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Health Professions Education 1 (2015) 19–23


Research Advances in Conformity to Peer Pressure: A Negative Side

Effect of Medical Education$
Tanya Berann
Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Dr. N.W., Calgary, Alberta,
Canada T2N 4N1
Available online 8 December 2015

Curricula in medical education are intended to impart the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students will require as physicians
to meet patient needs. There are additional unarticulated and implicit messages that inherently emerge in medical education. This
paper examines one such message: conformity to peers, whereby individuals repeat inaccurate information reported by peer group
members. Empirical evidence from 60 years of social-psychological research demonstrates that this phenomenon of conformity
occurs across experimental tasks, cultures, and over time. It has yet to be systematically studied in medical education. Emerging
studies from the University of Calgary, Canada, and in collaboration with King Saud bin Abdulaziz University will be reviewed in
conjunction with the various constructs used to represent the phenomenon of conformity to determine relevant themes about
student experiences and their implications for education.
& 2015 King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keywords: Group conformity; Peer pressure; Clinical decision-making; Patient safety; Interprofessional education

1. Introduction These may include, for example, dedication, honesty, and

self-reflection.22 Although laudable and well-intentioned
Medical education is expected to prepare healthcare outcomes, unintended consequences of medical education
professionals to fulfill the various roles of scholar, are also learned, such as values that promote negative
collaborator, manager, professional, advocate, communi- attitudes towards allied health professionals and competi-
cator, and medical expert.1,7 The mechanisms of achiev- tion rather than cooperation.10 These “learned lessons” are
ing such outcomes are the implementation of research likely to extend into medical practice and directly interfere
based education policy and practice in the areas of with teamwork and inter-professional practice.
teaching, learning, assessment, leadership, evaluation, This article reviews one such “negative side effect”
curriculum, and management – to name a few. Such of the medical education curriculum: conformity. The
educational endeavors impart knowledge and skills to progression through medical school is challenging and
students, as well as attitudes and values of the profession. intense. One means of coping with the curricular
demands is through peer support. Sharing course notes,
advice to manage program expectations, and reactions
Peer review under the responsibility of King Saud bin Abdulaziz
University for Health Sciences.
to exams are all forms of social support students offer
Tel.: þ1 403 220 5667; fax: þ 1 403 270 7307. and receive from one another in medical school. This
E-mail address: tnaberan@ucalgary.ca camaraderie may lead to long lasting friendships;

2452-3011/& 2015 King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
20 T. Beran / Health Professions Education 1 (2015) 19–23

however, reliance on the peer group for these types of Conformity in some situations, however, can be
support may prevent students from challenging infor- detrimental to the wellbeing of others. An individual
mation discussed in small group settings such as who changes his or her behaviors to follow those of
problem-based learning. Rather than question informa- others, despite believing that those actions are incorrect
tion presented by a peer, students may be inclined to or even harmful, is conforming to the majority of group
agree, in an effort to maintain a positive affiliation. members, and this phenomenon has received consider-
This pressure, combined with the all-too-frequent use able attention in many areas of research since the 1950.
of shaming and intimidation to teach medical stu- It has also been referred to as groupthink, communica-
dents,14,16 creates a social norm for silence. Accord- tion errors, decision-making errors, and so on. What all
ingly, students may be reluctant to ask questions in these terms have in common is the underlying reason
order to conceal misunderstanding or gaps in knowl- for these behaviors: yielding to peer pressure. Recently,
edge, and they may avoid providing contrary informa- Heffernan9 extended the notion of willful blindness
tion to prevent conflict. Although these coping outside of the legal context to apply to any situation in
strategies may protect students from emotional harm, which an individual fails to act and prefers to ignore
they may place patient safety at risk. factual information for the purpose of maintaining the
status quo – just as others do. Thus, conformity may
refer to a change of, or failure to change, one's behavior
in order to act in a manner consistent with others,
2. Introduction to conformity
despite believing that these behaviors are improper.
Conformity – the compliance or agreement of one's
3. Phenomenon of conformity over time and across
actions to those of others is, by definition, neither a
positive or negative term. As shown in Fig. 1, it is
beneficial for people to adapt their behaviors to match
The seminal research on conformity was conducted
those of others within peer groups, professional com-
in the 1930s and 1950s by Muzafer Sherif and
munities, educational settings, and in the general
Solomon Asch.18,19 Using a series of perceptual tests,
public. For example, codes of ethics and standards of
their experiments determined that people reported the
practice that pertain to one's profession are expected to
same incorrect information about distances between
be observed to ensure competent, respectful, and
lines and dots that they heard from other study
responsible behaviors to the people served by the
participants. To be sure, these researchers determined
profession. In the context of healthcare, these behaviors
that these incorrect reports were significantly less likely
are critical to the provision of excellent patient care.
to occur when participants did not hear this incorrect
These professional behaviors create consistency in the
information. These studies, along with many others,2,13
delivery of care, provide organization to the various
suggest that people are likely to change their behaviors
systems and processes of care in the form of an
to be consistent with the group's behaviors. This can be
organizational structure, and promote agreement
explained from a social-psychological perspective as
towards achieving important outcomes.
the human need to be accepted by a peer group,
whether it consist of friends, colleagues, family mem-
bers, and so on. Acceptance in the group is enhanced
by a sense of co-orientation, the perception of being
similar to other group members, sharing their values,
objectives, and needs.This group affiliation may meet
additional needs for friendship, all of which are
inherent to the functioning of most human and even
other animal populations. For example, laboratory
studies indicate that male vervet monkeys change their
food preferences to be similar to those demonstrated by
female monkeys (Fig. 2).21
The cross-cultural consistency and temporal stability
of conformity has also been considered. In Bond and
Smith's review, they list many countries in which
Fig. 1. Depiction of two perspectives of conformity. higher rates of conformity were demonstrated in more
T. Beran / Health Professions Education 1 (2015) 19–23 21

individually performed the task. When using a knee

simulator with holes they were told had been made by
other clerks learning the procedure, they were likely to
insert the needle close to or in those same holes. These
holes, however, were in the wrong location – at the
midpoint of the patella. It was surprising that while
inserting the needle incorrectly, many of them verba-
lized the correct location – at the superior third of the
patella. Thus, they seemed to recognize simultaneously
the correct information and the misleading information,
trying to acquiesce to both. Two additional findings
were surprising. Conformity occurred even though
fellow students were not present, suggesting that
Fig. 2. Wild vervet monkeys showing conformity behaviors.
people compare themselves to others even in their
absence. Also, some students stated that they had not
collectivistic rather than individualistic cultures, Bond been influenced by the needle marks when they, in
and Smith also identified many examples of how these actual fact, had put the needle directly into the marks.
differences were not replicated in such cultures. In fact, This latter finding was replicated in two subsequent
it appears that conformity can occur in any culture and studies.
may depend more on the conditions of the situation. Our second study examined conformity between
For example, Baron, Vandello, and Brunsman3 identi- medical and nursing students.5 In recognition that
fied that people are more likely to conform to difficult healthcare is often delivered in an interdisciplinary
rather than easier tasks. In regards to temporal stability, setting which involves a hierarchy between physicians
again results were mixed. There is considerable evi- and nurses, we paired these two groups of students.
dence of earlier studies yielding higher rates of con- The curriculum-relevant task was to read vital signs
formity; yet, there are many recent studies showing (radial pulse, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and
even higher rates. Thus, in general, it appears that respiration rate) from a patient simulator. We expected
conformity may not be cultural or time dependent. that nursing students would be more likely to repeat
incorrect vital signs values reported by medical stu-
dents, and that the latter would be less likely to repeat
4. Studies of conformity in medical education values stated by the former. Indeed, about 80% of the
nursing students repeated the same incorrect value for
The majority of studies on conformity involve the one or more vital signs, while about 50% of the
use of perception tasks where participants must con- medical students did so. Thus, these results seemed
sider whether to trust their own observations (detecting to reflect the power differential between the nursing
matching lines, estimating the distance a dot travels, and physician professions. Nurses may feel greater
identifying matching faces) or instead echo the state- pressure from those higher in the hierarchy to conform
ments they hear from others. Although some studies to information than do physicians. In addition, both
have demonstrated conformity to more than simple groups showed a high rate of conformity suggesting
perception tasks, such as to changes in preferences and that it may be a fundamental human characteristic that
attitudes, these studies may not be directly general- applies to people in a variety of group settings. Again,
izable to more realistic tasks such as when learning over one third of students who demonstrated confor-
curriculum-based information. In recognition of the mity to the wrong vital signs later reported in an
need to extend 60 years' worth of conformity research interview immediately following the experiment that
to medical education, a series of curriculum-relevant they had not felt pressured to conform. Thus, some
studies was initiated at the University of Calgary. people may wish to present themselves or do actually
Our first study was conducted with clerks (third year consider themselves nonconformists despite demon-
medical students who had begun their clinical rota- strating conformist behaviors.
tions) who were learning to conduct a knee arthrocent- These results are similar to two additional studies
esis procedure in a simulated environment.6 Upon conducted with multiple choice questions assessing knowl-
watching a video and receiving instruction from a edge of course curricula. One of these studies was
preceptor on how to aspirate the knee joint, clerks conducted in a virtual classroom with students in a pre-
22 T. Beran / Health Professions Education 1 (2015) 19–23

service teaching program. Students who were shown dejection, shame, envy and sadness. These thoughts and
incorrect responses from other students were more likely feelings may lead to self-isolation, sleep loss, low motiva-
to select these same incorrect responses than were those tion, and general dissatisfaction with life. This personal
students who did not see any responses. Similarly, medical sense of low credibility may provoke adherence to others
students at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University in Saudi and conformity during intense assessment situations.
Arabia were also more likely to obtain incorrect responses With clear evidence that students in higher education in
to multiple choice questions upon seeing them, compared general, and in the health professions in particular, are
to students who were not shown incorrect responses. Thus, likely to conform to inaccurate course-based information
regardless of whether attending in an online or university presented in learning settings, it is important to further
classroom, they are subject to the influence of their peers consider the consequence to learning. There are many
when considering curriculum-relevant information. reasons why students may feel pressured to conform to
All the conformity studies in medical education their peers. First, evaluation and assessment permeate all
described thus far employed observational methods to education settings – classrooms, clinics, lecture theaters,
record people's behaviors. Moreover, they all yield similar small group meetings, and so on. Concern about how one
results of a high rate of conformity to incorrect information will be evaluated by peers and teachers may increase the
that they believed was given by peers. In a study currently likelihood of subordination to the group. Indeed, students
underway, an alternate research method was used. That is, typically want to appear knowledgeable and skilled in
residents were asked to self-report conformity they may front of others. This may be particularly essential when
have experienced in a variety of learning and medical attempting to build networking and collegial relationships
situations. A preliminary analysis seems to suggest that both in the short-term and for the long term. Second,
they reported rarely feeling the pressure to conform to students may come to believe that since they are in the
others across all of these situations. This stands in marked position of learner rather than authority, they may not
contrast to observations of behaviors in our experimental question or challenge information. Their hierarchical status
studies. It seems that self-reports of conformity do not may establish a passive response to their learning whereby
coincide with people's behaviors. Just as some participants they readily adopt information they learn without validat-
in our experimental studies who conformed to inaccurate ing or affirming its accuracy. Of course, this would not be
information did not disclose doing so, they certainly were possible for all points of learning, but when patient safety
observed to repeat the same incorrect information they had is at stake, it is incumbent on them to ask questions and
heard reported by their peers. check information.15 Third, constructing and acquiring
knowledge requires students to reveal what they do and
5. Students' experiences of conformity do not understand. If they believe that other students have
better comprehension than they do, they may become
Medical students, clerks, and residents are under con- anxious and reluctant to ask or respond to questions that
tinuous assessment and monitoring both individually and may reveal lack of understanding. For all these reasons, it
within their peer groups. Communication within this is conceivable that conformity to information in the face of
context may leave them unclear about their competence, uncertainty is extremely likely. The risk is not only to the
identity, and suitability in the medical program or chosen individual learner, but also to the care of patients.
specialty. While many students are unmoved in their self-
concept, some may question their value, contribution and 6. Implications of conformity for medical education
worth. Researchers, in fact, have shown that people filter
feedback from others against their own self-perception and It is clear from the existing research that groups can
see themselves as they believe others see them.20,4 The exert pressure on an individual to conform to various forms
mental jostling that students engage in can foster fear and of erroneous information – even when it pertains to
uncertainty. “Mind reading” of evaluators, what if's”, academic learning tasks. Applied to medicine, this phe-
“should's”, and “catastrophizing about the outcomes” nomenon is of great concern to the provision of safe,
may occur. Worrying may appear with questions such quality health care. As “teamwork has become a major
as: Do they think I belong here? What if I am unable to get focus in healthcare”11(p318), it is critical that we examine
letters of reference? Should I be studying more for this how conformity occurs in these health care teams. As listed
preceptor because of his/her reputation? If I don't get into by Salas and Cannon-Bowers,17 there are many compe-
surgery then what would I do? My whole future is tencies required for effective teamwork to take place. In
determined by this experience. Worrying thoughts may addition to task relevant knowledge, group members must
bring forward feelings of annoyance, anger, anxiety, fear, understand how to negotiate relationships within the team
T. Beran / Health Professions Education 1 (2015) 19–23 23

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