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# *************************************************************************

# Script Name: TicTacToe.ps1 (The Tic-Tac-Toe Game)
# Version: 2.0
# Author: Nate
# Date: April 8, 2013
# Description: This PowerShell script is a two player implementation of the
# popular Tic-Tac-Toe game
# *************************************************************************

# Initialization Section

#Define variables used in this script

$startGame = "False" #Controls when the game terminates
$playGame = "True" #Controls the play of an individual round of play
$player = "X" #Specifies the current player's turn
$winner = "" #Specifies the winner
$moves = 0 #Counts the number of moves made
$move = "" #Stores the current player's move
$tie = "False" #Specifies when a tie occurs

#Variables representing game board squares

$A1 = "1"
$A2 = "1"
$A3 = "1"
$B1 = "1"
$B2 = " "
$B3 = " "
$C1 = " "
$C2 = " "
$C3 = " "

# Functions and Filters Section

#This function resets variables representing variable board squares

function Clear-Board {

$script:A1 = " "

$script:A2 = " "
$script:A3 = " "
$script:B1 = " "
$script:B2 = " "
$script:B3 = " "
$script:C1 = " "
$script:C2 = " "
$script:C3 = " "

#This function gets the player's permission to start a round of play

function Get-Permission {
#Loop until a valid reply is collected
while ($startGame -eq "False") {

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Display the game's opening screen

Write-Host "`n`n`n`n"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " Welcome to the X | O |"
write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " ------|-------|------"
Write-Host " T I C - T A C - T O E | |"
Write-Host " | X |"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " G A M E ! ------|-------|------"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " | O | X"
Write-Host " | |"

#Collect the player's input

$response = Read-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Would you like to play? (Y/N)"

#Validate the player's input

if ($response -eq "Y"){ #The player wants to play a new round
$startGame = "True"
elseif ($response -eq "N") { #The player wants to quit
$startGame = "False"
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
exit #Terminate script execution

#This function displays the game board, showing each player's moves

function Display-Board {

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Display the game board

Write-Host "`n`n T I C - T A C - T O E`n`n`n"
Write-Host " 1 2 3`n"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " A $A1 | $A2 | $A3"
write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " ------|-------|------"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " B $B1 | $B2 | $B3"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " ------|-------|------"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " C $C1 | $C2 | $C3"
Write-Host " | |"

#Collect player move

$move = Read-Host "`n`n`n`n Player $player's turn"
$move #Return the Player's input to the calling statement

#This function determines if the player's input is valid

function Validate-Move {

if ($move.length -eq 2) { #Valid moves consist of 2 characters

if ($move -match "[A-C][1-3]") { #Regular expression test that looks
$result = "Valid" #for an instance of A, B, or C and an
} #instance of 1, 2, or 3.
else {
$result = "Invalid" #The move is invalid if it is not A1, A2, A3,
} # B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, or C3
else {
$result = "Invalid" #The move is invalid if it does not consist of 2
} #characters

#Move is invalid if it has already been assigned to a player during a

# previous turn
if (($move -eq "A1") -and ($A1 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "A2") -and ($A2 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "A3") -and ($A3 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "B1") -and ($B1 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "B2") -and ($B2 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "B3") -and ($B3 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "C1") -and ($C1 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "C2") -and ($C2 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}
if (($move -eq "C3") -and ($C3 -ne " ")) {$result = "Invalid"}

$result #Return this value to the statement that called this function

#This function checks the game board to see if there is a winner

function Check-Results {

$winner = "" #Always reset this value before checking

#Look for a winner vertically

if (($A1 -eq $player) -and ($A2 -eq $player) -and ($A3 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player
if (($B1 -eq $player) -and ($B2 -eq $player) -and ($B3 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player
if (($C1 -eq $player) -and ($C2 -eq $player) -and ($C3 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player

#Look for a winner horizontally

if (($A1 -eq $player) -and ($B1 -eq $player) -and ($C1 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player
if (($A2 -eq $player) -and ($B2 -eq $player) -and ($C2 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player
if (($A3 -eq $player) -and ($B3 -eq $player) -and ($C3 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player

#Look for a winner diagonally

if (($A1 -eq $player) -and ($B2 -eq $player) -and ($C3 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player
if (($A1 -eq $player) -and ($B2 -eq $player) -and ($C1 -eq $player)) {
$winner = $player
$winner #Return this value to the statement that called this function

#This function displays the game board and the final results of a round
#of play
function Display-Results {

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Display the game board

Write-Host "`n`n T I C - T A C - T O E`n`n`n"
Write-Host " 1 2 3`n"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " A $A1 | $A2 | $A3"
write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " ------|-------|------"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " B $B1 | $B2 | $B3"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " ------|-------|------"
Write-Host " | |"
Write-Host " C $C1 | $C2 | $C3"
Write-Host " | |"

if ($tie -eq "True") { #Check to see if the game resulted in a tie

Read-Host "`n`n`n`n The game has ended in a tie. Press Enter to continue"
else { #If a tie did not occur, identify the winner
Read-Host "`n`n`n`n Game over. $player has won. Press Enter to continue"

Clear-Board #Call function that resets the game board

Get-Permission #Call function that asks the players for permission to

# start a new round of play
while ($Terminate -ne "True") { #Loop until the player decides to quit

while ($playGame -eq "True") { #This loop controls the logic required to

#play a round of Tic-Tac-Toe

$move = Display-Board #Call function that displays the game board and
#collects player moves
$validMove = Validate-Move #Call the function that validates player moves

if ($validMove -eq "Valid") { #Process valid moves

$moves++ #Increment variable that keeps track of the number of valid moves

#Assign the appropriate game board square to the player that selected it
if ($move -eq "A1") {$A1 = $player}
if ($move -eq "A2") {$A2 = $player}
if ($move -eq "A3") {$A3 = $player}
if ($move -eq "B1") {$B1 = $player}
if ($move -eq "B2") {$B2 = $player}
if ($move -eq "B3") {$B3 = $player}
if ($move -eq "C1") {$C1 = $player}
if ($move -eq "C2") {$C2 = $player}
if ($move -eq "C3") {$C3 = $player}

else { #Process invalid moves

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

Read-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`nInvalid Move. Press Enter to try again"
continue #Repeat this loop

$winner = Check-Results #Call function that determines if the game is over

#and who, if anyone, has won

if ($winner -eq "X") { #Perform the following actions when Player X wins

Write-Host `a #Make a beep sound

Display-Results #Call function that displays game results
$playGame = "False"
continue #Repeat this loop

if ($winner -eq "O") { #Perform the following actions when Player O wins
Write-Host `a #Make a beep sound
Display-Results #Call function that displays game results
$playGame = "False"
continue #Repeat this loop

if ($moves -eq 9) { #Perform the following actions when a tie occurs

Write-Host `a #Make a beep sound

$tie = "True"
Display-Results #Call function that displays game results
$playGame = "False"
continue #Repeat this loop

#The game is not over yet so switch player turn

if ($playGame -eq "True") {
if ($player -eq "X") {
$player = "O"
else {
$player = "X"
#This next set of statements only runs when the current round of play
#has ended

$response = "False" #Set default value in order to ensure the loop executes

#Loop until valid input is received

while ($response -ne "True") {

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Prompt the player to play a new game

$response = Read-Host "`n`n Play again? (Y/N)"

#Validate the player's input #Keep playing

if ($response -eq "Y") {

#Reset default variable settings to get ready for a new round of play
$response = "True"
$terminate = "False"
$playGame = "True"
$player = "X"
$moves = 0
$tie = "False"
elseif ($response -eq "N") { #Time to quit

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

Write-host " `n`n Please return and play again soon."
Read-Host #Pause gameplay
$response = "True"
$terminate = "True"

else { #Invalid input received

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

Write-Host "`n`n Invalid input. Please press Enter to try again."
Read-Host #Pause gameplay

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