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Actividad de aprendizaje 11 Evidencia 3: Ensayo “Free Trade Agreement (FTA):

advantages and disadvantages”

Presentado por:

Judy Alexandra Bustos Mejia

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (Sena)

Tecnólogo Negociación Internacional

Bogotá d.c, 07 de octubre del 2019

The following text will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the free trade
agreement in Colombia. It will also be said What is the concept of itself and we are
going to start the free trade agreement is a trade agreement signed by two or more
countries to agree on the granting of mutual tariff preferences and the reduction of
non-tariff barriers to trade in goods and services. That is, these agreements simplify
the entry and exit of products from one country to another, avoiding the restrictions
that normally exist.

sometimes at cheaper prices, and that hurts them. Now that Colombia is thinking of
signing a Free Trade agreement with China and another with the European Union
that they have been talking about for years, and that it already has one, long
discussed with the United States, we take this opportunity to analyze well what this
would mean for Colombians.

We have named these for being the most controversial mm, but in addition, for more
than 30 years our country has had a trade liberalization treaty with the other four
countries of the Andean Community (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela) and
recently deepened its relations with MERCOSUR member countries (Argentina,
Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). In addition, for eleven years it has signed a free
trade agreement with Chile and another with Mexico and Venezuela, within the
framework of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI). Just a few days
ago, the Colombian Congress approved the Free Trade Agreement with Costa Rica.

Disadvantages of FTAs
In 2013, in a debate on this subject and held in Mexico, the director of the
International Trade and Integration Division of the Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Osvaldo Rosales, and the senior economist of
the Conference of the United Nations for Trade and Development (Unctad), Alex
Izurieta concluded that agreements between nations with different levels of economic
development, that is, between countries with a developed economy and emerging
countries are not so Fair, such as multilateral agreements that do try to balance the
role of economies.

In Colombia there are many companies that are not sure of opening up to the
international market because they have the idea that only flowers, coffee and oil are
exported in the country. However, thanks to the signing of the different free trade
agreements in Colombia, non-traditional exports have increased in countries such as
the United States or some of the members of the European Union.

The reason for this behavior is that the doors are opened for different and innovative
products and to enter as a strong competitor in the services sector in those markets,
taking advantage of the competitive advantages of Colombian production and labor.


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