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Moorish National Republic Federal Government ‘> ~ Societas Republicae Ea At Maurikanos ~ > Monrish Dine amd ational Movement of the Wlorts Srctiivest Gnecem / Southeast meen / Central Amexem / Ajoining itary and Siericana Flares Che Cue and Me Fore Sanural Penples Heirs of the Law & ~LS.LAM~ Universal Sovereign Moorish Government One Voice Affidavit for the record \We are the origina incigenous sovereign natural divine Moorish American Nationals who ate the Moorish National Republic Federal Government 2nd the Moorish American Consulate. We are in Propria persona sul juris, in Proprio solo, and in Proprio heredes at all times. We are decedens spritum returned alive and we are our Father, Mother, and descendents of the great Pharaohs of Kemet and of the ancient Mosbites anc Canaarites. We are the ministers, creditors, executors, claimants, trustees, beneficiaries, and heirs of our own vast estate. We are the law and we proclaimed peace on our land at al times. We are exercising al of our sovereign rights st this ime and at all points in time. Nothing inthis lawful ocument, nor any other documents, nor verbal declarations or proclamations shal be construed 3s consent to anyother jurisdlction than in the Jurisdiction of cur ancestral inherited estate £gosum spirtum alive,am sprt alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, lam Empire of Morocco Government, Ego sum Moorish American ‘ational, | am Moorish American National. &go sum superior est allena agentibus, | am supericr to foreign agents. Ego sum terram Heir, | am land heir. Ego san animo corpore et praedium, | am a healthy mind body and state. Meum est cum fidelitat’s antique matres et patres, My =legiance is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit imperium, Moors stand Empire. Ego sum ingigenus ad Americas, | am indigenous to Americas, Ego sum originals ad America, 2m orignal to Americas. Ego sum superanus, | am sovereign. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum ce Americas | possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Ego sum the Grandls Reisen de the Moors, | amu the Grand Rising ofthe Moors. Pex &t ‘consul/ii ural Sovere' rg pir Warts Grete Sewanee] Sores Ore case judge/Vizir/Minister: Wiatural Sovereign HeiLth Propria Persona Sui Juris Al Free Moor Muur Northwest @mexem / Worthwest Utica / Original indigenous Sovereign Moorish American National Document. Return Yo: Moorish National Republic Federal Goverament dude ight Tai Bey lo 933 Southwest 314° Pace, Near [Federal Way Washington Territory) ‘Empire of the Moors, New Jerusalem

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