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Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb
Good morning and have a good time for all of the audience.

First of all, I would like to say thanks to Allah SWT. Who has given us mercy and blessing so
we can attend and gather in this place with good condition and happy occasiation.

Secondly, let blessings and greetings remain devoted to our great lord the Prophet
Muhammad SAW that we have waited his intersection in the judgment day.

Thridly , let me introduce myself. My name is Titin Suyanti. And today i would like to show
you my presentation under the title “Filing System.”

What do you think about the secretary? Well, when we hear the word of secretary,
autommatically we image that someone whose sitting on the chair, in front of personal
computer and working in a pleasant room. Ladies and gentlemen, there are some many job
seekers want get a job as secretary. But,unfortunately , not all the job seekers can get the job,
because it is not easy to become the secretary and so many requirement to become a
secretary. Beside that, there are so many duties of secretary. One of the routine duty of the
secretary is organizing files and record in a system.


Before I tell you more about filing system, let us know about the definition of filing system.
Ladies and gentlemen, what is filing system?

Well there are so many definition of filing system. Based on Cambridge Dictionary, filing
system is the way that documents and files are organized, on a computer or in an office.
Then, according Longman Business Dictionary, filing system is the method of organizing and
arranging the information that is stores in an office. So we can conclude that filing system is a
system is a planned methode of organizing and arranging records for storage and retrievel.

After we know the definition of filing system, then maybe some of you getting curious. Why
we need filing system? Why we need a system to organizing records?

A well maintained filing system allows vital information to be accessed quickly and saves a
company money by saving time. Businesses, schools, goverment agencies and even everyday
people use filing systems to keep their affairs organized.

The basic objective of a good filing system is to be able to find the record you need quickly
and economically, regardless of its format. The goal of agood filing system is to provide
quick access to information.

Here some benefits of filing system :

Using the right filing system, storing and rediscovering files can be done easily without
wasting time.

In filling and finding archives, there is not too much energy that can save costs.


Uing the right filing system archive storage does not require ;arge spaces and lot of
equipment, because the archives that are stored are only archives of value only.


Here some equipment that we need to storage and organizing records in a system :

1. filing cabinet
Filing cabinet is a cabinet for storing archives.
2. guide
Guide is a hint of instuctions made of a thick carton or paper o a certain size that contains the
code on its tab, which functions as a group divider and at the same time as a guide to the
folder behind it.
3. Folder
Is a folder in the form of a cardboard or plastic fold that is used to store scripts, place behind
the guide. There are four kinds of folders, namely : brief order, which there is an archives
clamp. Stopmap, snelhecter, and hanging map.
4. Sorting racks
Is a rack that are use for separating letters/scripts received, processed are sent or stores in
theri respective folders.
5. Index Card
6. Drawer index


Before organizing files in a system, explore the differnt types available to determine which is
the best match for the record. Here are five types of filing systems. Each offers its own
advantages and disadvantages.

1) Date system
Date system is a system of storing or structuring files / records based on time / chronological
sequences of dates, months and years of letters that made.
2) Alphabetical system
The alphabet system is a storage system or arrangement of files / archives based on the
alphabet, arranged from letters A to Z. In its preparation, the letters are arranged based on the
first letter of the name of the person or organization, agency, office, or company that has been
3) Number system
Number system is a storage system or file / archive arrangement based on numbers. Various
number systems include:
a. Dewey Number System Filing
b. Digit Terminal Number System Filling
4) Regional system
The regional system is a file / archive storage or arrangement system based on the location of
the region based on the area / city / country or mailing address
5) System problems/subject
The problem system is a system of storing or structuring files / archives based on the subject
matter in a letter or related document.

well that all my presetation about filling system. The conclusion is there are five types of
filling system. Each type have advantage and disadvantage. You can choose type of filling
system based on your company.

Ladies and gentlement, please rise your hand if you want to ask about filling system. Is there
any question?

Well, thank you for your question, I will try to answer your question.

I think enough my presentation, thank you for your attention and your question, the last says
Wabilla hitaufik wal hidayah. Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

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