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"S"tr d$xnr-rmalræ ilCI d.d"P Goll Vic\¡r' Co por¡tc i owcr . ll

Soctor 42, 5ca tor lìo¡d
Chârf e16rl accôÍrìtàntq
0ur u(tr¡rlr ' 122 OO2, ll¡ry¡n., lÌrrlÌ¿
L(rl :.rql l24 aiUl ar{l00


To the Mernbers of lìcNew Powe r Limited (folmcrly I<nown as lìeNcw Powcr Private Limitctl and
ReNew Polver Ventures Private Lilnited)

Report on thc Standalone Irlrl AS Financial Stàtelnents

We have aud;ted the accompanying standalone Ind AS financial statelncnts of ReNew Power Liurited
(f'olrnelly known as ReNew Power Plivate Limited ancl ReNew Powel Ventules Plivatc I-irnited) ("the
Company"), wliich cornprise the Balance Sheet as at 3 I Match 20l 8, the Stâtelner'ìt of Profit and Loss,
including the statement of Other Comprehensive hroome, tlie Cash Flc¡w Statenlent lor the year then
ended, and a surnrnary of significant acconnting policies and othel explanatoly inforrnation.

Management's Responsibility for the Standalone Ind AS Financial Stâte ments

The Cotnpany's Boald of f)irectors is lesponsible for tl.ìe matters stated in Section 134(5) of the
Conrpanies Act. 2013 ("the Act") with respect to the preparation of these staldalone hid AS financial
stâtements that give a tlue and làil view ofthe financial position, fìnancial performance including othcr
cornprehensive income, cash flows and changes in equity of the Cornpany in accordance with
acoounting principles genelally accepted ir.r Inclia, including the Indian Accounting Standards (lnd AS)
specified undel section 133 of tlie Act., read witli the Companies (lndian Accounting Standards)
Rules, 2015, as anrencled. This lesponsibility also inch¡des lnaintenance ofadequate acconnting recolds
in accoldance with the provisions of the Act fol safeguarding of the assets of the Company and for
preventing ancl detecting flauds and olher irregularities; selection and applìcation of appropriate
accounting policies; rnaking judgrrents ar]d estilnates that are reasonable and prudent; and the desigrr.
irrplernentation and nlaintenance of adequate internal financial control thât were operaliug effectively
for ensuring the accuracy ancl cornpleteness of the accounting leoords. relevant to the prepalalion and
presentâtion of the Ind AS financial statements thât give a true and fair view and are flee from rraterial
misstâtemer'ìt, whether due to fiaud ol error'.

Auditor's Responsibility

Oul lesponsibility is to expless an opinion on these st¿rrldalone Ind AS fìnancial staternents based on
our audit. We have takeu into ¿rccount the provisions ofthe Act. the accounting and auditing standards
and matters which are requiled to be included in the audit report undel the provisions o1'the Act and the
Rules uladc theleunder'. Vy'e conducted our audit o1'the standalone Ind AS financial statelneuts ir'ì
accoldance witli the Standalds on Aucliling, issued by the lnstitute of Charleled Accountants of India,
as specìfied undel Section 143(10) ofthe Act. Those Standards requ¡re tlÌât we comply with ethical
tequitentents aud plan aud perf'olm the auclit to obtain leasonable assurance al¡out whethel the financial
statements are free fronr n'ìaterial nl isstatelr'ìelìt.

A¡r audit involves pelforrring procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and clisclosulcs in
the fìnancial statcrncl'ìts. 'fhe procedures selected depend on the auclitor''s .judgrnent. including the
asscssment of the lisks of mater ial lÌì;sstatelìent of tlre standalone Ind AS lìnancial statemeuts, whetlìel
due to fraud ol el-r-or. Iu making those risl< assessrnents, the auditor consiclers internal financial control
relevânt to thc Company's plepalation ol'the stanclalone lncl AS frnancial statenel'ìts that give a tlue
and fail vier.v in ordel to design audit ¡llocedures that are âppropriate in the circulrstances but not lor
the pLtrposc ol expressing an opiniou on whethel the Corn¡rany has ir ¡rlace an aclequate internal
financial contl ols systerìl over fìnarcial le¡rolting and the efï'ectiveness of such controls. An audit also
S.dd" tr¡q r¿rff
h"lrtêred Accouñtants
ru {a. ß^ #-Fe
includes cvalLlatil'ìg the approl)riâtencss of accounting polioies usecl ancl the reasonable¡ess of the
accottnting estimalcs rnadc by the Corrpany's Directols, as well as evaluating the over.arll prese¡tation
of the stanrialonc Ind AS financial stâterrents. We believe tlìat tlle âuclit evidènce we have obtaineci is
sufiìcielt atld apptopr-iate to provide a lrasis 1Ìlr oul ar¡clit opinion ol the standalone Ind AS fìnancial


ln oul opinion and to thc best of 0r¡l infonr¿ìtion and accorcling to the explanations given to rìs, the
staudalone Ind AS financial statelrents give the iufonnation lequirecl by the Âct in the rna¡ner so
required and give a tt ue and lair view iu confolmity with thc accounting principles gcnerally accepterl
in India, of the state of afÏàils of the Corrpaly as at 3I Mar.ch zoli, lts'pront incluãing other.
cornprehensive income, its cash flows and clranges in equity for the year endecl òn that clate.

Report on Other l,egàl lnd Regulatory Requirements

I As leqtrirecl by the Corrpanies (Auditor''s report) Orrler, 2016 ('1he Or.cler.") issucd by the Central
Governu'lent of lndia in terms ofsub-section (l l) ofsection 143 ofthe Act, we give ìn t¡e Annexure
¡ a statetìleltt on the ntâtters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 ofthe Order.

2. As reqLrired by section 143 (3) of the Act, we repor.t that:

(a) We have sotlght ar'ìd obtained all the infonlation and explanatio¡s which to the 6est of our
hnowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit;

(b) In our opinion, ptoper bool<s ofaccount as lequired by law liave becn kept by the Conrpany so fàr.
as it appeals fronr our examination oltlrose bool<s;

(c) The Balance Slìeet, Statcment ofProfit ancl I-oss including the Statement olOthel Cornprehensive
Incorne, the Cash FIow Statetlent and Statement ofChangìs in Eqìiity deâlt with by this Repor.t are
in agreernent with the books of account;

(d) In our o¡rinion, the afolesaid standalone Iucl AS fìnancial statenìents cornply with the Accou¡ting
Stalrclards specified under section l33 of the Act, reacl with Cornpaniei (lndian AccoLrnting
Stanclalds) Rules, 201 5, as arnencìed;

(e) On tlìe basis ofwritten represer'ìtations leceived fr-om the directors as on Jl Mar.ch 2018. and taken
on record by the Board ofDirectors, none ofthe clilectors is disqLraliticcl as on J I March 2018, from
being appointcd as a director in tel.lns ofsection 164 (Z) ofthe Act;

(Ð With respcct to the adequacy of the internal fiuancial contrc¡ls over fìnancial repor.ting of the
Company with lefèrence to these lnd AS financial statelnents and the opcr.ating eifectiviness of
such controls, refer to orìr separâte Report iu ,.Annexur.e 2,, to this r.eporl;

(g) Witlt resPect to the otl'ìer rratters to be inclucled in tlie Auclitor's Report in acco¡dance with Iìule I I
of the conrpanies (Audit and ALrditols) Rules, 2014, in our. opinion ancl to the best of our
inlollnation ancl accorcling to the exltlauatious given to us:

i 'fhe Conrpany does not havc any pending

litìgations which would imp¿ct its fiI.ìancial position;

ii. 'lhe Cornpany did not have any long-telm contracts

inclucling clelivative cortracts for.which
there wele any material lòrcseeable Iosses;
.-$"ffi. ffi,,qr'r.fdse;r.ç Cc¡. d-d"F
Chartered Accountants
iii 'l'he[e were no âmounts
which wele lec¡uilecl 1o be transfèllecl to the InvcstoÌ l]ducation a¡rtl
Protcclion lr'und by the Cornpaly

For S.R. Batliboi & CO. LLp

[]harteled Accountants
ICAI Firrn Registration Nurnber: 301003L/E300005

per Amit Clrugh

Menrbelslrip Nuniber : 505244
Place of Signatur.e: Gurugram
Dare : 16 July 201 8
"9"ffi- ffA'¿nsüd.ç C{.}. d-d"tr
Clrilrtcred rìt¡ùts

Allncxulc 1 rel'el.red fo iu ¡r lagnrph I (,l our r(]l)or'l ol cvcn tlalc un(lct'sectio 'ììc¡xlIt on othcr
legal and legula{ory lc<¡uir.crnents!

lìc: lìcNcrv l)orvcl l,initcd (l.hc Conpâny")

(a) I'hc Conrpany has urainlairrcd plo¡rcl lccolds shorving lLrll pâr'ticulârs, including quantitativc details ancl
s il ualion ol'lixccJ asscls.

(b) Pixcd asscts havc bccn physically vclilìcd by thc nlâuagemcrt dur.ing the yeal ancl no rratcri¿rl
disclepancics wclc idcntiliccl on such vel.ìl'icalion.

(c) Accord¡ng to the informalion and cxplanalions given bv t.hc managcnlent, thc litlc dcods ol'imluovablc
¡rrtlpcrties inclLrded in Propefty. ¡rlant and equi¡rment al.e hold in the namc rf'thc COntpany. lt has lreen
cxPlained lto trs thal the tille tlecds t¡l'(r1l cases
ol'licchokl land havc lrcen givcn as scculity (mor1gagc
and chalgc) againstthc scniot scculccl boncls ancl that oliginal tillc dccds alc ltcpt with thc sr-'crrlity
lrustces - Vislâra Il'CL Intlia l,imilcd and ll)BI lìrrslccship Sclviocs Linrilcd as seculity 1'or.thc t¡ond
holclels ancl thcrelìrte thc same coulti nol bc nrade availablc to us lirl oLr velil'ication and havc ¿rlso not
been incle¡rcndenlly cotrfitnred by thc scculily lnrslcc. Irurtlrer titlc tlceds lòr' 7 cascs ol'lìcchold land
anìoùl11inÉ! 1tl Iìs. 2 ntillion wctc nol availablc rvilh thc (ìornpany and lrcnce wc ¿uc unaLrle to oon'ìntclìt
on thc sanrc.

(ll) 'I'he (ìompany's Lrttsilrcss cloes ncf involve inventc¡'ics ancl

accor'<1ingl¡,, tl'ìc rcquitelneuls undcr
palitglaph 3(ii) ol thc Older ¿lrc not ap¡rlioatrlc to thc Cotìipany.

( ¡¡i) Accolding to thc infi)lntalion antl cx¡rlanations givcn to Lrs, thc Conr¡tany has not glantcd ¿rny loans,
ol unsccu|cd to oom¡ranics, l'jIrns ol olhel paltics covclccl in 1hc rcgislcr rnaiulaincd Unclcr
section 189 of'thc Oonr¡ranics ,\ct" 2013. Accoldingly, thc plovìsions ol'clausc 3(iii) Qr) anrl (b) ol'thc
Ordcl arc nol a¡rplicalrle tcl the Colnpany and honce nol commelìted ul)on,

(iv) ln ottt'olrinion aucl aoc<ltding to thc inlblnatìon zrnd ex1:rlanatir'rns given to us, thcle ale no loans.
gtlâlântecs allcl scct¡lil.ics glanlet{ in tospccl o1'rvhioh ¡rlovisions ol'scctiot] 185 o1'thc Companics Act,
2013 arc a¡rplicable. lìut'tìrcr, sinoe llrc Com¡rany is an ìnliastructule oonlllârìy rvithin thc lncarrirg of
Schctltrle Vl of thc Conr¡ranics Acl, 201 3. Lhc ¡rlovision of scctiôn I 1ì6 o1'thc Conr¡ranies Act, 20 I 3 is
lot app licatrle.
(v) 'l-he Com pany has
not accc¡rtcd any rlc¡:rosil s with in the mcalr ing ol' Sccl ions 73 to 76 o I thc Act an{ thc
Clonrp¿rn ies (Äcccplancc ol' Deposits) Iìu lcs, 20 I 4 (as anrentled). Accord ingly. thc
¡rlov isions ol- cl¿rusc
3(v) o1'the Oldel alc not ap¡rlicablc.

(v¡) Wc havc bloadly r-cvicwcd thc bool<s ol'acoount nrainlainccl by thc Company ¡rursuanl 1o thc lulcs nr¿rtic
bythcCenttal (ìovcrnnlcnl fìrt lhe mairrlcnance ol'or¡st lccolds untlelscction l4[ì(1)olthc(ìomltanics
Âcl, 2013 aud arc ol thc q)il'ìion llì41 plinra làcic, thc s¡rccificd âccourìts and rcoolds have bccn nradc
ancl nraintainecl, Wc have nol. howcvcr', maclc a dctailcd exanlinalion ol'1hc sanrc,

(vii)(a) t.JndispLtlod st¿ìtttloly ducs iuclLrding incontc-1ax, ¡¡oods & sclvicc tâx, custotìls duly, pr.ovidc¡t firncf,
ccss and othct lrater¡al stalutor), cftlcs havo gcncl:rll¡, bccu rcgrrla¡ly clcposited rvith thc appropr.iatc
aulholitics lhoLrgh lhclc has bcen a slighl r1cla.¡, in a fòrv cases. 'l hc ¡tr.ovisions r.claling to cntPloyccs,
stâtc iusur'âucc ancl cxcise cltrly alc not applicatrlc lo thc Company
"Ç"K #¿nr,pr¡alr"ç f,c¿ f-d,tr
Clr¡rl êred
' ^ccount¡ntc intbrmation ancl cx¡rlanations given to Lìs, no undisputed anrounts payable in I especL
tt i ¡,ðti,fiìr"tÏäifÈ
of i¡co¡e-tax, goocls & service tax, crìstoms duty, provident fuucl, cess and othet nlâteriâl stalutory
l'ol a pcliod of mole than six rnonths ftom thc date they becatne
dì.tes were outstândìng, at the year encl,
payable. The provisions relating to employecs' state iusurauce alÌd cxcise duty are not ap¡.rlical.rle fo fhe

(c) Accolding to the info ration and explanations given to us, there are no dues of income tax, goods &
service tax, custolns duty, excise duty and cess which have not been deposited ol] accotlrìt of any
d ispute.

(v¡ii) In our o¡tinion and accorcling to the inf'ormatìon and explanations given by the tnauagement, the
Cornpany has not clefaulted in repayrnent of clues to a banks, financial institutious ol debentule holders.
'l'he Company dicl not have any loans ol borrowing iu respcct to goveÜrmeut dut ing tlìe year.

(ix) In our.opinion and according to the inlolmation and explanations given by the management, the
Conipa¡y has utilizecltlie monies laised by way ofterm loans and debeututes fol the putposes for whicll
they were raised. The Cornpany has not raisecl rnonies by way of initial ¡rublic offer / further ptrblio

(x) Iìased upon the audit plocedures pellormed f'or the purpose of reporting the tt ue and fair view of the
fìnancial statements and accolding to the information antl explanations given by the lnalìagelnel]t, we
repoÌt tlÌat no fraud by the Company or no fiaud on the Contpany by the officets and eniployees ofthe
Company has been noticed or reported clul ing the year.

(xi) According to the ilìformâtion and explanations given by tlìe managelìrent, the ptovisions of section
197 r.ead with Scheclule V ofthe Act is not applicable to the Company aucl hence reporting under clause
3(xi) are not applicable and hence rot colrmented upou.

(xii) In our.opinion, the Conìpany is not a nidhi compâny. Therefole, the provisions ofclat¡se 3 (xii) ofthe
oldel are not applicable to the Cornpany and hence no1 cotntnented upon.

(xiii) Accor.ding to the information and explanations given by the lÌlanâgement, tl-ansactions with the related
par.ties are in cornpliance with section 177 and 188 of Cornpanies Act.20l3 where applicable and the
details have been disclosecl in thc notes to the financial stateÌnellts, as requited by tlìe applicable
accouutittg staudal cls.

(xiv) Accordilg to thc inf'olmation ancl explanations given by tlie nlânagement, the Cotnpany has coniplied
with provisions of section 42 of the Companies Ac1, 2013 in respect of tlie preferential allottrent ot'
pr.ivate placement of slrares duling the year'. Accorcling to the inf<rrrration and explanations given by
1he tranagelÌìent, we l epoú that tl]c amounts laised, have becn used fol the put poses for which the linds
were r.aiscd.'l'|e Company has not laised funds thlor.rgh lully or paltly convettible debetttutes dutitrg
the Yeat.

(xv) Accorcling to the inforrnatio¡r and explanations given by the lnallagelrent, the Courpatly has not etrteretl
into any non-cash trausactions with directors ot pelsons connected wirh hini as tefetred to in section
I 92 of Cornpanies Act, 2013.
h"#{," Ëßnprwr¡r Cc¡. 4.d"ff
Ch¿lrtared Account¿rnts "ç
(xvi) According to the inlormatiol ald explanalions given to us, thc provisions of section 45-lA ol'thc
Reserve Banl< of lndia Act, 1934 alc not applical¡le to the Cornpany.

S.R. Batliboi& Co. LLP

Chalteled Accountallts

Menrbelsltip Number : 505224
Place of SignatLrle: Gulr.rgram
Date: I 6 July 201 8
.Çff ffnnr-rmCIr
Co" d"d-F
Chèrtered Accoufi tilnts
Intlepcndcnt Auditor's Rc¡rort of even datc ou the Ind AS linânciàl stâtements
of ReNew Powcr Limited

lìeport on the I¡tcrnal Financial Controls untìer Cltusc (i) of Sub-scction 3 of Scctio[ 143 of fhe
Com¡ranies Act, 2013 ("the Act")

We have auclitecl the internal fina¡cial contlols ovet l'urancial le pot'ting of ReNew Powe r I-irnited ("the
Conpany,,) as of 3 I March 201 8 in conjunction with our âLrdìt of the Ind AS finalcial stâtements of tlìe
Company for the year ended on that date

Mânagement's Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls

The Company's Managernent is lesponsible fol establishing ancl rÌìaintailting internal fìnancial contlols
base¿ on ìhc inte¡lal coutrol over financial leporting criteria established by the Corlpany considetiug
the essential conìpouents of internal control stâted in the Guidance Nole on Atldit oi lntet nal Financial
Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by thc Institute of Chaltered Acoountallts of lndìa These
¡esponsibilitìes include the design, inrplcmentation and maintenauce of adeqtrate intetnal flnancial
colitrols that were operati¡g elfectively for ensuling the orderly and efficielrt colìduct of its bttsiness,
including adherence to the Colnpany's policies, the safeguafding of its assets, the prevention and
detection of fraucls a¡d er.rcx-s, the accuracy ancl completeness ofthe accouuting r-ecotds, aud the tilnely
pÌeparâtior of r.eliable financial infor.nration, as requiled under the cornpanies Act,20l3.

Auditor's ResponsibilitY

Orrr. r.esponsibility is to express an opinion on the Cornpany's internal financial conttols oveL firrancial
r.eporting with reference to these Ind AS financial staterrents based on our audit. We conducted out
audit inìccor,lance with the Guidaucc Note on Audit of hrtelnal Financial Contlols Over Financial
I{eporti¡g (the "G¡iclance Note") and the Standalcls on Auditing as specifìed uudcr sectiou l43(10) of
the Cornfanies Aat,2013, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial coutrols and, botlt
'fhose Stalldalds and the Guidance Note
issLred by the lustitute of Chaltered Accour.ìtan1s of India.
r.cqui¡e tirat we cornply with ethical requirernents and plan and perform tl'te audit to obtain t'easonable
u.rrrun"" about whéther. aclequate internal financial conttols ovet fìnancial reporting wilh refetence to
these lnd AS linancial staternents was establìshed alìd maintaiued and if stlch solltrols operâted
effectively in all tnaterìal res¡:ects.

Our. audit i¡v¡lves perfbrming pr-occcìures to obtain audit evidenoe about the adequacy of the intelnal
financial controls over financial repolting with reference to these Ind AS financial statelnellts and lhcir
operating ef1ectiveness. Oul audit of internaL financial controls over fìnancìal lepol'ting included
oLtaininI an under.stancling of internal financial controls ovel linancial repolting witli reference to thesc
Ind ,AS financial stateu.ìelìts, assessirg the lisk thât a uraterial weakness exists. and tosting and
evaluati¡g the design and opelating effectiveness of intelual coutrol based o¡r the assessed lisk The
pr.oceclurà selecteictepcnd ón thc auditor'sj udgernent. including thc assessmetrt ofthe l isks of matetial
misstatelrìerìt of tlìe finaucial statelllellts, whcthel due to fiaud or et¡or'

We believe that the auclit evidenoe we have obtaiued is sullcient ancl appropriate to p|ovide a basis for'
our audit opinion o¡ the intetnal fìuancial contlols over finanoial le¡torting with lelet'ellce to lÌese Ind
AS financial statcnlents.

Mcaning ()f Intcrnal [in¿ncial Controls Over Financial IlcportiÌg with referettce to thcsc Ind AS
finåucial slatelnents

A compa¡y's iutelnal finaucial control over financial repoltiug with referencc to these Irld AS_ financial
sfatements is a pr.ocess designed to ltlovicle reasonaLrle assuratìce legartling the reliability of firrarrcial
repoltiug aud tlrc ptepalatiori o1'[inancial stâtelneuts fbt extelttal PUrposes in accotclance with genelally
S"ffi. tr¿n¿r¿*a¡rs Cû" A.d"f3
-Chatf e¡.cd /\ccountðnts
ä,jåJitêäåiËåiriìting principles. A company's intelnal financial cortrol over llnancial reporting witli
( t perfaitl to
refel ence to these ticl-AS financial staterÌeuts includes those policies ancl pt occcltlt-es that )
the tnainte¡âI1ce of records that, in Ieaso¡at¡le detail. accurately and fairly lef]ect the ttans¿rotic¡us aud
dispositior.rs ol the assets ol'the corn¡rany; (2) providc reasonable assurânce that transactiotls arc
recãr.cled as necessary to penllit pleparation oî financial st¿ìterletÌts i¡r accordance with
accePtecl accou,.,ting principles, aná that receipts aud expcnditutes ofthe cotnpany ale being rnade only
in aicordance with author.isations of managernent and directols ol'the company; ancl (3) plovide
reasouable assurance regalding prevention or tirnely detectiolì of unauthorised acquisition, use, ot'
dispositiou of the company's assets tlìat could have a rnaterial effect on the fiuancial stâtclììents,

Inhcrent Limitations of Internll Fin¿rncial Controls over Fiuancial lìeporting with reference to
these Ind AS financial stâtcments

Because of the inher.ent limitations of internal financial controls over financial reportilìg with teiercnce
to these lncl AS fìnancial statelnerìts, including the possibility of collusion or improper mallâgelnellt
override ofcontrols, lnaterial misstatements due to ctrol or ftaud may occur and not be deteoted. Also,
projections ol any evaluation of the internal financial controls over financial repolting with referetlce
io these Ind AS fi¡ancial stâteuìents to fitule periods âre sì.ìbject to the risk tbat the interual financial
contr.ol over lìnancial ¡eporting with reference to these Incl AS financial statelììeflts may becorne
inadequate because of changes in conditiot.ts, or that the degree of cornplìanoe with the policies or
plocedut es ntay deteriot ate.


In our opinion, the Company has, iu all mateliâl respects, an aclequate intetnal financial cotltLols over
fina¡ciai r.eporling with'reierence to these Ind AS finanoial statetìrents and such internal l'inancial
contr.ols over fì¡a¡cial repotti¡g with reference to these hìd AS financial statelnents wele opcratìng
effectively as at 3l Maich 2018, based on the internal control over financial reporting criferia
establishe<1 by tlie Cornpany considering thc essential components of internal control
stated in the
Guidance Noie on Audit ofIntelnal Financial Controls Ovel Financial Repofting issued by the Institute
ofChartelcd Accountants of India.

For S.R. Batliboi & Co. LLP

Charteled Accoül1tânts

per Amit Chugh

Menrbership Nutnber 505224

Place of Signature: Gutugram

Date: l6 JLtly 201 8
l}{l¡ùìcc SlrcÙ ¡s rt ll lU¡'clr 2{ll'l
(^tr)otrnrs in INI( ùillkr¡s. rnrless o(ìrcnvisc s(r(c(t)

trt ûr
Notor ll ^s
lur¡c! 201¡1 ^s 2{ll7
3l M{ùct'

l,topùrly, ìrlanl n(l c{tùitrìcùl 4 15,59144

(hpi(al \vo'k i,ì t,rcs,ess ,r 36ó.96 22 ó0
5 72.8t1 52.78
Lf ¡¡riblc assùs ù¡.1.r ¡c!clot)trrcùr 5 7.61

6 44,585t3 2r,289.80
7 1,005.94 862 4l
'1 2,261.22 2,5?0 02
I)c,¿ùc¿ rax asscls (ncù 8 r,2tì9.89 t,384 88
9 t'10.4t a'1.74
OIhd non ctrrrcr( ¡sscls l0 2,0'lt.| t,2ó9l6
67,410.61 5t,216.10

7 t,or,J./l
'lftdc rccci!âblcs II 1,295.77 .ì,:194.65
ftsh ârìd cish cqui!¡lcùl 12 l.4clJ.,u 'r,.tt2 54
ll¡nk b¡lâ¡ccs olììÙ lh¡ c¡slt ¡trd casìr eqùivalcnr t2 r,0t9.2t t,937.5ú
1 4',1,2s152 t0,001.02
7 4,294.65 2,84290
t 64.69 5ó.s4
l0 t87.7ó 190.09
58,ó6ó,3s 27,71s,10

126,496,96 ?x oar ñrì

IiitIily and l¡åb¡¡llie$

r.l^ 3.771.58 l,31lt.ó2

t4lJ 6ó,:15r.70 54,612tt

I)chcnlrnc rcd.nr iúr,rscrvo r 4(' t,66ú.5J 834 55
ShîÈ h¡scd paynrùf rcservc 141) |,421.11
Rc(anìed c¡¡ìi,!ss I4u 721.t9
7:r,538.99 st,t ll1.89

N0tr-c rreùl lirbil¡l¡or

¡.¡ng lcrù bor(¡ljrìls t5 42.004.86 1.1,716.24

00 8 24.61ì
Olhcr noìì-arrcnl liaÙiUr,c! t1 2(J1.93 )51.59
'lì'til notr-cürrcÌt liÀùililior 42,276,79 ß,912.51

Sho,rrerr l)onowirgs IE 7,6t7 89 5,00r.óó

t,004.!5 1,059.64
Olhcrcuùrnl flû¡ ciâl 1ìâbilirns 20 t,481.92 2,41L42
22 14.0:1 29.58
10,2,ì t. r,r tì.920.20
-lot¡¡l lisbililics
52,55?.97 22,832.71
'lìfàì cquily ¡ rl l¡ùlril¡t¡cs
_-- __, _12!!2Í ___-_IIJ5!ó1I
Surùùâ,) ol sisrilì.ant ¡.c(rnnitrg rolicics :l
'¡ hc âccorrt nying ¡ores r¡ù irfcsnì
{rù l)ârt of(hù ti nanc rl t s(âreDcùtjr

p.r oùr rcporrofcve! (ktc l¡0 r¡d on Dchrlforll'c

^s I(cNcì ll¡ror l,in¡lod (nrnrr¡y kùo\rtr As lloNon ll¡rcr I,liytrrc
litr'S.lì. Ð t¡iboi & (lr', ¡.1-1,
l( Al I:i r Iìcuslmlion No l0l003li/|i300005 t,¡rrited Àn¡l lìrNcs ll¡tcr. Votrlù¡¡$ ll.iy¡tc l,¡!ù¡r!¡¡).
( hnrlorcrl

i\4enìl)eßìriD No : 505224

¡lilc: l6.lùlv 2018

IlcNc$ llnro¡ l,irìilrd (lb rìrrlr k'loryn âs llcNcw llntcr lì.ivâlc t,i¡nirtlt âtr(t ltcNcn t,oìrcr.\
StrrcÌrcÌf of lìîfit
llnd l,o$$ li,r thc ycnr cll(tcd 3l Mîrch 2018
(Arìlounrs in ìNlì rìrilliorìs, Dlcss orhc viscslatcd)
r0r'fhc yc^r'c[dcd Ior the yc¡ir cndcrl
No(cs 3l M,ìr'ch 2018

l{cvcr)uc fioDìofcrâtions 2t 1,482.55 :1,24r4.09

24 2,1t2.50 ì,241.03
'lbt.rlincoùrc s,795.05 4,501.12

linìtoyce bcûclìrs cxpcnsc 25 687 5¡i t,248 33

26 15',t.tf 434.31
1,444.7 | l.6lì2.64

liârning beforc i¡rtercsl, (1r, dcpr¡:ci¡rtior¡.rnd Àmorliz¡¡tior (litll ll)A) 4,350.34 2,824.48

DcprcciarioD aDd aDìû1i7¡lioD cxlrcnse 669 26 11975


946.16 ó23.85

16 07 t49 35
Dcfèlled (âx 94.14 t318.441
'lix lor crrlierycârs (84.94)

l'rolìt lor thc ycâr' (:r) 860.89 ut2.94

Othcl conrplclrcrrsivc i con¡c (OCl)

Itcms (Ìrl will 0t bc rcclâssilìcd to prcfit or loss ir rùbscqrcnt pcriods

llc casuremeur loss¿s or dcfincd beùefìl plarìs 011 (4.99)
lìrconìc lax cifcct (0.25)
Nct othcr conrÈchc sivc ilrornc lhat rv¡ll not lrc rcchssificd to lrolit or lo$s i¡r 0.52 (3.14)
srbscqucnt pcriods

'lbtâlcomprclcnxivc i co rc for the ye¡¡r (â) + (b) 861.41 809.60

lirrnhrgs per'!ihôrc:
(tâcc vîluc pcr slr.ìrc: INIÈ l0)
(l) llâsic 2.54
(2) I)ilurcd 2.4.) 2.11

Sul]ììnary of signifìcant ¿rccounlìng policrrs 3

'l hc acconrl)âr)yirg ootcs ärc ar) iDlegâl pârt ol lhe lìnaDciâl stâreIllcnls

olcycn dâte
pc¡ orìr rcpoì1 lìor' â¡td on bchålf ottbc

^s S.ll. lìâtliboi & Cô. l.l.l) lìeNcw Poìrcr l,illlitcd (f{xmcrly known as lìcNcìv Ìowcr I'rivâr(
I('AI Irnìr l{cgislìrlion No.: 30 I 00lLl[]300005 l,imitcd and RcNcìv l¡owct. vcn(urcr ll{v,¡tc Limitcd)

I r /)

abai nan and Ma¡âging Dirccto¡

DIN- 00024262
ì'laccr(ìurus,¿rì I'lucciGLìrugråDÌ
ìlatci l6 July20l8 Dârci l6 JLìlyl0ltl

...(bùpary Sccrclary
ì .:.¡4e DìbcrshiD No.: Iró508
',] ..1;\cc: c;rnugraur
\',Do(c: l6 Juìy 2018
l.l .

R(Nùr ¡'û\ cr ¡-h¡ird (f0rntrr ¡t knor$ ás lì¡NN ttnro l¡rn¡rrLiùitd nt[cNor t,6rcr \¡rtrù.cs trt({l¡ t,iùltr )
S¡rtctrr r 0l ( ¡slr Iùùs¡ lirrllr¡rc¡rqrhd ll l\irr¡h l0l,l
(^Nnns ir lNlt rrll'Òñ nlùss .tlic'Nirc i¡rod)

l! l4r!!! !!lLirì(i ¡r Mifdr20r?

-- 7t) ól:l85
i).ll.!i. i0ì rtrd ¡trtrrlishù $Dc Jc 66926 ,liq.75
opodtrrì i n(ùnnì(c t41.1ì1 I l¡1.l')
420.?6 .t29.t5
(t ?2lJ 15) (0?o 111)
l-osr(tron0dnsrúc0¡t)$DcrD,l)l¿N klcqrç¡ìcfr 15.112 0.18
1.6?ll.7s t.6'l t]
Ir¡n lâù dr nnftrãL liûd
Y¡Luù (10i.50)
no'riscilr (illltr), hùnosi'ì! cof \rrLc¡ ofI 46?5
OIorátlnt trrlìt brlo'r rDrki'¡g ¡rtìit¡ì (hrtrßs 1,039.69 2,It3.¡4

nov.ntrnr i'¡ ro¡k ìg câDÍil

(1trùc¡sc)/dcoi.i¡c i ì û¡d.'!cùLvrlt¿s 98 t$ (t,734 77)
(lùu¡¡sc)/dcc,tAc Dfin rialN$1s (584 -1?) ( t,4 t5 r,1)
(nuc¡scr'.[c'rôc i, Drlr)¡y¡ìo s (90.31) (t{l] 57)
(lJìùc¡sù){cc'!.rù ô11,s rssds
'll7{) (14091)
¡'ìùc¡r./kl¿or¡sc) D.rlrcr liabill s (2S7.1?) 1t1.02
I'ìù" ¡](dcud¡sù) ùndc p¡y¿ cs (54.110) 1155.1('
I'ìù crsr/klcür¡sú) nì riùNia Iiilìrlir¡cs {2 rl
Itrc'!is./(lc.'c¡sc) $ Þ$virio'rs (31ll)
C{rlr *ùrcratc¡l foN o¡rc¡atl0ns Lilil
r)i'.c( r¡rcs lanr ('id ùl {I lll o?) (2Nr.0r)
Ncrcrsl'ÈcùÊrdro (uscd)tu0Iùâtir¡Bùdirirics 2,01û.,15 --- (lr4,sl)
(ìÀslr llory lÌonr hvcrl'ìß ¡¡t¡vlthr
I\nchAcoflrot)c'ry,plirtañc(t ijrrcNtrìclud Ic¡triralNork rt)'.9'css¡ drr|)llt v¡ncc¡ (2 355 r0) (7,11ì8.86)
I,¡Ò.cdrls fi o ìsrlcalìnoì)c¡!, t)l¡tr( ìdcîÍrnìcnl 5.00
ìùAh¡snsi'ìhrnkdcporilshn rUrcsdùit MûtrjryDm'atlì¡Dlmofrììs (:,395 5t) (2.40¡.|l)
lìcdctrìliiÙìùl bùik ddDdsih hrvin! rcsidr¡l rd |ly ìùc([ ì] ¡ñfhs ì,000.53 3 65ó?')
Lo ìlLycû br'bsnli iùs 0nsc.tr'od o (ltr 337:12) (Ìó,65U.t2)
ì,0 ìLcJ[ ùysùbsdiùÌy ùrcc l!,5t9.?4 t,394 5i)
(13,e7ì r0) (7, s.7t)
ì.orì rosrùsdmNs. rcd.o rblc ctrmul¡tivc Ir.iìj¿0.c\lúrr (r1,901t4)
Sh c ãftt'c¿(io r nìoNy D drùsrbsidi¡ics (2,232.4.1)
Slirrc àff l'ùdô r nìoNy rcl¡trdcd bt $rbsiJiirics t.2,J0.00 . 3190
ó87 0ll 66126
Ncr ìrìvcdùìcnr iLì n!'LMlrìr¡d5 (4:l,l5(l 50)
Nor lìctlonìtf nr, i,ì tr tr¡r rì,trds 42,,104 7l
Ncl ¡{slì (ùql)i¡ n¡rcrlrìg n{1¡\flos (5.1,1r1,¡s) (t6,s2s.r7)

(lásl! llos rr¡ l¡rr{ cnr|] ¡¡lhithi

llocccdslìonìßsrcolc¡l!(yslr¡'ls(i'ìcl"di,,gfrcmtrn¡)(rìcrofsl'rcìs\ìcADcNs) tó.06582 J,304 fr4
Sh r ¡pDl,.¡l'or nroßr rclir cd 2 7t)
l,'occods lìo¡ì k!ì!¡cù I'oùo\vings 211,18ó t9 7 4?105
l{Ðryrhcnr Òlknì! lcrr [ororviLìgs {ut r5) (t,602.t4)
l\o.¡cù nÒrìslnl-tc ùoùo\irìgs t9,575 47 t7,5t6 40
l(Ù|)¡rrncnl Òf drnl-ton bon¡NNls (tó.t59 2:l) (t5,50,1.0t1)
(2.4?9118) (ì,440.02)
Nd c{d¡ !otrr{rcd lronì finåtrcingrctirfirs 44,455,22 25,¡ .10

Nct ({hor{s) / ¡Nr¡¡rc I'r ¡¡slr ¡úl ci!lì cqnlv¡l¡ s (?Jl{5-ç8) 8.62t.52
(1,¡1, ¡n(lc¡sh cquivâhnls rr (hc b¡ßl'nrl gototrìrrr 9,31¿,51 6qL02
(r¡sh rl(¡rlì rquhâhtrls ¡l lh¡ ¡n¡l olthr ycâ¡ _ _______ !!.!4 9.:ìt2.5t

ConrDoncnls ol.âù ând câd' c4rlv¡lcrlr


1,4ót.')6 I 8?q 10
. On dÐo¡iL accotrnls \viLìì onsnì¡l nürortr ol lcs l ûìùñ1tr
rlìan 7.4ll.tl
'lDlùl(rslrrnd srslì caulvîhtrts {r0l¡ l2ì qt!!l{
t,46ú,96 __'-

Noncdrdr¡nBs{A ¡lll¡'tr

-ol!(cnÌDotr1\vrìls(ncl'dùìgcf'rcDl¡idrr(a ìdD.rÒruúrhrylñr¡\'tr8cor\

Suù¡yolq¡iJì. ¡..otrDt ltpolcic¡ l

lh.¡ccont, iy ! orcs¡Lcr nrrq:nl|[f ol(lrc lì ìaoc ¡l {ârc oDts

tù or rcDùn olo\cn d,Ìlc

^r lacNof I'0n0 l,h lrd{l¡rdrflt,{fowD{illcNNrlo\c¡l¡r¡vifcl,nnitcrt{Ìdtì¡N¡s
Sr¡tenen¡ olCh¡ng¡s in Eqùill lor rhê Í¡r êndêd il ÌUrr.h ?013


rola¡ conp¡ehenstvc incone

ihúe epphcãton noner receled ls.st7 r;
-qui!\ sharss issucd durn-. thc Jcar (r3.3ri l1) l¡? l:
Amounr !rilised ôn c\ercisè ôf siûck ôpriôns r1093rl
)èbê¡tures con!€ñed,n10 equ,l_r shã¡es dunnsrhe yea¡ tl
cmount uùlize¿ lor issue olshâ¡es 123 l3 tr3 331
ihâre3pplicâûón nónêJ refùndable ar lear end (1:01 (2201

'or2¡ Conp.che6ile l¡cone

mounr agarns síocl oplrons rcla ngrosubsdrarr-'(reler nole jl)

hee àpplcarion nonej" rècèned tó 092 ii
ñô!ôr ùrlisrd o¡ exe.ùsÈ olso.k opuons ll (r ri
qu,,J. 5hare5 (sued dun¡g úe)e¿r lsr só
¡moun¡ uo¡ized for Ásue olsha¡es

Summary of s!Iìlìcanr accounnns polloes

Ihe a.conpânvi.€ nôres â¡e aô rnleg¿lpan

ol evc¡ date
Âs pcr oùr rcPon For ¡nd o¡ b¿hålrorrhê
ForS R 82¡li6oi & Co.l,LP RcNes ¡o*e¡ LiDited (fo.nc.llI ÕenarRcNes Powr Prn âr€ Liñn.d
Relisra on ¡"0 l0I00lE€100005 ¡nd Rêliês Por.rì'.n1u.6 PriÌ¡le Linited)

l,r,\r i :-.
¿{rl I
--ìê \ _-_.--
Cha¡man 2nd ltran3g'ns Dredo¡ r"a"p""a""' o"...' I )
DIìi- 0c0l.r:62

ÀI€hbeßhìp No F6i08
Place cnrrugram
D¿,ê r ó rur) r0 r 3 tï
,t.-i-i ,,i. è..
f r; '"./ ^-": \ .\.
r ;: ":;::
\.ï.r : '-? )

No(cs k) Irinlnci,ìl Stî(errrcnts for thc )'câr c'r{lcd lt l\'I¡rrh 2018
i^lrxnrìls in INIì rnillioûs,L rlcss othcrw jsc slr¡tcd)

I (;enrr¡rlinfbrllìâtio

CoDìpâìry hâs changrxì lioDr l{eNew ì)owcr Iìi\,âtc I_irnitcd lo l{eNcw l)o\vcr l_inrilcd.

ì:lxchOngcwith clllct fi'(nìr 22 May 2018.

bLìsi¡css âclivilrLs relîtirìg to gcncralioll of-power lhrough norì-coDvc¡ìliür¡ì âDd rencwâble c¡crgy sùrccs

2 llâsis o f prcpârâ tio¡r

Slandaì¿s) l{ulcs, 2015, as anìerìdcd


- ìrin¡rncial assels aDd Iiabiìilics nreâsurcd al läi¡ valuc (relèr accoonrirg policy regardiDg firaDciat ìnsrruDìenrs)

3 Sllnùnlìrr of Slg|lincân( Àccounlirg Pollclcs

â) [Jsc of lifi ì¡tc'_

b) Cûr'rcnt vorsrs ùon-currcnt clâssifi(,l¡io¡

'I he (Ì)rùpaìry
l)rcscn(s asscls arrd liâbiìi(ics iD lhe balaDcc slìccl bâscd on cuùenl/ non-cLìncnI cìassijìcation.

¿sscl is trciltcd rìs cùr'rcnl when ir is

. LxpecrÈd lo bc rcalisc{l or ìnlended tu rtd or consLrnre.l rn no ùît opcftrting
^n oyctc
. Ileld pùnìal]ly fo, lh0 t! tose oi lrâdrlrg
. IjxDccr0d lo be rclliscd wrlhrn Lweh,c ùmnths atlcr lhc rclx)trng penod, or

AIIurhur J\rrs drc cla{çrfi{,1 as nùn{ d

lirbilily is trearcd as current \4ren ir is:

^. llxpecled to bc selrlcd ill Ûornûl oDcrâtrng cyctc
. IIcl.i prnr¿ìrlly lbì lhc pLrrt)osc ol lrâ¿ints
. I)Lle ro be sc led \\,ilhrn lwch,e rì())ìlhs ¿rtlcr the rcporlÍrg Dc od, or

liabrlitics ârc cl¡lssilìcd 0s non-curroìf

Dclèll.c¿ tax asscls/liabilitics re classiiìed as non-currcrìr ¡sscls/ti trititiLr.

corìÌ¡nyhas idcnlifìed lwch,c rnoDlhs¿rs thoiropcmtiDC cyclc lor classifìcütiorì ol lhcircuffc¡(âssers rnd li biliirL\

cì Ìa¡r Yaluc lnclìsür'cDrctrt

. In lhc Dllncrpâl ¡n¿ukcl li)r thc ¡sscl or l¿rl)rìiry, or

' li the tìbscncc ol ¡ priDcrpîì Dì¿ìrkct, in lhc nrost tldvânrageous ìârkcl tòr llìe tìsscl or lâbrljly

'l hc
Drircrì¡l or thc mosl a(ivânt¿rgcors nrarkcr ¡nusl llc accessilrìc by rlìc (.oDt)any.

0l)ilily lo gcncM(c ccorìouric berìcli(s l)y using ll)c ¡ssct iD ils lrighcst an(l besr rìse or by scììing il lo âDortru DÌ¡r
itshighcsl nìd bcst se
l-hc (hìrpaoy lscs valuatio¡r tcchlliqìres thtìr ¿ìrc lpprq)fiale iD rhc circuìnraDcc\ aìr(t tor \\,hiclr
ùr¡rxiìnisirg lhe rsc of rclcvaul olr$clÌaùle inpùrs¡n(l Drinìnrìsing tho lsr of ìrnobscrvabtc inprìls
Notcr tu l¡irrînciâl Slâte¡nenß- for tlrc ycrr cndcd 3l M^rrh 20llÌ
(^l]lorìrìls ìrì INIì ùrillioìs, u lcssotlrcnûscslalcd)

l)ascd on lhÈ loq'csr lcvcl iDpur lhal is sigDriicdDr lo lhc làir valuc rìrcâsL¡r'cDrcrìt âs â \vholci
.l.cvcl I
Qroled (ur1(lrus(ed) nì¡rkel Dric0s nr dolrvc nìarkcls lor rdenticalasscrs or lìâbrltres

ol tlìc assclor ljabililyan(itlìc levclol thc lbir vahre lìíerârcby. (llcl¡r Norc 35 arrd l(t.

lcDìcâsllc(ì or rc,assqsscd as pcr (be âccounrorgìx)ljcie, ol lhc ('ornpâny.

rcùrcasl¡red or rc-âssqsscd as pcr tlìe accoonlrng policiL"; ollìrc (bìnDarry.

¡t Ihc cnd ol-câch rcpoì1ing period.

¡t lhc cnd of c ch rcporlirìg pcriûì.

Disolo,urcs fb siSrìilìarrtcst'nratcs an(l irssLrìnprioìrs (llel¡r Notc43)
' Qu.ìntrlâtrvc disclosr¡rcs oi-fàiì' value mcasuremcnr hrerârch),(lìcl¡ì Notc 3(t
ììrì.ìncirl ìns(rurìr]nls (including rhose câìf ied ¡r
rìrortlscd oost)(llct¡r Nolc 35)

d) llcvcÌuc rccogÌi(ioÙ

s late clec rr icily bo¿ìd/ prí\,älc cuslorìrcrs.

Cc't¿rution bßc¿ Inu tiw

htcot ali' setúc¿s ( Munaß rc 1Co'tsutuunq)

Sfllc o1 Rcttnc¡ion lìl,tissiot, Culilì cdtus (nIÌCt)

ùrconÈ fi orn sale olììU( s is rccogDisllì on salc of tlrcsc ccrrificatcs.

Intot,'tlo tli¡t irlúedd ,tqas, con|,¿ ns¿¡¡o jbt lossoJ t"t¿tn¿ I inteftÍ on ftlvn,t.vs

In¡(krl ¡tu:ot,,t

incomc iÛ lhc Slrìlcrìcrìt of lìdìr aud l-oss.

i:'... /'

\-!.ì¡ '
Not$ lo lrirârrc¡âl StrlcrrcÌts lor (he yc^r.cndcd.ll i\,1ârrl 2018
(ADrou,ìls irì lNìl rnilliors, rÌnlcss olhcrvisc slllrcd)

Itttut,,¿|iotì' ßot'¿| tttc,tt r:ft tts

llclcr nolc (g) lor accoLrornrs Doìicy.

c) IùrcigÌcr¡r-rcrcie$

.n\;r,,rirr1rr , $hrch rhcr ì,nì,Jny. t\1.,r(

'li 0 sßti|,Lt Ílhuh ttc!í

ìlxcììarìgc dilì¿rcnccs ârising oD scltlsrcnt or trâ¡slâti{nr ol ¡ronclaìy ilcrìß a'e rccog¡iscd irì prolìl or loss.

hconc ((X l) or D¡ofìl or loss arc also rccogìrisc(l ir (Xlì or prolit or loss, resìrecti\cly).

C ú¿ ti couk ¡a\

lrìxable prolìls willalknv lhc (ìsl¡rÌcd lax ässet lo bc rêcovcrcd

bascd on lax ralcs (and (âx lâws) thâl hâ\,e becn cDâcrc(i or subsl¿Ilivcìy cnâcrcd Â( lhc rcpo¡1ing dârc.

rccogniscd irì corLeìâliù lo lhc underlyiig lrânsûclior cithcr in (X'l or dircclly irì Lquity.

lhc dclè cd taxcs rcìâlc lo lhc saÌre lâ)i¡rble enlityând lhc sa'rìc laxarion ârrhority.

Mi i ,1lharut. 'lit\

/'.,., t-) :a.::..,

Nolrs 10 Irinân.iâl Sttllcnrcnts lì'rthc ycâr'cndc(l 3l M^rrh 2018
(^llì()rn(s in lNlì )rilìioìs, unlcss othcnyisc raled)

g) (ìovcÌrrnrcùt gr'nnts

ol crnjssìor rcdncli(nrccriljcalL\ lrâvc bccn rccoßniscd as olher irlcoùrc.

(ìeneralioÍ lrased Irìccnli\c

iìr accoxlancc wilh lhc sclÌcrìc ol (hc ' Gcneraliou Llased lncenlivc ((ìlll) iòr (lì id irìlcfElivc Wiìrd PoNcr Proiccts'

b) llïpcrtv,Ila¡rt ând cqrÞnrent

rcpair aìì d IÙa intenäncc cosls ârc rccogtr iscd ilì Þrolj I or loss 0s irìcur rcd.

Suhl(qrk!nt Costs

ol hoiìt and l.oss äs rìDd wlrco inculTc

lìll¡cls ol changes iD IircigD Ilrch ìrgc Iì tes rnder Indiân cAÁ.I,.

rnd arc rccogrìized in lhc srâlcnlclrt olÞrolil aìrd l(xs when thc ¿sscl is (lcrccoßnizcd.

lnt¡rngihlc â$rcls

accuD]ulllcd ìmr1i7r¡lio¡ and âccu|ìuìalcd irUraìmìcrìl lossLl.

l'lre rselìrl lives ol iDrangìbìc asscls ârc assesscd âs ci¡lrcr Iiuitcor rndclìDilc.

,r' !:

ii.i.r í

Notc\ t{, l¡irâncial Slrlr¡ncrrts for thc ycrr endcd 3l Nl¡ìtlù 2018
(^rnoùnrs rD lNì{ rrriììions, nlcss o(hcl\\,ise sl tcd)

j) Drpl'eri^lion/âmorliz.r(ion of Pl'll
DeÞrcrialioD rs calculatcd on a slrâidrt-lìnc brìsis over l|e estin¿led ùsc'i¡l ìi\cs of rhc Osscrs as follû\,sl

I'l rìr ¡DJ cqul)ìc,Ìr

Mì.Ll]!\! u!rl.!!!!:

as prescril)ed Lìmlcr l,ûrl C of Schcdule ll olConìpâ,ries Acl, 2013.

prostt.cli\¡ely, il lpÞropLiatc

lloIIoìyirg corts

câpilålizrfion olllìc qlìalilying âssels is ûddcd ro cosl oi lhc quâlilyiog âsscls.

Ûghl lo usc lhc assel or assels, evcn ìl lhul righl is not explicitly spcciljed in rìr a ¡ngcrnerì1.

lnrp¡ri ncnt of noù-fìÌânci¡l â$scts

('(;tl cxcceds its a)nount, Ihe âssel is crnìsidcrcd i¡rDaircd and is \\,r'itleD do\\,rì ro iLs rccovcúbls arnounr.

DNllrdes, qùolcd shârc priccs fòr ]rublicly lrrdcd coDrpâDrcs or otlìcr avaiìoble laiì valoe iftlicalors.

ífths(Lics, o¡ couDrìy or c(\rntrics in r\ùìclr rbc eùriryopijlalcs, or fòr lhe Drarkcl in whicb rhcasscl is uscd.

nrcrcrse irr rc\,aìrìalìolr dÀoÂfu . :


. ,- t:\: /,
Nolc{ to lriÍ^ùcirlSkrlcrnen(s for' ([e ycâr'cÌd(d 3l Mâlr:h 2018
(,Arùounls in INI{ rìilltuns, rrnlcss olherrvisctârcd)

n) Shäxj bîrrd pâymcnrs

IÌtu¡ty-scttlcd 1r¡rÌsâc(i(llrs

bcsirììriìg and eDd of lla( pcrn ând is rccogrÌin-'d irr cDltoycc l)cncfìl cxplnse.

a\ial1l uulcss thc¡c rc also scrvicc alld/or pcrlòrmâncc corrditiorrs.

salislì!'(1, prcvi(ìc(ì thar all orher pcrlirrmncc ând/or scN,icc corìdiriorì nc salisfiod

co'ìsidered âs dccrìcd iìrvcitrìrcnt iìr thc lòr1ìr of câDirâl corrrribL¡tioD ir) I lre srì bsid iâry.

o) l{ctirßnrcrt ;ìnd othcr cnìployce bcûcfits

!âluaLiùr âr c¡ch ycar-cnd ca'ried oul Lrsiog thc projcct(xl unil cosr lnelhod.

prolìl or ìoss ir subsütucrì( pcriùls.

proscnlc(l as non luncnt liabilily.

I)âsl scrvicc cosls íìrc rccogûised in StalcnrDl ollì!fil

or l-osson lbc caÍlicl ofl
- l hc drlc ol thù plan îrÌcndrncrìt or cr¡r1âil¡Ì]cDr, and
- Thc (Ì¡rc lÌrâ( thc cinnpany recognis(: rel rcd ìaslrlìcrrìring cosl s

rcl dcfircd bcncfil obÌìgfliùr s ârr exÞeDse in tho St¡rrcrncììt ol ììdìr aDd I¡ss:

- Nct in(crcst cxpcnsc ûr irco[rc


rhc shs {tTrrli( i-.

fo lhc lial)iliti,- Wbcn discounriDg is rìsc(|, lhc ìDcrease ir thc Dr)visioD drìc lo lhe pass¿rgc ol (irnc is
| .:.: ¡

.-,:_.:.--.- ''
Nolrs to llir¡rrriâl51ålcrnents for llrc ycâr c'rdrd 3l M:rrrl20l8
(Alr](nuns in )Nlì )nillions, unlcss othc visestälcd)

q) lliìllr cl.ìl i¡rshlrnrcÌts

Irirrnciâl årsds
hi¡¡aI rcu!:nitiùt anrl ,,ktus t¿!ìkn|

lo Dürchâsc or'soÌl the ssel.

Snh!ìut ¿nr ntuß ù!t,t!tt¡

Iìor pLrposes ol s bscqrìcrn nrcasìfcDìclt, lìnanc iâl âsscls lro cìa ssi fì cd in fòu r calcgorics:

Dcbl irr_h.llmcÌts ât â úÍlscd cost

dcbt iûrÍrùDorr' rs nrcîsured al llìc rlf)rtrscd cosl rl both the follorvrng co¡dilions àrc rncl
¿ì) l'lrc ¡sscl rs lìcld \\,ìll)in ä busìncssmodcl whosc otriælive is lo hold as:rts lòr co llectiDg con lraclual cash flows, ar)d

âmoùDl ou(sl¿ùniing

l)cbt ilr{hruDcntr ât lah vâlllc throrgh olhcl' compl'chcnsivc iflconrc (ÌV'[OCI)

A. debr n)sllrnìrenr' rs classillcd âs â1thc ì:V I'OCI rf bo(h ol {h0 iolb\yìllg 0' rreriâ are rììcr:

b)'lhc âsscl s coDtl'ac(ual cash flows rcl)resenl SPI)l

Deht irslnr ìrrìts ât fa¡r välllc through profit or loss ([V1)¡1,)

FV'lO(ll, is cìassilìed âs al ìrV1'Pl-.

corryaDy has nol dcsignatcd any dcbl ir)slrr¡nÈnt âs ât I:VI PL-.

Iiqu¡(y ùvc$hncDts

by'insr).!lìncnr basis.'l he cìâssilìcå(iûì is Dúdc on ir)ilral recognilion and is i'Ìevocabìc

lransl¡r lhc cLIìLrìâlivc gâjìr or loss within eqùity

()thcr cqrity hrvcstÌrcÌts

or bss Ñithiìr cquity

ì].ìÌrìtyrnslnrmcntsir)clìdcdwilhinthcFVll,l-ca(csory¡rcDreasur(alall¡irvnlucwithaìluhar)g6 /:'¿::'
Nolrs l0 lirârrciâl StâlcÌÌcrts f0r tltc vcâÌ endc(l3l l\'Iâl1:h 20tti
(^rìrûr¡fs nr INI{ miììions, rìnlcss o(hcr\viscs(¿rcd)

-'llre rights to rcccivc cash fÌo\ys lÌonr llre âssct havc cxDircd, or

lillwrllÌour Ndrc'i ldelay lo a lhird p¡r1y u deÍI pass-thro gh ârlrngcnrcû1. Aìd

sLìbs(üntialìy âlì Ihc risks aDd rc\\,ârrìs oi lhc ¡sscl, brìl h vc lÍìrìslercd conrìd ol lìrc asscl.

on Lt basrs lhal ìcllccls lhe rglìls aDd oblig0tior)srhal tlìc corìì)xny hâs rcl¡nrc(ì

and llìcrìrâxiDurnr ârìrount olcoDsideMtioo lhâl Ilìe coùì)any corì kl bc rc(tuired to rcpây.

I¡irytit" ¿ttl oj lins,ttiol ?]s¡{as

ljrìäncial asscrs and crc(ìi( risk cxposurc.

on lìiijtinrc ll( 1.,s ar cach rcporrilrg dâlc, right lronì inirial rccognition.


I¡nânci¡l I inbilii icr-

Initial fl!@gniî¡on (,td t,tcdsnrc t¿ttt

dcrivrúivcs d$ignâlcd âs hcdgiDß instrrrìrcnls ìn âD cllccrr\c hedgc, as approÞiarc.

S I'seqrrc, rcus Íe rc ¡
'lhc nìüaslucrDcnl ol firìnncrallabjlilics depends on lhcircìâssilic¿rlion ûs discrìsscd bekrvi-

Lo(ns ûnl hot,,otlirrys

ìccogDisc.l ìn prolìt or bss \\4ìen thc liâbiìilics redcrccoßniscd as wcllis through thcl:l¡ì ãììorlisalioD proccss.

or ììrülilìcr¡liolì is lrcâlcd as thc dcrccogniliorì of lhc o gurâl liabrlily.llìd the rccogrìiti()r ol â rìcw crrcc íD thc rcsp(tlivc caüyirìg
aìnorìnls is rccogniscd irì thc StalcDrcrì1 of lJroliI or I-oss. ¿.ì-

I l.lì

Nolcs 10 Irirânciâl Sl¡ìtcrùcûts for thc ycâr cndcd 3l M:ìrch 20I8
(^rìx)Urìrs in INIÌ nìillions, Lrnìcssorhe visesl led)

Cot,'I'ut,,¿ Itßh tucnts- Cot,'t'uIsot.r Conwú¡hl¿ D¿h¿ t, es (CCDS)

cquily. 'ìfarìsaclioì cos(s of ¡ cqoily tr¡ìos¡icti(lr arc bcing accounled lòr âs â rcduclio)r fiom L'qu y

cxDcnsc in P,îlìr or loss.

by sublr¡clnrs llrc ìrabilily fioDÌ lhe tot¿ìl procceds r)1 (l(lDs.

(l)nvcrlible lì eferc¡¡cc Sh¡rrcs

Ior llxc(l lo lix¡i¡l classific,rìÒn

proccc(ìs lo thc ìiabiliryând cq ity oomponenls wbcn rhc iostìrnncn ls arc inil ially ecognìscrl

rìnounls is rccognised in rhc Sla(cnìcnloi Prcfìl or l-oss

OJl¡cri,ß o1 /ì,n citt it'sftu,',e,ús

r') Cäsh ând Câslr-Iq'rtv,ìlcûts

less, wlricb are subiccr to an insignilìcant risk ofchangcr in vålue.


olcrdmiìs as lhey consi(lcrc(ì ai egrâl Þâd ol rbc (bnpar)ys cash Dìâùâgc¡rcnr.

s) l\,Ic¡sure¡ncrt oflìlÌI IDA

() lìvc ls úccur Dg rllcr lIc llalânrc Slcct d:rrc

lo ùondi{iorrscxisliDg ¿r llìc bâ1aIcc shccl date arc ârìjüsl(Il ro rcspcrlivc asscts ¿rnd li¿rbiìilios.

'I he ( ùùp¡ny ûrìkcs disclosrrcs in thc lìrìaììcial slatcnrcnl in o¡scn olsignifìca l Èvcnrs.

û) Conlir¡gcrt li.ìbililics
Nolrs lo Iin¡rcinl S(¡¡lonr0ûls lor thc ycrr cndcd 3I Mrl1:l 2{}18
{^ìnoìrnls iD lNl( Drillions, urìless olhcnvisc ralcd)

v) Ii¡rfi¡i gs lcl. cqrity shrrrc

shaì(i\ arc dotc ìincd indcpcndcnlìy lòrcrclr ìrc,ìo(ì prcscn lcd

rv) Stândlrds issrcd bu( nol vcl cffcctivc:

arncndÌìenls 0rc ap|licable to (he(lîup liour I April20l8.

lnd ÀS 115 llcvcnuc liorD Corll.Acts ìvitI Cüston¡crs:

a[angcr)]cnls. 'l hc ncw Slandard \\,ill conìc nro ef fè01 for lh€ ân nuâl reporl iìg period s begin niìg on or â fler I À¡)r i I 20 I 8.

Ànrcn(lnrcntr to lnd AS l2 lìccogni(ion of Dcfcrrcd'l ¡r Àssets tor Urrcrliscd t,o$scs:

aìneDdrneDt, thc Oroupdoes rìotcrpccL Íry effccl orì ils coDsolidâlcd lil]ânciâlsrâleDrcDIs.

ix tl to l Íd AS 2 l li o rcign Currcncy l r ân$ ¡c tion$ ând ncc Co sldcr'¡tio :

^ppcnd ^dv¡ì

essers, ¿rpcDses ¡ind iììoorc iD its scolrc rhât arc iDirially rccogr)ised on or alicr:

(i) l hc treginìriig ol lhc rcporliìrg pcriod in wbich thc erì{ity fisl âpplic,s tlìe or
firsr Lrt)Dlics lhe

cfl¡cl on Ih0 Iì0¡ncirl slâleìnenls is beirìg c\,â[ìrilod, lhus iìnpr¡cl is nol kr)own.

!..". \..ì'
: '::- .
Reñ-ew Por er Lim¡ted (formerly kno\rn âs ReNel Por,lcr Privâte Limited âûd Re\eÌr Poll er \'€ntures Prirâte Limited)
r-otcs to Finâncial Stâtemctrts for the rcarcnded ll Usrch 2018
(Amounls rn hiR mrllons. unless oúen\ise râred)

.l Propert-r. plânl ånd €qùipment

Frêehôl.t Lând I Plânl ând L€âsehold Office eqüipment Compùt€rs Totâl Propem,, plânt Câpitâl ryork ir
equipm€ot improlem€nts Firtures and equipmenr progr€ss
Àt I April2016 il8 99 9 73..75 51 89 l0 E3 t22 915 ta.t47 93 371
49 75 6.O4i 24 160 676 000 li l4 ó,Il8 69 6.06ó 17
Caprlâißed dunng ù,: year (6.04? 3:lJ
Drsposals (0 87) (0.00) (0 87)
Ät 3l Uârch 2017 388.74 15,782.99 53.19 16.12 1.22 22.59 16,265.75 22.60
Addilìons during lhe )ear" 25 28 551 il 4jj 029 185 586 28 895 87
5.-<9 (5 59)
Dìspos¿ls {l 40) 126.2O) (0 10) (r 62) (29 31)
Capiulised duûng úe )'eâr (5;l 5t )

At 3I Mârch 2018 419.61

_-____lf:r?.5L 1.51
At 1 April2016 143.12 381 2.08 015 30: I52.t8
Charge for the lea¡ (.efer nole 27)
Dßposals dr¡.mg the ) ca¡
423 09 607 -!- 305
(0 02)
0.16 5.04
(0 8l)
137 41
(0 8l)
{t3l ¡Iårch 2017 566.51 9.88 s.lt 0.3t 7.25 589.06
Charge for the ),ear (¡ei€r nole:7) 63.196 628 3 r0 0ló 1.70 652 20
Drsposals durìng the )€ar t7.78) (0.01) _ (1.85) (eee)
A( 31 }Iârch 2018 ____-_-__J.30JJ! _____________Ëq ____________!Jq _________--!.n ____________llJq __________-)23J.n

\ei bool, vålù€

At 3l -\Iarcb 2017
Af 3l ltârch 2018


Mortgâge âtrd hlpothccâtion on Properlv. plâot ând eqüipmênt:

^ Câpitâlised borrowing costs

Ihe -am¡ijät ..of bo¡r_o\lng cols capfaLscd dìì¡ing the ]-ear was lli R 3 ó9 (3 I March 20 I 7 NR 72.79)
_,..,, i::.;..\
,/ 1': .r'---\.i .¡'!

il4di*trn*t INR, þ19 {i I Ma¡ch 20I 7 Nìì) is on account of actualisatro¡ of provrs ronal capfal¡zatron
\ .., "f l

'\.l"ti' _-..-.,..i../
..: ...r:_

Re\eE Poùer Limited (fornerll known âs RcNe* Po$er Private Limited atrd Re\eN PoNer \¡entures Privâte Limifed)
\ofes to Finatrcial Statcmenrs for thc -1cår ¿nd€d ll March 2018
(Amounrs in INR mìl¡ions- ünless otherw6c stated)

5 Intangiblc âsscts Computer soitrvâre Totâl lnfångibles Itrtâtrgibl€ ass€ts urder


-{1 I April2016 51.08 51 0E
Addilions 23.16
-4r31 March 2017 7J.55 ?4^a5
Additions during the )'ear .3 8.76 38.76 'r.u,
Disposaìs during the ).'e ar (2.08) r2 081
-{t 3l Mårch 2018 LrS IIJ 1ß'

At I April20l6 9.42 I4)
AmonisalioD for the )ear (refer note 27) r2 34 Ì2.i,t
At J1 March 2017 2Í.76 21.16
Amofisation for the )ear (refer note 27) t'7.06 t't 06
DisposaLs during tbe I ear (0 44) (0.44)
-4,131 ìtfarcb 2018 ________________-_______________
\ct book r åluc
At ll ÌU¡rch 20f7 52.18
At Jl Mârch 2018

.:-.., .. I :: i.'.
./].':ì.j.]:'-] '. \

''- ...-.:,,....
llrNcs l¡ù\crr,i'nir¡ {lontr¡vknos rslìcNc* t¡os¡r ll¡rî(rt,lrnirù¡in t¡¡Nsì t'oscr\/0 trrs ¡t¡r¡ir LimÍcdr
Nur$rùùn tr¡!¡ Sr¡knrnls l0r rl¡c \t¡r crd(r 1¡ i\IrRtr ¿013
(^ù!rfs in lNlì Nlionr. trtrLoss orhc¡v,\cidùd)

Iùcr rcnr l" \'¡¡lil¡ùrh!

5,1t4.00(r(lllM rh2(rl?5.llrl.0lr0)ù¡'iryslr osollNììl0hLlLyDÂùlùDir 5t850 5t850
RcNc,yW d LìrcI|]y l)cllìi l¡rv cI-ùtrlcd
(:ll M ch l0l7 1,370,1100) {riry rlhr!\ ol ìNì( l0 fnly Þr trD irì
11.370.(rl)0 150 t0 :150.10
llcNcr w rd liìc !y (l¡d¡s\i') l\trdo l-in(cd
ìì.q22,1?5(ll N1al.h20l?lL.9ll.l:5)cqùiryslì¿r$ôrINIIl0fuLLyr¡ùltrDiLì l.ti) l.l I tl9t 3t
RoNdyWndl:'ìc¡ay(l¡qltor)r,riv eì.ùì¡rcd
3,Ì56 00lr (tl M ch l0l7 |ì,156,000) ùìr'iry slú'.\ of lNìì l0 allLy D¡ùl trD i ì 3t4 70 .31t.70
l{oNc\r Wùnl lììcqy (Shivlrr¡) t)ri\'r(o l_nnitcd
8. 75,1)01) (ll Mirch ?017 8,175,001r) qriry Ìlnrcs ol lNì( l0 lÌrlly D¡ rD i'ì fl t6 ó0 8t6.ó0
ll.Ncw Wtrd liìc¡ly(Vr'ckmvÂdù l,rn c l.Nìned
7,1.13,585 (11 Mûch 201? t,24$,585) cqriry slr gs of lNlì l0 ñ'lLy f ¡ trp iLì ó57.19 65749
lìcNc\y Wùnl l:rìc¡xy (S Dld tt.¡aLr l_i rirù{t
10.000 (ll Marrìr:01? 10,000)cqu )sh $ollNl{ ì0 iirllyl¡irì !iì lJlo 0t0
l{rNc\y Wrü l:rìc4y(Oìiss¡) l"rv c l-irÌt.d
10,000 (ll M¡,thl0l? l0{r{)0) cqtr{yslìm¡sof INI{ l0 fi'lLyfiidrl) ir 0t0 0t0
It¿Nc\r WnrlLlturly (Janìl, ltivarc I i ìircd
4.S97.000(11 MIdìl0l?4,8')7,01)(r)ù¡'itysL osollNlt l{ìtulLyDaûl(Dirì 433 80 488 80
Mhdr ?01? 1,22ii.000) cqtriy rlìtucs ollNll l0 À'lly p¡d
4,?16,1)00 (31 up rì ,lll.70 41t70
lìcNdr Wnnl l¡rc'!y(l\il') P¡vatc l-0rírd
l:19,000(:ll M clì1017l3!,000)c{luitynhrdotìNlt ì0rirlryl[rrtr!irì ?u.00 2t.00
llcNc\v \Vitrd [rFlry (^l)) lrrvdd l. rcd
8,9:19,0Û0(31 MâLdr20l?3,t1').001))cqtriryslì csof INll l0ltrllyprìduDnì 89U.00 3qu.00
RcNc\vWnrlliìc'xy0)sgarh)I,fiv cLi'nlc
14.5t5.77i (11 Ma'dì ?017 14,095.775){uirynürc$ ol¡Nl( l0ltrlly D¡d rD ú t,451168 t,401ì 6ll
I(.NcwS.lâ l¡oNcL l,¡v.rd ¡-ùn(d
2')7,70ì (11 À¡ùî'2017 l1?,701) cqriryslì¡L.sot lNll l0 lirllyt¡id upnì 18.8? ?t 37
I{cNcrrWnìd Liro'xy (K ¡k¡)I,nv c l-i'¡ircd
7.50q.000(31 M¡rlì10177,509,00ù)rqtrityslntsor'lNll r0ltrllyÞâidnr ?50 00 ?50.00
l(cNc\v \y trd llr$l!y(lìâj6rlì¡ )ìliÍdtcl.nn cd
15,2t6,724 (:ll N1¡r.lì 201? 15,1')(i,714) cqtriry sìrrcs ÒflNlì l0ltrlly pdd ll|) ir t,513.77 1,523 77
RcNè\v Wù lììo'ty(J¡th) ìl.ivâro I-iùircd
li)0,000 (:ll M dì l0l7 190,000) rq iryslì¡rcs ollNll l0 ñrllyr¡id trD rì r.00 I 90
I(.DCN \yifd llrìù!y(^Ì 2)l¡ndc Li,hircd
10,05,1,050 (31 MÍdì 201? ?.2¡¡5.i50) cqr{y slrrcs ol lNR l0lully t)ikì rt n! ì.004.5ì
Rù¿\r wi,d tiÚty ( :r) ì,fi\îtc Lin h¡
ì0,00n(:ll M¡'tìì101710,000)cq
^ì) LtylmrcsoalNli l0 ftll)'t)r trpnì 0ì0 0t0
Rcùc\e wiDd liEr!(^1'¡4)l')fiv¡lc I iù kd
10.000(lrM¡r!lì?01710,000)c{1 fysl'rosdalNlì lr) rìrlryD dtrDnì 0t0 ut0
l(ctrc\v \ysd lisgy(Jallì'l li'ùo) llrvÂlc l.iriLc(l
t0,000(11 M¿rh:101790,0{)0)o(Ìn(tslnrcsollNli l0 fullrt) dtrptrr
llcncN lVrd I¡rù!y((ai¡ nki I\vo)llivôlc I-$iLcd
ì{),{)l)l) (ll M¡rch l0l7 l0 000) cqr(y slì cs ol¡Nll l0 ñllt D¡ tr0 n
lìùr\vWi rlIir'sy(Krn,rt¿[¡)ìivc)l,ùar.l.iù(
10,(100 (ll M¡'ah 2017 10,000) cq (t slmrd ol lNl{ l0 fully p d trD rì
I(cnc\( W d liElry (Ml, Oûù) lú'¡1r Lnrfcd
1,,1,1,1,000 (ll Mn.h20171,444 000) rqufy lrarcs o, lNIt l0 tùllyÈ trti 1r150
Ruìctr W rllìrc'!r'{Mì' l\\o)¡h cLiùicd
:!.646.500 (ll M¡lalì l0l7ll,6,l(',500) c¡tufy slìr,as ÒllNlt l0 û,Lly Da¡d rp ir 161.?5 lóU 75
llctrcNWrdltinCy(l(rùsh ìOD¡)llnrlol-nnitc¡
l6100lJ (31 Àrù.h 2017 l('1,(r(r0) cqriq dr'0s oalNR l0 tully plid up h l.ól ì 6:ì
lìcnc\e wird tìq$y(llajarlìÂ,r 2) I,rvdr Li'nircd
10,000 (11 lV¡rc1ì 2017 10,000)cqn(y slnrcs ollNtl t0 hrttt Dad ut) r 0.t0 0.t0
RùìcN W d tìrd ry (lì¡i¡nlrÐr :l) Ilrv¡tc LiDicd
190000{:llM cLì 2017 100,000) c{tr ¡yslr'ùs ÒllNR l0 fi'lly frùloD ir I 90 t.90
ll.trc\ WDd tiìdgy( lN)1,'is¡Lù l-i'n¡c(|
15,0{rl) (lll M !lì 2017 15,000) ù¡t (y sh'cs orlNlt l0 n,llyDad 0D r 0t5 0ìi
l(.dc\'W trllìiù'gy(VùDor 5) 1,,ìr c l iLrLlcd
ó,?10,000(lll l\{a'alì2017ú,710.000)cq irysha6ollNlì l0lì,lly}hrlùf iLì ó?1.60 67t.60
Nimada Wird Lj|qsy ll1v¿rc l-iLnúcd
ó51 ó20 (lì M ch 20l? 651,620) cq i\'nüìcs ol tNll ll) lirllt Di ûD i r '142 7.17
Wi'ìd li'ìuAy l)cvclopc8 lrLvarc ¡-iDircd
1,414.000 (ll
M¿'.| 2017 115,000) cqr ny slM'cs ÒllNlì l0 fiìlly prrd lD) in 140 50 t2.50
lle ìcN Solir iirBgy l,N¡rù l,i'n¡rùd
19,000,000(llM clr ?017 19.000.000)cqritylmrrs ollNl{ l0li,lly!¡nì tr! i'ì loa ?6 tr(i.76
Sl,nr, Ir(No ll¡jc.rs l,rnitc t-nrrtc¡
9,810.60t (:ll iqr(h 201? llt),600) crt( [y nrr.$ ol lNll l0 fi']lr t)rl¡ rf i'ì t,2Ì8.t1 243.9?
lfclior I nì¡srnrcnrc lìi\'¡rc ¡.sìn.d

,42:l {lll Mr,ah 20l? Nil) cqr[y sh¡Les ol tNIì t0 iìrtLy r rt r l45r 97
l¡ùtrc\îbLc ¡ìrù!yl¡rv . I-inÍcd
(:ìI M rhl0lTNrl)ootrirrslìdb.fs(ìlr Iû h DiiduD tr
l(.NoN ìr¡Nd SnìtônÒ'c l,l Li l-t(

Nil) cq ny slú'as.r'lNl{ l0 fu l), I[ù tr! ¡ù

N'l)cqrfy sììar!s olÌNiì ll)l¡lLyD¡ lll)i

L000 (:ll M .h l0l7 Nil)ù(t f

Ni ) cqùiL!slì¡ùs ollNIì l0 li'l\'D¡id rD i',

nìi'Ls ÕtrNll t0 Íirlt!D¡ ùniì ri t0

(rr 14,540/69 l2,Z{rl,8l

:.'.:i 1,",...'

\.lt' ,/¡.)
ll¡NN l'0$ q l-irtrlrcrl (lor trrÙlr Ltrû$ n ãs tr ¡Nsr I'or o t" i\ ¡tc t,tùl ¡d rtlÌ¡ü$ l¡6r ù vq(tr's l¡iv{f t_¡ùitLd)
Noks r0 IItrrnclrl srârùnùrs lir rh¡v0aronhdll Ítlirh z0l8
(^ùnnúr INltnùll¡ùìs. trùlcssorlìr'\iscsLrtod)

ltùttùnrl.o t rttil)h t)t1fuiL( tll(t.s

ntrdnrnl ir ¡ul¡¡ld¡rrhs ¡l cor ¡

l0¡,8:l(,,?'ll (ll M¡Lcìr 2017 75.156.t411) {r0001%.oûì|Nlsù'}.ùnvcnibh p'rfortrcc slnrcs olìNl( l0 tirlly Diid trl) nì

?211.000{lllM cli l0l7 7,1:11,000)0 0001q/o.Ònì|n'l$¡y convcr¡üc Urtcrcncc slnrcs ol tNR t0lì'tty D¡kttrtr i'ì 72:110 ?21.10
lìcNc\ lvtrnLllrrllJ (M,r l\yo) lt'i\dc Li'¡ od
?.195,ó00(31 Marclr:01?7,195,600)000010/oco']l|nrl¡o,ycotrvcL¡blcI)cl¡Loìcùsìì¡'rrollNlì10ñ'llrt)a upi'r 7t').56 ,7ì9.56
ìlcNc\ Wi liìortt (lìrjißrlìdr ()m) ìr',v¡tc l-srircd
l9?91)r)70(llMÑ.ìì101?19,?¡)09?(r)(r(r(r(rl9icontnrlr)')oûvcniblop'tfc'arcùllnrc$otiNIìt0tìtttD dùDirì 1,979.t0 1,9?910
lìcNcNwi d ['ìùlly (ìrii¡!]nr ll)i,rrvd! l_nìirod
l0lß1.000 (lll M¡rh 10l? l0,llll000) 0 0001o/o corìtn'Ior)] ro¡ydriblc ùcltrcNc slM'ß ûflNl{ l0 lì,lly prd up n,
ìlcNc\ Wiú lirrc+y (Sh¡\þ') liv¿túl-nritrd

RcNc\ Wi d ll'ìc¡ly (Knìrirktr) l, v¡(c Liritcd

l.0l0.l2ll(lllMrrchl0l7I0l0,l2l)0000ì9/oNdccùnbleùônctr'ù0|Âtì\,crrcr!rcrccsjr'csoltNIlt0nrtly ¡ trDi'ì
IlcNcN Wifd tìriclly (Oriss¡) l)riv¡rc t.inìì(¿d
7,llq,ll4(llM¡,clrl0l7?,219,:ll1)000010¿rc¡ccDùblctroicùÌtr'l¡rrclnolii'onrcrtì 0sollNìt 0 tìrll),tî trp
IìcNù\ Wûd liìrlly (J¡ ì1, ì,'narc f- ùircd
I104,000 (lll l0l7
Mârch 2 :104,000)0 0001q/o !ctrúblc non ctrnNlÂLrvc rrclsc cc5l['cs ottNI{ t0 tirtty Drid ùD i'r 203 4t
ììcNc\ WÑ lìri.l!y(MI') l¡riv¡Lù Li r(cd
?,891,167(llMârlr?0172,392,1ú7)00001%rc¡cctrübLctro0cùrùùl¡lvct'clc'u.cnì csol¡Nl{ 10 ñllyD¡ùttr0 tr
lìcNcN w¡ li'ìù'sy (vdrck Ì¡di) hrv¡rc l-nnitcd
9.ú02,530(11Nr¡r.h20179,ó0?,580)00001%rcdc¿trnlrlc ôDctrtrtr'l rvcIrct¡rcrcc¡ìmrcs.J INt( t0 tìrttyDiid trÞ nr
IìcNcN Wi'rd lirc'ay (lùrasth¡n) I,rv¡rc t_nnircd
1,881,1r0(:llMaßlì?0171,381,220)00001%'t{lcctrÌhLùDo¡cùtr[l LycDrùlù'cr.rhùùsollNl{l0ftrllyplidufnì
lìcNcN Wnd llrc4y (l)c\ß¡dù l'riv^(ù l.i'nrcd

,: 'J\,
l,::j j
:,,'l l/
ìti;\.-*.. -,r'
ItcNcw llnrcr l,imi(!d (toíncrll ktrowÌ llcNet{ llnyo l'r¡vrlc l,in¡¡t(d {ù(l lìlNclr l,orvcr Vort(r'cs l\lvrtc L¡nri(c{l)
Nolc$ lo l.itr1trciâl SlrloÌroùls for tho l!îr^scndcd ll MArch 20ltl
(^¡!r,nrs irì lNlì r)ìillnnìs. rrnlcss olìrc!1visc slâtcd)

31 MÙc[ 2018 ]l Mâr(l' 2lrl7

Notr-(trrrctrl (utrsccùrrd. cotrs¡(lcrcd good (ûl¡rr rtlrcd othcr$¡sc)

54 t5
l¡Ðr lo sul)si(li rics - ¡cdce¡ùiblc non cuDììrltìlivc t)¡!f¡¡!ncc sìrârcs (rclcr nole 32) 951.79 847.44
'lÌfâl 1.005.94 lì62.¿11

ì]¡ì¡k d cJ)osrls v ilh ¡!ùriri¡rg nra rù riry lòr ,rûr o than hvc lve nìo¡tlrs ('! li. not0 I 2 ) 2.261.22 :10 02
Sh¡!! ¡Uficarioù mo¡cy t)cndi,rs ¡llornreDr trlcr note l2) 2,540.00
____________2¿63j2L ___,______JP.!tt2
Cùncnt (ùnsectrrod, cotrsidcrc.l goorl trDlcss stâ tr¡l o thcr\t¡s.)

l¡¡üs ro srlxi.lj¡rics - u¡ìsc0urcd lo¡D i'!rèr Dolc l2) 24,:l t9 t0 10.001.02
I¡ n ro s$lrsi(iiîrics - rcdccûrâblc ¡on cuùn,ltìtivc D¡!r¡'!Doe sìr¿ìrcs (rclcr ¡olc l2) +

lnvcslrncnls ât f¡¡r v¡lùc th.oùgh Drofit or k¡$-

Qtrol(d Mùlo¡l F rsdr
Icl(rlh1ìdc¡tialLi$id lìlân - l)irccl Gowth - 5,1ô8 ,rils (31 Mârch20ì7:Niìunirs)
III)|( I-iqL'id lìDd Dirrcl(lowù-228 urìits(3I Marclì 2017 ; Nilrìn(s)

,Asgregâß book vah'c olquot0d i¡ìvcslrìrenls 1,005.71

Â8grc8atc rììârkc{ vâh¡e ol(ìLl(fed i¡vcsll¡crìts 1.005.71

llccover¡bl0 lìon rcl¡led P¡11ics (rcl¡r rìoro 32) l.ó97.87 t,796.14

!¡Dce rccovcr blc irì crsh 585.51
Cevcmrcnr gm¡rs*
- (ie¡craliûì bâsed inccn(ivc rccci!ablc 73.:15 14.t0
2t2.82 r90.28
l]lorcr ¡ccrucd on fixcd dcposils t22.66 l7 ll
lurercf âccrucd oì ìô,ìDs lo rclâtcd Ìarics tclèr notc 32) 1,596.54 745 25
4.294.ó5 2.1142.90

tr ch¿r,Ecs u, rltc crc'hl ,,\k "l rh( !',., 1(rt,,utrc..

l)cl¡rrcd râx lsscni 0rct)

l)cl¡rr(d târ rclâlcrllo itcù¡s r$o!tÌhcd iÌ OCll ¡ìl âi

^s 2l)18
3l N¡rrch ^s 2017
Jl Mârch
I)(l¡rrcd n¡x {sscts (sro!s)
Iìc,Ìcasurcrììcrìt losscs on (lcfíre{l borelll Il s I 75 t.99
G) _______________ló __-_______1J1
l)cfcrrrd tâi rdâted to itcnìs rccogù¡sod ¡n stâtctrrcÌ( ol prolir And lo$ ¡l âl
^s 2018
.ll Mlrch .ll ll¡r{
^s 201?
Dcfcrrcrl lllr ll¡rb¡llt¡cs (!ross)
I)ill¡¡!ùce in wrillen dow¡ vahrc âs pcr books ol accounl arìd t¡rÀ la\vs 124.14 t72.29
(b) 124.14 t72.29
D(f.rrcrl lâì( ¡ìr$cls (grosÐ
f.o rì 10 $bsidiny - LedeeD) blc rìorì cùnNlalivc pref¡rc¡ce sh¿ìrcs t,t2ll95 ì.210.711
Iñ..cr i\i.l.rl'l( lì{ úrl\LIirË,,¡,.,Lr IutL.¡( r.¡¡: 'l( itrJ.r,'e 313.21 t35.75
U¡nrsc.l lax credil (M^'l') t4t).47 t49 44
Ot)c¡'tìlb,ì rd nì¡inlc¡¡nce ân(l lcasc cqürlis ion rcservc 71.1U 2A.95
141.72) t8.26
(() 1.612 29 I,555.18

(d) = (()- (b)-12!!11 -, _________ll

l}.lrrNl t¡\ alrutr (Dct) r.280.89 l.lE4,8¡i

lì(N(w llNv.r t,inrilcd (Íírücrly ktrorvÌ as llcNr\t lbwc¡ Ìr¡v¡rc l,i¡n¡t(,l rnrl lì.Nc\y lbwer VrDtnros l¡r'¡vîtr Lin¡¡t.(l)
Nolc$ tr, l¡lr¡rtrr¡il Sf¡rc¡Ìcnts for llÙ y¡âr 0r(hd 3l l\'l r(h 2018
(^r!)[ùrs ¡ì lNl{ nìrllturs. Unlcss orhcNisc slîlcd)

3l Mîrch 2018 ll Mârch 201?
rùolìt Dclorc itr(omc tsx 946.16 623.85
Al ¡rdra s¡pplicaÙìcr¡rtrrloiv rìcorììcl¡x ¡ lc rc MNnntrù ,Alternâle I¿\ (llt 50%)i ìtrcoDre'ì¡x(15%) (ll
l\4¡'!h 20ì7 l0%) !hrs pÌlic¡l)lc Sùrchlrsc rârc (7% ro ì2 %) ¡nd ( css (3%) 202.0ó r33. t4
f)cleùcd lâ\ cxpurìsc rctorc(l iìr (lr0 sr.reDeDr ol trolìr and loss (33rJ.44)

NoÚ chrryelhl! i .oùt.sJi1t tß t ryos¿lr

hrlcrcl or coDlnnÍ ljMnci i írìslnnììc l (22.27)

l)c¿xdil,l! .\'ut6 lot t¿\ t tlhr¿t:

lrcreîse/(lcc,t¡sc) iu book ìroljl on ¡ccoun( ofonc-lilìlì ol lhc lr¡¡siliù ¡¡rnr ìl ¡(l¡rslc(ì iI olììcr eqriry
(l(ll t6.ó4
and ilcrììs pc,rìrìrì0¡l ly rccolllcd ì¡ì rcscNes
lhc rtfcclivc in.oùc tâx r¡ttc 170.81 (l{r8,67)
(lnrcnl lax cxporìsc lcponcd iD rlìe sl¿tcDcùr ol prolir ¡¡d loss 16.07 t49.35
l)cf¡ncd l¡x exÌcnsc rcponcrl ir lhe sl crììcrìl of p'olìt and loss 441¿ , rlq¿¿r
_______________r@ __ 1rqu_a)

' Wlcrc ¡lctr{îrlrär (rIn.n\( r(ht$ to tI( Iollo\itrg I

I¡.n lo $rbsìdiary- rcdccnratrlc norì crrrulâlivc prclìrence slrârcs t0r.9l (282.75)
l.osses v il¡blc f¡rollìetling àgairsr lirurc lîxabìc lìcorììc (r77.8e) (2215)
(De¡¡lior nd ù iûlcr nce r,rd lcîsc oquâìrsalioù ¡cseNc (5ó.42) (17.52)
tJnusùd lax crc.lil (MÀ'l) rì 88 (t49 35)
Diifcrcrìcc in Wl)V s l)crbooks ol¡ccounls,rùd ltü l,r\vs I5IlJ5 120.0?
ó6.41 13.45
________________ _-*-_______G1944)

lle.oncllìltioÌ úl drl¡rrcd t¡xåsscts('rcf):

3l Mrrch 2018 3l Mârclr 2017
ODo i"g l,âlùrcc ofl)'l^/D ¡ 1,or.t) t,384.88 t.045.20
I)cl¡r'cd l¡x ill0oDrc/(cxpùrìsc) durìng the periùl rccog|ise.l irì pl'(fìt or loss (94.',]4) 338 42
Dcl¡rrcd lîx ircoùc/(expcrsc) drì¡ j0s lhc pcriod rooosnisc¿ u ()(ll (0.25) 1.26
Ckrsin( b:ìlâ c! orl)'l Ä/D l l, ('rct)
--------------L -,-,,,-----l¡
Iòr oflscllug B¡irrsl filurc lrìx blc proflls of llì0 (lotr¡prury

bclòre ilìe cxt)irype o(ì.

Al As rt
11 ^s 2lll8
Mrr(h ll N'lâr.l' 2lllt
Notr-c rrcnt (rtrsc(urc{|, co¡!'¡dcrcd good rrlcss otÌcrlrisc stî tcd)
Itn ¿t R- l1
'lo(âl 170.41 87.74

CürrcÌl (ursccurc(ì, cotr$¡dered sood trtrlcss othorwh^c râtc¡l)

¿¿ r,0 <,, (d
64.69 56.54

,./'.'] :
l .:,. /'
:.t:: I
'r '1.'L
lì.New l'orvr! Litr¡itcd (torÌrclly known ¡s llcNrw l'ot(r l,rivâtc L¡ùitod r¡¡t llcNcw llNcr V(trtr'rcs P.iv¡tc t,¡hitcd)
Nolcs k' liirrÌ(iîl Slâtcrì¡cùls ft'r thc }.rr rÌ{led 3l Mrrrl 2018
(^uûìrìls in lNl( ùrilliùN, rì,ìlcss othcnvisc slalcd)

âl Ai-- ât
ll ^s
N'l¡rch 20lE 3l M{rrh 2lrl7

Non-.urr(nl (rnrscctrrcd,(oÌsidcrcd !o0d u¡ìlcss olhcntiscslàlc{l)

recovcrâl)Ìc 55.57
ncù income lâx orel ol i¡coûrc lâx provisiorìs) 252.75
^(lv 0 07 0.07
24.96 1ì.l9

_____________2ptL _,-___L!02¡q
CùDcnl (Unsccr'ùcd, cotrs¡dcre{l f¡ood trnlcs$ orlcnr¡s0 $tâtrd)

Advânces rccoycmblc ir câsh orknrd t:r:r.77 r88.22

ó.78 187
Ìlaì¡ùces wi(¡ ft)vcùììDent rthor¡ics 0.00
¿- -l
I I 'l rrdc rfteivâblcs ¡l ât
^s 2018
:ll 1l¡rcÌ ^s llrlT
3t tlârcÌ

l ra.rr(,1. (,a,si,lù(.1 I'uuLl ,rnlcs( .r ,tcd othcrl\ |lc ¡.)95.?7 Ì.ìq¿.r,5

'Io({l J.205.7? J.394.('5

Nrl(31M¡rch20l7 INll22.0l) is ¿tre lìîu priv¡re conìp¡¡ies i,r whid) diÍcclors o! thc ConС¡y arc dircclor.
¡i¡(le Ècùiv¡blcs rìrc no -irìlc¡lst bcâriDg ¡Dd ¡rc gcncralìyon Ic,îìs of l5-45 dâys

l2 Câsh ând câsÌ rqtr¡vâlorts

3l Mârch 2018 ll Mârch 2017

- 0.02
!lâlâ ce wirh l)1nk
- ()ì cuncnl ¡ccoù¡ls I.87940
I)cposils rvilh origjll l rìr¡ì1rìrily of lcss rhan I No¡lìrs /i

Ilârk bâlânccs olhcr th¡n.âs[ ¡nd (rsl' cqu¡vâlctrts

l(cnraini!rg nÌrllxity fo' lcss thâ¡r lwclvc ùoDtìrs i/

- l{crììarring rìrârrnily ior ¡rorc lharì rwclve nìorì1hs // 2,261.22 10.02
1,362.sr 1.967.58
Irss: lììrounl (ìiscloscd rD(ìer llrì¿ìncnìl âsscts (otlìcrs) (Norc 7) (2,263.22t (30.02)
__-, __LUËq

nd ¡s nÌrrgirì ,ìrorìcy lor lhc Ìtrr'pose ol ìcucr ol credit/b rrk go¡râDree.

N{tc\ lo l.i¡aÌci{l Slrr0rrùùrr lir rl'r yctrr cÌdd 3l lUcr.[ 20ll¡
(AD)ornrs i,' lNl{ nrilìi(lt\, u¡lcss olIcrNrsc sr,úc.t)

Aulìr0r¡sùd sÍ..c rùDitnl

Dqtr¡lv sha' cs oflNlì l0 crclr

I April¿016 ]00,000,000 :ì.000.00
lìc'tâsù du'ing 1l!c ycâ,' 70,1J00.00u 700.0u
ll \lar.f 2lll7 370,000,000 3,700.00
^l sù duriùg thc yc¡r
ìrcrc 30,000.000 :100.00
ñIîrch 2018 400,000,000 4,00t.Ú0
Issùcd slArc cât¡l¡l

ll^ Eqtr¡ly sh¡r¡s of ¡Nll l0 0âcl¡ rsuc¡l! $'l,srll,cd âüd t,aid up

I 2(i:1,7.18.098 2,óofi 7ó
^l ^pÌ¡I2{)ló
Sluìrls issrcd dùrins thc yc * 74.624.574 774Í\6
ll [tàrc[ 2017 118,361,ó72 3,11t.1.62
Shðrcs is$¡cd dùrinS lhc yc¡ìr 18,79ó,114 187 9ó
:11 Mârcl, ¿018 l??.t57.1t56 U.77 t.5N
* ¡,clulcs INìl 28.ó:l nriUiod lìr equity slìaÈs hsùcd drxnrg l,Y 201ó- 17, âsainsl llìì & ftnì calloflNtl T.5 Þcr slìñre.
l\Uy D{i{lùD dr¡ìrc$ D¡ uD sl¡tr¡cs
Nùnrbcrofshârcs N!ûìbcr ol-sharcs
As il I 259,92r,104 ^¡ìo|¡n
2,599 2t 1.816,794 ^'ì¡o!rìt
îr.llMârcl,2017 {18,Ù,1,r'"/ 1,18r.u2
^s ì77.157.1150 r.771.58

'l¡ûri/¡iglrts illâchcd to oq fy slr¡ro$

dcclarc ìd pây divi(lends nÌ lndiâr n¡pecs.

l3lì tt{tùilr c0ml)onctrt of conUulsory .rnvc úible dcbcùlnrcs (CCD) Nùìrbù oldclrcrl rcs 'lolîl Ìrocc(h l,iàb¡l¡ty.orrÈrrcnt Dqü¡ry cotr¡porcùr
(rcfcr nolo l5)
I t41.t2
^l ^pr¡|2016
I)cbùrìrurrs coÌvc11c(ì ulo cqù(y shircs 1l 11
I Nlarch 201?
^l:l ]\tar.lr 2llII
'l cNs otcoùYor$iù' or(lClX

- llc cnd oller ye¡rs fio¡lr tììc (ìatc of issrc, liz ScptcÌrbcì23,2011,
lilhg ofDrcÐectL,s by rhc (roD¡p¡ny s,itlì thc llÈÊistrfi ofCohpaDics or
- orì lhc dccisiotr ol tìrc Uokìiìs cürfaDy'CS Wyvehr lloìdirìg L(1.'.

l3C s[ùr.s l,cl,l l)] lhc hokUns conrt¡nùv A'rd/0r tlrcrr subskli¡rr¡osr$$.i ros

(jS Wyvcù, Il0klìììs l-id. rhe hoklnrs coÙDarìy (Lrpto 22 Mdch 2018 ) 1,847 t0

No drtìres ù [cl(ltry¡Dy $rbsnìiôry or s$ciatc ol thc lìokhnÈ coûU y

llD Dcliil$ ofshrrrùokicrs lold¡ng ¡n.c tlr{!5,% sÌ osin ltr. Con'tûÌt

lirily sh^rcsof lNll l0 c cl'

(iS Wy!ùh lloklirg l-rd 184,709,ú00 4891% ll14,709,600 s4.59%
(l¡ ùl¡ I)ctrs'0rì ì)lân Lù,cfnrenr Uùl'(l 6ì.ó08,0r,) t6.ll%
(iùc! I{ock u 2014 LiDilùl
(lìnùe,ly known âs (ncen l{ock 2014 l-¡ùilcd) ó0.4117,1104 l6.t)4% 60,487,1104 r7.88%

.llil{^ ¡l¡vùr ¡{N ll.V. ^ t4,41t,ó82 9.t 14,41l,ólJ2 l0.n%

l)cvclopme¡l B¡¡rk -2% 22,817,0r 5 6,1sYn

!-: - ":'::ti
/"i:1 ":
l'.. 1' \l
i -r j
l-,"r i:'
'!,,", /.'

\\"\i!::i,'-.. ..r !,'

,- '"..
ll0 Nc$ Il^!c r l,i ritcd ( fírú¡orly knon n ås ¡lc No\v l1¡ror l,¡ hr¡ t,imi lc¡l {n¡t tìcNc w lbwcr Vcùt rcs lì rv{tc l,iD¡it c¡l)
Nolcs ro l.i¡r{n.i{l Sr{rctrr'rts lor rhc yc r on¡lcd 3l M¡¡clt 2{ì18
(^nhutl$ iù INI{ r¡illìùN, !nlcss othc^visc slîlcd)

l¡^ Sl¡trrc ¡ttlhtrliotr tr¡oùct p¡nding Alk'túcrf

^l ^Dril20¡ú
Sh¡rc ¡ppliclrn Dlrìùy rcccivc(l 18,8 t?.34
li¡rily s)ìircs isùed dùritrs rhc yclr ( Iì,8 t5. t4)
¡¡s: a¡rnull disckNr(lûdder bllì0r qnNnt lìnaDciâl lirìbilities' ('el¡r ¡ore 20)
3l Nftrrch 2017
sh¡r't aùfictrrion Dnìncy ¡!ccivd tó.092.5 r

llqliry sh Ns i$i,cddurins tììcycar ( 1ó,092.5 r)

ñtârcl' 2018
l4ù SÌsr¡ prcrrirtrr
,\l I 3t,2ï4.26
henritrnì on isuc ofcqùiry sh rs drri¡s thc ycar t8,187..19
lmnsf¡nrd fÌonr sl'rre blsed l)6yn,ell rcscnc on conlcrsion t,109.1,1
^mounl uril'zùd îsaìnsl Ior issuc ol c(ìùi(y slú,ts (2u 38)
^r!!nntIàrcl20l? 5[,672.6t
l)reùÌnùù on is$rc ofcquity sharcs dúri,rg (fu yc¡r t5,704.55
(mnsieocd frîrìr $ârc i,ased pñyùìcûr Lcsùvc otr cÒnvcßiì I23
^trtornl ùlilizcd îÊ.rirìsr for issuc afcquily slm,ls (26.69)
3I iutrrcù 2018
_- ø,!l!¡q
l4C Dcbctrtur. rcdcn¡t)tioù rcscrv¡
I 284.(ì.l
^r ^D'il2tll6
(ìâùsfebrd rio,ìr su' os balancc i¡ ¡tlânrd crùrjl8s 549.92
lI Il{rch 2017 E34.5s
AnnNf lmnsicùld fÌom srl'|nùs b¡hùcc iû rcl¡rirìc¿ c¡rììnss 832.00

3l i\l{r.h 2018 _-lfú!{r
l4D Shârc b¡sed DÀynr¡rl re$orvc
I I ,191 24
^{ ^!ril2016
Ilxpcnso lor lhc ycar 448.21
uliljsc¿ on cxcroisc ol slock optiôûs (t,t09.14)
1l nflr.l, Z{ll7
^n)oùnl sló.tl
llxpensc lòr lhe yca¡ 441.4:l
aBîNl slock optrÒùs rel¡nû,g to sr¡bsì(lì¡uy (rclìr norc 32) 49 44
^Doùnl ulilìsc¿ o¡ excroisc ol stock opliotrs (r.2r)
l4li llcOlincdr¡rrirt¡s
I 4.12.30
l¡r lhc year 812.94
l{crDeasurcDrcnl bsscs o¡ ilclilìed bc,ìclìt tl¡ìns (¡rct oit.x) (l.14)
iariorr lbr dcbcnlrnc rcdcnrplion
^pp'rrùiltarcl¡ 2017 'rseñe
ll¡fì( lòr lhc Ìojod Il(0,119
lr.c,rçìs$t¡,cnl bsscs o¡ dcfincd bcnclil rlârs trcl of rhx) 0.52
lor dcbcrìrurc ¡cdcnìnion ¡!serve (rJ.12.00)
ll Àllrcl¡ 2fll8
^0p'oprj$r'c!ì 72t.19
:. ,r
t'r I ¡. :r..
:: -'--_ -.1, i --\.
ReNew Porrer Lini ted (formerlt k¡ o! n ås Relie$ Po Ì er Privâ le Lim itcd å nd ReNe$ Porrer Ventü res Privåîe Limfed )
Not€s to Finânciâl St¡tcm€nts tor the y€ârended 3l \'I2rch 2018
tAmounts rn NR mrllons. ùnless otheNlse srâted)
Nonturre!t Current
15 tongnerm borrosings No¡ninål int€rest l{aturirr_ ll uârch zt¡l8 ll ]r'larch 20rt 3l Mârch ?olE 3l llårch 2017

Non Convenible Debentures (secured) 9l8%- 13.01',á Mrrch 2010 - Julr., 2015 :Sr"" rJ 13 tol %
Term loan fiol¡ bânk (secûredj 9.15%- 9.53% March 20ll -Decembe¡2021 B 8i8 6l 21 11
Term lo¿Iì from financial rnslrtuirons (secured) lt 28 i.87
Totål long-term borrowings _______ !¿qglqq _-____E!35_! 2r.i I 1.87

Amounr disclosed under the head Oùer cureni financral Labrìnres (2) 711 0 87)
{Refer nole 20)

--------------- ---------riJiÉi1
Details ofSccurit_v
lon codÌertibledebentures(secured)

The secunrl creãlron ofonÈ ofthe lende¡ in under process.

T€rIn loâr in ltrdiân rupees from bånk (Sccurcd)

onc drrccl subsrdlarJ The secu¡rly crearion is under process

Term loân in Indiân rupecs from financial inshtutions (Secured)

,, . .:'
:l:i l 'r: i

' '!",.-¡ .'r
lLcNc$ Itowcr Limitc(l (forrrcrly known as I{cNcw l'orvcr l'rivâtc Lirnifcd Âlld IlcNcw Porvcl. Vcnhrrcs PIiv¡¡tc Limifcd)
Notcli to I.i âÌrciâl Staacmcnts tor thc vcâr cDdod
3l M¡uch 2018
(Anrcunts iu INR nìillions, ùnlcss othcrwisc s(iì(c(ì)

l6 Long-tcrnì l\'ovisions
As ¡a Às ât
3l Mârch 2018 3l Mnrch 2017

PÌovisioD lor graìtui(y 24.68

'fot¡rl 8.00 24.6A

As at As at
l7 Othcr non-currcnt liâbilitics
3l March 2018 3l March 2017

Provisi(nl fòl opcrit(iolt and nt¿tintcD¿ìDcc cquâlisation 263.93

Tot¡rl 263.93 151.59

As ât As ât
Short tcrnt borrowings
3l Mârch 2018
Workiug c¿l)ital tclln loâ (sccurcd)* 2,9rJ0.00
Accep(¡Ìnces (Lllrscsurcd) *+ 3,662.08
Loarì fi oID rolatc(l party (urìsccure(l) (rclc' ¡otc 32) **'i I,43ô.7fr t.339.58
Conrnrcrcial papcrs (unsccrìred) ****

* Working capit¡ltcrm lo¡n (scc Ìcd)

** Acccptr¡nccs (unsccurcd)

Corlìparìy ofÌespcctivcÞrqccts lbr which such âcccptànces alc laken.

Discount ratc on âcceptarlces langcs fÌorì) ?.ó0% - <).0\o/o p.t't.

*** l,oan from lclatcd pat ty (uùsccured)

Unscourcd loan lrorn relirtcd party is repay¿ìblc û) (lcnì¿tld and caüics intcrost at 8.00olo p.a.

**** Conrnrorcial papcrs (unsccurcd)

Unseourc(l Colrn¡erciâl ÞaDers ârc issucd at a djsoount râtc on courDrcrcizrl papcrs rangcs fionì 7.45%, to 7.95% Þ.â.

'n âdc payâblcs As âf As at

¡l March 2018 3l Mâ¡ch 2017
Outstiìnding drìcs to lrlicro cnterl)riscs and slÌall cntcrpriscs (rcfìr otc 40)

!. 't: ,""
t.. / ì::l
RcNc\r Powcr Lin¡itcal (lbrùrcrly kÙowD ¡s flcNcw PorrcÌ Priv¡¡tc I-¡mitcd âtld RcNew lto\tcÌ Vclìhrrcs Privât0 l-imitcd)
Notcs fo I¡inaDcirl St¿¡fcmcllts tbÌ tho ycal cndcd 3l March 2018
(Anrounts ìn INIì nillions, unlcss othcrwisc stittcd)
AN ât As ât
20 OthcÌ cürrcùt lìranciâl liabilitics
3l March 2018 3l M¡¡rch 2017

Iriríìûci¡¡l liâbilitics ¡t ârDortiscd cost

Currcl)l maluriti(js ol loDg tcDll borrowings (l{cfcr Dotc l5) 2t..t4 1.lt7

Itlt(tcilir(t'rtr.:(l hul rrr't duu ,lrr lrr'rr¡ru rrrgs 25s.29 180.03
Lltc,csl aocruod but not duc on dcbclìlurcs 307.10 2t 8 .47
Cldpitâl credikns 565.49 I ;7 50.51
Pur0lìasc considcr'¿Ìtion pâyilblc 332.30 2sf3.21
Shalc application nroncy lcceivc(l ând duc fìr'rcfiDd (rclor notc l4A)

As ât As ât
2l Oahcr currcnt liâbilitios
31 Mnrch 2018 3l Mârch 2017

ProvisioD fbr opcratioD and lìlairìtelrâncc equalisati('r 32.3 8

Other pâyables
TDS payablc tìt.2f3 409.1tì
Sorvioo tax pâyablc 0.23
WC'l'Þayâblc 0.40
CST pâyâblc 41.8;
Labour wcllàre lind p¿yable 0.00 L09
Provid¡:rlìt fiDd D¿ty¿thlc l.4tÌ 70n
Totsl t62.99 411.90

22 Short tcrm provi$ions

As ¡t As rit
3l M¡Ìch 2018 31 Mârch 2017

Provjsl(nì fbr glât!¡ity (T1A 0.t39

Provision for con¡rensatcd âbscnccs 1329 28.69
Total 14.03 29.58

I .:.. /

lìeN$v l¡(¡v!r l.ìnrittd (lorûrerl)' knoììÎì ¡ìs lleNcrr l'ûrcr l¡¡ivrl. l,iùì¡lcd rì¡ìd lìeNcw llNcr Vcn( rcs h iyntc t,inrltcd)
Notes to IinäÌciâlS(âtcnr(Ìls Íor lhc y.lr 0lldcd 3l N'l¡rch 20lli
(^Du ìls iD INI{ ,ìrilìioIs, ùÌlcss olhcNvisc sratcd)

23 ll(vcnue liotrr oprr¡tk)ns l¡or tho ycâr cndúd |l0r lho y( r cndc.l
3l MNrch 20llÌ 3l Mârch 2{ll?
lncoDrc froù oper¡tilllr
2,419.t6 t,7571J3
srì(.'r.d\n.. rn.,r,Ëcn,(nr çhlr('isd\irr\ 1,50ó.2ó
_ __________ ¡!1U1
Iìn thc ycnr cndcd l¡or thc yoâÌ ctrdcd
3l Mtrrch 2018 3l Mârch 2017

- o¡ lìxcd dct)osil wilìì b rks 375 IJ() 47ll2l

- où loâ¡ þ rel,rrcd Ìî11ics (rcl¡r nolc 12) t ,226 30 444 50
- on ìoru ro sùbsidiarics - non cùnnrlarive Þ'cfèrcncc sh¡r.es 0efèr ¡ole 3l) ì04 r6 89.27
- on coDìc lâx rc'ind 9.t)t
I L119 32 t9
(jovcr!ìcnl Bünl
- gc¡cmlion bâsed iìccnli!c 224.90 t4 8. t0
(Ìnìpcns¡ìriolr lor loss ol,tycnuc tclir olc 4l) 254.84 50.14
F¡n ! hrc sli¡ on M lual li'ì(ì t04.50

--,Iror --,14!n1
__ _______2]

25 lttrrplo)'cc bcncfils cxpc¡ìsc

¡or lbc ycâr ondcd thc ycr¡r cndcd
3t Nlâìcl' 2018 3l Mrr.[ 2lll ?

Salaics, wagcs flr(ì borus 204.64 741.53

(hrrribnliorì pruvìdcÛl rìnd olhcr liìn(ìs
1o 8.88 ró.87
' Sharc based pây¡rcrìrs (rcf¡r ¡olc 3l) 42t).76 129.r5
(ìnrrìi(y cxÌense
3.65 7.41
S(rìli wcll¡rc Experìscs 49.ó5 -13.35
'l otål
___-,_, fulq _,______!¿4q!q
lÌn thc ycâr cndcd li'r thc yc¡ìr ondcd
3l Mâfth 2018 3r Mârch 20I?

l-cgal arì(ì prol¡ssnJ¡al iccs r05.60 95 8ó

(loÌ(' le sooial respùnsibiliry t5.66 650
'lìâvclhns aud conveyancc '76.14
llcnl 91.46 43 20
l)i'ccloì's co¡ùnrssnrr 9.00 2.51i
Iìirìling arÌd slâliolrcry ì.10 2.05
Managcnìenl sl rcd scNiccs 98.18 0_00
r6.50 8.41
ÌrâyrÌcrl lo rudilù\' I LJ7 6.04
18.66 t.1.75
Oþcrâtiù ù(l ìì¡inrcrìâncc t74.',]9 9.68
ì{cpän ¡ìnd núiDrenancc
6.33 .s.76
lîss on salc oipì{ì)e y pìlut & cquiìncnt 15 32 0.28
¡rìd srìlcs p11'notiolr 64 49 t6.69
(lnìììnìrìicrli(xr cors
I 13 2.13
2t 92 11.05
Misccll neoLis crt)cûscs 24.52 25. tó
_---- ls1t! __ _ _!!4iI
*ll\'nrcnt to lfor thc l'car crdcd l¡or {hc Jcâr cndcd
^uditors ll Mrr(h 2018 ll MårcÌ 2{rt7

5?5 265
Itr ofhcr c¡p¡cily:
( crìlìcrtio¡ fccs I.03 1.10
12.3 t 2t.50
ìleimbursonrc¡r ol cxpoìscs r.99
42.62 2,7.54
I-css: lì)() cxD0rscs hansf¡ücd lo othcr cùD.eDl ssels (3r.05)
Ißssi rcirììL)u:\cÌrcnl lìonr sLìbsidi¡rics oIthc conìì)arìy (rcfèr ¡ore 32)

27 Dcprcciâtion nnd ¡l¡norl¡z¡li crpcns! Ii,r tl¡c ycar cndcd l'or tho ycâr ctrdc(l
Jl M ¡ h 2lrl8 3lMtrr(h:lrt?
I)cprccirtl(nì of prct)Èr1y, Þl¡ùl & eqùiÌnrcnr (ìclìr trolc 4) 652.20 431.4t
ol irrtìrgíblc sscls (r.lcr rìolc 5) 17.0a) 12.34
.f Ðl 669.76 44r.15


: :..::: i
I:;,¡ i

Nor¡s to llin¡nci¡l Stâleù¡cnrs for rlrc y¡¡r ond¡(l ill l\'l¡rcI20l{l
(^Dxnrnrs h lNìl ¡rilliors, 11rrlcss otl,cnvisc rated)

lior llrc ycâr cndcd l¡or thc yc¡r ctrdcrl

.ll }lar(h 2lllll .ll Nlrrcl 2017

hlcrcsl c^Dcnsc on
1t.12 52 t2
loan tlrn rclâtcd I)âr1y (Èier ¡otc 32) 581.71 I I t.45
57.85 r 03.1l
- or sorki,rs c,!rìr l ¿cr xl ìo¡n .18.89 t2l1lJ
1,865.91 t,301.r4
- ftrìnùùrcialt)âPc¡s 40 ó5

l.hr¡Dlrliscd îùcjllâ,r borÌowi gcost wri¡tcn oll'

l¡û tho ycâr cndcd I.¡n tl¡c yc¡rr cùdcd

29 ltrrrirgs tcr slârc (Ill'S)
ll \l{rc[ 2lll8 .ll Mftrcl ZtrlT

'lhc fbllüvog rcllecrs ìhc tdir ¡¡d slmrc dali ùsed l¡' rhe b¡sic arì(l(lihrtcd lÌ¡,S conrÈrtîtnnrs:

ìì,,llr .'rrrih!'rhlL !, L,tuir) l,ul,ì( r' fi{ h.s( ( rrtr!. 860.1t9 812,94
810 89 812 94

Ncl prcfil f¡r côlcul¡liùì ofb¡vc lil,s 8ó0.89 812 94

wci8h(cd avcrârc IìùD¡ticr olcquily sìrarcs lor c¿lculi(iùs brsic tiPS 339.127,r?ó 281,984, r 7r'

254 2,t18

Ncl profit for cîlc(¡htior oldi[(cd l]l)S 8t0.89 I ì2.94

WciShlcd îvcLaÀe ¡ùùr&¡ olcquiry slÞrcs Ior cîìcul¡ting d;hìred liPS t4ó,07r,290 :t00,493,ó04
DiìL¡lcd caùriùgs p$ sìrarc 2.49 2.7t

No, otsÌrrcs No. oirl'nrct

lVcishled avcmsc Dunrbcrolquily shares i,r c{rlculíti¡ìs brsic IiPS 319J27,n6 28 t.984,t76

Convc,liblc cquily foLco¡tprìlsù), coììvcrtil)lc dùenlurcs ((r(ll)) , ?,80ó,ì27

(lonvc11iblc cq ìly 1¡rcnrDloycc s(ock oDiior Þ1irìì 6,144.t14 10.703,101

Weisllcd âvcr¡rgc ¡uÌrbct of¡quily sI{rûs ¡ c¡lcù|,ìtiDr¡dihrfcd llÌS l4ùJ,?ll\r ìUrrt t¡ r¡14

,'-.1 1.¡,,...--.
lacNorv h'Ìvcr l,¡r¡itc{l (lbr¡rcr¡v kùo\!tr âs ll¡Nc\ l,o\vcr ll¡y{tc l,ìD¡t¡rl ¿ (ll{oNc\r ll^\cr Vcùtú'ùs l\'¡vrtc l,in¡if.{l)
NÒl¡s to l¡in¡ ci¡l Stlrtcnrrts trù tìrc yrtrr cndc(l 3 l lVnr clt 20llì
(^ùourìts iìr ìNlì rùillnnìs, rrrlcN orhcnvisc st cd)

l{l (;' ùtr'¡ly ùd olhrr porr-cr¡ÌlovD¡.rt bc cfit Dlnns

slßcr lìù rhc (imr¡ìiry.

Sfâlcn'cnt ol I'úlìt trrd loss

Not rnrdoJ'cos bcrclìt cxDcnsc rccogn¡scd nr crrüoycù coì-t :Ìl M¡rcl' 2018 3l Mârch 2017
1.86 7.:t0
I¡rrcrcst cosr on bcûclì( oblig¡lio¡ t.49
Nrt bonrfif rxpcrsc* 4.24 7.78

+ Ihis ¡nuûf is i,ì01ùsivc of ¡iìnnìt capitalisc¿ i,r.lillìrcrr pruiccrs

llcnclìt âsc(/(l¡¡bll¡t.r) ll \ltrrcl 2{ì18 ]l ]\lÀrcl' 2r'17

llrscnl vâhrc ol unlirrded oblis¡(ioD (8.71) (25 57)
Ncl linbilily _________1!Jtr - _____________

ll Mnrch 2lll8 ìl UArc[ 2(,1?

Cl^trgos ¡tr lh. p'oscnl vrl c oftlc dclìncd bcùclìt obl¡g¡¡lirtrr
OpcDi¡rg dc litrd bc¡cfi1 obligar ¡orì 25 5',1 r2.ll0
0.18 0.99
IlcDrtr$rcDrufs d{rirg ll¡c Ìcr¡{rl dù. lo:
llxlcric¡cc a(irsl¡rcDls (r.50) r.40
(lhaDÊc i¡ lìnâncial ¡ss!¡plions (t 2 t). :1.59
- (ll'â ßc in dc¡eArrphic i$unÌiids
(20 r0)

Cì0snrg dcfìn0d Dcncfìt oDligrtnrr . .. -'-._____!-?t _,-,, ____

(lxìDîrìy's cxt)e0icd corlutrtrrron lo lhc plaD isscls Ior thc Dcxr yctìr rs ¡rot sivcn

'lhe Drinri¡¡¡l rrsuÌ¡tfiotrs trsc{lir dcfcr trri l'rg Êrâh'¡tv íDllA{tiotrs 3l M¡rch 2018 3l Mârch 2{rl?
l)rscounl r¡lc I t5!/a
t0 00% l0 00%

s.ftl) dhl,l ¡,'d, rlk. ,nll,),,'(,,r n rÂLr.

rcl¡¡¡rirl¡ssùDrplìors on lIc dclj¡rd bcnclil obliSîlions is Êiveìì irì rhc tatìc bckrw

ll N|Ar.h 2018 3l M¡¡cÌ 2017

o5% ll:17 24 A()

0.5% (9. r2) (21.23)
05% 8.78 26.64
(rì óe) (24.52)

occùÍin81r rlìe etr.l ot thc rcpofì¡rr tcriod.

(;rttrrl) ¡nlrnlsfor.Úrc t¡c{r{ùdtùcyio sl(âra :Ì1 Nr{rctì 2018 3l i\t¡rch 2017 3l N'I¡rcl,2lll4
I)cfi ù.1 bcdcfl óbliA¡ti(rì 871 25.51 12.80 1.59
{lì.71) (25 51J (r2 80) ß.5e)
¡lxpcricncc lj slDrcnl on pl.n (Êâin)/loss 0.50 159 ()r.l)
Nolcs to l¡iùân.iâl Sl¡ìf¡ùcnts for l¡rc roâr cnd.rll I llt¡'.1' 2{ll8
(^ u,ûrs n, INIì tr,illioN, rurlcss atìrcrlvisc ùâtc¿)

l)r(jc.r¡{l DI¡ù c8s[ fìo$:

ll l\l¡Ìch 2{rl8 3¡ l\l¡rch 2017

Wirhin ncrr l? nûrlrs 0.?4 0.89
Bctwcc¡ 2 rûd 5 ye $ 2.t4 6 5t
Uclwcc¡ 5 and l0 yc ,\ 5.17 11.49
ll.0l ó1.8 t

'lhcwcishrcdavcrasùdu¡llknìrolhepây,enloltlìcscoîsl,fìoNsis8.ó4|caß(31MâùI2017 l219 yc¡D.

pâ,1iciÞâ¡ls will i¡ror¡sc lltc t)kùr li¡bjl¡y.

Dcfinc(l conh ¡ùùt¡o n plân: 3l M{rcl¡ 201{1 3l l\t{rclì 2lll?

(loDr'iburioÌ ro l)tuvnìcrr ri (l& olììcr 1ìDd charlcd ro s(rìlcmc¡t oiprîfit & kNs* 9.36 l(, 87

{ lhis âiDoùrl is iuclùsrvc ol âmnnìr capiraln¡d i't rliflc'rù Dx,iccts.

ll Opùr{t¡¡¡g l.¡ìsc connr¡hÌctrts

h¡s rhc opri.nì, ù¡dÚsonrc of its lc¡sùs, to lcase rlß tìsse(s lù ¡ìd¿itioìì¡ì tcrnrs oiupto lhrcc yeô¡s

l"ìrl¡. 1¡r( lirr tl¡o ycù.ùdcd lior thc yc¡r cndcd

ll Nr,rch 2018 :Ì1 ltlrlch 201?
r l0 44.ús
Aflero¡e yùâr brl nol ûr(È lltân fìvc ycaß 44148 29.56

/:, . .t
::.:r; 'i

.-.,r' ..|;..r'
ncN¡ì,ì¡ohù.r_r,trfr¡ì (ktrrùorrt tD0Nn L RIN{N ì¡ûr o. ù.ivT rc l_hnircd ìdtìcNc\ ¡,0Ncr\¡¡trt r6ù1rrrt,t, ftlt)
NûrA rû ¡rtrùìci¡l skr¡nrtrts lûr'll'c \¡¡i orkd ll Àrù.lr ?018
1^froLrß i'r lNlì nil ioN. (tr lss orLìo\yi$ rdl¡n)

Ninìs ûl rclarcd)ìârrhrâ ¡lrcl¡rcdt{rv r¡r¡iio rr'iPl

llcNqvt¡osùl-tri Rllr¡n¡ùltk'!¡ytra lloNcn rìo\eù r¡rN cl,rìircdiÌlìlNùvl)oNcrv0 tr'csI'fnlicLnùet)

ll. tJlri¡narc ¡l0llhrß (roù¡)Àtr\

GS Wwcnì llorilnrg\ l-i' úrd(trDb2:M clrr0l3)

RcNùv VfD¡ lìûgy(,{l,l) l\iv cl.itrirùl l{ùNc\e Wnd tirdgt(llii¡rlh) l"rv¡(c liÌ nùt
llùN¡s Solâr I'o,rr l)nv¿tù l-tr fcd l{rñrsw ddiùBy(l{¡¡slìatr2)l)rvabI-irìrlc¡l
l(cNc\ W¡ùl lììùgt(M1') l"ivÂt l-nlcd l{cNù,ewWlIììogy(Ml) lso) l,riv¡rc I-iDrcd
l(0NcN W d lììùgyiV¡'ùl¡^{¡dL) l"nd¡ Ì'r(cd ì{cNcsWinnIiìc'!y(J¡thlhcc)llLv cl-DriLcd
llcNc\ WnllììdÈ) l)cllrif"rv¡Lùlinûl ììcNcr WD¡ì r1rÌ!yl^li2) Dr{ c l-irnf s,l
llcNc\ $¡nd l:fùgy(Jatrìlr l'riv¡r! Lnùrùl l{cNc\y WD,l Iììù'sy(O' $¡) lr,vitc l-i'riLcl
l(cNc\ Wnd llmrAy(l)ùvgù1,) I'riydc li'ritci l{cNùr wDd rììc'!t¡(^r,4)l,r \ cLnrrcd
lìcNc* \\¡Ltrd lluAy(^l') l,rv¡r. Lì'ìúcd ì{ùNcsW rLlì'c'sy(WcltÙi)lli\nrùlLûìitùl
lþNc\ WtrdcrùtylVßDd 5) l)'ivdr l-i fùl ì{cNù1v Wsd Ij c'!r'(lì¡lkd0 lìri\nr lLtrìircd
Nflrkli W d lìNrlyl'ri\irc L ìirùt l{ùNùsW ¡lIììc'syJ lclnvar Pr¡îlc liùiLcd
lþNc\y W trd li trrgy (S¡t ¡) f"rvarù l-nìiLcd llcliùs lÍridrrd! l"¡¡rù Lùnlcd (\ c I td 2r)t¡!)
lìcNcN \\¡ llu!) (J¡rlù lLtrì¡rcd I l¡i Scplc ftu 2lrl6)
SlrL l l)òyù l)'ûjd\ l,¡iv¡lo l-i'ritql(\y.c ^trlsn
rrcNcN wnxr crùgy lK¡nnnkâ lNo) t1rv¡lù l_iùìirul lìcNc$ ì,osr' Sitrt¡lo'ù l'lI l-orirdr (i'rÒrlordcd \e ù r.5 tttl)tcnìbq 2{rt7l
Wi'ùt ìirrcr sy a)$! .Ìùi ¡,r1v¡(cÌ- rrcd K(rl lì.ñMbclìùlyl)'ry¡rrl-r frd¡rc.ll l5Noycnìbú¡)17)
RcNù\ So L,uNlrn¡ l.r(ùr Molrñ\ ¡llr RuNu\ ¡bh ì¡r ¡rù 1trìnùd h\!l lll r ¿017ì t
RcNc\yWnnlllury(rN)rrrvÂrúr.ir¡ncd l(cNcvlìowd Scraic*l'rivâ(L-i"rirùll\y.rll9J¡trtr¡'t201$)'
lloNù$ Wml lirruy (Àll' Orc) Pris¡tc t-l¡ßd ZonnÂlìcrc\v¡lt!lììurtyl-iD ùl(\yù.f ll M dr201ll)
llcNcN$nrllisAr(Sh,vttr4l\NÂlclL,nfùl llirñ¡lllcnùyibl!l)r1varcI- riùl(\.rlLMrch201[) i
lìcNcN Wtrí ùrtrAt(arr¡{ak¡) I,rir cliùícd Ka úk Il.¡ù\¿bls t-nncd (\y c t 6 Mßll2018)"
llcNcN Wnnllìuay(l{ asLli rl)nc)l,r¡ c l-Lnìrcd llijar l{ctrùv¡bhs t-¡trrrcd (\r.d i I' M¡jth 2lrli) t
llcNc\y Wnnl[n($lì( NLlntr ]) l,rLv¡rc L rircd l\g¿hù ll.N\r¡blol\Lvàlù I-i'rtu¿ (s c.l6 Ma'dì 201$) i
RùNc\! Wn lilùAy(X â1akai,Nc) t,ri\ .I- ntrcd llcNcN lr¡rstrìÈsdr Vùrùr4llrûrd l-i' ircd (i'ìdoryr¡ûls.cl r M¡lcl'l{rl$t

I\'. Slqr ¡loñrÍlfld¡rrts

I(cNcN l)is ib0ßd SoltulìNllylliv^rc l-inì(ù,1
llcN0N Di\'ibtrrùl SÒl,r]ie^ic¿s t,riv¡tc L-i tritcd
llcNc\e l)isribtrrûl SÒlrr l'ùvù' l\nrtc l.uìitL\l
lìcNc\v Sù'yi Nlùr l)',v¡rr L-ùn'tcd
I(cNcNSùryi l'r¡k lìh'vâGl-i ìlc{t
ItcNcNS trVtrltùr l\iv¡t L trcd
llcNcs Sol¡' ì)?ylUhl liìo!y l,r¡6rc l-rtrnùl
l(cNc\ySoLtu Srr IlÂûìr l¡rvd¡ l-ir¡ùcd
ItcNcñWr lircrlyflN :) l,rivdc l-inìirùi Vivßv¡(Sol li'ìd[ylrr"r
llcNcw Urj lrri\ cLsìirùi
^knnyI:iìcrgy(Jh kha ON)find. Lnúc¿
ncNcwSol¡' Sol¡r li'ìü!y l"Ndt¡
lìcNcvSo Iisgy(lh¡ llìaM -llrcc)l,r ivdù Li'rúèd ^khLlrUy¡
Sùûl¡tlir l)'ivao L-ùnilqt
rìcNùwsor¡' Iiic'sy(Jh lh rroü) lr v¡r.l_iùìùsi ^blr¡
ItcNc'v Sol,liìcrgy(Jlì¡rklra ¡ivù) l¡'ir¡rr l-ûìlcd
llcNrw Wnlcnsgy(ll(llì.1) ìl Lv¡lc ì-i'rirùL Zoôa Sùld Ij ù$Iùva1ùt-r¡rcd
lìcNdvSo llru Ay ( ¡ daryi,n) l) v¡t l-i' iLdd
ItcNùw ttola¡ L¡ìqgy(K¡ñml¡k¡ lyo) l,r'ivâlc Liù'irül Ortu IìÌ'uy l,'rv¡o Lùìircd (¡cqtrircd $
lìcNc,vlvi'rllìo!r(K 0atnkal)ì,riv¡bLi'ìircd trLiL!|iiq|ilq
lìcNùw rVi' ljtrùty(rtajúrìù roùr) r, rvarctiùúcd
llcNù,v( ld ì lììùsy l\ivÂl! k fql
lìcN0\y Wi xl Ìì'ù$ l^P ltivd) l,rv¡1c rir lcd
lìLNùre Solü L:'ùrsyflNl Pr Lvâ{c ì_itrìircd
'llnúK¡ân Dhootrtr Prv¡tc r-inircd
lìùN.\sWinIlì'c'sy(Krnat¡k?¿)l\iu ¡l.imircd
lìcNc\vWiJÌìlìrc'!y(Mâh ÂtìL'i)ttiv¡rct,trìiùt
l{cNc\vSùl lììrDy(lldltnhatr) t\iv¡tù rI riLcd
lìcNc\v Sol¡r Iìû$(Kâ'ìd¡ka) rìri\atc l.¡ tud
l{cN.s Wirrllìr'Ay{Ìrll' llr¡cc)l'ris¡tcLtrìircd
ììcNc$ Wird lìûgll{¡¡rlr lòtrr) l,,LvÂlu liDfcd
l{rNùtr S¡tr' !'jr l¡'iv,tcI-ùrlcd OsN,\4klhyâ Whl l)rivdc l-ùnitùl
l{rNcw Sol¡r Sù\iÙs Ùn ¿ l-i¡ilùd(ro'trr lykfoNtrii lì!No\yWûdùnc'sy(V¡sfd (xro KNclr Wùd |iìv¡lc l-srit¿rl {,
Iìadon l,o!vù' l,r'v¿lc l-ùift(l (rcqrirc
l{!Nctr S¡$ Slì¡kril,rir¡o l'nnrùl(rtnrcny kroNr asSùD" t,' âkdr U':Jr 8lu'ni l)oñc¡irlh lli\îrc ¡-N(cd (xcqtriLcd
Osro l,riv . Lùrlùd þùqtrtcd
ì{¡Nù!lì1ùt¡Sor' ll¡vcrr"rldtùr rrùd(t,orDìùtyktroMìtuS trSrGoìt¡riy¡lc ^ftratl' ùndr I-r
O$o lú¡lrws{i ircds
SùtrSoùù. E srAy Sc'!ic$ I'rMk
ì{.Nd! /\g i |oìeù l,Liydc li'r cd(l,or¡ùlylùrrINllh¡itrDhrr¡ Kn t'riv¡Lc

\¡. It llrl¡r un ù lol cûrrrûr

llúrnb¡ llù'N ¡U¡s l-r rùl(iùr Sohniìnns Lnr c¡lrmdrncd
rr 2rì Nj.'dL20tr) lì' lìflr6lrSol¡¡l¡n¡sl,r¡úl(lf¡cqtrRd\ù1
^ilÒk 28Nli'.,20llì)
Slùc)rsSùlâ'lÌ'ûisl-ntrirúl(aqmd\yrI2lìM clr7l)lu)

Vt, K¡t ¡utr¿torolDosû trcl(Kñlh):

Ilr Sùtrì¡DtSi'ìlÌ. ch ¡ÌrlNi¡$giì! l)i!(Òr Mr.ìlrlr¡n M.ltu l"ùnlùù ùllvr{t ll'ßì'ìú*'
Mr llrvr sdh lli[Il trÂr¡rlorr.¡rY Mr.lìîvil'Ântr$l er (rhicllrN , tlsoù'rc olf¡¿r{
Mr rù.ìtr Sh trì¿ allulÌlJìc¡¡rirrrOlìì.o ùd ll.i(LolSol lnßiiñs{ M¡ Àlìislìlâr (.ùt)¡ùyScc'ùr¡'),¡Rl (oùDh trcOllìco'
¡ llìlsùiùlivi,tu¡lsl,rv¿lrcorrlcsgìdùLâ!KÀ¡l,s{h' !LhcycJ


lräi ',t,'
\"{,\ i".,
t, ". ',.'
'":. ! ./

It¡Ncñ l0sc' l-h irû.1(Iû'uù1ykr0\¡rslì¡NrìrI,ùrcrlll,¡r¡I-i'trircd nlll(NcsI'otror\¡orr'¡{rì¡,ñnroLnrlrrd}
N0l¡r r0l¡lrrtrd¡rl Srâicrrnrr for rhc rc¡¡ ùnhd ll Nlârcx 20¡8
(^ ìoùfs irlNll lllioìs,rdc* otlÈÀvircr¡l¡n)
..1-..-., ..,,¡\'.

':l i J:r 1
.... :.....t..\'i
:,- /'

ltrNsi\,^!qF sitLtr skILLur INtfi $trtrotr,v1

Bt0¿()nrt! ¡t lìù¡D.ar{ r'tì ¡oJ
¡lcNcf ¡,orc' l,l'ìrrcd (lohìQit hn0\¡ is IrcNc\ ¡,ù¡rf 11tv4rc l-irtiqt ul lcNcs tr0scr \r(trturcs lt¡\{tc Lnn¡l(D
Nûr¡r ro Ihr¡ .li¡sr¡rc r¡ntsrú tl'¡y¡¡r oftd 1r ltlr(h20tll
(^ùotrnls ñ lNllf lliotrr nl¡ss oL ìdvirù úrcd)

,.'3"ì' i..

RcNcs r'0ñcrl,tùlrc (lornoltk û\ ¡rrì¡NNrl'ûr¡r t,! ir¡k r,r'trrd âurr RrNcN l,os ù \kir'furt,rtr ct-tùirc¡l)
Nohs ri ¡h'î .irl sriktr'c¡rr tu tlrcyL¿r 0 ¡iì 3l À1rfrh 20t8
(^rtr\ùfs ir tNlì ì lliùß trûlls of'c¡+lscfrql)

. Shrr¡¿0trllrdlo rûn¡r !rkr^ony¡11¡d tÌonì ur$.urùìlo¡ ror¡lßntlrflcsduri"! r.\$r

- --ì ,.-'.

llcNsr l,0rrù l-ntr¡kd (lornrcrrrr ûñr Rr rr¡N¡s r,û*o l,,ivâlct,h¡Ír¡riù t{¡Nûr lo\d \¡ùf r$t,rh*rrt-nìlrt1t)
Nor.sro Ih'¡¡(i¡lSr¡rcùrtrrs hr'(l'rrrìr c dùl3r r\r¡r.t10r8
(,{trìotr si'ì lNf{ùìiLio s, trtrlcss otluryisc r¡rd)

.,ç.,.. . .. .:


\..'-' i.ï
¡¡rNcN l,oncr l,nùllcd (lú ì¡lt ktrosr ¡\ lìûNùr ¡roN.r l,flvârc l,l'Ìl¡.ù r n(Nor l'ûìr¡r.fontrrG l,rivlro t,lrtrlld )
Nùks r0 ìrlràichl Sr¿rcùùnr for rlI v¡r ¡rrh'tJl Nf¡rch 20t3
(^¡þtrtrß INR niillirnìs, tr¡tñ o(rr\yß!n¡(cd)

I l¡¡ ù,¡'ãrlon ro k¡y n,{nilcrlil pùiotrtr(l (KNfl\}

,1r 95

Mr. 5 lL

sc'r'cos ¡ d's trors¡Difâlùly rlùf


:.-, ! ]

¡'il 1

'ìii" t,:,.,'
IÌcNcw l¡owcÌ L¡n¡i{({l (ft,n c v ìïrorrtr .s lìcNe\t lltrlcr Ì¡ilrre l,nÌire¡l rnrl ll( N$r l,üv.r Ventnrts l,riv¡t( Linrirod)
Notcs ro Ìiûâtrcinl Slîlcnrcùts l¡r rhc tc^¡ cndcd ll Mlrcl¡ 2{llll
(^ùNnls in ìNIl nrillio¡,s, nlcss olhclrvisc r¡tcd)

33 S¡rârc Iìîscd lì¡y¡ncnt

'l_hc (lo¡ì!t)âììy h¡s fburslùre+¡sed prìyn,cùl schcrDcs l¡r ils cuplo)rccs:

Þresc bcd vcfi¡,¡ con(lili(nrs.

ìruD Slock (lDli¡m l'lùrs

ir¡rìl I)¡l(

i) l(cDr¡i¡ring 50% will vesl îl lhc 0rì(l of 5 y0tìß lÌorìr thc drìlc ol srrìrì(.

¡01(, Slo(k Opt¡or Il{n

5 ycaß orì qra'lc yb¡rsis which sh¡llconùùcnce one year¡lìcrlhe d¡rc ol gra¡r ol ot)riùt

l'crforÌ¡¡rcc lhrkcd vcs(itr¡l:

lllllDl-^ achìeved by lhe Corììpâ'ry for I'rc llr corìrplclcd firÌìrci^lyc¡r.

2014 Skr(k()tfi{p l'h¡

l nìrc l¡trkcd !osl¡¡rgl
5)r rs o¡ qrìa,lc y blsis wlìich slfilìcoDnDetrce one )rcrìríller llrc drìrc olg'?nrol oprion

¿0ll StockOption l'lân

l ¡trrc l¡trkc.l vcslhrgl
5 ycars fro'ìr Ihc,¡¡?rìt drìlc

Wr{h¡rr l0 y0â'¡ lÌonr d¡lc (f qr nl uDon vcsliûj¡

'¡hc wcigfrlcd avcmge cxc,.he l).ice ol lh0sc oplions oLrrslaÌdìrU was INIì 246.00 rß orì 3l M¡rch 20ltl (31 NIâ¡rl20l7: INI( 159.9¡l).

oDlions rvor! grârìlcd.

+ ìl¡rscd orr ( âlcgory IMerrh rìl llârìkcrrcDofl

34 S(f¡n'cnt ltrlì,r'ìrrtiotr

li¡ìclbral licâ(ls rl is rìus cons.lcrcd lo bc ( Iriel q)c¡¿rtillg Docisiotr M¡kcr.

bc trovi(ied olherth¡ìì thosc alrca¿yt)rovi¡led irì llrc lìììarìciaistalenrents.

nrorc llrârì l0'1, ol rìrc rorâÌr!vcnne ol thc (inùp¡ny

llcNcñ l'0 cr t,l'nl(c{l (lbhú,lI kno$n {r lhNcn l¡oncr l,rlrrr¡ l-ln¡rrd rt'l IlcNr* 11'sù.\/cnh'rs l¡r¡rilt t,rrù¡tql)
Norcsro¡hútrllilSr¿knNnrslorrhctciro cd3r Nt rh20tß
(^ûutrrs tr tNlì Nllioìr ùìlGs ùrlìc'1yisc idcd)

Ii,r.srìc N' n .u¡1f(, r ûqùorcd ddr sccu'n,cs r,ql6.t)l lr)16.0r

t,005 qi I 005 9l 3614:1 36141
llrìkdcDû$rs\vrrlì'! ì¡i'nnLnìÂrutyfo' tr,o'!t1útrwc\'c ìoulß l,26t1.ll I lólt] 30 02 u0.02
Sh c¡t)Dliù¿to ùÌrroy t)ctrdi',9 illd rù 1,t4000 2,51000
lnvcsrìc rr cmatrl. qrcLqln r¡li¡ids

ll ì(b¡lí,ìùsollìcì rlÌtr ctunì r û c¡nì cq$vrl!trr
47 25t.51 10,001.0?
OhÚdN r liritrùal Ásds

ñotr CoDvcú üc,)cbcntucr

lon ìorù rIÌlirinrNorlnr bùk l:l353 6l t3,358 6l
1c¡n lô!n nr IMiùr n'Dccs fb¡ì ln¡Dùrl Drf0lrors :ìì 111

Orlrc¡c Lrnr nD¡tr!iâl li¡ùil(rs t4llt tl ?4 42 2, r.tl

¡ItLÒrn¡rcrlrci' c DtU trroùûrs l¡'sclyduc k 1lìcslþn¡c¡ù rÌ(n(r$ olrlicsc irls(nùcnß

'llN foll0rrlÌ[ trúrl¡od¡ard¡s trtfr0nsrcr¡ ßcd roclhtrrtcttì¡ ¡trh yAtms:

ùl-cvùlL-l,\nß ¡¡1uùrc DncA(' idsrc¡)rìadñcù ],ùs fòL idrD¡c¿l¡sscrs Òrli¡bilna

'lh¡lblloñtr,ß L¡blc p'¡viícr rlrc l¡irvâlÙcùcisùLùnûr lricùrcjìyofrìrcâsoßitrd h nlift\olLlìc(ÌrnD?,D l

Qnnnlir{l¡tdi!(lornrsinrtrlrcnrc¡rtrcnr lhl¡¡¿rd¡vforùisctVll{lùl¡tlc$¡rrlv.ùrc¡ú:

lrûù ¡l¡l¡$rcr$ ùr n¡lnrcd rr l¡h \¡lÍc

l. Mc¡ ùcdâl roil$cd cor
I ao.iâl^sscß(No¡ dtrr. 0: I¡ N
hvci rùnlr, ûq olcddchlr¿ triries

rnúnrid¡ (N0r qnrcnr): orhc¡s

k ^isdr
ìk drDosiß Nirlr
i,ìU ìrtùìtytdr lrcth rßrîlvcn,onthr t.16:r l

i¡'rind¡ì (iúfrrr0 | orrr's

^ssls /.15r 5

Irlnrnc¡rl llabllttkt ùi nìcasuFdil lilÍyalm

I l\4c¿n c¡ â1¡rìo,l,sc(ì ùof

lrr Lútr,n I' i.ù, nu)ccx liùì btrtrls

ù'ã ri¡'rliNl'iriricr((ìtrrcn0:ollìrrs
ìnrttrl mlr'nl'$ ól ldìglcn¡ bo,ro\trr&l )11 t.8
trr0ls nùor!(l ¡ù tror dur oo boft\rrìls t55.1

\nch¡sc ùNidcm0o¡ I¡y¡ìnù Ì:12l 253.2

z-(¿;:.2îai i .'\\
I¿ ( l,t \,. :,.

Ñr#p,z ì..ìi: I
't'.. * )t)

Nolls ro lihrtr.¡rì Stîrcnrñs lûr{r¡ !c{r ù!r¡¡l1l trrtr'.tì ¿0t8
(^ ù rs trì lNIìDllnÌA,uDlcssolrcNircx(¡tcd)

ll¡r'rnrl¡l¡$¡lr ì¡¡ù c(l rt l¡ir\i,rß

Qñrrl nìrlcr ì)r'coÒlnùNt Jìr¡ds

lf¡m¡d!lr$rß no¡ nc¡ntrrd al lhì¡valuc

lr'ùv ltrìrrìLc'crL'al$ iiìrlìcnûkcL lif È. h rìôß
l-o ì Losrlìld¡ ìcs rdccrì¡blctrotr ùtrùúlrtvoD,rlù¡añcslü'ùs l,Dçrlùì!i crci r csirrlrc D, kcL, l\tur¡ cßlr ll¡1r
lliikdcDo$ls\r(h'cnnltrflgrì¡( rtyldrMtrlì,t\vclvcNûhr l)'!vdliDg trtc'ciì bnìrlrc n,lcL |(tr'!.rnì o\$
!lì ciDDlic¡(Lon ùo Ì.r J)cndr! ¡lhrùÈ ( llr\iiliDgtr c'rir rcsiùrlrc ú'kcl,f\rÙr.rnrno\$
lìlv¡ili'isntrc¡rn'dksinrl'crmrkcr ¡(tr'!cÀ$ tlo\ys
Prvailifs i'fc,¡ñ tlrc ùùr'Ìcr, Iifun cðh tìoNs
llùìk lr¡l¡ .cs orlìùrrlr ì ùnr tonL crn, Latliv¡ ¿Ìt l\tv¡iLi,,s i'fcFf tlìc ù Ìcr,liùunctr\h tìoNs
llùcùvo"bl. lìotrrtuldc{l D 1'cr l'(sÂiLi,rai',tcrcstmlcs trì tlìc ù¡r.kcr, Iìùun cÀdr ltoNs
l,rcv¡ìL,n!i' crd'n1c5 trr llìs trrrrkcr, Iìù nc¡dì lìo\$
1,rc' hiSirfcrcrüles rr(hr trftkd, lì'tu,! c6lì lì{ñs
hfors rccn,cd otr lìrcd dq)osß Iìrevâiltrì!irno.ir"r.r iiìlìruÌrù'kcr,l\únrc.¡slì noss
hfc¡¿s ¡ccn,cd on lÒ¡ns ro ¿rc¡ t)ar¡cs ì,rcv ltrì!i, crcsÌirlsi'rrìrorNkcr.ì\{oirc¡stìtkNa
l.hìÀndrl Ilâhlllll( nûl atl¡irvrhß
Nor aoNcúiücl)cbc¡ûtrcs l)rcvfllngn cEs'¡rcsi'ì rlrd nnìld, ìitr rc.6lìud\s
l.¡nlo ì itr lrli ì nÌrcc fi.rì b kr l'cv li'rs tr ù'tn csii rlìctrü'kc(,ììf tlN¡
lù¡Ìlùri ii l,Ììid n'Ècr fionì lì¡ntrci¡liNtnn(ion '
l)'warlirencrc! rdcsii rlìc Mrkcl, ìrúùrc 'c.mlì
cmlì llo\ s
lìtv¡,li'ìgtr rßr r¡tcsitr rlìc ú''tù1,Iiú Ncmlì ftoNs
Itrc\ailirìßù Ù.\rrarcsnìrlìc i' Ìcl, l\t[. cmh llô\ r
hìlc(slrccn'cd btrlrol dN o ùono\yrtrls lhvrili'iUn cr.!'¡rosn,(lìcnúkct, lìúùrc crnì ovr
l crsl ¡ccNql b(r þldùcon¿rbù fts l"rv¡ìlins i'for$r nr (lEnDr.lcr lirtr'tcAh rto\\
ItNv¡iìi'ìs i'fd cr ¡ß nr (hc r¡rkcr,lirùrc canì o\\
l\trchNc corsidcml or D¡t¡blc I,rcv¡ilnìs i'fcrcf ,¿lcs ir llìc N¡rkcr ¡rúù'r c¿\lì tÌo$\
Shir ¡DDLicarotr Donc, ûccnù¡ ¡ d ¡trc lo rtund l',cv¡,|ì¡xiúcrcs(iilcs irllìcDnrkcr ¡, tr'cc ìì flo\vs
(\ùc¡r rr¡lLtrnics ollors rcN bor¡Nrìs\ I,rcv3,lnì! i'ncrcsl,lLs i[ tlìc Dr¡rkcr lìftr'r rðtì Jlo\vs

ì:.t !:ìl .1.::,t\..

lìcNc\y I'orvcr l,¡trritcd (l?'rrììcrll k'rowrì âs llcNen ÌoNc¡ ÌriyÌ|. l,inri(c(l ¡rnd Il(N$y ll,wcr Vcnturs Iìivîtr L¡trrÌt((l)
Notcs to liirì¡ÌciNl Slâ(cmc,rls for tÌc yrsr en{lcd 3l Mârch 2{ll8
(^Dxnuìrs in lNlì ììliììions, Lulcss oihcnvrse shrc¡)

37 l¡i'urûci¡rl Iìisk M{tr g0ùrcrìt object¡v(s rnd p0lic¡cs

olhc ccci!al)lcs, l¡ì(l c¡sh & câslr cqnivîlenrs tììâ1 de vc (ì ecl\, lionr ils opcrntlorìs.

nÌâû¡sitrs cach ùsk, \{,1ìich rcs ¡ìr)ìlriscd rs l)el.Nv.

Mrrkct Ilhk

rìr rkct lisk iDcludc bans,r'rl bonowirìgs nd dcposiß..

dcbl a,ìd lhe rälio ol lìxe(ì lo fbaliDg iurcrest rales of lhc debt arc âll oonslânl ns ar 3l M¡rch 2018

lntorcst Í¡rto ll¡sk:

iin.ìn.cs its .ìcbl obligatioììs (o achieve n op(imâl i¡lcrcst ratc exposùre

Itrtercst Râtc ScDsit¡vity

3l l\,ts¡.h 201¡i 3l M¡ìrch 2017

lncrcâsc/dccr0,ìsc ¡n lìffcct on prot¡l I¡ìcrcâsc/dccrc$sc in llffoct on prolìt
b¡sh pohrts bcforo tllx basis po¡nts botorc t¡l\

r(-)50 l-)/ 4.61) r(-)50 l-)/t 7 0t)

I trr¡qrfl.¡r."sc in Itrcrcrrr/d$rcåsr ¡n
.nâsrs pollìts Iffecr on {:ûuitv .D¡rsl\ poinls
Itll¡ct tr cdu¡lv

r(-)50 (.)/r 3 t6 v(-)50 (-y\ 4.84

Iorcign Currcrcv llisk:

curcncy cxfosrne Ihe (irùpâny docs n0r urdcfakc âny sDcculâtivc 1rânsâcliûß.

Crcdit llisk

rc\LIur' irc Ii¡ ¡r \r,rru IriìiUrlË,Á(llr'rìurr (IUli(...

slrong c'cdil qrâlily ¡¡(l $,c ¡rnriror rhcir cr'cdit q ¡lily oD ¿ì¡ on tsoirìg bîsìs

rcccival)lcs arc rcgùìady rììolrilored. 'lhe ('or)rptìl]y docs Dot hokì collârc¡¡l as sccuriry.

Ii$¡tnci.ìl ¡trñrùmenls ¡nd crcdit rhk

lìnncì¡l Slîtotr'c¡¡ls fù' llc yerr cndcd ll [f{rc¡r
Notcs lo 2018
(^nurls r lNlì ¡ìrllio s, o|l*s.rlìc¡visù r¡rùl)

l,i(¡'idity lìisk

coùdf¡rìs, Nr(lìoùl rìcun'irrrùMccct)rrblc losscs or¡sk d¡nragc lo rhen ¡rt'u11ltrD.

Ìì¡ rùrinr \y rrll û I 2 nùnhs crr bc ¡{n bd ovcr wirh cx istjrts lùtdcß

16,171 15 t6,37171

30,:r50.8? 5,384.? 35.735 ór

Jhrrt tcrtr¡ l,orro\viÌgs
-o¡rs lì1D rclllcd Þ¡¡ly I,416 78 1,416.1Í

ù,orkrìr crDilîl dcûr{ûd b¡ûs 2,980.00 2,980.0(

1,201.ì 1,20r.1r
l)t[cr lìDîDci^ì l'1biìilhs
:lrrlnl nrrl ri(rcs ol long tcrn boDownls +
9412 2.987.07 1,928.t
rercsl ¡ccrucd bul ¡or dtrc.û bon¡wurAs 1552 255 2..
nrcrcsi ¡ccrrc.l ùtrr ìor .trc.r nr\ ¡ilûn llló9 l?0. t5 107.ì(
5ó5.4 5ó5 41
\ tl)irsc .ons ddal ron laylblc 332.10 132.1(

e iÌcludnì! Iulorc rrlcrcsl Dûynrcrrs l¡ìl i(ürry

s(nrc conìbiu lor lhrrcolì

/c^r endcd ll Ìu^rch 2017

'crn loân lionì ìllnks ân¡l fi.ân.rrl n'{irurnìs 246

' 1t.41 5ót
l,llßrcd rdtcùtr¡lto. rotr cu ,ùlnt,vc ¡rd noD conlcrtrble
llt.27l A 18,264
Irort tcrm l,orro¡tin,¡s
.Ò¡ùs lìur rcl¡lcd t)¡¡ly t,339.58 1,3r9
Vo¡ktrtgcapil¡l dcûúnd loitr

)lhcr fi n¡n.i{l l¡¡lrilirics

!rrcnl ¡úlLnlìcs ol lo¡U tcnù boùo*ûrgs { :r95.2C |,116.21 r,5?0.40
trrcr¡sr rccnìc.l bùl nor d c on bonoùûrss ß(,.1;. 43,29 t¡10.03
fcrcs( lccrucd brr nol dùc où dcbc.hùts t03 0( tt5.4', ?ß.4t
t,750 21 t,750 21
hrrc ôDDlicùlidì Dxnìcy reûdirìu lkrrncrr 224 2.2¡J
urcììôsc oo¡sidù¡lion Þ¡tible 258 2't 258.21

'r".1. -.- -..,'.:!.,

\1.," , 'tr
RcNc\! lltrrcr t,iÌ¡ilrd (fortrrrÍly ktrowtr ¡s l{cNctt llN¡r l\.ivrk! l,i¡nitd {n{l l{cNcw I'o\ycr Vetrtrrrcs lì.iv¡tc Lhnitcd)
Noter to IrÍr¡ìtrrirl Sl{tcnrrnls Ior lhcyo^r('rdcdll N,t¡Ìrh 2{lllt
(Arìt()lrù1s i lNì{ nìillions. LUìlcss o(ìrcrvisc rxrc(l)

.ìfi ( ät'ilal nt{ù g rctrt

botrÒwirìgs, ollÌcrt)ây¡rl)lcs, lcss casìì âtrd lû1"lcN dcl)osils

bonowitrg in lhc currcnt pcìiù|.

No clr ngcsrvcrùadei¡rlìrcobieclivcs,policiesorproccss0siornrâDagirgcal)ilaìdurjrìglhcyoärcn¿c(llìl\.1¡rolì2018.

39 CoDÌrilùcÌls l,iâb¡lilies ârd Continsctrcics

(to lÌc crloDl Dol trov¡(lcd for)

(i) Corlln,¡ont llrbllit¡(s


lisftr¡lcd îrìrotrrl ofcoùlrâcts rcrnâ¡ring tú bc oxcculc{l or ràpil{l :rccoùrt rnd not Ìrov¡dcd |or


40 Dcl¡ik of{ltrcs k' Mlcro. S¡n^ll ¡nd NIcditr lùntcrp¡ls0$ âs rhlir¡cd trùdcr tl¡c N,lS}IED 2006

N,licrc. Snr¡ll ¡Dd Mediì!D lìfcitriscs(10!cloÌDrctrtAcl, 2006.

Nit Nir
¡ch ¡ccoù¡llûÈ yctì,/Dcri0d

Nit Niì

Nir NìI
)evclopr)rcnl 2006.
'he âÌrounl ol ìnlerest accrucd ân(l unÌâid âl (he erìd o' eacl accounthrs year/Dcriodi ajrd Nit Nrt

Nil Nit
,clion 2l ol lhc lVicro Small ¡nd Mcdirùì li e'lÌjsc l)evolopDrcnl Act, 2006

lìofi( tr¡.lo seclior ll5lìl Òl lhc Lìcon,c I^x.Ä.r l9aìl

4 2 CorÈr^tc src¡rl ¡ertonribll¡l ï (xpctr{lihù c

(rì) (ìross rìrì)(Jlnf rcqùit!d ro bc spenr by rhc (lrU) ry (lurirìB lhc yc¡r is INll 8.21 (l ¡l\4â'!h 20t7: INIt 5.3 t)
(b) st)cnr (h!irìJ: th0 !c ron:

(ìù!¡l yo¡r

l) SÙì¡l¡lron.t Dr.knrB ¡!âil¡ble s¡l¡ d¡i¡kinrwatcr ( onsnìcliorì oftoilcts.llor!-wùll, \vcll,'¡ìbc¡velìctc

1) tìì r¡! cnvi¡on¡re¡l l srìslîll!tìbilily- âtrtrù¡lvcUìre Pla¡lali(lì. cnviìuìnìcnl ¡\v.rcness,

.i ,.

RcNc\t l'o$cr l,i¡ù¡lad (torÌntrly knoryn ¡s RcNc\y l'owcr lì ¡vrtc t-lrÌi(cd ätr¡i llcN$r I'otvcr Vconrr(s lllv¡rtc Ll¡rìllcd)
ñ_ol.s lo l¡i¡råD(¡Al StatcD(rfs for tl'c ycrìr cndcd 3l lVârch 20lli
(^n,1rhri rn lNlì r,illi.,,s. Unl(.s,irl,rN a. !. r,lr

,13 Si ¡¡n ifi(âtr 1 ÀccoùtrliÌ ß j trdgrrc nis, esli rîles r d rssùttiûrs

nìâlùi l îrli(slùìcnl lo rlìc cr¡yi¡rg aùrounr of ascls or liabililics â,lccicd i li(rÑ poiùk.

â) {¡ne j uds(ùrrtr ts

lirL,rc l¡xablc Ìrolirs rogclhcrwirh lirlurc lal pla ni'ìt¡slftlcsi0s.

D.trc.ir(¡on on DroDrrh, Dlåtrt ân¡l cqui|'nctrl

rrol núnd¡loÐ/. Ilcncc, CoûUany is dqnlciâli¡ìg lhc ¡sscls brses oD ìilc rs dctclrììirìcd byâ¡ì cxpcrl.

b) Islnnâ(es ¡n(l ¡sñn¡úions

lh¡r v¡hrc mcîst¡rcmc l of fìn¡nclâl hNtrtrtrrc¡rts

whctr 0ìis is ¡ol f¡tìsiblc, â (lcgrcc olìudgnren( is requircd nr eslâblishi¡ìg fair!âhìcs.

lìi¡ vâlùe offin ncillirìrn,rìrc¡rts. Scc nolc 37 âDd ltl l-or ll rìrcr d isclostl rcs.

As ÌeroLr cì)on 01ùvcD d¡ìre

lbr S.ll. lìùllibo¡ & (ì.l,l,l¡ llor îrd o bcl¡¡ll ofihe
lìcNc\v l'ower Lhr¡lcd (torncrly knowtr â$ IlcNcw I'orver l,r¡r¡t¡
l.irritcd ân(l l¡(jNc\r l'0\ver Vcnltrres I'ri!^tc t,irÌ¡lcd)

¡)tN 009720ì2
I)tN- 00024262

ì)¡ lc: ì6.luly 2018 Dîrc: 16.hrly 2018 ì)rlc. ì6 Juty 2018

ù,"; âh

(^slrish J¡iD
(lne r|iñ!,ci¡l(nficù . lrorÐrny Secrur¡y
¡..1;,i:,i' 'l - MeDlhcrishiÞ No.: I:6508
ì,hcc:û*srar' /',,J7tt''' ''Pí¡coì (;unrrra¡
lulY20ll /-
l)r c ll, u,iir-r.li tutr:tttt

...v ,-:... .,1.!:;:¡

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