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MOD 1.

(A) A communication system between receptors and effectors allows
the organisms to
a. Monitor changes in the internal and external environment
and respond actively to stimuli.
b. Control Homeostasis – to enable enzymes and cells to
function efficiently.
c. Use negative feedback to correct deviations by co-coordinating
the activities of the different organs.
(B) Cells need to communicate with each other by a process called
Cell Signalling.
(C) Examples of Cell Signalling: The Hypothalamus links the
Nervous and Hormonal System.
a. Neuronal System – Electrical Impulses via Nerves or Neurones
b. Hormonal System – Chemical Messages via Hormones.
(D) Homeostasis – The maintenance of the internal environment
(tissue fluid composition) in a constant state despite external changes.
Negative Feedback – The reversal of a change in the internal
environment to return to a steady state or optimum condition
(essential for homeostasis).
Positive Feedback is the principle that is a factor changes, the
mechanism will act to increase the change in that factor & bring it
further away from optimum conditions.
(E) Negative feedback includes receptors that send signals to the
hypothalamus. This then triggers a change by sending signals to
effectors either to increase or decrease the change in order to
bring it back to optimum.

(F) Thermoregulation is maintained by the hypothalamus – Central

receptors detect the blood temperature, and peripheral thermo-
receptors on the skin detect that of the external environment.
Endotherms: Produce and maintain their own body temperature. Water
has a high latent heat of evaporation so a lot of heat energy is removed
by evaporation.
Ectotherms: Rely on external environment for body temp:
• In hot environments, ectotherms can have blood that is much
warmer endotherms.
• More active in warm environments & sluggish in cold environments
due to their muscle activity depending on chemical reactions which run
quickly when it is hot and slowly when it is cold.
• Ectotherms can convert much more of its food into body mass
compared with endotherms.
Adaptations Control of Temperature Examples
Expose body to sun Enables more heat to be absorbed Snake
Orientate body to/away Exposes larger/smaller surface area for heat Locusts
from sun absorption
Hide in burrows Reduces heat absorption by keeping out of Lizards
Alter Body shape Exposes more or less surface area to sun Horned
Increase Breathing Evaporates more water Locusts

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