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Product LED/bulb Battery

Book Light Lux Lumens Weight # of LEDs lifetime Battery Life Type AC Port? Price Buy
Classic 107 12 5.9 oz. 1 4.8v bulb 20 hrs. 8 hrs. 4 AA Y 8.99 BUY
UltraThin 69 7 1.1 oz. 1 100,000 hrs. 24 hrs. 2 CR2032 N 9.99 BUY
XtraFlex 53 6 2.1 oz. 1 100,000 hrs. 32 hrs. 3 AAA N 10.99 BUY
MiniFlex 62 7 1.4 oz. 1 100,000 hrs. 24 hrs. 2 CR2032 Y 11.99 BUY
TravelFlex 62 7 1.4 oz. 1 100,000 hrs. 24 hrs. 1 AAA N 12.99 BUY
PocketFlex 56 7 1.6 oz. 1 100,000 hrs. 24 hrs. 2 CR2032 N 14.99 BUY
XtraFlex2 96 12 2.3 oz. 2 100,000 hrs. 28 hrs. 3 AAA Y 16.99 BUY
Triple LED 101 14 3.1 oz. 3 100,000 hrs. 24 hrs. 3 AAA Y 19.99 BUY
DoubleFlex 96 12 3.0 oz. 2 100,000 hrs. 28 hrs. 3 AAA N 24.99 BUY

Lumens (luminous flux): The standard unit of measure for total visible light emitted from a light source
Lux (illuminance): The intensity of light on an illuminated surface. Equal to 1 lumen per square meter. Standard household lighting is typically around 50 lux.

Notes: 1) Lamps were tested with fresh carbon batteries. Results may vary depending on battery type and condition. 2) Results may vary with the use of an AC power supply. 3)
Results may vary with a standard deviation of +/-10%. 4) End of battery life defined as 10% of initial light output 5) Lux calculated based on the functional distance of light source
from the illuminated surface. This distance varies based on model type.

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