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MK Pengantar Praktek Profesi

Searching Literature, Critical

Appraisal Journal, Plagiarism
Dr. Nurul Muslihah, M.Kes

Email: nurul_muslihah.fk@ub.ac.id

Jurusan Gizi FK UB, 19 Agustus 2019

Trust a Dietitian

 A dietitian (or dietician) is an expert in

dietetics; that is, human nutrition and the
regulation of diet. A dietitian alters their
patient's nutrition based upon their medical
condition and individual needs. Dietitians are
regulated healthcare professionals licensed to
assess, diagnose, and treat nutritional
 Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) are
food and nutrition experts

Dietisien_NMU 2019


Systematic & critical thinking

Pemikiran logis, kritis,

sistematis, kreatif Evidence-based Practice

Keputusan independen dalam pelayanan dan praktik kegizian

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Systematic & Critical Thinking
 Dietisien keputusan independen
dalam praktik kegizian (pengelolaan
pelayanan dan program gizi)


Berpikie sistematis dan kritis

(systematic & critical thinking)
4 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Systematic & Critical Thinking
Systematic Thinking
 Cara berpikir yang fundamental dan sistematis
melalui pemikiran yang yang kritis
 Cara berpikir yang holistik untuk mengatasi
 Systematic thinking = strategic thinking = critical
 Jelas, sederhana, punya makna dan tujuan, fokus
dan arah, hubungan dan feedback, memenuhi
capaian atau outcome
 Critical Thinking : The ability to draw accurate
conclusions about issues when there are no clear-cut
answers by analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating facts,
informed opinions and observations
5 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Berpikir sistematis
 Menganalisa dan mencari solusi komponen penghambat
 Jenis berpikir
a. Logic thinking: menghubungkan ide atau
pernyataan secara bersama ; If….then
b. Causal thinking: menghubungkan aktifitas atau
kegiatan( if then, rantai penyebab dan konsekuensi,
multiple penyebab)
 Mencoba melihat keseluruhan sisten dibandingkan
masing-masing komponen
 Jenis berpikir :multiple partial views

6 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019
8 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Types of articles published in a journal

9 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Baca Literatur Ilmiah
 Step 1: read the abstract
 Decide whether to read the article in detail
 Step 2: read introduction
 It explains why the study is important
 It provides review and evaluation of relevant literature
 Step 3: read Method with a close, critical eye
 Focus on participants, measures, procedures
 Step 4: Evaluate results
 Do the conclusions seem logical
 Can you detect any bias on the part of the researcher?
 Step 5: Take discussion with a grain of salt
 Edges are smoothed out
 Pay attention to limitations

(Carroll, 2006)

10 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Anatomy of a Scientific Article

a. Abstract
b. Introduction
c. Materials and
d. Results
e. Discussion
f. Conclusion

11 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Always Ask Six Things
1) What is the research question?
 What type of question is being asked in your article?
 This is typically found in the Introduction
2) Why was the question asked?
 What did the author/s want to know?
 This is typically found in the Introduction
3) What did they do? Methods
 Validity
 The degree to which the results of a study are likely to be true,
believable and free of bias
4) What was the answer ? Results
 What was the consequence, effect, or outcome of the study?
 This is found in the Results

12 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Always Ask Six Things
5) What did they say about the answer? Conclusion
 What was the decision reached?
 This is typically in the Conclusion

6) What do I do with this information? Is this study of

significant enough quality in method to change my practice
one way or the other?
 Is this study of significant enough quality in method to change
my practice one way or the other?
 Look at the commentary and discussion that has been provided
by the author/s in the journal article.

13 Dietisien_NMU 2019
14 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Decision-making flowchart to decide whether to read the
chosen article or not

15 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Searching Literature

Not all research articles published are

excellent, and it is pragmatic to decide if
the quality of the study warrants reading
of the manuscript.
The first step for a reader is to choose
a right article for reading, depending
on one's individual requirement.
The next step is to read the selected
article methodically and efficiently.

16 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Sumber pustaka (informasi ilmiah)

A. Literatur primer
(memuat hasil penelitian asli, kajian mengenai sebuah
teori baru, penjelasan gagasan semua bidang) contoh
artikel jurnal, prosiding, tesis, disertasi, laporan
B. Literatur sekunder
(memuat informasi yang ada dalam literature primer)
contoh buku, bunga rampai
C. Literatur tersier
(memuat petunjuk untuk memperoleh
literature primer dan sekunder) contoh
abstrak, indeks, ensiklopedia, kamus

17 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Pangkalan Data Penelusuran

A. Pangkalan Data Jurnal Dalam Negeri

1. Pangkalan data jurnal ilmiah Indonesia:
http://isjd.pdii.lipi.go.id/ atau
http://membership.pdii.lipi.go.id (gratis dengan
mendaftar keanggotaan)
2. Indeks publikasi Indonesia: http://portalgaruda.org/

B. Perpustakaan Universitas Brawiajaya

UB berlanggan dan dapat diakses gratis
dengan account UB (ProQuest, Science Direct,
18 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Pangkalan Data Penelusuran

C. Pangkalan data luar negeri akses

1. Direktori jurnal akses terbuka (jurnal dalam
negeri dan luar negeri): http://doaj.org/,
2. Pangkalan data Pubmed:
3. Jaringan repositori Uni Eropa:
D.Pangkalan data dalam mesin pencari
1) Pangkalan data Google:
2) Pangkalan data Microsoft:
19 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Pangkalan Data Penelusuran

E. Pangakaln data luar negeri

berbayar/berlanggana yang sudah
dilanggan oleh Pemerintah RI

Dilanggan Perpustakaan Nasional:

(gratis dengan mendaftar keanggotaan)

20 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Mengapa pencarian dan pengkajian pustaka penting?

 Publikasi ilmiah – komunikasi akademik

 Tujuan kajian pustaka yang telah publikasi
a. Menemukan dasar ilmiah dari penelitian
b. Mengklarifikasi ide dan temuan penelitian
c. Menemukan data dan metode penelitian
d. Mengidendtifikasi isu potensial yang mendukung
rencana kerja
 Tahap kajian literatur
1. Buat pertanyaan penelitian (reaseah question)
2. Buat rencana kajian atau pencarian pustaka
3. Evaluasi dan catat hasilnya
4. Review rencana pencarian
5. Sintesis hasilnya

21 Dietisien_NMU 2019
22 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Interpretation literature
(critical appraisal

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Bagaiamana mengkritisi suatu artikel
di jurnal


Critical Appraisal Journal

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Critical Appraisal?

 the assessment of evidence by systematically reviewing

its relevance, validity and results to specific situations
(Chambers, R 1998)
 the process of systematically examining research
evidence to assess its validity, results, and relevance
before using it to inform a decision” (Hill and
Spittlehouse, 2001, p.1)
 the process of carefully and systematically examining
research to judge its trustworthiness, and its value and
relevance in a particular context. (Burls 2009)
 a systematic process used to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of a research article in order to assess the
usefulness and validity of research findings
25 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Components of critical appraisal

1. an evaluation of the appropriateness of

the study design for the research
question and a careful assessment of the
key methodological features of this
2. the suitability of the statistical methods
used and their subsequent interpretation,
potential conflicts of interest and the
relevance of the research to one's own

26 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019 27
Five steps

 Critical appraisal is an important element of

evidence-based practice (medicine, nutrition &
dietetic, health, etc)

The five steps of evidence-based Practice

1. asking answerable questions (use the PICO tool, which
helps to break down the query into Population,
Intervention, Comparison, Outcome)
2. you then need to search for the evidence - if you can find
a pre-appraised resource, you can miss out the next step;
3. the next step is critical appraisal of your results;
4. you then decide what action to take from your findings;
5. finally, you evaluate your new or amended practice

28 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Ten Questions to Ask when Critically
Appraising a Research Article

1. Is the study question relevant?

2. Does the study add anything new?
3. What type of research question is being asked?
4. Was the study design appropriate for the research
5. Did the study methods address the most important
potential sources of bias?
6. Was the study performed according to the original
7. Does the study test a stated hypothesis?
8. Were the statistical analyses performed correctly?
9. Do the data justify the conclusions?
10. Are there any conflicts of interest?

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019
[P] Who or what is your patient or population group?
[I] What is your intervention or indicator?
[C] What is your comparison or control?
[O] What outcome are you looking for?

 A 47 year old woman comes to see you. She is overweight,

concerned about her overall health, and would like to lose
weight quickly. She has heard a report on the radio
suggesting that resistant corn or potato starch can reduce
obesity. You begin to investigate any evidence to support
 [P] overweight, how does [I] resistant starch
compared with [C] ordinary starch effect the [O] weight

31 Dietisien_NMU 2019

Patient: middle-aged, African American

woman with type 2 diabetes
Intervention: clinic attendance
Comparison: no clinic attendance
Outcome: hemoglobin A1c levels

Dietisien_NMU 2019
The factors to be considered in critical appraisal

1. Study Design
 What is the research question?
 How were patients/respondents identified and recruited?
 Who was included? Who was excluded?
 Randomization methodology: How was equality of groups ensured?
 Was the sample size adequate to answer the research question?
2. Analysis Methodology
 How was the analysis done? Was it appropriate?
 Was subgroup analysis done?
 Was secondary analysis done?
 Did the analysis adjust for multiple testing?
3. Interpretation of results
 Did the study answer the research question?
 Are the conclusions supported by the data? Is the argument
 What questions did the study not address?
 What new questions does the study raise?
 Is there possible investigator/author bias?
 Who financed the study, are there potential conflicts of interest?
 How did the authors interact with the study financiers?
33 Dietisien_NMU 2019

34 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Systematic Review

 A systematic review is a literature review focused on a single

question that tries to identify, appraise, select and synthesize
all high quality research evidence relevant to that question.

 A meta-analysis is a survey in which the results of all of the

included studies are similar enough statistically that the results
are combined and analyzed as if they were one study.

36 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Study design in epidemiological research

Dietisien_NMU 2019 37
Observational study design measures of disease, measures of risk, and temporality
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Validity and bias
 Validity is the degree to which a result from a study is likely to
be true and free from bias.
 Interpretation of findings from a study depends on both internal
and external validity
 Internal validity : The extent to which the observed effects are
true for people in a study.
 Types of bias that affect internal validity: allocation bias,
confounding, blinding, data collection methods, withdrawals and
dropouts, statistical analysis, and intervention integrity (including
 External validity (generalisability or applicability): the
extent to which the effects in a study truly reflect what can be
expected in a target population beyond the people included in the

39 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Types of Bias

1. Selection bias (external validity)

2. Allocation bias
3. Confounding
4. Blinding (detection bias)
5. Data collection methods
6. Withdrawals and dropouts (attrition bias)
7. Statistical analysis
8. Intervention integrity

40 Dietisien_NMU 2019
 Selection bias : to describe a systematic difference in
characteristics between those who are selected for study
and those who are not (Results from low SES schools or
inner-city schools may not be generalisable to all schools)
 Allocation bias : studies which show that comparison
groups are not equivalent at baseline have high allocation
 Random allocation: the best method to produce comparison
groups that are balanced at baseline for known and
unknown confounding factors, and therefore reduce
allocation bias. ensures that every participant in the study
has an equal chance (50%/50%) of being in the
intervention or control group

41 Dietisien_NMU 2019
 Confounding : a situation where there are factors (other than
the intervention) present which influence the outcome under
 A confounding factor has to be related to both the intervention
and the outcome (Body Mass Index at baseline would be a
confounding factor when investigating the effect of school- based
nutrition intervention on preventing obesity)
 Blinding of outcome assessors (detection bias): who are
blind to the intervention or control status of participants should
logically be less biased than outcome assessors who are aware of
the status of the participants (Questionnaires were developed
based on a review of other STD/HIV risk questionnaires
and our findings from focus groups and in‐depth interviews. When
administering the 3‐ and 9‐month follow‐up questionnaires,
interviewers were blind to the study group assignment of

42 Dietisien_NMU 2019
 Data Collection : valid and reliable instruments
 Withdrawals (attrition bias): Attrition bias relates to the
differences between the intervention and control groups in
the number of withdrawals from the study. It arises
because of inadequacies in accounting for losses of
due to dropouts, leading to missing data on follow‐up
 Statistical analysis : A trial/study must have a sufficient
sample size to have the ability (or power) to detect
significant differences between comparison groups. A lack
of a significant effect could be due to the study having
insufficient numbers, rather than the intervention being

43 Dietisien_NMU 2019

intervention integrity five dimensions of

the intervention:
1. Adherence
2. Exposure
3. Quality of delivery
4. participant responsiveness
5. Program differentiation

44 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019 45
 The Cochrane Database of Systematic

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Evidence-based library
Academy of Nutrition ad Dietetics

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Tools of critical appraisal

 https://www.cebm.net/2014/06/critical-

 https://joannabriggs.org/critical_appraisal_tools

49 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Exercise : critical appraisal - RCT

Checklist for evaluating a randomized trial

52 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Reporting guideline

a. CONSORT 2010 checklist – randomized

clinical trial
b. Observational study – STROBE
c. Animal Clinical Trial – ARRIVE
Qualitative – COREQ atau SRQR

CEK reporting guideline dan Journal

Appraisal Template

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Dietisien_NMU 2019 54
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58 Dietisien_NMU 2019
59 Dietisien_NMU 2019

 Setiap mahasiswa melakukan CAJ 2 artikel dari

jurnal internasional (study design Cross
sectional/quasi experiment/RCT dan systematic
 Mahasiswa dengan nomer absen kelipatan 4
1,5,9 dst : RCT dan SR
2,6,10 dst : quasi experiment dan SR
3,7,11 dst : cross sectional dan SR
4,8,12 dst : Case control dan SR

Dikumpulkan tgl 25 agustus dan dipresentasikan 26

agustus 2019

60 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Cara menghindari

61 Dietisien_NMU 2019
What is Plagiarism?

Presenting another’s original thoughts or

ideas as your own
Using another’s exact words without
proper citation
 Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone
else's work and attempting to "pass it off" as
your own. This can apply to anything, from
term papers to photographs to songs, even

62 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Two types of plagiarism:

 Intentional -  Unintentional –
sengaja tidak disengaja
 Copying a friend’s work  Careless paraphrasing
 Buying or borrowing
 Poor documentation
 Cutting and pasting  Quoting excessively
blocks of text from  Failure to use your own
electronic sources “voice”
without documenting
 Media
 Web publishing without
permissions of creators

63 Dietisien_NMU 2019
The First Type of plagiarism
Plagiarism of Words
 The use of another’s exact words without citing the author
 Incorrect
• Plagiarism is the reproduction of someone else’s
words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one’s
own without proper acknowledgement.
 Correct
• Plagiarism is the “reproduction of someone else’s
words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one’s
own without proper acknowledgement”
(Undergraduate Course Handbook: 2008, p.24)

64 Dietisien_NMU 2019
The Second Type of plagiarism

Plagiarism of Structure

 Paraphrasing another’s words by changing

sentence construction or word choice with

 Paraphrasing while maintaining original

sentence construction with acknowledging
the source

65 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Plagiarism of Ideas

Presenting another’s
ideas as your own
without giving the
person credit

Submitting a paper
without citing or
incorrectly citing
another’s ideas

66 Dietisien_NMU 2019
The Fourth Type of plagiarism
Plagiarism of Authorship

Turning in a
replication of
another’s work

Submitting a paper
that you got off the
internet or from a
friend and presenting
it as your own

67 Dietisien_NMU 2019
The Fifth Type of plagiarism
Plagiarism of Self –
Auto plagiarism
• The use of
previous work
for a separate

• Although
these were
you original
words and
credit for a
assignment is
68 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Cara Menghindari

 Quoting: Using author’s exact words
 Paraphrasing: Restating author’s ideas in
your own words and your own sentence
 Summarizing: Briefly stating author’s main
point in your own words and sentence
structure. A summary is shorter than the
original text.

69 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Plagiarism Checker

Turnitin - berbayar

70 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Software Reference

71 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Penulisan Sitasi

 Sitasi: cara untuk memberikan penghargaan

terhadap pikiran, tulisan atau hasil penelitian orang
 Proses pengutipan karya ilmiah orang lain
 Penulisan Sitasi merujuk
 WHO (siapa yang menulis)
 WHAT (apa yang ditulis)
 WHEN (kapan ditulis)
 WHERE (dimana ditulis)
 Citation style
1. APA 6th Edition (American Psychological
Association) – author’s last name
2. Harvard
3. Chicago citation style, dll
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Pengelolaan Referensi

Artikel Daftar
/ Pustaka,
yang disitasi

Manual Software
 Pengetikan satu reference
persatu (repot) manager
 Style/gaya  Mudah, cepat,
penulisan daftar akurat
pustaka berbeda
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Peneliti – menulis artikel jurnal/paper

Source: flickr/toennessen

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Problem statement…

Your topic:

article Your paper
• Lots of typing
book • Lost references
• Mistakes
conference reference list/bibliography

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Use a reference management tool!

article Your article

Mendeley, etc
conference reference list/bibliography

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Reference management softwares
(Aplikasi pengelolaan Referensi)
1. Membantu membuat dan mengelola
daftar referensi untuk research projects
2. Semua software pengelolaan referensi
dirancang untuk mengorganisasi sitasi
ke format spesifik untuk persiapan
manuskrip dan bibliography
3. Tersedia search tools untuk
mengunduh referensi ke software
pengelolaan referensi

Dietisien_NMU 2019

Aplikasi Referensi
a. Endnote
b. Zotero
c. Reffworks
d. Mendeley
e. Citavi

Rismet 1_TM_Pustaka_NM_110917
78 Dietisien_NMU 2019

79 Dietisien_NMU 2019

80 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Aplikasi Mendeley

Mendeley versi Windows dapat diunduh


Panduannya – unduh

Rismet 1_TM_Pustaka_NM_110917
81 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Instalasi Mendeley

a. Unduh software Mendeley:

http://www.mendeley.com versi
Dekstop for Windows

Dietisien_NMU 2019
b. Instalisasi Software Mendeley

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Instalasi MS word plug

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Fungsi Mendeley
1. Menyusun data pustaka di dalam library
2. Memungkinkan pengguna untuk berbagi
pangkalan data secara daring dengan
pengguna lain (jejaring sosial akademik,
ResearchGate.net; Academia.edu;
SSRN.com – social science research

Bagi pengelola jurnal membantu menyesuaikan

dengan citation style yang ditetapkan dalam gaya
selingkung – (perlu dituliskan di author guideline
perlu menggunakan aplikasi pengelolaan referensi
Dietisien_NMU 2019
Membangun Perpustakaan dengan
 Cara import file
1. Tambahkan File (pdf) ke Mendeley
2. Tambahkan folder (pdf) ke Mendeley
3. Import/export EndNoteTM, BibTex, RIS
4. Ambil dari CrossRef, PubMed
5. Ambil Google Scholar
6. Menggunakan Web Importer

86 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Click Add Files, browse to the
location of the pdf then, click the
Open button.

87 Dietisien_NMU 2019
88 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Click Add Folder, browse to the
location of the folder then, click the
Ok button.

89 Dietisien_NMU 2019
90 Dietisien_NMU 2019
91 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Export and Import to and from other
reference management software

92 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Import EndNoteTM - Mendeley

• Pilih FILE Export
• Pilih tipe “XML” dan output style “RIS”
• Beri nama library dan simpan di computer

 Pilih FILE Add Files
 Pilih XML (computer export dari EndNote)
dan klik “open”

93 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Sumber dari CrossRef, PubMed

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Dari Google

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98 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Mengelola Dokumen dan Referensi,
Sitiran, dan Daftar Pustaka

 Mulai menulis, mengutip sitasi, membuat daftar

pustaka di aplikasi MS Word office
 Tidak diperlukan koneksi internet
 Melakukan sitasi yang akan dibuat referensi
a) Mengetik atau membuka file yang akan dilengkapi
b) Letakkan kursor diantara tulisan yang akan disisipi
referensi, ke menu REFERENCES di Microsoft word
dan pilih “Insert Citation” dan klik agar terhubung
dengan Mendeley
c) Klik

99 Dietisien_NMU 2019
Sitiran dan daftar pustaka

Dietisien_NMU 2019
Sitiran dan daftar pustaka

• Pilih salah satu artikel di Mendeley dan

kilk “cite”
• Jangan lupa – pillih citation style

101 Dietisien_NMU 2019

Daftar referensi atau pustaka

 Artikel yang disitasi dapat langsung dibuat daftar

referensi/daftar pustaka secara otomatis
• Ke menu REFERENCES dan klik insert Bibliography

102 Dietisien_NMU 2019


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