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Magnetis Poli Ambo.

The Magnet. (General symptoms of the magnet produced by touching

either pole indiscriminately while handling the magnet, or by laying
the whole of the magnetic surface upon the body.) Trituration of
Sugar of Milk after exposure to the influence of the entire magnet.
Dilution of distilled water similarly exposed.

Clinical.─Fainting. Hæmorrhage. Orchitis. Paraphimosis. Prolapsus ani.

Rheumatism. Toothache. Ulcers.

Characteristics.─The effect of the Magnet as a whole and of each pole

separately was tested by Hahnemann, and the symptoms are mainly from
his pathogenesis. In his preface he says he does not expect "ordinary
mechanical, materialistic and atomistic heads" to be able to regard
diseases as "immaterial alterations of the vitality, or pure dynamic
derangements of our state of health, and medicinal powers as merely
virtual, almost spiritual, forces"; but he asks how they can reconcile with
their materialistic notions the fact that "a single imponderable spark from
a Leyden jar gives a shock to the strongest man, and yet no ascertainable
ponderable substance is communicated to his body?" Of the symptoms of
the Schema he says they "occurred from various powerful magnets
brought in contact with various sensitive individuals, without distinction
of the poles. They were observed in experiments conducted for half a year
for the purpose of ascertaining the proper and most efficacious mode of
stroking the steel with magnets, in which a horse-shoe magnet, capable of
lifting a weight of twelve pounds, was held in the hands, which were held
in contact with both poles for an hour at a time," with additional
symptoms from Andry, Thouret, Unzer, and De Harsu. "Although each of
the poles presents something peculiar in its power of altering the human
health, yet each of them seems, when applied twice or oftener, to produce
alternating actions which resemble those of the opposite pole" (M. M. P.).
For curative purposes Hahnemann recommended a very much milder
application of the magnet. (The popular use of electric rings for
rheumatism is analogous to this.) The method of attenuating media
saturated with emanations from the magnet does not seem to have
occurred to Hahnemann. My own experience with the magnetisms is
confined to Mgt. p. aust. 2m., but that is sufficient to give me confidence
in prescribing attenuations of these remedies when their indications arise.
The leading symptoms of Mgt. are: Burning lancinations throughout the
body pains as if broken in joints, where cartilages of two bones touch
shootings and jerkings; disturbed sleep; headache as if a nail were driven
in. The symptoms are < by motion and on awaking. The toothache is <
from cold and on contact with anything cold. Touch < pain in joints. Heat
> uncovering.

Relations.─The action lasts from 10 to 14 days. Antidoted by: Ign.,

Electr., Galv., Zn. (imposition of Zinc plate). Compare: Mgt. arct., Mgt.
aust., Fer. magnet., Mang. ox. Burnt smell in nose, Anac. Prolapsus ani,
Pod., Caust., Ign.

Compare also: Bell., Lyc., Nux, Petr., Pul., Stram., Sabi., Teuc.


1. Mind.─Busy precipitation.─Absence of
mind.─Irresolution.─Inadvertence.─Tendency to anger and rage.

2. Head.─Vertigo, esp. in evening after lying down, as if about to fall, or

as from concussion in head.─Vertigo, with staggering, when walking;
objects seem to waver before eyes.─Headache from over-strained memory
and reflection.─Pain, as of a bruise, in head, on waking in
morning.─Digging, stupefying headache, which is immediately dispersed
by movements of flatus.─Cephalalgia, as if a nail were driven into the
head, as if caused by a wound, esp. after a fit of anger.─Jerking tearing in
head, appearing at intervals.─Rushing or buzzing noises in whole head.

3. Eyes.─Itching in eyes, esp. the lids.─Pupils dilated.─Scintillation of

white light, beyond the range of vision, in the twilight.─Sparks before the

4. Ears.─Humming in ears.─Diminution of hearing.

5. Nose.─Aberration of smell; a smoky or mouldy scent is perceived.

6. Face.─Perspiration on face, without heat, in morning.─Jerking tearing

in upper jaw.─Violent burning lancination in muscles of face, in
evening.─Swelling of lips, with salivation, in evening.─Small pimples,
with pain, like that of a wound, on lips.

7. Teeth.─Odontalgia, after drinking anything cold, or from contact with

cold air.─Pressive, jerking odontalgia, in isolated shocks.─Odontalgia, in
carious teeth, with swelling of gums.

10. Appetite.─Fetid breath.─Metallic taste in mouth.─Insipid taste of

tobacco and beer.─Many things have a mouldy taste.─Speedy
satiety.─Good appetite in evening.
11. Stomach.─Abortive risings.─Risings, with smell and taste of horn-
scrapings.─Sour regurgitation, when stooping.─Stomach-ache, with
cramp towards upper part, agitation, which allows no rest whatever,
heaviness of tongue, paleness of face, and coldness of body.

12. Abdomen.─Pressure and anxious fulness in abdomen, esp. during

mental exertion.─Noisy grumbling and borborygmi in
abdomen.─Production of much flatus.─Flatulent colic.─Expulsion of
flatulence, with painful pressure.

13. Stool and Anus.─Constipation, as from contraction of

rectum.─Painless diarrhœa, with flatulence.─Hæmorrhoidal, smarting
pain in anus, after evacuation, with constriction in rectum.─Blind
hæmorrhoids.─Prolapsus recti.

15. Male Sexual Organs.─Burning sensation in region of spermatic

vesicles, which excites sexual desire.─Dulness of sexual feeling, and
aversion to coition.─Erection, without amorous thoughts.─Retraction of
prepuce behind the glans.─Swelling of epididymis, with pain during
movement and when touched.

16. Female Sexual Organs.─Catamenia premature, profuse, and of too

long duration.

17. Respiratory Organs.─Paroxysms of dry cough at night.─Spasmodic

cough, esp. after midnight, when awake, or during reflection.─Nocturnal
dyspnœa, excited by mucus in trachea, which is easily detached in

18. Chest.─Burning, insupportable lancinations in muscles of chest.

20. Back.─Jerking in the spine, as from something alive.─Painful

sensibility of the joint of the sacrum, in morning, in bed, when lying on
side, or by day, when stooping.─Wrenching pain in shoulder-joint, or pain
as from the starting of a tendon in wrist.

22. Upper Limbs.─Drawing pains in joints and muscles of arms, often

from head to fingers.─Tearing jerking in muscles of arms, after remaining
some time in the cold.─Red spots in palms, like vesicles.

23. Lower Limbs.─Attacks of cramp in calves of legs, and toes, after

waking in morning.─Burning lancinations in heels, and in corns on the

24. Generalities.─Burning sensation in the limbs and joints.─Burning

lancinations in the fleshy parts.─Wrenching pain in the limbs.─Pains, as
of a fracture, in the joints, esp. in evening and morning, in bed, and
principally during movement.─Burning lancinations across all parts of
body, in different directions.─Shuddering, which traverses the whole
body.─Shaking in the body, with fright, or shocks, which cause violent
bending and straightening of the body, sometimes with loss of
consciousness.─Long-lasting swoons; during which she feels her pains,
but is not able to speak or move.

25. Skin.─Tendency of old wounds to bleed afresh.─Ulcers painful, like

new wounds.─Small furunculi.─Small pustules, with lancinating, drawing

26. Sleep.─Disturbed sleep, with talking, snoring, and continued

tossing.─Waking at 3 a.m.; and falling into a drowsy lethargy towards
sunrise.─Lying on the back, with the hand under the head, the legs wide
apart, and the mouth half open, with snoring respiration.─Amorous,
lascivious dreams.─Jerking of the body before going to sleep.─After
waking in morning, headache, with pain, as of a fracture, in all the joints,
which forces constant change in position of limbs.

27. Fever.─Dry heat, with need to be uncovered, at night, and in morning,

in bed.

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