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Information Systems are computer based infrastructures, organizations personal and components that
collect, process store transmit, display disseminate and act on information.

IS generally provide computerbased assistance to people

Types of information systems

Operation support sys management sup. Sys

 Specilized processing sys * Management IS

 Transction pro. Sys * decision support sys
 Process control sys * executive IS
 Enterprize collaboration * Specialized processing sys

* Expert systems
* Knowledge management sys

* Strategic IS
* Funtional Business Sys

Management Information Systems

 Demand reports
 Push reports
 Periodic scheduled reports
 Exception reports

Planning and requirement analysis

 Requirement analysis is the most important and fundamental stage in SDLC.

 It’s performed by the senior members of the team with inputs from the customer. The sales
department, market surveys and domain experts in the industry.
 This Information is then used to plan the basic project approach and to conduct
Gathering Information – Interviews

 Planning for the quality assurance requirements and identification of the risks associated with
the project

Defining requirements

Once the requirement analysis is done the next step is to clearly define and document the project
requirements and get them approved from the customer or the market analysts.

This is done through SRS

Software requirement specification document which consists of all the project requirement.

Designing the product architecture

SRS is the reference for

Use case diagrams

 A picture describes how actors relate to use cases and use cases relate to one another

 Use case – System function(process) (Do something)

 Actor must be linked
 Some use cases actor must not be linked.

// Relationship between use cases – Include – use case must call another
// Relationship between use cases – extend – UC calls another under certain condition

Generalization - One element is based on another element

Registration – parent
Non graduate/ graduate – child

* Include use case never stands alone.

Make a purchase <<include>> Verify balance


Withdraw cash

01. Pizza ordering system allows for user over web browser to order pizza to home delivery
02. To place and order a shopper searchers to find item to purchase add items one at a time to a
shopping cart and possibly searches again for more items. When all item has been chosen the
shopper provides a delivery entrance. If not paying in cash the shopper also provide credit card
information the system has an option for shoppers to register with the pizza shop. They can then
save their name address information so that they not have to enter this information every time that
day they place an order.
03. Develop a use case diagram for a use case for placing and order, place order use case should show a
relationship to previous this specified use cases , identify customer which allows a user to register
and login and pay by credit, which models credit card payment.
Gantt charts used for project management purposes.

WBS chats

Class Diagram

Class diagrams are the most commen diagram used in UML

Class diagrams basically represent the object oriented view of a system which is static in nature.
Active class is used in a class diagram to represent the concurrency of the system.

 1 -1
 1-M
 M-n

Composition is a special type of aggregation

Generalization is another name for inheritance or an is a relationship. It refers to a relationship between
two classes where one class is a specialized version
01. Introduction to information system
02. Software development process
03. What is SDLC
04. SDLC process models

05. Software requirement and system gathering

06. Software development methodologies

07. HSM hard system methodologies

09. System Modeling technique

10. Process modeling using DFD
11. Data modeling using ER diagram

12. Object Oriented Software Developments

13. Object Oriented concepts
14. Object Oriented analysis and design

15. Software Project Management

16. Sub Topic project Management tools
17. WBS, Grant Chart, Pert Chart

18. Case tools

19. Software Testing

In Java we use method overloading and method overriding to achieve polymorphism.

Hiding internal details and showing functionality is known as abstraction.

In Java we use abstract class and interface to achieve abstraction.

Binding or wrapping code and data together into a single unit is known as encapsulation.

A JAVA class is the example of encapsulation.


Shows the flow of data through the system and the processing performed by the system

DFD is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system.

DFDs illustrate the series of transformations or computations

Shows the inputs to the system process upon the inputs the outputs of the system as well as the internal
data stores.

Data store

Is used in a DFD to represent data that the system stores

Labels should be noun phrases

Source => entity that supplies to data to the system..

Must be connect to a process by a flow.

Contex Diagram
Top level view of IS
 Unit testing
 Integration Testing
 Increment Integration Testing
 Top-Down Integration Testing
 Bottom Up Integration testing
 System Testing
 Recovery Testing
 Security Testing
 Alpha Testing - first real use of the software product
 Beta Testing
 Regression Testing

SRS – System Requirement Specification

01. What is purpose of software testing??

02. Who does testing? And when to start testing?
03. Define Following terms – Unit testing, Integration Testing and System Testing
04. Compare and contrast following testing approaches – Blackbox and white box, Alpha and beta
05. What are the major component of test Plan??
01. Helping to improving the quality of product. Find out
02. Developers, end user, testers, Project managers does testing , It start from the beginning of
03. Unit Testing - Small testable part is unit testing that parts individually and independently.
Integration Testing – Which Individual software modules are combined as a group and test.
System Testing – Behavior of whole system is tested as define by the scope of development

Black Box White Box

 Not to need internal structure for  Need to know
testing  Lower level
 (Level)Mainly applicable of higher  Genarally Software developers
level of testing  Not required
 Responsibility independent
software testers
 Programing knowledge required

Alpha Testing Beta testing

 Always performed by the  Always perfomed by customers
developers(Real users)  Not performed indepen
 Sometimes performed  Real envi
 performed Virtual Environment

Testing process
Tested items
Test recording procedures
Hardware and software require ment
The features to be tested.
 Hard system methodology(HSM)
 Soft System methodology(SSM)

 Hard system (Structured methodology and Object Oriented methodology )

Structured methodology
SSADM – Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology

 >> Logical(ER)
 Data Flow
 Entity Behaviour


Seven Stage of SSM

1. Define the situation – the researcher
2. Express the situation - Picture
3. Define root definition of Relevant system
4. Building a conceptual model
5. Comparison of model and real world
6. Guidelines for
7. Recommended action

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