greatness.

Repeat after me: We are today, what we believed we could become. We can have today

what we believe we can have. We can do today, what we believe we can do.

If we believe we can become more, we will become more. If we never obtain a larger

belief system, we will constantly struggle to achieve more of a variation of what we have already

achieved in terms of levels, because we generally do not pursue things we genuinely believe is

out of our reach. We will test it, play around with the idea of it, but never feverishly dive into

the process of obtaining it, because to us, it is just not possible. I hope that we all know by now

that all things are possible. Repeat after me! “All things are possible”.

Now what if you did not know what you could not do? If we were never judged,

criticized or labeled by teachers, family members, friends and acquaintances! How much of your

life as you see it, would be different today?

Think long and hard on this one, because it is an important question. Just study the

development of children. They do not know what they do not know, which makes them

completely receptive to amazing growth in just about everything; languages, sciences,

you name it. They genuinely have a thirst for knowledge, no fears of it.

Our belief system is learned, not organic. It appears organic because of repetition, but it

really is not. We judge ourselves by how we are judged, and we determine our worth or lack

thereof by the worth determined by others. How much of what you know about your abilities do

you debate, regularly? And how much could never be challenged? When others question your

beliefs, do you question them as well, or are your beliefs unwavering? The next question I ask

you, is “do you work on your inner life?”, because working on your inner self, as in Meditation,

Daily Affirmations, Reading Motivational material and listening to Motivational recordings,

strengthens your ability sustain optimism and remove doubt. It allows you to see beyond where

you stand, and most importantly, it helps you see the deeper side of you; allows you to scope

your inner self for clarity and infinite wisdom.

I read a quote the other day by Paul Gaugin, which reads “I shut my eyes in order to


We see ourselves clearer by searching within. We will never find our true selves by

looking outside of ourselves. Everything that we need to see about ourselves is accessible from

within. Meditation, Visualization and Affirmation practices expand our consciousness and our

belief system. It helps us to grow internally.

Practices such as these will reach your subconscious mind, and release from it your true

genius, that which lay dormant inside of you. Visualization is by the use of pictures; imagining

what you most desire, Affirmation is by the use of repeated motivational phrases, that becomes a

part of your belief system when it reaches your subconscious mind effectively, and Meditation,

by the use of silence, mantras, and focus on breaths, allows you to tap into the universal law of

creation. You will start to see things you once overlooked, receive things you thought was never

available to you, and do things you thought you would never have the opportunity to do.

I love this quote by St. Augustine “People travel to wonder at the height of the

mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast

compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves

without wondering”

We can be so overwhelmed by the beauty of what we see on the outside, that it distracts

us from looking within to find it. Feed into the subconscious mind what you would like to be

your reality, and meditate for clarity. Your subconscious will have fed back to you what you are

affirming as truth. It will increase your awareness about yourself and expand your belief and

vision. When you meditate, you are removing the chatter that clutters your mind; conversation

you need not engage in with yourself. Also, hang around those of kindred consciousness. They

will help keep the momentum. Never lose sight of your goals. If we never expand our belief

system, we will never accomplish anything beyond the scope of what we think we can

accomplish which is probably limited. We create limitations that exist only in us, and develop a

cyclical way of thinking.

With the limitations of our mind, we set boundaries. Within those boundaries, we

experience changes in a cyclical fashion, never expanding beyond that circle we created,

never moving beyond the circumstances we manifest. We just rotate until we retire and

then expire. Some people would refer to this as NOT thinking or living “out-the-box”.

Remember the theory about the earth being flat, and how erroneous that theory was?

Take a moment to think about your observation of you, and how it affects your ability to leap

beyond your limits. Is it possible that your perception about you is in error? If you keep an open

mind and allow visual expansion and creativity to latch itself onto your existence, you will make

the discovery that your potential is infinite, that you are a part of the universal law of creation,

and that there is nothing you cannot accomplish as long as you believe you can. As Napoleon

Hill writes in Think and Grow Rich “There are no limitations to the mind except those we


Chapter 3
Negative Inner Conversation
As you redevelop your belief system, you also want to be watchful of the negative inner

conversation you will have with yourself, as you try to change. It is only feeding back to you

what you have programmed it to believe. Remember that you are in the process of

reprogramming your thinking to reflect the changes you have decided to make in your life, and

most, if not all of it, is new to you; CHALLENGE IT. Take the time to make the adjustments.

Then ACT

Don’t rule out the conversations that takes place by others who will either tell you or

insinuate that you are not going to move beyond where you are. You may hear negative

comments from people about the changes you are making. They will try to chip away at your

goals until you won’t have any. They will give you their analysis on what they believe you

should believe about your life; how you should be living it, and how the changes you are making

will affect you negatively if you do not return to your old ways. They will try to convince you

that you do not know what you are doing. Be very careful about how you receive this; none of it

is true. Remember that your belief system is custom made; designed exclusively for you. They

will have no control over it, unless you give it to them. If you do not fully believe in your goals

just yet, work in silence until you do believe. Once you believe, no one can alter your choice of

direction. While you are in the process of developing, talk to no one about your goals. If you

must talk to someone, talk only to those who, share your vision, share your consciousness or are

willing to propel you. I guarantee you that if you let negative outer conversation enter your

subconscious mind at the time you are developing your new belief system, you will change your

mind. Your progress will be delayed if not fully cancelled. You will pursue a life of

complacency and stagnation until life moves on you and forces you to decide on something;

usually within the boundaries you have created for yourself, because it’s familiar and seems

conceivable to you.

When we say that we believe something, and we say it quite frequently in our dialogs

with others, we do not say it as a term that reflects conviction about something. It is usually used

very loosely to define our thoughts or theories about something, which is fine, as long as we

know the difference. Remember our belief system wavers. Circumstances can change what we

believe, in an instant. Only knowledge is unwavering and ACTION is knowledge. Everything

else is subject to change. We can custom make our entire lives by changing our belief system.

Just think. If you were raised in a different culture, by different parents, how would your life be

different? Of course you do not know how, but you do know that it would be different. Will

your belief system be identical to the one you have now? Will you wear the same style clothing

you wear now? Recognize the same gifts? Speak with the same intonations or dialect; have the

same set values, etc.? Assess the difference between what you speculate, and what you actually

believe. I want you to take a closer look at yourself without judgment, and assess what you see

and feel. There is one thing that goes unnoticed in our lives most of the time, and that is our

gift(s) that we believe we have or do not have. Some of us are very aware of those gifts and we

work on them every day, while others believe they do not have gifts to share with the world.

Hence, the believe system that you create can affect your destiny.

Chapter 4
What Are Your Gifts?
Let’s play a game for a moment. Let’s call it the GPP, LLC as in Gifts Passions Purpose,

LLC. You received a phone call from a friend who was offered to work for a new innovative

company named GPP. The only thing is that she must bring someone with her. They need two

people to bring their GIFTS to the table. The job starts in 48 hours paying a hefty amount, and it

is more money than you ever imagined making in your lifetime. You must call her back within

24 hours to tell her if you can do it. She’s got a few other people on her list, should you decline.

Before I go on, would you decline because you can’t think of what you do well? Do you think

that you do not have a gift to share? What would you be able to bring to the table within a 24

hour notice? What steps would you take to ensure that you get this high paying job should you

want it? How prepared are you to call her in 24 hours to accept?

I want you to jot down some ideas about what choices you would make.

1. Are you thinking of what you can do right now? (Goodness, she could have given you a

little more time, right?)

2. Are you thinking about what you love to do; something that comes easy to you?

3. Are you thinking about whether you are skilled (mastered) enough in any areas?

4. Are you thinking about pulling everything out of the bag? (your hidden gifts dating back

to grade school) How much have you honed those gifts over the years?

5. Are you making a list of those things? This will give you some clarity. Allow you to

organize your thoughts.

6. Are you studying this list, and pulling from it, what you can contribute to this job?

If you meditate on it, you may realize that you have to make some additions to your list,

because you made some interesting discoveries in your silence.

Think for a minute about what you have just done. You had no time to contemplate, plan

or weigh. You had 24 hours to modify your belief system to fit the situation. The question I ask

is are you prepared? There were many conversations I have had with people in the past, who

cannot think of a thing they do well, no matter how long they think about it. They say that they

do not have any gifts that they can think of, or that the only skill they do have is what they have

been trained to do for their jobs or careers. I don’t believe this. I do believe that the skill they

speak of is what they are most confident in, but that is not out-of-the-box thinking is it? Study

your list and expand on it. You will be amazed at what you discover within you.

In this scenario you may have had gifts and passions, but you probably did not think to

expand on any of them until you felt a need to after the phone call.

What would be your purpose, in this scenario?

a. Is it only for the money, or is it something that you always wanted to do, and never

thought it possible until you received the call

b. Could it be that you made your list and now you see all sorts of possibilities that you can

develop, even if you do not take this venture seriously?

What is your why?

Chapter 5
What is Your Purpose?
It is not your Gifts or Passions that will drive you as much as your purpose. When you

have a reason for doing, and being, you will find a way to make it happen for you. When you

have a purpose, it creates a need for action. So I challenge you to look at your WHY right now.

What is it that you must do, in order to be fulfilled and happy? Continue to search within for

fulfillment. It is there? Once you find it, embark immediately. We get caught up in the

workplace and stop pursuing our dreams. Our purpose in life has become making money, but

when passion is missing, we become miserable or bored. We get stuck doing what we are doing,

because we cannot think of ways to combine what we love to do with a purpose for doing it,

aside from making money. But many of us just want to create, and I can relate to that. But

wanting to only create is not sufficient. You must have a cause; a purpose for doing. If you had

a cause, it would not matter how long you worked on your job, you would find a way to work on

your dream. You will have an “I must” attitude about your goals.

If it is your job that you love, explore some other stimulating things you can do on your

job, that are not particularly apart of your job description, and expand on it. Offer your services,

once you have mastered it, and continue to grow within until you are ready to move on, if you

want to. If you are working on your dream, it should be a smooth transition.

Growing up, I use to love working with my hands, Crochet, Knitting, a little sewing

occasionally. But when I needed some extra money while attending college, I pulled out

my sewing machine and made some Punk Rock ties, (you know those skinny glitter ties

they use to wear in the 80’s) and found me a spot on St. Mark’s Place in the Village in

New York, in the middle of Winter to sell them. That was my extra hustle the second job,

because I needed money. That was my purpose, but I also had to acknowledge my gift to

be able to execute.

If making money is not so important, just do what you love. Even if it is to share your

gifts with the world, you must have a purpose, however simple.

Jot down those things that you not only love to do, but, WHY you must do it. What is

your why for living, being and becoming. What is your why for NOT living, being and

becoming? Be honest with yourself. This will help you grow.

Take 5 minutes a day to list your whys for living. You will be amazed at the results you

receive. This will push you; drive you to maintain your momentum.

Repeat after me: My WHY is the core of my growth.

There was a young lady who had many talents and knew of them. Worked over the years

in the development of her gifts and was successful doing just that. The only thing was

that whatever she decided to do it had stipulations attached to them, because she was

playing it safe. She did not want to pay the price for what the critics warned of

“starvation, failure, destitution. So she continued to pursue these endeavors as part time

ventures, because she was determined. She was reaching minimal to moderate success,

yet holding on to a much larger vision! One day, her father, then years later, her mother,

her soul mate, closed their eyes, leaving their wonderful spirits behind. The days of

experimentation, while she worked in the corporate arena, had suddenly taking on a life

of its own. She began to see the future more vividly as pertaining to what if, and assessed

more accurately, her present state. She began to make more courageous plans about her

future and acted on every decision she made with firm belief that it will happen, despite

temporary difficulties and momentary defeats. Through her self –motivation and

purpose, she decided to start a company for the purpose of giving, sharing and

developing, and is delighted to share her vision and gifts with so many people in need of

finding their true greatness. I am that person, whose trials and courage cannot be

displayed more earnestly. I had to make major belief changes in my life yesterday, in

order to see the manifestation of them today. What we believe about ourselves today will

reflect tomorrow’s decisions. However large the belief, move on it. Ignore your critics.

Work diligently on your belief system through meditation, visualizations and affirmations,

trust what comes to you, then ACT immediately.

Changing your belief system will allow you to discover your inner greatness that can

never be compared to any other experience in this lifetime. The world is patiently waiting for

you. Repeat after me

“I am in the process of developing my Greatness, because I have one of the Greatest

Minds ever Created.

Allow me to help you find it. It will prepare you for the transitory moments that pose as

distractions. “All moments are transitory” Ride the waves, because you know that it is

temporary, and keep your mind on your vision.

A woman and her husband, ages eighty and sixty-five, decided to sell their home and

move to another state, but had not found a home in the state they were going to move to.

They decided to search for a new home while their house was placed on the market, but

had not found anything by the time they received the offer. They accepted that offer to

close and move out of their home in three weeks; still not having found their new home.

Within the three weeks of the closing date, they took a trip to their new town, not knowing

whether they would find something or not. Their thought was, well, we’ll stay in a motel

until we find something. On this trip to their new town, the day that they were to be taken

around by realtors, it snowed more than any other time in recent years, and the city was

shut down for the week, but the realtor’s husband came by with a truck to drive them

around the next day. On that very day, they found a vacant house that they liked very

much, placed a down payment on it, and headed back their home-town to finish packing.

They sold items they were not going to take with them, and they were able to move out of

their home in less than two weeks. They moved in their new home, as is, and worked in it

while residing there. They were determined, and they believed that it was going to

happen. They expected it to happen.

What is it that you endeavor that you expect to happen? Act now! How can we

effectively change our belief system to align with our goals, passions, health and other endeavors

without action? How do we change our belief system to align with our need for change or

improvement? In one answer; we nurture the mind and then we act!


Nurturing the Mind

Chapter 6
. In the video Introduction to Meditation, Deepak Chopra explains meditation as “the

natural tendency of your mind when you are really doing nothing. If you sit down; close your

eyes and do absolutely nothing, after a while your mind will settle down and go to its natural

state, which is one of silence. So, it happens spontaneously when we are not trying to do

anything…meditation is actually to be here now in this moment…doesn’t require specialized

style, doesn’t require effort, doesn’t require contemplation, doesn’t require concentration; does

require for you to learn to let go; does require for you to learn to not try; does require for you to

understand that it is effortless.” (Retrieved from


Some types of meditation use mantras, some use sounds, some use affirmations, etc. So

to clarify what I believe he is saying; if one wants to meditate, they need not wait to learn how to

do it. The mind natural goes into a meditative state when it is silenced. Simply sitting in silence

will produce those results. The need for sounds or mantras is to help the process of eliminating

thought by creating uncertainty in the mind as both the mantra and thoughts exist

interchangeably. While meditating with the use of a mantra, both the thoughts and the mantra

will weave in and out of your mind until your mind becomes completely silenced, meaning that

neither mantra nor thoughts will exist. This is the beginning of true creation and potentiality.

Several years ago, I heard a song that had been a mega hit in the 70’s; it was called Jesus

Children of America from the Innervisions album, by Stevie Wonder. In this song there was a

line that caught my attention; it was, “Transcendental Meditation gives you peace of mind.” This

impacted me, yet I cannot completely recall why. Meditation was something new to me. It was

not until four years later, that I decided to try it. As I developed the skill, I began to observe the

changes I was experiencing. It was exhilarating and comforting. I couldn’t wait for the next

session. After some years had passed, I began to pull away from meditation. Whenever I talked

about my reason for stopping, I would always say that it was my change in environment and my

new circle of friends. But I never forgot the feeling it gave me. I remember feeling more

peaceful and balanced.

The kind of meditation I was practicing was Transcendental Meditation, but there are

various other forms of meditation as well. Although the overall purpose is to reach a level of

peace, clarity, divine guidance and connection with the Universe, one type is not shared by all.

What I’d like to do is discuss the various types of meditation and the techniques used by those

who have influenced the world with their teachings.

Meditation had been a part of my life for quite a few years, in theory. That is, I have

been mostly thinking and talking about it and practicing it periodically. I am not alone. There

are people that I know who are not dedicated to the practice of meditation for various reasons.

Some are not able to sit still for longer than a few minutes quietly, while others do not believe

that it will make a difference in their lives. Their views stem from the fact that it takes time and

patience to reach a level of consciousness called “absolute consciousness”. I will talk about this

later in the book. They would much prefer to meditate for the purpose of relaxation and peace of

mind. Certainly those results are more immediate. There is also an uncertainty as to what it

really is and how it should be applied. With a plethora of approaches based upon the

geographical origin, religion or community group it derives from, it is difficult to choose, unless

one is associated with or have an interest in those groups. Aside from this confusion, how does

one meditation differ from another, in terms of methods? What should one get from one

meditation practice that they will not get from the other? This is where the confusion lies.

What I’d like to do in this chapter is attempt to clear up some of the misconceptions. It is

clear that the approach to meditation has many different purposes, but there is only one journey's

end. That journey’s end is; ”nurturing the mind”.

The material I’ve selected is diverse, in that, it supports my attempt to merge all

techniques into a supreme purpose. This way the meditator, who has not been able to meditate

for too long, can sit in silence for just a few minutes a day and still get results.

Here are some of the benefits of practicing meditation daily:

1. Stress relief

2. More clarity

3. Emotional balance

4. Calmness

5. Creativity

6. Confidence

7. Deeper Faith

8. Peace

9. Find Solutions to problems

10. Happier

11. Centered

Chapter 7
Meditation Techniques
These various approaches to meditation share one attribute. They contribute to quieting

the mind, conscious expansion, peace of mind and spiritual awareness. The techniques that I

would like to share with you are step-by-step instructions on how to meditate in various ways. I

have chosen the following; Transcendental Meditation, various types of Visualization

techniques, Zen meditation practiced in a monastery I once visited, Self-Hypnosis, Affirmative

Meditation and Affirming.

Focus on Breaths
If one wants to meditate and do not have or know of any mantras, they can opt to use

breaths, i.e., counting the breaths or focusing on breaths, and get the same effect.

Best described by Jerry and Esther Hicks authors of The Law of Attraction (2006), “for 15

minutes each day, sit in a quiet room, wear comfortable clothing, and focus on your breathing.

And as your mind wanders, and it will, just release the thought and focus back on your

breathing.” (Hicks, 13) Charles Haanel, the author of the audio book, The Master Key System

(2007) says “Always use the same room, the same chair and the same position if possible…be

perfectly still….observe and then inhibit all thoughts. This gives you control over any thoughts

of care, worry and fear, and will enable you to entertain only the kind of thoughts you desire.

The goal here is not so much to empty the mind, as to cancel each thought as it emerges;

choosing the silence or emptiness of no thought.” (Haanel, 2007)

Mantras/Sounds in Meditation
Since there are probably hundreds of mantras to speak of, I will focus on two basic

mantras that are derivatives of many; OM and AH. Again, it is clear that the use of mantras,

despite their meanings, is designed to cancel out thought. So, someone reciting the mantra who

has no idea what they are reciting can get the same results as someone who knows the meaning

of the mantras. It does help to know what you are saying; so that your intention is clear on what

it is you want from that particular session, but to cancel thought, it is not necessary to know. OM

and AH, are used many times as standalones. As Dr. Wayne Dyer explains in his audio version

of Meditation for Manifesting (1995) “AH is associated with joy…it’s also associated with

creation…AH is the sound that is used to create something from nothing…if you think of all the

names that have been given to the creator in all languages and traditions, whether they be

primitive or western or eastern, or whatever, they all have one thing in common. All of them

have the same sound. Here are five or six of them; Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Tao, Brahma, God.

If you listen to each one of these you will find that there is a sound that accompanies every one

of these names. The sound is AH” (Dyer, CD)

Generally, OM is the vibration of God, the manifesting of God in form. When used

along with other mantras, it symbolizes the beginning, as in creation. Swami Nishchalananda

Saraswati writes in an article called Mantra Om “Om as a sound, syllable (Om or Aum) and

glyph (/) all symbolise the fact that all material objects, all phenomena and all thought patterns,

both on a microcosmic and macrocosmic level, are states of energy vibration.” (Mantra Om,


Let’s talk about Zen meditation.

Buddhism and Meditation
What is the meaning of our existence? How do we solve the problem of what we

perceive to be our existence? On a purely unconscious level, Zen helps one find themselves by

way of reaching a state called “Samadhi.” which is when all thinking ceases. Generally,

everyone who practices Zen knows what they want to achieve from it. Many of them lack the

patience to achieving it. Getting to a state of “Samadhi” (Sekida, 29), takes time. The journey

one takes to reach this level is called “pure consciousness”. Zen Buddhists believe that the only

way to define our existence is through the practice of Zen. Zen is not a philosophy. It is a way of

life. In order to achieve “self-realization” one must meditate. Meditation will not only give you

the benefits you desire, but much more with continued practice. The ultimate is “Absolute Bliss”

(Vishnu-devananda, 46). It takes a long time to achieve this state, so one must be patient.

All meditation will take you to a level of heightened awareness. It allows for the flexibility of

changes, because our attachment to this permanent Self is what causes pain and suffering.

Through meditation, one becomes aware of one’s thoughts. With continued practice, one will be

able to observe those thoughts and make changes for his/her betterment. It is meditation that

allows for heightened awareness and acceptance of change. Below is an account of my


Ordinarily, Zen Buddhism is practiced in a monastery where practitioners meditate

together known as Zazen (Zen Meditation). Although an individual will be meditating in the

confinements of their home most of the time, when visiting a temple or monastery, they meditate

in groups. The following is an experience I had when I visited a monastery in New York. As I

explain the details of what I experienced, I will speak of it as an instruction for you, if you were

interested in trying it.

There is never any talking. Not even a whisper. Mostly everyone is sitting in a lotus

position on a zafu or zabuton (meditation cushion). There are some who choose to kneel on the

zafu or zabuton, with their torso upright or sit on miniature stools (seiza) using the cushions to

kneel on. In silence you close your eyes and count your breaths. Some people partially close

their eyes. The object is to always be in a semi-conscious state. In counting your breaths, it is

recommended that you use the number twenty. Although this varies, depending on the

monastery, you count to twenty as you slowly inhale, and count to twenty as you slowly exhale.

The posture is always erect. Your hands are facing upward with one on top of the other with the

thumbs touching. There will be times when you may need to move around a little. Your legs

may fall asleep after sitting over 10 minutes. It’s ok. Move around a little and resume. After

you get adjusted, your legs will feel better. You may feel body numbness on occasions. Just

stick with it, it will fade eventually. When you count your breaths, you will lose count regularly,

and have to start over again. This is because your thoughts have interrupted the pattern.

After 30 minutes of silence and breaths, you will hear a Zen bell and everyone would

stand and walk into another dark room where lots of candles are lit in a specific area where a

statue of a Buddha sits. As a group they walked in circles (walking Zazen) from one end of the

room to another saying a mantra and sometimes in silence. The mantra is usually from a Sutra

book that contains short and moderately longer aphoristic statements. Here’s an example “Atta

Dipa, Viharatha, Atta Sarana, Ananna Sarana, Dhamma Dipa, Dhamma Sarana, Ananna Sarana;

translated as dwell, you are the Light itself, rely on yourself, do not rely on others, The Dharma

(The Laws of Nature) is the Light, rely on the Dharma, do no rely on anything other than the

Dharma” (City Zendo, 1) No one is reading from the book (in some monasteries, they read as

they walk). It is all memorized. After walking for about 10 minutes they would return to the

original room and resume meditation. This is done twice before the session ends.

Here are some of the things you can expect to happen after practicing for a short while.

You may became agitated and not know why. With continued practice, the agitation will go

away. The reason for this is that the development of heightened awareness makes you more

sensitive to your immediate surroundings and to the behaviors of others as well as your own.

Once you become more advanced in the practice, it will fade. It has been mentioned that you get

a euphoric feeling even after the first session. I agree!

Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the late 1960’s.

Maharishi’s focus was to help people find their path to a better life. He proclaimed that the

reason people are not finding their “Creative Intelligence” (Forem, 99) is because they do not

have the stamina or strength to achieve it. So what is “Creative Intelligence?” (Forem, 99)

“Creative Intelligence…is the single and branching flow of energy (creativity) and directedness

(intelligence) observable in all phenomena…” He declares that we all have access

to it.

Although Transcendental Meditation has its Hindu origin, he states that it is not a

spiritual practice. There have been scientific studies proving that it works, and his message has

been based solely on that premise. Transcendental Meditation has attracted millions of

supporters for this reason. It is completely functional and has been known to show immediate

results in helping people get rid of pain, conflict, anxiety and disease.

While practicing Transcendental Meditation, there are times when you will be in a trance-

like state. Sit on the floor, body upright, with your legs crossed in a lotus position. You can sit

on a thick pillow. Use two pillows so that it gives you enough cushions, or as mentioned earlier,

you can sit on a zafu or zabuton. Sitting in a chair is fine, if being on the floor is uncomfortable

for you. Close your eyes. Place one hand on top of the other cupped upward. Sit in silence and

focus on your mantra. I will give you an example of a mantra, but if you sign up for the TM

course, the TM instructor will give you a mantra specifically for you. In the meantime you can

use the following: Om (generosity) Ma (ethics) ni (patience) Pad (diligence) me (renunciation)

hum (wisdom) It is pronounced ohm mah nee pahd may hum. If during your meditation session

you find yourself leaning, just lift your torso so that your body stays erect. If your hands

separate, put them back in place. There is a possibility that during any one of your sessions, you

may experience a sensation through your body. Just ignore it and remain still.

Applying Transcendental Meditation can have great results in changing your

temperament, making you feel more at peace. After repeated practice, you will not need as much

sleep as you are accustomed to, because you will regularly be in what is a called a theta state.

This is simply explained as slow frequency brain waves, where you are semi-conscious; like a

dreamlike state. In this state you are receptive to creative ideas that flow to you. Another type

meditation I’d like to introduce is Affirming.

Unlike Transcendental Meditation and Zen Meditation, some people simply like to affirm

as well. Affirming can be done in several different ways and the results are amazing.

Chapter 8
All affirmations must be done in present tense, and finished with a line that solidifies the

statement. One example is “I am free from all pain.” (Holmes, 660) , or “I live in abundance


It has been some confusion as to what one should call it; affirmative meditation,

affirmative prayer, or just affirming. It is probably a little bit of all depending on the

circumstances. In other words, if you are in a state of meditation and include an affirmation,

then it is affirmative meditation. If you are saying an affirmation while in a conscious state, then

you would be affirming. If you are in prayer and affirm at that time, then it would be affirmative

prayer. Here are examples of each.

Affirmative meditation
With affirmative meditation, you simply memorize an affirmation that you want to

manifest. For instance, “I am living in a sea of abundance”. Once memorized, sit in a chair or on

the floor in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Verbally recite the affirmation aloud for a

few minutes, and then mentally think the affirmation. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply.

Keep thinking the affirmation until your mind goes blank. Sit in silence until your meditation

session has ended.

When you affirm, you are completely conscious. It always helps to have your

affirmations written down so that you can read them. This can be on a piece of paper, a white

board, your computer. In extreme measures, there are some who write it on their hands.

Wherever you write it, have it accessible so that you can read it several times a day. What’s

important about just affirming is that you must have emotions attached to each statement. You

must feel your attachment to having or achieving it. Say it aloud several times, and then let it go.

Do not think about it all day long. Do not force yourself. The important thing is that whenever

you see it, make sure you say it aloud.

Affirmative meditation and Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative meditation and affirmative prayer have been used interchangeably as being

the same. Affirmative meditation is affirming suggestions to the unconscious mind believing

that it can happen with conviction. With this approach both religious and cosmic meditators can

meet somewhere in the middle. Both can use this approach for their ultimate objective, focusing

on the form of prayer that suits them. The affirmative meditation can also be included in a self-

hypnosis practice which I will be discussing later. Visualization has some similarities, but with

the use of pictures.

Chapter 9
On a material level, people use visualization to improve their lives. They use it to make

more money, buy new cars, new homes, and travel. Visualization is a process of imagining the

pictures of things you wish to attain; whether it is spiritual enlightenment or peace. Those

pictures and desire for them, reaches the unconscious mind while in a meditative state. The

unconscious mind, which is designed to act, starts the process of drawing those things to you. In

your waking state, although not conscious of it, the law of attraction is in progress attracting

those things to you that are pictured. There are several methods used in visualization. Some

people use the building method, where they start with an image and build on it. Others stick with

one picture throughout the process of meditation. Some start with a scene and let the events

develop. How often do you develop events in your waking state? We do it all the time when we

create stories based on the assumptions we make about other people we communicate with. We

use our power of visualization unconsciously be it positive or negative.

There are various styles of visualizations that can be used. One is the vision board.

Another is listening to your own suggested visualizations. You can also picture something you

want and keep the picture in your mind. The last is similar to affirming, in that you repeatedly

say aloud what you visualize.

Vision Board
It’s best to use a large board; about eleven by seventeen in size. Smaller is fine. This way

you can place as many pictures you want on it. You can start by cutting out pictures from

magazines; using pictures you already have, or retrieve them from wherever you see something

you want to place on it. Use tape or glue, and make it look neat and picturesque. An example

could be the picture of a car you desire, a picture of a ship, if you want to go on a cruise, or a

picture of a gym with people working out, if you want to lose weight. What is the color of the

car? Where is the ship heading? What pant size would aspire to fit? This project could range

from a spiritual journey to something material you want to attain.

After placing all items on your board, look at it every day. Place it where you can see it,

so that when you are not thinking about it, you are reminded to focus on it. There is no need to

concentrate, but you should have strong feelings about what is on the board. Look at it, feel it,

and then let it go.

Miraculously, the things on the board will start to manifest. It may take a little while

before you notice what has manifested, but you will recognize it when it does. This is not magic.

The power of your unconscious mind is in action bring you those things you desire. You are not

conscious of it, but it is working while you are sleeping.

Suggested Visualizations (Recorded)

To do recorded visualizations, one should lie down, and listen to the recorded message.

The messages are short phrases or words. There are no directives used in suggested

visualization. Here are some examples of what you can hear on the recording.

1. Cruise to South America

2. I am a Size 8

3. Resort on Angilles Island

4. Platinum ring

5. I am in perfect health

6. I live abundantly

Have the message repeat for about 20 minutes. Do this session twice daily.

Visualization (Hold the picture)

This process seems simple, but it really isn’t. What you need to do is feel very connected

to this thing you really want and hold the picture. The difficulty with this is that it requires that

you hold a picture in your mind. So many things can take place to distract our thinking, where

holding the picture becomes a difficult process. What happens is that you end up vacillating

between what distracts you from this picture and the picture itself. Sometimes the distractions

win, but you may come back to that picture if you want it bad enough. It’s not as easy a task as

manifesting by way of the other approaches mentioned.

All of the approaches in this section have been known to be very effective. It just

depends on what suits you.

The affect visualization has on one is based on one’s intent. You must want something,

and believe you can get it. The process of visualization, and its deep effect on one’s ability to see

what they would like to have, be or do , opens one up to imagine things previously unimaginable.

As with other types of meditations and affirmations, there is a commune with the higher self.

One can fall into a trance, but thoughts are not entirely absent since thoughts are required to

create the vision. Visualization is more in line with suggesting, in that, once the mind becomes

calm, the thoughts that appear are the ones associated with one’s intent. The thoughts are in the

form of pictures. This process feeds the subconscious mind for it to manifest what is seen.

Then there is a term called Clearing. Clearing is explained as “getting in touch with

blocks in yourself that hold you back from attaining your higher good…a block is a place where

energy is constricted – not moving, not flowing. Usually blocks are caused initially by

repressed emotions of fear, guilt and/or resentment…” (Gawain, 89)

Both meditation and visualization work very well with the practice of self-hypnosis, as

you can use both in your self-hypnosis practice.

Chapter 10
What is self-hypnosis? Self-Hypnosis, from my experience is the process of completely

relaxing the mind and body from head to toe. It is the process of being in a meditative state,

where it is sleep-like, yet conscious. You then give yourself suggestions. This is called

autosuggestion. What you are doing in your self-hypnosis session is affirming positive

statements about whatever you want; whether it is to build your esteem, or make a lot of money.

Many people use self-hypnosis to solve many issues, like stop smoking, improved health,

overeating, or to gain confidence. The practice of self-hypnosis allows one to become more

aware of their body; to become more self-realized. One can feel as if they have control over the

things they want, because they have learned ways to feed their unconscious minds to obey the

command. It’s all in the suggestions. Improved concentration is another goal for many. In a

session, one must affirm positively that they can concentrate. Heightened concentration

increases one’s ability to learn things they did not think were possible. When one is in a

hypnotic state, they are instructing the body to do its will. The mind is in no position to judge

those commands; only accept them and act.

Self-hypnosis is a much different approach to meditation in that suggestions are used to

help you reach the theta state. Before starting your sessions, it is suggested that you record your

suggestions or affirmations on a recorder, so that you do not have to think about what you are

doing. This will also allow you to freely fall into a meditative state. Comfortably lie down,

either on the floor, bed or couch. The recording would always start out with relaxation

directives. Here’s an example. “I am very relaxed. My whole body is relaxed, starting with my

feet and ankles. My legs are very relaxed. Both legs are very relaxed. My torso is relaxed. My

arms, fingers, wrists are relaxed. My neck, shoulders and chin are relaxed.. My face is relaxed.

My eyes and forehead are relaxed! My whole body is limp; completely relaxed. At the count of

five, my eyes will become very heavy and I will be in a hypnotic state. One, my eyes are feeling

heavy; two, my eyes are becoming very heavy; three, I must close my eyes; four, I can’t open my

eyes; five, I am now in a hypnotic state. After this, the recording would play the suggestions,

one by one. The suggestions are the things you desire. The only thing you need to do is relax

and listen. You may fall into trance-like state. Other times you may fall asleep. If your entire

body feels numb it is an ordinary occurrence.

After your session is complete, the recording should say, that you are ending your session

and that you will become aware of your surroundings and fully awake by the count of five. An

example would be; one, I am awakening; two, I am feeling more alert, three, I can open my eyes;

four, I will remember everything; five I am fully alert.

Chapter 11
Understanding Meditation
It is not easy to understand meditation; not that meditation is hard to understand. Coming

from so many directions that are colored by one’s experience of it, it can appear complex.

People from various backgrounds share their experience with it, and many times those

experiences are very different. There are also teachers who understand this confusion, and who

write very simple, easy to follow books on meditation. Over the course of many years, writers

have shown that it is simpler than can be imagined. Those who do practice it are having

miraculous results; from heightened clarity, creative ideas, health improvements and more. Due

to the inner work that is done, it makes sense to believe that maybe meditation is probably a

different experience for everyone who partakes. Each individual with an individualized

experience, attracting from the Universal source all there is to receive. Their stories will differ

because of this truth. The common thread that makes this thing as powerful as it is the effect

meditation has on its practitioners.

While meditating and letting go of thoughts (the inner chatter), we become recipients of

the creative flow that moves in and through us. Of course, we are not in a state of mind to be

conscious of those thoughts that flow to us while meditating, but when we become conscious, the

things that we are unable to acknowledge, will pop back into our minds at times and in ways we

could not anticipate

There is simplicity to this approach, but is it really as easy as it sounds? Some would say

no. Of course, once you’ve adapted to the practice regularly, it becomes easier, but the initial

attempt is challenging. The reason there are difficulties, is because one does not know the steps

needed to get into a meditative state. It is commonly believed that one must attempt to quiet the

mind by pushing away their thoughts. To think about or attempt to quiet the mind requires a

thought, so to do it this way will not be successful. You cannot use a thought to control a thought.

The only way to achieve the results is to practice and allow the mantra and the thoughts to be

present at the same time, until they cancel each other out.

Regardless of the type of meditation practices, the ultimate objective is for the mind to be

completely void of thought, including the mantra. “The state of meditation transcends. The most

efficient transportation to inner transformation is the practice of meditation” (Beckwith 2008) To

be in a state of Samadhi you will experience no sensation, no sound, no thought. Coming out of

Samadhi, you experience heightened clarity, acute awareness.

Despite the fact that all meditation, regardless of their differences, is designed to arrive at

the same destination, there appears to be as many types as there are cultures and religions. East

meets West, and so forth! Since all meditation is similar in that respect, it would be interesting

to compare some of the approaches, i.e., mantras, visualizations, affirmations, breaths and

sounds. “As the various techniques and approaches work differently for each person, one should

experiment with a variety of methods, and then stay with the one that seems most comfortable.”

(Devananda, 45)

In essence, meditation is about the silence. With all of the formulas and techniques that

have existed for thousands of years, in its simplest form, anyone can do it effortlessly. We all do

it from time to time without knowing it anyway. I believe that when we want to be alone to

think, we meditate, and when we walk, we meditate also. Susan Smith writes, “like sitting

meditation, walking meditation is a simple practice effective for fostering calmness, relaxation

and awareness…” (Smith, 19)

If we can disregard the associations meditation has with various influences that may or

may not be of interest to us, and focus on the practical application of it, more people will be

incline to practice it in their daily lives.

It has taken me years to come to the level of understanding of what it really entails to

meditate properly. The difficulty I believe people find, when attempting to practice it, is being

mentally still. Silencing the thoughts are always challenging. Both the thoughts and the mantra

must cancel each other out. In other words, one should expect to have thoughts and mantras

weave in and out until they are both absent. This piece of information is profound. With this

information, I really believe more people would attempt meditation, because they would expect

the vacillation between thoughts and mantras. They should not feel the stress of pushing

thoughts away.

One thing I will always remember about meditation, which has changed my perception of it,

is that, it does not require skill. There is no pushing the thoughts out or anything that requires more

effort than sitting still and being silent. Allow the thoughts to come, as they will, and then softly go

back to being silent. When the thoughts arrive again, allow them to come, then go back to silence.

The ultimate is to find that place from within that is of peace. At the same time to know there is

change to occur, so be free to expand. Know that this process of meditation is not about change as

in lateral changes. It is about evolving, expanding to whatever heights desired. I’m talking

Quantum! This is truly a simple process and everyone should be able to do it.

To know meditation is to experience it. I have so much material in my home about

meditation, and it was not until I wrote this book, that I was able to get a full understanding of it. I

feel now, that I can sit down and actually practice it with clarity.

Meditation is simply the process of removing the thoughts, by way of using the breaths,

mantras, sounds or affirmations. The object of all of this is that with the absence of thought, one

can reach a level of wakefulness that permeates their entire existence during their waking,

sleeping and dreaming states. It gives clarity to one’s consciousness and allows one to expand

without the thinker getting in the way. From meditation to self-hypnosis, all of it operates to get

us closer to our higher selves. The different approaches, I believe are masterful, because one

method may be more appropriate for one person than another. The intent, however, is for all of

us to find our path to greatness through attracting from the sea of abundance and from the sea of

perfect health. We all should know that we are one with the universe, and that when we

commune with our inner selves, we are communing with the Universe.

The use of meditation, gives us that ability to see change as a right to live freely. It

expands us beyond conceivability. Even Oprah’s life has changed as a result of it. Not that she

is different from any of us, but she has a platform to share with millions of people. It definitely

changed my life and my life is still changing. More and more teachers are coming forth to help

those who feel they are lost, and the effect of this movement is astounding. More people are

healing, physically, mentally and spiritually as a result of its application. I’d like to share a quote

by Jack Forem the author of Transcendental Meditation (1973). “The habit of the mind has been

to search outside, to be turned toward external objects of experience in its search for happiness.

But our own experience tells us that nothing in the relative, ever-changing field of life is

sufficient to give the mind the satisfaction it is seeking.” (Forem, 37) Meditation is the only way

to evolve to a level where there is clarity of consciousness.







We operate our daily lives by using only 10 percent of our thinking. The rest is

unconscious. We stand and walk unconsciously. We don’t need to think about how to do it.

We brush our teeth, put on our clothes and other motor activities without needing to think

about how to do it. This also applies to when we lose our temper, or say things we didn’t

mean to say or do things we didn’t mean to do. Our unconscious mind kicks in and takes us

in the direction we conditioned it to take us, whether we consciously want to go there or not.

We must carefully choose our thoughts because we will attract what we think whether we

want it or not. Our belief system must be in alignment with this philosophy as well. You

must believe in the things you want. You must believe that despite what you see, the unseen

is working on your behalf to get you what you want. All you need to do is think and affirm

the better finances you wish to have or the peace and emotional balance you need.

Nurture the mind by engaging in the practice of meditation, affirmations and

visualizations. Aside from helping you become more at peace with yourself and your

surroundings; it reprograms the unconscious mind to think only the things you wish to have,

not the things you wish to repel. The more you think of something, the more of it you will

get. So think only of the things you want and not the things you do not want. The constant

chatter that we engage in is reduced, allowing for more creativity, healing and expansion.

Try forgiveness as a method of healing also. You will no longer harbor negatives thoughts

about a person or situation. Forgive and then release it or them. Set them free and you will

be free. Until then those thoughts about them that you harbor, will imprison you and hold

your mind captive. So let go.

Find a kindred accountability partner to hold you accountable for the things you say

you want. They will help you stay aligned with your creative expansion as you change your

lifestyle and your consciousness. Every day listen or read motivational material. This will

help you become centered on what is most important to you, and it will motivate you to stay

centered. Finally, be thankful for all that you are and all that you have. Wake up each

morning giving thanks and make a list of what you are thankful for. Read that list daily.

Nurture your mind daily. Repeat after me, AND SO IT IS.




1. Beckwith, Michael Bernard. Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 2008. Print

2. (Chopra, D (Creator), intent video (Poster) (2008, April 27). Deepak Chopra’s Introduction to
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3. Dyer, Wayne Dr. Meditation for Manifesting. 1995. CD.

4. Forem, Jack. Transcendental Meditation: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Science of Creative
Intelligence. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1974. Print

5. Gawain, Shakti. Creative Visualization. New York: Bantam Books, 1982. Print

6. Haanel, Charles F. The Master Key System. 2007. CD.

7. Hicks, Esther, Jerry Hicks. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham.
Carlsbad, California: Hay House, Inc., 2006. Print

8. Holmes, Ernest. The Science Of Mind: The Complete Edition. New York: Penguin Group,
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9. Jones, Susan Smith, Ph.D. How to Meditate. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1997. Print

10. “Meditation.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation, 08 Mar. 2012. Web. 04 Aug 2012.

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12. Sekida, Katsuki. Zen Training: Methods and Philosophy. New York: Weatherhill, Inc., 1985.

13. Vishnu-Devananda, Swami. Meditation and Mantras. New York: OM Lotus Publishing,
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14. Winfrey, O (Creator), ajp108 (Poster) (2011, December 13). Oprah Winfrey on Transcendental
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15. Wonder, Stevie. “Jesus Children of America.” Innervisions. Motown, 1973. Vinyl recording.

16. Bailes, Frederick. Your Mind Can Heal You: A New Thought Healing Classic. Camarillo,
CA: DeVorss Publication, 1941. Print

17. Colemon, Johnnie. Open Your Mind and Be Healed. Camarillo, CA: DeVorss Publication,
1997. Print
18. Canfield, Jack and Mark Victor Hansen. Chicken Soup for The Soul: Unlocking the Secrets
to Living Your Dreams. Deerfield, FL: Health Communications , Inc., 2003. Print

19. Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. Cleveland, OH: The Ralston Publishing Co., 1953.


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