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urricullum ex
xtra Unit 7
cus on S
Science: The Sola
ar System
m 3 Complete the crosswo
1 2

1 Look at the p
picture. Num
mber the pla
anets in our
olar system
E ___
_ Neptune __
3 4
Jupiter _
___ Uranus __
M ___
_ Venus __
__ 5 6

M ___
_ Saturn __
__ 7



1 … is ca alled the red pplanet.
5 Earth iss one of the eeight … in ouur solar syste
7 The Milky Way is a …
8 The … consists of a billion galax xies.
9 The Sun is a …
2 Match
M words
s 1–8 to definitions A–H
H. 10 Our … system is in the Milky Wa ay.
11 … is thee force that ppulls us down towards the
1 gravity ___
2 star ___
3 planet ___
2 Saturn has natural … of gas and d objects aroound
4 solar syste
em ___
5 galaxy ___
3 A star iss made of buurning …
6 moon ___
4 … is the e planet clossest to the Su
7 satellite ___
6 Earth has only one … – it’s the Moon.
8 universe ___
9 The … is the largesst object in ou ur solar syste
A a very larg
ge body of material, such as rock,
which movves around a star (e.g. the Earth, Marrs) 4 In the pastt, another b
body in our solar
s system
B millions orr billions of sttars and plan
nets which was calledd a planet, b
but in 2006 this changed
What is its
s name?
stay togeth her because of gravity
C a natural oor man-made e object whicch moves _________
around a p planet
5 Project. Choose a plaanet in the solar system
m and
D a force thaat holds objeccts together. This force make a pooster about iit. Draw the planet and find
makes thin ngs fall when n we drop the em. out as much as you ccan about it.
E a natural ssatellite which moves aro ound a planett 1 Where is it?
(e.g. the E
Earth has one e of these) 2 What is s it made of?
F a massive ball of burniing gas, whic ch is held 3 How larrge is it, commpared to the e Earth?
together by gravity (e.g g. the Sun) 4 Does it have any mooons? How many? m Whatt are
G everythingg that exists – all of the planets, stars their naames?
and galaxies 5 Is it very hot / cold / windy / stormy?
H a collection of planets, moving arou und a large 6 Does it have very sttrong gravity y?

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