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9 W o r k o u t s T h a t C a n R e w a r d Y o u W i t h a S l i m W a i s t - 30 min daily!

1. Heel touchers: abd+obliques -Lie on yoga mat, bend knees and place legs apart slightly wider than shoulder
width. Extend your arms with the palms facing in.
 Exhale and crunch your torso to the left to touch your left heel with the fingers of your left hand. Hold this
position for a second. Slowly return to the initial position and Inhale. Do the same with your right side. R: 30 t.
2. Oblique V crunch- obl.- yoga mat lie on right side. Pile legs on top of each other and put left hand behind head.
 Raise your straight legs off the floor and bring your torso toward the legs, forming a “V” shape. Support
yourself with your right hand. Slowly lower yourself back to the yoga mat. R: 8 t for each side.
3. Triangle crunch –obliques: Kneel on your right knee and place your right hand on the yoga mat. Extend your left
leg and place your left hand behind your head.
 Bring your left leg to the left elbow and crunch. Hold the position for a second and slowly return, but don’t
extend your left leg completely. Hold it up in the air. R: 30 t /each side.
4. Ordinary forearm plank - core body ex =flat belly.:
 Place forearms on the yoga mat and align the elbows below the shoulders. Your arms should be parallel to the
body at about shoulder-width distance. Correct neck and spine by looking at one spot on the floor somewhere
about 30 cm before hands. Pay attention so that your head is in line with your back. Hold position for 20 sec.
5. Starfish crunch -sculpting core: Lie on the yoga mat and extend your legs and hands, making an “X” position.
 Lift the shoulders, a part of your upper body, and your legs off the ground and make your elbows meet your
knees. Engage core to come up. Hold position for a sec and then slowly come back to initial position. R: 20 t.
6. Standing cross-crunches -abs, obliques and hip flexors. Not only does it help to achieve a flat belly, but it also
helps to burn fat thighs: Stand on your yoga mat with feet hip-width apart and place your hands behind your head:
 Bend your left hand and move the knee toward the right elbow. While doing this, rotate your torso and make
your knee and elbow meet. Get back to the initial position and R: it on the other side. R: 30 t.
7. Side jackknives (standing criss-cross crunches) - abs, obl, glutes, hip flex: Lie on right side -yoga mat. Stack feet:
 Place your left hand on the side and put your left arm behind your head (the elbow should point toward the
ceiling). Focus your tension on the obliques and bring your feet up. At the same time, raise your upper body
leading with the left elbow. Hold the position for a second and slowly return to the initial position. Don’t let
your feet and shoulders touch the yoga mat! R: 15 t /both sides.
8. Windshield wipers - abs, obliques, lower back.: Lie on back on yoga mat and put arms straight to the sides for
support. Left legs and bend your knees at a 90-d angle:
 Rotate your legs to your left side, but don’t let them touch the floor. Hold this position for a couple of seconds,
then slowly return to the initial position. R: the same with your right side. 30 t.
9. Bend and kick -sculpt abs and glutes, strengthen spine: Get on all fours on yoga mat. Hands need to be flat
on the ground and in line with your shoulders.:
 Brace your core, raise your right leg up (with knee bent and foot flat) and then make a kicking motion. Use glute
to make the “kicking” move directly towards the ceiling. Make sure pelvis and working hip stay pointed toward
the ground. To avoid injuring your neck, keep head straight and face down. R: 20 t /each leg.

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