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8, AUGUST 199I

Generalized Translinear Circuit Principle

Evert Seevinck, Senior Member, IEEE, and Remco J. Wiegerink

Abstract-In this paper, it is shown that the well-known property, when applied in circuits arranged in loops of
translinear circuit principle, which was originally formulated junction voltages and having inputs and outputs in the
for loops of bipolar transistors, can be generalized and extended
to implementation by MOS transistors operating in strong in- form of currents, allows the implementation of exact,
version. The MOS-translinear (MTL) principle is derived and temperature-insensitive signal processing functions. Re-
some examples are given of MTL circuits synthesizing nonlinear cently, Gilbert distinguished between translinear circuits
signal processing functions. of a general kind (simply exploiting transconductance
linear with current) and circuits based on translinear
I. INTRODUCTION loops [13]. In this paper we address the latter category.

T HE translinear (TL) circuit principle was originally

formulated as a practical means of implementing
nonlinear signal processing functions by bipolar analog
We propose to generalize the translinear concept to
apply to devices having transconductance linear with an
electrical variable such as current or voltage. For the class
circuits [ 11. In TL circuits, the exponential current-volt- of devices having transconductance linear with current,
age characteristic of bipolar transistors is exploited. Sys- we have
tematic techniques for the analysis and synthesis of TL dl
circuits have been developed [2], [31. Useful applications g=-=a I.
have been found such as wide-band current amplifiers [4], dV
four-quadrant multipliers [ 5 ] , triangle-wave-to-sine-wave Integrating, we obtain
convertors [61, high-frequency rms-to-dc convertors [7], I = b exp ( a V ) .
improved class-AB power output stages [8], and many (2)
others [21. This is the exponential current-voltage characteristic of
The recent emergence of CMOS analog circuit tech- bipolar transistors.
niques has prompted the question whether a similar cir- The second class of devices has transconductance linear
cuit principle can be found for MOS circuits. Of course, with voltage. Therefore
MOS transistors applied in weak inversion yield exponen- dl
tial voltage-current behavior as is the case with bipolar g=-=AV. (3)
transistors [9]. Therefore, TL circuits implemented by
MOS transistors are in principle feasible [lo], [I 11. How- Again integrating, we obtain
ever, the dynamic range and speed of such circuits would A
probably be too low for general application due to the I = -v2
+ B. (4)
limitations of MOS transistors operated in weak inver-
sion. Of more interest would be a circuit principle based When taking the integration constant B equal to zero, (4)
on the square-law MOS characteristic [ 121. In this paper it represents an MOS transistor operating in strong inver-
will be shown that a generalized interpretation of the TL sion and in saturation, with I the drain current and V the
principle leads quite naturally to an extension to MOS gate-source drive voltage V , , - Vth. Summarizing, we
circuits. In fact, it will be shown that two distinct classes propose generalized translinear (GTL) circuits as circuits
of T L circuits exist, one suitable for bipolar transistors having inputs and outputs in the form of currents and
and the other for MOS transistors in strong inversion. whose primary functions arise from the exploitation of the
proportionality of transconductance to an electrical vari-
(GTL) PRINCIPLE able in certain electronic devices so as to result in funda-
Originally, the concept translinear was based on a mentally exact, temperature-insensitive algebraic transfor-
fundamental property of bipolar transistors, namely mations. When the electrical variable referred to is a
transconductance linear with collector current [ 11. This current, the devices are bipolar transistors and the cir-
cuits are of the well-known bipolar-translinear (BTL)
variety. Alternatively, when the electrical variable is a
Manuscript received September 22, 1990; revised March 6, 1991.
E. Seevinck is with Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The voltage, the devices are field-effect (e.g., MOS) transistors
Netherlands. and the circuits can be classified as MOS translinear
R. J. Wiegerink is with the Department of Electronic Engineering. IC (MTL). A third alternative, when the variable is a charge,
Technology and Electronics Group. Twente University, 7500 AE En-
schede, The Netherlands. has not yet been explored; it could possibly lead to an
IEEE Log Number 9100132. interesting new class of circuits.

0018-9200/91/0800-1098$01.00 01991 IEEE


construction and uniform temperature) and neglecting

body effect allows the threshold voltages to be dropped.
Also, the parameters p and C,, will then be common and
can be canceled. Thus (8) reduces to

with W / L the temperature- and process-independent

aspect ratio determined by the designer.
I The relation (9) is a statement of the MTL circuit
principle. It is a simple algebraic relation between the
Fig. 1. Conceptual MOS-translinear loop. MOS transistor currents, and is insensitive to temperature
and processing. MTL circuits are capable of implement-
PRINCIPLE ing useful nonlinear signal processing functions. This will
be demonstrated in the last section.
The MTL circuit principle will now be derived. The
analysis closely follows the original derivation by Gilbert
for bipolar circuits [l]. Consider a loop of MOS transis- IV. COMPARING
tors, NMOS, PMOS, or a suitably connected combination
It is interesting to compare the MTL and the BTL
of the two types as indicated in Fig. 1. For simplicity of
illustration, only NMOS transistors are used. principles. The latter is expressed by [1l
In the loop, the gate-source voltages are connected in
series, with equal numbers of transistors arranged clock-
wise and counterclockwise; this is an essential require-
ment. It follows that the loop must contain an even
number of devices. The current sources shown are bias or with I , the collector currents and A the emitter areas of
signal currents. The drain terminals are assumed to be the bipolar transistors comprising the TL loop. The prod-
biased such that all transistors operate in saturation. The uct relation of (10) lends itself naturally to functions
drains can be connected to nodes of the loop or to other involving multiplication or division. The more peculiar
parts of the circuit in many different ways, thus determin- MTL sum-of-roots relation of (9) may be more suitable
ing the current distribution. From Kirchhoff's voltage law, for synthesizing square-law functions or power series. In
it follows that general, prescribed nonlinear functions will first have to
VGS = c
VGS (5) be expressed in terms of square roots to be compatible
with (9).
An important point of comparison is the expected
where the subscripts cw and ccw indicate the devices
quality of function implementation. BTL circuits will
connected clockwise and counterclockwise in the loop,
probably be superior owing to the unprecedented law
conformance of bipolar transistors over wide ranges of
Next we apply the square-law model of a saturated
current. For MOS devices the current range for square-law
MOS transistor (for the present we neglect second-order
behavior is much smaller. It is bounded at the low end by
effects such as mobility reduction and channel-length
weak inversion and at the high end by mobility reduction.
Also device matching is at present better for bipolar
devices. On the other hand, the present technological
drive to submicrometer VLSI MOS circuits is expected to
have a spin-off of better large-geometry MOS-device
1 W matching [14]. In addition, the zero dc gate current of
k = -aC""o"y. (7) MOS transistors will represent a distinct advantage.
Substituting (6) into ( 5 ) results in
The simplest possible MTL circuit is the well-known
MOS current mirror, comprising a two-transistor loop.
Since equal numbers of devices are present in the clock- The next level of complexity involves loops of four transis-
wise and counterclockwise directions, the number of tors. Three categories of such MTL circuits are indicated
threshold voltage terms on both sides of (8) are equal. in Fig. 2. For simplicity of the schematics, the driving
Assuming well-matched threshold voltages (monolithic currents are not shown. All three subclasses realize the

I 1
Subclass A

Subclass B

Subclass c

Fig. 2. Three subclasses of simple MTL circuits.

I I" X

Subclass C needs some additional circuitry to force the
average of the gate-source voltages of M I and M,(Vl)
equal to the average of the gate-source voltages of M , Fig. 3. MTL implementation of the function z = ( x 2 + y 2 ) / 2 y in the
and M4(Vz).This is illustrated by the operational ampli- three subclasses. The numbers in brackets indicate the relative W / L . A
fier. slight modification results in the vector-sum function
Implementations using subclass A will generally need
transistors with individual wells connected to the sources
to eliminate the body effect. The large well capacitances
will slow down circuits based on subclass A. This draw- Some applications of subclasses A and B have been
back does not apply to the other two subclasses since described [15]-[17]. Most of these functions can also be
grounded wells or a common substrate can be applied. implemented in the other subclasses. This is illustrated by
This is obvious for subclass C and can easily be shown for +
Fig. 3 for the function z = ( y 2 x 2 ) / 2 y , which can be
subclass B by representing the body effect as a change in used to realize an analog multiplier [17]. Bipolar forms
threshold voltage. In that case, if we apply (8) we obtain very similar to Fig. 3(a) have been presented previously
[I], [IO], [131.
The circuits shown by Fig. 3 can be analyzed using the
MTL principle (9). In all circuits, the output current z is
equal to the sum and the input current x is equal to the
difference of the drain currents of M3 and M4. Therefore

The body effect will be equal for transistors M , and M ,

and transistors M , and M4. So, V,,, will be equal to V,,l,
and I/thl will equal Vlh4 and therefore the threshold
voltages can be dropped from (12). The drain currents of M , and M , (Fig. 3(a) and (b)) and

M , , (Fig. 3(c)) are all equal to y . So, (9) becomes

/F/T + =2 E

From (14) we can obtain the transfer function of the

circuits as follows:

+ z

+ 2yz =
+ dz2 - x 2 = y
x2= ( y
+ y’ x2
- z)’ Fig. 4. Implementation of the absolute-value function Ix - d.

+ y2x’
Another example is the vector-sum function
z = Jxz+yz
with z the output current and x and y input currents.
Fig. 5 . Simple MTL circuit synthesi~ingthe geometric-mean function
We want to synthesize this function by the use of the 6.
MTL principle (9). To this end we express the function in
terms of square roots as follows:
The implementation as an MTL circuit of subclass A is
z = JT+T
+ 22 - x== Y2 shown in Fig. 4. A similar BTL circuit was proposed in [ 2 ] .
This circuit suggests a special category, i.e., “truly GTL”
circuits. We mean TL circuits that are independent of the
+ z+Jzz_x2=2+y transistor characteristic. The circuit operates correctly for
exponential or square-law devices and in addition is in-
sensitive to deviations from square-law behavior such as
weak inversion or mobility reduction. The well-known
current mirror also belongs to this category, as well as the
minimum-selector circuit of [ 161. The category of “truly
GTL” circuits is probably limited to circuits performing
Equation (17) has the same form as (9) and can be these relatively trivial functions (in the context of nonlin-
implemented as an MTL circuit. In fact, this implementa- ear functions).
tion will have the same topology as the circuits shown in As a final example, the geometric-mean function fi
Fig. 3 except that the input current y has to be replaced will be synthesized. This shows that product forms can
by y z. This means that the output current z has to be also be realized:
mirrored and fed back to the inputs receiving current y .
Next, we will develop a circuit realizing the absolute- 2 =fi-x+ y +2z = x +y+2fi
value function - 2 / x T+ y=+ 2f z i + j r . (20)
2 = Ix - yl. (18)
Again, we can express this function in terms of square
roots Implementation in subclass C is simple (see Fig. 5).

x’ - 2 x y + y2 z 2 =

+ y2=4xy + z2
In this paper it was shown that a generalized interpre-
tation of the TL principle leads quite naturally to an

extension to MOS circuits. It was shown that two distinct
+ y)*-
+\J( x z2 classes of T L circuits exist, one suitable for bipolar and
the other for MOS implementation. The MOS-translinear
x +y +J(x+ y)2- 2 2 =x+ y +2fi circuit principle was derived and an initial classification of
simple MTL circuits was proposed. Some examples were
given of MTL circuits synthesizing nonlinear functions.
Future work will be aimed at developing systematic
design techniques for MTL circuits and investigating the

practical errors arising in MTL circuits due to the nonide- [15] E. A. M. Klumperink and E. Seevinck, “MOS current gain cells
with electronically variable gain and constant bandwidth,” IEEE J .
alities of the MOS transistors. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 24, pp. 1465-1467, 1989.
[16] E. Seevinck, R. F. Wassenaar, and W. de Jager, “Universal adap-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT tive biasing principle for micropower amplifiers,” in Proc. ESS-
CIRC, 1984, pp. 59-62.
Thanks are due to the reviewers for suggestions to [I71 K. Bult and H. Wallinga, “ A class of analog CMOS circuits based
improve the paper. on the square-law characteristic of an MOS transistor in saturation,”
IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-22, pp. 357-365, 1987.

Evert Seevinck (M’75-SM’85) was born in Doet-
[1] B. Gilbert, “Translinear circuits: A proposed classification,” Elec- inchem, The Netherlands, on April 15, 1945. He
tron. Lett., vol. 11, pp. 14-16, 1975; also “Errata,” ibid., p. 136. was educated in South Africa, receiving the
[2] E. Seevinck, Analysis and Synthesis of Translinear Integrated Cir- BSc. degree in mathematics and physics in 1966,
cuits. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1988. the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in
[3] E. Seevinck, “Synthesis of nonlinear circuits based on the translin- 1970, the B.Sc. Hons. degree in electronic engi-
ear principle,” in Proc. ISCAS, 1983, pp. 370-373. neering (cum laude) in 1975, and the D.Sc.
[4] B. Gilbert, “A new wide-band amplifier technique,” IEEE J . Solid- degree in electronic engineering in 1981, all
State Circuits, vol. SC-3, pp. 353-365, 1968. from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
[5] B. Gilbert, “A precise four-quadrant multiplier with subnanosec- From 1970 to 1972 he was with Philips Gloeil-
ond response,” IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-3, pp. 365-373, amuenfabrieken in Niimeeen and Eindhoven.

The Netherlands, where he worked on the design and application of

[6] E. Seevinck and G. H. Renkema, “A 4-quadrant cosine-synthesis analog integrated circuits. In 1973 he returned to South Africa, where
circuit,” in ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, 1982, pp. 40-41. he joined Philips in Johannesburg, continuing IC application work.
[7] R. F. Wassenaar, E. Seevinck, M. G. van Leeuwen, C. Speelman, From 1975 to 1981 he was employed at the Council for Scientific and
and E. Holle, “New techniques for high-frequency rms-to-dc con- Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria, where he performed research
version based on a multifunctional V-to4 converter,” IEEE J . and development on novel circuit techniques and custom IC’s. In 1981
Solid-state Circuits, vol. 23, pp. 802-815, 1988. he remigrated to the Netherlands, returning to Philips and working on
[8] E. Seevinck, W. de Jager, and P. Buitendijk, “A low-distortion analog IC design. In August 1983 he became Professor of Electrical
output stage with improved stability for monolithic power ampli- Engineering at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
fiers,” IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. 23, pp. 794-801, 1988. In October 1985 he returned to Philips Research Laboratories, Eind-
[9] E. Vittoz and J. Fellrath, “CMOS analog integrated circuits based hoven, The Netherlands, where he is now performing circuit research.
on weak inversion operation,” IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, vol. He has published on analog and digital circuit techniques and he holds
SC-12, pp. 224-231, 1977. several patents in this field. Recently, his doctoral dissertation was
[lo] E. Seevinck, “Analysis and synthesis of translinear integrated cir- published in revised form as a book: Analysis and Synthesis of Translin-
cuits,” D.Sc. dissertation, Univ. of Pretoria, Pretoria, S. Africa, May ear Integrated Circuits (Elsevier Science Publishers, 1988).
[11] J. A. de Lima, “Design of a micropower CMOS four-quadrant
multiplier based on the translinear principle,” in Proc. ESSCIRC,
1989, pp. 260-263. Remco J. Wiegerink was born in Enschede, The
[12] E. Seevinck, “Design and application of integrated analog interface Netherlands, on September 17, 1964. He re-
circuits,” in Proc. ISCAS, 1988, pp. 1923-1926. ceived the M.S. degree in electrical engineering
[13] B. Gilbert, “Current-mode circuits from a translinear viewpoint: A from Twente University, Enschede, The Nether-
tutorial,” in Analogue IC Design: The Current-Mode Approach, C. lands, in 1988 on the subject of an offset can-
Toumazou, F. J. Lidgey, and D. G. Haigh, Eds. London: Peter celling circuit. He is now working towards the
Peregrinus, 1990, ch. 2. Ph.Drdegree on the subject of MOS translinear
1141 J. M. Pelgrom, A. C. J. Duinmaijer, and A. P. G. Welbers, “Match- circuits.
ing properties of MOS transistors,” IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits,
vol. 24, pp. 1433-1440, 1989.

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