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East iDelta iUniversity iAssignment iAssessment iGuideline

Course iTitle: Bangladesh, iCulture iand iHeritage Course iCode: BCH i101

Program: BBA Section: 01;02

Student’s iName: Mohammad iIrfanul iHoque Student iID: 192000502

Assignment 10 iMarks Assignment iNo(s): 01


Assignment Discussion iand iAnalysis ion iBritish iBengal iand ithe iLiberation iWar iof iBangladesh

Instructor: Ridoan iKarim Submission 30th iOctober, i2019


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Learning iOutcomes

1. The iassignment iattempts ito icreate ithe iability ito iunderstand iall ithe ikey ipoints, itheories iand
idiscussions ion ithe idomain iknowledge irelated ito ithis ispecific icourse. i

2. The iassignment iprovided iwill itest ithe icritical iand iproblem-solving iability iof ithe istudent iwhich iis
ivery imuch irequired iin itoday’s ilearning ienvironment.

3. The iassignment ishould ibe iable ito ievaluate ithe iinnovativeness iof ithe istudents; ihence, isuch ia
itask imight ihelp ithem ito iput itheir ileadership iability iin iwriting iand idemonstrate iprocess ithat ithe

istudents iare iindirectly ilearning ithe imotivational itools iof iresearch iwrite-up. i i

4. The iassignment inot ionly iprovides ia igeneral iidea ion ia ispecific itopic, iinstead iit ialso iprovides ia
iglobal ipicture irelating i to isuch igiven itopic. iSuch ia iglobal iimage iwill ihelp ithem iunderstand ithe

icurrent iinternational ibusiness ior iliterary itrends iand ieventually imake ithem ia iglobal icitizen. i

5. The iassignments ishould imotivate ithe istudents ito ibe imore icareer-oriented iand ihelp ithem ito
iunderstand ithe ireal-life iscenarios. i
Table of Contents
i i

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
The iBritish iPeriod, ic. i1700–1947 .................................................................................................................. 4
Partition iof iIndian iSub-Continent ................................................................................................................. 6
Pakistan iPeriod iin iBangladesh ...................................................................................................................... 7
Liberation iWar iof iBangladesh ....................................................................................................................... 8
The iReasons ifor iwar .................................................................................................................................. 9
The iWar ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
The iVictory .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 11
References .................................................................................................................................................. 11

Bangladesh, idefinitively iknown ias ithe iPeople's iRepublic iof iBangladesh, iis ia ifree ination iarranged
iin iSouth iAsia. iIt imakes iup ithe ieastern iand imost iunmistakable ipiece iof ithe iethnic-phonetic ilocale

iof iBengal. i It iis iorchestrated iat ithe iapex iof ithe iBay i of iBengal iand ioutlined iby iMyanmar iand iIndia,

iand isecluded ifrom iBhutan iand iNepal iby ithe ithin iSiliguri iCorridor. i

The istandard iof ithe iBritish iEast iIndia iCompany ibegan iin i1757, iand ithe iBengal iPresidency iwas
iformed iin i1765 iwith iits icapital iin iCalcutta. iDuring iBritish iresidency, iEast iBengal ideveloped ia

ihouse ieconomy ithat iconcentrated ion itea iage, iand ijute itrade iand iits iidea iin ithe istock iof ijute irose iin

ithe imid-twentieth icentury. i In i1905, iconfined iBritish iBengal iand iset iup ithe iadministrative idivision

iof iEastern iBengal iand iAssam. iThis idistributing iincited ithe iSwadeshi iadvancement idrove iby ithe

i Indian iNational iCongress, iand iin i1911, ithe idivision idropped i(Spain Exchange, 2019). i

Present-day iBangladesh iturned iout ias ia isovereign icountry iin i1971 iin ithe iwake iof iparting
iendlessly iand igrabbing iopportunity ifrom iPakistan iin ithe iBangladesh iopportunity iwar. i Its

iunderlying ihistory idepicted iby iinside idoing icombating, ia imovement iof i Indian idomains, iand ia

ibattle iamong iBuddhism iand iHinduism ifor iprevalence. iThe iedges iof ipresent-day iBangladesh

iformed iafter ithe ipackage iof i India iand iBengal iin iAugust i1947, iwhen ithe iregion iended iup ibeing

iEast iPakistan ias ia izone iof ithe ias iof ilate isettled iState iof iPakistan ifollowing ithe iRadcliff iLine. iThe

iname iBangladesh ifrom ithe ioutset iformed ias itwo iwords, iBangla iDesh. iBangla iis ia iwatchword ifor

iboth ithe iBengali ilanguage iand ithe iBengal ilocale. iThe iexact iwellspring iof ithe iterm iis, iregardless,

inot iknown. iUnderneath, ia isegment iof ithe ibasic ievents iall ithrough ithe iwhole ipresence iof

iBangladesh, ihas ibeen iexplained ito isummarize ithings (Spain Exchange, 2019).

The British Period, c. 1700–1947

i i i i

During ithe istandard iof ithe isovereign iAurangzeb i(controlled i1658–1707), ithe iEnglish iEast iIndia
iCompany iwas ipermitted ito idevelop iits ibase iat iCalcutta i(Kolkata). iThe iBritish igrabbed iquality iin

ithe ilocale ias ithe iMughal ispace icrippled. iIn i1757, iafter ia ibattle iin ithe itown iof iPlassey ibetween

iforces idrove iby iBritish iwarrior iRobert iClive iand ithe iMughal inawab i(emissary) iSirāj-ud-Dawlah,

ithe iEast iIndia iCompany icreated ias ithe ipredominant ipolitical ipower iin iSuba iBangalah. iUnder

iGov.- iGen. iCharles iCornwallis i(served i1786–93), ian ienduring isettlement isystem iwas iset iup iin ithe

ispace—by iand iby icalled ithe iBengal iPresidency—whereby iproperty irights isurrendered iin

iconstancy ito iclose iby izamindars i(landowners). iThis iproperty iapproach, iby isuggestion, ivivified ithe

iadvancement iof ianother ilanded ioffice iclass—especially iin iCalcutta—called ithe ibhandralok. iFrom
ithe istart, ithe ibhandralok iinstructed iby iupper-position iHindus, ibe ithat ias iit imay, ithe iMuslim
icloseness ibegan ito iincrease iaround ithe icompletion iof ithe inineteenth icentury. i In itime, ithis iregular

iworkers icreated ias ithe imost iunique isupporter iof iIndian iself-government i(Encyclopedia Britannica,

2019). i

The idomain iof iBengal iwas iessentially itesting ito icoordinate, iimpressively iafter iAssam imade ian
ialternate iterritory iin i1874. iIn i1905, iall ithings iconsidered, iat ithe iaction iof ithe iemissary iGeorge

iNathaniel iCurzon, itwo inew iareas iwere imade, iobviously ion ia igeopolitical ireason; ithese idomains

iwere iWestern iBengal, iincluding iBihar iand iOrissa, iand iEastern iBengal iand iAssam. iWith iits icapital

iat iCalcutta, iWestern iBengal ihad ia iHindu iincreasingly icritical ipart, iwhile ithe iterritory iof iEastern

iBengal iand iAssam, iwith iits icapital iat iDhaka, iwas ioverwhelmingly iMuslim. iClose ito iextending

ilegitimate iviability, iCurzon's imove iwas iwanted ito iarrange ithe iMuslims ias ia istabilizer ito ithe

iHindus. i

The ibundle ievoked ivociferous idispute iin iWestern iBengal, iespecially iin iCalcutta, iwhere ithe iIndian
iNational iCongress i(also icalled ithe iCongress iParty, imolded iin i1885) iexpected ian iastounding

iactivity. i Indian iMuslim ipioneers, inevertheless, igenerally, ireinforced ithe isection, iand iin i1906 ithey

icollected iat iDhaka iunder ithe ihelp iof iNawab iSalimullah iand iset iup ithe iAll-India iMuslim iLeague.

iTheir iundertakings iconfirmed iseparate ielectorates iand iseparate idemocratic isocioeconomics ifor ithe

iMuslims iunder ithe isecured ichanges iof i1909; ibe ithat ias iit imay, ithey icouldn't iextra ithe isection. iIn

i1912 ithe idivision iwas inullified, iBihar iand iOrissa iinvolved iinto ianother iterritory, iand iAssam icame

iback ito iits idiverse istatus. i

Following ithe ireunification iof iBengal, ithe iCongress iParty iand ithe iMuslim iLeague icoordinated ifor
iself-government; iamong ithe ipioneers iof ithis ieffort iwere iNawab iSalimullah, iChitta iRanjan iDas,

iFazl iul-Haq, iand iSarat iChandra iBose. iAggregate ithreats ireappeared iin ithe imid-1920s, iin iany icase,

iin ithe iwake iof ia ibesieged iquiet igame iplan ibetween ithe iIndian iMuslim ifront iknown ias ithe iKhilafat

iMovement iand ithe iHindu-drove i Indian inationalist iNoncooperation iMovement iunder iMohandas

iKaramchand i(Mahatma) iGandhi. iConsequently, ito iachieve ipolitical igoals, iit igot iessential ito igrasp

icoalition itechniques ithat iwould itranscend iaggregate ithreats; ithe ilawmaker iwho iexhibited imost

icapable iat ithis iwas iFazl iul-Haq, imanager ipriest iof iBengal ifrom i1937 ito i1943. iHe iset iup ihis

iPeasants iand iTenants i(Krishak iProja) iParty iand isurrounded ia icoalition iwith ithe iMuslim iLeague. i In

i1940, iat ithe igathering's iyearly icollecting iat iLahore, iFazl iul-Haq iproposed ithe ialleged i"Pakistan

iResolution," imentioning ifree istates ifor iMuslims. iThe ifollowing i year, iregardless, ihe iremoved ifrom

ithe iMuslim iLeague; ihe iformed ianother icoalition iand icontinued ifilling iin ias isupervisor iminister

i(Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019). i

In i1942 inew ialters iof ipolitical italk ibegan. iWith icool iheaded ichoices iin i1946, ithe iMuslim iLeague
ireturned ito icontrol iunder ithe iorganization iof iHussain iShaheed iSuhrawardy, iwho, ialong ithese ilines,
ibecame imanager iminister iof iBengal. iIn iAugust iof ithat iyear, ia iphenomenal iMuslim-Hindu
iaggregate iconflict itransmitted iin iCalcutta, iand iit, iat ilast, ispread iwell ipast ithe iedges iof iBengal. iThis

ievent igot itogether iwith iexpanded iand iunfruitful itrades ibetween ithe ivarious iget-togethers, icaused

ithe ipackage iof i India ito iappear ito ibe iinevitable. iSuhrawardy, iSarat iChandra iBose, iand ia icouple iof

iother iundeniable ipolitical ipioneers iresuscitated igame iplans ifor ian iunmistakable, iindependent,

ijoined iBengal. i

In iMarch i1947, iLouis iMountbatten itransformed iinto ithe ilast iemissary iof iBritish iIndia, iwith ian
iorder ito imove ipowers. iAs ithoughts ianticipated ithe iportion iof iIndia, iMohammed iAli iJinnah, ia imain

ifigure iof ithe iMuslim iLeague, imaintained ifor ithe iadvancement iof ia ibrought itogether iBengal;

iMountbatten iwas inot iagainst ithe iidea, i yet iMahatma iGandhi iand ithe iCongress iParty inegated iit.

iRight iwhen iBritish icommon istandard icompleted iin iAugust i1947, itwo inew icountries—India iand

iPakistan—were iimagined, iand iBengal iwas ipart ibetween ithem. iWest iBengal iwent ito iIndia, iand

iEast iBengal iconfined ithe ieastern iwing iof iPakistan, iwhich iwas icut iup iby ia itremendous itract iof

inorthern i India (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019).

Partition of Indian Sub-Continent

i i i

As ithe iclock istruck iearly iafternoon ion iAugust i15, i1947, icelebratory ishouts iof ichance ifrom
iwilderness irule iwere ioverpowered iby ithe icalls iof imillions irapidly imaking itheir iway ithrough ithe

ibody ilittered iscene iof iearly i India iand iPakistan. iAfter imore ithan ione ihundred i years iof iBritish iEast

i India iCompany irule iand ian iadditional i90 i years iof ithe iBritish iRaj, ithe i Indian isubcontinent ihad

ifinally iachieved i Independence. iWhat ishould ihave ibeen ia idepiction iof idesignated itriumph

ifollowing ia ilong itime iof iagainst icommonplace ifight ifor iall itime idestroyed iby imind iboggling

iviciousness iand ibutchery. i

Up ito i2,000,000, ipeople ilost itheir ilives iin ithe imost ihorrendous iof ipropensities. iThe iclouded iscene
ibore icalm ionlooker ito itrains ioverloaded iwith ithe idead, idecapitated ibodies, ilimbs istrewn iat ithe

iedges iof ilanes, iand iwanton iattack iand iplundering. iThere iwas inothing ithat icould ihave

imasterminded ithe iapproximately i14 imillion ioutcasts ifor ithis iterrible idream. iThe i1947 iPartition iof

ithe i Indian isubcontinent iinto ithe ifree inations iof iHindu-lion's ioffer i India iand iMuslim-prevailing

ipart iPakistan ijoined iby ione iof ithe imost icritical imass idevelopments iin imankind's ihistory iand

iviolence ion ia iscale ithat ihad iuniquely ievery ionce iin ia iwhile iobserved ialready. iAs ithe iareas iof ithe

iPunjab iand iBengal iwere isatisfactorily isection ififty-fifty, iaround i7,000,000 iHindus iand iSikhs iand

i7,000,000 iMuslims iended iup iin ian iunseemly icountry. iTolerating ithey i would ireturn i"home,"

ivarious ifamilies isurrendered itheir iadvantages ibefore ithey istuffed iup itheir iessential iimpacts iand
ibegan ithe itrek ito iIndia ior iWest ior iEast iPakistan i(by iand iby iBangladesh). iNumerous ifamilies inever
imade iit i(Perkins, 2017). i

How icould ineighboring isystems, iacquainted iwith imany ilong iperiods iof irelative iamicability, ihave
iout iof ithe iblue iturned iso imercilessly iupon ione ianother? iOne icould idenounce ithe iJuly i15, i1947

idecision iby ithe iBritish ito ihand iover icontrol ionly ia imonth ilater ion iAugust i15, i1947, ia iwhole iten

imonths isooner ithan ianticipated. iOne icould iblame ithe iimmediately idrawn iedges, iwhich iwere imade

iby ia iBritish ilawful icounsel, iSir iCyril iRadcliffe, iwho irequired ikey ilearning iof iIndia iand iwas

ienabled ionly ifive iweeks ito iredraw iall iof ithe iedges iof iSouth iAsia. iOne icould iaccuse ithe iverifiably

iopposing italk ithat iwent iwith ithe irising iof iHindu iand iMuslim ienergy ior ithe isegment iand irule

icourses iof iaction iof ithe iBritish (Perkins, 2017).

Pakistan Period in Bangladesh

i i i

The iDominion iof iPakistan, iincluding iWest iPakistan iand iEast iPakistan i(Province iof iEast iBengal),
iwas iauthoritatively ichosen iAugust i14, i1947. iSir iFrederick iChalmers iBourne inamed iGovernor iof

iEast iBengal, iand iKhawaja iNazimudin iof ithe iMuslim iLeague i(ML) iselected ias iChief iMinister iof

ithe iProvince iof iEast iBengal ion iAugust i14, i1947. iOn iDecember i8, i1947, iunderstudies iat ithe

iUniversity iof iDhaka imentioned ithat iBengali imade ian iofficial ilanguage iof iPakistan. iUnderstudies

iat ithe iUniversity iof iDhaka idealt iwith ia igeneral istrike ion iMarch i11, i1948. iAgent iGeneral iand

iPresident iof ithe iPakistan iConstituent iAssembly iMuhammad iAli iJinnah iarticulated ithat iUrdu

iwould ibe ithe iessential iauthority ilanguage iof iPakistan iduring ia italk iin iDhaka i(Dacca), iEast

iPakistan, ion iMarch i24, i1948. iAgent iGeneral iMuhammad iAli iJinnah ikicked ithe icontainer ion

iSeptember i11, i1948, iand iChief iMinister iKhwaja iNazimuddin itook iover ias iGovernor-General iof

iPakistan ion iSeptember i14, i1948. iNurul iAmin iof ithe iML iwas ichosen ias iChief iMinister ion iEast

iBengal ion iSeptember i15, i1948 (University of Central Arkansas, 2019). i

The iAwami iMuslim iLeague i(AML) iwas iset iup iin iDhaka i(Dacca), iEast iPakistan iby iMaulana
iBhashani, iShamsul iHuq, iand iSheik iMujibur iRahman ion iJune i23, i1949. iSir iFeroz iKhan iNoon

iassigned ias iGovernor iof iEast iBengal ion iMarch i31, i1950. iOn iJanuary i26, i1952, ia iboard iof ithe

iPakistan iConstituent iAssembly irecommended ithat iUrdu ibe ithe imain iposition ilanguage iof

iPakistan. iOn iJanuary i30, i1952, iBengali iunderstudies iand iothers iset iup ithe iBhasha iAndolon

i(Bengali ilanguage) iimprovement ifor ithe iaffirmation iof iBengali ias ia inational ilanguage iin

iPakistan. iPioneer iKhwaja iNazimuddin, iwho iwas iof iBengali iorigination, isupported iUrdu ias ithe

inational ilanguage ion iFebruary i21, i1952. iGovernment ipolice iand iunderstudy idemonstrators

iclashed iin iDhaka i(Dacca) ion iFebruary i21-23, i1952, iachieving ithe ipassings iof iten iindividuals.

iChaudhry iKhaliquzzaman ichose ias iGovernor iof iEast iBengal ion iMarch i31, i1953. iThe iUnited
iFront i(UF) ipartnership, iincluding ithe iAwami iMuslim iLeague i(AML), iKrishak iSramik iParty
i(KSP), iNezam-e-Islam i(NI), iand iGanatantri iDal i(GD), iwas ibased iupon iDecember i4, i1953.

iManagerial ichoices iheld iin iEast iBengal ion iMarch i12, i1954, iand ithe iUF icollusion iwon i223 iout iof

i309 iarranges iin ithe iProvincial iAssembly. iAbul iKasem iFazlul iHuq iof ithe iUF ipartnership ichose ias

ithe iChief iMinister iof iEast iBengal ion iApril i3, i1954, iIskandar iAli iMizra ichose ias ithe iGovernor iof

iEast iBengal ion iMay i29, i1954 iand iAbu iHussain iSarkar iof ithe iKrishak iSramik iParty i(KSP) ichose

ias ithe iChief iMinister iof iEast iBengal iin iAugust i1955. iThe iProvince iof iEast iBengal iwas iseparated

ion iOctober i14, i1955. iOn iFebruary i29, i1956, ithe iPakistan iConstituent iAssembly iasserted ianother

iconstitution-developing ia iPakistani irepublic iwith iboth iUrdu iand iBengali ias iauthentic ivernaculars.

iThe iIslamic iRepublic iof iPakistan iauthoritatively ichose iMarch i23, i1956. iGovernment

iarrangement iended ion iAwami iLeague i(AL) idemonstrators iin iDhaka i(Dacca) ion iAugust i4, i1956,

iachieving ithe ipassings iof ithree iindividuals. iOn iOctober i7, i1958, iPresident iIskandar iAli iMizra

irepealed ithe i1956 iConstitution iand iconstrained imilitary ilaw iwith iGeneral iMuhammad iAyub

iKhan iappointed ias iChief iMartial iLaw iAdministrator. iOn iOctober i27, i1958, iGeneral iMuhammad

iAyub iKhan iexpelled iPresident iIskandar iAli iMizra iand ianticipated ithe iorganization. iPresident

iMuhammad iAyub iKhan ipronounced ianother iconstitution, iwhich igot ipowerful ion iJune i8, i1962.

iThe iAL iand iother iideological igatherings iset iup ithe iNational iDemocratic iFront i(NDF) ion iOctober

i4, i1962. iPresident iMuhammad iAyub iKhan icensured ithe iself-administration iadvancement iin iEast

iPakistan ion iMarch i20, i1966, iand iSheik iMujibur iRahman icaught ion iApril i18, i1966. iGovernment

ipolice iand idemonstrators iclashed iin iDhaka i(Dacca) iand iNarayanganj ion iJune i7, i1966, iachieving

ithe ipassings iof iten iindividuals. iSome iplace iin ithe iscope iof i100 iindividuals iwere ibutchered iin

ipolitical iviolence ibetween iJune i1949 iand iJanuary i 1968 i(University of Central Arkansas, 2019).

Liberation War of Bangladesh

i i i

The iBangladesh iLiberation iWar iin i1971 iwas ifor iself-governance ifrom iPakistan. iIndia iand
iPakistan igot iopportunity ifrom ithe iBritish irule iin i1947. iPakistan isurrounded ifor ithe iMuslims, iand

i India ihad ian iincreasingly inoteworthy ipiece iof iHindus. iPakistan ihad itwo isegments, iEast iand iWest,

iwhich iwere idisconnected iby iaround i1,000 imiles. iEast iPakistan iwas ibasically ithe ieastern ibit iof ithe

iregion iof iBengal. iThe icapital iof iPakistan iwas iKarachi iin iWest iPakistan iand imoved ito iIslamabad

iin i1958. i In iany icase, iin ilight iof iisolation iin ithe ieconomy iand icontrolling iforces iagainst ithem, ithe

iEast iPakistanis ioverwhelmingly icontradicted iand ireported iopportunity ion iMarch i26, i1971, iunder

ithe iorganization iof iSheik iMujibur iRahman. iIn iany icase, iduring ithe i year igoing ibefore ithat, ito

icover ithe idisturbance iin iEast iPakistan, ithe iPakistani igovernment isent iwarriors ito iEast iPakistan

iand idischarged ia ibutcher. iMoreover, iin ilike imanner, ithe iwar ifor iopportunity ibegan.
The Reasons for war
i i i i

Both iEast iand iWest iPakistan istayed iparticipated iin ithe ilight iof itheir ireligion, iIslam. iWest iPakistan
ihad i97% iMuslims, iand iEast iPakistanis ihad i85% iMuslims. i In iany icase, ithere iwere ia icouple iof

isignificant ireasons ithat imade ithe iEast iPakistani ipeople ifight ifor itheir iopportunity. iWest iPakistan

ihad ifour izones: iPunjab, iSindh, iBalochistan, iand ithe iNorth-West iFrontier. iThe ififth iregion iwas

iEast iPakistan. iHaving idirection iover ithe iregions, ithe iWest ispent ia imore ihuge inumber iof ibenefits

ithan ithe iEast. iSome iplace iin ithe iscope iof i1948 iand i1960, iEast iPakistan imade i70% iof ithe isum iof

iPakistan's ipassages, iwhile iit ijust igot i25% iof iimported imoney. i In i1948, iEast iPakistan ihad i11

isurface iplants iwhile ithe iWest ihad inine. iIn i1971, ithe iquantity iof isurface iprocedures iin ithe iWest

icreated ito i150 iwhile ithe inumber iin ithe iEast iwent idown ito i26. iAbout i2.6 ibillion idollars iof ibenefits

iin ilike imanner imoved iafter isome itime ifrom iEast iPakistan ito iWest iPakistan. iYet iEast iPakistan ihad

ithe imost ihuge ipeople iamong ievery ione iof ithe ilocales, iit ihad iessentially iless ipolitical ipower ithan

iWest iPakistan. iThis, iat ilast, imade ithe ipeople iof iEast iPakistan irebel. iSheik iMujibur iRahman, ithe

ipioneer iof ithe iAwami iLeague iin iEast iPakistan, iunequivocally imentioned iprogressively ifinancial

iand ipolitical ipowers. iThe ifight ifinally icompleted iinto ithe iwar iof iself-rule. iThere iwas isimilarly ithe

ilanguage iissue ithat ikept iEast iPakistan iand iWest iPakistan iin ian iuneasy istatus. iIn i1948,

iMohammad iAli iJinnah icommunicated iin iDhaka ithat iUrdu iwas ithe iofficial ilanguage ifor iPakistan.

iThere iwas ia ihuge idispute iabout ithis isince ilone ithe iMuhajir iin ithe iWest iand ithe iBiharis iin ithe iEast

iconveyed iin iUrdu. iThe imore iconsiderable ipiece iof ithe iWest iPakistanis icommunicated iin iPunjabi

iand iSindhi, iwhile iEast iPakistanis ispoke iBangla. i

East iPakistan ias ineeds ibe idisagreed; iseven iunderstudies ikilled iin ia iwild ibattle ion iFebruary i21,
i1952. iThis iday ihas ibeen ireviewed istarting inow iand iinto ithe iforeseeable ifuture iand iis iobserved

ieach i year ito iemphasize ithe icriticalness iof ithe iBengali ilanguage. iFebruary i21 iis ipresently iseen ias

ithe iInternational iMother iLanguage iDay iby ithe iUnited iNations. iAn iamazing irough iwind ihit iEast

iPakistan iin i1970. i It iwas iknown ias ithe iBhola iCyclone, iwhich ibutchered iaround i500,000 ipeople

iand imade ia iton icontinuously idesperate. i It ibrought iremarkable idaze iand isignificant isadness iamong

ithe iEast iPakistani ipeople. iIn iany icase, ithe iorganization ididn't igive ienough ilessen ithe isad

iconditions imade iby ithe itwister. iThis iCyclone icaused igoliath isadness iin iEast iPakistan. i

The War
i i

The iAwami iLeague idrove iby iSheik iMujibur iRahman, iwon ia itorrential islide itriumph iin ithe
inational iraces iin i1971 iand imentioned iself-administration ifor iEast iPakistan. iThe isocial ioccasion

iwon i160 iseats, iand ia ipredominant ipart iin ithe iacross ithe ination iget itogether. iThis itriumph ialso

igave iit ithe ibenefit ito ishape ian iorganization; iin iany icase, iZulfikar iAli iBhutto, ithe iChairman iof ithe

iPakistan iPeople's iParty, iwould inot igive ithe iSheik ian iopportunity ito itransform iinto ithe iPrime

iMinister iof iPakistan. iThis icircumstance ibegan ithe iwar. iThe iSheik igave ia italk ion iMarch i7, i1971,

iwhen ihe irequested ithat ithe ipeople ichange iall iof itheir ihomes iinto ia ifortification iof ifight. iHe
imentioned ia itrade iof iability ito ithe ipicked ispecialist ibefore ithe isocial igathering ion iMarch i25.
iTikka iKhan, ia iWest iPakistani igeneral, imade ia itrip ito iDhaka ito itransform iinto ithe iGovernor iof

iEast iBengal. iBe ithat ias iit imay, ithe iEast iPakistani ijudges idenied ihim ientry. iStarting ithere, ithe

inight iof iMarch i25, ithe iPakistani ifurnished ipower iendeavored ito icrush ithe iBengali's iopposition

imercilessly. i Living igame iplan ihallways iof ithe iDhaka iUniversity iviciously iambushed. iOn iMarch

i26, ithe iPakistani iforces icaught iSheik iMujibur iRahman. iAround ia isimilar itime, ihe idenoted ian

iofficial ideclaration ifor ithe iopportunity iof iBangladesh. iM. iA. iHannan, ian iAwami igathering

ipioneer, iis isaid ito ihave ibeen ithe iessential iindividual ito iscrutinize iand ireport ithe iDeclaration iof

iAutonomy iover ithe iradio. i

Political ievents iadvanced itoward ia ipinnacle, iand ithe iwar ibetween ithe iPakistan iArmy iand ithe
iBengali ipolitical idissenters, ithe iMukti iBahini, ibegan. iThe ipioneer iof ithe iMukti iBahini iwas

iGeneral iMuhammad iOsmani. iThe iMukti iBahini iarranged ilike iguerillas, iand iIndia iadditionally

ioffered ia iprotected ihouse ito ithe iuprooted iindividuals iand ibuilt iup ithe iMukti iBahini. i India

ifurthermore ihelped iwith iammunition iand iits itroopers. iThey iattacked ithe iPakistani iequipped

ipower. iDuring ithe iplanning itime iof ithe iMukti iBahini, ithe iPakistani iArmy ibolstered iRazakars, ithe

iBengalis iwho ididn't irequire iBangladesh ito itransform iinto ian iindependent icountry, ito ismother ithe

idisobedience. iThe iPakistani iArmy iwent iup iagainst iissues ias ithe irainstorm icame, iand ithis ihelped

iMukti iBahini ion ithe igrounds ithat ithey icould icounter ithe imoves iof ithe iPakistanis. iIndia

iacknowledged ia iworking iemployment. i Indira iGandhi imentioned iair iand iground iattacks. iIndia,

ihaving ioverwhelming iapparatus iand iforces, imounted ia ithree-pronged iadvancement ion iDhaka

ifrom ithe iIndian iarea iWest iBengal, iAssam, iand iTripura. iThe iIndian icontenders, iAir iForce, iand

iNavy isquashed ithe iPakistani iequipped ipower, iwhile ithe iBangladeshi iNavy ihelped i India. iOn ithe

iground, ithree isocial ioccasions iof iMukti iBahini iand iIndian iforces istruggled ithe iPakistanis. iThe

iPakistanis iendeavored ito ibattle iback, i yet ifail ito icontradict ithem. i

The Victory
i i

On iDecember i16, i1971, iDhaka itumbled ito ithe iMitro iBahini, ithe iworld-class iforces iof ithe iMukti
iBahini iand ithe iIndian ifurnished ipower. iAn i"Instrument iof iGiving iup" iwas iset iapart iby ithe

isquashed iPakistani iGeneral iNiazi iand iby ithe i Indian ichief iGeneral iAurora iat i16:31 i Indian

iStandard iTime. iThat iis ithe imanner iby iwhich iBangladesh igot iliberated iand iself-governing.

iDecember i16 iis iseen ias ithe iVictory iDay iin iBangladesh, iwhile iMarch i26 isaw ias iIndependence

iDay. iWith ian iinfluence, iBangladesh iis iprogressing iin iall iviewpoints.

The iLiberation iwar iof iBangladesh iwas inot ionly ia iwar ifor iself-governance ifought iby iBangladeshi
inationalists i- ione iof iits irule itriggers iwas ireligion. iThe iPakistani igovernment iexpected ito ichange

iBangladeshis iinto icommendable iMuslims iby iremoving ithem ifrom itheir iHindu iestablishment.

iThis ithought iof ithe isevere idivision iin ilike imanner iused ias ithe iprimary idriver ifor ithe iarrangement

iof iPakistan iregardless iafter iBritish icolonialism iof ithe isubcontinent. iOut iof ithe iblue, ireligion

ijoined iBangladesh iand iPakistan ias ione iState iduring ithe ipackage iof ithe isubcontinent, iand ilater ia

icomparable iconviction isegregated ithe itwo. iGetting ia ihandle ion ithe iprogression iof ithe iopportunity

iwar iof iBangladesh iincorporates ia icautious iaudit ito iexplore ithe ievents iinciting ithe ipackage iof ithe

i Indian isubcontinent. iFollowing ithe iamazing ieffects iof ithe iSecond iWorld iWar, ithe iBritish

icolonialists igave iup itheir icontrol iover ithe iIndian isubcontinent, iand ithe i1947 iportion ishowed itwo

iself-ruling inations i- i India iand iPakistan. i

The i1971 iLiberation iwar iof iBangladesh iagainst iPakistan icontinues iframing ithe imentality iof
iBangladeshi ipeople iuntil ithe ipresent iday. iThis ibloodstained ichronicled ievent ihas imanufactured ia

iBangladeshi isentiment iof inationalism iand ihas iformed iits icontemporary iConstitution. iThe

iBangladesh iwe isee itoday iis ithe iresult iof ithe iLiberation iwar iof i1971. iTo iappreciate iceaseless

iBangladeshi iadministrative iissues iand ithe ibudgetary icircle, iit iis irequired ito istall ithe irecorded

iscenery iof iPakistani icolonialism iand ithe ievents ienveloping ithe i1971 iLiberation iwar ithat ichanged

iBangladesh iinto ia iself-sufficient isovereign iState.

Encyclopedia iBritannica. i(2019). iThe iBritish iperiod, ic. i1700–1947. iRetrieved iNovember i5, i2019, ifrom
ibritannica: ihttps://www.britannica.com/place/Bangladesh/The-British-period-c-1700-1947

Perkins, iC. iR. i(2017). i1947 iPartition iof iIndia i& iPakistan. iRetrieved iNovember i5, i2019, ifrom
iexhibits.stanford: ihttps://exhibits.stanford.edu/1947-partition/about/1947-partition-of-india-


Spain iExchange. i(2019). iA iShort iHistory iof iBangladesh. iRetrieved iNovember i5, i2019, ifrom istudycountry:

University iof iCentral iArkansas. i(2019). iPolitical iScience. iRetrieved iNovember i5, i2019, ifrom iuca:


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