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~-'20 P-ROJECTS ~ B~celets,- ~gl~S, and beads' -

.. __ -_.. - ---



necklace hides a secret structure p.6B

SPECI.AL SECTION 4 Stunning right- .. an.glle weave projects

~~ p.89

'Two artists use metal and glass in a colorfu collaboration


[Make a two-tone chai n mai I Use eve,."d~1Y

watch band materiais ff:rr

- - this ueckltu;e'"s


strong; curvy core p. 68

Meet a IKiowan who beads cradleboards p.80


Ea~ycrystal :rings for eVie,ry' fiing.er p.112

Make a bracelet with buttons and beads, p.114

:Biriclks;titch [earring's radiate from center Pl. 76


$S.95 • S 7 .95C;ma1;l~

" r .06

•. nil"~ ".172 7 I

Welcome June 2007 Issue79


1:1 ~'I II

IN EVERY ~SSUE 8, I From the Editor

1:2 I Letters:, etc.

161 Beaid Soup

,20 EXpert Advic,e Finding the proper fir


24 I Tips & 'Techn~qLlles ,

Photograph your beaded [ewelry

301 i Patterns 36 I Your Worik

42 Fo:r :Beginne,rs Bracele[ squares off beads by N .... NCy ZELUR

46; I C[hic & Easy

Shell burronsaecenr braceler &)1 JULIE W;U .. KER


501 i Quic,k. stitch

Join rube beads for a colorful bra:cele[ b}" JUU.E GL.ASSI~I\

54 I'C:leairlly Crystals Eat,ringscomb~i1e wire and crystals by iVlELO I)y ,JI,{AcDu FfEE:

58, j C,laym,aker

Polymer end metal day c-arrill1gs by KIM OTTERBEIN

64 Wlire Expressions:

Chain mail watchband by ML\,CHELI.E DEPIANO

120 I BasIcs:

Covler stan'

16S--1 Bead arOun.d th~ bend

'Vor~ tubular peyote srireh a,rol1nd, .. C~JrYy dril1~kil1g straws fOT 3 [ighrwelghr necklace wich pi:l'3Jl1ZZ



Po 114


80 A fierce Ilo)'a~lty

- J.mnings makes cradlebosrds


02 Convergence

• ra hubert and Elizabeth Prior • bot.ne on ieweky



~ocklace mimics needlepoint fry CHRI hu SING

M Righ1t~:angle bangle l..a~er CI) tals [0 build a. bracelet h_ JACKIE. KARNEU.

97 A. r1i1Ie:tal's.mrth's match .).LttaJ beads create a srurdy bangle • HELLEY NYMKKE

100 Crystal. tiles

four rechniques to stitch a bracelet • GE.l'f:E_ A.B:ECK


12 I Doilly returns in star pattern Challenging project has bands of color by Ml~GHANt\ KAMAT

76 1 Circullar statements Beads radiate outward in earrings by KAT WEST

B4 1 Drape' d~'l'trnnes: scarf

Btlglc beads creare a fluid neck piece by PIJ.RIE I~ROWN

1061 Edge strategy

Jump rings finish a: stitched bracelet by ell sot, BRANTING

10SF'.o:cal bead tun

Pearls dress lip " natural cord necklace by LUD;.4IW\ Rfin"ZIN

1'12: 1 Delight in crystal rings Quick and cas}' rings have sparkle {'Y MAY BRISEBOIS

114 Buttons. sprout bl.ossoms Two-hole buttons form a bracelet base by ANNE Nn:Ow\J KLOS

116: Glass bead on a custom bai~ Herringbone ropes set off an art head by M.ICHELLE BEVINGTON



ON THE CaVER Tubular peyote stitch necklace, p, 68 .. Designed by Linda Geni,ngs. !'Imto by Bill Zubae] c,


brick 76

'''Hehing 114

cross-weave I J2

fringe: 46,84, 114

ladder 4:2.50,. 100, 116

he rringbonc a 4, I 16

ncning 72, 100

pevoee 50, GS. I 1>1:;

right-eugle WC~V1J 4,2,

'90,94,.97, 100

square 100. 106. 116


June 200'7

A YOU AN 1: AIAG[[ ~E, anticipation forrhe Bead&13,(uOtl '110\,.' builds here at the magazine until

rh show open n june S, hen rhe real excitement sets in. The energy in Milw3Ukc'c spiral upw rd as veryone packs ill a mil! ,h time learning, shopping. and sharing 9_ rhey _ iilil. The ~lfrerglow eondnues when slim", artendees return home ['0 make jewelry from rheir purchases u. .ing newly acquiredtechnique s,

Bead6"'Buuoil ,j,s rOU'1i beading resource. and the show i a bonus thattake [hi resource roa higher lev-I. Wi'rh the Web sireand the magazine, we offer projects. with insrrucrion and rCS UI"O: listing. plus addirional how-t ,inf rmarion thar allows yOIl to bead ['0 ~'our heart'. contenr. Add rrhe Uead&8ttUon. ho'.". and the packege is, complete with rlre show's classes, social acrlviries, access ro artists and upplier I mrd a veritable hopping mall of icwelry cornponenrsof every 1),1'1(:.

Hignlighrs·o:f'lhe how thi rem' in [ude demon tl'3'tioll_ ),f basic rechai U'. by editor from Betld&.l3unoll, .BuadSt),le. and AJ't Jewelry magazin rs, \1 e aim to 'be helpful partners as -ou add new challe'nscs [0 your jewelry-making ,expelFicnccs. Consider our editors ro be source '0 knowledge 1:0 cap when needed, \'i;'c welcome COIH3C[S from. readers and are hap] Y to help you reach yoar goals,

Thr uBh rhe magazjne lnternet and show, we 'UPPOrt du.: beading ornmuniry, nurruee (he craft of beadit1ll alld celebrate beaded arr in all irs forms,

1 I, I

From the Editor

_ rm Dee Allen Edilo,r. BI!(ul&81I1fo1l' ediloJ"@b'ad!ll1dbuiloll.com

Watch for an aU-new beadandbutton.corn

We're working IOn a redesign of our Web site, lNhich we plan 10 launch this summer.. Keep an eye 011 your Bead&Bul'ton e-mail news!eti!er tor the latest information about the new design. You w1'n need to register on the new site once it is active. even if you are already registered on the current sne.

I·r you aren it receiving our h'ee e-news1€ltter yet, sig.n up [or it now at bsadandbuttcn.coen.

Gall :w2~~a:v \'mtfll BtIitOr.g,~

&i 1&12

'iTclUI'IQljlJll, Vwl153'1et~ '61~


litO SU-.scRIBE


'ro'.AD'VER'!;tse ~~~xe4e

TO 'SEll, fI~N ~i~:a18


r-- ------

(oming in August!

Gemstones :S,titch and string necklaces and 'more

I This speCial i:SStIe features 300 afl-neN projects 'by the editors ot Bead&BtlttOf1 and 8eadSly/e, and includes

multiple bead op 'oos 0 fli your budget. :Reserve your copy orUine today!

rs, etc.

S,ummery cover welcome

I jUl'r wanted to rell you how much • enioyed the I\pril cdieion. The cover rook f11I)' brearh :1.\\. y wi,[h the colorful bracelets on [he background of [b:u delicious green, Tile lnsi de proieets :) re all wonde rful, Th:lflk ~rOLI.

Hedda tel/ill

vemo» I-fill~, I'Iihm;s

Satis,fyinlg resource

I have been ill he bead i,lIdusIQ' or over 3'0 }'Co':;.lr as a manufacturer [HId, admittedly, 11I bead addlcr. I am 'S<D impressed with rhl.' April issue of BetJdc.""Bulion. II is filled with inu:r· {"sling infcrmntion and just pl;:lilf\ good "llIfr. \\!fhell I put jt down,

I realized ho\ Ute magazine had

gr wn and devel ped i!110 :iI satisfy,inS (lure of information. 8,e1.ld't1 Dillard

oJ{ax, Wllshiugt()lI

H~Qokedon seed beads

I IU$t w:1lued to [ell )"O'll how much] love ,hi.! I:1U!S[ i ue of ,Bcad'&.BI"ttOJb. 1 C:1I1IU'l1 believe how many seed beadingpanems are in lr and 1I h wonderful project • [00. 1 fiuallr filii:siled reading it ar 11:30 p.m. and imsncdi:ud), g t up to inventory mr sra h [0 sec how many projects

I could make righi .W:'I)'. I Sec

vi i 10 1'!11}' 1.0 :11 bead 'store in. rhe ne:u 'fmurc ..

}j'eck),. r'Ji.siib(mgh

A~bevill'l!, NOfti, C(;lToli1M1

Too mueh s,t;itehing

I. have I een recei\'ing your maggzinc for quiie 3. while and IISlmlly cllio), reading 1.1:. I 11.'1\'- to 3},. I nm veq' disnppoirucd in the April is U~'. Nearly all the articles that relate ro making ie' clr~' !IIr~ abcur srirchlng. NOI '~\'~q'OIIC either wants ee or ;,S sbll:' [0 rirch wid~ rillY beads.' t like to make. jl'wt!lr),. bur I db 110[ stitch.

Please try 100 make yout'

~'3riet)' of anidc$<i Iii tIe IfIO[c even for

i he rest of us;

\'(/~lmll' '1".1"011

rapJr,. mulf. ""lissomi

Apriillssue best ev,er

I have been beading for n 11lII11ber or years and have purchased all of your i lies. I sraree 13 ending group and puechased a (apr of (her\pril issue for each persun in the group .. This is ue is hy f:lr the best I have ever read. ' his magazine is n great inspiration for me. Keep lip [he god work,

Htl'itfi \':less

Port M' . Nt'ilt. British 'otumbk:

More ima,ges, ph~a~s,e

If ~'(ILI'rc '()il,S lO f(l II on interIltcdilltc projects, plesse use rnore picture'S. UC"l1Jdilill; is a visu:'ll process alld I would expect most beaders would be: hllppi.er with berrer diagrams - ocrrainly none thar cnmbine dlrel' or four [CPS in. one lirrlc pi [LIre. 'tou han' (he best ~eadins mag;lzinc for me, and I enicy all me ad .Il"t some reade s COI11I)bil1 about, But li rou'.rc slindfl{! Of! project SP01C'C, t'OU do

~I 01, disservice,

(mdy I<o~$e Mhme'll1olis

orrectiom Our <1dlJl'Tflsemcl'l.t fur J)f!:aaandlmIlQtr,Wm orJ !'oge 139' /11 the ,April lssne <1uribm..,'d.1 /<!welry design II) 11f,> It.mmg artist, ,Dhml! H!!rrzft~r t"t:I::111C'(/ ,chi' beautiful ,crystal br,1(:r/f!t ill' the pho/ograpl) Ivr Ib,,: ad. '\)'0 np%gizt: to Dirwl' for lbi~ error:

Beads • Charms • Pindings ., Tools » Buttons Displays. Packaging. Swarovski Crystals DN Projects • 'Wed,cling Inspirations

.: 1

·'Theone $lop shuI' for aU your jetlJelry making needs ... "

Catalog Available,


'loB-free Order Line: (866)-481-4732

B ad Soup

Independence through artistry

The 8ead Project [:$ a '\;;hcohl.fship cst:ilblished re reach women who 'qunli~1 for tilt" program the 'kills of glass-be'ad making, to help them cam sUPllcmCnHtry in orne. AJII:'I~t[e Rose-: h3pi ro of UrbJnGlss$ in Brookl)'n., New York, fOllnded ihe non pronl org:U1Ilz:ilttot! in 1997. A rer learning I:lnlp\ orking, ie\Vdr~' making, and m:ul.:edng, 1.:J(11 snlde-nl receives her own 1;"101 Head roreh and supply kit UpOli gmduarion.

tllden'!s h. ve gone on I'() be rorne Iull- or part-time It)e~d makers. 50ml: give Plii,o.'im." lessons. and others 1I:1\'c been instructors at UrbanGlass; Boys & Girls Club of Newark, New Jersey; ehe Newark M,l) cum: l'i.!( 'J'S Vallc), [;:I ( enter in LaY'IOIii.

New Jt:r' q,: ~md the ['C'I'ilaiHJ chool Cr:lrt in l'cI1Ialld. Noreh G.uolina.

ror more lnfom1(l'tiOIl, (0 eomnsission :111 o:rdc'r of :;wdcn,t-m. de beads, or to rmlkc. dcnnricn, 'Visit thebeadprojece.erg.


!3!JI9SI \edur!;lr Pa'J St!l"'JqI.'d p.)Sf!(j 'M:h Sl!Xl:el11S a.lle1' a oorOnslJal'on ~l Mard~ 2007 l.!;1i 10 r!gt-,!. A\r_,e "Chef ,A:nh.'i IlX m, :o1~ ~ Bee~ Nser. S.J9 DtJbMs!o.-y, LocIsev ..Jo::1'-eIs. PPoo.JI Sl:J''''~, Cera eofleld·CI,amr:ers lorl F.~&, 8tellda W'nalE!'/. Ecter nda Gomat.::.hc

Cha:rming porcelain

Earrhenweod Studio is offering tWO 1Il'\'oI line'S (If handmade porcelain harms: '\' ickcd Trinkets (lips ~mll ~lIfld::tgcd hearr) - urban pop icons

inspired by [he 19'80 - and Terrn Trinkets (bird Ilnd I:tCSIj- I::lrdlf woodlandand mlil[~d seaside imagery. To see du: fnll cellcctiou .vislr carthenwecdsrudio.com.

ViSll D3aCar'(ltuUCf) COO'l Icc 1r'lS'rrtICoons on IV,', to rra!(e 1M 2007 Be£;d& Suitor) SIlo", oomrnerl'o.:;ml~,'£' bead nac:.l<J,'¥'e ~ eel t.

J , ... '1 Ger.acl'1. II ~eal\..l'0S Ihe "'nitro SO 101

!:)OO.O crealOO ~' SlepI".anle Sei'Sk;;h

and DUSlln Te!)Qr,

Flred Up for metal clay!

Art Cla:r World ConferencQ' Arl: CI~)' %))'orld •. U 1\. ~m::, the exclu iVi! erth Amen all disc[rl'ij:umr of Art C'l~}' ilver and GoJd ff1etQlhcJs:'. is h~o.sr.in.g the !'rs'~ Nietal qay Wodd. : onferene:c.l\ugn" t 2.3-25,lO(l7 il'l.L~s esas. The . ()I1fcn'!lIlcoC \vill (~ruf -Charles l.cwron-Brain as. r.he·keYl1Ql'C

pcakcr. as ~vcH ~ wQr~. hop leerures, acmoflstmr-iofis, vendors, and an im~rmuiQn::t1 imduulonal c;.:hibi'~I~~m of .nv::rrcm-, inutng metal .Ia}· design .. For more inJ(lrma'fiioll. \'i~il~·aft<:1a~'wl)rld.om.

For mare meial cb~~ .!um to pagelS


Finding the proper fit for beaded jewelry

fol. bur also to I( the be ly exquisitely, Before you begin any Pl"OjcCI:. rhiMlk , bout how rOU wruil rhe finished jewelry [0 III tb~ bod)' for which ir is intended. mcrirrtes '[his will be your own neeklinecr wrist ,wlJi 'h makes Iletin ' M l.crt"jling $I patreru easy. Orhe."Llmes, [he jewelry )'OU <Ire n1a.k.illg wm be or a friend. J di~u.r, or (well an iink!l wn customer, In rhat C3$e, ),Oll may W:1m to make the piece ii:diu~,r:1ble.

Let' i egin with a known emit)', When dCl'isnin:g lor yourself or 01111:0n' YOLI know, be sure to take :iCCU!<HC measurements o.f the wrisr or the pia e n the neckline where rhe iewdrr will resr,

by Laura Jean McCabe

Whether you're stringing, 3 simpic bracelet or embroidering, an innic:J.I'c' beaded collar. indill~ the ri8h~ fic j es enti:d. Taking: a lirrle extra rime he ore )'011 ran em make an rhe difference in TIle uccess of >'OW' headwor'k.

Be,u.ied iewdr~' should be made 1101 JUSI to I()(~k beauti-



Words of wisdom (rom a beading pro

[;aw'a/Mot' 1,01/18 is: a priJHtlril,. s.elf·$$(ght ~ad'lueof1er ,ollf)'J son lJf;i1clem;c, tmdlg;um,rd' itl l,isk}riCl.7,' COSlfi1J1r rc/n(Jdm~t'iorl ,gmi fgs'tb,a-~icm aud 111 tmriJf·(J:poJOg).~ b ',lrodflC(,?S ,e'Q,borat~& h'(!,Qaen badJ.r adorn· meIHoS ,Ifar combiue

_ ali,IJ'it. ,/tmer'i(ml, AMCiJn Z"lft¥ ';IU! V;"or;;u,1 bcori!(le:ouiIl8 terlmiqlu1s with moden: marctial$ (md color sd'J'I'lmes .. SI't! sJJf)Wj her work in .ti.meric:m,1 am:Nmer-rit/,liofl'lli bf(1du,4()rk, axbibitlom. ht! .solts her ;i/O,r/: .ot hrmliql£llS a"d gfl'lJi!'r,;r~' IJJr0ll8~ti(1I{t tlU! U;"j~!UI SUites llnd 011 be,. \Veh site. IOflrml1ccahejcUl fr)\, com. Lm~m IJlIs. 1'1 wcrrb ;11g_ .&1II'dio rn M~$tj Cc,m.let;t,icIJt, ilf7d tt:lt1ch· ~ betfdiJI"g u)()rkshop5 l'JtiJughcmt me world.

room bc!twCC,1I lht: jewelry and rhe body. Regardless >f the style and hapc of your proiecr, ir is w()~'lb mkir'lS rim' :11 the srart to ensure II bl.'1Hltiflll end result. '0

For a ill'll le HlJnS piece you may on])' I1ced 10 use a ta pe rneasur . If you're working on :J mere elaborate design, like an ernbroldered clJrf or

nlbr.. you mar \ anr 10 ereare a tcmpJatc Of parrcra.

To reate a panern, dr w the design on trncil:lg paper. As "vrth se\. ing, )'ou can trace [hi, paper I sttern onto IlHlsl,in 10th. Rr draping rhe muslin around thi! wrist or neck, rOIl em ensure proper nt .. rr the design needsalrerarion, )'OUI c, fl change the Ize and shape o£ I,he pattern using sewing pins,

Once you enle on a good fil., H:1llsfer rhe muslin p~mei'l1 II) eardb ard, Thies cardboard will become your fi lin l rernplate, which you can trace 0111:0 leather or fabric (in dl:c case of c.mbn..l,ider)') or use as ;11 ize guide (in the CMt! I weaving).

When you're producing work ro:r sale you need to consider fle:r.:ibiH[~' in Jir .. Longer necklaces arc ell ·jeT because Ilile)! fit :\ 'wide range of people. Sizing chok rs and bracde't5 can be trrc:kr. becalJ,se they ~11.' worn elmer 1:1) die bodj, and neck and wrist sizes vary. ,By u ing hook closures with 1 in.

(1 .• 5cl1l)r Sf) of -haill Imnk on one end, y<HI can allew for Ihis variation.

;\5. a general rule. allow fo·r some room for movernem {,ctwl!el1 [he \ ri ~ or neck :md the finished 'piCic~" Fo:r mo,sf project • adding". in. (km) will create ;1 ,omfort::lble fir. .t\ nC3"i'ly embellished piece Ill,ty tequ:irc more space. as the embelli hmentS take up some

Tips &14 e

In qui s

Does this scenario sound f'amilliar? You've spent countless hours beading a fabulous necklace and you're thrilled with the results. You take a picture, but the photo is too dan< Of blum)! or just not right What a disappaintmenH Let's, face it, getting good p'hotos is challenging. Professional photographers spend y,ears honing 'their skills. But even if you don t have the time, interest, space, 01" money to learn every~hing there is to. know about photography" you cain do a few things. even at home, to improve the,qllality

D,f your Jewelry photos. In this, article, Bead&Button photographers Bill Zuback and Jim Forbes share some tips on getting good shots of your handiwork,


You don',! need a Janey studiO with lots 0'1 gear, bu~ yoo Do 1lE00 a decent camera 'mo!.mted all! a l:niJ)od.1I pO$liible. us!';! ,!ldl!l,it~l single lens rene>: (OStR) ~BI'a ru.~ner than ill poIfll·a_oo·snoot mooel USing a DSLR dlJesn'{ ensu,e g(liOO msulls, hOlolfNer. Take some lime to learn abo!J!1. F·sliOpS, s!h,ulter speed. ano j);:tpD.SU'(l', antllhl,!fl expertmsnt with !{OUr ca:mef8; to IOOrn how 10 aC.ll,leve '!he dGSlred ttSitlts. A cable re1ease ",fill nerp you I.ake dear, steady snets, and a macro lens COUld come In handy for closeups. Guy them \IIhe(l~'O~'re ready.


. vtlile there 3Je m3.1IY \'IayS 10 lighl a scene, using a d1if'ru~ light soorce is key. IDilhrslon settsns shadO' .. ,'$ and 1)a1hes ~OOf Jewelry frl a pleaSing g!o\!I. Try dr:aptmg a Sheet between your IIghl 'Sour,,""~ ana photographic $ubjett. bollllCJng tne fIght 011 the ceiling" or dIrecting the Ilghl soorce 11110;8 whits umbref~a .. For an eollS)I·~D·use I1.ghl dlffus.er, attach dif1usioo maleriallo a simple ",{lndonl frnme.

Background and props

You ",ranl to dra'l'o' atttlol'ltioo to' Ihe Je:vrelry, I1QI U1e' b;!~ound, so a plC:Ge 01 p~n, neutra~ 9rny paper. ,,!lion you CrulI)UY at crafl Or phOto siores, is usually best Also. props can be dislJactlng, so unless you need th-em to support or suspend a plece of jeltieJry. dom't useLllem.

Using a gray card:

A gray card, lIke tne OilEr sl10wn i~ the p'hOlo 8.1 rigill, is a: phot'ClgrapJl1c standarcJ Illal will help, you get an accurate a;.:posure 'lhfOUgh your camera's ligh t mele r. Whel'l you !let ~ur sool set up, I:ake a photo with a ,(I1'tl'f card in ll. IMn Illks YOUI oliherSl1.ots. uss PnoIMl'iOP or Pho!.oshap EremenUs In balance lhe e:qlostlr!l: 10 the gray carl.'!" and then apply Illesatllfl{fS f(ll!l Jus!, CH!ated to the re'S1 ofycur shols.

Interested ill learn ng more? ,For step-bv-step Information aboollJSing gray cards, visi;t digilalarlsphologwaphy.tGtn. earihbounclllghtcomJpho1ollpslwNte-balance·gray-carcl.htrnl. or (ll;)lbackpllOto.com/worklb .... ,lI'd_651essay.html. for ind'eplh coW1'age or pholo~raphln!l small objects, read Charles Lawton-Brain's SmaII'Sca/el'trofography. For one-:oo-one aSSistance, uurl20 Im::al pholograph~ slams and mSOUfOOS.

Do, .. ,.

a:."J! sMIs, frem variol:Js attg;~es, 'filrmg _ frame tl'1lhe subject ..

Sa-.-e originaIliles in RAW or TIFF

. IJse l1ig!t-qt:rallty JPEG onlly

_ _ e' omJilts are 110t available.

·'S (I save oopfes in JPEG ..

H2I'e <II b2tk-tlP system for sa.v[ng Qriginal Ima_ge~ lUes.

1ft Photoslrop Of PhQtoshop Bi!I:~rs,sof wre 10' ,cotor CO'rectaOf'l.


I . I ."'11'

use 1'IJi(e dian one type of ngnllngl """"'.-.n<"., Ilmgsten,3rndllu.ofcscenl


0: fusion material an frame ligN .so~ res

dravlir.gs ~I two ~h~ • '.he w'1up phologra,pt)9f Bill Zuba<;::k used 0 lake . he pt1o:o labo,'E). fait).

Fbrlda's, Finest

Bead Shop

~ads, F.O.B. carries II wQnde'r:ful"'ilrt~!y Of Hads - :natural Sl.one,lmpor:ted gla'SS" Crrst3~ :sood beads, horn and oone" lamp work. PQtymer and molO. Many classes. Books, lools, $upplies,. findings. Ra,pails.

Beads, F. O. B., Inc.

2312 Gull Gate Dr. Sara:so:!a, FL 34231 (941) 92H)87'1

Dichr'iI)ic cabs and p~rtdants i1Ita price for flrery bud9ttl Bead Setsl



-It 'NIEW 'I\:

G.lass Earrilng & Neckilace Set:s

For more informatiion.

catalogs, or Ic order ple~se ca." o!Jlr

- mam offll,ce Ifli New Hampshire


Paper rulers


Design c - allenge

I made r his crocheted lariat for the long Island Bead Society's 2006 design challeng(';, which :allL-d for the use of drinking SM3'\'VS as 'part or the design. Do yOU! sec rhe :maw? It': rbe corkscrew rhu keeps the lariat asrencd,

To Sf![ the deslred shape, I placed the strav v in hOI water for it few econd • nd then Cioilt'd il around ;ill pencil, I attached rhe: crocheted rope to one end of {he coiled traw rind dangled my OWn lampwerked bends at rile ether end o [he ,n"a~ and ar rhe appo!>i!c end of flu: crocheted rope, To sec more projccrs from ~he challenge. visit longislandbcadsodcry .. onlifABB .. hem, - Leo J\ rmu;I" Plllbwii.!ltJ. eu) York

For more

, 'un >M1tl 5!rt'M'S. ses !he $tB!:J- bystap c::cJIA3r prejecl

0" n, 68

SiZing up

crochet ba'ngles

If you like to do seamless patterned bead-crochet bangles. the most Important measurement is not pi or the. Size of your

wnst - I 's lhe length of the design repeat Because bead crochet stretches. most people can wear bangles. made from ropes that

are 6'/;?-7Y~ in. (16.5cm-19.1cm) tong. So. you mighl want to rethinK a 2--ln. (Scm) deSIgn repeat, for instance, "vh~h would result In a 6- 0 a-In, ( Scm or 20cml bracelet. or use tne design for a necklace where siZIng IS more fiexlble.

- 'hh'hl \lIr. I.{)~ 'n:':I·/I:.~

I tape a paper ru'l,er 10

my beading tray for ea.sy reference. Paper rulers can be found on the ~nternet (search for "paper rulers:") 3.nd come in. several lengths. Before: p:rinting, disable pril1t,ing options 'like I'shrink pversize ~ages 10 paper size" or "scale tOI fit pa.pa):!'

- Mottiqlie D.a11l'iO(1),·/{romer." Wotfra,J,. ~ e/~ Yo"k

Bowled over by' sil'icone

Silkone pinch bowls ;ue great for holding beads, while you're working On a pwje .1. They're j,Llsr dlC right size and r!:ieiric flexible, making cleanup, a breeze, Pinch the lip of the bowl ro form a

pour .. lid pour rhe extra bead back in! rheir

c mllaificrs.Progrcssi!lc p,incil howls :HI: ~ __

vallahle in kil:chcll sroee and on the Inrem.c:r for. hour ;' - ~ r a SCI of 60'l.lr colorfUlI bowls. - }mlt:t Po,/rtf1lbo. Prillceloll"

Il'W Jersey


An alphabet pattern in Ndebele herringbone stitch provides countless possibilities for name 'rags, necklaces, or person a] messages,

Learningl the beadiing! A .. :O .. 'Cs

I dtsignc:d [his :!Ilph.\I~[ for a: bc,uJing class I taught IaSI summer ar the Anderson I,t:ul!::h Arts Center in Snowmass" Colorado,

~'!,1lr swdent.s. ages '9 '[0 :13, beadedthe initials of their first, middle. and las: names, I srit':hed ;111: nlUl~icolored sample s to show ho\ .... d i ffcI'Cm colo rs look nexi IO eech tither ~n1.C1 IQ demonstrate various fringe options. This helped rhe srudents make their OWI1 bead-color sclecrlons and embellish du-: leners,

_. \Vend)' EiJsl€!!:Jrri}, QtlaketlOIII:I!. Pem..syir.'t]'Uirl; dtn<vrmil$tw:Jios. ,om

Tum 10 page 32 for pmlerns of 'IM !ellens.

r", '~ ~,

-. 11'"... . ~


To· submH. a patte-rn. send us DI hard cop"..

We pay 'foI"lhe pal~etrlS we pubUsn. Wriio 10 us aI. iP'e. ~tert1S. Be8d&8ul'too, PO 80x Hi12. W<l!uesna. WI 53 1,87~16~2.


-, )\ '!)~·U.tM_oOh

B E, Al~"s·

({!l2006 All R n~ llc.~m"Cdi

,divi.\OiOI1 of Crre:;llivity Illc.®

V:m Nurs, CA, MOG

www.blue:m_Q:nbe.aW;:.~om. WlIolcSHlc: only.

Beaded w,eddiing bou,q'l,Jet

I was ma'Ti{'Cj In ...lllrrIt lee. ~t 'l,;sr E'.'X! ecoecno tnaJ.e a besoed 'l\'0drl;ng Ill.QU!.)~ 10- IhG ~I !l\tt;'1"11 I 'e v, "'e·and·SI*I·t-~ l~)N~5 am 1t>,;J\'f!S a'e etl1b!~I::sf1txj /\11th 1Y •• :toot.j c..~ n! shea be.:1ds, TIle b:>'...Q:.;e! 13rr:lje Is Y."<I;:(~j Wl(h nl:o:n

Am-y McGovel'fl,

Peoria, Illinois


TI'C,p,ica~ impress,ions f aea100 rt]€) c'~9' .1.7 '11<S E"lflll.lJE.t bag 1~11 a ~o:r ~ or troj.)lcal Iflavas.. 1 lra:::eo UYl ~( OtlU.res

3:' l.~adE!d CIl'CU!crr. O'/t!n. r;o.,), It peyole On iCP I 1)1] ~Icl' n1e c-.ac..k,!.3Ca rS €rrtelllSl eel 'M!; \ Ob)(lie stllcr an h·.-un_<;

Dotlfe Rosinsky.

elMs Beach, Hawaii oottie@f&vt), net

'Tibetan ,goddess of protecti!on 'inccrjXfai<Xl he ace of Tara, U:e TIooUln Qoddess 0'. p'otec1ioo. In o a r«:ida:e fT'eGe 01 5~ tle9ds. s'lver;)!!lIe\1 O\3r1O too. !BOO< an !hysi. sod Ol~ SOITl!PI'WiOUS S«"lrBS. The far:_ IS ronr.cd IK1ITJ J:C,~Jf ~I.

Teresa Henke.

, Santa Fe. New MeKico teresahenke@yWoo.oorn

:Silver lining

~Ay Insp,ratiOf1 for thiS l'oeCkIace \NBS r:e paH!'lfn IOf 'r-. Clusler or Dangles.' p, 56, ~BBUlICI'l 0:::1.2005.

1 used f'lDIBlhan 250 1/\"re-wralXX'd dangles in a p(atll'l'...lrr pa'lelle 01 S\\~0VSki crystats. S\varO'>"Ski g~ pea1S. and sletlf"g 5l1\18r 'indlngs.

I e-..1:endOO tne CluSterS arOiJflCl the recl<ff1e 10 hegh:en i!le twinl<le effecl!

Ken}' Bogert;

Omario.t\'J;:w York lwDs:..,concept@ya'wo.com

Wire-wrapped amber

I o1ten hoe a sca:f by OICltlg 11 ;L"Xl tr.en sllpp~119 the sf1{ls 011116 scarf tl'¥O.Jgh U'le rop created 0:.' Ine Ic~d I crocheted this beaded (ope .,'I,i\h a SmJlar deSg1. M,' nexl ChEJlenge ""'OS 10 <li!l;r...h a ~g.a PIOCe of arr:bet' t11.Bi did ro1. 'r>.ave a hole I \·,f~ lim amOOr In gdd !/I.'"''e 10 create a peooont 1M; hangs lrem 1h9 rope end \'.t"1en ~i IS ::Jlpped through 11"\9 seed ~,Ioop.

S'hlre Singer.

'Vif,!ona, Aus lria shira@shiran.com

Beaded bottle

I spent atJout 75 hous Dead ng t.hrs IJ<:l.:Ue. It ~s abou15 .~. (13cllllla! aJ''ld ,I <no (1CkmJ woe <'f'(I h.a$ a (erTJO\o3bIe stopper, I f:-st covered the ooue In lealhar and tha1 ere-Bled the patlan V\~lh seed beads WI pe:.rrne Stitch .

.urea MonfOjl8.

Cssper. Wyoming


.Celtic treasures

A caq:(l ~""dJn &.Op·:;1;8 il'"t.tir"" 5fT'I1: I d31'glE'5 (,~ glass. ~". oo oeeos :lI10 C.Q",- cha·Trts. I II LEICIe rns fl0G"""::t:! ·.·~II l:a_<,:js~. j '" I3ffl'lS I .... t'de-e 't m I'e S: les - rll?!" I InlShe(j atl I;~ f\3i-=ENr...rn mqw·ej Oy l"" [)J,(:,n v..IS:Or'lS O':lC8 It:al aile .. 'e<-J r1 !3rge shVOf"lllrCtT t..,rreffCa :(l ce der~,'E"I'E' G\I\renda RabellnR.

Apeldoom, The Netlleoollds


Wirework necklace

I ce t1ii;1j by k.s ra:ra' amp \I')!"":: &"1151 G3:::~h2!1 Pori.z:""S!~lleci Tie to r'1-y.,-" a rry,xiern r>ECkaco \'.~th e:1 Bnc-en 1".:;1

I ha~j·lun~ r1al1',rrSf Kl ro coded st€fing: srt.rt!r '" "13 :0

Inc .. :.:lFp.::tate I&"I'p."'C(I{~ bssos. amber. a""C iV" LY)iSe stcr'li..'S. Debor<ih Sie.

Battle Creek, Michigan o{sie@oomcasl.net

The Divas

fy'€t'!' B!lrlev. q:.:;llE'l, 8ir"1l. 21 J Gerv<l -lCllf vc: Soeclai oJ EngltE'.h shre.3JXjc-'-JS ','I!10 ~ "'eaf ,Af-ma I£!~ nro all _ ow (logs ard hr....,,'t'! \',"::11'1 r!1ar~> ;)IIZes For 11115 OO,ad·emtrode'Gd pcllf11 Ilg. I

51 c:he.llhe 15v seed tJeaOS 0'1\0 a '~M?fed fell ~r (".cillon. n'e do.;rs' lur .s tY.:aC10d Ir.rge nat S ,he Atlanla s~~lne Inlh£!' OO::':"'-grtJl.rlj Diana Grygo.

Dulncy. Massacl1ttse-tts lheionebeadM,'o/ogspotcom

or Bginn


On the square

Cube beads link up wilth

shiny seed beads in this smart .. lo·okingl bracelet that's easyto construct.

stephystep [1] On " yd. [1.7ml r

ireline, pick up (('1'1 I J~ seed bead" !,W'CI 4mm ube be .. nds, and an 11 u (figum 1, a-b)I; If p:lII uic"e)'lind-er beads instead 0'( ubes, IlISC ollly ciglH L Fs.

[2] Leaving a 12-in. I Oem) tail, pull the ~ ':'Ids i'HU R ring

MATERIA!LS b'r.lC€llcl

1-71,\ In. (I8-JlI9.1cmj

• ag 4mm cube 00ads

(l{ size 8'~ C'tfnder beads

• 59 Sile 11 v Wl'ld beads

• Firelir.e' 6 Ib, lest

,0 beading noodfas. ~, 0



IFIGuAi: 1


and de ::I square knor (Ba' ic , p. nO}. ew through :lllrhc beads .1g3in, ex-ifirng ehe 1.%[ II" (b-<;J.

[3] Pick up an 11", IWO cube • fWO ,112'5. IWO cubes, IWO 11 "s, (\'10 cubes, and an I IY.cw back through the adj;,lcem I 1";'. twO, ~a bes, and II" from du: prcViO,IlS[CP (figure ,2:, a-b), and continue

through 'lite firsl cig,hl bead i ust picked up, (b-c).

[4] 1i rna ke rhe seed bead i:Ollncc:lt~r" I lck up nine 11'~:>., and sew back duough (he 1 III two cubes :lind Ill(' JI Y ~'it}ur rhresd is exiuil1g (fig.ure 3. 84). Continue throegh all Pili the last '1111 ill [ added (b-cl.

[5] Pick up rwo u Q&, I \v(l cub'. and IWO 1195 (c-d)"



EDITOR'SN,OT.E: TO create the best-loo'kln:g tlqUSl'e Units, select 'CObe beads,that are unlformrn Size ana lev,ell ~n eaclil end. Use'SlighU; looseflansfon 8$ you S6tClilitO

pte¥enttfie beadwork

bucliding', TO pull'tI}e beads into a tight square shape. you can reb:ace the thread path, sk:ipplng the 'I ',"s at fhe comers (figU1'8 7, ~).

previous step (cJ..e). 1.11: r!rJrou,gh the irst ds [u f added (e-1). epc::H steps 1-5 Imcil

- cel'et is approximaldy ]..km) shorter dl;1l1!tifU:

I I'lSth. End with [1;:]) 4

". rhrough all rhc 11" cod and continue ~''''''''~I [he adiaeem II", two - -nd fhe 'Il~, and exit

d 1 L Q [usr added as

11 Figure 4, point a).

orking in ladder srirdl _ ). 'pick IIp three 11 ~Sj \. back through the rhree or rhe lasr nine ded and rhc d, rcc added (a..IJ).1f you 11 II . for rhe CQn. r you r ladder ar

Q' c-enter bends and u e 11 v per sdech,


[8] W rk in ladder stitch until rbe toggle rem i ::It least four row long (b--c)., Exit the third row.

[9] :Pi k up rwo (."UOOs • nd an I D ~.cw back through 11;11..' cubes, then continue rhrollgh rbe 1;1 'i row of rhe bdder Ifigure 5, a-b],

[10] Pick up two cube. and an. 11". Sew back through the' C~.I be', and the second-te-la t fO\ of rheladder Ib-c). Retrace die thread pmh several rimes uruil the toggle is stiff..

e .. back inre rhe braceler, secure the mil with .:1 few h:llf· hitch knors (Basics) between beads, and (Tim.

[11] Threada needle Oil the t il ar the other end of the

I raceler, ew Ihr,ollgh rhe beadwork [Q exit :II fi;gure 6, point a, Picking lip three] 1'" , per Srll h work fWO I" wsof



ladder stitch (a-b). If }'(J.il used I.!ighl 11'''s (or fWIe onnector ,start your ladder :U the (W() center bead. and u e t.W€> :I I" per s[irch.

[12] Pick up '1610 20 .I~·. 'ew hack through [he row rOll JUSt exited in (he same dire tion (ilre and photo), and nus up the ben j 1'0 form a ring. Retrace the thread path several rimes,

ew back inre rh - bracelet sc ure (he mil, and [rim. 0

Comacr Nm'C)' Zellers m m:bMds@aoLcom. 01' l,i:sit her \1iIcb· site at mbe:tul$,emlj to see morl' of bel" work.

Chic & Easy

B'eachy bracelet

Shell buttons accent pearl or crystal danglles.

d.esigued by Julie' 'Wallker


N!iATERIALS bra,ceolot 71n. (1 Scm}

.. 26 She~ square aoo redangutar I\VO"hola but Eons

(bltJmellthalIanSil'l9.com for 510re tis!)

• 7!3'<r1m lop·dri~~1ld pearls or b~flttoo

• 110 6mm pearls or rounde-polished beads, cOlor A

-10 6mm ca~hedtal·cut or round Iire·pOIlshed beadS. color 8 ,. ,22 41'i'iln e;tCQf1ta CI)IStals,

'. 59 size 1,11 seedl beads

• 59 size 15<,) seed beads

• ' loggt.e tk:i$p

• French (buHklfi~ ~we toPIlOM/l

• FlfeliflQ ,0 lb. tesl

• beadIngl~. 11 '10 Q( II 1 1


[1] On l -d. (1.8m) of Fireline, ~m;J.ch a S'il)P bead (Basics, I'. 110), :1l'ld leave a 1_"il1. ("'0 mj rail.

[2] Pick up II color B C::1I1tedr.aI,·cllt bead, :l eolor A pearl, and a 4rnrn bicone

ry [31 (photo a). Repeat ,eighr rimes .

[3] Pick up a B. an ..-\,,:m I P' seed bead. a. 15~ seed bil'acl,:l small piece { f French (bullion) wire, and till' loop naH .of a !toggle la p. !)W 00.1: k rhrough rh e I -f.!. 11 \

and f\. (pho,to b), and pull riglilr [0, form n loop.

[4] M;'lRe a square d'~Lllg~C by pkkin IIP::II li"',,311 11'!i~ a 1-~',.1 crystal!::l I ~.r,al'l 11"", one hole of two square

bureon beld ba .k-ro-back, ~H! 1,1,1, a IJ~.lI wp·(!rilled pear], u l5,;1,:Ion II!!. the other hole of borh buttons, and 31~ II v. Sew hack tbrllugh dl~ ISl1, Cr'11;1.~, 151', 11''' and ISv (pholo' ,e:). ewrhr ugh the next B find crystal.

(5] :3rcinJ;on OTIC side of ._ m:>;1!.\ or B. make :'I

~ :cngtd(l1':' dangle b}' picking 3 )SIl, 3n 11~, one hole of back-fo·back recl::!.Jlgular bunfons,.nm 11 ~,;1 1 S'~. :1

C'\ :aL:1 1Sg, :lIrl 1'1", rhe "'ons"'orher holes. an 11 v, ~ , • Sew '[hrOllsh the

bead 0011 the OTher side rt or B '{pho10 d).

] Mi3k(: :l sqU;lre dangie,

• ~, throush: the next' A.. ~bke II, f"~rnngular

~ .,lJl.d sew ,through rhe

.. 201'31 :ind A.

[9] Sew through rhe B, 311(:1 pick up ,:1111 119 andone It) slx 15<1:;5, (The extra IS~.s allow I.he bar half of rne da~p to move frecl~', if needed.l

[1! O~ Pick up n Sl1ul,1I piece of Frcneh (bl..lliionlwirc and [he bar half of theclasp. Sew

back Ihrol.lgll the lS"!. and :11" (photo eh and pull [ig.ln, [11]1 Remove the S[OP bead, Making sure thar there aren't all)' ga ps berwee 1'1 beads; a nd all of Ihe drops h:.mg correctly, lie a square knor IBasics, with rile tails. Sew back

threugh the braeeler with each tail, tk a few half hitch knots 1B.1Sics), and trim, 0

Contact/II/ie \'(IIi/ker.at (937) 395-0590. bcad,ngeqw~en@'l(JJ.mm, or bt!IUicl]g/l, lief.


Ste.,.ling Siloer Made in-the' USA


'W1Jtl:IlJOU (n,Mr orJlble

Plus cell phone $,trops, beading (hain, liqluid silver, and IIthousG:nds of u:nique charms and beads!


Colorful connections

Mix and match your favorite, colors in this

rnultl .. hued peyote stitch beaded bead Ibracel!et. 1iiiJ~1i

drsigtlt'. f b)' Julie Gla.sser

MATERIALS bracelot 7 In. (118 ,em)

'. 3g size 8" seed bea:ds

• Japanese cylinQer beads, 3g ~ each 0 , 0 colors

• Nymo OO"Idlt'foned wi!ll TIv-ooCi HeaverJ

• beading neeO;;es:. I.i 10

P,eyote stitch tube beads

[1] On. 1 h.16h::ml or thread, pick 1I,p':'i, t,(lp bE"ad (Basics, p .. 120),. ~e:'l'\'in,g a

'111., (I" om) rail. Pi k up L cylinder bead of a single color, ~1IIc1 work l2 rows 'of Ilar even-ccunt pe ore tilch


(Basics), The completed PC'?Ot~· strip shnuldhe 12. c';rli!ldC'C wi,de. wirh . i cyllnders on each Ilat cdg,e. [2] Zip up (:Biilics) rhe

ends of she Hip co tOf'n~ D I,ube. Rcmm'e the ~1Up bead. ecure tile !~Ijl:: with a fe \. 11,11 -hirch knors.IBaicsl between besds,« nd 'trim" [3] Repeat tep nand 2 to make '0 P(:.),O'[,! tu be I

rhree in each 0 I I:CI'I! colors,

et onc ;~s:iclc to use as the (&gIl! hnl'r of die clasp, To adj ust roc length of the braccler, n1ak . mere or ~fcwer tube as needed. When lined up side by sid;:, the nsbes should be 31'1''' ximately

V~ in, I ~ .. 3 m] ShOYl of the desired length.


[1] Arrange the tubes. side t,. side as desired ..

[2] 011 yd. (2,'ln) 'of rhread, leave a 12-in. ( Oem) rail, aad pi k lip two utile bends (fiQure 1. a-b). Workin,g in Iadderlir, h (1'I-:t'lcs). sew chro,ugh ~mh tube-s sgaln (b-c:).

(31 ominue joining [be

fiGURE 2

remaining rnl . (c-d), and e:dr one end of r'nc last rube, ~4] T make rhe dec rativc edge, pi!;k tip Ilu{_'te BY seed bmtd '. nod SeW thorough till! next rube. Repeat, adding s~s on il'll~rn::i.'[cedg until y!,llJ rC;1ch rhe otherend of ibe bracelet ('PMto a),. Tie the working thread t .• ilt: mil at the heginn~ng t)f the bracelet


step I(b-c). onrinue working in llar peyme stitch until the toggle strap lis lilt least we cylinders r'Qn' (e:-d).,

[7] COIlI'I(.'Ct [he roggle strap [0 two of the middle beads 011 [he rube you set a 'ide in

IeI' J (d--e and photo b).

Rerrace dtt' rhread parb several time. ecure rhe working thread, arid rrim. [8] Thread II needle 011 tht:" tail. and zigz,ag throUigh the

)'Iinder f the last rul e to exit at figul!'e $, point a., Pick upl9 ro 2 ~ ylinders and ewthrough rhe middle tWO

yllnder in the ' arne direcrion to create a loop I(a-b}, Pull TO rigbren, and retrace the thread path several time s, ecure the rails, and ;rim. 0'

Conine, lillie Giasser at it/fie@ alemdilJ~ .com. Of visit jllt'lde.si'g1l.s

.. com.

ampwork Glass Beads

Mention this Ad

eceive 15% off on your next 'wholesale order

Olll!!r lends""oo ::lOlr.. ~1

~ Austin Hernllton The world IS most diverse selection of pwork Beads end jewelry making suppliesl

- ""1NlN -Aust""nHalTlilton.ca

Tel: 604--1/95-6739 Wholesale and Retail

1,· .. 01 .. 1.111111111"" .• • ... ;, I Jill.," :!Olli 51

Cl ,arl

MATiERIAlS oamngs

• bcone Cr)'S als

:2 8mm, cch:;Ir A 2 61'1'11'11. C'dol' B 32 I1rnm, CQIot A 24 l1mm, color B

• 3mm rrG' polished beadS

116 CO!c!' G (10 1l1:tl!CI'l COlor ,A) 22 COlOr D (10 rnatd1 color 8} 34 color E (aocerl1 coklr)

• size I "seeD 0( cyllOO-ar boods (atl [0 fila ch color Sg ..:0101 F, fMlle

59 color G. n~lallte

59 COIO( H, transparen Q($l~'~noo



,. 3.,. (33cm) 22·ga;_!g,e 9:etliiig SilVer wr~, 1'l8M,·t-.ard .. 02 )'Ci. (3.7m) :28..gatJge ste:1lflg Srlver wire, dead-soil

• 2 2·iflIScm) slefiJng SU'.iSl head pIns

-2 4-6mm soldered 11.11T1p


• pair of ea.rmg flr'lCWlgs

• chaJnllO."le pijl!ll'S

• roundnose pliers

• WlTe cutlers

Swinging crystal earrlings

Wirework and crystals, make large, yet light earrings".

dl§ig,wd i1)' MelodY' M!acDuffee

stepu\ step

\,\'h,en c mplc[4;.lh~3: earrings have a disrin r: rom anel back, To help r~)I! idenrif-, the from while )'ou'.re working. bend (he end lotlps ot the 'U.'s_h~pc:d base so the openings Ia c ti)ward the back. Thi will 111$0 ghr , the fini hed earrings :; cleaner look.


! - . I

Build IOfPs:upon IOpp:s 01 mOl1oc:liromati:c-cryslals, and bead's

_! .,

fol' nas~y.,earrin,gs. .. Yot! can also try

one as a pendantl I

CUiter round

[1] Cm rwo (lilli-in. (1,().:cl1~) pieces of wire.Set one piece a. ide for the Sl'COIUi earring. Usc rnundnese pliers 1:0 01"111. a loop 1111 ell h end of II,.:: wire. e.rnl}' bend the wile iOlt) a U. m:'!,ki'llg sure that the loops horh face '[he same direction (pho'to a),

[2] Cut.1 I -yd, (,9111) pieco;' f 2S-gauS!e wire. cur~ the wire hy wrnpplng i~ l·ig.hll}' fnu r <)r

!'h't: rimes llrOlJlld the IciT ide of (he - -sh.3petl base, n.C'X[ to U1C' IOQp (1'i9U~9j polnt a).

[3] Pid: up. color G II U seed besd;a eoler B '~mm

bi om! ry-tll:1 I1d •. G. H.(lldi~ tile beads ill ~ mall loop nexr l rhe base wire, wrap [he working win:

righcly atoundl'lil~ base nvict' (a:-b and photo b).

(4) Pick up :;I color F I I U" ,I color A 4mmi U1~C> and <Ill F. and wrap rhe wOfkj~g wire ar und :rile hu e twice ;l before (b-e),

[5]] Rcpe::n St'eP J and 4 until ),Oil have 13 bcU'dl"d loops around the outside 0 the b:lse and htln: reached the end loop on the rish~ side, Wmp rhe wire [ish'llr around rhc b:JSC four or [ive rimes eo march the rher end (c-d). Do not trim.

Inner round 1

[1] CQllIiolling witb [J-j('l8- gauge wire, pick up .1. 00101' E-! 1'1 u, n 3mm color' C fin:ptlli:;I.ed head, and an R

ecure if

~:tee:lti!' r e working wire at [0 tsblish the (h-l and ph"Oto d). ''It step .2 until you - op roral IHl

l tI)' lJit point j tWO r m ,and! trim.

age wire. 'ccurc [he end , k wilh IWo or three 3S before.

ure [he working wire revieu . round. a. Din

_ ot"Lnner round r (k-I). R~pt>iU 5'fCP 2 to form I I jill roral (I-ml, Wrap

I 4mil111 o ~m~a:

CE)SrrnIllC QJmr:lO 03ml'llE

@ Il"F e II~G

Inner round 4

[11] em I It·, (30cm) of 2S-S:1.ug(: wire, ecure he end at point I'l widl fWO or rhree wr.ap .

[2] Pick up an H, all A. and an H, and secure ehe wo·rki.n.g wire as before I(n-o}. R.cP("<I( three tunes Ior a coral of four evenl}" pa ed loop ;H ihc bonom center of rhe base (o-p) .. Secure the 'end :It

POllllt P wirhrwo or three wraps, and trim.


[111 U ins a head pin, pick up an F. an Smm bicone, :1.11 E-,

a G. a 6mm bicone •. :l G.

an E,. 11 .4..,;'U1 E,. nd 311 1-1.

lakcrhe fir th:llfofa wrapped loop (B:lslc • p, 120 :lind photo 19}. Am'lch In\" loop [ a soldered [ump ring, and fini II vhe ~ .. ·t. p .

(:2] pen IlC loop 0 rhe base. :m·a 1':1 'file soldered i;ump ring, and close lhc loop. Repeat with (he rher loop. making ure rhe dangle


hangs in rbe middle (pho'lo 1). ~3]] pen the loop of an earring fi nd ins. artaeh fincaning, and dose the loop. Make a second earring to ma« 11 the ir r. ·0

Cmltact Md'cui}' Ma~-DlIlfe£' .lJit1 e-umil at tI'rftr:sill'k @mS',.com.

EDITOR'S .. NOTE~ If Y'olJl're ha,vingl trouble- fitting all 23 loops on the outer round of the base wire., gE.llltl.Y :slide the· E!xls;tlngl loo,p.s a'iong the wi rei ito make room for (he last few INl'ap.s.

Visit b0adandbulton .. CQm to downl!oa.d Md print afullpag,e version of the diagram.


u 5nil_'e ;1111.1 rwi t [hem rogerher, folding [hem ill half :'I. (rw times ~phO't'o b]. Roll the day through ;l p<'st.::I machine to about .... 1~-in.12mm) uhick. and place il on a piece of

par hrnenr paper,

1:3] Huld the mdex- .Hd remplare ewer rhe Ia.y all!

ind t:he ar("as . oil like best for your earrings. I'J._.C"C" {he inelex card down <Ill rhc d:.1. and UI out your sh pe wirh a oafl knife (photo c). POll', lit

thr. )lIgl1 the- parchrnent paper.

'U! OUI a second piece in [he s. me shape. Itcll'ltwe the

C1l:c,e. s cia}', . ml set it: .,~ide. You"JI U5c it larer to make the back of cbe C'Mroligs.

1[4] Pm a mall piece of pla"li Wr.ll o\',er one hope. Lightly press and smeorhrhe edge wilh your i:nget:. bdlli; care 'ul nor to di [Orr rhe

hape, R!.'-fUO ~ ,he phmic: wrap, in peer [1:11: piC' e for

Polymer clay i.s a cotcrtul backdrop tor fine .. silver metal clay components. Whether you make these earrings

as dangies or with embedded studs, y'Ou:ll~ delig:ht iln combining this uncommon duo.

designed by Kim Ott·el'ibein

stepbystep Metal. ,cllay' components

[1] Plac . 4-5g of moral clilY 'between IlMII hee[ protector

Iilel foil lr OUI to rwo plaril1ls c<ud& duck. extuee the

nlC'[;"I1 d.1)' .1,nd ,cur I~vn

sha (}C$ as di'si red,

[2J USC n pilll 10 make a hole in ehe middle: of each iilC{. I clay shape (ph.otQ a).. J'-\ head pif1 \vill go [hrough rhis hole [0 urta h r:h mcral ck r to, a

polYllner fOI·m. Dry the day, :md rile- the' edges wirh n uail

itt. Ji you want' thl:' components [0 have 3 domed shape, ler rhem dry on ,,. rounded ObjCCI such as a $111811 b311. a buuon, or a ligh,tbulb.

[;3] Fi:rc fh~'ci:!r oe I (j - O·

for 2. hour .. Allow the piece to c(lol,and then polish dIem carefully with, bras brush. Patinate rhem if dt:si~c,d.

OIiCh il~g [he manilla curer'

insrrucrierr .

P'ost ear·ri·o.gs

[1] Dcrerrnine the shape of your C.'lrrl;l:'Ig. The shape you dl,OOS(: ~h(nlld be a little larger [h>111 the meral by so the I:wlymer -~h()ws. Draw ihe shape 01'1 an index ::lrd lU1d LIse a cr;'ll'l knife fa cur ir om. [2] ondition (he polymer

I!I)" Hi.ask;s, p, [20). On I;! mr day is conditioned, 1 like 10 mix: ;'I couple of similar colors and then add rran lucern cia}' 10 one or mW(l o( them, ROlli c;lch col r imo

M!IATEIRI Al,S eamngs, eitMr style

• d~5g metal clay

• pclyn1ef clay. ~~ oz'. in each oj 2 colors plus IrBflslucen~

• Tl5 Of l.JQ d POII'clay .. :2 ball·end 26'9f1uge

s e.rrlJ19 SlIver heed pms

• e<:!)~IC mi:er

• &luminumfoB

• ArmQr All

• blass bn..ISh

'. 2. smooUl 6·11''1 (1 SCml

cwemlC Hies

• cna:nrlOse puers .' era! knJI13

• cyaooacry'..ate g:tJe .I®ellca:d

· ~

• tiYe1' Of SI.JIlu; (OPliOMi)

• mlJslln buffing wl~


• Ilalillte

• pa:nlbrush

• pan::hnwn! ~r

• pasta mac',lne .. P'''

• 2 IS x 6·m. (10 x 15cm) I)'.EC!;IS 01 heavy· .... teghi pIas!iC $hI3:IJl prolector .. iPtasilC v.o:1?4)

'" 4 p!a;,oJi1£I c_ams

,.' we:!ldlY sandp<ij)$', 320·. 400-. allKl 6OO-gol (and ner If desredl)

.' IDIa!lshape Ci.J1I~ {OptiQ!"~

• Ie: ~\'m= stleels

• loa:s[er O'IM

po!!:1 ea.rrings

·'2 earring poSlS v:tlih llel '6-8mmpad

'. 2 e-3f nlJ1S

dl:!ingl0 earrings.

• 6 in. 05cm) 2O..gauge stcrf-1g SlNoer \'.~. Ilarf·nard

• 1 'h-fIin. (3.S-2:JOml 22·gauge S!emfl9. $liver wire, hall "'fl.EIfd

• bench t1.ock' or arwll

• -1;:-10. r 'em) dowe;l

• hammer

.. roolidnose pliEfS _, "Ne CtJ'1 ers


·iIIlFC::I:I:::"O'Jl'S" and smooth Repe:u: wish rbe iTT1£'r sbape .• nnine where you

t"O~!Ofl me metal day ~..,.;a!!lr.. Gend}' nudge b£ing careful ~ m(! pol~'Tfler Press lhl: metal

:1 eeramie ule

minuees, Remove ehe dray, eover it with ;ulOtllcr piece of pardullcnt, and place "·Il.mner tile on IQp. This will keep the PQI},mcf flu as. lr cools. Ir you wanr it high iy polished piece, removethe metal d::.,y componclu,

and - alwa}'s lIsing watersand the polymer. Stan wirh 400-grh:1I1d progress ro 600·srir or higher sandpaper, [7] Wid, 'rl",; moral clay cornponenr in plncc.l'us.h

a head pin through the hole in the metal d,1}'and poly~ 1:Tler. Bend Ihe hC;1(1 pin so lh(! wire lies. nat againsrthe back of the pelyrner ~photg f), Trim the' end, 1(,<'IvinS an

lA-in .. IJm:rn) rail.

[8] To hold a pOSI finding

in place unril you pll~ dtc cley backing on, :p.luc· it - I1n.t

- __



Kim Llse,s:;;a Iwmsld'nU 'Qr F.lh~~ S~affw~h_'a #7~ bi~ to 'eare'fu,n~ dfi11 th,e -h!oles:'fo,r, theAc:lops illiiitol'herJbak~, nearl,)\,: n D'lli_shed_,ea .,:in,s;!:.

side: down - in the back f:l baked polymer pi oct;' using q', no cryl. rc glae,

[9] The le lover day rOll set aside will now he !J e I :for the back ~!I1d can boe Icx'flli'cd. l)oKulfing rna kes fingCfpl'illcs les,. olwi(lw>. bm i~"$ IlOI'

ne I.'1>S;1ry. Totexture rhe CI;I)~. :spr:l}' if wili'! :\nnOf All and


pr s rOllr texture inre theday. Place the cby On 131' .hmcnr and I:U'( twO' pill: e thar nrc .Iighdr larger than. the b:tkt:tl polymer pleces.

[10] '>; irh a paintbrush, .lppl), :'I. thin IJlyc.r of 'It or Liquid r'olyd~y ro the back {,:I baked polymer piece', ccaring the head pi n :,lIld post

pad. PII Ii :l pie tJ textured cby ver tbt, pest, pre' it onto the baked polymer (photo 9), lind st'al ir around :llle ptm wirh rhe 'back of }'OUf nllgel;unllo. Rcpeat' wid1 rhe (II her piece (If textared elay and baked polymer; [11] Wflrk rhe air bubbles 01\1:[ 0 b('lth pice gcmly, 0 re me the shapes for a more delicate look, ' mpres the edges 50 die pieee are 'slightl)1 thinl'J.t·r a~ IliIe sidt'~. '1:'011 \\Iill rri rn [he excess polyn'll;:r ahl:t It"~ baked, [12] ,1'lJt rhe enni"s~ If:ltc~ down on parehrnenr, enver dU:'I11 wil-h :I Coil tent, and bah: IIIl ehe rilear 275(1 tnr _0 minutes,

[13] Ler Ill. ~ picce! -01)1

. lightly. H ld each C:1rrilllg

:1~~ LIp'. lUll! being . rt·ful n r to II.[ inro th;; hoo~\' of rhe ,t'arrings. erim 'rho': exces day with ~1 ern rl m. nit!!. The, lay is (r.l~ilc: while ii' sri II w mil.

su tJc gentle,

[14] 'mnJng with _LO-grit

~mSp<'l.Fr, and the edges () your earrings until you can's tell she fr nr rom the back, Work your W., ur

10 60(l'grir and [hl::i'I pol.i II Ihe pieces 011 your ieans ur buff them with ... mu lin btlffi~g wheel.

Dangle ea:rl'iirngs

[1] J=I- now step I-i of the PO!;I earrlng __

[2] I ur one or tWO .11ft-ill.

I " em) pi..: e . 2_· ::'Ulgc wire. d('piffiding OR \:ToIr.ct11el"' ~'Oll ere soi ng (0 h:tng ~'(jllr earring from a single I nOr,. as

n the b-rown·,md-t:tllr<llIo,i:sc earrings, p. "g, or iront tWI loops •. as ill Ihe blue-and·

In this, variation, :Kim Ins~ed a wrapped loop

at uie bottom of post earrings to add U1I6 dang,le.

green earrings, p. 59, or j ,

~I u'rc g,oin{; to lldJ a dangle, as in file; earrin !io 31 ve.

[3] F"Uow step 9 of rhe posr earrings, flip rhe backing texrure-side down and posirion the end '1--1. .. iII,.

I ~ ~6nun I o( du; 'wir~'151 where you want to posirion the wrapped IUQP1S}, Appl . :l thin I.]ycr 0 TL or I.aqu,id

P I>'da)' (0 idle back. surface of:1l baked polymer shape, ,md place il 0"(."( the back piece (photo 1"11).

[4] Folio,\\' step It or rhe P()St earrings. GC!mlr rem: vc IhE: wires, leaving a hele

inro which '(he ~~rirCli will

be reinserted larer, FoUow steps 12-1<1.

[5] Make II vrapped loop (Ba,. jest widl:"l I'/l-in. t .. ' em] 1'1 :c 0 wire. Trim the stem w 1.1._1 _ ,ill. 13- 111 In),. I'Id check [he' I in ,jl bole: ~fOII made in step 4. The bottom of .he wraps should 1>1.: flush againse [he earring. Trim more wireif necessary, "\ 1[11 ch;.1i1mli~.e plicr', liShlly

fold, a.nd make a right'811,gle bend (photon, Wilh the Iii> of your roundnose plic.r • make (hi." first half of a wrapped loop on. each end (photo It).

[7] Open the fo,lcled end Q one wire to the same width as rhe di ranee between the wrapped loop uuck into [he pol~'mcr. ,tide both loop rhrough the loops in the polymer (pho,to r". ;ll1d filllis,h the wraps, Repear for the other earring.

[8] CUI rw J-in. (7.6cml pieces f 20-g<lltlge wire. Holding them rogel'l~el', bend the rip of rhe , ... i,rc with

roundnose pliers fa make :II

mall ell rl {photo, ,m). Make

a CLI!l'VC In the opposin:- direcrien 10 create an " '" hape (photo n) .. One IH ;1 time. bend [he long wire ends around a M - ill. (I em I dowel to make [he shapeof :1Il e;uring wire '(plloto 0). Trhn die ends. On an anvil or bench block, hi:m1l11C'T 111(: part Ihilt goes through your ear. "\U;1'h, a wrapped loop in the polymer or a decorscive wire rriangle CO each earring wire. 0

COlltMt Kim Cuterbein d" k;"rocie~jg'l@m$".fmJ.I_


E pr

Chain mail watchband


Combine sterUng silver jump rings and colored O-rings for atlexibie band.


is at irnple '.qllencc of pair o . As and O'fin~s, u:)ing 14 As lind 12 O-rillgs (photo a_j. Repeat [ make- a to •. 1 01 three chain .

[2]' To ansch two chain.

1[1J Open tl2 ,6.9mm A jump rlllg and 40 4.5mm B jump on!; (B~s,iC', p, 110).

OIFltuC[ JJ _+2 hain, whkh


MATIERIALS walen Bin .. (1 Scm)

• ribbon wa 011 race' 1'h 1 ~n, (3.B x 2,5cm) (size can \'af'J)

• sbelf! -cla.w> !bat or ,3 ·su"an:cfJ

• 84 $Ie~g sdv{!r JUmp nngs. 6.9mm oulside (f,<3meter. 1.9·gauge. A (Lonme's. loonlesr'le.cOIli'1j

.• 80 sterling sWer ~un'jp nngs, ~.5mm oul$lde dlameter. 2 '..gauge. B (Lonnle~. IDMI~.coal1)

;0 72 rub bee O·rings. ~.6'-5mm (FIre MOU'rlIi<.lJn Gems. fifemoumaiog€ffls.com)

~ berrmose Pll:efs

• chainnosa pllefs

adjust the I,eng:th of the ws't,chbandj add or

- three sets ot jump rings per panel. This will iIIIIIl'!n:-m-se or clecrea'se the totalle,Rg,lh of the band app!"Q)Cimatel!y Vi!: in. (1,3:cm)I,

tide rwe r~s around the first t, v ·o pai rs I)f As inea h chs in (photo b). Repeat or the length of the oh a ill.

[3] Repeat step 2 to atra h lite third chain to, the f;ir:st rwo ehajns.

[4] RCPC:H steps '1-3 [0 make rheseeond watch b::1I:1,d j:l'~ nel, [5] TO' attach :t panel ro

hall' of a clasp, lidc rwo Us around each end pair {"f As. ,111 I the corresponding lasp loop (photo c). Repeat '[0

nrra h {he other end 0 ' the panel to the bar of a WiU h r3c,e (photo d).

[6] Repent step 5 for ,Ill' other panel, '0

Omttu:t MI'ac.ikllt, DePidllo via e-mail (U Ci)SHlCN1CCe'SSOI'i('$ @·cox.uef or vlsu be, Wteb sire. ,osmopoJirmU1cct·$~()rit'$."CI.

j\-1 iodtelie received I be 20(}6 PlaJimml liuh Accessory Design!!r of du: Year Al(ltm{, presented by the ,l.rh:olJ(l F'~$'Jicm Fmmdtuioll (I\PFJ ollli Utbe/J-/(m.Je, Iu«. al thdr 41h ,~mlrt(l1 Fdshh;m HI1I1.


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In one: easy step

• Over 150 FREE inspirational project ideas

code VlLSHGT5C for .FREE, beads



-ork tubular peyote' stitch around urvy drinking straws to create a Ightwe'ight necklace with pizzazz

ed by ~inda Gettings

ou C'an enclose almost anything in -ote stitch but these durable

'inking straws work particularly well. ___ lie you can string, right through eir hollow cores, Worked in bold

ing conversation piece.

b),s ep Pe,yot,e stitch 'straws 1) Cur 1:\\'0 straws r ehe ~ ... ~ lengl:h fp'hato &:). file tough edge I:lefore you n firching.

On 2 yd. (1.8m) of

C) or Firtline leave:l

1 '~cm} rail, and :pick up _., ...... " 1'19 seed or cylinder

_ to fir around a tra.w.

To makethick bands of color: ili· in the orange necklace, work three ro even rO'\MS per col r in a random psrrern, To make a color gradation" as in thc' blue necklace po 70, work IWO row 0'( each color from rla,f.k to light, and Then work rhe colors in reverse. Add thread (6a. ics) as needed.

To keep the bcadwork SITIOO'I'h, you'll need to decrea e along {he in ide edge of rhe curve br stir h·, ing ehrough previou rows €or a few rounds unril tho: headwork on [he out: ide 'edge of 'I he' !.iNC l-arches up 10 [he il1lside cdg,c.

[4} CiIi(;n each en.d of ,he peyote robe arounci tbi: straw b)' sewing rhroughthe beads or the end row (photo '0)1, Securethe thread wirh !l iew h31f~bitch knots (Basics) between beads. and trim.

[5] Repeal sreps 1-4 \~~[h the second sua\\!.,

FYiI: Use relativety sUfflbeadil11g wIrefo!' this project:. If ypur wire is 'too flexible. it ma,)" 9,etstuckin tlhe bends of the straw.

Assemb~YI aecktace withcl!asp (0:range neeklace]

[11] Lay om rhe OOllcl.S YO!l will lise for the neck strap and .my others }'OU WBlI1'r [0 string berween [he srraws and Ihependal1t.

(:2]: To determine what length of btading wiee eo cur.rempomrily string :1. beaded straw OIl'CO the heading wire'. Gr,:! sp dle bend i I'lgwire where it exit'S rhe SU';1'W, r'e111Q<Vi'! the strax .... :md. meaSUire thewiee, Double thiu amonnt. ;Idd the kll.S[h of the rc.lnaining beads" I)l1d add

,6, in. I I SCi'll.). Cue apiece of beading wire rerhat lej;lglh. This 2.2:.in.156crt'l) neeklaee requi,red approxiJnard~' ] yd. 1.9111;1 of beading. wire.

(3] Centeethe pendam between t\'ilo,4mm beads, (pImO{O c).

{4l Over both wire ends, string three tofive ~lXelif be a ds (photo d).

[5] Scp:mltc the ""ire ends, and on each end. string 3 "'mm. a 61nm bead, II 4mln, a. n d a. peyote-covered rra w (J) hoto e).

[6] On each end.·string

4'I,1 in. ( 1·1.4c In) or assorted


accent beads .. :.l ,crimp !;11,!;:J;.d.,3, 6\ and one halfof [he clnsp. Go beck rhroLlsh ehe last three Of iQU r beads strung Ipho\o Q, crimp rhe crimp bead (l3asics), and tr.im ehe excess wire,

Assembly,olver-thehead necklace (blue nElckl!ac,e)

['1] Follow SICPS land 2 of the orange necklace. This 32'111. IS lem] necklace required 3.pp'roxill1~tdt·41h (I. (1 Am) of beading wire.

[2J On a head pin, 5trin.g a local bead and aCGCfU beads



neoi:(lace 2:2-32 In. II


• local bead or pendam

• assorted 4-20mm acc€fll beads and spacers

.~ 1-.29 see fjQ seed. beads

• Sg~ 1'1Qs'm1d or CJ'ilr'lOOr beads. in each Qfs..7~s

• dru:p {op~

• 3·rJ. (1.6cl'nlhood pin Ictploor1.aj)

• 2 cti'np beads

• Nymo 0 or Frreine 6 lb.

I! Ii


• Bexi~e baad1r\g. wire .. 0' a,

WI!I, 71!'1tetl"lal srmnds

• b$adlng needles.!l12

.. 1-2 C!J NY dnnk1ng, s!r8ws .. ,mEna! fiIIil· 'Or coarse naJI roo

• T·pln lop!lnnaJ)

• chaimoSa p~~ (opliona!)

• crimping ~rcs

• roondoose p[lers fop.tb:lnaQ til '.vi ra cutters

· d,.and make a [plain ~pped loop IBasics) the beads, (photo g).

I .... e:ruer the loop 011 the

" ... ire. Over both wire Slring bea ds as des ired h).

) c -: ~r3te the \'\rircs. and, h I:l'Idsrring rwo rc

r a~t beads 0,1" .spacers ~ s PCJIc"I'~e·(overf:d straw _ ~o I}.

On each end) String :cimalely 4 in, (lOcm) - mf beads, a crimp 2-2 LI1I. (.l.S-Scm) 01' 011: beads" and 2:-3 ill. ..._ ~.km) of 6's (photo 3.

[6]] 'With one wire end.go through [~e beads on tne other end in reverse until you get O!':u~ or fWO beads past' the crjrnp bead {photo k). Repeat with th·g other end" going, in the opposite direction, Sn~s up the beads; crimp '[he crimp beads J'!\d rrirn the excess wire. 0

COlI'tt1ct Liuda Gettings at /tufybe41diug@aof.com.


To make a necklace with a centere-dpe),ote stitch l~om,po:l'II,entJas

in tiM teal necklaoe '9

Cabovc, >rfg'M),,'N'Qrk

peyote stit~h 3;r;o'!JJ!d ,,;I;

short sect[on of straw.

Use a T-pin t,o pierce

bcftom led9~' at tih,e c:enter of the stra"". Center your f,ol!;a'i beads- on the beadingl lftV, pass boUil 'wire 4nCfiS through the hole you made iin the,Sb'aw;, .ad guide, Qnewire end outfh:rough e'i![cli tide of 1II1e ,straw.

Matga:mt Zinser made 'the focal bead shown [Mm. To 00£1 mor,e O'f her beads, visit. her Web site, mzglass.com, or see mer at tu~r booth at 'the Bead&Bu:rton Show in June.




Cha.I!llenging project features over~appilf1Jg bands of color

designed by Me:ghana Kamat


1 On 2 )~d. I.I.S.m) of

itiQned thread 1.B,1Sics. - '1(1). pick up 12 celor C • ~ beads. leaving an '1... 2Ocm) ·{":IXI. ~ie the il1lto a ring 'witilll ;,zm: kn:ol (B~s:ics, ..

2] ork each rouud in

_ :-:eui:u nerting as follows: : 11 .Sew through [he

C 3gaitl. Pick lip three - ..i\ seed beads skip ;1 ot! dloe ring. and SeW me next bead

1, a-b). Repeat around rmg and s'ttp' up by sewing -~ dle Grst "'10 beads of . Sl:t(b-c).

_ _ _ 2: l~ick up fi"e As~ skip - beads, '!I~d sew through ne.,« A on the pre'l'iOllS (c-d)." R,epc~1[ around

SI.~ up by sewing

ghrhe fir:s~: [\'10 beads of ~ :!b'f seer (<f...e).

3: Pick up three As" - ,in A, and sew through ne'.'\.'t A '(e.-'i). Pick tiP three ~ Bsced beads •. skip three and sew through tbe IlC.:Kt . Repeat a round, and .II" through the first two me- fitsr see tg..h).

4: Pick up an A and

.. B.s. Skip rwo A:s and a .8,

- - .stM..d! roughtbe nex~ B Pkk IIp (our Bs and an p 01 B and fWO As. and!

~. ugh 'line next A [I-j).

[ 3roun d andsre p I.J P by :,ihl1otlg,b rhe 1\ and first & of the Ilrst set <H<l'-

15: N<;k UI? a B. three .md :II 8.' kip' we In, and

- {lUsh rh.e 11 ext b (k-l).

p e.ighr B.s. Skip a B

As. and a S, and sew

- the nex ~S (l-m).

~ r ~IOUflld and seep up b}' tbtoll&h the B and nita, o i1e Itsit' set: ~m-n).

13: Pick \IP four Cs, snd -lgl :l C :'Ina fOUl" Bs, and

--rough the next B (0-0).

Pitk lip fi~'e Bs, skip two 1315'. and sew lb rough the next B (oop). Pick llPOI'lC Band

four Cs, Skip fOll.l' Bs and a C, and sew t!trough the next C (p-q~ .• Repeat around and step lip by sewing through three Bs of rhc

fi rsr Set (q-r).

[:3] Ceminue workingcircular nernng as follows: Picking up dIe indicated number of beads for each set, and

sewing rhrough

dUB third bead oflhe next

SI!'f. For sets: of eight beads, rOll will also sew through the sixth bead o( the set. Note:

The' periods divide the be-ads SCI::>. Repeat around, arid [hen srep up, through the firstthree beads or rhe firsr SCi.

A.ound 7: 4Cs S. B 4Cs. C 11\5 C. (figulle 2~ a-b)

RoundS: 80;. 4Cs '\. A 4Cs . (o--d)

Round '9: 50;. C JAs C. (e-f) R:Qund 10: 4Cs A. 1\. 4Cs • (g-lnl

R:ound 11: SCs. C 3As C.50s. C6Bs C. O-D

ROUlnd12: 4Cs A. A 4Cs .. C 4Jls. 5 Us. 4 Bs C. ~k,..l)

Rmmd 13: 5Cs. C 4B&. B .3Cs B. B 3Cs 8. 4Bs C. (rn-n) Roundl14: C 4&. <iBs C. C 6Bs C. C 4&. 4Bs C. (o--p) Round 15: B 3Cs E. 5Bs. B JCs B. 5 !B.s .. B 3Cs B. 4Bs C. (fi:gure 3." a-b)

Round 16~ C 4L8s. B 40;. 4Cs B. 4Bs C. C ·4&. 4Bs C. (c-.dl Round 17; B 4Cs. C 6 . .:l.s C. 40 B. 58s. B 30$ S. 46 C. (e,..1)

R.OI.!lld 18: C 'lAs. 5;\5. "lAs c. lBs C B. 4Bs C. C .<IBs. 4&

C. (figure 4, a-lb)

Round'9: A 3Cs A. t\ 3Cs A.

01\ OB Ole




doily '9Ih' in. (24..1cm) diamolof

• 30g size 11,;r Czech 0000 beads. 111 eaCh of 3 colors. A. B .. C

• Nymo D ooodilioned w~lh beesvtax

• beadl~ needles. ~':2

· 4&. :8 3Cs E.5B . B 3Cs B.

C 4As .. (c, .. d)

R:ound 2,0: C 6As C. C. 485. 485 C. C ZRs CR. 4& . C 4As. 4As C. (&-,~I

Round 21: A 3Cs A. C 413s. B 3Cs B. 5B$, B 3G 13. C 4k~.A 3 C A. ~ As. ,(g-h)

Round 22: C 4'Bs. 4Us C. C 4B .. B C 2As C. C 41\s. 4A C. C "lAs. A C 2Bs C. Q-D RQlJnd 23: B 3Cs B. 5.65. B

3 A,,4As C. Au J\,. 5As. A 3Cs B. SE ,. (I<-J~

Round 24: C "IDs .. B C lAs C C '11'\s..4t\s C. C '1M. A C lBs C. C4Bs. SB. ';.130$ C. (1l"H'!) Round 25; B "Cs A. ~ As. A 3Cs A. 4,,\:; C. i\ 3Cs B. 5.B$.

B 3Cs B. B 3Cs B·. 58$.

(figure 5. ,aJ-ob)

Round 26: C2& C A.4A~ C. C 'lAs. 4As C. ,tCs B .. 4:B C C ,685 C. C 'ISs. B 4.cs. (c-d) Round 27: A SQ, A. 51-\s. A 3Cs A. <lAs C. ·4es B. SBs. B 3Cs B. Jk B 4 . C 4A .. (e;-Q Round 28: C lAs C A. 4As C. C 4As. 4iAs C. 4Cs B. 4& c.

C 4&. B 4Cs. C 4As. 4}\ C. (g-h)

RQund 29: A Cs A. SA,,:. i\ JOs A. "lAs C. 4Cs B. 88 . B 4Cs. C 4.<\5. A 3Cs A. SAs. flo-.il Round 30: 4Cs A. 4As C. I 4As .. 4A C. 4Cs: B. S,Bs. B ·1Cs. C 4As. 4As '.' <lAs, A -IC,;. (figure 6 • .!I:....:o)

Round' 31; 4Cs A .. SAs. i\ 3Cs A.41\s . 4Cs B. B lICs. C 4As. A ~CsA 5As.A 4Cs, C 38 C. (c-d)

Hound 32:: 4Cs A. 4As C. C 4A.s.4A '. SO;. C 4A .4As C. C 4As. A 4Cs. 4Cs a, B

4 o, (ec-fJl

._ .', '.

ROUl1Id 33:4C A. 5A$.

A .. sA. "As C. SCs. C

4As. A 3Cs A. SAs. A 4Cs. C 3& C. 5Cs .. C 3Bs C. (g-h) Round ·34: 4Cs A. ,"'As C. C 4As .. 4& . C 4Ni. 4As C. C 4.As. A 4C~. (HI 4C B. B <au. (}-kJ Repeal j-k (lH). Rc:pea~ H hV:C times t compl te

the round.

Round 35:4Cs A.- t\s. A 3Cs A. SA . A 3Cs A. SAs. A 4Cs. {m-n) C 3Bs C. 5 s, (n-o) Rt!pc..'al n-o (o-pll, C 31Scs C. (Jrql) Repear m-q lVe rimes to)

omplere rhc fiQt~fid.

Round 36: "ilCS A. 4its C. C '1M. 5As. 4As C. C 4A$. A 4Cs. (figure 7, ,a-b) 4Cs ,S. B 4C$. (b-c:.) Repeat b-C twice ~c;-d) .. RCpe!lt a-e five (limes ~. complete llie round,

Round 37: 4Cs A .. As. Pi 3Cs A. i'\ 3Cs A. 5As. A 4Cs. (e-f)

C B • SQ. (f-g) Repeat 1-g

twice (g--h). C 3Bs C. '(h-i) Re~.re-I [iv,c rimes no c-ompl,,;~ the round.

Round 38: 4Cs A. <lAs C. C 6,'\,s .. C 4As. t\ 4Cs.l!I-k) 4Cs B. B 4 Cs .. (k-ij Repeal k--l dm~c times {I-m). Repear j-m (j"e

'times, ro complcic the round. Routld 39: 4Cs A. 5As. A 3Cs. A, S.As,. A 40s. {n-o) C 3&: C. ·Cs. (o-p) Repear o-p ehree times ('p-.q). C .3& C. (q-i? Repeat n-r five times to cernpi em the round,

Round ·40:4Cs ,A. ·Ms C. C 4A, A IICs·. (s-t) 4 'B. B 40:. (t-llI) Repeat t~ four tirl1.t5 (u-v) .. ltepeiu s-v five rimes [0 complete the round. Round 41: 4Cs A. S • .o\s. A 4!Cs, (w ... x) C 3,Bs C. SCs. '(x-'y) Repeat X""'Y rOLlf times (y-z). 38 C. Iz-ZZ) Repeat w~u five times to omp!C'[;c (he round. R'ounod 42: 4C.,s: A .: ·As. A 4Cs. (aa-bb} <cCs B. B ",Cs. (pb-cc) Repc.~t bb-ec fh'efilT1e~ I(Cc-dc.ij. Repeat aBFdd fh'e times 1'0 complete ~he round. RQund ,43: 4Cs A. A 4(5 .. i,:\ - mrolJgh me nexr silX beads (Iee-ff): 5Cs. Sew mraughthe

fttlUAE d

nexr si.-.: beads [ff"iJ9). Repear ff-gg fiverimes (gg-l1h). Repeat ee4'ih five rimes t complete the round,

Aound 44: iC "cw rhr llgh [he rOlJnh bead again in the same dlrecrion (iMJ). 3Cs. Sew through the next 12 bead (jj-kk). "Cs. Sew through tile ne:xt n beads (kk~Q. Repeat lkk-II rve nrnes (ll-mm). Repeae ii-mm five times to complete ehe found.

[4]! \I{.'c;n·c back lnro the bead, work, de. B few half~hildl knMS (R:lsics) berw en beads, . nd trim. Repeat \'\'irh ehe tail, 0

Contact Dt. MtlgIJ(JrU1 Kamtlt iiid e-mail at meghcma .. kamul @rcdiffmoii.c:om. Vi$if

bCi.7ds- fmp/JQ./i,)"cow tn sec more o:f'1er bt(l'awQrk.



step! ystep Med,aIliQlns·

Th,e~1,! earrings lire eernposed 0' ~hrc'c medallion. worked m brick '>fit h. TIle lar&: tesrdrop m'l!-daitioll was inspired br Diane Fill-gerald", pal Ic}' psnern,


[11] Ccnrer a needle on 1 rd. 1.9m,) 0 dm'3.d :lIno ric an overhand knot (B~ ics,

p .. ] 20) ar rhe end, rrinuning ~m}' cxn:l rhrCtdi doc Ito the knot. ]{ desired, seal the knor with .:'1 rhread burner, Pick lip ,1, 4mm bead. briag [he rhrcad ;1ronnd rhe outside Q_ the bead, ;11'10 sew back rhrough I.he- bead (figure ·1,a-"b). Go around rile bead )0 [he

opposite side; and SeW

throu _ the bead (b-c). nug up ehc thread, positioning [he knot above rhe hole.

[2] Pick IIp rwo c~lindcr beads, \; Qrkil1g in brick dc h (&1:$1 • I, sew under the bFlSC dlrf.'ild' and rbrongh rhe second bead (figUi'e'2, iH)). U~ one cylinder per stir -h (b-c:) re complete round I.

To step up to round 2,5CW through the irsr t\ e cylind~f added ill this sscp (c-d).

[31] Pick up 1"''''0 11° S((! I bead ,nod c~ unde» [he adjacem thread bridge between the beads from ehe pre"iolU. round and b:1lc:k lip dunugl.l the second bead ius! ridded (figure ~, a-b).

Condnu using aile 11Q per stleeh (b-c). Half, ;ly through

round 1. en! one of rhe doubled thread dose [0. dH'

ead and eondnue srirdlling with the single rhread. Increase as needed (Basi s !lind e-d). Round 2. h~s :Ji~)pro:..:imllrdy 12 II". rep up re round 3.

[4J! w round 3 using approx.imafcl)' I' eylinders. Do not rrirn the L;~il.


[1] n 1~)'d.(1.4m) thread, r"pcatsreps 1-3 of tile small me'i llion eo .sew rounds 1 and 2.

[2] 'W r'oulld 3 using .appr·o:dmatel~' ] 7 11 V_.· [I!'P up 10 round •

[3].ew ll"ol.l'l1Id 4 lIs-i'ns appr·m:.if:Il:l'Idy 20 C)'linden. Do nor trim rhe [:lil.

Eanrings denote con centricity

desig'l1ed by Kat West

Alternating rounds

f _ eed bead and cylinder beads radiate with a sparkling 'texture.

An ,xpensive palr of 1,8k. go~:d earrings Iinspired this brilliant ad'aptati on , Gold beads lotiked in ImcreMed rounds of btiick stiltch shine like hammered metal.





1] On 'IV./. rd. [tAm) of ~rea.d . repe<H SH:'pS 1-3 of -1t\ small mGdallioll,. bur sew 'l and 2 using cylll~de:rs. w round 3 using

'. pr'QximarcIy 17 11 ~s. Step ~. [0 round 4.

3] W round "" l!si,~g "proximacely 21 119:s. Mlcr hillS the Ia.S! 1111; ofrhe

and ,(figure 4, poInt all piCK 3n 11 ~ and sew ~hrollgh - fust bead of ~he round ~). Continue through the n'lO beads added (tH;) .

. J $(", 1'I',)I,IIl!d .5 using rmdma«:ly 27 ] l~s. Then an 1.1" af{er the last

-:h.3:S in step 3 'd-e).

Sew round 6usillg rQximal:eI.y 40 cylinders, ad.d a cylinder afeet rhc

- qirc.ba.!; in step .3 {f-g). "101: rrim dlC rail;


1 Th:rcad a needle orlLll1.' :' i.n.e small medallion.


edge of the rned<l!IIiOIlS (d-el unci I you reach ehe rop center of the (~rrins, Add thread 3S needed (B;'Isics). The joins of the medallions will be eovered with Charlottcslarer:

[4] Pick up am s~ and a It.-I/l·in. (6-UIii!ll} piece of French (bullion) wire. Sew back rbrongh che SQ'aod ~hml.:lsh a rop center cylinder (1'11010 c). Pull [(1(: French (buliionl wire inro ill loop. Make sure the earring hangs straiglu. Sew under the thread 'bridge and back throllgllia tOp Center cylinder ro exit :!i~ rhe edge,

(5]1 Ceruinue ;'I.dding Chsrlones along [he edge IJnril you reach the rip 'Of the teardrop. Secure rhe tail with a few halJ·hitch knots

(Basics] between beads, and trim the tail.

[6,] Using the mils at each join," dd Charlones.berween the medallions ro condnue the circular lines of ¢lick medallion 3lid TO cover the [eins on both sides of dlC earring,

(7) Sew back rhrough :'JJI rhe edge Charlortes [0 align rhern, addilll,g: arm beads as needed to fill an}' gaps. Secure uhe rails, and (rim.

[S] Open (he loop of an earring' finding (Basics), attach the earring and close the 10(1). ~'lake a second earring. 10

Contec; I<a~ \Vitst ,(1f fuuwest bi!.ad~@gm'1H.com or f}iS;l ber \Web site, kw'iJeads.(,om.


To, maKe iii s~hJny sUver version <tfthe ,eamings .. luse it 1'11'dX of rniclkel~plat(td hex-Ql!lllbfiU;!'sr an.dg.ifa, II:uster qyllnder' beads. Use ·the. h,(I:)t--CUf beads on th.e firs'tl'Ouni:l •. As Iha' roumds ~ncre..ase, add t!he Ilustel" cylinders tOo create a dark· .. to." !'Ight grad1atiolil.


MA1iEIIFUAL.S oarrings

• 8 4mm muod bMOs

• 2' size 8u seed beads

• 2g size 11 Q seed ,beads

• 2g size 11~' cyrinder Wads

• 29 see 13'" Chailoltes

• lh-lli"1. (t.3-:2.5cm) Frenc,h (IJoUliion) wire

• pair 01 e:arriog ~gs

• NymoO. conditioned 'IUilh

OOeS"lV<l:': or Thread Heaven

• ooad'ng neoo~. j:i'12 ·c~nr.ose plJ.e'rs

.. Ihrood burner {optionalj

• t mmk or my elf a· . an ardsr, I _ .. m~' elf a' 3. Kiowil waman," she hing bad: 3 irand of hair 3

• In Iter bedroom 3J'Illid:n bow cas'C, ~~j_j,UiIS., and a. buck kin dress i airing ded. v',i'lcssa wears a simple and moe a U:lS, as he does

_ y. liver earrings arc highliglllcd

b f elaek-and- rey braid. If tile er grandmother dressed and rhe wa)' ,Iorhed andi carried her ell all he'f -r'ie c3lwsy made the deliben'J)te

to live a i Ill}' randmorhee was rc - rhlllc~ how importantshe was

• - she 'ays.

's grandmother, jeanette Berry 1N(~,p(. [aught her TO woek wirh her

in, Irhe KiO\\'3 woma'i'l's \\tay. Ome of

anessa' fir { [ask .as a childwa - to 'Crape and prepare: rawhide usedeo create radlebo:u:l arid other bjec . he r·emembcrs rhar it was d'irr}' work, bur adds w~rh 3 I. ugh that kid like getting din}'. It made her feel like a @,il:O\VIl'U:P 1:0 do, a good job and he earned her grandparenes' respeet.econ she was l~mit'lS [0

,fitch and bead. esseneial kill in 31 culture' where dance and ceremonial clothing and objecl: ar~ made br hand.

Knowledge re,quir:es IP,atience Val:U?~S:l learned gOl.lfd ll1_z,y, and brick srirehes as well as peyote eireh, \ rhich

he used [0 bead aroucd }'lifidrkal form.

Among 'her firse beading a. hievemcnc was a pair of baby mOOC:r ins.

"l've always

made the

cnoiee 0 live

as If my


was sit!

SUI [earning was nor alwayS' ~~sy. "\lQ'hen my gi':i.r\~rnotber W911ld:see i1 mi!imki!' I'd m(lde" she ,.vould dp it out .... Vanessa recalls. "] remember, Cf)'mS, 'btu d!ell Thad 0. eheiee.t eould be;e;il1l again. Or I cO'!.dd givi!'ll_l) <lind wa'ik a'iVfi)':'"

She never walk-ed 3\vay from hee work or herhe~i(:'Ige. Tht!'ero.dlibo<lrd !la's grc-ar signiCiC3llct!' fo~ Va:rJ~a an.d (or many Niitive Americans ... Cradleboards are m;;,de [0 !ton,er and ;:ei~hrace tbe bi:rlh of a baby. They llilso~epres~l'lf rhe Inmily and are handed dow:1'l through gClletation$.i;ac:h ofV~m:ssa.'s

three. children was cfllrrioo on her !rack in a. bcaded.l!!fadl:!!"snusJvl:tc(:d into rile w,ood·s~ppotnxl~ artful.1)' beaded cartier - even .when· she· too,k part ill cer'(!mO!'lial dances, stich iJs· ... he :Kiowa sealp daeee,

"The Kiowa are-a natiOlli of

warriors, KiQtYil men are MSt9rh~"",li)i' .sho\VriI: es .fierce wauitJ:rs, Ei'!Jtth.e ~isd)&f books nf)'\le!" t.nlblboutthclo~e. n.D women were lequally ile,rce iIlJo'!rt:'.," sbe says. The thrl'.~ highest· gifts ber.aacestors could giv,e or- {('ceiw Wetea, hor~~; a lance 3,nd::1 cradleboll~d.!, in Eb'!Ho~{d~r.

V~n~. 'foulld deep; joy In momcthO,od~ :lnd'wm.en 'h.e~i.si:!l[cr died. .of,earujer in 1998 .• 'sht'look iii, h.er sisrru'~s, eighr chUdrel'l) rnlsitlJS lh.cnil with her' Own.

:Be.ad s'ources va:ry

VaneSsa's worl: iltc~tP·or'.H~sbead~ from a ""ariet)' uf"sources, includinS:!nidi:118 .pesrs\;llDd ~3d shops. Amopg Iler'[mrorircs.arc,C:)r.cih.glass j)ead$ afidRti§Sjan '(acered beads. The ,oldes[~ I;1QIJl~OIJlHl~!:,dal~ds aee reserved Eor items tba,t \:Villi not be sold, bur \\'111 be WOf.iil.a_ilId

. used IJlr famUy members .. Pr'efc~j~g J2~ and L3D bea~s. ;for cta.i:llc:I>9·3i"ds- Vane$S'a works In'a speciAl f.\vQ-ll('{!dJeov:erlay 4[irch erflplo)'edonly forcradleb("a~. Beading into rnwni(ie gives [he csrrier it$·.stiffness and sllnpi;.'. Sbe uses "'plain o,ldl·c.onoll thread, like, me: plain ond simple, "'she says. smiling. s"ok bu;ck~kifi ,Iaci:ng is add.ed·ill a spiPlI weave,

Mq'St·t"r.ad.leboar'~'s ta.l;te 6 t() 9 :IiI1Gl'ldls fD ~om.ph!{,e,and cach is ernbelIlishtd with Qdommen~i.llieRlen·los,. and ~okcn.st<!t ~heb:lbrit .. 'tili cartY.; .t.,.(ter 'VaneSSll M.ishcs:b~din:g a'03rde.r~ ;i[ is mO:t1l'1t,ed (lEl a-~upport of' bois (Pan:: \yoQd rbar has :b¢cn cilt $Imape:d. and pl"cpar>ed b)1hler ht!sband.I.'Oi'l!il Jenllimg,s~ ~Il'Riowa t.radidOl\. men (lIQrk ·~~.irh woo,di, selet(ibg a: l1i!e:md Qff~~jng a "raye!' before cm.rmg.l( .. B(lis:·;:i·':uc i;-,a yeU!)·\\, elastic wood native to scmrhe(1l -andcco[['~1 Nor[h·Arneci,ea.Jt ~s ofrtl'l used for making bO\\I'sand arrows,

Museums. recognize value Whib: shc's 'best kaown fOIi IIe;r fU-lJ·sizc cl'adlebonrd:;, V:.iflh.·ss(f.CrtMe~.9 varlC;fy of' Kiowa bell.ded i'lnd ~clotl1(!d hems, ulcludillg bucksh in dresses atfu:l shi rrs .. leggings. sl1:idds, dQ.lls,. and Ilo~c' regalia, Her \o;'9rk i~ ill the pecm:u'!I¢I"!T collections I)f the Slilirliisoni:m fustitur:io.lis 'Na:ltiOllaJ MU$eum of the Ame:rica.rHlldian ill Wash:ingmll.DCi rhe Heard l\1luseum in Phoenix;. fhe:

Buffalo'Bm HiS'[Orka~ Cente .. inCod)'~ '''yaming; 3~d ctheJi·museuOls,

·[11 the, mo.I'C ~h:ln 30 yeaiS,tflil.t she has s.~b\"'n bl;r wor.k a~ the Sanltafc Illdial1.'Madi.et in Nc\\' N,I~~j,o, 'V:messa. h~s been awarded numemusfirsl;.pla.c!! ribbons, and she received their pwmi~ gieus Standards A\va[d in 2005 and .1(1;01$. If!. 199~ she WaS; :glvel'! !he

end, [he r;tdlt:b~rd hn i(5,I)\ ,0, I~ e force, Each one i ditf-err::m:. ju c like bailie:;, Ol"~ mike hola Q yOI). nd '~10n'i' Ier g~. '~'()n'r It:t ~'ou 5t~p, because ir Wants'[ ,be born." CI1

~lmPQrn!m as color bQi c ..-:I.:!:{!~!1!n. 'b~Wlms un hYbu can and plot it om,hm in the

GussiE: PmJlldemi' is a wr;t r basea iu Sam ' Pe~ , ,tit I (e,vJt'Q. ,-ler lll()fk hiJ.'1 appetlt'ed: ill uation /.111(1,gtJzil1l!.$

!lJeludi~,g' Orion, Ar' &: A.mi Inc, ouihwe t r\r;t. American Cr3fr. I ::uh'c i"l'e,(lpil;s. (Inri Phoenix Home &. Gilrdcri.

IJt, is.tfu' {WtiJOI' ol tbree bOQk5Wt L'ISIIOI ar.risis, SfJL' CU./I (Je' .,"lu:betl at gl,s.sie7@com,;ast.ller, Tbe e-msi! add,.e55 for Vallt'S$i'l J'e:mling$ is ru:sJUJ_j@botNJ"jf.com. Tom NdU/:17 $ _ su btl rc,uJ,c'd mlyeskc1@.I,oJ.com.

nitb,1! 1l\'C;>St ~;]utjttll b~1\ds [In: [he old ones, in

. -f'l.1d Dot made ill rile past I 00 yc~m". says Tom _as, nntlonally acclaimed bead artist, paincee and kr oftbc Rosebud ].;;1. ora tribe. Known for his

.. pbil: bead work, Tom in ofpor,tcd mOT!: rhan ,-

m;1 cradle ruled The Ultinuu« Container for Praise " nics, which hecomplered in 200 ., M:llly of lhl:' bt;J'ilnvcl'C' gifts of appreeiation for his ralent from ;:;.c:lOl:lC"G',rIf h~ trjbe, "I11ndi<l11 ,",vmmunities like your

! ~ giveyou beads," he explaim;.

I~ distpircd br his grc:n-gmodmmner'£ headwork, It-.unl.'d! rhe art as a child in the rradirional Lakota w ((hing r,d,l[i~'e~ srirch bend onto 100h and .... ",j_ •• , .. d hide " He r,e<;tjl.·cd hi' firsr heislcom bead :lS a ~dl,ll[ with hi eye I'll medical school. Relatives leil him with bead' . Q char he .' uld rnake l ad-

o sell or ~\li~iOl). Since then, hi· work h.a enrned 1[-1) -show honors and other wp awards itt major an markers, Hi5 ht'tldwlJrKis in rhe permanrru; ri(In.~ of rhe C.·Hl1cgh: Museum uf Natuml1ii.sU:lf)r ''bwB-n, and d1(, Denver :\1'£ ;"(us.c'IIIn, :md is parr Q(

'1\\"0 narional [1"<1\'<:IiI11;; exhibitiol'ls.even presngicus 11I11CUinS have his artwork in cl'iffl,;fCI1[ mediums. Torn <110 earned :.l do or or rnedi inc: ci<:gr('c in. psrcniury and is training to be an aI18,ly!)l: in Tampa, florida,

rlJf~ Ulrimme C ntainer is a full), beaded, I-in. (74"1:11) cradle, whi h the artist consider l' r seulprure, Whil" hi: nl 1] creates fuacticnal c rriers for relatives' babies. hi art cradles are aimed nr opening dialogue on i 'SIIC-S ofcuJlllral irupermnce.The container piece 11)(,1>: 2'.1: years n Ct'1!:H(, incorpemees t~flS of rhousesrds of bends from sizes 13V ~IO lOU, u:nd employs rhc lnries $ri~~h, [\\Io~necdle O'llC'titl)'. and bneksrie h. These are d1e 1ll(}'S{ eummon stitches used by Nl}trhctli T)jaiJi'S bcadworkcrs" wh "llso traditionally beau

III}' on tanned hides, T( m nOU:5.

As in 311 of his bcmh ork, Tom pushes rhe pietoriol zenre in, design, color, and detail, The UI'limate' COllll1'iucr features beaded scenes ai'louf family. relationships. gender; :lnd mafriage nnd examines how values are nbsorbtd by each Il~W gcnerarion, 'Iom points om Ih:1r cradles, which

PCil:k. of t,,)luinui[y and bllli Iy. are idenl Native art fUrlm rQr exploring eulruml themes th.1~ resonaee worldwrde,

· Drane defines herrIngbone scarf

Make an irnpresslve adornment 'for your neck or perheps a thinner version for a lariat or belt

de.sigued by Perie Brown

Rows f bugle beads stitched in debele herringbone create the fluid fI xible bas e of

[his elegant neck piece. Ernbelli bed with rwi ted fringe and crystals thi fa briclike accessory has an inviting texture,



The illusrrarions sbow a pan-ion o,f rhe width of The neck piece. The following

in rruc,itlfl'S are for (he blue neck piece, 'whit:h is 58 bead wideand 1.50 rows long. Bead :'Ollt$ [0 the widl,h or lengdl desired b)' cha,ng~llg the number of 11 v seed beads in lin: inirsafladder; making sure the number is divisible by 2. \'!;'ork with 2-3 yd. 11,8-2.7m} ienglhs of Fireline. and end and add thread (Basics. p.120l as needed.


[1] Leaving an S~in. (20cnl) rail, and \Ising IIV seed beads, make a ladder (Basics and l'ig,u.re 11 58 li"-"s long. [2] \'('ilh [he thread cxinng rhe !:lSI bead in '[he ladder. rick up rwo bugle beads and

cw through ~he next (W(:I

1 1 v~ (l'igure2, a-tJ). Complete rhe row b}' working in Ndebele heHillgbon~ (b-c and B{I$ics), and ~tel? up [0 rhe next row as shown (o-d}l. [31l \X'o-rk. a cQW of herrmghone. picking, up an 1 :1:"', rwo bugles, and an Ltv wirhcach stitch. S~W through du~ bugle,

f\VO I PIS" and bugle from rhe previous row (figuro3, a-b). Repeal 10 complete the row (b-c), steppieg tip as shown (c-d).

[4] Repeat step 3 until you nave '1:50 rows of bugles .. \'\f'ork one row of III "s, then rerrsce the- last row ,of ]1';'$ to mimic tile thread parh of rile inidal ladder.

TWlistedi frhiJge

[11] SeCLlTC a comfortable lcngrh of Nysno at one end of the base and exit an end bead in the last row,

[2] P:ic:k Lip :1 bugle, 100 1 'I tl's, and ;11 bugle. Slide the beads up to the base, and begin rwisring Inc thread between your rhumb and index finger rwenrydmcs, Check how well irs rwlsring b~r foldlng d1ic fring!.' in half (photo a), \~lhcf1 you let if go, it will begin ro rwisr on ius own (Photo, b).

ontinue "vi ,ting. keeping rrack of how many times.so each frin,ge I{)o"'~ the same, [3] Sew through thl;: Il~[ edge 1 ]'" (pho~o c). Sew through the next 1 F and repeat step 2, adding fringe along rhe entire end of [he base. RCPC,'lH alons [he other end ..

86 H .. :/" I .. \: n"H,," J Iwwl:tlullmll' 'II.' 'litH


Crysta.1 -embellishMent

(1~ Secure a I1C.W length of thread at one end of the base and e:r.:it ar fi9i!.lfill 4, pointe. Pick up a 5mm crystal. and sew rhrough the nexe I I (I in The column (a--bl.

[.2] Pick up a 4rnlYl .r)~s(al and Sew thtough the neXt 1['" in the cohirnn (Ire). Repc~H one to three rimes varying the number-of 4mms rlddcd in each column of crystals. [3:] Pick lip 1'1. 3mm crystal and SeW rll'rot,S;h the n~xt J [0 in the column (o-d), Repeal six to 20 limes, vaE)'ing the rlulnl~ror 3mnu addedin each column of <;ryst;,tls.

[4J ,,,,fIer compIe~ing one crystal row, sew through the next three lIf!s, il bugle and an 11~' TO seagger rhe nexr crystal row (d-e).

[5ii Add crysrals eoevery fOllrrh column across the entire smfstt 3~ one end of the be e. Repeat;l:[ [he other end. 0

Cont./Ut Peri« Brown by pho.IU! at (3JO; 4-55·1294 or e·mllilal ,.k-b9@uo/"com. or sisit ber\:\:teb site. t/Jt!brm~mpear.L:om.



nfl!lC'k pieceS»I; 34V:!in • (1 S x 67.6-emj

• bfOOO!1l Cll)'Slals, aS5mrn lU~4mm :2593l'l1m

• 1::;,og 3mm Japanese b~boods

• '150g size 11 ~ Japanese

seed beads

• rlleline 6 b H~SI

• Nymo 0

• bead~ng need tes, 111 2

this variation of right-angle weave, you stitch two offset rows in one pas'S zigzagging between them. Construct one a~f of each doubled row first, stitch the nter point, a.nd then continue to th mer half.

s epbystep Row 1

1_ On 4 ~,·d. (3.7m) of Firelinc, ~ rer r'I~'O cclor B 3mm fire-

I tied beads" ,3 color C 3mm • , • - Ii shed bead, and. a B,.

, ack through rhe first fWO and pull the beads. inro OJ (figure 1 j a-b),

-21 P,i rk up' a B and rwo color "mm fire-polished beads. C'W dnolJgh (he B from the

vieus tep nd the B ill '[ ed (b~c).

3] Pi k up a B iHld two 5, ew • rough due B from the previou • • and the B JUSt added fe-d). 4] epear rep 2. (d~e).

5] i k up a B. a C. a nd a B. ew rhrough [he B added in prt"',iolls step and the nrst B

-~ added Ie .. !).

6] Repeat' reps 2-5 16 rimes. _ [ [e,p ~ (fig'u'fe 2, a-b)"

_ Pi k up an .'\, <it lOP seed

d a soldered jUlUP ring an nd. C. ew through the B d in rhe previcus rep

o a,l, and [he beads just (b-o).

!'lug up the beads and rcrrace read padl. '3 .few rimes to

for e rhe clasp attachment. cure the [ails wirh :l few half-

hitch knots (Basics, p. 120) between beads, and reim,

[9] flip [he beadwork. UsIng the 'rail at {he center of ro,\,\': :1 (flgufe :3, point a:t, pick up a C and tWO Bs, and sew {hrou,gh rhe edgeA of row 1 (a-b) •

[10] Piek up rwo . _, sew through rhe econd B addled in rhe previous tcp (b-c), and [he edge A again (c-d).

[11] Retrace rhe thread pa,tn ;1 S shown I(d-e).

[12J Pkk up a B, a C, and ,3 B;

ew back through the B rhe d~[ead is cxirjng, and continue through rhe first B added in rhi seep (a-f), [13~1 Pick lip 1'I B and an A and sew through rhe , and il Bas, shown (f-gl). onrinuc through

rile e, added in rhi .. rep (g-h). [14] Repcaf Sfl'P,S .3-8 of row

1 ro work the other haM of the

first row,


[1] On 4 )'d .. ( .7m) 01 Fireliae, ,CcIHe( an A and three C. ew back through the J\ and rirt C and pull the beads into :1 ring, l(figurt1l 4, a-b).

[2] Pick up a 8. Posirlen ,the bead'Work bdow row 1 a. hewn and sew through the B on one ide

of row l (b-c). Pi k u a C. and






'(ou can easily mak.e the necklace longer by addingl more sets, but the e:xtra I'ength ma)' chalilge the wa,y the band l'a,Ys ar'ollUllild 'youl!" neck.

FIGURe. ~.


sew dlfOlJ,gh ([1(; C [he thread exited in step J I and (hI." .B IllSI' added ,(c·-d).

[3] Pick up tWO Cs and ;J B. Sew through I1~(' B frmn rlre previous step. and [he firs[ C added in this step (d-e}.

[4]Pkk [lilP :)11 A., and sew throllgh the next tWO Cs in row J Ife-i). the t:irSI Cndded i.n the previous rep, OJ oc.llhc t\ iuse added (f~g).

[S).Pit.:k lip three Cs, and SeW rhrougb ehe A added in [he prC''''[I~ OIJS stepand rhelts'~ C added in (his SlCP (g~h).

lEi] Pick II!, a, 1\, and SI."W dll'Olig~ The next II and Cfrorn tow llh-i),. COl'ninlle through the :iirsr C added in ehe previous step ;wd ~he :B just added (i-j) ..

[7] Repear 5tCPS j-i!i until ),011 have complercd thcl7'th motif (figure 5, poil'll a),,,

(8] Pick up a C. an A.3ncl a. B. Sc'W [brot:lghi the B from dIe previous SIIt!p and ~hc C jusr :.dded (a-b).

[9]] To finish row 2'1 pick up :'in A sew rhrough rile last two Cs from tow 1. the C added in [he previou: s~cP. and I:he: A iUM added [b-c)i. Reerace rhe thread pad~ to reinforce rhe end. Secure [he rails :Hid trim.

[101) Filip the beadwort. Usmg the (ail ;H the cenrer of row :2 (figure 61' :point a). pick up three A~. andsew thrcugh the cdg!;

C 'ltNJW 2 and the C ~rom

row 1 ffig:l)I'!e,6. a-b), [}ick: up a C and sew [hroLlgh the l\ just added (b-c),.

[11'] Sew dU-Ql;1.gh the edgeA and the two ;\s picked up In rill' previous step (o-d).

[1:2] Pick \lp :rlu~ Cs, sew back ~hrr;Hlsh rhe A (he thread is exit:ing ;'lild the first C added iii I his SfCP (dl-e).

[[13]' Pick up a B... Sew through ~ht' S from row I and the edge. C, (a-fl· cw back rh r0Iil1gll~h~ fir 't C addedin till;; previous step and rhC' B JUSf added rr:-g[).

[14] I~epcat steps 3-9 of row 2. (0 work [he either half of'rh", necklace,


[1] On 4 yd. IJ.illi) 01 Fircliue ceruer rwc Bs sad two As. Sew back rhrough the .I~s, and pull rhe bt'ad :int()~. rillg (filgure 1~a:-b). [2] Pick Up;.li S. Pusidu:n ihe bend· work below row 2 as shown, and sew through the Iirsr C on one side or H)\V 1 (b-c). Pick lip a C, andsew through [he B your

tl'lt,Ctll;J exited in step 1 and [he B just added (c-d).

[3] Pick IJp a 13 and tWO A:i.

S{;'w back through rhe B added ill rhe previous sl:cpand (he Bjusr added ,td-G).

[4] Pick up ill B. Sew back through the ncxr B and C from row 2 (:e-f)~ and condom: rhrough rhe B added ill rhe previous step and fl'leB iusr added (f-g) ..

[5;] Rcpc~r sl'ep 3 (II-h).

,[6] Pick Up:l B and sew through (he next two Cs in row 2. the B fran'll the previous step •.. and the B [usr added (h-iJ.

[7] Repeat steps 3-·6 until you have (:llll~pte[(d the 17th motif. End whh SICP 3 (figure. B. point .al'. [8] To inisb- row ,3'. pick up 3,11 Ai sew rhrollgh (he J35t' B .:lnd C of !"O\~· 1., and eoatinue rhrOtilgh d~e

B sdded in tile previous step (a-b), Retrace the rhread p;II[h. Secure rhe tails, and trim.

[9] Flip rhe beadwork. Us.ing the tail in the center o( row 3 (t'igtlre 9, point. a). pi.;::!,,; upn [\ Ilno three As, and sew bf!(:k th:rou.gl1 the B I!a .... b).

[10] Pick upa B and a C. Sew through the edge C and tbe A in mVl' 1 ,(b-O). Pick Ill' a C and sew through the first Cadded in rhis step (c>-d).

[1 '1] Sew IJ1~ou!;h theedge B~ and cOlldlllJtlhrol.lghlhcnt.xr r ... eo Bs; as 1'10'",1'1 (cf....e) •.

[12] Pick up 3 B ;;lIld two As. Sew back through [be B. rhe (hrcad!,:l';iu:d sud rhe B jma adth .. d (e-f).

[13] Pick up a B sew through the C from row 2 and the edge Cas ,Imwli'l (f-gl), and conriuue through rhc B the thread is exiting and rhe B JUSt added (g-h).

[104] Rcpc.u steps J·-8 of row ro work the other nulf of the ne kla c. [15] Open an Cw,;)1 jump ring IBa'ic), and. rrnch it to one

IF IJ f r the clasp ,c nd the ldered iu mp dug:1I ne end 0 I he necklace. 10' I.: 1111: jump ring '(Inset photo). Repeat 301: the

other end. 01

Cvntact Chris f'tIIss;l~g,(J( bca,d"';(lt@a/ask l,fOlll, he will be leacflitJg 11f' till!' B.:ad&,Burt III Slum' il'l JIm .

MATERIIALS liIeck1lace 2,0 in. (51 em)

• Czech 3mm lrapolIShed beaos: 302coiorA

396 color 8

290 coi.orC

'.' 2 .sIze 'I O~ Czech seed beads

'. 2 6m.-n o',ral tump Mngs .• ' 2 3nvll soldered

Jump gs

.' F'ueline '6 lb. lesl

'.' Deading noodles, #10

.' dasp

'.' ch~nnose' pbefS


Creat ~ variation oltbis, pattem by, s'ubstitut.ing!sets o~' mlUlticolo.red beads ~or' the color C bead 351 ShOWiiliin 'tile phe,to,above.

angle bange


---- -

Layer crystals to build a structured square bangle

d'csigmxl by J1ac:ld:e, Kamel!

{Basic: , p. 122), WC.1W die wires into rhe beadwork and trim the tails. Center a new piece of wire on a (;fY t31 in the beadwork, and weave rhrough rhe bead work to resurn srlr hing,.

This bracelet s shape is formed in irs flat base row, The first, three-dimensional layer adds height and provides stability. Why stop there? Try adding a econd or third layer for a bracelet that's loaded with cry tals:

Keep the beading-wire sension even and vcr}' tighT 0 (he srru ture 0 [his bra e1e:t is rurdy, Ahvays pull each new cube snuglH1~jl the eryscals dick into place,

If you're having rroublc pa il\& the w~rc through your crystals.gell1tly push or pull iI rluough with chainno ,e pliers.

'l' hen eheends JlI'C about 6 in, OSc;m) long, tie ehern off widl one or two sqeare knots


---- --- ---------

Ba:se row

[11] Center ~. 6mm crystal on I !Ii I'd. II Am) 0.( beadin.s wire.

[2] On ";1CI1 end of rhe wire, pick up a

CI:)' tal. Cross die wires rhrough another crystal, and pull righl: to form a ri.ng (figure 1).


You'llll need to s;ew t:hroUl.gh each ,crystal many times, Sal use .012 beading wire. Stiffer tihreel-strarnd wirl8' work.s best, because it firmly ho~l:ds, the' brace,le,t's shape. AilsQjbecal.lse ,el,ear cry.stal!s look better w:rrthout dark gr,ay wires showing through them,

try Beadalon's,Satilllsi'lveror ,gold-coIQred .. 012 wire, or Beada,lon,'s silve'r- or go'ld·,platedll.012 wire. 'The former is :av3rilable' with seven s,trallds, whll'e th,e latter comes only in a more tl~exlible 19-strand "e.rsiol'l. IEither way~. the reduced stiffill,ess is worth the' decorative ,effect.

For a smaller banglle. make e-ach sid e of your base row eiglilt lings long. as in. the purple bracelet {Ie'tt)..

------ --


baf"lgle with base row il!l'1d two layers, 3)11 3 In. (1.6 x 7.6cmj'

'. 450 iOmm bicone cl)'Stals ,. ffexible: bea<fllg wlm; .012

'. cha!n1"lDSe pI~f:lS (optQlal)

Repeat step 2 (ftglure 2) until )"OU fmve il row of nlnerlngs of cryS:lil'!S.

[3] To make a corner, weave both ends Ihrough the last rins ItO exit an :.tdj;tcenr crysr I (IIgu!'ia 3).

[4] Repeat steps 1 and ~nvj e ro make the next 1:'o\'0 side. of the square.

[5] To rnake the fourth side repE;,u

tep 2: six times. Piek up a r I t I 011

ea h 'wire, and rC(,i)S'S the wires througl: tbe inside edge crystal of [h~ first ring mede em rhe fjrsr side (photo a). Weave through rhe tins [0 exlr [he first crystal picked up i.n the row.

Second Ilayer

[1] Pick lip a cryseal on each ..... ire. arid eros Ihe wires duol1Sh aaorher crystal, [2] R,cpc::u rep l. Pick tIP ;1 erysralon each wire, and cross rhe wires through the 1:'I1;!:>:t p:u"lIeI 11,' ral in ;he base row '~hOIO ;~). Thi form a cube 011 top 0.£ the r'ing of crystals made in dIe previuus row. Pull riglu and weave back through rhe III 't rheee rysrals added, oro in' through the cop center u}'sml (ipho'lo ,e). [3] Rel'cn step 2 [Q the: end of [he: row, To tLIFn the corner, weave back rhreugh rhe previous rins Qf.;r!fS[:!IIs. on mp {If rhe I~s'l cube made, I:ro'sing ehrough III exit rhe inside edge crrsml ('pho,to d).

[4] Repeet [CPS ~ and, . round the base row. To 1111«1 the lasl cube' to the fir! pIck up a IT}'$[a1 on each wire, and roo rhrough rhe inside edge crysral on rhe fir: ,t

ube (phOto e). Retrace the wire :path f I' upporr. ric a few square knots (Basis) bC!(wCf!n cr~ [3Is. weave the ~::tH$ im, the beadwerk, and [rim '11'101: wils.

Additional layers

enter new leugth of wire through an edge crystal, and repeat the second hwer lor ea II addiri nat 'Inyer ),ou wan' [0, add [O}' ur base 1'0\,\'.

The green br;JoCd~t (p. 9-t has n 0 layers pills the base row, and the purple bracelet tp, 94 na. dlrec layers ill addition to ~Ilc base 'f'OW. 0

COl/tart J{u;kie Kamel! at Ikarllell@jt)'c.rr.~o'm.


Visit beada!l1dbUitton .com for instruetjons· en how te maKe this 'two-tone version which has 1'wo layers. on t:op of the base row.

With barely visible threads- the texture of this layered bangle mimics fused gold! or silver, Since metal beads a e available in many colors like copper and gunrnetal, you can makea monochromatic or multihued bracelet. Or once you ve established the base layer in metal beads" try' adding a colorful pattern of glass beads.as in the bangle with the Egyptian-in pired blue-and-gold palette ..


M.;: t:a I eed beads call have

ilarp edges so use doubled!

Fireline througbour, Srart wirh 1tO lb. eesr and switch

to 6 lb. eesr when you. U.<:' (he smaller-holed glass S"'~ beads. r. Lf you're using 311 merel beads, s;;.vilt:h 10 6 lb. test nnrhe mal lap:!'", 0, rOUT thread isn't as visible,

B,ase layer

[1] Center a needle on II length of Fireline II) lb. resr, Using the thread doubled endleaving a 6·in. (lScl'nl

t. il, i),r[3ch it stop bead (Buies, p, 120).

[2] I?i.ck up four celor Al]1I

eed beads, ;Inc:! form :1 ring br se wing rh rougn 'the fi esr bead. 'V (lrkili1g in riglu'<ingle weave I BU$t '} cre:ne a row that i

six four-bead units wide.

1[a;1 Continue ill right-angle: weave until youhave a band that is six {<;lur-bead ~mi

wide and 70 rows IonS. \'Qorking in right-angle· we-ave, join the ends (8as.j_~ )., ,adding As ro c:r:Ci'I'CC the 7ht row.

Sleco!ild I,ay,er

['1] To buil:d me Ioundetion for the se ond la}'cr, exit an


two-tone bangle bracelet

• 50g siile 1: 1~ meIaI seed beads.cdbrA (iille!beadpar1o;.com)

• Og slze v Japanese

glass or ~91 seed bea<l$, color B

'. Firelioo 10 lb. ana 6 !!b, 'tOOl • I:)eading noodles. #'10

edge it Y ar figul'e. 1, pdirn.t a, and sew 'mrollgh rhe 1 [9 adjacent roil: (a-b).

[2] Pick up 1In A and sew [brough rile next 110 il'i the row (b-c) pulling rbe thread tight I,m~1 rhe A dicks inro p.InC'i;. Continue to tile end of [he rov (c-d). adding a roral of fj\~e As. Sew through rwo edge' m I !Is 'to begin she next rOW I(cf-.e).

[3] Repeal step 2: (photo a) until ),OIl!'\'C lidded fcmnd.uion beads COo [he .leLlgdl 'or the b ngle,

[4] Sew rhrengh the headwork to exit one 0'[ the

11 flS added inr'Ctp ~. Pick up 1'11'1 A, an d sew through the foundarlen ] l' direcd)7 paralleling [he 11 Q your rhre.1d is exiting (figure 2, .a--b).

[5J Pick up an A •• 11d ew



ack through all four 11 "s, u'llirn8 tighr, (b-C and piloto b).

[6] Continue in tight-

ngle weave 10 finish the \~'. adding one horizonral • d ill' a time andusing 'P1" fO\lIlda:lioll layer as

.,our vertica I beads, (c-d:l· [11 To COnlpiefC rhe

ond layer; repeat step (in right-~mglc weave] or the length of rhe bsngle,

Third layer

The third foundation hirer - ewn lengthwise to rrengthcn ehe hand. [1]OCllrC:1 1f:lIgd1 01 Fircline 6 111. Ie .[' in tile

• diwork and exit ;)! cond-Iaycr A ;1[ 'figure 3, point 81 •.

[2.] Pi.ck up a olor B ,I I. U nd sew through rhe nexi ond-layer A along the th of the I angle '(a-b) .. !ling I'ighd~' 10 did: rhe B inro place.

[3] Repeat step 2 adding unril y u rc. ch the end ehis column (b-c).

[4J . rirch ~l:tfOugh tel du: next parallel column. aud peat steps 2 and .3 (c-dJ m .. ke ;;1 LOt31 0 fom

13 ~ undarion columns, , ircling the braccle: (photo c).

[5'] Sew through the

he. dwork 10 exit foundarion B. Pick up ;1. B and working in righ~-3nslc weave .• S·C\\! through Illl" kllmdi;l.lion beads asin steps 4-6 of rile econd layer (photo d). Repeat lor rhe length of the bangl!.!, sewing a layer rhnr i!. three four-bead uniu wide.

Fourth lalyer

Tili la)'cr" fmmchltion is added wid~hwi'S:\:, us HI d1C second layer,

[1] Secure ; lenglh or Fireline 6 lb. test in the beadwork and exir a rbird-layer B.

(2] Pick up till 1\, and

sew through rhc next third-layer B aero s she widrh 0 the baogle, pulling tightlr [0 lick the A Irno place. R~p~a'[ [0 add another A.

[3] i:o complete [he founh foundaricnlaycr, repeat ~HCp 2 adding IWO As (0 I.":lcil r w (ph,otD e}. [4] Sew through the headwork [Q ex ir a

EDITOR'S NOTE: Smoke-colored Firreli1ll8 wOi'11cs par:tiQularlY well with m.etal beads, beeaase its ,ark gray ,colo~r!'eGedes into the beadwoi'k, appe~ring 8$ a patina rather than as, an obtrusive whiite·thread •

found.ation A. Working if! ridu-imgll." weave, as in SfCP5 4-6 of rh,~ second

I. yer; fill in rhc remaining beads, us ing A, ill '[he i::C'IIIer. ami Bs Ull cadi edge' IQ achievethe striped pauern (phot'ot). I't\."pc:u for rhe length of rhe bangle to make .} layer

lhat is ,WI) ~Qur·llead 'linin. ~, ... ide, ecure t1w ends, and rim the [ail. '0

(;nmaCI hellt::y'ybakke IJt shellrry@theb.earfpul"iq, .CP/II', (309) 817·7703. or visit rbebead/), trior.con»,


• ~ !

Crystals . it .atop grids of right-angle weave like miniature glittering mosaic . Combine ladder and " quar ritch with netting to crea te clever double toggles,


bracelet S'h In. (211.6cml

• 110 4mm b'corlflC('1sta!s

• Japanese seed beads 3:)g $20 I " ....

~sile 15V

• F'l1rnlne Bib. 11351

• beading need-".e:s. ~ 1 2

Usc '·yd. (1.'imj pieces of thread. bur don't rrim rhe mils unril ;1 'rer )'011 add [he r)'swl cmbeltishmem,


[1] Usill~ II "s,I~';'I"c an IS·in. (46cmj [;:1il and make ;1. bead l:lddcl" IBasic " p, 120) two beads wide and rhree ro\;I;1'!'> 1m))!; (,fig,ure 1, a-b).

[2] Pick up six 111I·;,SCW back througb rhc la r rwo II"s rour threadis exiting, and continue through {emf new Wi"s (b-c). Working in right •• ogle \ eave (Basic I. rcpt:nt for a lOt" II of four srirehes {c-d)I.

(3]1 illg, two 11 "sper snrch. work tWQ ladder

tit hes (d~).

[4] \\/o:rk four righrangle weave sri rene (e:-f). Alternate between ladder

tirch and ri!dH-:1I1gl~ weave sc noll'l.. ndins wirh two ladder stitches, My bracelet n!l. nine ladder :1111.1 eighT righl' engle \\'(:3 VC section s,

[5j QlilIJnlling in rhe established parrem.work ,1.

econd col mil 11 .•• ha ring the ide l ,,<1& of Ihe right· :tngl ... wcnve : ccrions (figure 2, a-b). Work ::J rernl {If four' cclumn .

[6] t\~ 0111.' end. pusiiien

rh e rh read to exit ;i; 'rTgure 3. point <I. Pick l.IP:1I1 II," and sew rluollSh the [\\1'0 end IIYs!)f rile next ladder (a-b). Repear rwice (,b~). [7] U ing 11" • work :1



row o~ square srirch

(Sa ics] off rhe lasr row of ladder tircb (e-d).

ESl ingone II" per

rirch, work five laddcr stirche (d-ejl, U-ing two 1111 .per rirch, work 1"1'10 rows of modified square riteh t1'.ff I he last [WO I I ~s

in the ladder (e-f).

t9] iew through rhc next

J' 1 \I (f-g). I.Jsi rig one 1 pI per

ird~. work rhree rows of ladder til, h, and arm -11 the: lasr ladder ,lit h 10 the first row of square stitch (g.-h).

_ ure the [ail in rhe beadwork wirh a ew hal -hitch knot'S I Basics I.

[10] U illg die I,il, repeat reps 6-9 en rhe opposilc end of [he bracelet.


cure a new rhread in the: base, PI Ik lip a ] ~II'. :II crystal. and a 15".

litch 'the thrC':l.d parh il' fig,ure 4, adding rhe bead eqcence ro the cop of each right-:~ng:lc ~, .. eave rirch se [ion,



[[1] On 2. yd. (.l.Sm) of thread, pi k upan I [" and a cry tal. Repent twice.

ew ba ok through all the bead and tie the rail to rhe working rhread wirh a square knot I Basi ';0;;1_ Sew through rhe next II'" (photo a).

[:2] Pick up fi-v,e ]]"5. Skip the next crysra] arid sew through the next I ~ 0, Repeat rwice, onrinuing On through the firsl three lJt.l addedin (his rep (photo b).

[3] Pick up a crysral and

cw through the third. 1 [V of rile 1H:;":f SCI of five {photo c)". Rcpc-:u rwice ro complete rhe round.

[4][ Repeat steps 2 and 3 unri] rOll have even

err tal r· uinds. ew through tile beadwork ro exit accnrcr J I" (photo d), nnd, u~ili;g an I 1 ", work a ladder srirch. Us1 ng r\ (I

I 1 "s per- sdrch, work {Qur ladder stitches, ~hi;n wod:: one mere 11. iug, one II " ..


(5] AC[;l!:h II,... toggle to [he base, sewing through [he fifth 1.1 It in rhc flirsr

lual~e· rirch row (photo el,. Retrace tI:'H: thread path [0 reinforce the C0fl11eC~ dOn •. 1;: lire rile rails in the beadwork, and rrim,

[6~, 1Vbke a second toggle fin the other end of [he bruceler, Inn attach it to [he fifth n 1 ~ fltOm rhc other edge so the toggles are off-

et slighd)' when clasped, 0

Contact seneoa Beck ill' ccrre of Bead&Butw!1.


To make oil pair of e,!1Il1rings., comp~lete fwo rigli\t-angle weave sectj'ons:, Sew a s!ol:dered jump lfin.g ,to a comer; and a'ftaefi the, eamAg.s to earring findin.gs.




lV1inds meet in a s'ingular s atement of metall and glass

by Ann Dee Allen,

When you meet Dora Schubert and Elizabeth Prior you quickly realize that their collaboration on Dora's new collection of jewelry isn't all about the finished pieces. It's about a passion for larnpworking and design and a spirited collegiality.

- hen rllc}' presented the collecrlon :H the Tucson Whole Bcad Showin JaliulH>ll007. :-'1~ artisrs offered a livd~" discussion 200IU iewd~r lTl;lking. [)01';1'5 neck ..

ce , rings, pendants. and pins [:eallu'c muldlavered glass cabochons Set in b:er br Elizabeth, Dora desigus and :nakes due cabochons and rhen sends ;bm]; ro Elizl!Iheth, who designs rhe 1";1:1,111.'01'1.:: and finishes tilt' jcwdr)',

• d1 piece bears Dora's sign,Hure.

Theil' parrncrship was sparked ill 1112Q104 when [he rwo met at Krisrina o...oga,n·s lampworking class ar Haystack \ DUrlrain School of Crafrs in Deer Isle. bin.!:. Kriscina, asked [\111' class IO first ~ ign the glass corrrponenes dIe)"

_ '-Inned reo make for envisioned pieces

. rewdry and then [0 learn the tech;:quesihcy would need lor the designs,

"nn rny work with metal, The metal has di,t.:1tl,:d my r(JflilS to II1C,. but rei never rouehed glass before," Elizabeth says. "I rhoughr, how ill rhe world am I gOing to 1:000ile up 'with a design? Bur somehow, b)' figutin,g out wh:lt very

lim ked things I, could do in JUSt s dar or ! \VO, I was able w ceme up with a concept for a finishe'd piece .. Ever since then, I've always worked that war."

"Me, too!" Dora 5ays. "For Inc it was \',ery imporram to beg,in with" drawing and finish that piece." Dora now creates the cabochons for each of her neck laces in one larnpwork in~ session. "P~m of i1 is an obsession I have. '\X/hefl I discover something new, I i usr 'work ar it unril I exhaust all pos1$il;.il.itics," she says.

Elizabeth offered her skms Several studenrs trom Kristina's class gO! rogerher again for a week in March 2Q06 :u Penland School of CI":1.f['S' bead

studio in Pt'nland. Noren Carolina. ,'\'5 Dora and Elizabeth worked from 9 a.m. until midniglu :H Penland each ChlY, rhey rraded ideas, Dora wanted ro learn metalworking, bm Eliza herhcajeled her our of ii, S:'I.y-llig: "Yeu know, there's 0.111)' so llli1nr yearsIn life, vi/hy even btJ·rhcr:'

Elizabeth's amusement stemmed from tin cxpeeiment of Dora's in which Dora had glued a cabochon onto a rnctnl dns form, Dorn recalls, 1<lII£hing= "11 Elizal)crhl looked ar ir and said,,"YoLl know what, OOi'<l. Why don't YOIl IC<I\'c the 111et;1iwork to me!' "he has hei;'n ill rhar line of WMk for ;),0 years. J \\':1S \'crr honored when she offered ro do ir.'

Dora returned home to B5mscn, Germany, and immediately sent 1110r~' rhan 'IWO dozen glass cabccaoes to Elizabeth, 'who scr m work in her South Portland, Maine .. studio, Silt: scanned some skerchesand e-IIlJiI e d rhemio Dora. Their ideas clicked,

"Ir's '0 iul'1'1lY rhor her de 'iglL W'l.

ex. cd)' whnt I had in mind," Dora says. "'t's very dif iculr for me EO rell i.i designer howre Iesign a pie e.Whl.'n ym.1 UMr [cllll1g someone what to do, you begin to restricttheir work."

(the heginning uf rheir eollaborutlon, Dora 1:111 Elizabeth unlabeled cabochons, which EIi7.ab~th used :11 !l\ir disercrion to create specified mini'! er of necklaces, Now, Dora dt'5isn~ rhe cabochons for one piece of jewelry and semis rhem 10 Elizabeth wirh nornrions , bour placcl1Icm within the piece,

Dam is deliberate in her 'Ollccption of each [ewelry d ... ign. "I'vecome to> rhe !w'gc where 11'1(') longer make bead" wirhum ,lilY iutenrion,' she says, "J'~l my beads are made with a certain piece ,f jewdry in mind:'

F.liz'lbcth dOWililil. )'S her rule in the colle rion. "I knew rhe piece wasn't going to be abutll the metulwork," she snys. "The metalwork simply give.

structure 10 rhe piece, lr's about her glass.'

The mo r lmporranr ':011 iderat ion for "li7...1bcrh i. rhar the finished jt"welr:.' is technically sound. \Vhelll she receives the cabcehons rom Dora, Iii.' curs the silver (()r the bezels and 111:.1 rks rhem wirh a numberi I1g sy 'em (or each cabochon, he solder C\'Cr)' bezel ~JUc) a ba '.1:' :\I~J sets the cabochon. She then de' igns :u"!d makes rhe link and d. sp HI· ornplcre the jewelry.

Mandrlsl has unique feature \X'hik Eliz.:'!be[:h tresses the sirnplkiry of her rechuique, OUr:! des cribe rhe lampworking he uses for the <11>0- chon as <1 balancing act, First. she needed a custom mandrel with a flat bed, £0 she commi sicned a i6elld in Geml:J.1l1' rt make one. A Iypi~-al mandrel has a protrusion [11:11 III ! I the glu :; in place. hut the protrusion leaves a hok: in rhe cubochon. Dora did nOI want a hole TO

be visible through he transpareut glass, '\ 'hilt.: rhe ell rem-designed mandrel is exactly what she had in 1I11m.l, it requires her tu rake :11 unique approa '11 [0 lampworking,

"There is :1 rrick." DOl";1J says, "You've gor [0 keep the place hor ur rh~' bead will slide off, WI11;:11 I dor J11Y

we rk, ! could be he:ning rhe mandrel

th tee rimes or I wicc as much [(IS \.Jsu311 as rm puning one do. on it!" Ulldal.lnred, Dora says 'ht: enjoys rhc chalici1gc of keeping rhe cab on die mandrel.

~I always Iell my: rudenrs -I rea h begin ners ~ that yO~1 berrer control rile glass, otherv i c uht: glass will eonrrol >·Ull •. ·• Dora ad Is. "YOII have [0 understand ami :r~ peel glass, ]['·S :1 living. rhing wile' I It" fluid,"

EI.iz:lbedl IIffer, "II :11 o j,g the best exhibit of your 1;0111 rl over rhc marerial. Yom ima.gcqr i:- very much dierarcd by what }·UU knew gl:'l. will do ami the property '0. rhe glass, which, in

my opnuon is whar conrempcrary craft is all a] om,"

Afrer a cabochon goes into the kiln. il falls off rhc fl:u mandrel during the annl'aling process, as the temperature ill rhe kiln dccrea es, At [irsr lr was a lirrle alarming for Dora ro nnd a cab at till' bottom of rhe kiln. Now,it 5 Col: m s natural ro her, "It" beautiful when it comes om'," she :'Iy . ~h" :tIW;lYS like Christma to open the kiln."

Dora has been involved in 3.H and

de ign for 30 year .. he attended fine arts s hool in her narivc Singaporein rhe 1970s. completed a separate graphic design program. ;HId began studying illusrra iun in rhe Unired Stare in ehe 1980::;. Her life look a dramatic turn when he mer her husband", i, and qui;:;kl'\· moved ro Germany in 19 6.

As the couple's Iivcs progressed,

they moved between Sing< pore and Germany, :md had two chitdren,

Dora made crafts as all outlet for

her creariviry Her husband iir!;[ brought up lampworkingin 2003 afrer he aW;1! demonsrrarion, \,\Iilhi.n rhrce weeks of ta king classe .Dora hOllglH her ri rst professional roreh, ' he ehen r:1Ughl herself how to make beads from Corina Terringer's book PC]:Isil1g the Flame: A Bt'odmaker:s Gnide w DCf~iJ fwd Design. "It bee. me my bible," sheS3y. he has also studied with Diana :a:~[, Michael B:nli.!)\ /\Ildrc-a Gtn'lrinoSlemmons, and kihiro Ohkama. Dora now sells a varier), of bends.

Dedication bUlllt on 'eduea1!io,n Eliz: beth', interest in meralworklng began in 1974 end became her life's work iii 1987. She first studied meralwork at the Hilltop raft .cnrer at rhe University 0 M'line ill rono and received ;I bachelor' degree in fine arts from rho Porrl: nd SdlOO] of }\.r[ [now rhc Maine College 0 Art) in 1 82. She has studied extensively at Penland,

Eliz'lbcrh's work garnered national anenrion III ] 988 at [he firs! of Ill,lfl}' appearance ar American Crafr Council wholesale marker .. During [he past five YC;'lfS; she has explored materials of color for her [ewelry and beads: poly. Iller day. fiber, and mesr recently. Sl,\$ ..

Clead~". (he collaboration between these (\"'0 artisss ha been beneficial, They et :'II' om brainsrerrning on a new collection shonly after arriving in Tm~SOIl. Their enthusiasm was evident as [he), described the ide:'! . Hewing from words [Q paper and the "good energy' rhey derive fwm hewing [heir work.

,. Ir" been really fun," says Elizabeth. "The rrick i. realizing rhat rh i ngs a re work i ng out the ''\'a), [he~~'re supposed !o and you iU~H better geT rhc heck out or the way!" 0

Visit Dora s Weh site a/ toraschubert .com (lnd Elitabtb s WId, site at epriorjewe/ry.cum.

I "JII!;1Ii 11'"li'IIII"'"'~!1 I JUII" :1.00- 105-

Cylinder beads anchor Jump r:ings to a narrow band

designed b)· Carol Branting

MATEAIIALS braCBlet 8 :Irn. (iDem}

.. Jap.8fle'Se c~'I~nder beads '90 eoor A

19 coor B

19 coor c

3g coor D


.. dasp

.. :280 anodIZed lit allium or :!lle:ritng silver IlJmp rings, 3mm Inside c!iameier. 22'savga- A

'. '10 anodized HIatlR.!m or g;o!d·fIllerd j;ump rings. 3mm inside dtamG!.e •• 22-gauge _, B

'. 2 soldered jump rings, 3mm inside diaITl'Etlef

,_ SflSfmde. orNymo B

conditionedwilh bee>swax '. beadJng needles. 1112

.. berilnOSB p!ieIs

.. eMi rll1OS€t pliers

Use silver and gold-filled jump rings or lightweight titanium jump rings in two colors to give a square stitch bracelet a clever embellishment,

stppbys ep Band

[1] Thread a needle on .2 yd.. I J .Sm) of rhread and attach J. stop bead (Basics, p, 110), leaving a H~in. (30cm) mil. Following [hi.' chart ~fig'u!re 1).,

$lan ,H the lower lefr <:dgc of the band, and pick up rhe cis-I'I bends for (he fourth mw. [2] Working in sq:uare s[l.tch (BasIcs), complete the band. Ahcl' srirching each fOW, reinforce [he bead work b)' sewing through the previous


- -

... - _.


•••• .--- . .__.




• •


.. ,


- .' .-


1-...!-...!!-.-f-4Il I I

I-...!-...!!-.-!-.-I I I



I __

• JL •


row and back through the fOW [u [ rirched. Add thread a needed (Basics).

[3J To rap I: the end. ritch ~hr()C mare rows. decreasing each row by one bead on each edge', Reinforce each row asshown (figure 2, a-lb) ami end with a two-bead point (b-c).,

[4] Pick lip a soldered jump ring and' C\ back through the two-bead poiar a few limes [0 attach [he rillg (pho>to a). Sew into the beadwork, secure the tail with a few half-hitch knots (Basics) between beads, and [tim .

[5] Open a, col r A ]1!HllP ring (13, ic )., Arrach [he

oldered jump till,g and half o the Jasp. Close he jump ring.

[6] Remove the S(OP bead. Thread a needle 011 the [3il, and repeat s.tcps3-5.

[7] Thread a needle on I yd. (.9m) of thread and secure iu in the bead work. Exit row 4 on one end of the braeeler, [8] Pick up a color 0 bead.

kip row sew into the edge bead of row 6 (figure 3; a=b) and exit [he edge bead of row 7 (ik). Repeat along the edge plac'ing;1, bead, or tab, at the end of every third tow. [9]1 ew through the beadwork and add beads to the

OHe pending rows along rhe orber edge. The rabs should liae lip aCrOSS fr·om each other. Secure the thread in [he beadwork with a few half-hitch knots, and trim ..

J>ump ring edge

(11) Open 3 - A jump rings"

lide an A through 3. tab.

Clo e the A (pho'to b). Repeat for (he h:llgdl of the band" [2] Open 6 As. Slide rwo As rhrough {"\iVO adjaeenr jump rings and dose t'he .As (pI1010$ C: and eI). Repeat Eor the length of the band.

[3] Open 33 As arid 33 olor B jump rings, lide an A through rwo bottom jump ring so thai ir la1's under rhe jump ring arraehed 10 :JI tab. This will cause the bortom jUlllp rings [0 Oil'" Close the A (photo e). Repeat with a 8, positioning it berweenrhe imnp ring attached [0 the rab and dIe A juse added. Clo e the B (photo 'I). Repea r for the length of the band.

[4] Repeat steps ] -3 a long the other edge, 0

Cmrtnd Carol .Brdfuillg in care of Bead&.Bunol1.




Set off a Ilarge focal bead with a spray of accent beads in a multlstrand necklace

designed by Ludmil.a Raitzin

Natural cord lends ,a casual elegance to the classic look of pearls. 'Or, if you prefer, a large art-glass bead nestles harmoniously within colored strands embellished with crystals that add sparkle [0 each strand.

MATERIALS liHlckJiace 17 in .. (43cm) '. 2:2mm focal bead

'. , 24 5-<6mm pearls with

18fg5 holes, or cryslaJs '. 2 4mm accent beads

• lobster claw clasp

• 2 115mm cooes or end caps

• 12 in. (SOcm) 2D-22-gauge wire. half·hard

• 2-in, (5cm) r.ength ,of chaIn 10 accommodate daSp

• N)rnO 0

• 41 yd. 137m) 20 lb. hemp


• bead reamer (QPIi~

• cyan.oaayIale gl'ue

• beading neeCIles. '" 12'

• dlClinnose pliers iii roundnose pliers

• ruboor bands

• wire cutlers

stepbys ep

[1] Cur 60 2J-in. (5Scm):md rwo 46-in. (1.2n1) piece of hemp cord. Fold the long strands in half and lay them out wuh the loops opposite each other (plloto a)" Lay the rest of the strands on rap of rhe folded strands, Gather a]J .he strands on one end, 'including rhe loop of the felded OIliC, and align the ends. Secure [he strand wirh a rubber band ~ ill. (1.9 mJ from the end (Photo b)"

[2] Gutt a 6-ill. (I.scm) piece of wire'. Make the firar half of a wrapped loop Ba i

p. 120)1 On one end, lide the

As an altematilve te ludmila's design. we used glass and crystal beads and ,c,(iloroo cord. YOtl could also use leather, silk, or eonon cord and w,ood. bone, or other natural beads to complement the de,sign.

cord loop inro 'lilt! wire loop. and r-inih thewrapped loop (plloto c),

[3) Tie an IR·in.146cml piece of Nymo aronnd ,11<, strands ~ in. (3mmJ kOl'u the end. \l{/rap the Nym around the end {O secu re the strands, Tic' till: rails wirh II: square knO[ (B~siC5'. thread a needle on the rail ,and ew inr the wraps, Trim rhc [ail.

[4] Dot the cord ends with tlu.:: (photo d). and allow !hem 'to' dry. Remove the rubher baud,

[5] b ve the wrapped loop, srring an end np or one and an accenr bead. Make rhc first h31:f of 9 wrapped. loop"

lide a lob.,I:er claw clasp into the loop. and finish the wraps (photo, €I).

[6] Cpllr.l.Il:: I i strands of cord. in.cluding the loop of the unfini hed end. and make :\'11 overhand knor (Basic)

.. in. (10 n"~ _ roll"! the O'I1t: (photo f).. tring afoeal bead Oil one of 1111:: srrends (or on more strands if rhe bead'

hole allow it and lide it up to Ihe knnt (photo g).

[7] Make an overhand kno~ ."ilo :,11 [he strands so the focal bead is !lug between rhe two, knot (photo h).

[8] Do; !'he end o( each $[l';,\l1d ~vith glue.:111 '~Ii it 10 dry and trim it diagonally. Srri"fl: two !Smm pearls or crystals on each, ITa nd (photo i~). If the hole' of the

pearls arc t maU, use :II

bead reamer to enlarge. then1. [9] Gather :1:11 ~.he ends tad secntethem with n rubber bnno. Align each srrand with Ihe e rd loop. trimmin cadi strand [0 I'cmO\'1! the glued end. Repeal seeps 2- to> complete the necklace. using chain instead of the lasp in S'tOp .0

Ludmifll te: c!u;. Ul!Ifdill.g ami is (1' member atlhe BetJd Society of • reater 't>ru '1ork. Coatnet ber ul« e-mail at mit2illl®) ~htJo.t:Om ..



• 9 x l1rnrn double·d,rirred O'r.!l 0(' dl.amotid-:srtaped ClWt:«;: 7.,rCQr1\a

• 3mm blcone ,CtyS!~ 16,colorA

10 carorB

• 1 9 size 1 T'" seed: beads.


.• monoMarnen& or f[.e.xlt:l1.e ~gwill!!"QIO

• G·S Hypo Cement

• 'Nil'S cullers

C,ompleme:rnl an oval or diamend-sh8.!Ped doubledrilled cubic zirconia with c.rystars 'to make a nashy



Combine cross-weave stitch, cubic zirconia, and crystalls to' make quick ,and easy' rings

.desjgned by Ma:y BriseboIs

'With their sparkle and shine, 'these easy rings brighten any afternoon. Since' it takes less than an hour to complete each ring you'll want [0 make one for each finger!

step/J),step 'Oival r:i:ng

[1] Center dire!: eolor A erySmls 011 1 yd .. 1.9'n'll of mOIllQ{ili,llTIcm or beading wire. Over both ends, sITing an oval cl,lbk zirconia (photo al. [2] eros'S bothends r.hrough rJlI'CC As

(photo b).

[3] 0111 each end. pick lip 6\'1:: As, and gOlhrough rwo As on the OPPO'SiH: side. (photo e).

[4] Oneseh end, pick up rwoeolor B crystals, and c.rOS:sbOlllcnds though anotber 13: (Photo d).

[5] On each end, pid up rwo U" seed beads, and cross beth ends rhrough IWO HQs" RcpcaHlndllhc ring bandis Yk in. {len1} $hon. of the desired lengrh ..

f6~ On each end, pick IIp two 11.'"'5, and cross both ends I h roll gh a n (photo a).


ED1TORlI,S NbTtE'i¥OU can m:a'ke a pendant slmp'l)" b)!'~eav;ing both ends of the w~re to 'Q:n9 ·of the lo.n;g;er ;paimts of the -di:amo!'1l;ashaped cubic zill'coni'aand enoloslllg c3 sOJderedJump idl1:lg, in a,elre'l:ecf 1111 seed beads.

[7] On each end, pick up

['\ .... OB5. and cross both ends through IhemiddJ,~ A on the opposite side of rhe cubic z.irconia (photo f)I.

[8] We;!l.ve the ends back into the ring hand .. Tiea few halfhitch knots (Basics, p, 12.0) between [he beads, and dot '[he knots withglue, 'WnCi! the glue dries, rrlrn the tails.



Diamond ringl

[1] Center :fi\'c color A crystals on 1 yd. (.9!n) of monofilament or beading wiee, Over both ends, srd:ng the diamond-shaped cubic zirconia (photo g).

[2) On each end, pick up three Asand go back through dli: same holes. on [he cubic aircoaia (photo h),

[3] 0[\ each end, pick liP two As and cross both ends thr,oug]l another A (photo I)., [4] Follow srep:i 4--8 of d,e oval ring [0 fill ish. '0

Co1ltt.lct May Brisebois at 1u:r store, B'ctuliful. (67B) 455-7858, beadi{ltl@bdlsouth .net, or llisi( ber \:(Ieo site, i)eacii(lIigifrs

.com, lv1a:yoffen;

.kits lor tb(!$e 1iJigs.



A two-hole button is rhe base' for this lighthearted piece. Pearls bloom from the center, and a ring of seed beads is added to the perimeter using a two-needle couching technique .. Each button is then attached to a premade bracelet form ...


bracelot 7* in. (19,1.cml

.. 5%-n, (~.6(:m} two'" hole buttons

• a5 .4-5mm fr~hv,,,,w pearls

• Japanese seed beads 3gsizelill

19 .size 15~

• Firefr'le 6 (0. 100.1

• beadalQ.l'le&C.Iles, 1112

• ItIk IbroCefet rom'! \M1h jive I;'(;-in, {2.2cmI-dJameter U1'IkS {Deslgoors Findings. 262-574·1324}

'. 6:6000 adhesiv9

•. 51'111. (:2.5an) squa.re pieces Lacey's Stiff SMf intelfacillg

ste bys ep

buuon and [he- row of L I."'s (phOito d}, Go over the TOp

of the b3SC thread between {he Ihird ;;ind fourrh 11" in dIe row and sew down tllwugh the interfacing. This 'l'ecl'ifliq!Je is referred (03S couching. Place the slilc'h <;:[101;1(; [0. the beads so you don'( cur ir when you Him the excess interfacing.

[81 Coneimse addi ng 119:0; around the: burton, working :1 I;'ollchillg seirch after every Ihrec ocads.

[91 When. )'Oll comptete the ring, $,CW fltrougRt all the i 1 ~s ro rti1~(OtCc rhe ring. Secure the threads and rails ill ~he interfacing, and rrim the t~il$ (photo e),

[10] Trim. the interfacing around Iheb~~tt(m, bdng (;are:fu[ not to cur I1Iny of (he: couching srirchcs.

[111]. Repc:at Sleps I~W [0 make a IOta I of five emhel[lshed 1,>111[0115,

[12] Apply a thin layer' of glu~ II) one link 01 [he bracelet blank and lllc mterfacing of one buuon. Letthe glue !>c[ for a few minurcsand then place rhc button on die lin.k (photo!). Press logetber £irmly, Repeat to atraeh the rernaining buttons. Allow the glll.e to set for 24 hours. 0

[1] Thread a needle all .1 )'6. 1.9m) of Fire1illc, and tiean overhand knot lBasks.

p, 12014·in. (lOcml from rhe end. Sew through ~hc center of a l-in, (l.5cll.1) squ.:::II:C of imerfacing.

(2) Center a burton On the ~nler.facillg and sew itin place wirh rhrec or four stitches (pilot!') a) ..

[3]] Exir upwardthrough 0. button hole .and pick: up a 4-S:rnm fr(;sh W.UCiF pea d and ;J l5~ sr;,-ed bead, Snugup [he pearl ami seed bead ro the bueron, and sew back through rhe pearl. the sa l1il e blHWI1 hole, and dIe intcrfm.::ing I(photo b).

[4] Repeat step 3, adding six pearls in n circular panern filling in bOln button holes. [5] Exit upwarcllh:rollgh a burton hole and pick up seven to njne 15~s. Sew down IhrOllgh the orber hole and the intcd3cill.g (photo 0). Add three or four more seed bead loops (0 fill ,"hI!:' center of the pearl cluster.

[6] Sew up through rhe

in rerfaci ng ha I f a b~a·d a.wa)' frrOm the edge of the burton. Pid: up 'Six I. II/s and ~my ehem l1IeKI' 10 the burton en eopof the imerfacing.

[7] Thread :I second needle on 18 in. (46cm} oi Fi.reiinc. fie an overha ltd kner 1U the ~l'Id. and SC"" up rhrOLlgh .he in~rf:1cing between the




U rOIll' plJ'iefe;r to wa-Ii< 'with only one 11'Igeole. add Ule 11"seedl beads 3'round the buttom using beaded backstitch.

COlltm:t ;\mlc Ni'kolai KloS1 at'r:JJ1Iu!kJ()s.$@ma.c.com for ill{orml1tioH ablml her kits .. She lIIill be tem:bing at Ihe Bc:ad&BI1HOIl ShOUl j1l jnne.

an ar-glass beacl froma


Ndebele herr!ingbone' ropes set the stage for' ;31if1 artful: centerpiece

dcsigtled by Michelle Belv;ingtol!1ll

If you're looking for a new way to show off a favorite focal bead, try this peyote stirch bail. Attach the bail to

a pendant, and slide [he bai] over a group of Ndcbele herringbone ropes,

st:epi .vstep

las: ladder cylinder, :lind cxi,:·, iog the: (irsl crlim:ler.

[2] Working ill tubular Ndchdc herringbone stitch (a.asics), stitch a rope approXinHUd)' 17 iii. (4.klll) long. 1)01 nor secure rhe l:1il's when you finish ehe rope: because you mayneed to adjusl' rht' lengrhlurer, Add thread [Basics) as needed. [3] Repeat steps 1 and 2 to

Ndebele hlelrri:ngbone ropes

[1] On 2yd. !I.8m) of Silarnidc, leave a 12-ill. (3Ikm) filii and makea ladder (IXlSil;$, p. 120) with four color A qlin:dt't beads. Join the ladder inoe 3 "ins by sewingrhrotlsh the [ili~1 cyUn:de:r" back through roc

make rhsee or four ropes" !.Ising a d iffer'cnt' colorerlindel' .for each tOP!!', Makc3i11 the ropes [he same length. [4] Thread a needle-on the 12·i.ll. (JOcm) rail of one rope. and, working in square sl:ilch {Basics), connect ~hc first 17 cylinders in one columa ro tbe first] 7 Cl'linders of II second rope [photo a}. Sew ihrQush 311

F1I3URE '!

,adiae'en!: cylinder. Continue in square stitch and 'work in rhe opposite direction IQ S.dK" ~hc :firs'l 17 crHnders of 3 second col umn (photo b). Secure (lie tail with a few half-hhch knors (Basics) between beads, and trim.

[5] If y()\m made shree ropes, eonnect the third rope by sewing one column to ~he first rope and another

cclumn to di.i: second rope (pIiQ,to c). Secure' tile rail, and rrirn.

If you made four ropes, COml(}C~ die ehird rope eo the second, creaeing IlIIl L :;1131"<=. Connect the fourth rope to the firS[ and third ropes. Auaeh [he inner rows on both sides first, then attach [he outer rQiWS. Secure the mil, and trim.

16] Now dHl( che [opes arc connected l'l[ one end" check that the lengths are even. If rhe)' aren't, add or remeve rows as needed,

[7] Rcpe-a.t seeps 4 <Ind .5 (0 connect the other ends. being careful flot to [\V~S[ the ropes.

Pendant and bail

[1 I On a J-in .. (7.6eml head pin s'rrillg rwo Or rheee spacers ;'lI141or bead caps, and rhc foc:lIl bend. If the bead is sni fri ng a round 0 n [he head pin. srri 118 some small seed beads onto' the head p.il1 and iiUO dl!C hole of rhe focal bead. Srring sp:Jccrs above the focal bead 10' mirror tile ones below ir, and makea wrapp¢d loop (Basics and photo dI).

[2]1 On ] yd. 1.9ml of N~'mo> working flat, odd-count peyote sriech, make a bail (figure 1), increa1>ing and deo;;rea5ing IIlM.ics) as needed .. Leavethe ends lll'i.rll!lchcd and do not secure rhe mils. [3)1"0 make [he wire triangle th<1:t attaches [he pendant

1:0 the bail, use one of the fol,lowinglnedlo(k

.' For a simple triangle, as Iii the pillk ~nd blue necklaces, p. 116,. cuea 1 I/.e·in. (3.Scm) piece or 24-e,.1.ug.c wire, <lind bend it into an equilateral '[dangle wide enough to accommodate tile tab of

the blli!., CUt the wire so [he 1'1:\'0 ends overlap sl,igJuly (photo e). Slide the pendant lnro the triangle .. Slip a crimp bead onre one end of the wire. Sllidcihe crimp bead over both wire ends ,(pnoto 11), and crimp it.

• For a u.i:!inglc with a wrapped loop. as in 'tile green necklace, 1". IDS:, cut

a 5-in. (13cml piece of wire, Using {he width of tne tab of the boil as a guide, make rwo bends in the micldL!i!

'O( the wire to form a triangle '{photo g). At' the poinl where


MATERIALS n!;)(:kla(;e18 In. ("!Gem)

• fOCEll bead. apPt"O:w:lrnQ'l(dy zr x .2:2cm

~ 10g Japanese cyII1der beads, ~ each 013 0.'4, colO:'s: A. B. c. (OJ

• 1 9 5J;z:a' 15~ JapMeSe

seed beads

• 4-6 Spa¢&lS or bead caps

• dasp

• 1 ~ or 51rr. 13.8 or 1$cm)

24'g3l..Pa0 Wi:'8. hall-hard

• 3·in. 17.6cm) head pin

• 2 4mm sp'it Irin9S

• 2· x 2mm crimp bead


.' Silamitlll! '. NymoO

• iCe:ad1og l"leed!es, 1112 'I charnnose: plfelS

• Cmlpitlg pliers {oplkmaJ)

• foundnose priers

• ~ -ring pliers (opl 'onaij

• Wire cuneI'S

the ends cross, make A small bend ill each end ro form a rigln ,rtI"lS'lc-lphot,o h).. Wmjl the horizontal wire around the vcrticnl wire twice :md rrirn ,he wrappin!;!wiie Iphoto i).

\'1irh the vertical wire, make the fim half of a wrapped loop (Basics I,. An<lch it [CJ Ihe loop of the pendant ,(photo j}. and l'inhh Ihc wraps. [:4] Slide tile tab of [he bail imo' [he triangle, and zip up ~B:l:.sics) [he e-dges (photo k). ReHnce rheehread piuh, SI.,"(!U'C the rails, and trim.

[2]] On 2 yd. I] .8m} of

l ,YIlIO. anach a stopbead (.Ba.siC'.~). Working in square sritch make a band Ih31 is

11 inc beads wide a nd 16-1 S rows ra II (Iigure 2), s'tan ing rn the lower' Idt·lmnd corner or the partern. To make [he band inre an end ea p, wrap i~ around dicend (),r the Topes" posi rkming she A cylinders ili~ the end, :md stiidl the fLr5[ and last rows rogo:~her ",11010 III using, square stitch,

(3] Slide the end cap up so One row e,xri!llds pasr rhc endof rhe ropes, Sriteh i,[ ill plac( around the ropes wieh square stirch,

[4]1 Sew through the bead· work to exit an A at tile edge of ~hc end Clp. Pick up .:I.1l .Ai

EDITOR'S NOITE:-Ifiyou're making'tIhe~simplE!, 'trlangl,eforlhe !ball ana 6nl:ll ~atb:oth wire [en~$WO:l1ii:t sli'de'fl:1irough the cri'mp beDd~ by eatte:nl'ng. 'tille .orimp b'ead s~ightly.Wlth,cbal'i1nose pUcrs .. This';will aUow the tHo w'im ends to ne'stle side by-side .•


[1] A«(:ll::n nsplit rins 10, e:1I.':11 half of a clasp,

aad sew dewn through rhe 'next A in the end cap and up through die ro.llowing t\ (plioto m). Repeat along the entire edge, [,ep up through rhe first A added in thi round.

[5] Pick up an A and sew l:hl'ollgh the nexr A Oil rile previou round (p!hoto nl. Repeat, working (>''1'0 rounds of tubular peynrestitch (Basics).

[6] Work one round of perote umng 15° seed Ocad • Work another round of peyote UillS 15" , but work

a decrease IBa'Sic ) every

mird! stitch, Work two more

r unds of pcyere using l ~Q • [7]1 pick 1,11) fiNc l·os and one half of the la p, ew into dl:i: tS\' opposit,c (he' one }'OU just exited (photo '0),

[8] Zigz.a,g ihroush ['he 1S11 on one side the rube. exit where you began [he loop; and sew back [hrough rhc loop. Zigzag rhrough dll!

H"s on the other sid", o'II'he tube. and sew through the !!oop again, Repestrhis 'I,CP twice. Sew into the beadwork, 5't!CU1'c [he tails. and trim.

(9] lide th~ p~yo[e bail

onto the rope • and rhen repeat $[CPS 2-' [0 finish the other end. 0

eMmet Mid;(/Ue BelJi1fg(on at beadllrt@m.in.org or visit tJricI1eliebe."jl'gI011.coml pllbfic_lnml.

See more beads by Brendan Blake 011 his \Ileb site, bbgltu,sarl.com. FJmi Hehm

umghtQ1J's beads by sr!archin ' for her seiter 1 D, firefly·gloss, 01' eba)l.com.



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Brick stitch, increase within a row .:........::=~==.Iu...:::::.:=~ __ .... .-~~ To Increase withln a

~." fQ\'1', work a normal

, ' ~.-=..' stitch. but

-.:.:; - - So under the same thread bridge )'OU went under on ! he pre\·~ou.s stitch.


IHalf-hitch knot

Bring I he needle under rhe tl1f~d between two bead: • rorming a loop. Cross oyer I he: 11:1 read between the beads, sew 'Il'ron.lgh the loop"

, and pull genU)' 1,0 draw

the knot into the beadwerk,

Overhand knot

- ~ Mll:~e s loop III the endof the thread.

PuJI the short tail throQ.gh Ih!1' 100,1', and tighten.

Square knot

ere> the left-hand end of thethread over the right. and brl ng II around and back up.

Cross theend th,u Isnow on the right over len. go lhl"O'ugb the 1001'. and pull b til ends to tighlen.

SUfgeo,n's knot

_ Cros:; the

- ... e.::.c;;;;-,","\-' Icft.h:md end of

j tbe thl:'~:<l.d Over Ihe

1\'- ',\ righl twice. PIiIJII

~' the ends [0 Ijglue~.

Cro the end that IS now on the r1gln over ~he left, go throagh the loop, and pull bOlh ends to tighten,

Conditioning polymer Conditioning &often$: cia". making it easy to roll and mo!d, Knead the day in YOtU

~an.d' or roll tr lhrough 8. pa ta machine ten.ttmes. The _lay will be $Oft and l;Ugtlll}' warm when Ihol'Ou,ghly conditioned.

Brfck stifch

Work off a stitched ladder (see Ladder).

. Pi:ck up two beads .. ew under the thread bridge between d1.Je econd and 'third be-ads on ~hC'

ladder from back to front .• c.w !.II' the second bead added and. [hen down the first. Come back. LID rhe second. bead.

. x-

For the rO\>f's. rematntng iititdle • ~ pick up (me bead. Sew under the !lext IJlread bridge on the previous row from baek to front. ~w back lip the new bead,

Bri,ck stitch, Increase at the stan of a row To SU'rl iii row with ,I It lnerease, p"ick up IW()

,..", • .., L.. -'_ .-1 ".

I ~ea""", Mv lIew

'~tmder the thread brldgtl; L I"'Cell the fiil1't and second beads, Sew up the

econd b.:ni;l. down [he' first be-ad, and back up I'he Sl"CQDd bead. Continue to h'o:rk the rest of the r01" normally.

Conditioning thread

Us • eil her bee's\oJax (not candle w, X or pa'faffin}.rThread Heaven 10 conditlen nvlon rhreadBeeswax smocths he Dliylon flbersand add !acklnln tll.:!1 wlll sliJCeo yom bl:lldwork

lighlly, Thread Heaven dds a' raticcharge 'th:u (;;i.!,J$CS lilt thread to repel itsel(, so don't use: it with doubled thread . Stretch the thread. then puJI111 through tllc,condili()ner:

Ending/adding thread To end a thrc\l,d, ,,,eaVe back into the iJ<!:uh~'ork. following [he exls'llrng thread paIn and tying two or three h3Ir·hil~1l knot. round ihc dlrcad bel\V~(ill beads as you go. Change direction as )lOll Weave so the th read crosses Itself. Sew through -a fe'l'o' beads a fl,e-f the last knot before CIU tlil1S the thread,

To edd a thread. enrer ·C\rernLro\ ... ·s prior I 'the poiru where Ithe 1(!5~ bead was added, We:a~ through the bead work. c-ring balf-hitch kncts a you go, and exitwherr: )rQu Idi ·off.


.. ~ P-;d, llP'two \dII~"-JI beads, and sew

.y . b . thnlUg~ the~l

agatn 11'1 ~he s;l.me directlOIli. po···itio'n the beads so hey are s1debyside(a-b}.I'ick up a I,mlird bead. St\\' baek threugh (1\ .. second bead; and sew back up the third bead (Ib-c) ,

Conllllue ifl this manner until you read, I he desi red length, 10 reinforce tJ1~ ladder. 'tigzag back ~brolJsh it ..

Ndebel~e herringbone: tlat.

(art w!th an even number of beads stitched into a ladder (see Ladder), "urn t he ladder, if ne'Cc.ssary, so rour thread exlts rhe end bead pointing up.

Piek up two bead ,and sew down through the next bead en the :I! .. ddcr (e:-b).·w lip through the third bead onihe ladder, pick up two bead. and

ew down through the fourth bead (b-c). Repeat ecross the ladder.


To tum. sew back lip '[tuough [he second-te-la t bcad;:and continue through the last bead added in the previous row (a-b), Ptck up t"io beads, sew down through the 11:eX l bead ill dta:t rew and come up !.hr'Gush the neXt bead [b-c). Repeat a.CJOSS the' row,

Nidlebele l1err~in,gbone: tubular

To work

d 1U1b'ular Ndcbel~ herrlngbone, Start \\,jth ehhcr 11 ring of beads Or a ladder stHchoo Into a ring.

Piek up two beads, lind sew Ihrough the nert bead: oo! he ring. S'ii:\'" up through (he ne", I bead, and repeat (a-b). ConI]'nu(' for line rest ofrhe ring.

You need 'to work a step- lip 'to be m posltlcn resran !he

~WQ~OV~I (.RV\TlIl ~wn~ovrnl P.l:HWU1n

~ OVs.u PWu

QLlA~HW -GOLb - UtD .flUt~s

TQGGl,tS '- (UUI'{ ~:M ,~~~-

h~tllH S rlVO~


m.Jl.Q(.QOI~· ======= (.u.QUi

~Tl5T G lJ1 ~,._____-JIJi l-AV +trri Tnnu' lK


"as cs

next row, To do this, ,5(,\\'" up lbro\lgn '111e bead !lc;>:.t '0 the ene your needle IS' exiting, 3 nd he fi r51 bead of t he r1r I $1 j ten in i he row above (c-d).

Continue addill£ lW,O beads per stitch and stepplng up at the end, of e _h round,


fiat even-eeent

Pick up aneven number o( bead , These beads

To be~in row 3. pick upa bead.and sew through the seeend bead from 'the eJ~d. (As }'Oll stitch, every other bead drops down, haih space ,(onn row ,I") Pick up a bead, and sew 1'I"1r'(lll,llh the fourth bead from the end. Contil1'ue aero's the rOW. Bnd by g lng through the nnt bead picked up. To (;011l1[ pe)'ot,e rews, "o,unt the (.(),(aJ !'lumber of bc:tds';llong both edge.

To. tart ro~v 4 and all other row, pick up 3, bead, end ~!!' ... throegh the lillst bead <'iiddi?d on the prC\ri{lL:lS ro \1",


fiat odd~eount

lkgi n as fQr flat. even-count peyole. bu~ pic~ Uf an odd Ilu.mber of beads," Work row 3 asin even-count, s'lopping

o t.0


1011 :Fne 1 ,en ·52EF8S3lI f:I: 519·?1l·nn E."'-1oII~lIOO1 \'iI'iI'i.lheam Ure tea

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Ba ics

befo re adding the lasl, 1\\10 beads,

"3, W:ork a

ligurl! S (lIm at Ihe end of row 3 as shown: Pick up' ttle nextto-las~ bead {,:7). 3 nd sew

til rough :2. I ben s I (a-b), Piek up the I .. ! bead (';:,S). and

ew 'iluough l!'2" D3, ;;7. 112. #1, and ~8 (k'i.

I n sub eq uenr oddnumbered row'S, pick up [lie I;lSII)C:ut or the rQ\;:r, then sew IJI1JCi (he edge ~!lI'ead imrn~dia.telv bdow~ Se\'O' back

. -

throug.h the last bead 10 begln

the next row,


flat odd-count. decrease at edge Work CfUSS the. row,stoppi ng before you would • dd rh 13$1 bead (a-b). Sew under I he th read bridge dire: {Iybl!k""~' (b-cl.and SA)"W back through the bead )'OU JUSI exited. ;I n.d I he last bem .• added Ic-dl.


flat odd-count, increase at edge

Todoan increase ill nat. oddcount p<1}'ah:, work three rows beyond the incri.'asc pornt, SlOpping before addi ng the I:r m bead (a--b), Piek up

In ree bead ,se'\~' under I he

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, 26 l'I"'IIIIi\ 1111111111 I 1"",,1;111.1111111 ",II ,'· ... n

shread bridge 011 the prC\IIQI15 row. and sew back 'Illl'ough I he ,I. SL bead ~dded (b-c) and the

ccond bead picked Ulp Ie-d}.

Sew back through the edgebead in the second-ro-Iast row, and continue I hreegh the firsl and econd bead picked up for thissttrch (d:-e}.

Pick up L \\"0 btll cis. sew under the I hread bridge below, and sew back

through the second bead picked up (a~b)'. Continue hrough llit I1rst bead picked up ~c) to begin the next row,


tubular even-count

Pick lQP 1111 even number of beads to equal the deslred clrcumterence. Knot the Ihltcad H> form a ring. Ie-.n·ing some sin, k. IJut the ril~g ,ovc!:'f ~~ form i( desired. Sew through the flrst bead to the: I.: I of the kl'l·cll. Pick u r

a bead, skip a bead Ol'il the previcus round, and sew Ihr'Qugi1 the next bead. Repeat untl] you're buck a! the tart.

in C Y011 started with 11 even mJnlber of be. Ids. you need to w,f,,,rk it step-up to' be in positien for rhe I'It.:'XI round.

1 ~ _.1. ,cw through

_ . .uP ••

. .'. Y,r JRoimIl Iht.dirsl

/1 beads on

. . '1. 11 rounds 2 and

flMJlfl I 3. Pick. u


a bead, and

Protlu IS oj QlUlllt,), inc!': J 978

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'\\'.3 ro\'s.I!d ryslal l;"reshw<1terP,earl ' Bali i~,rl'l' Seed:8eads zeeh Gfass 'tone Beads Trade B,eadis

Basi s

sew through thesecond bead on round 3; ccntlnue.

]fy()u b~gin wilh:m odd number ofbe~d·. y Li '" cnt need to Sll!'p up; I he b~,d form aconttnuous spirak

Peyote: decrease Al.lill! point-of decrease, sew Uu()ugh t ,~'O bea ~s on I he (l1'e\d(ltIs row.

• 'j~ ~_""~, ,,","AI .yo ~

On the next row, when you n;.a,e:o the lli\'o-bcad space pi!;k up one bead.



-~ - -_ ....... " -.

Zipping up air joil11~ng flat peyote

To loin two --==-~~-==~ , eCI.iolls or tl:n peyote piece invisibly. tnotch up the 11'1(1 pil!'Ct' so Ihe edge b:~ads: fi~ ,osell1e 1". "Zip up"tbe pieces bY7.igzaggill,g IIU10Ugb

the ul'-bi!ads on both edge .

Right~an91le weave To start the' flil'Sl 'rO''"''. pick up (o'u r beads, and til!' 11110 i\ rillg, Sew through the ,first three beads g'lin.

'Pick up three be"d ,SC\\' back Lhtough 'the b, l bead ,or the previous ring {a-bj and

• ~ ~ cominue through 'the

~/' _lrS'II.WO pid'.cd up (or 1his srnch (i)-.(:).

BEan PaRaDISE 11

. ~-:. I!t.1h.!?

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Beginner or prolessl()nal - bead. stririlge.f; iewelry tleslgner Of \'~ie artist. ~I do~slrl. maHer • XUfO!1 tools am for all s!dll levels aJ1d all Iypes or JB'I'i'flry :.'i'olk. Xumn mamliacllJf(!S a complete line 01 qlJaljly crafted han!:! loots IhE.1 will .slmp:llfy anoienhimce every ,project

X~It.n'S patonted Mlcm-Sheaf'! tJ1ade IOy·.pass cutting action eIlSu~.es straIght square cuts willie OUf lifetime glJaranlood Li\lht·10u:tl1"" retumsj)llflgs andl cusl1ioned Xl.lro·HubM(''' grips WClvir1e all day comlm1.

To loom more arolll' Xoron's (uliUm ofjel'lelry maklnglools, please call, l1li ria Of e.ma!1 fror OU~ Iree Ctl:lamg. ~ iii II5iL


Contlnae addl ng three beads (or each sl.l.tch unnl the first row is I he desired IC1'l8111.

> You are ~c, .. ing

.,., rings in a ilgure

~ 8 pattern. alter-

muins dtreerion

with each ~liIch,

To begln rOW 2, S(~ v

r: through the lust

~ three beads of the ""1~ last :;ti'I,1'I in row I,

c'xi.ting the' bc'lo tit the edge of one lOllS side ..

Pick up three beads, .. nd :>Io'W back through the !;,I.'!l.d

you cxi~cd in ihc, previous ~.ICp (a~b). Cmuil'me duo ugh the

nrj;1 new bead (b..c).. ~.9

-'0' .~·v

Pick up '1w,o beads, and M:W through the next top' bead in the previous roW and the bead you just eJdt~>d {a-:b}. Q)nii'l1LH! lhrt:l1.lsh 'the t~\i'lJ new beads and the next top bend of the l

pl",c\"io~IS r~JW


Pick tip two beads, sew duough the bead you cx.ikd

in 'the previous slHch. the top bead in the pm'iou~ row, and the first new brad. Keep Ihi.' ilucild moving. ill "figure 8. Pick 1.11) IWo, beads per stl~c.h for (b~ rest of the row, alteruati ng d i rection with each ~ lilCIill.

Square stitch

S!n ng lhe required ournbe-r of beads for the fint


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.M ... ..,.~"',iCin ...

l~I!ti! .. n!i"j

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row, Then pick up the lirst bead ofthe secoad row" Sen' ihroUSh i he bSf bead ofrhe fiFo!':1 row and the firsl bead of the s~90nd row in the same direction as before. The new bead sits on top of the !)lc.I bead, and Ihe holesare p<lralieL

Pkk up the second bead of row 2. and sew tbrough the ,1l,Cc,!o:l-io-i(lsl, bead of row 1. Centinue through t he flew bC.JidQf 1"0\\' 2. Repeal, Ihis step -.~ fortheenure rcw.


Stop bead

-Q._ Use a stop bead ~ 1.0 secure beads rcrupora ril), whet! you begin stitching. Choose a belled Ihal. is disl'incl,lr different from the beads in)'oll r proje~l. $1 ring Ihe SlOp bead;llbO'll16 in. U5cirI) from the end ofyrmr thread, and sew b .. ,ek du:ough it in the same <Ii 11.'':liO'I1. If desired, ~ewlllro\ish it one more time foraddl!d ~c~lrity"


Position fllccrimp bead in lilt: hole closest !O the handle, Holding the wires !lparl:. sqm.',(:"'l.:~' the tool to compress the crimp bead. making sure OIH~ '>;lire ls on each side of the dent.

I Place the crimp

I bead in Ihe front

hole of'the tool', and position it so

ways to

xp ess your sy e

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Oklahoma Ma,y 12, 13

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the den I i~ faei!1gou~\"'i'3rd. Squeal: the \00110 fol,d the crimp in half.

TlIg on ,hc wires to ensure tlla,1 dIe crimp is, secure,

Loops, gl,a,in

Cut 3, head or eye pin. leaving ;) '4-in. (lem) tail above I he bead, !lend the wire agains'llh~ b~;1Id at aright <Ingle.

Gripthe Lip

of the wire in roundnose pliers. If)tOu cen fed rhe wire when you brush i'our fingers a!otlglhe back of the pliers, Inc loop will be Icm:dropshaped, Press downward siiglnl)', .;md rotate the wire iln!),alo.op.

LCISo. grn$p the loopatthe same plaee on the pliers. and keep turning to close 'the loop.

T~e eloser 10 tl1e pliers' tIp that ),Oll werk.thesmaller the loop will be'.

loops. wrapped

Slart willl no 11,;'85, than 11/. ill. (1.2cm) Qrwireai>ove rour bead, \lVith tile [ip ().( youI' ehainnose pliers, grasp the ",' ire: above the' bead. Bend the wi re above I.he pliers

i 1111) <l right nnglc .

Position the jaws of your'

rou Ild-n ose pliers in the bend.

Bring the wil'O~' I11¥ll'rlhe UClp j;1\1/ ..,ftbe rouudnosc pliers,

RcposiUon the pliers so I,he lower law' filS snugly ill lheloop. Curve ~he ... ilie (hm'riMard around the bottom oidle round nose plieTS. This is

!M first halfo!" a

Tapped loop.

To (ompklc

the WimpS, posit ion the jaws 0 r )l'Ollr -rr.1:innO$c pliers .;;cross the loop,

Wrap the wire arou nd the ;'lfe s~e~n, covcrlng the' space tween, Ehe loop and the

d. Trim the excess wire, melge-BII}' press the cut

~ dose 10. the wrap's whh ~inno~e pli,ers,

Plain lcops and jump

°ngs: opening and C osin.g

a loop or jump ring .m t1l'O'(Ipairs of c:ha lnncse

~ or with [ ~,--

_ :.ii n nose IHI d ~mose pliers.

To open the

0.1' jump ring. ~:lg the' tips of paiinl pliers "rd you and

NI ~he lips of the

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