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PERGAMON Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

Invited article

A review of evidence of health bene®t from arti®cial neural networks

in medical intervention
P.J.G. Lisboa*
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
Accepted 1 August 2001

The purpose of this review is to assess the evidence of healthcare bene®ts involving the application of arti®cial neural networks to the
clinical functions of diagnosis, prognosis and survival analysis, in the medical domains of oncology, critical care and cardiovascular
medicine. The primary source of publications is PUBMED listings under Randomised Controlled Trials and Clinical Trials. The roÃle of
neural networks is introduced within the context of advances in medical decision support arising from parallel developments in statistics and
arti®cial intelligence. This is followed by a survey of published Randomised Controlled Trials and Clinical Trials, leading to recommenda-
tions for good practice in the design and evaluation of neural networks for use in medical intervention. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.
Keywords: Review; Randomised controlled trials; Clinical trials; Decision support systems; Prospective studies; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Survival analysis

1. Introduction networks. However, before embarking on a speci®c review

of neural network applications, it is important to consider
1.1. The context of medical decision support methodologies the wider context of existing methods from arti®cial
intelligence and statistical diagnostic aids, whose experi-
Arti®cial intelligence has been proposed as a reasoning ence provides a framework to discuss the potential of
tool to support clinical decision-making since the earliest novel approaches.
days of computing (Ledley & Lusted, 1959). The theoretical Early computer models were intended for general clinical
and practical problems encountered have led to important consultation, with the aim of systematising the investigation
developments in statistics and computer science, but it was of a range of possible scenarios. Advanced computing
only during the last decade of the last century that decision would enable physicians to concentrate where they are
support systems have been routinely used in clinical practice most needed, at the patient's bedside, while specialist
on a signi®cant scale. Some of these involve arti®cial neural knowledge would be left to recall systems that can handle
the `encyclopaedic' aspects of medicine (Schwartz, 1970).
However, it became apparent that the enormous complexity
* Tel.: 144-151-231-2225; fax: 144-151-207-4594.
created by interactions between clinical conditions made a
E-mail address: p.j.lisboa@livjm.ac.uk (P.J.G. Lisboa).
comprehensive scenario analysis intractable. This started a
Abbreviations: AAP, Acute abdominal pain decision system; ARD,
Automatic relevance determination; ART, Adaptive resonance theory; dilemma that is still current, namely the need to specialise
AUROC, Area under the ROC curve; CART, Classi®cation and regression the design of decision support systems to closely circum-
trees; CDSS, Computer-based decision support systems; CI, Con®dence scribed medical problems, when clinicians have no reason
interval; CP, Capsular penetration; ECG, Electrocardiogram; EEG, Elec- to take-up computational tools unless they are useful for
troencephalogram; EGG, Electrogastrogram; FES, Functional electrical
almost every patient in a generic category of clinical condi-
stimulation; FP, False positive rate; fPSA, Free PSALDA; Linear discrimi-
nants analysis; LogR, Multiple logistic regression; MARS, Multivariate tions (Shortliffe, 1993). Worse still, it has long been recog-
adaptive regression splines; MEG, Magnetoencephalography; MLP, nised that a substantial proportion of clinical cases involve
Multi-layer perceptron; MLR, Multiple linear regression; MRI, Magnetic rare conditions, e.g. 15% has been reported for acute
resonance imaging; MRS, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PET, Positron abdominal pain (Shepherd, 1972), which are discarded
emission tomography; PSA, Prostate speci®c antigen; RCT, Randomized
by the ruling-in of an assumed set of disease categories,
clinical trials; ROC, Receiver operating characteristic; SOM, Self-orga-
nised map; TNM, Clinical staging from tumour size, lymph nodes affected implicitly ruling-out the rest.
and distant metastasis. Computing research turned towards a formalisation of the
0893-6080/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0893-608 0(01)00111-3
12 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

process of model-based reasoning, on the heels of studies of for several years in a clinical environment (McAdam et al.,
problem-solving strategies which indicated that clinical 1990; De Dombal, Clamp & Wardle, 1997). Structured
expertise in dif®cult cases is largely reliant on causal, belief networks implemented with the aid of Bayes's
pathophysiological reasoning (Schwartz, Patil & Szolovits, theorem have outlasted the 1970s and 1980s. Where
1987). This approach was followed in MYCIN (Shortliffe, independent Bayes was once used 30 years ago, good
1976), which set the foundations for expert systems. approximations of the integrals over distribution spaces
Ironically, this methodology has been most successful in are now possible with numerically intensive methods such
prescriptive domains whose scope can be strictly limited, as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (Neal, 1996). These devel-
many of which are outside of medicine. Other successful opments anticipated the current con¯uence of interest on
products have developed as laboratory expert systems, graphical models (Lunn, Thomas, Best & Spiegelhalter,
which do not intrude directly into the process of clinical 2000; Spiegelhalter, Myles, Jones & Abrams, 1999) from
care. One such system to diagnose the results of pulmonary sectors of the arti®cial intelligence, statistical modelling and
function tests (PUFF) is reported to be have used routinely machine learning communities.
since 1977 and sold to multiple sites (Aikins, Kunz, Nevertheless, at the end of the 1980s serious de®ciencies
Shortliffe & Fallat, 1983; Coiera, 1997). The clinical poten- were recognised in both expert systems and naõÈve Bayes
tial of expert systems is increasingly being realised in drug pro®le-matching. They were unable to cope with variations
prescribing, for instance the project PRODIGY (Prescribing in disease presentation, both in terms of the spectrum of
Rationally with Decision Support in General Practice ®ndings and their severity. Nor could they deal with the
Study) which has undergone extensive multicentre evalua- evolution of disease over time, for instance in response to
tion (Rogers, Jain & Hayes, 1999). Note that some expert treatment, recognise how one disease may in¯uence the
systems, notably MYCIN, use explicit measures of uncer- presentation of another, or provide explanations based on
tainty and issue prompts for further information, generating patho-physiology (Schwartz et al., 1987). Moreover, new
an interactive consultation (Shortliffe, 1990). Explanations knowledge was not readily accommodated without poten-
are provided for the prompts, by listing the information tially disruptive consequences for the model, in violation of
sought to specify the complete set of antecedents for the the very principles of adaptation that are characteristic
rules closest to ®ring. expectations of intelligent systems. These objections still
An alternative approach, closer to classical statistics, was apply today to neural networks, and must be taken into
to ªconstruct and evaluate hypotheses by matching a account when considering the roÃle of new paradigms for
patient's characteristics with stored pro®les of a given medical decision support.
diseaseº (Schwartz et al., 1987). This approach represents A third approach to computational reasoning emerged,
a paradigm shift from structured reasoning modelled on built around compartmentalised models of anatomy,
human expertise, which accesses a knowledge base consist- physiology and pharmacology. Model-based reasoning is
ing of operational rules, to one based on empirical evidence, expressed as coupled non-linear differential equations or
by relying on representative databases of historical data. A as causal probabilistic networks, for instance to simulate
well-known programme using this approach was INTER- dynamic response to therapy, adapting for particular
NIST-QMR (Miller, Pople & Myers, 1982). This patients by ®tting key parameters to small amounts of data
programme mirrors hyptothetico-deductive reasoning (Andreassen, Benn, Hovorka, Olesen & Carson, 1994).
(Shortliffe, 1990) by assigning scores to clinical ®ndings, These methods were the focus of decision modelling in
listed by disease pro®les, such that the accumulation of the 1980s, taking over from expert systems and empirical
scores corresponded to building the evidence base for a data modelling in the hope of resolving the serous concerns
clinical diagnosis. It could handle coexistent diseases, and about those methods which were outlined earlier, in parti-
was remarkably accurate from the start, given that it cular the need to accommodate multiple-disease diagnoses,
made strong assumptions about mutual independence of sequential gathering of evidence over time and the
the predictive variables (Shortliffe, 1990). Already, it was perceived clinical trend to `delve deeper into the origins
noted that it can be dif®cult to trace the system's of disease' (Lucas, 1997).
recommendations in order to adequately explain them to A consensus developed that clinical advisory systems
clinicians, in part due to their ªreliance on hard-to- must specialise to a narrow clinical domain, which can
understand numerical scores in dealing with uncertaintyº be addressed at several quite different levels. Practical
(Kulikowski, 1988). systems have used shallow associations between observa-
Other examples of successful Bayesian models are De tions and a ®xed universe of allowed outcomes to formu-
Dombal's system for the diagnosis of acute abdominal late a phenomenology of particular classes of disease,
pain (AAP) (De Dombal, Leaper, Tanisland, McCann & applicable in speci®c clinical settings. An example of
Horrocks, 1972; Horrocks, McCann, Staniland, Leaper & this approach is the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
De Dombal, 1972; De Dombal, 1984) and the GLAsgow Evaluation (APACHE, Knaus, Draper, Wagner &
system for the diagnosis of DYSpepsia (GLADYS, Davies Zimmerman, 1985; Knaus et al., 1991; Rowan et al.,
& Owen, 1990). In particular, AAP has been used routinely 1994; Gunning & Rowan, 1999) and Simpli®ed Acute
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 13

Physiology Score (SAPS), which are among widely used 1.2. Previous surveys of medical applications involving
statistically derived scoring system for patients receiving neural networks
critical care. Nevertheless, despite statistical studies
supporting the robustness of these algorithms (Lemeshow Early reviews of medical applications of neural networks
& Le Gall, 1994), there is controversy surrounding their focused on their potential for non-linear data analysis,
use in emergency care wards. This comes, in part, from distributed associative memory function as a way of avoid-
evidence that use of severity of illness scores can increase ing dif®culties with the acquisition of expert knowledge,
mortality predictions when they use physiological vari- noise tolerance due to their inherently parallel architecture,
ables recorded with the Intensive Care Information and adaptability to accommodate new manifestations of
Systems (ICIS) (Bosman et al., 1998), because automatic disease (Reggia, 1993). The thorny issue of performance
charting extracts more abnormal values for most physiolo- assessment and clinical evaluation was also starting to be
gical variables than manual charting.In addition, extreme addressed (Ezquerra & Pazos, 1994). Their roÃle in the
variability in the accuracy of mortality prediction across modelling of neurological and psychiatric function was
different patient groups (Moreno, Apolone & Reis also clearly delineated from that of decision support,
Miranda, 1998), has also called into question the validity where the modelling of empirical data was recognised to
of using score measures in making treatment decisions for be akin to statistical pattern recognition (Reggia, 1993).
individual patients (Civetta et al., 1990, 1992). A series of articles in an in¯uential medical journal
The roÃle of medical decision support can now be emphasised the prevalence, in clinical practice, of an
summarised and extended in the context of a review of associative memory function (Cross, Harrison & Lee
neural network applications. Adapting from taxonomies Kennedy, 1995) attuned to the variability of disease
of arti®cial intelligence in medicine (Shortliffe, 1990; presentations and degrees of severity which compound
Coiera, 1997) there are three general categories of appli- intra- and inter-patient effects. In statistical terms, medical
cation for neural networks in medical decision support. data typically have very low signal-to-noise ratios, as a
result of the earlier effects combined with measurement
1. Tools for attention focusing, aiming to detect abnorm- noise, variations in clinical protocols across multiple
alities, whether in hospital-based information systems centres, and even signi®cant geo-demographical differences
or clinical laboratory systems. Their purpose is to between patient populations (Kennedy et al., 1997). The
remind the user of diagnoses that might otherwise high levels of noise typical in medical data cast a long
have been overlooked, or recall rarely occurring shadow over the appropriateness of ®nely tuned non-linear
disease pro®les. models, requiring extensive, and indeed very expensive,
2. Patient-speci®c assessments and advice, started out as performance testing to have con®dence in claimed general-
tools to support generic consultation by providing isation performance.
diagnostic and prognostic inferences. Given the The rationale for using neural networks to model the
current reliance on complex medical signals, phenomenology of disease was originally to replicate
inference models may be regarded as predictive associative memory functions that are known to be impor-
instruments that sit alongside other medical devices. tant in many familiar activities, even when they involve the
Early approaches have been dubbed Greek oracle exercise of rational judgment in complex tasks (Dreyfus &
models, on account of the fact that physicians turn Dreyfus, 1986). Technologically, however, neural networks
to them for advice but `deferring to the dialogue remain part of the `arcane subject of non-linear statistical
style and recommendations of the machine' modelling and inference' (Cross et al., 1995) with an inten-
(Shortliffe, 1993). An alternative, more interactive tion to make this important and developing ®eld accessible
implementation of diagnostic and prognostic indices, to non-specialist statisticians. It may be argued that sound
is to use them as metrics to access electronic data- statistical principles are essential to trust the evidence base
bases, in order to recall the records of historical cases built with any data-based methodology, including neural
predicted to be the most relevant to inform on a networks (Schwartzer, Vach & Schumacher, 2000). There-
speci®c patient query. fore, these methods are best justi®ed where they provide
3. Interactive tools for critiquing and planning provide additional functionality to that of well-established statistical
`black-boards' for scenario analysis, allowing the models, which are typically linear-in-the-parameters. This
clinician to gain new insights by testing hypotheses leaves two opportunities. One is to accurately map features
about the patient's condition, and to consider the of the data that are dif®cult or expensive to ®nd in a conven-
possible effects of different treatment choices. The tional statistical development, typically consisting of
utility of this approach can be substantially enhanced complex interactions between particular variables or
by comparing the clinician's inferences with those attributes. The other possibility is to add substantially to
derived from historical data, by automatically request- the power of exploratory data analysis, for instance by
ing further information about the most informative raising hypotheses about unsuspected non-linear compo-
indicators to resolve discrepancies between the two. nents whose explicit modelling may improve the accuracy
14 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

of standard statistical methods, or by providing direct for 15 of 22 data sets, three of which consisted of medical
visualisation of complex high-dimensional data. This data (Wyatt, 1995). This study was intended to relate the
review focuses on the current clinical application of neural performance of 23 discrimination algorithms to character-
networks, which is chie¯y for non-linear inference, istics of the data. Some of its results con®rmed expectations,
bringing-in their power in exploratory analysis as part of for instance, linear and logistic discriminants performed
the general discussion. similarly and did better than quadratic discriminants except
By 1995 there were close on 1000 citations of neural when there differences in the dispersion of different
networks in the biomedical literature (Baxt, 1995,1996), categories, and that naõÈve Bayes works best when the
mostly describing studies with historical data, often small indicator variables are approximately independent of one
sets on which the predictive accuracy was tested. Certain another. Other results were more surprising. The `locality'
medical domains were identi®ed to have potential for diag- of the decision surfaces of the multi-layer perceptron made
nostic support, at least on the basis of accuracy in single site it similar to a rapid implementation of k-nearest neighbours,
trials. An example is pre-screening of patients who present which is consistent with a localised associative memory
to emergency units with acute chest pain, to try to identify function.
those who are most likely to have suffered Acute Myocar- In an attempt to ensure that the results of this large
dial Infarction (AMI). Studies involving 706 patients collaborative effort were comparable across the participat-
returned sensitivities and speci®cities from 80 to 96% ing centres, and to make a systematic benchmark of a large
(Baxt & White, 1995), compared with a large study of range of databases practicable, the methods were applied in
physician's performance that claimed an overall sensitivity `standard' form with relatively little optimisation to each
and speci®city of 88 and 71%, respectively (Goldman et al., dataset. This protocol afforded only limited control of
1988). Most of these papers used current neural network over-®tting, to which these methods are known to be
methodologies, almost invariably the multi-layer perceptron prone. In relation to medical applications, the authors
with `early stopping' to prevent over-®tting. A particularly noted that only a few methods can handle missing data or
interesting methodological study concerned the in¯uence of have the capacity for incremental learning, and machine
input variables on the response of a network trained to learning algorithms are the most transparent. Furthermore,
recognise high risk of AMI. This sensitivity analysis uses the lack of compensation for differences in class prevalence,
the bootstrap to correct for small sample bias and shows that i.e. heavily skewed data, resulted in the Radial Basis Func-
the bias is signi®cant (Baxt & White, 1995). tion (RBF) network on occasions performing worse than the
Other promising areas included image analysis and guessing line, while on another example with fewer input
radiography, recovery from surgery and prostate, breast variables and a balanced data set it outperformed back-
and ovarian cancer, and clinical pharmacology. However, propagation, and it was the best classi®er overall for the
there was little evidence that clinicians would be interested DNA dataset. So, more detailed benchmarks were needed.
in developing the prototypes further. Given the apparent A detailed comparison of multi-layer perceptron, rule
reluctance of clinicians to readily embrace computer- induction methods (Quinlan's ID3) and conditional
based decision support (Johnston, Langton, Haynes & independence Bayes, applied to the diagnosis of acute
Mathieu, 1994), it is necessary to demonstrate a greater abdominal pain, gave similar accuracy for all three methods
appreciation of the broader clinical needs served by decision (Schwartz, Wiles, Gough & Phillips, 1993). This time, each
support, as well as the results from related studies with methodology was carefully optimised for maximum perfor-
alternative methodologies. mance on a `hold-out test `set comprising 30 cases, from a
The third paper in the same series was concerned with total design sample of 276. No separate sample was
applications in pathology and medical laboratories provided to validate the out-of-sample performance
(Dybowski & Gant, 1995). It is recognised that statistical estimate. The clinicians' initial diagnostic impressions
and neural network methods are ideally suited for were compared with the computer-based predictions from
cytopathology. Typical diagnostic procedures require he the various methods, in the diagnosis of appendicitis against
assessment of pro®les of cytological features, for example other serious illness and non-speci®c pain. There were a
in ®ne needle aspirates from breast lumps or Paponicolau total of 41 binary indicators, with the ubiquitous missing
slides from cervical smears (Koss, 1989). Neural networks values coded as separate attributes. The sensitivity and
were also being developed to identify malignancies in breast speci®city in the differential diagnosis of appendicitis
and lung with techniques from clinical chemistry, which versus the rest indicated that the optimal threshold settings
combines serum-derived tumour markers, plasma indices for the MLP and ID3 had similar sensitivity to the doctors
and nuclear magnetic resonance spectral measurements. but were less speci®c. The benchmark Bayes classi®ers
The Lancet papers pointed out that a contemporary were slightly less sensitive than the MLP, for the same
benchmark study, the Statlog project (Comparative Testing speci®city, but all of the inference methods had much
of Statistical and Logical Learning, Michie, Spiegelhalter & poorer speci®city than the doctors. This result is not uncom-
Taylor, 1994), showed neural network methods to be less mon, because numerical classi®ers tend perform best in the
accurate than traditional statistics or decision-tree methods detection of particular clinical conditions, which are well
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 15

circumscribed, but are poor for characterising diffuse, asymptotically approximating the Bayesian optimum, with
generic conditions. little potential for improvement with generic non-linear
A further insight into the diagnostic value of the different models.
procedures may be derived by factorising the ratio of the So far, the extensive retrospective benchmark studies
true positive to false positive ratios, to characterise how the reviewed have reported no signi®cant differences be-
discriminator improves on the guessing line. This de®nes a tween the accuracy of neural network models and that of
boosting factor, between the prevalence and the positive alternative, simpler inference algorithms, including logistic
predictive value (PPV) of the procedure, given by regression. In contrast, the multi-layer perceptron, appears
PPV Sensitivity p Pr…class† to perform as a sub-optimal generic modelling tool. Never-
ˆ : …1† theless, the interest on highlighted by recent reviews of
1 2 PPV 1 2 Specificity Pr…, class†
applications to critical care (Hanson & Marshall, 2001),
Pr(class) and Pr(~class) denote the prevalence within and surgery (Drew & Monson, 2000; Golub, Cantu & Tan,
outside of the diagnostic class of interest. The boosting 1998), staging of prostatic cancer (Montie & Wei, 2000),
factors calculated from the sensitivity and speci®city values and physical medicine and rehabilitation (Ohno-Machado &
quoted in (Schwartz et al., 1993) are 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.8, for Rowland, 1999).
naõÈve Bayes, ID3, back-propagation and the doctor's initial
diagnosis, respectively. The doctors have the clearest gain 1.3. Scope of the review of publications
over the guessing line.
In order to make a vast subject manageable, the survey
Also of interest is the poor overlap between the models
specialises on applications to the key medical domains of
selected by optimising each of the three radically different
oncology, critical care and cardiovascular medicine, as well
methodologies. This indicates that, as much as the relevant
as the clinical functions of diagnosis, prognosis and survival
variables may re¯ect their inherent symptomatic value, their
selection is partly an artefact of the different structures of
This focus leaves out important application domains,
the discriminant models.
which merit surveys of their own. For instance, mature
A further detailed benchmark was carried out on a
applications of decision support in medicine often require
database of 41,021 cardiac patients admitted to 1081
a combination of several modules operating at different
hospitals in 15 countries (Ennis, Hinton, Naylor, Revow
levels, from pattern recognition to supervisory reasoning.
& Tibshirani, 1998). The prevalence of death within 30
This survey provides a snapshot narrowly focused to neural
days of admission was 7%, therefore the class membership
networks, to the exclusion of hybrid methods such as neuro-
is heavily skewed towards survivors. This study followed a
fuzzy systems (Szczepaniak, Lisboa & Kacprzyk, 2000).
detailed design of an effective logistic regression model,
There are also specialist domain areas linked to signal
with the consequence that some of the predictive variables
processing that merit focused reviews, such as image
were composite indices coding for non-linearities in the
processing and time series analysis, including developments
data, including interaction terms, and there were no missing
in Independent Components Analysis (ICA) for artefact
values as they had been imputed. The ®rst effect militates
removal and feature extraction (Lisboa, Ifeachor &
against the bene®t of an additional generic non-linear
Szczepaniak, 2000a). Yet another growing application
area closely linked to biomedicine is bioinformatics (Shi
Generalised additive models, CART and MARS are
et al., 2000).
alternative generic non-linear statistical models also
included in the benchmark study. Each model was
optimised for the design dataset, which comprised separate 2. Survey of applications
subsets for training and parameter tuning, with a further
holdout sample of size 13,610 for performance estimation. The purpose of the review of publications is to assess
The multi-layer perceptron architecture comprised an the evidence for improvements in healthcare arising from
additional layer of direct connections between the input the involvement of arti®cial neural networks in medical
and response nodes, forming a linear model in parallel intervention. It is generally accepted that the most reli-
with the hidden-unit non-linearities. All unregularised able method of determining the effectiveness of a new
multi-layer perceptron networks showed clear evidence of intervention is to conduct a systematic comparative study
over-®tting, namely a split early on between the mean log- with a Randomised Controlled Trial (Jadad & Rennie,
likelihood for the training and tuning, or testing, datasets. 1998). With regard to neural network applications, evid-
This effect is often indicative of a poor signal-to-noise ratio ence of impact on healthcare outcomes has also been
masking any non-linearities that are not be already modelled reported in some observational studies, therefore data
in the predictor variables. The study concludes that non- collection consisted of a search of publications involving
linear algorithms have limited applicability in clinical neural networks listed in the PUBMED database
settings, possibly because the signal-to-noise ratio tends to (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed) under Randomised Con-
be low. This may result in linear models with interactions trolled Trials (RCT) or Clinical Trials (CT). Additional
16 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

Fig. 1. Continuum of evidence, adapted from a generic model for complex healthcare interventions.

publications of particular interest are also reviewed in speci®cation for the next with the overall the objective
the discussion of each medical domain. It is recognised being, not to test a neural network, inference model or any
that other, equally meritorious, studies will inevitably other individual system module, but to assess the outcomes
have been omitted. Nevertheless, the additional papers of the intervention as a whole, and demonstrate its merits
provide an indication of signi®cant emerging technical against a current intervention. This step of comparing with
developments. an accepted standard is necessary, not just for clinical
Medical decision support is different from other medical acceptance, but also as an essential requirement for
interventions, such as the introduction of new prescription certi®cation of medical devices, whose de®nition includes
drugs, because it involves the exercise of clinical judgment, free-standing software that serves a diagnostic purpose
which can substantially affect the study design (Hunt, affecting patient care (Lisboa, 2001), through a process
Haynes, Hanna & Smith, 1998; Ohmann, Franke & Yang, that involves formal assessment by an independent
1999). For these reasons, a new framework is required to certi®cation body.
assemble evidence in support of a `complex intervention', In reviews of evidence of healthcare bene®ts arising from
whether it is implemented by means of organisational medical decision support, it is customary to distinguish
changes to the delivery of healthcare, through the between improvements in clinician performance and
introduction of new clinical protocols, or by adopting changes in patient outcome. While clearly linked, the two
computer-based decision support systems (CDSS). effects do not always correlate well. For this reason, some
A ¯exible framework for design and evaluation of surveys ®lter RCTs and CTs through a system to score the
complex medical interventions was recently suggested rigour in study design. This ®ltering was deliberately
(Campbell et al., 2000). This framework can be used to not carried out in this review, in order to gain a wider
guide the introduction of new decision support systems, as perspective of clinical applications of neural networks
shown in Fig. 1. Note that each stage feeds directly into a with a critical assessment of the merits in current practice.
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 17

Table 1
PUBMED entries involving neural networks listed under Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT)

Oncology Critical care Cardiology Other

Diagnosis and staging Prostatic cancer: Intracranial AMI: Appendicitis:

haemorrhage in
Gamito et al. (2000) Zernikow et al. (1998) Ellenius et al. (1997) Pesonen (1997)
Finne et al. (2000) Baxt and White (1995)
Cervical cancer:
Doornewaard et al. (1999)
Breast cancer:
Naguib et al. (1996)
Acute leukemia:
Kothari et al. (1996)
Outcome prediction Response to therapy in head and Length-of-stay in Tracolimus blood levels:
neck cancer: preterm neonates:
Bryce et al. (1998) Zernikow et al. (1999) Chen et al. (1999)
Recurrence of breast cancer in Effect of treatment in
axillary node-negative patients: schizophrenia and depression:
McGuire et al. (1992) Modai et al. (1996)
Rib fracture injury:
Dombi et al. (1995)
Radiology MRI of osteosarcoma:
Glass and Reddick (1998) Perfusion scintigraphy for
detection of coronary stenosis:
Goodenday et al. (1997)
Doppler microembolic signal
counts in patients with
prosthetic heart valves:
Georgiadis et al. (1995)

Physiological monitoring Fetal surveillance during

labour from fetal ECG:
Stock et al. (1994)

The publications are mapped out by medical domain and mentioned. One reason for these omissions is the strict
clinical function in Tables 1 and 2. The domains of protocol used to select acceptable evidence for the reviews,
oncology, critical care and cardiology are those where typically requiring the use of a CDSS in a clinical setting by
RCTs are prominent, with CTs used for a wide range of a healthcare practitioner with assessment by a prospective
medical applications. Most of the studies cited are study against a concurrent control (Hunt et al., 1998). While
concerned with diagnostic or prognostic inference, with that speci®cation of evidential studies is understandably
only one RCT directly addressing survival. rigorous, it can be too ®ne a sieve to fully appreciate the
Published reviews of computer-based clinical decision different roÃles of statistical modelling and CDSS. An exam-
support have concluded that the most promising systems ple of a substantial system that is not mentioned in these
are for drug dosing and preventive care (Hunt et al., 1998; reviews is AAP. In a letter responding to a survey of compu-
Weiner & Pifer, 2000). They serve to alert against adverse ter-assisted diagnosis that similarly omitted this system
effects from prescription drugs, or to promote greater (Kassirer, 1994) De Dombal pointed out that an eight-centre
compliance with practice guidelines in health maintenance trial in the UK involving 16,737 patients with acute abdom-
activities such as vaccinations and mammography. One inal pain showed approximately a 20% improvement in the
review paper notes that computer-aided evaluation of diagnostic accuracy of the doctors with almost a 50% reduc-
mammograms already helps to cut the number of missed tion in the rates of perforation and negative laparotomy (De
lesions by half without increasing the false positive rate Dombal, 1994; Adams et al., 1986). A separate study
(Weiner & Pifer, 2000) though it incurs additional costs in showed comparable results maintained over 12 years
terms of time, training and equipment. (McAdam et al., 1990) and this was followed by an inter-
These wide ranging studies do not report any evidence of national study of 15,000 patients from 64 hospitals in the
bene®ts arising from inference-based decision support European Community (De Dombal et al., 1993).
despite the routine use, for instance, of several severity of Some of these systems are discussed in connection to the
illness scores, notably the Glasgow coma score and review of applications in speci®c medical domains in the
APACHE III, the Bayesian decision support systems following sections.
Table 2 18
PUBMED entries involving neural networks listed under Clinical Trials (CT)

Clinical function Oncology Critical care Cardiology Neurology Other

Diagnosis and Cervical cancer: Transient ischaemia: Embolus detection in stroke: Referral methods for patients
staging with third molars:
Prismatic team (1999) Polak et al. (1997) Kemeny et al. (1999) Goodey et al. (2000)
Mango et al. (1998) Acute ischaemia: Spontaneous EEG: Bladder outlet obstruction:
Sherman et al. (1997) Selker et al. (1995) Anderson et al. (1998) Sonke et al. (2000)
Pre-cancerous breast: Sleep EEG: Tear protein patterns:
Simpson et al. (1995) Baumgart-Schmitt et al. (1997, Grus and Augustin (1999)
Quantitative EEG: Haemodialysis:
Winterer et al. (1998) Smith et al. (1998)
Ventilation mode recognition: Ovulation time:
Leon and Lorini (1997) Gurgen et al. (1995)
Pure tone thresholds:
Kimberley et al. (1994)
Outcome Multiple myeloma: Stone growth after lithotripsy:
Bugliosi et al. (1994) Michaels et al. (1998)
Radiology Myocardial perfusion images: MRS of epilepsy: MRS of muscle:
Lindahl et al. (2000) Bakken et al. (1999) Park et al. (1998)
Detection of stenoses from PET of 5-HT reuptake sites:
Doppler ultrasound waveforms:
Smith et al. (1996) Szabo et al. (1996)
PET in Alzheimer's:
Horwitz et al. (1995)
Physiological EEG in paediatrics: Single trial PVEP: Oxygenation in infants:
Si et al. (1998) Liestritz et al. (1999) Taktak et al. (2000)
Heinrich et al. (1999) EGG of gastric empting:
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

Correlation of EEG and MEG: Liang et al. (2000)

Gaetz et al. (1998) Chen et al. (2000)
Lorazepan and sleep EEG: Subcutaneous adipose tissue:
Grozinger et al. (1998) Tafeit et al. (1999)
Evoked potentials in multiple- Nonstress tests
Guterman et al. (1996) in obstetrics:
Kol et al. (1995)
Bone dimeneralization:
Barnhill et al. (1995)
Other Gait patterns: Chang et al. (2000); Wu and Su (2000)
Ground reaction force: Savelberg et al. (1999)
Wheelchair navigation: Simpson and Levince (1999)
Wheelchair propulsion: Patterson and Draper (1998)
Daily motor activity: Kiani et al. (1997)
FES: Riess and Abbas (2000); Abbas and Triolo
(1997); Chang et al. (1997)
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 19

Table 3
RCT and CT with neural networks applied to prostatic, cervical and breast cancer

Reference No. of Clinical function Performance Conclusions

subjects assessment

Prostatic cancer
Gamito et al. (2000) 4133 Prediction of risk of lymph node spread External validation 98% accuracy in detection of low risk of
(LNS) from age, race, PSA, PSA (n ˆ 660) LNS with a MLP
velocity, Gleason sum and TNM
Gamito et al. (2000) 409 Predicting capsular penetration (CP) Train/test 84% accuracy in detection of CP with a
with the same explanatory variables as MLP
Finne et al. (2000) 656 Elimination of false-positive PSA results Leave-one-out At clinically relevant sensitivities MLP
by combining total PSA, proportion of and LogR reduce the number of false-
free PSA, digital rectal examination and positives signi®cantly better than the
prostate volume proportion of free PSA
Cervical cancer
Prismatic team,1999 NNA Assessment as a primary screening tool External validation 89.9% agreement across all classes was
for categorization of cervical smears (n ˆ 21,700) found between PAPNET and
adequate for reporting as negative, mild, conventional primary screening, with
moderate or severe dyskaryosis, similar sensitivity (82 cf. 83%), with
invasion, glandular neopplasia and PAPNET having improved speci®city (77
borderline nuclear changes cf. 42%) and faster processing (3.9 min
cf. 10.4 min)
Doornewaard et al. (1999) NNA Assessment as a primary screening tool External validation PAPNET testing has similar diagnostic
for the early detection of cervical (n ˆ 6063) value to conventional screening of Pap
dysplasia smears, with AUROC 95% CIs of 78-
82% for control and 77-81% for PAPNET
Mango et al. (1998) NNA Comparison of yield in re-screening of External validation PAPNET returned a yield of 6.2% versus
node-negative PAP smears between (n ˆ 10,000) 0.6% for manual re-screening
NNA and conventional unassisted
Sherman et al. (1997) NNA Evaluation of an ancillary tool to clarify External validation Consensus PAPNET results of abnormal
the status of atypical smears with (n ˆ 200) were predictive of abnormal histological
borderline abnormalities, comparing the ®ndings at follow-up
results of ®ve trained cytologists
Breast cancer
Naguib et al. (1996) 81 Prediction of the lymph node Train/test/ validation Neural networks are sensitive for
involvement with surrogate predicting lymph node positive patients
measurements of the primary tumour, by
combining SOM and MLP layers
Simpson et al. (1995) 91 Identi®cation of pre-cancerous from Train/test Sensitivity and speci®city above 90% for
normal breast based on thermal pro®les LDA and MLP for aged matched patients
combined with progestorone and steroid
McGuire et al. (1992) 199 Prediction of the the likelihood of a Train/test The MLP was more speci®c than
relapse within 5 years in axillary node- conventional analysis for the
negative patients identi®cation of low-risk patients

2.1. Oncology (Kothari, Cualing & Bhander, 1996). One study carried out
performance estimation with the bootstrap methodology
2.1.1. Models for inference and visualisation (Baxt & White, 1995) but internal cross-validation without
A list of papers addressing three of the most prevalent the use of an additional validation dataset is still very much
cancers is presented in Table 3. The results reported show used to estimate generalisation performance. While this
considerable discriminatory power for quantitative becomes robust for large sample sizes, it is known to return
modelling of disease with composite indices comprising optimistic estimates of misclassi®cation error. These meth-
indicators that are available in routine tests. This highlights odological issues are returned to in the discussion of critical
an emerging roÃle for quantitative models for decision design considerations in Section 4.
support in evidence-based medicine. Studies of prostate cancer concern the elimination of false
However, the neural networks tested are generally built positive Prostate Speci®c Antigen (PSA) results and the
around the original implementation of the multi-layer development of prognostic indicators for con®rmed cases.
perceptron, with few publication using any form of regular- PSA concentration is a sensitive but unspeci®c test for
isation of the objective function, for instance weight decay disorders of the prostate. The aim of the study is to increase
20 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

the speci®city without sacri®cing the sensitivity, by tion. Image features were derived from intensity histograms.
combining measurements of free PSA and prostate volume, In early clinical trials, the agreement between inferences
with the outcomes from a digital rectal examination in men made with PAPNET and a subsequent histological diagnosis
aged 55±67 years with total serum PSA concentrations of was 38% for severe dysplasia, 35% for carcinoma-in-situ
4±10 ng/ml (Finne et al., 2000). The reduction in false and 72% for suspected invasive carcinoma (Boon & Kok,
positives was estimated by leave-one-out cross-validation, 1995). This compared with 40,20 and 62%, respectively,
at clinically relevant levels of sensitivity 80±99%. The with conventional screening, indicating that the compu-
overall conclusion is that either MLP and LogR could terised method may signi®cantly improve detection accu-
reduce the number of biopsies signi®cantly better than racy for the most severe cytological abnormalities. As with
using free PSA. Other studies claim that reducing false AAP 20 years previously, a simple statistical algorithm
positives for PSA measurements below 4 ng/ml is also within a well-structured model has proved to be surprisingly
possible with neural networks (Stamey et al., 1998). effective and robust. It is clear that the acceptance of
The other studies address prognostic risk for con®rmed PAPNET by laboratory cytologists required more than the
diagnoses, and are both contained in a single paper. PSA is performance demonstrated in clinical trials.
again used, this time combined with clinical staging to Several aspects of the system have contributed to its
predict the likelihood of lymph node spread (LNS) (Gamito, sustained adoption for routine use. First of all, it addresses
Stone, Batuello & Crawford, 2000). For capsular penetra- an issue where there was an identi®ed need to improvement
tion (CP), PSA and clinical staging are further combined (Koss, 1989; Mitchell, Medley & Giles, 1990; Sherman &
with PSA velocity and the sum of the Gleason scores for Kelly, 1992). Secondly, the overriding design priority was
the two most commonly found histological patterns. This is to substantially improve the sensitivity of diagnostic cell
a substantial study showing good practice in the use for identi®cation, by comparison with trained cytologists, and
validation of an external data set collected from 660 thus reduce the highest-cost errors caused by false negative
patients, who are additional to the design data from 4133 tests. The poor speci®city, which is invariably traded for
patients that were used for training and testing, or tuning, of improved sensitivity, is managed by referring a set number
the classi®ers. Once again, the overall conclusion is that of images for manual inspection. By roÃle specialisation,
accurate objective inference is possible for the likelihood neural networks thus found a practical purpose for routine
of LNS or CP, although the MLP is not assessed against a use alongside trained cytologists in clinical laboratories.
benchmark linear classi®er. The performance of this staging Thirdly, the system promotes user acceptance by integrating
score is also not compared with alternative scores combin- seamlessly into the standard testing protocol (Mango, 1997).
ing clinical stage, Gleason score and PSA levels, for Arguably the largest-scale, and most detailed studies of
instance Partin tables (Blute et al., 2000). any medical applications of neural networks have been
Cervical cytology studies have generated landmark carried out with this system. NNA re-screening of node
papers evaluating Neural Network-Assisted (NNA) review negative smears produced a statistically signi®cant
of Pap smear slides with the PAPNET Testing System. In improvement in yield compared with conventional unas-
1995 this support system gained Federal Drug Administra- sisted re-screening, where the term yield refers to the
tion (FDA) approval for secondary screening. It is arguably percentage of re-screened negatives reclassi®ed as abnormal
the ®rst concrete medical application of arti®cial neural (Mango & Valente, 1998). This conclusion is consistent
networks patented, ®led in 1988 and granted in 1990 with an early landmark study (Boon & Kok, 1993) and a
(Rutenberg, 1990). It also reported the ®rst case-control large multi-centre study (Koss et al., 1997) showing that
study where negative smears were re-evaluated using assisted re-screening could catch cancers that human
manual microscopic re-screening and PAPNET re-screen- re-screening missed. A recent CT of inter-observer varia-
ing (Rosenthal, Mango, Acosta & Peters, 1993). As a retro- bility among ®ve cytotechnologists (Sherman et al., 1997)
spective study, it did not merit inclusion in formal reviews showed that it remained high even with NNA screening.
of the evidence of bene®t from CDSS in medicine. Referral of patients with consensus abnormal readings
The PAPNET system (Mango, 1994) identi®es for visual showed a sensitivity of 51% with 31% referrals, which
inspection the most atypical 64 single cells and 64 clusters was raised to 95% sensitivity by including also patients
among the thousands present in Papanicolaou stained slides with consensus equivocal readings but with 79% referrals.
taken from cervical smears. This system uses a two-tier Since the early trials and subsequent studies reviewing
architecture with different levels of resolution for initial thousands of cases, which demonstrate a potential health
and ®nal classi®cation. The ®rst tier ®lters out debris and bene®t arising from an improvement in clinician perfor-
other unwanted image segments, while the second employ- mance, the capital intensive nature of this technological
ing specialist networks for single cell identi®cation and aid has caused a heated controversy with regard to the
cluster identi®cation. The networks are unregularised cost bene®t of using PAPNET (O'Leary, Tellado, Bucknes,
multi-layer perceptrons trained by back-error propagation, Ali, Stevens & Ollayas, 1998; Radensky & Mango, 1998).
whose reliability depended entirely on the richness and While it is estimated to have a cost per life-year saved that is
diversity of samples made available for training and valida- less than widely used interventions for other conditions such
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 21

as mammography and PSA (Schechter, 1996), this technol- variability is a major contributing factor to the effectiveness
ogy is reported to be more ef®cient when laboratories read of automated cyto-diagnosis of ®ne needle aspirates of the
in excess of 50,000 smears per year raising logistical breast, but also highlights the critical roÃle for external
problems for widespread use (Cuzick and Sasieni, 1999). validation of clinical decision support systems.
Nevertheless, the PAPNET system is now being In a related study, a new unsupervised neural network
considered for primary screening of cervical cancer. A architecture was proposed for the visualisation of medical
report of the PRISMATIC team (Prismatic Team, 1999) data (Walker, Cross & Harrison, 1999). The growing cell
reports good agreement with conventional primary structure is a dynamic two-dimensional map that grows
screening across seven gradings, together with better according to a similarity measure, producing colour maps
speci®city and faster processing. Another RCT with 7 that highlight the distribution of input variables in relation to
year follow-up in a mass screening programme (Doorne- the prevalence of disease at different locations in the map.
waard, van der Schouw, van der Graaf, Bos, Habbema & With the use of Bayes' theorem, probability distributions
van den Tweel., 1999) also agrees that PAPNET has similar estimated with the Parzen window are converted into class
diagnostic value to conventional screening, on the basis of membership probabilities, yielding similar discriminatory
AUROC con®dence intervals of 78±82% and 77±81% for performance as logistic regression for breast cytology.
conventional and PAPNET screening of dysplasia, Putting aside the evidence of the AUROC, the colour
respectively. Derivatives of PAPNET are also being applied maps of the input features provide a powerful visualisation
to the detection bronchogenic carcinoma, from smears of tool to assess correlations between them and with the
sputum (Koss et al., 1997), oesophageal cancer (Koss, externally imposed category label.
2000) and urithelial carcinoma of the bladder, from bladder Some of the less prevalent cancers have also been the
washings (Vriesema, van der Poel, Debruyne, Schalken, subject of study with neural networks and they are listed
Kok & Boon, 2000). in Table 4. A study by Kothari et al. (1996), on cell categor-
In breast cancer, there is interest in surrogate ization in acute leukemia was the only clinical trial listed to
measurement of lymph node status (Naguib, Adams, use regularisation of the objective function. Nevertheless,
Horne, Angus, Sherbet & Lennard, 1996) and for the discrepancy between a negligible training error and a
identi®cation of pre-cancerous breast (Simpson, McArdle, 10% generalisation error, found with various sets of expla-
Pauson, Hume, Turkes & Grif®ths, 1995). It is clear from natory variables, indicates that either the sample size or
these early studies that the quality of data, in particular the choice of design sample makes it insuf®ciently representa-
occurrence of missing values, is a signi®cant bottleneck for tive of the test distribution, or the regularisation parameter
the application of pattern recognition. McGuire, Tandon, was underestimated. Bryce, Dewhirst, Floyd, Hars and
Allred, Chamness, Ravdin and Clark (1992), carried out a Brizel (1998) and Bugliosi et al. (1994) are the only trials
detailed analysis of the prognostic factors in¯uencing directly concerned with prognostic models for survival, as a
predictions of relapse in axillary node-negative patients measure of treatment. Bryce et al. (1998) use complete
and propose a framework to use this prognostic information records with 2-year follow-up from 116 randomised patients
directly to inform treatment decisions. The purpose of this in a Phase III clinical trial comparing hyper-fractionated
interim study was to further rationalise adjuvant treatment radiotherapy with or without concurrent systemic treatment.
decisions for a patient cohort who are generally at low risk Glass and Reddick (1998), explore the relatively new
of relapse. Its ®ndings were that the MLP was sensitive in modality of contrast enhanced MRI to non-invasively
the detection of the most prevalent group, comprising measure a key feature of invasive tumours, the extent of
patients with good-prognosis. necrosis. Features of interest are identi®ed by a Self-
Another study of particular interest addressed the organised map (SOM) and classi®ed by a MLP. Bugliosi
automated cytodiagnosis of ®ne needle aspirates of the et al. (1994), applied the MLP but also a holographic model,
breast from 10 cytological features together the patient's carrying out automatic variable selection. In particular, 132
age. A prospective data set comprising 322 collected by further patients were excluded for key missing variables.
multiple observers was used to validate a MLP model
optimised from a design data set with 692 cases collected 2.1.2. Survival analysis
retrospectively by a single observer (Cross, Stephenson, Survival analysis is an important of medical statistics,
Mohammed & Harrison, 2000). The sensitivities and posi- frequently used to de®ne prognostic indices for mortality
tive predictive values at a speci®city where there were no of recurrence of a disease, and to study outcome of treat-
false positives, were 79 and 100% when estimated for the ment. While these methods are applied in virtually every
MLP from an independent test subset of the design data. medical domain, applications are particularly prevalent in
However, these values fell to 67 and 91%, respectively, oncology. It has been recognised in the medical literature
when the model was applied to the external validation that neural networks have much to contribute to the model-
data. The 31% drop in sensitivity was considerably worse ling of cancer survival (Burke et al., 1997; Lundin, Lundin,
than the 10% drop observed for logistic regression, from 82 Burke, Toikkanen, Pylkkanen & Joensuu, 1999), on the
to 72% for the same datasets. This shows that inter-observed basis of early studies comparing the MLP with the Tumour,
22 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

Table 4
RCT and CT with neural networks in oncology

Reference No. of Clinical function Performance Conclusions

subjects assessment

Head and neck

Bryce et al. 95 Survival prediction following Cross-validation MLP modelled uncensored survival
(1998) treatment for squamous cell carcinoma better than LogR, with AUROC 95%
CIs of 78 ^ 5% and 67 ^ 5%
respectively (P ˆ 0.07) and better
than clinical staging alone (60 ^ 7%,
P , 0.02)
Glass and Reddick 43 Assessment of percentage of necrosis Train/test/validation The predicted percentage of necrosis
(1998) from dynamic contrast enhanced MRI and histopahological analysis
in a two-step process involving correlated with a Spearman rank
segmentation with SOM and coef®cient of 0.617 (P , 0.001)
quanti®cation with MLP
Acute leukemia
Kothari et al. 170 Categorisation into subcategories Train/test MLP regularised with weight decay
(1996) based on lineage and differentiation in generalised with 10%
antigen expression with 28 available misclassi®cation error from lineage
covariates or differentiation
Multiple myeloma
Bugliosi et al. 172 Prediction of survival from patient Train/test Although test performance is perfect,
(1994) characteristics at onset at response to this study is recognised to be
induction therapy. preliminary

Nodes and Metastasis (TNM) clinical staging system in routinely used survival models that are linear in the para-
recommended by the World Health Organisation. Initial meters. Taking as an example the proportional hazards
®ed time models were also applied to other areas such as method, also called Cox regression, the assumption is
AIDS-related mortality (Ohno-Machado, 1997). made that for any combination of covariates, the hazard
The principal differentiating characteristic of survival ratio is strictly proportional to that of a selected baseline
modelling compared with conventional class discrimination population. What appears to be a disastrously restrictive
is the overriding presence of censorship. Censorship occurs assumption is in fact approximately observed in many clin-
when a patient is lost to follow-up without event of interest ical situations which, combined with the use of a linear
taking place. In a cancer mortality study, for instance, the prognostic index, makes this model overwhelmingly the
event of interest might be death ascribed to breast cancer, most commonly used in large-scale medical statistical
with a period of study involving follow-up over 5 years. Any studies. As a result, direct MLP extensions of proportional
patient who is lost to the study within 5 years of recruitment, hazards have been proposed (Faraggi, Simon, Yaskil &
whether by something as innocuous as changing address or Kramar, 1997; Ripley, Harris & Tarassenko, 1998) which
as serious as death from an un-related cause, is considered maintain the separation between the dependence on time
censored. These inter-current deaths may be particularly and on the patient speci®c vector of covariates, resulting
dif®cult to de®ne, as cardiac arrest may be due to systemic in non-linear proportional hazards models.
damage in¯icted during cancer therapy and, as such, the A more ef®cient representation of time is to include it as a
original cancer could legitimately be considered as a contri- covariate, serving as an input index to condition hazard
buting factor to the death. Furthermore, all patients reaching estimates made by a single output unit. This approach has
the limit of the period of study are deemed censored at the been proposed by several authors (De Laurentiis & Ravdin,
point of maximum follow-up. The term censorship indicates 1994a,b; Liestùl, Andersen & Andersen, 1994; Ravdin et al.,
that there is no way of knowing for certain what the outcome 1992), and is thoroughly described by the Partial Logistic
for those patients would be had they remained in the study. Arti®cial Neural Network (Biganzoli, Boracchi, Mariani &
Treating these data as missing, excluding censored patients Marubini, 1998) as a non-linear extension of a logistic
from the study or employing ad hoc techniques, will incur regression estimator of the hazard rates (Efron, 1988) that
substantial bias in the estimation of survival, which are arises naturally as the discrete time implementation of the
readily demonstrated with simulated data (Brown, Branford proportional hazards model (Collett, 1994). This neural
& Moran, 1997). network model of survival has proved to be very stable in
Several approaches have been proposed to modify the monthly studies over follow-up periods of several years,
MLP in order to capture the effects of censorship. The moti- releasing the proportionality of the hazards assumption
vation for doing so comes from the strict assumptions made and ®tting non-linear effects (Biganzoli et al., 1998; De
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 23

Table 5
RCT and CT with neural networks in critical care

Reference No. of Clinical function Performance Conclusions

subjects assessment

Zernikow et al. 2144 Predicting length-of-stay in Train/test/ validation First-day-of-life data is predictive of length-of-
(1999) preterm neonates from 40 ®rst- stay of pre-term neonates with correlation CIs
day-of-life items of 0.85-0.90 for MLR and 0.87-0.92 for MLP
Zernikow et al. 890 Intracranial haemorrhage in Train/test AUROC 0.935 for MLP and 0.884 for LogR.
(1998) neonates from admission data MLP more accurate than LogR (P ˆ 0.001)
with also better sensitivity
Si et al. 74 Warning system for the Cross-validation Expert system based on neural networks and
(1998) pediatric intensive care unit fuzzy logic agreed with an expert for 45% EEG
(PICU) about EEG sections and predicted with one of seven levels
abnormalities of abnormality in 91%
Stock et al. 113 Prediction of umbilical artery Train/test The predictions from a MLP correlated with
(1994) pH from 13 fetal ECG features measured pH signi®cantly better than those
form MLR

Laurentiis & Ravdin, 1994a,b; Lisboa, Vellido & Wong, ductal carcinoma, but a lower hazard for those with lobular
2000b). It also generates a prognostic index that can be carcinoma.
interpreted in the same way as for the proportional hazards Overall, neural networks have not been clearly
model, and is amenable to regularisation within the demonstrated improve upon the predictive power of
evidence framework of MacKay (1992) provided that proportional hazards, in breast as in other forms of cancer
account is taken of the highly skewed target distributions (Groves et al., 1999). However, an important conjecture is
over time arising from very low hazard ratios in the time that classical and neural models of survival should be used
intervals (Lisboa et al., 2000b; Lisboa, Wong, Harris & as complementary, rather than rival tools (Biganzoli et al.,
Swindell, 2001). 1998; Lisboa & Wong, 2001). In particular, one may feed
The main reported application of these models is to low-order interaction terms onto the other, and both need to
mortality and recurrence following surgery for breast look more closely at common causes of error, namely the
cancer. The practical importance of this work is to inform omission of key prognostic variables and the categorization
clinicians and patients regarding treatment. An early study of continuous scales (Schmoor & Schumacher, 1997). This
of uncensored data for 5-year mortality from breast cancer is especially important in view of the remarks made in the
and colorectal cancer, showed that the MLP predictions methodology section concerning variable selection with
have a signi®cantly better AUROC in each case than assign- neural network models.
ing each patient to the average survival for patients in the
same TNM stage (Burke et al., 1997). A later study compar- 2.2. Critical care monitoring
ing the MLP with LogR also for mortality prediction, gav
comparable predictive performance for the two methods and The few papers related to critical care listed in Table 5 are
indicated that good prediction was possible while omitting concerned with peri- and neo-nates. Predicting length-of-
nodal status (Lundin et al., 1999). Two separate analyses of stay is increasingly important, and it is the focus of a
breast cancer recurrence used non-proportional hazards comparative study of the MLP and multivariate linear
models where a conventional MLP replaces the linear risk regression (MLR) (Zernikow, Holtmannspotter, Michel,
score in Cox regression. One study found no signi®cant Hornschuh, Groote & Hennecke, 1999). A total of 40
difference in predictive accuracy of relapse within staggered ®rst-day-of-life items were made available, together with
®xed time periods (Ripley et al., 1998). The other study the date of discharge. The paper concludes that even ®rst-
modelled contra-lateral recurrence of breast cancer, focus- day-of-life data may contain suf®cient information to
ing on the structure of the prognostic index generated from usefully predict individual length of stay.
the neural network and cross-checking it with strati®ed Cox An earlier study to predict the likelihood of intra-cranial
regression (Mariani et al., 1997). This showed non-linear haemorrhage in pre-term neonates, with gestational age less
interactions between covariates which merit further clinical than 32 weeks and birth weight below 1500 g (Zernikow,
analysis. For example, low oestrogen was found to be Holtmannspoetter, Michel, Theilhaber, Pielemeier &
protective in most patients, as is generally believed to be Hennecke, 1998), again found the MLP to be superior to a
the case, but it appears to have the reverse effect in patients benchmark linear model, this time LogR. This was on the
aged 45 or less. And, progesterone levels showed an basis of the AUROC, as well as the sensitivity measured
interaction with histology, predicting a greater hazard of over a range of clinically relevant speci®cities from 75 to
contra-lateral recurrence for patients with various types of 95% in 5% steps. However, the neural network used 13
24 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

variables where stepwise LogR identi®ed only 5. Given that means that the meaning of a prediction of a particular
stepwise regression is commonly found to select too many percentage of deaths is over-estimated by APACHE
variables and hence be prone to over-®tting, and neither when it is small and under-estimated when it is large,
model was regularised, it is possible that the results reported whereas the MLP over-estimates everywhere except in
are optimistic. An important related area is neonatal moni- the top range.
toring of fetal distress. Loss of oxygenation to the brain
during labour results in acidic traces that can be monitored 2.3. Cardiolovascular medicine
by the pH of the umbilical artery (Stock, Rogers, Li &
Chang, 1994). This study lists the performances of networks Early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in
with increasing complexity, without regularisation, showing patients presenting at emergency wards suffering from
the effect of over-®tting. The paper also raises the issue of severe chest pain, has attracted considerable interest for
skewed class label distributions, which is considered again the application of pattern recognition. The main intention
in Section 4. is to use biochemical markers from a blood sample, to
Features extracted from EEGs have also been used to predict the outcome of protein measurements whose results
make statements about levels of abnormality, with potential take several hours to obtain. The earlier AMI is detected so
for use as an early warning system in the paediatric inten- the sooner blood-thinning medication may be administered
sive care unit. An example of this is an expert system with at a time when it has the largest effect in reducing the sever-
neural network and fuzzy logic elements, which was found ity of the resulting damage to heart muscle. Several studies
to agree with an expert to within two from seven possible focus on this theme which, along with radiology, accounts
abnormality levels (Si, Gotman, Pasupathy, Flanagan, for the publications listed in Table 6.
Rosenblatt & Gottesman, 1998). While all of these studies In an early study, Ellenius, Groth and Lindahl (1997)
point towards potential for automated decision support followed-up the diagnosis of a patient with a minor AMI
systems for an array of critical care applications, further from the time of infarct, by monitoring the rise in the
evidence is still required from more widespread validation concentration of biochemical markers and identifying the
involving multi-centre trials, before these systems can be stage at which the MLP, and each of three expert clinicians,
considered for routine use. could con®rm the diagnosis. This unusual approach to
APACHE II is a severity of injury score in current use system evaluation showed the model detecting AMI and
in intensive care units, although evaluations of its impact later predicting the size of the infarct, simultaneously with
on patient outcome has not been uncontroversial. In parti- the earliest ®rm indications by the experts.
cular, a multi-centre prospective cohort study involving A large-scale study of automated interpretation of 12-lead
2962 patients with 1 year follow-up showed that the sever- electrocardiograms for detection of AMI, was carried out
ity of injury index does not always correlate well with with a cohort of patients presenting to a single hospital over
measures of the extent of disability a year after discharge a 5-year period, comprising 1120 con®rmed cases and
(Thornhill, Teasdale, Murray, McEwen, Roy & Penny, 10,452 controls. A 20 s trace was represented by six
2000). This is an example of performance assessment automatically generated ST-T measurements from each of
not correlating well with patient bene®t, instead showing the 12 leads, providing inputs to 72 input units of a MLP
greater than expected disability levels in patients admitted with a single hidden layer (HedeÂn, O È hlin, Rittner &
with an apparently mild head injury. Other lifestyle Edenbrandt, 1997), controlled for over-training by early
factors also had a signi®cant in¯uence on outcome. A stopping tuned with eight-fold cross-validation. The same
direct comparison was carried out between predictions cross-validation procedure was used for performance
of mortality status at discharge for 8796 patients from estimation, showing a 15.5% (CI 12.4±18.6%) sensitivity
adult intensive care units, made by an unregularised improvement over rule-based criteria used by computer-
MLP and a LogR classi®er combining the APACHE II sized electrocardiographs at the emergency department,
score, post-emergency operation status and a disease cate- with 95% speci®city. A smaller improvement of 10.5%
gory coef®cient (Wong & Young, 1999). The network (CI 7.2±13.6%) was found over the detection rate for
inputs consisted of the 12 physiological variables that go AMI by expert cardiologists, who were restricted to reading
into the calculation of the APACHE II score, together with the ECGs in the absence of contextual information such as
post-emergency operation status, the patient's age and personal data and clinical ®ndings at the initial examination,
chronic health history The results show comparable accu- reducing the speci®city to 86.3%. The comparison with the
racy for the two methods, on the basis of the Lemeshow± computerised rule-based criteria represent a 50% increase in
Hosmer x 2 statistic typically used to assess mortality boost-factor from approximately six to nine, whereas in the
predictions by grouping data into predicted mortality comparison with clinicians the change is by 20% at a like-
groups in 10% intervals. This method highlights differ- lihood gain of around 3.5. The improvements deteriorate at
ences in calibration between the two methods, showing higher speci®cities, but these results have nevertheless been
that APACHE II was closer to the calibration line in the reported enthusiastically in medical journals (Fricker, 1997;
mid-range and the MLP in the upper mortality range. This Josefson, 1997). The authors point out that the system would
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 25

Table 6
RCT and CT with neural networks in cardiology

Reference No. of Clinical function Performance Conclusions

subjects assessment

Ellenius et al. 88 Early diagnosis or exclusion of AMI and Train/test MLP approach could provide useful
(1997) staging of infarct from biochemical support for assessment of patients with
markers suspected AMI
Baxt and White 706 Detection of AMI in emergency Bias-corrected Potential for large bias is present in direct
(1995) departments, from et al. 19 variables sensitivity analysis measurements of input effects, and a
representing patient history, clinical using the bootstrap methodology is proposed to remove this
®ndings and ST-T measurements taken bias
from the ECG
Polak et al. 1367 Prediction of transient ischaemia during Train/test LDA and adaptive logic networks were
(1997) ambulatory Holter monitoring, from a superior to the MLP to predict the
resting 12-lead ECG. Univariate t-tests likelihood for the occurrence of ischaemic
were used to inform model selection episodes
Selker et al. 3453 Clinical indicators available within External validation Limiting the inputs to eight readily
(1995) 10 min of emergency department care (n ˆ 2320) available variables, AUROCs for LogR,
were used to predict AMI and unstable CART and MLP were 0.887, 0.858 and
angina pectoris, in a real-time clinical 0.902, respectively. Each is a clinically
setting useful predictor of clinical outcome
Lindahl et al. 135 Detection of coronary disease from External validation At a clinically relevant speci®city the
(2000) myocardial perfusion scintigrams (n ˆ 68) sensitivity of a MLP was signi®cantly
better than one of six clinical criteria and
two CEqual-based criteria
Goodenday et al. 42 Diagnosis of coronary stenosis from Train/test Identi®cation of coronary artery stenosis
(1997) radionuclide myocardial perfusion from unprocessed clinical images was good
scintigraphy, using a hierarchical and compared favourably with alternative
unsupervised image-recognition neural computer-based methods, but some
network modelled on the neocognitron dif®culties were encountered with rotation
and scale invariance
Smith et al. 219 Detection of stenosis at the site of the Cross-validation Separation of stenosis sufferers from
(1996) common femoral artery, distinguing healthy controls was possible and more
waveforms from proximal, distal and effective with an MLP than with a Bayesian
multi-segmented sites classi®er.
Georgiadis et al. 73 Detection of microembolic signals in Train/test There were no signi®cant differences
(1995) patients with prosthetic heart valve by beween signal counts detected by a MLP or
means of a single transcranial Doppler by trained observers from three centres
ultra-sound 30 min session

be of particular value to junior doctors in emergency rooms, The analysis of input effects by calculating bias-corrected
and the next stage is to integrate additional contextual infor- sensitivities in Baxt and White (1995), ranked new variables
mation such as patient history and ®ndings of clinical inves- higher than certain indicators commonly used by expert
tigations. Some of these ideas are pursued further in the clinicians. The resulting model is consistent with another
work described next. study of variable selection for the prediction of AMI
An advanced methodological study of AMI detection in (Dreiseitl, Ohno-Machado & Vinterbo, 1999) comparing
emergency departments with neural networks, comprises a LogR, Bayesian neural networks (Neal, 1996) and rough
sequence of papers by Baxt and collaborators. Early papers sets. Several variable selection methods suited to each
to optimise the accuracy of the neural network predictions modelling approach were also applied to a set of 500
(Baxt, 1990, 1992) were followed by a careful analysis of records, selecting from 43 variables. Multiple variable
the effects of individual clinical inputs on the network deci- selection runs were carried out with a training data
sion (Baxt, 1994), and the application of rigorous practical consisting of 335 patient records, optimising the results
methodologies for sensitivity analysis (Baxt & White, for a test set comprising the remaining 165 records. Only
1995). Of particular interest is the use of the bootstrap to one variable, ST elevation, was selected by all methods.
correct for ®nite-size effects, causing bias in the sensitivity This is recognised as clinically very relevant, but three
estimates derived from the training data, a sample with 706 other variables commonly used by experts were not selected
observations. This bias is signi®cant enough to change the by any of the models, namely history of diabetes mellitus,
rank-order of importance of the clinical inputs. severe chest pain and pain duration. The results of both
26 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

studies are consistent with respect to these variables, Turning now to diagnostic radiology, a study of
suggesting that while they may be sensitive to AMI, they myocardial images to quantify coronary heart defects from
have poor speci®city. perfusion scintigrams consisted of developing a classi®er
The initial studies were followed by a prospective with images from 135 patients from one hospital, and testing
comparison between the detection rates by cardiologists it in another (Lindahl et al., 2000). This external validation
and the MLP for a cohort of 1070 patients aged 18 and is a key stage in the evaluation of improvements in clinician
over presenting with anterior chest pain, again, to a single performance arising from the deployment of a decision
hospital (Baxt & Skora, 1996). This is an observational support system, since anything from the quality of
study in which the clinicians and decision system separately equipment to acquisition protocols may vary between
reviewed the same patients, therefore it was not listed in clinical centres ostensibly performing equivalent tasks.
PUBMED as a Controlled Trial. It does not qualify as an The sensitivity of the MLP was found to exceed that of
evaluation of clinician performance, since the trial does not alternative rule-based detection algorithms including some
involve clinicians in the loop, or of patient outcome, as the derived from the Cedars-Emory quantitative analysis
decision support was not used to inform clinical decisions. software, CEqual (De Sutter et al., 2000). In an earlier
Nevertheless, it claims arguably the largest increase in study of the in¯uence of decision support on the interpreta-
performance by a neural network system compared with tion of bull's-eye scintigrams by clinicians, the images were
expert clinicians, boosting the likelihood of making a independently classi®ed by three experts twice with, and
correct decision by factors of 24 and 4.7, respectively, twice without advice from the neural network (Lindahl,
over the prevalence. Lanke, Lundin, Palmer & Edenbrandt, 1999). Overall,
An earlier, multi-centre trial involving emergency there was signi®cantly less inter- and intra-observer
departments in six hospitals, compared three quite different variability in detection of presence against absence of
modelling structures for classi®cation, namely rule induc- coronary disease and classi®cation into two from four
tion, LogR and the MLP, for the prediction of acute cardiac categories than without support, with corresponding
ischaemia (ACI), comprising AMI and unstable angina increases in diagnostic accuracy measured by the AUROC.
pectoris, from eight variables available within the ®rst Georgiadis et al. (1995), is another rare study aiming at a
10 min of emergency care (Selker, Grif®th, Patil, Lon & systematic characterisation of intra-observer, inter-observer
D'Agostino, 1995). The variables represent patient history, and intra-subject variability. In this carefully conducted
together with features extracted from a clinical examination feasibility study of automated embolus detection in patients
and an electrocardiogram. The MLP had noticeably poorer with prosthetic heart valves, also derived from Doppler
calibration than the other methods. It also suffers from being ultra-sound measurements, no signi®cant difference was
more dif®cult to interpret. It was concluded from this study found between the microembolic counts of different
that the choice of database decision support method should observers, among three separate counts by the same obser-
be made on the basis of speci®c application needs rather ver, or between human observers and a MLP. In addition,
than on the premise that any of the methods tried is intrin- repeat examinations of the same patient were also consis-
sically more powerful than the others. Nevertheless, the tent, indicating that the detection of microembolic signals in
results obtained indicate that an important limitation of this patient cohort is a reproducible technique.
the predictive performance for this clinical outcome is the In a separate application, Doppler ultra-sound waveforms
availability of reliable data, rather than the need for more were used to detect proximal, distal and multi-segmental
algorithmic development. stenosis at the site of the common femoral artery (Smith,
An altogether different application is to predict the Graham & Taylor, 1996). Promising results were obtained
likelihood of patients developing transiet myocardial with an MLP by sub-sampling the waveforms of
ischaemia during a period with ambulatory Holter monitor- blood-velocity over time, but only in the discrimination of
ing, using parameters form a previously recorded 12-lead healthy from diseased and not into the four initial
resting ECG (Polak, Zhou, Rautaharju, Armstrong & Chait- categories. This approach was signi®cantly more accurate
man, 1997). This is an example of a study where the MLP than a Bayesian classi®er using PCA scores. In an unrelated
trained by back-propagation was out-performed by a linear study, Goodenday et al. (1997) applied an image recognition
discriminants analysis (LDA) and an alternative model to network directly onto perfusion scintigrams. The network
the MLP, the adaptive logic network. The poor performance used the principles of overlapping localised receptive ®elds
by the MLP, which in principle has enough ¯exibility to familiar from the Neocognitron, but even then dif®culties
emulate the other two, could be due to substantial over- were experienced with changes in position and scaling
®tting. The adaptive logic network is an early derivative between the images.
of the MLP where all nodes are forced towards the
hard-threshold limit, thus assuming a Boolean logical func- 2.4. Other applications
tion. Constraints can then be applied to explicitly control
qualitative features of the model, for instance the convexity The remaining publications describing medical neural
of the decision boundaries. network applications listed in PUBMED Randomized
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 27

Controlled Trials or Clinical Trials are in the areas listed system uses this information to advise further tests that are
below: the most likely to resolve the discrepancy between the two
sets of clinical decisions, providing the required evidence to
² Diagnosis (Goodey, Brickley, Hill & Shepherd; 2000; re-assess the clinical decision. Secondly, the model suggests
Grus & Augustin, 1999; Gurgen, Sihmanoglu & Varol, a list of possible rare diseases, to alert the clinician in
1995; Kemeny et al., 1999; Kimberley, Kimberley & obscure cases, obviating the need to carry `encyclopaedic'
Roth, 1994; Leon & Lorini, 1997; Pesonen, 1997; knowledge about the wide range of possible manifestations
Smith, Ward & Brier, 1998; Sonke, Keskes, Verbeen, of a disease. It is somewhat surprising that this diagnostic
de la Rosette & Kiemeney, 2000) system, which in a large multi-centre study reduced the
² Outcome of treatment (Dombi, Nandi, Saxe, residual diagnostic error for this notoriously dif®cult condi-
Ledgerwood & Lucas, 1995; Michaels, Niederberger, tion by 40% nearly two decades ago (De Dombal et al.,
Golden, Brown, Cho & Hong, 1998; Modai, Israel, 1993) and integrated well with routine clinical practice, is
Mendel, Hines & Weizman, 1996) not more widely known.
² Physiological measurement: Response to treatment was the subject of a RCT
± MEG (Gaetz et al., 1998), visual evoked potentials comparing interventions by expert clinicians with those
(Liestritz, Hoffman, Galicki & Witte, 1999) and guided by a decision support system, using a different
EEG (Anderson, Stolz & Shamsunder, 1998; architecture from those met previously in this review, the
Baumgart-Schmitt, Herrmann, Eilers & Bes, 1997; Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) network. This is
Baumgart-Schmitt, Herrmann & Eilers, 1998; potentially the model of choice for generic medical applica-
Grozinger, Kogel & Roschke, 1998; Guterman, tions, since a common expectation of an `intelligent system'
Nehmadi, Chistyakov, Soustiel & Feinsod, 1996; would include the need for incremental learning and trans-
Heinrich, Dickhaus, Rothenberger, Heinrich & Moll, parency of interpretation, at least by providing access to
1999; Winterer, Ziller, Kloppel, Heinz, Schmidt & category prototypes. Treatment recommendations were
Herrmann, 1998) made for 26 schizophrenic and 28 unipolar depressed
± Other measurements (Barnhill, Zhang & Madyastha, patients, by randomly allocating to choice of intervention
1995; Chen, Lin & McCallum, 2000; Kol, Thaler, Paz to the consensus of two senior psychiatrists, or the
& Shmueli, 1995; Liang, Lin & McCallum, 2000; recommendations made by an ART network trained on
Tafeit, Moller, Sudi & Reibnegger, 1999; Taktak, a set of 211 historical cases all of whom had improved
Simpson, Patel & Meyer, 2000) during 8 weeks of treatment (Modai et al., 1996). The
² Radiology (Bakken et al., 1999; Horwitz et al., 1995; recommendations from ART were similar to those from
Park, Kari, King & Olsen, 1998; Szabo et al., 1996) practicing psychiatrists, with no contra-indicated treatments
² Pharmacokinetics (Chen, Chen, Min, Fischer & Wu, suggested, although two incomplete treatment suggestions
1999) were removed from the study. Similar hospital lengths of
² Physical medicine and rehabilitation (Abbas and Triolo, stay were experienced by both sets of patients.
1997; Chang et al., 1997; Chang, Guan & Burne, 2000; The length of stay of rib fracture patients and their ICU
Kiani, Snijders & Gelsema, 1997; Patterson & Draper, days and mortality were also predicted, training on 522
1998; Riess & Abba, 2000; Savelberg & De Lange, 1999; patients and testing on a further 58 patients, both sets
Simpson & Levine, 1999; Wu & Su, 2000) randomly allocated from a pool of 580 cases. Although
this is a retrospective observational study, it was listed
A useful diagnostic benchmark for decision support under RCT. Several MLPs were trained which showed
systems is acute abdominal pain. Here, neither neural encouraging predictive accuracy (Dombi et al., 1995).
networks (Bounds, Lloyd & Mathew, 1988; Horace Mann More importantly, their weights were examined to identify
& Brown, 1991; Pesonen, 1997) nor machine learning main input effects, raising hypotheses which could be
methods (Ohmann, Moustakis, Yang & Lang, 1996) have followed-up by conventional statistical modelling.
had much impact. Unregularised MLPs were benchmarked A particularly interesting controlled trial is a comparative
against linear discriminants, LogR and cluster analysis, with assessment of three primary-to-secondary care referral stra-
the outcome that none of the methods applied were found to tegies for patients with third molars (Goodey et al., 2000).
be superior to each other, or to independent Bayes. Study This is a true multi-centre control study, involving 32
design was typical of early prototype applications and much primary care dental practitioners who were randomly
more divorced from integrating into the clinical decision allocated to current practice (the control group), neural
process than de Dombal's approach. In particular, one of network-based decision support, or a paper-based clinical
the most revealing aspects of de Dombal's system is seldom decision algorithm. The referrals of 107 patients were
built into today's prototypes. This consists of two additional assessed by a panel of experts against a gold standard
steps in the feedback to the clinician. The ®rst is a compar- consisting of criteria from the National Institutes of Health.
ison between the model outcomes, and two ranked The control group's ®gures for accuracy, sensitivity and
diagnoses indicated by the clinician. De Dombal's advisory speci®city (0.83, 0.97, 0.22) display signi®cantly better
28 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

accuracy and sensitivity than either the neural network A number of CTs in the area of physical medicine and
(0.67, 0.56, 0.79) or the clinical algorithm (0.73, 0.56, rehabilitation cluster around the assessment of high-
0.93), albeit with much poorer speci®city. The study recom- dimensional complex signals used, for instance, in gait
mended integration into primary care of paper-based analysis (Chang et al., 2000; Wu & Su,2000), non-linear
guidance, as the best overall compromise. Separating the control of functional electrical stimulation (Abbas & Triolo,
effect of prevalence from the raw ROC ®gures, the boosting 1997; Chang et al., 1997; Riess & Abbas, 2000). The
factors for the control, neural network and clinical table remaining studies relate to non-linear mapping of insole
groups were 1.2, 2.7 and 8.0, respectively, indicating a pressure patterns into a grouped-reaction force (Savelberg
greater discriminatory effect as a result of the selected & de Lange, 1999), activity detection in ambulatory moni-
referral guidance approach. toring (Kiani et al., 1997), and wheelchair propulsion
The remaining clinical trials listed in Table 2, describe (Patterson & Draper, 1998) and navigation (Simpson &
applications to medical domains outside the focus of this Levine, 1999).
review. The neural network methodologies employed in
electro-physiological measurement mostly rely on the
standard MLP applied to signal representations generated 3. Impact of medical decision support with arti®cial
by principal components analysis or the coef®cients of neural networks
auto-regressive models, with the exception of one study
using wavelet networks. (Heinrich et al., 1999). The choice There are seven trials of neural network-based decision
of medical application re¯ects the increasing use of EEG support systems (CDSS), involving more than 1,000 subjects.
and evoked potentials for diagnosis and monitoring of a The most impact to date has been in cervical cytology,
wide range of conditions. While the predictive accuracies where PAPNET has arguably established a new standard
reported are encouraging, few systems have been tried in for sensitivity in detection of dysplasia (Doornewaard et
routine use in a clinical setting, notably one reported al., 1999; Mango & Valente, 1998; Prismatic Management
elsewhere for sleep analysis (Davies, Bennet, Barbour, Team, 1999). The other large studies show promise to iden-
Tarassenko & Stradling, 1999). tify patients at low risk of lymph node spreading in prostate
Other physiological measurements also generate complex cancer (Gamito et al., 2000), predicting lengh-to-stay of
signals whose interpretation is fertile ground for decision neonates in pediatric intensive care units (Zernikow et al.,
support. Reported CTs address areas of current practical 1998), early detection of acute myocardial infarction
relevance, including monitoring of fetal distress (Kol et (Selker et al., 1995) and prediction of transient ischaemia
al., 1995) and artefact detection in SaO2 and TcPO2 (Taktak during ambulatory ECG monitoring (Polak et al., 1997).
et al., 2000), analysis electrogastrograms (EGG) to detect The studies of neural network assisted cytology compare
delayed gastric emptying (Chen et al., 2000; Liang et al., with conventional cytological screening as the control
2000), visualisation of sub-cutaneous fat in patients with intervention (Doornewaard et al., 1999; Mango & Valente,
diabetes mellitus (Tafeit et al., 1999), and establishing a 1998; Prismatic Management Team, 1999). Other true
correlation between bone demineralisation measured by control trials are for response to treatment of head and
X-ray absorptiometry and a composite serum index neck carcinoma (Bryce et al., 1998), treatment advice in
(Barnhill et al., 1995). schizophrenia and depression (Modai et al., 1996) and
The emphasis in the clinical trials with neural networks referral from primary to secondary care in dental practice
listed under radiology is on functional, rather than (Goodey et al., 2000). All of these studies advise the use of
morphological, imaging. Relatively new modalities such neural networks in a clinical supporting roÃle, on the basis of
as PET (Horwitz et al., 1995; Szabo et al., 1996) and improvements in patient performance, rather than by direct
MRS (Bakken et al., 1999; Park et al., 1998) have consider- evaluation of changes in patient outcome.
able potential to characterise metabolic characteristics of in Almost all of the of the comparative trials are prospective
vivo tissue, but often result in complex signals with dif®cult and assess the performance of users external to the designers
quantitation. In particular, the analysis of in vivo MRS is of the CDSS, but only six of them are multicentre trials
currently undergoing rapid development, including source (Doornewaard et al., 1999; Gamito et al., 2000; Goodey et
identi®cation with non-linear signal processing (Lee, al., 2000; Mango & Valente, 1998; Prismatic Management
Huang, El-Deredy, Lisboa, Arus & Harris, 2000). Team, 1999; Selker et al., 1995). Frequently, the criteria for
In pharmacokinetics, a RCT addressed the wide inter- and RCT listing appears to have been random allocation to
intra-subject variability that hamper predictions of drug design and validation datasets, rather than the mandatory
concentrations in blood. A retrospective study of tracolimus allocation to active or control interventions. For neural
levels in 32 liver transplant patients (Chen et al., 1999) networks to be taken seriously by clinicians as inference
concluded that the blood concentration of this anti-rejection models, it is essential to integrate them into systems that
drug is accurately predicted by a MLP. This paper adopts a stand-up to the gold standard of clinical evaluation, namely
genetic algorithm as a generic methodology to optimise multi-centre RCTs. This is widely regarded to be a key
model design through variable selection. milestone for the evaluation of any type of medical decision
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 29

support, since it validates against the vagaries of skewed nature of the data, either by reporting the boost
inter-patient and inter-centre variability. afforded over prevalence, or during training, by directly
Yet, almost all of the publications listed in the survey are maximising predictive power rather than accuracy (Lisboa
observational studies with retrospective data, pitting the et al., 2000b).
multi-layer perceptron (MLP) against multivariate logistic Neural network applications in oncology have been
regression (LogR). In most of the studies listed in PUBMED formally reviewed in a statistical journal, with critical
as clinical trials, there is no attempt to separate a design results (Schwartzer et al., 2000). In this paper, uncritical
dataset, used for training and parameter tuning, or testing, use of the very ¯exibility that underpins the non-linear
from a validation set used for performance estimation. This mapping capabilities of neural networks, is shown to
is know to result in optimistic assessments of performance generate implausible functions resulting in under-estimation
(Efron & Tibshirani, 1997; Tibshirani, 1996) and under- of the misclassi®cation probabilities leading to `exaggerated
mines claims to generality, that is to say generalisation to claims' the potential for neural network models for
out-of-sample data. diagnosis and prognosis. The paper identi®es frequently
As with the evaluation of any new intervention, decision made mistakes in applications of arti®cial neural networks,
systems must eventually be assessed by a trial that is patient, including over-optimistic claims of generalisation
rather than clinician based. However, the need for further performance, training large networks with small data
external evaluation of patient bene®t must not detract from samples, use of inadequate statistical benchmarks and lack
the substantial achievements made with neural networks in of signi®cance in the comparison of performance results for
the ®rst two decades since they became widely known, neural networks against alternative, often simpler, statistical
which is relatively recently in comparison with symbolic or rule-based models. It is also pointed out that survival
systems and even more with so compared with linear statis- models have been too naIÈve, sometimes consisting of single
tical inference. It is also notable that evidence is continu- time-point models which ignore censorship.
ously mounting towards the power of quantitative Other reasons for the poor take-up of decision support in
modelling to evidence dif®cult decisions in a very wide routine practice are listed in a more general commentary
range of clinical and medical laboratory applications. about statistical prognostic models (Wyatt & Altman,
Moreover, neural networks are showing their worth in 1995). A common criticism is that clinical factors modelled
exploratory studies to uncover important un-modelled may have little impact on decisions about treatment, use
non-linear interactions, and to provide effective visualisa- model structures that lack credibility because they violate
tion of complex high-dimensional data. For instance, well-established clinical precepts of cause-and-effect
self-organised maps (SOM) may gradually ®ll a niche in pathways, or are insuf®ciently validated. The immediate
the speci®c characterisation of subtle transitions in disease conclusion is that many published models report prototypes
indicators marking qualitative changes in the grading of but need further research before clinical adoption (Haynes,
disease, for example in tumours. 1990). This remains current for medically related neural
With regard to methodological issues, in many of the network systems, where good practice could be improved
applications reported there are further steps to clarify the by attending to certain methodological considerations that
model structure and improve the robustness of the conclu- are summarised in the next section.
sions that add little additional complexity to the study. In
particular, regularisation of the objective function, for
4. Methodological considerations for neural networks in
instance using weight decay (Bishop, 1995; Ripley, 1996),
medical applications
is a straightforward way to protect against the major curse of
universal non-linear maps, which is over-®tting of the data
Arti®cial neural networks are characterised by their
(Astion, Wener, Thomas, Hunder & Bloch, 1993). Another
ability to model complex systems but several shortcomings
key element of all forms of statistical analysis, whether
of their use arise from lack of robustness in controlling this
linear or not, is a close inspection of the sensitivity of the
¯exibility. In a parallel development, the analysis of
model response to variations in the value of the predictor
increasing complexity in statistical inference led to the
variables. This has to be done with care, since it will
proposal of baseline criteria for good practice in the design
in¯uence model selection (Tibshirani & Knight, 1999). An
of clinically relevant models (Altman & Royston, 2000;
additional element of complexity involving systematic
Concato, Feinstein & Holford, 1993). These recommenda-
re-sampling (Baxt & White, 1995) serves to remove bias
tions are now incorporated into a blueprint for the design of
from small sample estimates of the response sensitivity of
complex decision systems, which is reviewed here with
the model, and the same bootstrap process will also substan-
reference to neural networks in medicine, drawing from
tially improve estimates of generality (Efron & Tibshirani,
the critical analysis in the preceding sections.
1997; Tibshirani, 1996). In performance evaluation for
differential diagnosis, the Receiver Operating Characteristic 4.1. Clarify the purpose of the study
(Hanley & McNeil, 1982) is the de facto standard, but it is
regrettable that scant attention is given to the usually Even a cursory overview of medical neural network
30 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

prototypes indicates how they are taken to be synonymous broad unimodal normal distributions that are well repre-
with inference. This is not necessary, nor is it where most of sented by just their mode, called the evidence framework
the bene®t of these methods can be derived, when they are (Bishop, 1995; Mackay, 1992). This is a practical and robust
set alongside the plethora of available statistical and knowl- methodology for neural network design, which has the
edge-based methodologies. Altman and Royston (2000) advantage of providing control for large networks with
recognise different categories of prognostic studies, and reproducible results that do not require extensive hand-
their comments apply also to diagnostic modelling: tuning (Husmeier, Penny & Roberts, 1999). However,
² Pragmatic studies have the purpose of providing direct care must be taken to ensure calibration for unbalanced
advice that will affect decisions about treatment. It is, data, which is typical of medical applications and especially
therefore, essential to pre-specify the performance levels acute in survival modelling (Lisboa, 2001). The third
at which this support becomes useful, as well as to quan- generation of neural networks consists of implementing
tify discriminant power in the most robust possible way. the full Bayesian integrations by importance sampling
These studies should ideally ful®l the requirements for with ef®cient Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms
Phase II exploratory trials, by involving multiple clinical (Husmeier et al., 1999; Neal,1996). This has the further
centres to ensure that the performance estimates obtained advantage of more accurately predicting distributions of
may be used to specify, not just the protocol but also the the posterior, or of regression inferences, even in the
sample sizes required for a Phase III RCT. Sample size presence of skewed data.
estimation for neural networks is an area of current Further developments of neural networks for inference
research, but practical methods have been published optimise radically different principles from penalised
(Chan et al., 1999). log-likelihood. For instance, support vector machines are
² Exploratory studies aim to generate new understanding based on the precepts of structural risk minimisation, rather
about the condition and may consist of visualisation or then directly estimating the empirical error. They are
the generation of hypothesis for inference models. One reported to provide greater robustness for small sample
example is to generate hypothesis about important inter- sizes, features that are especially relevant for medical appli-
actions between covariates, which can be tested with cations (Cherkassky & Muller, 1998). Another research
standard medical statistical methodologies. Another is direction for medical neural networks aims to identify
to understand where the variables selected by the when inferences should be made at all, as they are not reli-
model ®t in relation to prior knowledge from the medical able for new observations that lie outside of the multi-
domain. dimensional support of the design data. This is the area of
novelty detection (Campbell & Bennett, 2001), where meth-
Above all, it is essential to be clear about the purpose of odologies are being developed with a roÃle that is orthogonal
the study, and specify in advance what aspects are expected to the response modulation by the con®dence terms in the
to the valuable to support subsequent studies. evidence approximation.
In a parallel development to the use of neural networks
4.2. Model design for inference, models for visualisation and clustering have
also been embedded into increasingly rigorous theoretical
In the application of neural networks, good practice in statistical frameworks. Visualisation is a powerful tool to
model design is critical. There are standard tools to control gain understanding of the phenomenology of disease,
for over-®tting, some of which also help in variable although its use tends to be con®ned to decision support
selection. for diagnosis or prognosis. An example of a ¯exible neural
network method for visualising the distribution of indicator
4.2.1. Network regularisation variables over the decision space is the Growing Cell Struc-
The vast majority of applications reviewed here use what ture technique (Walker et al., 1999). This is a self-organised
could be termed ®rst generation neural networks. These rely model whose usefulness in visualisation is matched by good
for their generalisation on a parsimonious design with few performance in clustering an externally imposed category
hidden nodes, and early stopping by reference to a test label, mirroring similar characteristics for the conventional
dataset as the means to prevent overtraining (Caruana, SOM (Dreiseitl et al., 1999). An implementation of a topo-
Lawrence & Giles, 2001). However, using too few hidden graphic clustering algorithm regularised within a Bayesian
nodes can reduce the variance of the predictions at the cost framework similar to the evidence approximation, is the
of signi®cant bias due to insuf®cient complexity in the Generative Topographic Mapping model (Bishop, Svensen
model. It follows that simpler interpolation is achieved by & Williams, 1998). Other generative approaches have been
using many hidden nodes but imposing direct regularisation developed also for signal processing, speci®cally for blind
of the objective function, the simplest of which would be signal separation (Cardoso, 1999) which rapidly becoming a
weight decay (Bishop, 1995; Ripley, 1996). de facto standard in advanced signal processing and is
A development of this approach is to use Bayesian extensively applied to the detection of sources in electro-
estimation of the hyperparameters, usually by assuming physiological measurements (Lisboa et al., 2000a), as well
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 31

as the identi®cation of sources in static complex signals appears to do so. In general, whatever the model accuracy
(Lee et al., 2000). in statistical terms, doctors will be reluctant to use it to
inform their patient management unless they believe in
4.2.2. Variable selection the model and its predictions (Altman & Royston, 2000).
It is also important to consider that the bene®t of the Therefore, it is essential to test all relevant clinical data for
capability for universal function approximation is realised inclusion in the model, ensuring that data are accessible and
only when there are unsuspected non-linear interactions reliable, and preferably already routinely acquired. Other
between the predictor variables, for instance where the considerations are also important in maintaining the
precise form is unknown or their effect changes in complex integrity of the data representation, for instance avoiding
ways in different areas of pattern space. This requires at the introduction of arbitrary thresholds for continuous vari-
once careful variable selection and detailed interpretation ables, or ignoring censorship in prognostic models, either of
of the relationships between the covariates and the model which is prone to introduce bias in the model predictions.
predictions. A useful tool to constructively compare linear and
The GUSTO trial also applied a Bayesian regularisation non-linear models and to explain the in¯uence of covariates
framework using the evidence approximation (MacKay, on model response, is to carefully analyse the pro®les of
1992) with separate weight decay regulators for each predic- input variable distributions in prognostic groups, or calibra-
tor variable (MacKay, 1995; Neal, 1996). This is known as tion segments in diagnosis. Another useful step is to analyse
Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD) because large the input-response characteristics of the selected variables
values of weight decay hyperparameter indicate a narrow using sensitivity analysis. A caveat of this approach is that
distribution of the posterior probabilities for the weights small sample effects introduce considerable bias into naõÈve
around the prior value of zero, while smaller values relax estimates of input effects, but established methods to
the posterior distribution of the weights further away from compensate for that bias already exist (Baxt & White,
the prior, indicating a covariate that is effective in discrimi- 1995). In this paper, the bias-corrected sensitivities of a
nation. This provides useful indicators to use in variable MLP for AMI prediction show new signi®cant variables,
selection which, for neural networks, is notoriously unstable in rales and jugular venous distention. All signi®cant effects
resulting in multiple candidate models that also differ from are in directions which accord with clinical expectation.
those selected by linear statistics (Dreiseitl et al., 1999). Several of the predictor variables were found to have
A useful yardstick for the estimation of sample sizes for bi-modal distributions of the re-sampled bootstrap statistics
exploratory studies is to require the number of observations of input effects, indicating the presence of contextual effects
to be in the range of ®ve to 10 times the number of available characterised by the other variables. The discovery of
(rather than selected) covariates. This is because given unexpected interactions between covariates is key to under-
enough random variables, there will be some that correlate standing the predictive value of neural networks compared
with any given sequence of labels. In the case of arti®cial with alternative methodologies. Some of these interactions
neural networks, the effective number of degrees of freedom may be low-order and can, therefore, be ported into linear-
is not straightforward to estimate, but this can be done with in-the-parameters statistical models that already carry the
the evidence approximation using factors related to the con®dence of clinicians, thus gradually enhancing existing
regularisation hyper-parameters (MacKay, 1992, 1995). tools in a controlled manner. An alternative approach where
Recently other, more generic methods are also being theoretical foundations are the subject of active research is
proposed for estimation of the effective number of para- rule extraction from trained neural networks (Hayashi,
meters in linear and non-linear models (Tibshirani & Setiono & Katsumi, 2000).
Knight, 1999).
4.4. Benchmarking against a suitable alternative
4.3. Validation: support for learned intermediaries
Another common regulatory requirement is to demon-
One of the most important legal doctrines that apply to strate that a new technology performs at least as well as
the use of decision support systems in medicine is the an alternative method which is substantially equivalent to
doctrine of learned intermediaries (Braham & Wyatt, that used in systems that have been previously certi®ed. In
1989). This requires clinicians to understand the operation the case of the MLP, the obvious benchmarks are MLR in
of the system well enough to be able to take responsibility regression, and LogR for classi®cation, and for survival
for the results of its use. From a system designer's perspec- modelling it is the proportional hazards model. In order to
tive, the need to explain the model is a necessary step in gain the con®dence of the statistical community it may be
validation, by scrutinising the agreement between the infer- necessary to demonstrate parity with linear-in-the-para-
ence model prior clinical understanding of the data (Lisboa, meters models, where non-linearities are explicitly coded-
2001). Similarly, in exploratory studies the most useful in. This leaves out only unexpected interactions between
result is often, not whether a particular methodology covariates, whose presence in small samples of typically
increases diagnostic or prognostic accuracy, but why it noisy medical data, may be dif®cult to demonstrate.
32 P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39

One of the most frequent criticisms of neural network tivity and speci®city at the operating decision threshold to
prototypes is the excessive claims of performance bene®t calculate the boost over the guessing line, shown in Eq. (1).
made without apparent regard for the signi®cance of small
differences between the performance achieved with alterna- 4.6. Comparative trials
tive methods (Schmoor & Schumacher, 1997). For inference
models, this is not a justi®able omission since accepted tests The design of comparative trials to evaluate the changes
exist to monitor the signi®cance of differences occurring by to expert intervention with and without access to a decision
chance, such as McNemar's test on discordant pairs (Ripley, support system, is fraught with dif®culties (Hunt et al.,
1996; Schmoor & Schumacher, 1997). 1998; Ohmann et al., 1999). For example, in a controlled
prognostic trial of the management of acute abdominal pain,
4.5. Robustness in performance evaluation involving 558 patients, the clinician's own diagnostic
performance was signi®cantly enhanced (De Dombal,
The sources of uncertainty that reduce the ability to Leaper, Horrocks, Stanisland & McCann, 1974). In particu-
maintain performance results from one patient cohort to lar, the proportion of appendices that perforated before
another are many and varied, including within-patient varia- operation fell from 36 to 4%. A later study with a further
tion, between-patient variation, case mix differences which 295 patients concluded that after a 2-month learning period
involve different confounding factors for each cohort, as the system proved more accurate in its diagnoses than
well as instrumentation and protocol differences between unaided clinicians, and during the ®rst 5 months of using
clinical centres. Consequently, studies need to clearly the system the unaided clinician's performance rose from 73
distinguish between: to 84%, the so-called checklist effect, also known as the
Hawthorne effect (Adams et al., 1986; Randolph, Haynes,
² internal validation, where a design sample is used to train Wyatt, Cook, Guyatt & the Evidence Based Working
and tune the model parameters (test sample) but new data Group, 1999). This effect is important because it can
(validation sample) are used for performance estimation, obscure the contribution of decision support systems even
² temporal validation using later data from the same when clinician performance is improved, in effect reducing
clinical centre, and the statistical power of the RCT. Adams et al. (1986) give
² external validation where the data come from entirely guidelines for minimizing the checklist effect and to ascer-
different clinical centres not involved in the model tain the signi®cance of the results obtained, allowing for
design. different patient statistics in the experimental and control
groups as well as the pooling of multiple clinical centres.
Whereas modelling studies start by using retrospective For a more complete discussion of the technical issues
data, phase II exploratory studies normally require prospec- surrounding the design of RCTs, see Campbell et al. (2000).
tive data and phase III clinical trials require the prospective Altman and Royston (2000), also make a distinction
application of the system to large numbers of subjects across between valuable studies and those that are merely valid.
multiple centres. This harks back to the very speci®cation of the purpose of
When sample sizes are small, cross-validation is the study and the relationship between inference making and
sometimes used for performance estimation, although a its effect on patient management (Murray et al., 1993). In
more robust method would be to use the bootstrap (Efron relation to the publications reviewed here, it is noteworthy
& Tibshirani, 1997; Jain, Duin & Mao, 2000; Tibshirani, that none dealt directly with changes in patient outcome,
1996). It can be emphasised that optimistic performance which do not always readily follow improvements of clin-
claims are a big barrier to the take-up of neural networks ician performance (Johnston et al., 1994). These are factors
by the medical community. Careful variable selection, which merit detailed consideration at the start of any study
together with appropriate regularisation, benchmarking into clinical decision support, alongside the realisation that
and robust performance estimation will make research improvements may also be achieved, sometimes more
®ndings less impressive, but more meaningful. effectively, by non-technological means. This is important
One aspect of performance evaluation that is routinely because clinicians will typically accept the value of
observed in the papers reviewed, is the analysis of results additional training more readily than equivalent bene®ts
within the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) arising from technological aids. For instance, a redesign
framework (Hanley and McNeil, 1982). What is less of the processes for the interpretation of radiographs in
commonly done is to separate out also the effect of the emergency department was found to reduce tenfold
prevalence of different diseases (Hilden, 2000), which the rate of false negative errors, such as missed fractures
signi®cantly affects estimates of accuracy. This is important or foreign bodies, even from a starting base as 3% (Espinosa
because poor calibration may be masked by a good & Nolan, 2000). Taking an example where neural network-
AUROC, since the latter aggregates inferences made either based decision support has been successful, the 42%
side of the decision threshold (Lisboa et al., 2000b). reduction in UK mortality rates from cervical cancer
Predictive power may be factorised by combining the sensi- between 1987 and 1997, has been achieved by across the
P.J.G. Lisboa / Neural Networks 15 (2002) 11±39 33

board systematic improvements to care, covering call and (LDA) (Lachebruch, 1977) and, arguably, even of the
recall systems education and training for smear takers and general state of mainstream applications of statistical
cytologists, even an awareness of the need to audit the techniques in medicine (Altman & Goodman, 1994;
screening histories of all cases that pass through the detec- Wyatt; 1995).
tion ®lter to result in invasive cancer (Cuzick & Sasieni, There are other important factors that limit the take-up of
1999). For these reasons, it is necessary to appreciate the intelligent decision systems generally, namely the need to
complete clinical picture before targeting the introduction of design systems that address real clinical needs, and which
new computer-based systems. are more readily integrated into the routine data-
management environment of the user (Shortliffe, 1993).
Achieving this has been the hallmark of the few successful
5. Conclusion neural network applications that have made it into routine
clinical use.
Arti®cial neural networks have been identi®ed alongside Schwartz (1970), predicted that by the year 2000
the bootstrap, Bayesian modelling using Gibbs sampling computers would `have an entirely new roÃle in medicine,
(Lunn et al., 2000), generalised additive models and acting as a powerful extension of the physician's intellect'.
CART as new trends in medical statistics (Altman, 2000). While this prediction is far from being realised for arti®cial
Although none of these methods is in widespread use, neural intelligence tools in general clinical consultation, it has been
networks have had a clinical impact in speci®c areas, true of developments in medical instrumentation. Over the
notably cervical cytology and early detection of AMI, last decade, inference-based decision support systems have
where large-scale prospective multicentre studies have started to emerge in routine clinical use on a signi®cant
been carried out. More generally, rapid developments in scale. Some of these are purely statistical (APACHE II,
instrumentation, communication and data storage, will Rowan et al., 1994; AAP, De Dombal, 1984; GLADYS,
ensure that increasingly complex signals will become Davies & Owen, 1990), and PAPNET (Koss, 2000)
routinely available in digital form. Coupled with pressures involved ®rst generation neural networks.
for greater accountability of clinicians and a shift towards In the future, the roÃle of computers in medicine will be
systemic approaches to the management of medical error, substantially extended along several directions. These range
these developments will ensure that the practical roÃle for from patient management, with the development of applica-
automated decision support in medicine will continue to tion service providers and knowledge-based decision
grow (Barach & Small, 2000; Brennan et al., 1991; Kohn, support systems, through increased sophistication in
Corrigan & Donaldson, 1999; Reason, 2000; Weingart, electronic systems for data acquisition, storage and trans-
Wilson, Gibberd & Harrison, 2000; Wilson, Runciman, mission, spurred-on by a gradual acceptance of industry
Gibberd, Harrison, Newby & Hamilton, 1995). standards such as extensible mark-up languages, onto the
Neural network inference has been most useful for emergence of radically new applications in telemedicine
closely circumscribed tasks where there are signi®cant and self-care. In the global context of healthcare as a
interactions between covariates. This has applications in commodity, decision support is likely to become a necessity
tasks that require attention focusing, such as the detection rather than an optional extra, just as advanced electronic
of a few abnormal cells in a large number of cells present in instrumentation is today. Neural networks have a niche to
a slide. The range of prototypes already reported in the carve in clinical decision support, but their success depends
medical literature is evidence of the potential of intelligent crucially on better integration with clinical protocols,
medical instruments for multivariate prognostic or diagnos- together with an awareness of the need to combine different
tic inference, and to provide practical visualisation of paradigms in order to produce the simplest and most trans-
high-dimensional signals. Besides their roÃle in supporting parent overall reasoning structure, and the will to evaluate
evidence-based predictions and to reduce information this in a real clinical environment.
overload, generic non-linear models are also useful in
exploratory data analysis, by generating hypotheses about
complex terms that may be integrated in a controlled References
manner into standard statistical models.
However, the potential for further use of statistics and Abbas, J. J., & Triolo, R. J. (1997). Experimental evaluation of an adaptive
feedforward controller for use in functional neuromuscular stimulation
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networks. It is increasingly important to demonstrate good Adams, I. D., Chan, M., Clifford, P. C., Cooke, W. M., Dallos, V., de
practice in their design and in veri®cation and validation, Dombal, F. T., Edwards, M. H., Hancock, D. M., Hewett, D. J.,
and to benchmark them against structurally simpler models McIntyre, N., Somerville, P. G., Spiegelhalter, D. J., Wellwood, J., &
that have been appropriately optimised. Currently, the Wilson, D. H. (1986). Computer-aided diagnosis of acute abdominal
pain: a multicentre study. BMJ, 293, 800±804.
claims made in too many prototype studies are not robust. Aikins, J. S., Kunz, J. C., Shortliffe, E. H., & Fallat, R. J. (1983). PUFF: an
This is not unique to neural networks, indeed it is expert system for the interpretation of pulmonary function data.
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