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Mir’atul Khusna Mufida M.

Politeknik Negeri Batam


IT Best Practices and Issues


▷Computer, email and internet

▷IT World
▷IT potential issue
▷IT ethics
▷IT best practices
Computer, email and internet usage
▷ Accessing unlimited learning resource
▷ Various digital references are available
and accessible
▷ Internet provides blog, forum, mailing
list, and some facilities for distance
▷ Edutainment responses user need to
learn in the better way
IT World
▷ Synchronous and asynchronous
communications (email & chat)
▷ Using technology
▷ IT, society and culture
▷ Computing power control critical
▷ Data maintainability was done by individual
▷ Data Analysis advances
▷ Accessibility vs security using technology
IT Potential Issues
▷ No communication limit
▷ Private data privilege
▷ There are some norms and ethics
▷ Your rights is limit by others right
▷ Copyright issues
▷ Technology suppose to help people not
replace them
▷ IT and Politic
▷ Share the private data
◆ Internet help to publish them very easily
◆ You have right to your own data

▷ Your data is interesting for E-commerce application

▷ Internet reduce our privacy
◆ Monitoring our activity
◆ Camera surveillance everywhere
Privacy (cont)

▷There are possibility to get private

personal, country, and
organisation information
◆To proof a criminality (There are law
and regulation)
◆It could be used for criminality
IT problems for new generations
▷ social isolation, stress ▷ Do real communication
and depression with people
▷ It change how brain ▷ Interact without virtual
works media
▷ Online gamers (spend ▷ Do sport and social
40-50 hours per week) activity and join
▷ Anarchy in real world organization
related to anarchy in ▷ Filtering software
media ▷ Keep in touch and
overcome your problem
directly not over social
▷ UU ITE tahun no. 11
tahun 2008
▷ illegal content (27,28,29)
▷ illegal access (30)
▷ illegal interception (31)
▷ data interference (32)
▷ system interference (33)
▷ misuse of device (34)
▷ identity theft
▷ social engineering
▷ spoofing
▷ phising
You think hack is fun? think back
HaKI and Law
▷ Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual : result of intellectual activities
(art, science, industry)
▷ Hak Cipta (Copyright) : book, song, performance, paint, photo
and movie
▷ Trademark : for image, symbol, voice, colour, smell
▷ Paten : mechanical discovery
▷ Contract : trade secret SW type Modifiable Use
▷ Software is not include on any of them
❌ ❌
▷ Proprietary, Free, Open Source SW Proprietary

Free SW ❌ ✓
Open ✓ ✓
Source SW
IT access
IT Ethics

▷e-mail component (to, cc, bcc, subject,

body, signature )
▷Use proper communication when you
use mail
▷Check spam, and delete them
▷Proof read your mail maybe your mail
will be forwad to someone else
▷ Aware of big letter usage means you “shout”
▷ Using ! symbol carefully
▷ Mail is formal communication media
▷ Instead of big letter use bold or *asterix*
▷ If you forward something as from the one write it
▷ Do not be a spam, do nothing or say no to spam
▷ Do not use your student mail to join mailing list
▷ Use browser correctly
▷ Do not open suspicious attachment
▷ Abbreviation usage
Communication (Do)
Communication ethics (Don’t)
Communication ethics (Don’t)
IT Best Practices
▷Music using earphone/ headphone
▷Distinguish file for work and private
▷Backup your document regularly
▷Clean your file and structure them regularly,
▷Clean your cookies regularly
▷Use username and password, shutdown
your computer correctly
IT Best Practices

▷Use your own id

▷Remind your password in secret
▷Change your password regularly
▷Password that is not obvious
Image references
1. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_Y-
2. http://www.beaconmedicalpractice.com/portals/0/ImagesBMP/data-sharing.jpg
3. http://d7.library.gatech.edu/research-data/sites/library.gatech.edu.research-
4. https://www.rickscloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/14269942953_ba29c8a146_o.jpg
5. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Global_Digital_Divide1.png
6. http://www.badinesia.com/2015/06/sms-kocak-dari-mahasiswa-yang-lebih.html
7. http://www.nuryanti.com/2014/06/cara-komunikasi-yang-baik-antara.html

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