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ACTIVITY: Choose a partner to give you feedback regarding your portfolio taking into account the following items .
Once you have finished your analysis, share it with your partner .

● - The home ​page ​includes ...

● A brief description of the portfolio and its contents? NO
● A list / menu content about what is to be found? yes, we can find it in the top under the title and also like a “photo menu”
in the home page.
● Is it attractive and well organized? Could it be more visual? Yes, it is very visual because of the photos and the contrast
they make with the background colour of the portfolio.
● - The personal ​presentation ​includes ...
● The motivation and interests of the student? Yes, she explains a bit her educational life and experiences and all of those
things made her become interested in teaching.
● The educational challenges that the student faces with? No, she didn’t write her challenges yet.
● In the case that a photograph of the student has been included: is it appropriate for a formal presentation? Would you
include it in a resume? I think the photograph is appropriate because it’s casual and shows her in a natural mood, but it
could be better if she looks to the camera.
● - The ​entries ​include ...
● A ​title ​? Yes, the title is the same that is in the menu and then one more specific for each activity or evidence.
● A brief ​description ​of the activity: origin of the evidence, the content, the context? No.
● A ​reflection ​on what I am doing, how do I do it, how can I improve the ​relationship ​between the evidence and the
learning achieved from one of the descriptors of the TDD ? Yes, there are reflections in all of the activities.
● Variety of files ( ​Image, written, podcast , video, graphic representation ) ​created with various tools? Or are they always
the same type of files ? Yes, there are written, image and video files.

● The ​file ​attachments (as pdfs ) are absolutely necessary ? Could the information be included as input directly onto the
portfolio and facilitate access to information ? Has the student left the comfort zone and explored various ways of
representing the information? There is one pdf attachment which is about Teachers’ digital competence in Catalonia. I
think it’s necessary in order you could find more information to understand the evidences and activities of the portfolio.
The way that the student add this information in her portfolio is correct.
● - Can the portfolio visitor easily find the ​information ​from the home page? Yes, it’s very easy.
● Does it include higher or lower ​menus ​? Yes.
● There are descriptive ​buttons ​that allow you to move comfortably around the space? Yes.
● Do the ​links ​lead to the information described in the menus or buttons ? Yes, they are linked with the activity described in
the menu.
● Are there links or text that are ​not related ​to the information? No, they are all related.
● Is the reader given the option to ​access the information directly ​through the different entries or they are compelled to
download ​the files? The reader can access the information directly, for example to the PDF about Teachers’ competence.
- The text is well ​structured ​: with well-defined paragraphs, lack of spelling mistakes, without abusing italics? Yes.
- Are ​horizontal white lines ​appearing in the text that indicates absence of formatting ? No.
- Have ​important ​words been ​highlighted ​in particularly large texts to facilitate reading ? Yes.
- Is there a ​coherence ​between the text and the images used ? Yes.
- The ​proportion ​between the images and the space they occupy is adequate? Yes.
- Have all the images the same size and style?Almost all.
- Is there a good ​contrast ​between background and text? Is it worth reading the information? Are there any animations that can
produce visual tiredness after some time reading ? Yes, there is a good contrast. Yes. No.


1. Visual content
2. Very well organised
3. Links attached in the portfolio, not necessary to download it
4. Confortable letter to read. Important words are in bold

1. An evidence doesn’t have a link to the blog’s entry (song activity)
2. Include description of the activities
3. Improve personal description (include educational challenges)

Portfolio assessed: ​https://nataliamiquel.weebly.com

Assessed by: Carlota Monfort Fantova

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