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Fat replacers
and mouthfeel (see Table I ). The first sensory character-

and the functionality istics perceived by the consumer are usually visual cues,
tk)tlowed closely by arorna sensations ~. These initial per-
ceptions will set !lp expectations about the product,
which may influence the interpretation of the other sen-
of fat in foods sory qualities and ultimately affect prcxtuct acceptance.
If the reduced-fat product lacks the gloss, sheen or
opacity normally present in the full-fat version, the con-
sumer might expect it to be less rich and creamy '.
Paula A. Lucca and Beverly J. Tepper Although the impact of fat level on appearance and
texture of lk~ods is well known ~,~.', its influence on
flavor might not be as obvious. Not only can the fat
present in a lk~od contribute a flavor of its own (but-
tery, nutty, etc.), it also impacts upon the intensity,
duration and balance of the other flavors present. This
Developing no- and low-fat products is a high priority for the appears to be due to the ability of fat to slow flavor-
fo~d industry. Given the variety of fat replacers available, release. As a full-fat food is chewed, fat-soluble flavor-
how does a product developer decide which to use? Fat ants are gradually released. The lowering or removal of
replacers ~.an be divided into three classes on the basis of fat from a food disrupts the timing of this release. The
• " ," " J , , ' - " , J c,' " ,-.-
their comf×),,ition: protein-based, carbohydrate-based and fat-
b.,s~.,d. Each has different functiona[ propert;es that provide decreases-'. Since fat-soluble flavorants are often un-
tx~th ad'~antages and limitations in specific applicatiol~s. stable in aqueous or hydrophilic environments, a flavor
Preseotb.' there is no 'silver butleC - no single fal replacer that system that is effective in a full-fat food may not deliver
the same flavor profile in a reduced-fat product ~:-~ 6.
~ontribu|es all of the desired sensory and iunctional qualities
Most of the currently available fat replacers can be
to all products. A ~.vstems approach, one that makes use of a divided by composition into three categories: protein-
combmalion of twc or more wisely chosen (at replacers, based, carbohydrate-based and fat-based. The protein-
coupled with formula and procedural changes appears to be and carbohydrate-based fat replacers are known as fat
the best current strategy. mimetics since they cannot fully replace the functional-
ity of fat in foods. The fat-based fat replacers or fat sub-
stitutes can replace fat in a food on a one-to-one basis.
Each category of fat replacer can provide a range of sen-
sory and functional qualities to low-fat products, and
Developing no- and low-fat products has been given a they are reviewed below.
high priorit~ by most food companies. The list of in-
gredients offered as potential fat replacers is lo~g and Protein-based fat mimetics
varied. Deciding which ingredient or combination of in- Protein-based mimetics have limited applications as
gredients is best tk)r a specitic application can be a diffi- fat replacers since they cannot be used as cooking oils
cult task. One approach is to systematically screen the or in products intended to be fried ~ ~z. This is because
various fat replacers in the base formula. However, high temperature causes denaturation and coagulation of
product development timetables rarely allow lk)r this time- the proteins, which results in loss of the crearny, fat-like
consuming, hit-or-miss effort. An alternative approach texture. Additionally. proteins tend to chemically bind
is to determine what functional properties fat contrib- some flavor components, causing them to lose intensity
utes to the t'ull-tk~t version of the product. This knowl- or contribute o f f flavors ~. These reactions are highly
edge ,-will point out what qualities the fat replacer will system specific, varying not only with the protein source
need tt~ impart to the low-fat version, before any for- used but also with the other ingredients present in
mulati~n ,,~ork is begun. By understanding what qual- the formulation. Because of these ['actors, it is diffi-
ities the various fat replacers can and cannot offer, cult to predict their behavior in a formulation without
the number of ingredients that should actually be tested extensive batch-testing. A partial listing of the protein-
can be minimized. based fat mimefics currently available is given in
Table 2.
Sensory qualities of f a t s
Fats impart a wide range of characteristics to food~. Whey protein concentrate
including desirable appearance, flavor, aroma, texture ~ i l k protein consists of two major fractions, casein
protein (8(,)'~ and whey protein (20%). Concentrations
Pauta A. Luccai, at Ih~'(ampbeHS~upC~mpar~,. t ampb~'][PI,I~.'rCamdt'l~ of whey protein exceeding 5()c~ yield products with
%l 0810t-17,)t) LSA Beverly I. Tepper i, at flat' I~t'[)artm~'nlof [~(~d functional properties that have proven useful as fat
S~it,n(t, (l!,)k (()[[~'R~,' [)() [~o\ )~l Rtttg~,,rs[ ~aixt,r,it~",.e~ t~rui~i~k replacers ~*~. Although some whey proteins aggregate
and precipitate at their isoelectric points (pH 4.5-5.2),

]2 ~ ~,,.,~ ik,.,,,, ~, ,,.,,,. ~,,5~,,,:~ .': ~.~,,~ s~- -,~ Trends in Fond Science & Technology January ] 994 iVo]. "3[
Table I. Attribules associated with fat for several categories of food '

Creamed soup,
Dairy Frozen sauces and Frostin~ and
Baked goods products Salad dressings desserts gravies Fried foods Meats fillings

Flavor Flavor Flavor Flavor Moulhfeel Fla,,or Fla~or Viscosity/body

Viscosity/body Creaminess Viscosity/body, Viscosity/body Opacity Heal transfer Mouthfeel Mouthfeel
Richness Saltiness yield ~tress Creaminess Flavor Crispness luiciness Creaminess
Texture Acidity Saltiness Mouthfeel Saltiness Aroma Tenderness Aeration
Aeration Viscosity/t~ody, Acidity Mell Satiety Color Texture Spread
Shortness yield stress Smoothness Heat-shock Bite Emulsion
Tenderness Smoothness Aeration stabilitv Handling Smoothness
Elasticity Mouthfeel Mouthfeel Overrurl Heat transfer Melt
Flakiness Melt Shear sensitivity Opacity,, Satiety
Leavening Emulsion Color
Lubricity Aeration Opacity
Dough handling Color Cold storage
Moisture retention Sheen stability

'Data takenfrom Refs| and 2

Table 2. Prolein-based fat mimefics ~

Manufacturer Product name Label designation Microparticulated? Functions (dry weight)

American Dairy CMP-1Complete Milk Complete milk protein No Extendsfunctionality of remaining fat 3.6
Specialties Protein

AMPC Inc. AMP800 Whey protein concentrate No Texture and mouthfeel simulation 4.0

Calpr~ln~redients Calpro 75 Whey protein concentrate No Water.'%am/cmulsion

slabilization: body 3.4

The NutraSweetCo. Simplesse100 Provides body, texture mouthfeel. 3.8

Simpiesse 100-Dry ~,~,/he,,'. protein concentrate Yes opacity, viscosilv, {reaminess .~;.8
J SinrplesseBrand
Simplesse I!I!1 Grade A inhibits syneresis:binds wal" 3.8

' Datatakenfrom Relst, 7, 8 and I(t-14


most whey proteins are soluble over a wide pH range ture each play an important role in deter;;dng whether
(approximately pH 2-11) and can theretbre be used in this reaction will yield the formation o f small, soluble
man~,' liquid or moist tbod systems ~l~. M~~derate heat aggregates or a gel-lattice structure '~. Moderate lem-
(>70"C) causes partial loss o f solubility between pH 3 peratures (60-90°C) and tow levels o f protein (<10~:'~)
and 5. The application o f temperature and pH causes the f~vor the ti)mtation o f small molecules: these bind water
whey protein concentrate (WPC) molecules to partially and increase the viscosit}' o f a li~od, addin~ body or rex-
unfold, leaving them !'re~ to associate and aggregate with lure ~'~. WPC concentrations o f lO-]2ci and tempera-
other molecules. Protein concentration, pH and tempera- lures o f 70-9(Y~C fa~or the R)rmation o f gel lattices.

Trends in Fo{;d Science & le;'hnolog'~ lanum,~ H)q4 [Vol. 51 1~

Opaque, wet, weak gels are formed under acidic con- to be physically modified protein and are therefore
ditions (pH 4.6-6), whereas above pH 7 the resulting classified as GRAS by the FDA. Nutritionally, they
gels are more translucent, t, lastic and rubbery t~. As with are digested and absorbed as protein ~~:.
small aggregates, gel lattices also have iv,creased water-
binding capacity. G e h formed under acidic conditions Carbohydrate-based fat mimetics
are smooth and elastic h~ nature and resemble egg-white Most of the low-fat products introduced i~ recent
years contain carbohydrate-based fat mimetics. These
In addition to concentration, pH and temperature, mimetics achieve fat replacement mainly by stabilizing
other ingredients present in the food system can also substantial quantities of water in a gel-like matrix.
affect gel formation. Calcium and sodium salts tend to resulting in lubricant and flow properties similar to
weaken ~he gel structure and reduce its water-holding those of fatsZ-~LThey function primarily to increase vis-
capacity. A synezgistic effect has been noted with some cosity and body. and to provide a creamy, slippery
other proteins ~. Whey proteins are also amphiphilic. In mouthfeel similar to that of ['at:.~. Carbot'ydate-based
solution Ithe hydrophobic groups tend to be buried within mimetics suffer from several sensor3,' and functional
the coiled molecules, while the hydrophilic groups are limitations as general fat replacers. The two most
located on tile surface. This arrangement confers not notable of these are that they cannot be used as frying
only increased water solubility on the molecules but media, and that their high associated-water content
also excellent surface-active and emulsion-stabilizihg increases the water activity of the product and thus
properlies. During emulsion tbrmation the whey pro_ reduces product shelf life z. The type of carbohydrate-
reins diffuse to the oil-water interface and reorient such based fat mimetic used will have a profound infuence
that the hydrophobic segments extend into the oil phase on the final flavor profile of the product. Starch- and
and the hydrophitic portions extend into the aqueous cellulose-based fat mimetics tend to decrease the inten-
phase. This reduces the interfacial tm~ .ion and stabilizessity of flavors, while often adding a slight flavor of their
t h e e n l u t N i o n I/1¢' , own 5. Gum-based fat mimetics do not generally influ-
Foam formation and stabilization, another property ence the flavor of the system to which they are added.
of WPCs, occurs somewhat similarly to the stabilization Furthermore, they do not mask any of the flavors or
of an emulsion. Here WPC forms a stabilizing inter- tastes in the system, nor do they add any flavor of their
face around the air bubble. The speed of air incorpor- own ~. The broad category of carbohydrate-based fat
ation and the stability of the foam depend upon several mimetics can be divided into several subsections.
parameters such as WPC type. protein denaturation including starches, maltodextrins and dextrins, poly-
levels, pH, fat content, protein and carbohydrate concen- dextrose, cellulose gel and gums. A representative listing
trafions, and concentration of calcium and other ions ~5. of available starch- and cellulose-based ingredients is
Whey protein concentrates are classified as "generally given in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Although most
recognized as sale" (GRAS) by the Food and Drug of the carbohydrate-based ingredients have GRAS
Administration (FDA). Nutritionally, they are digested status ~2'':-" 2~, polydextrose and xanthan gum are approved
and absorbed as protein ~,~s. fl~r use in specific applications as discussed below.

Microparticulated protein Starches

Although proteins from a variety of foods can be con- Speciality starches, developed through physical
verted into nfieroparficutated protein (MPP), whey. milk and/or chemical modification of native starches, can
and egg proteins arc used most often. While the specific help replace fat by enhancing the stability, creaminess
procedures and raw materials may vary, the process of and moisture retention of food products 2' . Various
microparticutation basically involves the application of starches offer differem physical characteristics, such
heat to the proteins, causing them to coagulate into a gel as degree of spreadability, thermoreversibflity, stability
structure, while at the same time applying high shear. tc, gelling, and resistance to heat. acid and shear.
Ordinarily. heat-coagulated proteins form large particles Differences in these properties are due not only to the
of gel, which are perceived as rough in the mouth. In parent material used, but also to the specific modifi-
microparticu!ation, however, the applied shear reduces cation and the degree of modifcation. To date, fat mi-
the coagulating proteins to very small spheroidal par- merits from potato, corn. oat. rice and tapioca starch
ticles 0 . I - 2 . 0 ~rn in diameter 7"~"' ~z~, This ,.mall diam- have bcc~ developed. Each of these maintains some
eter is very important as it is widely regarded that par- ,~t the qualities of its parent material, while at the same
ticles less than 3 ~ m in diameter are too small tk~r tirne exhibiting properties that make it usethl as a D.t
the human tongue to distinguish as individual particles. replacer > .
Instead, they are perceived as a creamy, smooth It has been proposed that small-granule starch having
fluidVm ~2u,h. MPP fat replacers tend to coat the mouth a granule diameter similar to that of lipid micelles
and taste buds, in a similar way to fat. This coating ( ~ 2 g i n ) might have potential as a fat replacer:".
action not only allows flavors to reach the receptors Although native starches from some grass and cereal
slowly and gradually, but also helps mask some of the seeds have granule diameters sufficiently small, the
bitter and astringent fla,'ors that seem more pronounced production costs involved in their preparation make
in low-fat products'. MPP fat mimetics are consklered their use economically unatmtctive >. A combination

14 Trendsin FoodScience& TechnologyJanuary1994 [Vol. 5[

Table 3. Carbohydrate-based fat mimetics: starches ~

Manufacturer Product name b Label designation Parent starch Functions

A.E. Sta!ey Sla-Slim 142, 14 ~ Food starch - modified Modified potalo star( h Texlttre and mutdhleelsh~lulalion;
Manulacluring Co Sta-Slim 150,151 F¢)od starch - modified Modified lal)i~, a eklt'nds Itln(tionalitv ol remaining fat
Sla-Slim 171
Food starch modified
Food start 13- modified
Modified '.'~ax\' maize
Acid-modified (~om ',larch
} Texture and mouthfee] simulation

Ameri(an Maize- Al'nalean I Food star¢h - modilied [nhan~ es hod,, and muuthfeel
Produ(ts Co, Amalean II, instant Food star(h - modified I Corn Texlure and mo~ll'ffeel simulation
LoDex Mahodexlrm Pru~ ide,, hulk

AVEBE American Inc. Paselli SA2 Maltodextrin Enzyme-conxerled polalo start h TeMure and mouthfeel simulation

ConAgra Speciality TrimChni(e Hydrulysed oat flour ()at Texture and moulhfeel simulation
Grain Producls

Grain ProcessingCorp. MahrinM040 I

Maltrin MIO0 Enzyme- andor acid- ~. Texlure and mouthfeel simulation; bulk
Mallrin M150 nlodilicd t om slar,,h J
Maltrin M! 80 Bulk
Maltrin M520 Texture, melt ( haracteristics

National Starch & Lean Bind Food star(h - modified

Chemical Co. N-Lile B For×t-grade maltodextrin
N-Life D Modified food star~h Wa',,v maize
N-Lile L Food starch - modified
Texture and mouthfeel simulation
N-Life LP Modified food startt3
Instant N.Oil II Tapioca mahodextrin
N-Off Tapiu(a dextrin Tapioca
Slenderlean Food starch - m()dified

Opta Food Ingredients ()ptaGrade TM Cornslar(h Corn Texture and nlouthieel simulation

Rhone-Poulerl( Food Oatrirn FDA: modified oat flotir Enzynle-rnoclitied ()at fl(lur Texlureantl moulhfeel simulation
Ingredienls USDA: I'rvdrolvsed ()at flour

Rixland Partnership Rice-gel L-tO0 Rke flour Ri(e Texture and mouthfeel simulation

'Data taken from R,t,fs 1 7, 8. I0.14, tl' ,,ad lq

~'All [)rOdLl( t ~, pro,.ide 4,0 k( al/g Idr', ,.,.e~ghtlexcept Sl,andorlean ',;hi( h l)rox,ide,. 4. l

of acid hydrolysis and mechanical attrition can be in their functional properties:"::. In .general. there are
successfully used to decrease the size of native, various pros and cons to using a starch-based fat mi-
CC,'lllntcIrl starch granules to 1.2-1.8 gin. lhe particle merit. On the positive side are reasonable costs, wide
size correlating with the degree of acid hydrolysis, availability, and convenlional storage and handling
Modified starches produced using variations of Ihis procedures. However. freeze-thaw-, heat-, acid- and
method reportedly functiorl ',','ell as fat replacers ~2". shear-stability are not guaranteed. Additionally, depend-
Given the variety of starch-corhtairfing plarets and the ing on the type of starch and the level used, some flavor
numerous modifications (e.g. hydrolysis, crosslinking, masking and/or flavor corltribution can he expected.
microparliculation) that can be used. it follows that dif- This might be an advantage when masking unvcanted
ferent starch-based fat nlimetics i'nay differ sigrlificantl5 flavors or when Itavors from the starch actually help

Trends irt Food Science & Technology January 1994 [Vol. 5] 13

Table 4. CarbohydraIe.basedfal mimelks:gum¢

Manufacturer Product nameh label designation Functions

[)o~ Ci~emi~aI Me hyl(eilulnse Meth'~lceilulose "l

(o Hydrnxypmp,,I Hydrox,,propyl melhykelh~lose / Texture and mouthfeel simulation
FM(ZCorp. Avicel RC/(! Cellulose gel, mi( rocrystaIiine,':ellulose, Te×ture and mouthfeel simulalinn;
carboxymethyI cellulose stabilization
Novagel RCN 10 Ce t osege, gutr ]
No,.agel RCN 15 Cel ulose ge. guar j Texture and mouthteel simuliltion: opa(itv
A~icel RCN-~{t Microcrystalline cellulose, maltodextrin, xantllan
Fun(tionaI F(~o(ts EX-CEL Microcrvsta]tine(elluIose ~, Textureand mnuthieel simulation;extends
Corp. EX-CEL SD Celluloso gel J lunctionalib of remaining fat; hulk

Her(ules Slendid Peclin Texture and mnuthfeel simulat~ou

Dahttaken fromRei~I. 8. 14. 17 20 anti 2 I

' All i)rcxlu¢t,, pro'~ute o k(:al g Mr; ,.:eighI~

round out the overall flavor. In other cases this could first step in the manufacture of MCC is the acid hy-
present an addilionat challenge to be overcome. drolysis of cellulose pulp. Microcrystalline cellulose
remains insoluble during this treatment. It is then sub-
Mallodex(rins and dexlrins jetted to severe mechanical attrition, which physically
Maltodextrins and dextrins are nonswem starch breaks it down into colloidal crystallite aggregates I-'.
hydroIysales that have a dextrose equivalence ( D E ) less These co!loidal aggregates are then co-dried with
than 20 (Refs 18, 19). When used at high concentrations, carboxymethylcelhflose and/or other functional ingredi-
dextrins and mahodexlrins contribute signiticantIy to ent(s), which later aid redispersion of the insoluble
mouthI'cel, body and viscosity. Typically. one part of a microcrystals in water, tn most colloidal grades o1' MCC
20-35g4 aqueous solution is considered equivalent to 60-709+ of the micmcrystals are less than 0.2 p.m long.
one part of oiP". When a 25c,,~ solution of mahodextrhl/ When added to an aqueous medium these submicron
dextrin is substituted for fat/oil on a gram-for-gram particles disperse rather than hydrate. The functional
basis, a net reduction of 8 kcal/g can be realized ~". As ingredients (e.g. carboxymethylccllulose, guar gum) hold
with starch-based mhaetics, some flavor-masking and/or the insoluble cellulose microc~'ystals together in a
llavor contribution can be expected when using a mal- network 3~. It is this network that gives colloidal cellulose
mdextrin or dextrin as a lat mimetic. Additionally. as gels their functional properties, such as creamy mouthfeel,
the DE and/or the usage level increases so too does the body and opacity ' -'' :~.
tendency to brown during heal proces~,h~g. This might
not be a problem in baked applications, but could limit Gums
use of these nlinletics ill dressings, creanl satlces, soups Gtuns are hydrocolloids that provide viscosity or
and similar applications. thickening and. in some cases, gel formation 7~-'~. The
importance of gums is based upon their ability to control
Polydextrose the rheology of water-based systems via stabilization of
Polydextrose is a randomly bonded condensation emulsions, suspension of particulates, control of crys-
polymer of dextrose that contains bound sorbitol and tallization and inhibition of syneresis 2~. Gums. such as
citric acid. Although primarily a bulking agent, poly- xanthan, gnat and locust bean. are frequently included
dextrose can also be used as a partial fat replacer *-I'~. [n reduced-fat lk~rmulations to help stabilize the system.
Polydextmse, which contributes I kcal/g, is partially Others. such as pectin and carrageenan, are also effective
digested and absorbed by the bod,. (Ref. 10). Poly- fat-mimicking ingredients ::'~ (see Tables 4 and 5).
dextrose is approved for use in certain applications, in- Readily soluble in hot or cold water, xanthan gum
eroding baked goods, toppings, beverages, frozen des- produces highly viscous solutions even when used at
sects and puddings k~''. low concentrations. Xanthan solutions m'e highly
pseudoplastic, a property that is a key element in
C e l l d o s e gel the non-gummy mouthfeel and desirable flavor-release
Cellulose gel. also knowu as microcrystalline cellu- noted in xanthan-stabilized systems :'*>''. Additionally.
lose o: MCC, is a nonfibrous form of cellulose in which xanthan solutions are freeze-thaw-, heat- and acid-
the cell wall of plant fibers has been physically IYag- stable. While a 98% decrease in viscosity occurs at
mented into lengths ranging from a few hundred retort temperatu,es of 120°C. 80% of the original
microns to a few tenths of a micron > Isee Table 41. T h e xiscosity returns after cooling ~'~. Xanthan functions

lh trend, in Food Science & Technology lanuarv 1994 iVnl. 5[

synergistically with guar gum to increase viscosity, and but|on of sulfate ester groups as well as in their func-
with locust bean gum to produce a thermoreversible tional properties -'~'z'~ (see Table 5). t-CalTageenan is a
gel '''u. The use of xanthan gum in new |brmulations gelling agent that lbrms thermoreversible gels. In the
may require FDA appreval ~. presence of calcium ions the gel formed is clear,
Guar gum hydrates rapidly in cold water to give elastic and syneresis-free, and resets after shear -''.-'s.
highly viscous, thixotropic (becoming less viscous Of the three types discussed here, t-carrageenan has
under stress) solutions -'4.-'~. It is used mainly as a stabil- the best freeze-thaw stabilily. It is also the most ef-
izer, water binder and viscosity builder -'a-~. Guar gum fective carrageenan to use for moisture retention in
alone is non-gelling z~. Although very high heat (i.e. low-fat beef pauiesZ'L K-Carrageenan is a stronger gel-
frying temperatures of -36()°F) degrades the gun]. it is ling agent than L-carrageenan, forming strong, rigid gels
freeze-thaw- and acid-stable 2~. Viscosity synergisms oc- that tend towards syneresis. Blending with L-carrageenan
cur with wheat flour, fresh egg yolks, ltt.id skim milk will control this syneresis-''-'~. MCarrageenan does not
and some other gums such as xanthan 24. form g,zls but does act as a thickener :~. In general,
Insoluble in cold water, locust bean gum must be when added to guar gum, tow concentrations of car-
heated for complete hydration and viscosity develop- rageenan pr(~uce an increase in viscosity, while high
ment-'". Solutions of locust bean gum are heat-, carrageenan concentrations result in increased gel
freeze-thaw- and acid-stable. They also tend to have a strength. Conversely. when carrageenan is added to a
slight opacity due to the presence of insoluble protein pectin solution, a decrease in viscosity is noted -'s. Only
and cellulose impurities -'s. Although locust bean gum K-carrageenan has a synergistic effect will| locust bean
will not form a gel by itself, gelation will rapidly occur gum. This combination provides an enhancemenl of
when either xanthan or carrageenan are added -'5--'~. gel strength: a change in gel texture, from brittle to
Pectin functions as a gelling agent, thickener, sus- elastic: and a lessening in the degree of syneresis z'.
pending agent and, in some cases, as a fat mimetid 7--'~. t-CaITageenan in combination with various starches,
Low-methoxyl pectins (i.e. pectins with a degree of such as modified tapioca, modified potato, unmodified
methylation of less than 50%) form soft. elastic, thermo- rnaize, and modified and unmodified waxy maize.
reversible gels, which have been lk)und useful as fat results in a substantial synergistic increase in viscosity.
substitutes -'s. The pecti~l concentration, pH and calciurn h-Carrageenan produces only a limited viscosity in-
content of the solution all have an impact upon the crease, while K-carrageenan yields no viscosity in-
strength of low-methoxyl pectin gels. A pH in the range crease ~-"
of 3.0-3.5 results in a gel of optimum strength. As the Deciding which gum to use can be a complex de-
calcium content increases so too does the gel strength. cision. The critical factors that should be considered zs''
At high calcium levels, however, the gels formed are include: the effects of temperature and shear on the
brittle and prone to syneresis. Conversely. as the amount solubility or dispersibility of the gum: lhe rheological
of soluble solids is increased, the gels tend to be less characlerislics of the gel formed; and the effect of tem-
brittle and less prone to syneresis -':-''~. perature, concentration, pH and time on the viscosity-
The three main fractions of carrageenan (K-, t- and h- and gel-forming properties of the gum. Compalibility
carrageenan) differ primarily in the coment and distri- with other ingredients in the formulation needs to be

Table 5. Properties of carrageenans"

Properlies K-Carrageenan t-Carrageenan MCarragee~n

Hot v,,ater Soluble above 70C Soluble above 7(YC Soluble
Cold waler Na" salt soluble Na" sall soluble All sail'-,s~luble
Salts of carrageenan Low to high swelling of fhixotropic dispersion (ff ~.II salts soluble
K', Ca:', NH~" salts Ca " salts
ttnt milk Soluble Soluble Soluble
Cold milk Insoluble Insoluble Disper~,es with lhickening

Effect of cations Gels most strongly Vvilh K" Gels most strongly v, ith Ca" Non-gelling
Type of gel Brittle with s~.,neresis Elastic, no syneresis Non-gel ing
Efle~.l of !o( .sl bean gun] Synergislic None None

[ Stability
Neutral or alkaline pH Stable Stable Stahlt
A(id q)H ].:3) Hydrolvses, gel state stable Accelerated hv heat H', drol,. ',e',

'Data taken from Refs 2~ and 28

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trends in Food Science & lechnologv lanuary 19q4 [Vol. 5] 1'

assessed as well as the effect, if any, on the color, odor called "designer lipids" since it is possible to lbrmulate
and tasm of the finished product. Other considerations them to meet specific needs. "Caprenin" (Procter &
include i'egulatory status for the intended application. Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, USA) is one such example.
and the usage cost. and has functional properties similar to cocoa butter.
It is formed by the esterification of glycerol with three
Fat-based fat replacers naturally occurring fatty acids, capric (Cm), caprylic
Fat-ba*ed fat replacers are substances that look and feel (C~) and behenic (C_~ (Refs 1, 8, 37). The body di-
like fat aud have physical and themml properties similar to gests, absorbs and metabolizes Caprenin by the same
fat. They are often called fat substitutes as they can, theor- route used for other triacylglycerols L8~7.However, behenic
etically, replace all or part of the fat in a food. Included acid is only partially absorbed; the bulk of it passes
in this category are: emulsifiers, medium-chain triacyl- through the gastrointestinal system without contributing
glycerols (MCTs), structured lipids and acaloric lipids. calories 8~7. Additionally. the medium-chain fatty acids,
capric and caprylic, are inefficiently metabolized ~7. The
Emulsifi~Irs net result of the combination of these three fatty acids is
Emulsifiers act as fat extenders by helping make a a llat that yields a caloric density of only 5 kcal/g (RelLs
little fat seem like more (fat sparing). The several hun- 8, 37). Caprenin is considered to be GRAS for use in
dred emulsifiers available to the food industry differ in soft candy, such as candy bars, and in confectionery
their structure as well as their functional and metabolic coatings lbr nuts, fruits and cookies. Caprenin is not
properties. Lipid-based emulsifiers include mono- and intended for use in frostings or icings, coatings for ice
diacylglycerols, sodium stearoyl lactylates (SSL), diacetyl cream or frozen desserts, beverage mixes or baking
tartaric esters of mono- and diacylglycerols (DATEM) and chocolate 3".
lecithin. These compounds can be used to replace all or
part of tl~e shortening content in numerous applications, Acaloric synthetic compounds
and produce finished products close in sensory proper- Acaloric synthetic compounds are materials with
ties to their full-fat counterparts 3"*(see Table 6). Blends ffrnctional and sensory properties similar to fat. Since
of emulsifiers combine the functional properties of these compounds are resistant to hydrolysis by digestive
the separate ingredients. The combination of DATEM and enzymes, they provide no calories". None of these
monoacylglycerols (Grinsted Products Inc.. Industrial ingredients are currently approved for use in the
Airport, KS, USA). which serves as a dough conditioner USA, although patents have been granted for several
and crumb softener, is one such examr, le, substances that tall into this category, including:
fatty alcohol esters of alkylmalonic and malonic acid
Medium-chain triacylglycerols ~DDM: Frito-Lay Corp., Piano, TX, USA), esterified
Medium-~.hain triacylglycerols are triacylglycerols that propoxylated glycerols (EPG; ARCO Chemical Co.,
have fairy acid chains with carbon lengths less than 12 Newtown Sq., PA, USA). trialkoxy tricarballylate
{Ref. 35¢ They are colorless liquids at room t, mpera- (TATC: also known as retrofat), a polycarboxylic acid
ture, stable at both high and low temperatures, and very (Best Foods. Engelwood Cliffs, NJ, USA) and sucrose
stable to oxidation '~. Nutritionally, MCTs supply only polyesters (SPE; also known as olestra; Procter &
8.3 kcal/g, rmher than the 9 kcal/g supplied by conven- Gamble Co., Cincinnati, OH, USA) LT. Sucrose poly-
tional fats, so a slight ~'aloric reduction can be realized esters (SPE) are formed by the esterification of six
through their use ~5. to eight of the hydroxyl groups of sucrose with long-
chain fatty acids. The degree of esterificafion (hexa,
Structured lipids hepta or octa) and the type of fatty acids used, including
Structured lipids are MCTs that have been inter- the degree of saturation and chain length, influence
esterified with a long-chain fatty acid ~'. They are often the functionalities and physicochemical properties of

Table 6. Fat-based fat replacers: emulsifiers"

Name Chemical classification I-unctions

Mono- and diacvlgh,cerols Gl,/cerolesters Retain water, ,lid aeratio:~,provide crumb softness
SSL Sodium stearoyl lact~,,lates Starch and protein complexing agents,promote
oil-in.water emulsions I
DATEM Diac.etyl tartaric acid estersol mono- Dough conditioner a~,l volume enh,.ncer
and diacylgh/cerols
Spans Sorhilan fatty acidsester!; Promote water-in-oil emulsions ]
Lecithin Phospholipid Modifies viscosity, v,,ettingagent l
' Data taken from Refs8 and 34 [

18 Trends in Food Science& Technologylanuary 1994 [V~ I. 5]

the resulting SPE u. Olestra has the appearance, mouth- References
feel, heat stability, flash point, shelf life and, very l Schinboien,L.Oqq21Lo~3 F,~tChofesterollssue~,%mit. Aprill21.9,
importantly, the flavor-carrying quality of conven- 16-21
tional fats. Olestra has yet to gain FDA approval due 2 Yackel.W. and Cox,C. 09921 Food Iectmol. 46,hl, 146-148
to concerns about its laxative effects at higher concen- 3 Civille,G. 119901L Am. Coll. Nutr 9, 427-4 10
trationsT,s.tn 12. 4 Drewnowski,A. (199011.Am. Coil. Nulr. 9, 4 ~;1--4"~5
5 Morris,C. i1992t Food Eng. 64i81,77-82
6 Moore, L. Hgqll FoodEng. 63.61-66
Conclusions and future directions 7 Anon. 119901 Food li3chnol. 441]t. 92-q7
To date, no single ingredient that can replace fat in all 8 Anon. (19qll I. Am. Diet. Assoc. 91, 1285-1288
applications has been developed. Given the diverse roles 9 Drewnoski, A. (19'121 ~'utr. Rel. 50141, 17-2(I
of fat in foods it does not seem likely that one universal 10 Gillatt, P. and Lee, S. H9911Pro~. Nutr. Soc. 50, ~91-:197
fat replacer will be identified. The use of a combination 11 Harr.gan. K. and Breene, W. (19891 CeR,a/Food~, l~.orkt ~4,
of two or more fat replacers, coupled with formula and 261-267
procedural changes, can reproduce textural properties 12 Stern.I. and Hermann-Zaidins,M. t199211.Am. Diet. 4~soc.92.
(such as thickness, creaminess and bulk) reasonably 91-9 I
welt 5. Many of the newly introduced fat replacers are 13 Anon. I19;59!Calpro Ingredients Technk'al Intbm~ution Booklet,
blends of two or more ingredients, each of which con- Corona,CA, USA
14 Glicksman,M. 119911 Food rechnol. 45(101, 94-103
tributes some key complementary quality. For example,
15 Anon. Whey Proteins As Functional Ingredients INe~ Zealand Milk
Rice Trin 3 (Zumbro i,ac., Hayfield, MN, USA) is a Producls Technical Information Booklell, Santa Rosa, CA, USA
blend of rice maltodextrin and 10% rice protein. 16 Singer, N. and Dun. J. II0901 I. Am. Coil Nutr. 9, 388-~97
Rice Trin 3 therefore combines the benefits of a gel- 17 Pszczola, D. (19911 Food Technol. 45021,116-117
ling carbohydrate with those of microparticulated 18 Anon• (1991) The Functional Edge- Mallrin ~',Grain Processing Corp..
protein 3'~. Another example is Superbase (Excelon inc., Muscatine, IA, USA
Milwaukee, WI, USA). This product is a combination of 19 Anon. (19891 Technicallntbm~ation, American Maize-Products Co.,
hydrolysed rice, modified food starch, whey protein Hammond, IN, USA
concentrate and xanthan g u m 4n. 211 Anon. (1979) Avicel Application Bulletin Nt;mher RC- ~4, FMC Corp.,
Properties such as flavor, mouth-coating and lingering Philadelphia, PA, USA
fatty mouthfeel have still not been adequately solved by 21 Thomas, W.R. 1198b) in Food Hvdrocolloids IGli(ksman, M., ed.),
current fat replacers. However, other solutions to these pp. 9~12,CRCPress
22 Christensen,S.H.(19861in Food Hvdrocolh~ids IGlicksman,M., ed.L
problems are being pursued. For example, flavor com-
pp. 205-230,CRC Press
pounds emulsified with lipid-like materials that can pro- 23 Glicksman, M. (1"1831 in Food H~,drocolk~ids(Glicksman, M.. ed.I,
vide the missing mouthfeel sensations are being used pp. 73-113, CRC Press
increasingly in low-fat formulations ". Additionally, 24 Herald, C.T. 119861 in Food H!,drocolloids (Glicksman, M., ed,),
polysaccharides have been shown to slow the release of pp. 171-184, CRC Press
flavor, much as fat does. Incorporating polysaccharides 25 Herald, C.T. (19861 in Food Hydrocolloids iGlicksman, M., ed.),
into a low-fat flavor system might give flavor-release pp. 161-170, CRC Press
properties similar to that of a full-fat system t'. A further 26 lane, I. 0992) Trends FoodSci. Technol. ]. 145-148
possibility is that arotna could be used to fill taste and/or 27 Hoseney, R. I1986)in Principles of Cereal Science and Fechnok]g~.,
texture gaps. Taste and texture perceptions can be (Hoseney. R., ed.L pp. 33-68, American Association of Cereal
enhanced in specific baking and savory applications by Chemists
28 Dziezak, J. l1991)FoodTechnol. 45(]L 115-132
the incorporation of a strong aroma into the flavor
29 Egber!, W., Huffman, D., Chen, C. and Dylewski, D. f19911 Food
system 5.
Technol. 45(61, 64-73
Finally, there is a large amount of information 30 Pellil, D.J. 119821 in Food Hydrocolloids [Glicksman. M,. ed.L
describing the capabilities and advantages of the various pp. 127-149, CRC Press
fat replacers, but one should be cautioned that most of 31 Anon. I1992) Xunthan Gtmr: Natural Biogum For Scientific
these data come from manufacturers" literature rather Vttuter ControII4th edn). Kelco Division. Merck & Co., Rah,.va~,',NI,
than basic research sources. This is cause for concern UbA
since a complete understanding of the functions of fat 32 Desramps, O., Langevin, P. and Combs, O.H. ~]9861 F ~ Tc~'hnol,
in foods, particularly with regard to its sensory qualities, 40N), 81-88
is still lacking. What is missing is the answer to the 3:1 Whisller. R.L. and Daniel, J.R. ¢19851in Food Ch~misln ,lFoqnema.
question "How?" How does fat contribute to the per- O.R., eel.), pp. 69-I 37. Marcel Dekker
34 Nas',ar, W.W. (19851 in FoodChemistrv IFennema. O.R.. ed.l,
ception of creamy nnouthfeel in a frozen dessert or
pp. 139-244, Marcel Dekker
flavor modulation m a salad dressing'? The need to
35 Megremis,C.l. I1991i Food Technol. 45n21, 108-]14
solve these complex issues should stimulate nnore re-
36 Kennedy. I.P, (1!1911 Food Technol. 45( I I I, 76-8 T
search in this area. 37 Anon. (19931 Procter & Gamble Co. Teclmical Int(~m~ationPamphlet
No. 42 capb-t, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Acknowledgements 38 Anon. (111921Procter & Gamble Co. Technit al Intom]ation Pamphh,t
The authors acknowledge the expertise o f Dr Karen No. 42 intuse, Cincinnati,OH. USA
Schaich and Ms Gall Civille in the preparation of this 39 Pszczola. D. I19911 Fool/h,chnol. 45181.21",2-2(~ 2-t~
manuscript. ,10 Duxbur~,D, t19921Food Proce~. May, :~9-42

Trends in Food Science & Technology lanuary 1994 [Vol. 51 19

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