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Nama : Taufiq Hafizh H

NIM : 1501190189
Kelas : AB-43-06

What I What I What I

Know Want to know Learned
United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy What is the staple food of England? The most common and typical foods eaten in Britain
country include the sandwich, fish and chips, pies like the
Road traffic in the United Kingdom cornish pasty, trifle and roasts dinners.
a king or queen is the official head of state
The weather of the United Kingdom Road traffic in the United Kingdom drives on the
British English is the standard dialect of the left hand side of the road (unlike the Americas
English language as spoken and written in the The education system in the UK and some of Europe), and the driver steers from
United Kingdom the right hand side of the vehicle

London is the capital and largest city of England The weather of the United Kingdom is changeable
and the United Kingdom and unpredictable. Summers are moderately
warm, winters are cool to cold.
Many impressive buildings architecture in the UK
The education system in the UK is divided into
four main parts, primary education, secondary
education, further education and higher education.
Children in the UK have to legally attend primary
and secondary education which runs from about 5
years old until the student is 16 years old.
Nama : Taufiq Hafizh H
NIM : 1501190189
Kelas : AB-43-06

Name of Dream Country: United Kingdom Your Own Country: Indonesia

Road traffic in the United Kingdom drives on Road traffic in the Indonesia drives on the
the left hand side of the road right hand side of the road
Greet people by shaking Rice is a staple food for the majority of
The most common and typical foods eaten in
hands Indonesians
Britain include the sandwich, fish and chips,
pies like the cornish pasty, trifle and roasts island country The President is the official head of state
ethnically diverse Weather in Indonesia can be split into two
a king or queen is the official head of state
most advanced militaries seasons - wet and dry - with warm tropical
The weather of the United Kingdom is in the world temperatures averaging 28°C during the day,
changeable and unpredictable. Summers are throughout the year.
moderately warm, winters are cool to cold.

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