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10/12/2019 Mail - Francis Bautista - Outlook

new option for resolution of technology disputes

Strong, Stacie I. <strongsi@MISSOURI.EDU>
Fri 11/10/2019 6:49 PM

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Dear all

The Society for Computers and Law (SCL) has just announced that its work on a new adjudica on
procedure for the resolu on of technology disputes in England & Wales is almost complete. Key
features of the new process include:

- A three-month procedure for “technology” disputes - meaning any dispute arising from a contract for
the provision of tech-related goods and services including so ware development contracts, outsourcing
arrangements, systems integra on contracts, IT consultancy contracts, so ware licensing agreements,
blockchain/smart contracts and cloud compu ng contracts.
- No restric on on the size or scope of tech disputes that may be referred.
- A pre-selected panel of adjudicators (set up and maintained by SCL) from which an adjudicator may be
chosen for individual adjudica ons.
- The adjudicator’s decision or Award is provisionally binding meaning the par es may reopen the
dispute in subsequent li ga on or arbitra on i.e. the consequences are the same as in statutory
construc on adjudica on.
- However, any subsequent proceedings must be commenced within six calendar months of the Award.
- And, in the mean me, the par es must comply with the adjudicator’s decision.
- Par es are required to act in good faith and co-operate throughout the procedure. These are express
obliga ons.
- Media on remains an op on and may take place at any me if the par es agree: i.e. before, a er or
even during the procedure itself.

For more informa on, see h ps://www.scl.org/news/10580-scl-adjudica on-procedure-update-and-


SCL: SCL Adjudication Procedure: Update and Launch Plans


A new adjudication procedure for the resolution of technology disputes in England & Wales

Prof. S.I. Strong

Manley O. Hudson Professor of Law
University of Missouri
216 Hulston Hall
Columbia, MO 65211 USA

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10/12/2019 Mail - Francis Bautista - Outlook

Tel. +1 573 882 2465

Email: strongsi@missouri.edu
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