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Thermal Analysis User

Information for Users

Dear Customer, Contents 1/ 2014

This year, we celebrate two milestone anniversaries, namely 50 years of METTLER TOLEDO thermal analysis TA Tip
and 20 years of UserCom. With this in mind, we are delighted to announce a new STARe software version and - Curve interpretation, Part 2:
three new instruments. Details can be found in the News section. We are convinced that thermal analysis Variation of heating and cooling rates 1
will continue to play an important role in the testing, characterization and development of materials, and in News
research. As in the past, new technologies will lead to new innovations and open up new application areas, in
- STARe System enhancements 8
the same way as we have recently seen with the Flash DSC 1.
- The TGA-IST-GC/MS system –
In the twentieth year of UserCom, we hope that we can once again surprise you with interesting application unprecedented detailed insight 10
examples and look forward to your comments and feedback.
- 50 years of innovation in
thermal analysis 11
- Cooling with the latest instruments
from Huber 13
- Quantos HPD – A clever handheld
Curve interpretation, Part 2: solution for powder dosing 15
Variation of heating and cooling rates - Measurement of vapor pressure
curves and the enthalpy of
vaporization of liquids by HPDSC 16
Dr. Jürgen Schawe
- Composition of water-in-oil
ammonium nitrate emulsions
using TGA and DSC 18
In practice, heating measurements are frequently performed at just one heating rate. The - Thermomechanical analysis of
properties of many substances and materials however depend on their production and natural and cosmetically treated hair 22
storage conditions. In such cases, important additional information can be obtained by - Determination of heat capacity by
simply varying the heating and cooling rates. These possibilities are illustrated with the temperature-modulated DSC at
aid of typical examples. temperatures above 700 °C 24
- Exhibitions 26
- Courses and Seminars 27
Introduction The sample can be cooled externally or The original sample measured in the
Thermal analysis methods are now well in the instrument. The cooling rate can first heating run was crystallized from
established as standard analytical meth- be controlled or the sample can be al- solution, which led to the formation of
ods in industry and research because lowed to cool freely in contact with a cold crystals of the most stable form. Before
they provide comprehensive and reli- medium. the second heating run, the sample crys-
TA Tip

able information about a material or a tallized from the melt on cooling. In this
substance in a relatively short time. The Rapid ballistic cooling case, a crystal modification formed that
full potential of these methods is often By ballistic cooling, we mean the free melted at a lower melting temperature.
not fully realized because the analysis cooling of a sample when it is quickly
is based on measurements at one single transferred from a hotter (at temperature Before the third measurement (green
heating rate. For example, in differen- T1) to a cooler environment (at tempera- curve), the sample was cooled ballisti-
tial scanning calorimetry (DSC) this is ture T2). cally from 210  °C to room tempera-
10 K/min. ture. It was removed from the hot DSC
The cooling rate is not constant but is furnace by the automatic sample robot
This series of articles describes analyti- proportional to the difference between and placed on the sample turntable. The
cal approaches that greatly expand the the temperature of the sample and that measurement curve shows that the cool-
information obtainable from thermal of the environment and to the heat ca- ing rate was so high that the sample had
analysis measurement curves and that pacity of the sample being cooled. In no time to crystallize during the cooling
improve the quality of the evaluation and conventional DSC measurements, three process but solidified to a glass (vitri-
interpretation. main types of ballistic cooling are used: fied). The glass transition can be seen at
1. Cooling from a higher temperature to about 60 °C.
In Part 1 [1] we showed how further in- room temperature: The sample is rap-
formation about the sample can be ob- idly removed from the hot DSC furnace On further heating, an exothermic crys-
tained by varying experimental condi- and placed on a metal plate at room tallization peak occurs between 90 and
tions such as the temperature range or temperature. This occurs automati- 110 °C. The sample crystallizes with a
the atmosphere. In this article, Part 2, we cally if the sample is removed from the degree of supercooling of about 100 K.
discuss the additional information that DSC furnace by the sample robot at the The crystalline phase that forms is not
can be gained by varying heating and end of the measurement. very stable and therefore melts at a rela-
cooling rates. 2. Cooling from room temperature to a tively low temperature. On further heat-
lower temperature: The sample is in- ing, reorganization takes place. Above
Here, we will concentrate mainly on serted into the DSC furnace that has 160 °C, three melting peaks are observed;
conventional DSC, temperature-modu- been cooled to T2. This can also be three mesophases of different stability
lated DSC (TMDSC) and fast DSC (Flash done by the sample robot. have been produced.
DSC). The analysis of reaction kinetics is 3. Cooling from above room temperature
demonstrated using thermogravimetric to below room temperature: The sam- The formation and reorganization of
(TGA) measurements. ple is heated to T1 on a heating plate mesophases in polymorphic substances
near the DSC and then quickly insert- can therefore be studied by varying the
Variation of the cooling ed into the precooled DSC furnace. cooling rate.
rate between two heating
measurements In the following sections, an example Influence of the cooling rate on the
If a substance forms metastable struc- of each of the first two types will be dis- structure formation of a metastable
tures, for example polymorphic phases, cussed. mixture (sucrose and water)
information about the structures in- Many mixtures form different solid
volved can be obtained by varying the Influence of the cooling rate on the phases depending on the cooling rate.
cooling rate between heating measure- formation of a polymorphic sub- Examples of major practical importance
ments. On cooling from the melt, crystal- stance (sulfapyridine) are mixtures of carbohydrates and water.
lization or partial crystallization often The red curve in Figure 1 displays the
occurs. first heating run of a sample of sulfa- In this example, we examine the sucrose-
pyridine. The blue curve was measured water system. In thermodynamic equilib-
At high cooling rates, the crystallization at 10 K/min after cooling from the melt rium, it is a eutectic system.
process shifts to lower temperatures. Dif- at 220 °C.
ferent structures can then be formed that This means that both constituents are
differ in their stability. At a sufficiently In this second heating run, the melting ideally miscible in the liquid phase and
high cooling rate, vitrification (glass for- peak appears at a slightly lower tempera- immiscible in the solid phase. Hydrogen
mation) may also occur. ture and is somewhat broader. bonding, however, takes place between

the sugar and the water molecules and Figure 1.
DSC heating curves
leads to metastable associations of sugar of sulfapyridine.
and water. Since these associations do Red: first heating
not crystallize but vitrify, the mixture run.
Blue: measured
forms metastable structures that depend after cooling at
on the cooling rate. 10 K/min.
Green: measured
after rapid cooling.
A detailed study of this particular sys-
tem is given in reference [2]. Here, we
restrict ourselves to the measurement of
a mixture with a sucrose mass fraction
of 0.664. The sample was cooled rapidly
(ballistically) and at 2 K/min.

In the ballistic cooling experiment, the

sample was inserted at room tempera-
ture into the DSC furnace that had been
cooled to –100 °C using the sample ro-
bot. The heating measurements were
Figure 2.
then performed up to 30 °C at 5 K/min DSC heating curves
(Figure 2). of a sucrose-water
mixture measured
after cooling at dif-
The curve measured after rapid cooling ferent rates.
(blue) exhibits a glass transition at about
–75 °C. Free water of the sample, which
is then liquid, crystallizes between –40
and –25 °C. The ice melts immediately
afterward. The curve measured after slow
cooling (red) shows a glass transition
at –45 °C followed by a melting process
from about –30 °C onward.

The reason for the different behavior of

the sample after slow and rapid cooling is
the interaction between the water and the
carbohydrate molecules. On rapid cool-
ing, there is not enough time for separa-
tion into different phases. The original amount of water cannot crystallize to ing possibilities of the instrument used.
homogeneous solution supercools with- ice because of the hydrogen bonding This enables you to obtain further in-
out crystallization and forms a homoge- between the carbohydrate and water formation on the kinetics of phase for-
neous glass. molecules (association). A mixture of a mation. Conventional DSC instruments
glassy water-sucrose association and ice allow cooling rates in the range 0.01 to
The glass transition temperature of this is formed. The glass transition tempera- 100 K/min. This is adequate for relatively
glass depends on its composition. With ture of the association depends on its wa- slow structure formation.
higher water concentrations, it decreases. ter content.
In this example, this glass transition However, much higher rates occur in
temperature is at –75 °C (blue curve in The red curve in Figure 2 shows that this many technical processes. Further-
Figure 2). On further heating, ice crystals is at about –45 °C. On further heating, more, in many materials the processes
are formed that melt immediately after- the ice crystals formed on slow cooling of structure formation are also much
ward. then melt. faster so that cooling rates of several
hundred K/min are not fast enough for
At a cooling rate of 2 K/min, ice already Cooling with defined variation systematic investigations.
forms on cooling. This lowers the con- of the cooling rate
centration of water in the liquid water- The cooling rate can also be varied in In particular, you also have to take into
sucrose mixture. However, the entire a defined way, depending on the cool- account the fact that the kinetics of pro-

cesses frequently follow exponential laws After this, recrystallization to the mono- normalized with respect to mass and
so that the corresponding cooling rates tropic α-form (110 °C) occurs; this then heating rate for better comparison.
must be varied by orders of magnitude melts at 130 °C. Comparison of the melt-
(several decades). ing and crystallization enthalpies shows The samples were cooled ballistically be-
that the sample was amorphous before fore the measurement by melting them
TA Tip

The Flash DSC 1 was developed [3–5] the heating measurement (the sum of the in the DSC and removing them from the
to investigate the kinetics of structure melting and crystallization enthalpies is DSC furnace using the sample robot. The
formation in cases like this. The instru- practically zero). sample was then amorphous. The heat-
ment offers cooling rates from several ing runs were performed at 5 K/min (red
Kelvin per minute to several thousand After cooling at 10 K/s (red curve), the curve) and 10 K/min (blue curve).
per second. By combining results from sample is semicrystalline. Compared
the DSC 1 and the Flash DSC 1, the cool- with the blue curve, the glass transition The curves were normalized with respect
ing rate can effectively be varied by more is shifted to a slightly higher temperature to sample mass and heating rate for bet-
than seven orders of magnitude. and has a smaller step height. ter comparison. The crystallization peaks
show that the crystallization temperature
Isotactic polypropylene (iPP) is a poly- Crystallization and reorganization do increases with higher heating rates.
mer that crystallizes relatively rapidly not occur on heating. The melting peak
but remains amorphous at cooling rates is shifted to higher temperature (145 °C). In the melting range 165 to 200  °C,
from about 1000 K/s onward [5, 6]. Compared with the previous case, the several different polymorphic forms are
crystallites that melt are more perfect. observed. The less stable forms melt at
Figure  3 shows two heating curves of lower temperatures. The variation in
iPP samples that were measured with Variation of the heating rate relative peak size is due to the different
the Flash DSC 1. The heating rate was after defined cooling proportions of monotropic phases in the
1000 K/s. Before the two heating runs, sample and the different reorganization
the sample was cooled from the melt at Reorganization on heating processes that occur during heating.
200 °C down to –80 °C at 1000 K/s (blue The reorganization of a sample on heat-
curve) and at 10 K/s (red curve). ing depends on the heating rate and on In the heating curve at 5 K/min at about
the structure of the original sample. 183 °C, you can see the exothermic re-
The blue curve shows that after cooling A defined structure can be obtained by crystallization to the next stable phase.
at 1000 K/s, the sample is amorphous. choosing a particular cooling rate. The The melting peak of the most stable mea-
The glass transition is observed as a step kinetics of reorganization can then be sured form at 193 °C is larger in the sam-
at about 0 °C. At 40 °C, the sample crys- investigated by varying the heating rate. ple heated at 5 K/min than in the mea-
tallizes. Because of the large degree of surement performed at 10 K/min. At the
supercooling, the so-called mesophase is This is illustrated in Figure 4, which higher heating rate, the sample had less
formed [7]. The small endothermic peak displays DSC measurements of sulfapyri- time to form this modification through
at 90 °C is due to the melting of the me- dine. The curves were measured at two reorganization.
sophase. different heating rates and have been
Reorganization during a DSC measure-
Figure 3.
Flash DSC heating ment is also known in polymers. This
curves of isotactic is illustrated in Figure 5, which displays
polypropylene (iPP)
Flash DSC measurements of PET 5 [3, 8].
measured after
cooling at 1000 K/s Before each measurement, the amor-
and 10 K/s. Heating phous sample was crystallized at 140 °C
rate: 1000 K/s.
for 10 min and then measured at various
heating rates.

Two peaks are clearly visible in the curve

at the relatively low heating rate of
50 K/s. At higher heating rates, the low
temperature peak shifts to higher tem-
perature and the high temperature peak
to lower temperatures.

At 1000 K/s, the two peaks coincide with

one another. The low temperature peak

is caused by the melting of the crystals Figure 4.
DSC heating curves
formed during the isothermal crystalli- of amorphous
zation process. Its slight shift to higher sulfapyridine mea-
temperature is a result of the time lag sured at 5 K/min
and 10 K/min.
due to thermal conductivity.

The crystallites that cause the second

peak were formed through reorganization
on heating. The lower the heating rate,
the more time there is for their formation.

The result is that the crystals formed

at the lowest heating rate are the most
perfect and therefore melt at the high-
est temperature. The measurements show
that the sample must be heated at least at
1000 K/s to suppress reorganization dur-
ing the measurement. Only then does the
melting behavior represent the structure
Figure 5.
of the original sample. The Flash DSC is Flash DSC curves
essential for measurements like this. of a sample of
PET measured at
different heating
Reaction kinetics rates. The sample
The kinetics of chemical reactions can was crystallized at
140 °C for 10 min-
also be investigated by evaluating mea- utes beforehand.
surements performed at different heating

A fresh sample is needed for each heat-

ing run. Figure 6 summarizes the evalu-
ation of the kinetics of decomposition of
polystyrene by TGA. The TGA curves were
measured at heating rates of 2, 5 and
10 K/min.

The reaction is shifted to higher temper-

ature at higher heating rates. This shift
provides the data we need to determine Temperature-modulated DSC These techniques allow the heat flow to
the reaction kinetics. The evaluation was Temperature-modulated DSC (TMDSC) be separated into several different com-
performed using the Model Free Kinetics is the name for a group of techniques in ponents:
software (MFK) [9]. One important re- which a conventional temperature pro- • The total heat flow corresponds to the
sult is the apparent activation energy as a gram (consisting of heating, cooling or heat flow caused by the mean heating
function of conversion. isothermal segments) is overlaid with a rate. This heat flow component corre-
small modulation function. sponds to the conventional DSC curve.
This curve allows you to obtain informa- • The reversing heat flow is caused by
tion about the kinetics of the reaction and The modulation function can be a tem- the temperature modulation. This
to make predictions about the course of perature step (IsoStep [10]), sinusoidal component corresponds to the heat
the reaction under different conditions. temperature changes (ADSC [11]), or flow caused by external temperature
stochastic temperature fluctuations changes due to the modulation func-
The curves in the bottom right diagram (TOPEM® [12, 13]). tion. It has to do with heat capacity
in Figure 6 show predictions for the contributions.
course of the isothermal reaction at 325, In a TMDSC heating experiment, the • The non-reversing heat flow does not
350 and 375 °C. Results like this can be actual heating rate changes while the follow the temperature modulation.
used to compare the thermal stability of mean heating rate remains constant. This component is due to internal
different materials. processes in the sample, for example

chemical reactions and crystallization This is illustrated in Figure  7, which at underlying heating rates of 1, 2 and
processes. displays curves obtained from a typical 5 K/min showed that the glass transition
TOPEM® measurement. The total heat temperature was always at about 140 °C,
TOPEM® differs from other two modula- flow curve (red) corresponds to a conven- which is the glass transition temperature
tion techniques in several respects: tional DSC curve. Evaluation of the reac- of the fully cured material.
TA Tip

• It is more robust because the modula- tion peak yields an apparent enthalpy of
tion function does not require a par- reaction of 10 J/g. There is no indication For this reason, the measurement had to
ticular form. of a glass transition. be performed at a heating rate of 10 K/
• The heat flow components are better min. This heating rate is relatively high
and more exactly separated due to the The glass transition can however be seen for a TMDSC measurement if the purpose
patented evaluation procedure. as a step in the reversing heat flow curve is to correctly measure quantitative val-
• It is a multi-frequency analysis in (green) with a midpoint at 100.4 °C. The ues such as the enthalpy of reaction. It
which the heat flows can be assigned non-reversing heat flow curve (blue) is also difficult to achieve with the other
to quasi-static conditions. The fre- shows the (separated) reaction peak with modulation methods The robustness of
quency dependence of the thermal the true enthalpy of reaction of 16 J/g. the TOPEM® technique allows heating
events can then be determined in the rates of up to about 25 K/min to be used
same measurement. Comparison of the measurement curves to measure such reactions.
shows that the conventional DSC mea-
Modulated DSC measurements are fre- surement (total heat flow curve) does not TMDSC techniques can be used to ob-
quently used to investigate postcuring re- exhibit a glass transition and that the en- tain additional information about ki-
actions. In these reactions, a material is thalpy of reaction determined is wrong by netic processes in samples by varying the
partially cured in a production process or more than 50%. modulation function (e.g. amplitude or
through its thermal history. Generally, the frequency).
glass transition temperature of the mate- Furthermore, comparison of the revers-
rial has increased to such an extent that it ing and non-reversing heat flow curves Other methods
lies above the ambient temperature. indicates that the postcuring reaction Many thermal effects of samples can be
starts at the beginning of the glass tran- identified and evaluated by varying the
The reaction rate then decreases drasti- sition. In this case, a minimum of mobil- measurement conditions as described so
cally due to restricted molecular mobility ity is sufficient to initiate the postcuring far in this article and in Part 1 of this se-
[14]. When the material is heated again reaction. ries. In practice, many more variations
and the glass transition temperature is are used.
reached and exceeded, molecular mobil- A further consequence of this is that
ity increases and the postcuring reaction measurements cannot be performed at These include:
begins. Very often, the step of the glass low underlying heating rates because 1. Varying the gas exchange between
transition and the reaction peak overlap the glass transition temperature shifts sample and the environment:
and the two events cannot be properly to higher temperatures during the mea- This is always successful in applica-
evaluated. surement. Preliminary experiments tions in which gaseous components have
a significant effect on the behavior of
Figure 6.
Evaluation of the ki- the sample. The simplest method is to
netics of decompo- change the gas exchange by means of the
sition of polystyrene
crucible lid.
from TGA heating
In the DSC, the standard 40-µL crucible
can be hermetically sealed or a defined
gas exchange can be established by
means of a hole in the lid. There are sev-
eral possibilities to accomplish this, such
• by using a hermetically sealed lid,
• using a lid with a defined 50-μm hole,
• piercing the lid with a thin needle
(0.35 mm),
• piercing the lid with a thick needle
(about 1 mm),
• no lid.

These possibilities allow the partial pres- Figure 7.
A postcuring reac-
sure over the sample to be varied. This tion measured
shifts the temperature of vaporization by TOPEM® at an
of volatile components such as water or underlying heating
rate of 10 K/min.
plasticizers. Besides this, the kinetics of
chemical reactions can also be signifi-
cantly influenced.

2. The crucible and sample can react

with each other or the crucible material
can act as a catalyst in the reaction of
a sample. The use of a different crucible
can lead to additional information.

3. The pressure exerted on the sample

can be increased through the use of her-
metically sealed crucibles, and medium
pressure or high pressure crucibles. The
pressure can be varied and set to defined
values in the high-pressure DSC (HP References [9] Tips on model free kinetics,
[1] J. Schawe, Curve interpretation, UserCom 8, 1 – 3.
DSC1). [10] IsoStep, UserCom 15, 8.
Part 1 : Variation of experimental
conditions, UserCom 28, 1 – 7. [11] S. Montserrat, F. Roman, P. Colomer,
This allows reactions in which gaseous [2] J.E.K. Schawe, A quantitative DSC Investigation of the cold crystallizati-
analysis of the metastable phase be- on and melting of amorphous linear
constituents play an important role to be polymers by ADSC, UserCom 16
havior of the sucrose-water system,
investigated under different conditions. Thermochemica Acta, 451 ( 2006 ) ( 2002 ) 13 – 15.
Samples can be exposed to different con- 115 – 125. [12] J. E. K. Schawe, T. Hütter, C. Heitz, I.
[3] J. Schawe, The revolutionary new Alig, D. Lellinger, Stochastic tempe-
centrations of reactive gases (e.g. oxy- Flash DSC 1 : Optimum performance rature modulation : A new technique
gen) or gases that act as plasticizers (e.g. for metastable materials, UserCom in temperature-modulated DSC,
carbon dioxide) by varying the gas pres- 32, 12 – 16. Thermochimica Acta, 446 ( 2006 )
[4] J. Schawe, Practical aspects of the 147 – 155.
sure. This allows their effect on thermal Flash DSC1 : Sample preparation [13] TOPEM ® – The new multi-frequency
events to be investigated. for measurements of polymers, temperature-modulated technique,
UserCom 36, 17 – 24. UserCom 22, 6 – 8.
[5] J.E.K. Schawe, Influence of proces- [14] J. Schawe, Kinetic studies of complex
Conclusions sing conditions on polymer crystal- reactions. Part 1 : model free kinetics,
In practice, the thermal analysis meth- lization measured by fast scanning UserCom 18, 13 – 16.
ods are frequently used for just one single DSC, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.
DOI 10.  1007 / s10973 - 013 - 3563 - 8.
heating measurement. [6] F. De Santis, S. Adamovsky, G.
Titomanlio, C. Schick, Scanning
The information content of such mea- Nanocalorimetry at High Cooling
Rate of Isotactic Polypropylene, Mac-
surements, the reliability of the inter- romolecules 39 ( 2006 ) 2562 - 2567.
pretation and not least the accuracy of [7] D. Mileva, R. Androsch, E. Zhuravlev,
C. Schick, The temperature of melting
the measurement result can, however, be
of the mesophase of isotactic poly-
greatly increased by using a series of dif- propylene, Macromolecules
ferent heating and cooling cycles and an 42 ( 2009 ) 7275 - 7278.
[8] J. Schawe, D. Neff, Kunststoffanalytik
intelligent variation of the experimental für Materialien der Zukunft, Plastver-
conditions. This prevents errors and saves arbeiter 09 ( 2011 ) 70 – 72.
time for the analysis.

STARe System enhancements

STARe Software Version 13.0 • The graphical user interface with TGA/DSC 2

The new STAR ® software version sup- modern icons The TGA/DSC 2 replaces the TGA/DSC 1.
ports all previous and new METTLER • Almost any programmable complex The TGA/DSC 2 incorporates the latest
TOLEDO thermal analysis instruments. force program including sine func- METTLER TOLEDO XPU balance tech-
tions with the TMA nology. Long-term stability has been im-
Some licensed functions such as the cre- • Stress-Strain experiments and creep proved even more.
ation of complex temperature programs experiments with the TMA
using Relative Loop and the subtraction • Standard-compliant sapphire method The TGA/DSC 2 is a top-of-the-line in-
of straight lines are now available free of for the accurate determination of ex- strument. Besides the TGA signal, a qual-
charge for all users. pansion coefficients at high tempera- itatively first-class DSC signal is available
tures (ASTM E2113) that simultaneously measures effects
New features Besides these new functions, a number that do not exhibit a weight loss.
at a glance: of other improvements have also been
• One Click™ functionality for the new made. Ask your sales specialist to demon- The most important features
TMA/SDTA 1 strate the new software. at a glance:
• Wide temperature range from room
temperature to 1600 °C
STARe V13.00 Installation Method Experiment Evaluation • Modular design allows later conver-
Main Menu bar Window Window Window Window sion to a fully automated system
• Very wide measurement range of 5 g
with a resolution of 0.1 µg over the
entire range
Figure 1. • Application-specific sensors for the
STARe software with DSC sensor with the proven Multi-
new icons.
STAR® thermocouple arrangement
Figure 2. DSC 2
View of the new fur- We are delighted to announce the DSC 2, TMA/SDTA 1
nace showing the a new generation of DSC instrumenta- The new TMA/SDTA 1 replaces the TMA/
FRS 6 sensor with
centering tabs. tion. Modifications have been made to SDTA840 and TMA/SDTA841e instru-
the sensor that increase its robustness ments. Simultaneous SDTA measurement
and at the same time improve enthalpy has been retained, which guarantees the
reproducibility. highest temperature accuracy. The elec-
tronics have been completely modernized
The most important features and the number of instrument versions
at a glance: increased.
• Wide temperature range from –150 to
700 °C Four different models with opti-
• Modular design allows later conver- mized furnace systems are now
Figure 3. sion to a fully automated system available:
View of the new,
electrically thermo- • Unsurpassed sensitivity with the high- • –150 to 600 °C (liquid nitrogen)
stated XPU balance est resolution, the ideal solution for all • –80 to 600 °C (IntraCooler)
cell. types of samples • Room temperature to 1100 °C
• Robust ceramic sensor with the • Room temperature to 1600 °C
unique MultiSTAR® multiple thermo- • The frictionless parallel guidance sys-
couple arrangement tem of the probe allows measurements
to be performed in the nanometer

range with almost zero force and with New DSC and TGA crucibles Figure 4.
New high-temper-
amazing resolution. This allows the We have added four new types of crucible ature TMA/SDTA 1
smallest expansion coefficients to be to our already very comprehensive range with the ceramic
measured with great accuracy. of crucibles. You can always use the op- and sapphire sup-
port and probe.
timum crucible with regard to material,
The most important features volume, signal resolution, and sealing for
at a glance: your particular measurement.
• Wide temperature range from –150 to
1600 °C The current range of crucibles can be
• Wide measurement range of ±5 mm found at:
with constant resolution in the nano- www.mt.com/ta-crucibles
meter region
• Simultaneous SDTA measurement, Figure 5.
which also measures thermal effects The new 600-µL
aluminum oxide
that do not exhibit a change in length crucible.

The new crucibles at a glance:

Order number Description Instrument Advantages
300 858 50 25 µL, aluminum, DSC (TGA) Improves enthalpy
100 pieces reproducibility
300 771 39 High-pressure cruci- DSC High-pressure cru-
ble 25 µL, steel/gold, cible with smaller
25 pieces signal time constant
(better temperature
300 772 60 600 µL, aluminum TGA Large and particularly
oxide, 4 pieces tight crucible, suitable
for metal melts
300 772 66 Special lid for the TGA Lid that the sample
600-µL crucible, robot can remove be-
40 pieces fore the measurement
51 140 845 70 µL, PCA/sapphire, TGA (DSC) Absolutely tight cru-
4 pieces cible made of poly-
crystalline aluminum
oxide with properties
similar to those of

TA News at a glance:
For further details see:

The TGA-IST-GC/MS system –
unprecedented detailed insight

Thermogravimetric analysis combined Later on, the gas samples can be indi- • Independent TGA- and GC/MS ex-
with gas chromatography and mass vidually analyzed and evaluated, which periments – GC/MS analysis does
spectrometry (TGA-GC/MS) is nowadays enables the decomposition gases to be not require the TGA experiment to be
the preferred method for qualitative and uniquely assigned to individual TGA interrupted and thus saves time
quantitative evolved gas analysis, EGA. steps.
The IST16 Storage Interface
This combination of methods allows Features and benefits of the The unique IST16 Storage Interface can
thermal effects to be correlated with in- METTLER TOLEDO TGA-GC/MS be operated in several different modes:
formation about the molecular nature, • Gas analysis by GC/MS – Determina- • Storage mode
structure and composition of materials. tion of the molecular composition The IST16 allows the user to collect 16
and information about the molecular gas samples from the TGA at freely se-
METTLER TOLEDO now goes a step fur- structure of the sample lectable times for subsequent GC/MS
ther by announcing the availability of • IST16 interface with 16 storage loops analysis. The stored gas samples are then
the new IST16, a 16-channel storage in- – allows a single TGA measurement automatically sequentially analyzed by
terface that allows 16 gas samples from to be divided into a maximum of GC/MS. Each stored gas sample can be
a single TGA measurement to be stored. 16 separate GC/MS experiments analyzed differently.
• Continuous mode (with or without
In the continuous mode, only one storage
loop is used. Gas samples are collected
from the TGA at defined time intervals
and transferred to the GC injector. This
can lead to mixing of the currently in-
jected gas sample with the previous gas

Besides the GC/MS solution, we also offer

Figure 1. The complete TGA-IST-GC/MS system.
our existing TGA combinations with MS
and FTIR.

50 years of innovation in thermal analysis

This year, we are proud to celebrate 50 years of thermal analysis from METTLER TOLEDO. What started in
1964 with the introduction of the TA 1 instrument has developed into a comprehensive and very attractive
portfolio of products. Important concepts such as modularity, high performance, and Swiss quality have
been retained.

The beginning Figure 1.

The TA 1 thermal
of thermal analysis analysis system.
Let’s start at the beginning: In the early
1960s, 15 years after Dr. Erhard Mettler
founded the Mettler company, Mettler
had already earned an excellent reputa-
tion for analytical balances in laborato-
ries. The introduction of the substitution
balance helped the young company enjoy
a period of rapid growth.

Dr. Mettler, decided the time was ripe to

expand his business and initiated the de-
velopment of thermal analysis products
in the company. He engaged Dr. H-G. Wi-
edemann, an East German scientist, to
develop the thermal analysis instrument
Technical bulletins describing interest- Figure 2.
TA 1 and TA 2
In 1964, this led to the introduction of ing applications were already available. sensors.
the first commercially available high- The 1960s saw the introduction of the
performance TGA/DTA research instru- TA 2, an instrument that offered similar
ment, the TA 1. features but which was more compact
and which could be installed on a labo-
The introduction of thermal analysis re- ratory bench.
sulted in the very successful, present-day
analytical instrument part of the com- The first simple automated melting point
pany. instrument was also developed in the
same period. Later came the well-known
A key component of the TA 1 was an hot stage microscope with simultaneous
electrically compensated substitution measurement of the DSC signal.
balance: This allowed the measurement
errors common in other balance technol- In the early 1970s, followed the introduc- ity control. The TA3000 System included
ogies used at the time to be eliminated. tion of the TA2000 family of instruments, a TMA measuring cell besides the TGA
Besides this, the TA 1 had other unique which was lower priced and had a DSC and DSC cells. Measurement results were
features: measuring cell. evaluated in the instrument and the doc-
• Seven different furnaces, from a low umented by a printer.
temperature furnace, a furnace for Thermal analysis specially
vapor atmospheres, through to a for quality control The present-day STARe System
high-temperature furnace capable of In the 1980s, thermal analysis became The cornerstone of the present-day fam-
2400 °C, available to the chemical industry in ily of instruments was then laid in the
• Six different sensors for the simulta- the form of attractively priced compact 1990s. Computer technology had already
neous measurement of a DTA signal, stand-alone instruments with integrated developed at a tremendous rate. Measure-
• Integrated high-vacuum system and intelligence. This was largely due to the ment curves could be much more eas-
• Comprehensive accessories with dif- use of microprocessors. The instruments ily and rapidly evaluated with new soft-
ferent crucibles made of different were very successful in the field of qual- ware. This system was further developed

through to the present-day STARe System tem, and satisfies the technical require- The TGA houses the very best METTLER
and has been continuously expanded and ments of CFR 21 Part 11. TOLEDO ultramicro balance; the DSC
enhanced so that today we offer a com- measures with a patented sensor with
prehensive portfolio of products that sat- In addition, many special software evalu- 120 thermocouples, making it the most
isfies almost all customer wishes. ation programs are available for kinet- sensitive DSC sensor on the market; the

ics, modulated techniques, mathematical TMA offers nanometer resolution; and

The core component is the STARe soft- evaluations of all types as well as stan- the DMA measures at frequencies of up
ware. This software is used to create dard-compliant evaluations, for example to 1000 Hz.
methods and start experiments. The for the determination of the glass transi-
measurements are then manually or au- tion temperature. Thanks to the introduction of reliable
tomatically evaluated and analyzed. and robust automation, the efficiency of
The system is also available as a server Calibration and adjustment has also measurements has been greatly increased
version, can be integrated in a LIMS sys- been optimized; thanks to FlexCal® the without loss of measurement accuracy.
results today are considerably more ac-
curate than before. Recently, METTLER TOLEDO once again
made a major breakthrough in thermal
Summary analysis with the introduction of the
The present-day STARe System is based Flash DSC 1. No commercial instrument
on modern technologies that guarantee was previously able to heat and cool so
the highest possible measurement per- rapidly; scientists were therefore not able
formance. It combines the features of to investigate many effects.
earlier Mettler thermal analysis instru-
ments and is ideal for scientific research The Flash DSC 1 offers unique features
but can equally well be used in quality that are absolutely essential for the inves-
control. Thanks to its modular design, tigation of crystallization processes.
it can easily be adapted to new require- (www.mt.com/ta-fdsc).
ments even years after purchase.
Figure 3. The TA3000/4000 system. Besides our analytical products, we
have also greatly expanded our services

From simple beginnings with the techni-

cal bulletins, a comprehensive documen-
tation program has been developed:
• A scientific customer magazine pub-
lished twice a year with many practi-
cal tips on thermal analysis
This year our renowned UserCom
magazine celebrates its 20th anni-
• A series of handbooks on special
application areas (www.mt.com/
• Training possibilities in courses
(www.mt.com/ta-training) or online
• A comprehensive application database
with more than 500 application exam-
ples (www.mt.com/ta-applications)
and also
• The online availability of important
Figure 4. The Flash DSC 1. thermal analysis information via apps

From the very start, service was an Figure 5.
Tutorial handbook
important component of METTLER with sample set for
TOLEDO’s business model ( w w w. self-study.
mt.com/ta-service). A dense global
network of METTLER TOLEDO trained
service engineers guarantees rapid and
competent service.

This includes:
• Installation,
• Instrument qualification (IQ/OQ),
• Calibration and adjustment,
• Maintenance and lutions for our instruments and services If you have any questions about our
• Repair and thank you for the trust that you have products and services, please contact one
Services are nowadays offered under the placed in us. of our sales engineers.
name “Good Thermal Analysis Practice”
GTAP (www.mt.com/gtap). You can find comprehensive information
on METTLER TOLEDO Thermal analy-
We would be delighted to inform you sis Excellence products on the Internet at
about innovative developments and so- www.mt.com/ta.

Cooling with the latest instruments from HUBER

The modular concept of an analytical in- offer advantages when liquid nitrogen is Figure 1.
Modern technology:
strument from the METTLER TOLEDO not available or its use is not desired.
the Pilot ONE® Plug
Thermal Analysis Excellence series com- and Play controller.
bined with an external cooling system of- Furthermore, the handling of a liquid
fers users maximum flexibility for many nitrogen cooling system is often difficult
different applications. Depending on the because of the size of liquid nitrogen ves-
particular analytical instrument, differ- sels. In such cases, the small dimensions
ent cooling options with corresponding of the temperature control instruments
cooling rates are available that extend offer additional advantages.
the temperature range and allow precise
temperature control. The IntraCoolers for example are ideal
for cooling the METTLER TOLEDO DSC
Besides the usual liquid nitrogen cool- instruments and are easily connected to
ing system, the TC series IntraCoolers the DSC via their cooling probe.
and cryostats from the HUBER company
have proven to be excellent solutions for The temperature control systems avail- At the same time, the IntraCoolers and
external connection to an analytical in- able offer a wide choice of temperature cryostats are also very advantageous be-
strument. ranges and allow flexible temperature cause of their rapid cooling times and
control of different thermal processes for easy operation.
Users can upgrade their systems econom- the determination of material properties.
ically and adapt them to their current Low temperature measurements can be Furthermore, the temperature of the
needs. The temperature control systems rapidly and economically performed. sample material is controlled both pre-

cisely and in an environmentally friendly of safety even in continuous operation or Whether you are using differential scan-
way. The compact Minichiller®, the TC in long-term measurements. ning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravi-
series IntraCooler and the Ministat® have metric analysis (TGA) or thermomechan-
used the R290 propane refrigerant for ical analysis (TMA), Huber temperature
many years. R290 contains no ozone- Advantages: control instruments make an important

depleting substances and has a very low • Environmentally friendly R290 contribution to excellent results and con-
global warming potential. refrigerant tribute to a positive environmental bal-
• Models with 5.7” Pilot ONE® ance.
The cooling agent offers both maximum touch screen controller
environmental safety and excellent en- • High quality and robust stainless For more information, please see:
ergy efficiency. The energy saving (up to steel construction www.huber-online.com
20%) leads to a significant reduction in • Space saving due to small
operating costs. R290 is flammable but dimensions
the integrated safety systems and the • High temperature stability
high-quality construction of the instru- according to DIN 12876
ments offer the user a maximum degree

METTLER TOLEDO Huber cooling device Temperature range

TC45-MT-RC –35 to 700 ° C
DSC 1 TC100-MT-RC –85 to 700 ° C
TC125-MT –100 to 550 ° C
TC45MT-FDSC –35 to 450 ° C
Flash DSC 1
TC100MT-FDSC –95 to 420 ° C
HP DSC 1 Ministat 230-MT
TGA 1 or TGA/DSC 2 SF MiniChiller
TGA 1 or TGA/DSC 2 LF Unichiller (006)
TGA/DSC 2 HT Unichiller (007)
RT to maximum
TGA / DSC 1 SF / LF Ministat 230-MT
TGA / DSC 1 HT CC-415-MT
Ministat 230-MT
TMA / SDTA841e
Ministat 230-MT 1100 ° C
CC-415-MT 1600 ° C
CC-K6-MT and TC45MT-TMA –30 to 600 ° C
Figure 2. Ministat ®, compact and high-performance
cooling circulator. CC-K6-MT and TC100MT-TMA –80 to 600 ° C

Quantos HPD –
A clever handheld solution for powder dosing

Dispensing small amounts of powder when preparing samples for analytical methods, for example in ther-
mal analysis, can be a tedious laboratory task. The new Quantos HPD accomplishes this work precisely and
reliably and replaces the spatula.

Simple and convenient like a tions. For material research, Quantos of- Figure 1.
Quantos HPD for
pipette fers a series of disposable dosing heads. powder.
The first step in sample preparation in One click and the dosing head with the
analytical methods such as TGA is to substance is attached to the HPD and is
weigh small quantities of substances into ready for use.
a crucible. A major challenge here is to
dose these very small amounts using a After the dosing process, the highly pre-
spatula. Substances can easily be spilled. cise mechanism closes reliably and tight-
ly. This eliminates the risk of contami-
In any case, the process takes time, is nation on changing the head.
subject to disturbances, and sample loss
can be high. With its innovative technolo- Ergonomic design
gy, Quantos HPD offers a unique solution. Due to the use of FDA-compliant mate-
rials in the dosing head, the HPD can
Dosing at the press of a button also be used for sample preparation in
Up until now, sample preparation could regulated environments. The handle of
only be performed manually. For labo- the HPD is contoured for convenient han- Figure 2.
Dosing into a
ratory personnel this means high con- dling and allows smooth and fatigue-free
sample vial.
centration and care in routine work. operation the whole day:
Quantos HPD with its highly precise Swiss technology and quality down to the
mechanical design allows the smallest final detail.
amounts of free flowing substances to be
precisely dosed without spillage. With the RFID technology
new semiautomatic system, dosing can The RFID chip in the dosing head stores
be performed at the press of a button. all relevant information such as the sub-
stance ID, quantity, date, and so on for
Quantos powder dosing traceability documentation.
The Quantos powder dosing system is For more information:
suitable for a wide range of applica- www.mt.com/quantos-hpd-starter-kit

Measurement of vapor pressure curves and the
enthalpy of vaporization of liquids by HPDSC

Dr. Samuele Giani

Measurement of the boiling point of a liquid at different pressures allows you to determine its vapor pressure
curve. Besides this, the enthalpy of vaporization of the liquid can be determined from such measurements
using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation. In this article, we show how such measurements are performed in a
high-pressure DSC using water as an example.

Introduction The enthalpy of vaporization can also be Experimental details

The boiling point of a liquid depends determined from such measurements us- The measurements were performed us-
on the pressure of the surroundings: ing the Clausius–Clapeyron equation [1]. ing an HP DSC 1 equipped with an FRS 5
the lower the pressure the lower the sensor and a PC10 pressure controller.
temperature at which the liquid boils. The Clausius–Clapeyron equation de- The evaporation of a liquid leads to DSC
scribes the relationship between the va- curves with broad endothermic peaks.
For example, on Mount Everest, the air por pressure of a substance, p, and the The evaporation must be suppressed as
pressure is only about 325 mbar and temperature at which it boils, T: far as possible to obtain a sharp vapor-
water boils at about 70 °C and not at ization peak and thus allow an accurate
100 °C like at sea level. The pressure determination of the boiling point.
dependence of the boiling point can (1)
be easily measured by high-pressure To do this, the crucibles are sealed with
DSC (HPDSC). a lid in which a small hole has been
pierced. Investigations of an ASTM task
Figure 1. group showed that the optimum size of
DSC curves of water the hole depends on the pressure. At pres-
at different pres-
sures. The onset
sures above 1 bar, diameters of 50 µm are
temperature of the recommended [2, 3].
vaporization peak
corresponds to the
boiling point.
For our measurements, we used alumi-
num crucibles that were sealed with a lid
with a 50-µm hole (ME 51119873). The
sample weight was typically 2 mg and the
heating rate 5 K/min. Nitrogen was used
as the pressurizing gas.

Figure 1 shows the measurement curves
recorded at different pressures. The boil-
ing point corresponds to the onset tem-
perature of the vaporization peak. At the
boiling point, the vapor pressure of the
liquid equals the external pressure.
Figure 2. Here ΔH stands for the enthalpy (heat)
Black: vapor pres-
sure curve for water of vaporization, L is a substance-specific The applied pressure therefore corre-
between 100 and constant, and R is the universal gas con- sponds to the vapor pressure of the liquid
220 °C.
stant, 8.314 J/(mol K). In this article, we at the temperature at which it boils.
Blue: experimental
results from HPDSC use water as an example and show how
measurements. boiling points can be measured by HP- In Figure 2, the temperature dependence
DSC at different pressures and how the of the vapor pressure of water is displayed
enthalpy of vaporization can be calcu- together with the results from our mea-
lated from this data. surements.

The figure shows that there is good Figure 3.
Vaporization peak
agreement between the measured values of water at 20 bar
and the literature values. in aluminum and
gold-plated alumi-
num crucibles.
Closer inspection of the DSC curves in
Figure 1 at higher pressures shows a
small exothermic peak immediately af-
ter the vaporization peak. This peak is
due to the reaction of water vapor with
aluminum [4]. To suppress this reaction,
inert crucibles must be used, for example
gold crucibles or gold-plated aluminum

The black curve in Figure 3 shows the

vaporization peak measured in an alu-
minum crucible at a pressure of 20 bar.
The small exothermic peak after the va-
porization peak can be clearly seen. If
Figure 4.
the same measurement is performed (red eyron relationship (see equation 1), the The Clausius–
curve) in a gold-plated aluminum cru- enthalpy of vaporization can be deter- Clapeyron diagram
for water.
cible (ME 51142973), the baseline is as mined from the slope of the curve. This
expected flat after vaporization. yields a value of 40.0 kJ/mol for water
and agrees well with the literature value
The broader vaporization peak obtained of 40.1 kJ/mol.
with the gold-plated aluminum crucible
is due to the fact that a lid with a 50-μm Conclusions
hole is not available for this crucible. The vapor pressure curves of liquids
Instead of this, a lid was used that was can be easily determined by HPDSC. To
pierced manually with a needle with a do this, the boiling point of the liquid References
nominal diameter of 100 μm. The four- is measured in crucibles sealed with a [1] ASTM E2071, Standard Practice for
Calculating Heat of Vaporization or
times-larger pin hole allowed much more pierced lid at different pressures. Sublimation from Vapor Pressure
water to evaporate before the water ac- Data ( 2010 )
tually boiled and thus led to a broader [2] ASTM E1782, Standard Test Method
The vaporization enthalpy can also be
for Determining Vapor Pressure by
vaporization peak. determined from such measurements Thermal Analysis ( 2008 )
using the Clausius–Clapeyron equa- [3] B. Perrenot, P. de Valliere, G. Wid-
mann, Journal of Thermal Analysis
Figure 4 displays a plot of the natu- tion. Using water as an example, we have ( 1992 ), 381 – 390 )
ral logarithm of the vapor pressure as shown that the resulting vapor pressure [4] R.J. Seyler, R. Moody, ASTM Spe-
a function of the reciprocal boiling curve and the vaporization enthalpy cial Technical Paper 1326 ( 1997 ),
212 – 231
point. According to the Clausius–Clap- agree well with the literature values.

Composition of water-in-oil ammonium
nitrate emulsions using TGA and DSC

Romana Cerc Korošec and Peter Bukovec, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

The determination of the composition of ammonium nitrate emulsions is essential for monitoring the qual-
ity criteria of the emulsions as well as their stability during storage in order to predict their shelf life. The
investigation of these types of emulsions can be time-consuming because a combination of various methods
is usually necessary. With the aid of complementary thermal analysis techniques (TGA and DSC), nearly all
the constituents of the emulsion can be quantitatively determined with just a minimum of analytical work.
The different methods are presented in this article.

Introduction Ammonium nitrate makes up about 60 Experimental details

“Water-in-oil” ammonium nitrate emul- to 80 percent of the overall composition Ammonium nitrate 99.999% (AN stan-
sions are the main components of emul- and is the major ingredient of the emul- dard) and sodium nitrate 99.999% (SN
sion explosives. In comparison with tra- sion. An emulsifier enables the formation standard) from Sigma–Aldrich were used
ditional nitroglycerine-based dynamites, and stabilization of the emulsion, which as standard substances. Two commer-
these explosives have several advantages. consists of two phases with very different cial explosive samples used in Slovenia
Following their development in 1962 polarity [1]. were analyzed. Both were “water-in-oil”
[1, 2], they have become widely used due emulsions. In Sample 1, ammonium ni-
to their good safety properties (handling, During storage, evaporation of water can trate was the sole oxidizing agent, where-
insensitivity to temperature change), cause the ammonium nitrate to crystal- as in Sample 2, some sodium nitrate was
their high detonation rate, and their low lize. Crystallization leads to breakdown added.
basic cost. of the emulsion and loss of the explosive
properties. On the other hand, a water Thermogravimetric measurements were
The emulsion itself is not an explosive. content that is too high inhibits detona- performed using a METTLER TOLEDO
An effective commercial explosive is ob- tion. TGA/SDTA 851e instrument in a dynam-
tained when glass or plastic microbub- ic air atmosphere using a flow rate of
bles, which lower the density of the sys- For this reason, stability tests require ac- 100 mL/min. In dynamic measurements,
tem, and metal particles (optionally) like curate and precise results for the water about 20 to 30 mg of Sample 1 or 2 was
aluminum powder as high-energy fuel content and the state of the ammonium weighed into a 150-µL aluminum oxide
are mixed into the emulsion. The explo- nitrate with respect to its amorphous or crucible and covered with a pierced lid.
sive can be prepared in a mobile unit on crystalline phases [1]. The contents of The measurements were performed in
site before the final explosive is pumped ammonium nitrate and hydrocarbon oil the temperature range 25 to 850 °C at a
into the borehole [1]. are important for monitoring the quality heating rate of 5 K/min using baseline
control of the emulsion. subtraction.
In the emulsion, the aqueous phase con-
sists of a supersaturated solution of am- Quantitative analysis of the emulsion can The DSC analyses were carried out using
monium nitrate (AN), which is metasta- be time-consuming because a combina- a METTLER TOLEDO DSC 822e with the
ble due to supersaturation. Sometimes, tion of different methods is usually nec- same atmosphere as in the TGA measure-
other salts such as sodium nitrate (SN) essary to detect and determine a range of ments. The samples (mass about 4 mg)
or calcium nitrate are added. chemical compounds [3]. With the aid of were weighed into 40-μL Al crucibles.
complementary thermal analysis tech-
The aqueous phase with a droplet size niques (TGA and DSC), only a minimum Several heating and cooling cycles in
of around 1 µm is emulsified in a small of analytical work is needed to quanti- the temperature range 25 to 135 °C were
volume of hydrocarbon oil, which forms tatively determine nearly all the compo- performed at heating and cooling rates
a thin film around the droplets. The nents in ammonium nitrate emulsions. of 5 K/min with the ammonium nitrate
dispersed aqueous phase contains ap- Besides this, the time-consuming sepa- standard and with Samples 1 and 2 us-
proximately 90 mass percent of the liq- ration of the aqueous and oil phases is ing crucibles covered with pierced lids
uid fraction and the remaining 10 mass not necessary so that no errors can arise (50-µm hole). The reference was an emp-
percent corresponds to the oil phase. from this. ty crucible with a pierced lid.

The DSC instrument was calibrated with Figure 1.
Comparison of
high purity gallium, indium and zinc. the TGA curves of
Gallium was supplied by the Physika- the ammonium
lisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braun- nitrate emulsion
(Sample 1) and the
schweig, Germany; zinc and indium by ammonium nitrate/
METTLER TOLEDO. The DSC standards sodium nitrate
and the samples for DSC analysis were emulsion (Sam-
ple 2).
carefully weighed using a METTLER
TOLEDO MX5 balance.

DSC measurements were used to con-

struct part of the ammonium nitrate/
sodium nitrate phase diagram. The
temperature range was 25 to 150 °C or
170 °C and the heating rate 2 K/min. The
samples were measured in 40-μL alumi-
num crucibles covered with a pierced lid
(50-µm hole).
Figure 2.
Results and discussion DSC heating-cool-
ing cycles of Sam-
ple 1, ammonium
Determination of the water content nitrate emulsion.
Figure 1 displays the dynamic TGA mea-
surements of Samples 1 and 2. Dehydra-
tion occurs from room temperature to
about 150 °C [5]. The dehydration step,
however, is overlapped by a reaction that
begins at about 200 °C and is completed
by about 320 °C. In this reaction, am-
monium nitrate (AN) reacts with the hy-
drocarbon oil according to the equation:
3nNH4NO3 +( CH2 )n  nCO2 + 7nH2O +

The TGA curve of Sample 2, which also

contained sodium nitrate, shows a fur-
ther step in the temperature range 610
to 720 °C. This is due to the thermal de- pending on whether the oxidizing agent stable crystalline ammonium nitrate (see
composition of sodium nitrate (SN) [4]. present in the emulsion was pure am- Figure 2).
monium nitrate or whether it contained
Further TGA measurements showed that some sodium nitrate. Both procedures No peaks are observed in the DSC curve
ammonium nitrate already exhibited a are separately described below. during the first heating and cooling
considerable vapor pressure at 100 °C [5], curves. In the second heating curve,
although a published value at this tem- Ammonium nitrate emulsion two small peaks appear in the range
perature is only 2.05 Pa [6]. The water (Sample 1) 125 to 131 °C and three peaks in the
content was therefore determined in an The content of ammonium nitrate was third heating curve. The fourth heating
isothermal TGA measurement at 100 °C determined from the enthalpy of the sol- curve shows two pronounced peaks. The
lasting 6 hours using an aluminum id-solid phase transition at 126 °C. To do formation of these effects has to do with
crucible covered by a lid pierced with a this, the water must first be evaporated the fact that water evaporates during the
50-μm hole. This type of lid prevented and the ammonium nitrate crystallized. heating and cooling cycles and ammo-
evaporation of the ammonium nitrate nium nitrate begins to crystallize.
[5]. This was done by subjecting Sample 1
(contained no sodium nitrate) to ten Ammonium nitrate undergoes at least
The ammonium nitrate content in the heating and cooling cycles in the DSC two phase transitions from room temper-
sample was determined differently de- between 25 and 135 °C in order to obtain ature until it melts at 169 °C (Figure 3,

Event 3). Some transition temperatures large 1-mm hole, a weight loss was ob- 10th heating run of the emulsion, which
(for example Event 1, solid-solid transi- served from cycle to cycle. When crucibles was previously cycled 9 times between 25
tion) depend on the thermal history of with a 50-μm hole were used, the weight and 135 °C (as for Sample 1).
the sample as well as on the water and of the sample remained stable after 5 cy-
impurity contents [7]. cles when the water had evaporated. During this experiment, water evaporat-

ed and ammonium nitrate crystallized.

The peak at 126 °C (Event 2, transition On the basis of the DSC and TGA results, As the DSC curve in Figure 4 shows, a
from crystal Form II to Form I) is not we concluded that crystallization of the mixture of ammonium nitrate and so-
affected by the conditions; and its tran- ammonium nitrate was not complete af- dium nitrate melts as a eutectic mixture
sition enthalpy, ΔHsample, shows good re- ter dehydration (after 5 cycles) and that at 121.3 °C (Event C), shortly before the
producibility. The amount of pure am- three additional heating and cooling cy- phase transition from the tetragonal to
monium nitrate can be easily calculated cles were needed to obtain the maximal the cubic crystalline modification takes
by dividing ΔH sample by the enthalpy of value of ΔH for the phase transformation place at 126 °C (Event D).
the phase transition of pure ammoni- at 126 °C.
um nitrate at 126 °C (ΔHstandard 55.20 ± This peak at 126 °C shows the amount of
0.20 J/g), that is ΔHsample /ΔHstandard. After the determination of the water unmelted ammonium nitrate. On further
content by isothermal measurement at heating, the rest of the solid ammonium
In the 8 th cycle, ΔHsample reaches its 100 °C and the ammonium nitrate con- nitrate melts (Event E). The temperature
maximum value and remains constant tent during the DSC cycling experiment, at which the DSC curve again reaches
for several dozen cycles. The estimated er- the content of organic phase (oil and the baseline, corresponds to the liquidus
ror for the AN determination is ±0.7% [5]. emulsifier) is calculated from the differ- curve of the AN/SN composition present
ence to 100%. in the aqueous phase. For the dried Sam-
The value of ΔH standard for the phase ple 2, the final temperature of melting,
transition from tetragonal to the cubic Ammonium nitrate/sodium the liquidus point was 137.6 °C.
modification at 126 °C was determined nitrate-emulsion (Sample 2)
by performing several heating and cool- The sodium nitrate content in the AN/SN The unknown ratio of AN/SN in the
ing cycles of pure ammonium nitrate be- mixture in Sample 2 was determined emulsion was determined from the liq-
tween 25 and 135 °C. We found that it was using a dynamic TGA measurement. It uidus curve of the binary phase diagram,
best to weigh the ammonium nitrate into corresponds to the mass that remains part of which was constructed for this
the crucible and then seal it with a 50-μm after thermal decomposition at 470 °C purpose. Based on TGA results (Figure 1),
pierced lid in order to prevent evaporation (see Figure 1). The water content is deter- AN/SN mixtures with percentage weights
of the ammonium nitrate [5]. mined in the same way as for Sample 1. of ammonium nitrate (AN) from approx-
imately 76 to 92% were prepared by care-
TGA experiments performed similarly The ammonium nitrate content in Sam- fully by weighing both the salts.
to the DSC cycles showed that water first ple 2 could not be determined using the
evaporated and then ammonium nitrate. procedure described above. The top curve The DSC curves of these samples were
In open crucibles and in crucibles with a in Figure 4 shows the DSC curve of the measured at a heating rate of 2 K/min
(Figure 4, curves a to d). The ammo-
Figure 3.
DSC curve of dried nium nitrate content increases from a
ammonium nitrate. to d. The peak intensity corresponding
to the melting of the eutectic composition
(121.3 °C), therefore decreases, whereas
the peak intensity of the phase transition
II solid→I solid of the ammonium nitrate
(126 °C) increases. As with Sample 2, the
liquidus points were determined for each
mixture (see Figure 5).

From this data, a liquidus curve of the

AN-rich part of a phase diagram was
constructed [5] and from this the per-
centage of AN in the mixture with SN was
determined. Sample 2 shows an AN/SN
ratio that lies between the concentrations
of b and c.

The content of AN in the original sample Figure 4.
Top: DSC curve of
is calculated on the assumption that the 10th heating run
mass ratio of AN and SN is the same in of Sample 2: tem-
the original sample as in the aqueous perature program
is 25 to 100 °C
phase. The ratio of the two salts in the at 5 K/min, then
aqueous phase is determined with the aid 100 to 170 °C at
of the phase diagram. Taking into ac- 2 K/min.
Effect A is the solid-
count that the accuracy of the final melt- solid transition of
ing point determination is ±1 degree and Form IV to II.
the SN content in the original sample At B, the heating
rate changes. C to
±0.5%, the uncertainty of the AN content E, see text.
is ±2%. a to d: DSC curves
of AN/SN mixtures
with increasing AN
Conclusions content.
Thermal methods of analysis (TGA and
DSC) proved to be suitable for determin-
ing the water content and the amounts of
ammonium nitrate (AN) sodium nitrate
(SN) and organic phase in “water-in-oil”
Figure 5.
emulsions. The water content was deter- DSC heating curves
mined by isothermal TGA measurement of specially mixed
AN/SN composi-
at 100 °C. tions showing the
curves displayed in
In Sample 1, the ammonium nitrate con- Figure 4 (a to d) on
an expanded scale.
tent was determined by performing ten
DSC heating and cooling cycles between
25 and 135 °C. During this experiment,
water evaporated and ammonium nitrate
crystallized. The ammonium nitrate
content was calculated from the enthalpy
of the phase transition at 126 °C. The
content of the organic phase (oil plus
emulsifier) was calculated from the dif-
ference to 100%.

In Sample 2, with ammonium nitrate

and sodium nitrate in the solution, the
content of sodium nitrate corresponded is equal to that in the aqueous phase. [2] C. Oommen et al, J. Hazard. Mater.,
Vol. A67 ( 1999 ), 253 – 281.
to the weight remaining at 470 °C in the The water content was again determined [3] D. T. Burns et al, J. Anal. Chim. Acta,
dynamic TGA measurement. The un- by an isothermal TGA measurement at Vol. 375 ( 1998 ), 255 – 260.
known ratio of AN/SN in an emulsion 100 °C. The difference to 100% was as- [4] M. Sweeney, Thermochim. Acta,
Vol.11 ( 1975 ), 409 – 424.
was determined from the liquidus curve signed to the sum of hydrocarbon oil and [5] R. Cerc Korošec and P. Bukovec,
of the binary phase diagram, part of emulsifier. In : Explosive Materials – Classifica-
which was constructed for this purpose. tion, Composition and Properties,
T. J. Jansen ( Ed. ) ; Nova Science
References publishers, Inc., New York ( 2011 ),
The content of ammonium nitrate in [1] H. A. Bampfield and J. Cooper, In : 125 – 144.
Encyclopedia of Emulsion Techno- [6] J.D. Brandner et al, J. Chem. Eng.
this sample was calculated by assuming logy ; P. Becher ( Ed. ) ; Applications ; Data, Vol. 7 ( 1962 ), 227 – 228.
that the ratio of AN and SN in Sample 2 Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Vol. 3 [7] I. Dellien, Thermochim. Acta, Vol. 55
( 1988 ), 282– 306. ( 1982 ), 181 – 191.

Thermomechanical analysis of natural
and cosmetically treated hair

Rasika Haldankar

Nowadays, natural protein or keratin treatment is used to straighten hair, to stop it from frizzing, and at the
same time to make it look shinier. There are, however, risks associated with many types of treatments and
it is important to be fully aware of possible adverse effects in order to choose a safe treatment. Thermome-
chanical analysis (TMA) is a good technique to characterize the mechanical and physical properties of hair.

Introduction Different measurement modes with suit- hair area. The keratin fibers of the cor-
Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) able clamping accessories are available. tex make the hair strong; its long chains
measures the expansion and shrinkage These allow bars, films or thin fibers like are compressed and form a regular
behavior of materials as a function of hair to be analyzed. structure. The most important physical
time or temperature while they are sub- property of hair is resistance to tear, but
jected to a defined force [1, 2]. Even very fine hairs can be mounted in elasticity and hydrophilic properties are
the tension accessory with the aid of cop- also important.
Figure 1.
TMA sample holder per clips.
for fiber measure- In general, hair treatments are common-
ments with a hair
In this application example, two different ly used to obtain a desired appearance,
sample installed.
hairs, an untreated natural hair and a shape or texture. However, treatments
natural hair that had been subjected to can cause damage to the hair on a mo-
a shine and bond hair treatment, were lecular level resulting in hair that looks
measured in the tension mode up to a dry, thin and weak. The desire for prod-
temperature of 230 °C. The hair sam- ucts that improve the appearance and
ples were compared with regard to their feel of hair has created a huge industry
shrinkage and expansion behavior and for hair care.
thermal stability.
Characterization of the structure and
Hair from the head of a human being is a physical and mechanical properties of
natural fiber produced by keratin, a pro- hair are essential for the development
tein containing a high concentration of of innovative cosmetic products. Tech-
sulfur originating from the amino acid niques like TMA can be very useful for
cysteine. The cortex occupies most of the this type of work.
Figure 2.
Shrinkage behav- Experimental details
ior of natural and An untreated natural hair and a natural
cosmetically treated
hair after a shine and bond hair therapy
human hair.
were investigated by TMA and the re-
sults compared. The procedure for hair
therapy involves several steps that are de-
scribed below. First, the hair was exam-
ined with regard to texture, porosity and
history of former chemical treatments.
The hair was then washed with a clean-
ing shampoo.

Afterward, it was washed with water and

dried with a hair dryer. A perm solution
was then applied followed by a cream
to increase the elasticity and stretching
properties of the hair.

The cream was allowed to take effect for (see Figure 4). The thermal stability of after hair therapy. The results obtained
about five minutes, after which the hair the treated natural hair is greater than were very reproducible and showed that
was thoroughly rinsed with water fol- for natural hair and confirms the posi- the treated hair showed greater thermal
lowed by the application of an enriched tive effect of this particular hair treat- stability than the untreated natural hair
moisturizing mask. The latter was com- ment. and confirmed the positive effect of the
pletely rinsed off with water after two hair care treatment.
to three minutes. Finally, the hair was Conclusions
dried and ironed to achieve voluminous Thermomechanical Analysis is an excel- The TMA technique and the resulting in-
straight hair with a smooth look. lent technique for characterizing the ex- formation can therefore be of great use
pansion and shrinkage behavior and the for developing products in the cosmetic
The TMA measurements of the natural thermal stability of thin fibers like hair. industry and for obtaining information
hair before treatment and the hair after The TMA fiber clamping accessory with about their effects on hair.
treatment were performed using a TMA/ copper clips allows very fine fibers to be
SDTA 840 equipped with the accessory easily and reproducibly mounted. References
for fiber measurements. The results were [1] PET, Physical curing by DLTMA,
UserCom 5, 15
evaluated using the STARe software. In these studies, the effect of a special [2] Interpreting TMA curves,
hair therapy was investigated. The hairs UserCom 14, 1
The hair fibers were inserted in copper were measured and compared before and
clips and fixed in place by mechanically
squeezing the clips together. Samples Figure 3.
Thermal expansion
prepared in this way were mounted be- coefficient of natu-
tween the hooks of the sample holder ral and cosmetically
treated human hair.
(see Figure 1).

The TMA measurements were performed

from 25 to 250 °C at a heating rate of
5 K /min using a tensile force of 0.02 N.

Results and discussion

Figure 2 shows the TMA curves of natu-
ral and cosmetically treated human hair.
The curves are displayed up to 140 °C
and illustrate the shrinkage behavior of
natural (blue curve) and treated hair
(red curve). Both hair samples shrink up
to about 110 °C due to drying. For natu-
ral hair, this amounts to about 0.7% of
the original sample length, and for treat- Figure 4.
ed natural hair to about 1.0%. Repeat determina-
tions of the TMA
As a result, we can conclude that after
applying the shine bond therapy to the
hair, the results show a small difference
in the shrinkage value.

In Figure 3, the curves are displayed from

130 to 240 °C. They show that decompo-
sition begins above 220 °C and that the
hairs then rapidly tear. In this case, the
mean value of the onset of melting calcu-
lated for natural hair was about 223 °C
and for treated natural hair 226 °C.

The values obtained show excellent re-

producibility in a repeat determination

Determination of heat capacity by temperature-
modulated DSC at temperatures above 700 °C

Dr. Elke Hempel

The heat capacity of a material can be determined with high accuracy using temperature-modulated DSC.
Measurements up to 700 °C can be performed by conventional DSC. In this article, we show how good re-
sults can also be obtained above 1000 °C using the TGA/DSC 1. To do this, we present ADSC measurements
of nickel, sapphire and molybdenum in the temperature range 900 to 1400 °C. The work originated as part
of an interlaboratory test organized in 2012/2013 by the Thermophysics Group of the German Society for
Thermal Analysis (Gefta).

Introduction range 900 to 1400 °C. The measurements Measurements and results
Several different procedures for determin- were performed using the TGA/DSC 1.
ing the specific heat capacity by DSC are General comments
available, such as for example the sap- ADSC method To determine the specific heat capacity
phire method [1, 2]. The maximum tem- The temperature-time program T(t) by ADSC, three measurements have to
perature of the DSC is however 700 °C. of an ADSC measurement is a function be performed under identical conditions,
The article in reference [3] describes consisting of a constant heating rate β0 namely measurement of the sample,
how specific heat capacities can be deter- overlaid with a sinusoidal component: measurement of the reference substance,
mined using the sapphire method up to T(t) = β0 *t + TA*sin(ωt) with a tem- and measurement of the empty crucible
a temperature of 1400 °C with an accu- perature amplitude TA and a frequency for the determination of the blank curve.
racy of about 10%. Application examples ω = 2π/p (with a period p). A practical working procedure is:
are presented in reference [4]. • Measurement with empty crucibles,
The time-dependent heating rate β(t) is • Sample measurement,
When the TGA/DSC is used to determine given by β(t) = β0 + βA*cos(ωt) with the • Measurement of the reference
specific heat capacity, the heat flow signal heating rate amplitude βA = TA*ω. material,
measured simultaneously with the TGA • Measurement with empty crucibles.
signal is evaluated just as in DSC mea- The period p must be considerably larger
surements. Other DSC methods that are than the thermal lag of the furnace. Our The first measurement with the empty
available include the temperature-mod- measurements were performed using a crucibles is not used for the evaluation.
ulated techniques IsoStep® [5], Steady- TGA/DSC 1 equipped with a high-tem- The curves of the sample and reference
State [3], ADSC [6] and TOPEM® [7, 8]. perature furnace and the so-called DTA material are corrected using the second
TOPEM® is currently not implemented sensor. The time constant of this is about blank measurement. The ADSC evalua-
for TGA/DSC. 100 s. The period should be in the range tion then yields the uncorrected complex
5 to 10 min. specific heat capacity cp,sampleuncorr.
Compared with the sapphire method,
temperature-modulated methods have The heat capacity corresponds to the This must be corrected with the mea-
the advantage that they are less affected contribution of the complex heat capac- sured complex specific heat capacity of
by drift and can therefore achieve accura- ity, which is calculated from the ratio of the reference material c p,ref uncorr and its
cies of up to 2%. Heat capacities can also the amplitude of the heat flow and the literature values cp,reflit. To do this, the lit-
be determined for isothermal conditions heating rate. The calibration factor is erature values cp,reflit are stored as a curve
using Steady-State, ADSC and TOPEM®. determined from measurements using by the STARe software. The STARe soft-
a reference material of known specific ware then calculates the specific heat ca-
In addition, information is obtained heat capacity. pacity curve of the sample from the three
about the contributions of sensible and other curves according to the equation
latent heat capacity. However, these Normally sapphire is used as the refer- cp,sample = cp,sampleuncorr / cp,refuncorr × cp,reflit.
methods require considerably longer ence material. In addition, we have also The ADSC measurements presented here
measurement times compared with the used molybdenum from NIST (National were performed for nickel, molybdenum
sapphire method. In this article, we pres- Institute of Standards and Technology) and sapphire using 30-µL platinum
ent specific heat capacity measurements in order to have another material of a crucibles. The sample and reference
determined by ADSC in the temperature known specific heat capacity. crucibles were identical for all measure-

ments. The underlying heating rate was Figure 1.
Blank curve sub-
1.5 K/min, the temperature amplitude tracted heat flow
5 K and the period 6 min. The measure- curves for the ADSC
ments were performed in the temperature measurement of
nickel, sapphire and
range 900 to 1400 °C. The blank curve molybdenum.
subtracted heat flow curves are displayed
in Figure 1.

Measurement of nickel and

molybdenum using sapphire as
reference material
First, let us look at the results of the mea-
surements of the specific heat capacities
of nickel and molybdenum (Figure 2).
The sapphire measurement is used as the
reference measurement. The literature
values for nickel [9] and molybdenum
[10] are given in addition. The curves of
the specific heat capacities for molybde-
Figure 2.
num are within 2% of the literature val- Comparison of the
ues. The deviation for nickel is about 5%. measured spe-
cific heat capacities
(thick lines) with
Measurement of nickel and literature values
sapphire using molybdenum as (symbols and line)
reference material for nickel (above)
and molybdenum
Instead of sapphire, we now want to use (below); the refer-
molybdenum as the reference material. ence substance
was sapphire.
Figure 3 displays the results for nickel
and sapphire together with the literature
data as well as the curves for deviations
of 2% and 5%. The results for nickel are
independent of the reference substance

Using ADSC, the specific heat capacity
of sapphire and molybdenum could be
determined with an accuracy of 2%. For Figure 3.
nickel, the deviation from the literature Comparison of
values was 5%. The literature values were the measured
specific heat
determined using a pulse calorimeter capacities (thick
with an accuracy of 2%. The additional line) with literature
values (symbols
deviation can possibly be explained by
and line) for sap-
the nickel alloy having a slightly different phire (above) and
composition. Since the Curie tempera- nickel (below); the
reference substance
ture is sensitive to the composition of the was molybdenum
alloy, the Curie temperature determined (red). In addition,
using TOPEM ® measurements should the result for nickel
using sapphire
be given for comparison: Tc = 358.2 °C. (blue) from Figure 2
This value is 1.6 K less than the value of is shown.
Tc = 359.85 °C given by Meschter [9] and
could therefore explain the somewhat
higher deviation of 5% compared with
deviations of only 2% for the sapphire
and molybdenum measurements.

Tips and tricks the platinum crucible sticks to the the possibility of determining isothermal
Similar recommendations for the mea- sensor at high temperatures. This heat capacities.
surement of specific heat capacity by can be prevented by placing a sap-
TGA/DSC apply as for measurements us- phire disk between the sensor and the It was shown that the heat capacity can
ing the DSC: crucible. be determined with an accuracy of better

• Make sure the instrument has been • Likewise, at high temperatures, the than 5% for temperatures above 1000 °C.
switched on long enough before begin- platinum crucible can stick to the
ning the measurement and that the platinum lid. This can be prevented by References
purge gas flow is stable. using a ceramic paste (e.g. Cerama- [1] Measuring specific heat capacity,
UserCom 7, 1 – 5.
• Make sure that the substance under bond), which is applied to the rim of [2] G. W. H. Höhne, W. Hemminger and
investigation does not react with the the lid. H.-J. Flammersheim : Differential
Scanning Calorimetry,
crucible material or the purge gas. • The mass of the sample, ms, and the
Springer Verlag, 1996, 118.
• Pay attention to the stability of the mass of the reference substance, mref, [3] Heat capacity determination at high
substance in the temperature range of should be chosen so that the heat ca- temperatures by TGA / DSC, Part 1 :
DSC standard procedures,
the measurements. pacities are about the same: UserCom 27, 1 – 4.
• If possible, the same crucible should Cp,sample = msample × Cp,sample ≈ mref × [4] Heat capacity determination at high
be used for the blank, sample, and cp,ref = Cp,ref. temperatures by TGA / DSC, Part 2 :
Applications, UserCom 28, 1 – 4.
reference measurements. Possible dif- • The crucibles should be precisely posi- [5] Iso-StepTM : UserCom 15, 8, The
ferences in mass when using different tioned on the sensor. investigation of curing reactions with
crucibles should be taken into account IsoStep™ : UserCom 15, 18 – 19.
[6] Alternating differential scanning
in the calculation of the heat capacity. Conclusions calorimetry, ADSC, opens new
• Aluminum crucibles cannot be used Temperature-modulated measurements possibilities, UserCom 2, 5 – 6.
because of the high temperatures. using the heat flow signal measured si- [7] J. Schawe, The separation of sensible
and latent heat flow using TOPEM ®,
Crucibles made of platinum can be multaneously with the TGA signal by the UserCom 22, 16 – 19.
used instead. They exhibit good ther- TGA/DSC 1 can be used to determine [8] J. Schawe et. al., Stochastic tempe-
mal conductivity. Crucibles with vol- heat capacities in the same way as in DSC rature modulation : A new technique
in temperature modulated DSC, Ther-
umes of 30, 70, and 150 μL are avail- measurements. This allows you to benefit mochimica Acta 446 ( 2006 ) 147.
able. The size of the crucible should from the advantages that temperature- [9] P.J. Meschter, J. W. Wright, C. R.
Brooks, T. G. Kollie ( 1981 ), Physical
be as small as possible. To minimize modulated procedures offer compared
Contributions to the heat Capacity of
heat losses, the crucibles are used with with the sapphire method when using Nickel, J. Phys. Chem. Sol, Vol.42,
a lid. the TGA/DSC. The advantages include No. 9, 861.
[10] Certificate Molybdenum from NIST :
• If the TGA/DSC is equipped with the the elimination of drift, the separation https : / / w ww-s.nist.gov / srmors / view_
platinum sensor, there is the risk that of sensible and latent heat capacity, and cert.cfm ?srm=781d2

Exhibitions, Conferences, Seminars and Training Courses

Exhibitions, Conferences and Seminars − Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen und Seminare
ESTAC 11 August 17–21, 2014 Espoo, Finland
AICAT 2014 Congress September 8–11, 2014 Chia Laguna, Italy
NATAS September 15–17, 2014 Santa Fe, Mexico
GEFTA September 16–19, 2014 Berlin, Germany

Webinars : For information on our current program of webinars, please visit www.mt.com / ta-webinars
Handbooks : Our specialist application handbooks provide valuable www.mt.com / ta-handbooks
background information
Applications : The applications database includes hundreds of interesting examples www.mt.com / ta-applications
Training courses : Improve your knowledge of thermal analysis
– have a look at our extensive training program www.mt.com / ta-training
– register for an online e-Training course www.mt.com / ta-etraining
TA News : You can find the latest product news and an overview of our www.mt.com / ta-news
thermal analysis services at

International and Swiss TA Customer Courses:

TA Customer Courses and Seminars in Switzerland – Information and Course Registration:

TA-Kundenkurse und Seminare in der Schweiz – Auskunft und Anmeldung bei:
Veronica Feroce-Ring, Perla Irmler, Mettler-Toledo AG, Analytical, Schwerzenbach
Tel: ++41 44 806 73 57, Fax: ++41 44 806 72 60, e-mail: veronica.feroce-ring@mt.com or perla.irmler@mt.com

Autumn: Kurse / Courses

Course TAK47 SW Basic (Deutsch) 17. November 2014 Course TAK48 SW Basic (English) November 24, 2014
Course TAK47 TMA (Deutsch) 17. November 2014 Course TAK48 TMA (English) November 24, 2014
Course TAK47 DMA Basic (Deutsch) 17. November 2014 Course TAK48 DMA Basic (English) November 24, 2014
Course TAK47 DMA Advanced (Deutsch) 18. November 2014 Course TAK48 DMA Advanced (English) November 25, 2014
Course TAK47 TGA Basic (Deutsch) 18. November 2014 Course TAK48 TGA Basic (English) November 25, 2014
Course TAK47 TGA Advanced (Deutsch) 19. November 2014 Course TAK48 TGA Advanced (English) November 26, 2014
Course TAK47 DSC Basic (Deutsch) 19. November 2014 Course TAK48 DSC Basic (English) November 26, 2014
Course TAK47 DSC Advanced (Deutsch) 20. November 2014 Course TAK48 DSC Advanced (English) November 27, 2014
Course TAK47 TGA-FTIR (Deutsch) 20. November 2014 Course TAK48 TGA-FTIR (English) November 27, 2014
Course TAK47 SW Advanced (Deutsch) 21. November 2014 Course TAK48 SW Advanced (English) November 28, 2014
Course TAK47 TGA-MS (Deutsch) 21. November 2014 Course TAK48 TGA-MS (English) November 28, 2014
Course TAK47 Kinetics / TMDSC(Deutsch) 21. November 2014 Course TAK48 Kinetics / TMDSC (English) November 28, 2014

Local TA Customer Courses:

TA-Kundenkurse Nähere Informationen unter www.mt.com/labtalk oder durch:
und Seminare Frau Frau Janine Schindler, Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Giessen, Tel: ++49 641 507 401, e-mail: labtalk@mt.com
in Deutschland DSC-Workshop 23. und 24.09.2014 Giessen
und der Schweiz Online-Seminare zu div. Themen 23. und 24.09.2014 www.mt.com/ta-webinars

TA Basic Courses For details of training courses and seminars, please contact: Netherlands: Bart Baggen, Tel: ++31 344 63 83 63, e-mail: bart.baggen@mt.com
and Seminars in Belgium: Philippe Larbanois Tel ++32 2 477 40 40 36, e-mail: philippe.larbanois@mt.com
Benelux DSC Customer Course October 7, 2014 Brussels, Belgium
DSC Customer Course October 9, 2014 Tiel, Netherlands

Cursos y Para detalles de los cursos y seminarios, por favor contacte con:
Semianros de TA Francesc Català Mettler-Toledo S.A.E., Tel: ++34 93 223 76 00, e-mail: francesc.catala@mt.com
en España Curso de Formación Usuarios TA 8 de octubre 2014 Barcelona
Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros 7–10 de septiembre 2014 Girona

Cours et Renseignements et inscriptions par Claire Catry, Mettler-Toledo S.A., Tél: ++33 1 3097 1717, e-mail: serviceclients@mt.com
séminaires Principe de la TMA/DMA 01 décembre 2014 Viroflay (France)
d’Analyse DSC: notions de base 02 décembre 2014 Viroflay (France)
Thermique en
DSC: perfectionnement 03 décembre 2014 Viroflay (France)
Principe de la TGA 04 décembre 2014 Viroflay (France)
Logiciel STARe: perfectionnement 05 décembre 2014 Viroflay (France)
Congress MATERIAUX 2014 November 24–28, 2014 Montpellier, France
Congress Thermal Analysis Seminar October 30, 2014 Montpellier, France

Corsi e Seminari Per ulteriori informazioni Vi preghiamo di contattare:

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TA Customer For details of training courses and seminars, please contact:

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TA Seminar (Thermal mechanical TMA/DMA) August 2014 Singapore

TA Customer For details of training courses and seminars, please contact: Lu LiMing at Mettler-Toledo Instruments
Courses and (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Tel: ++86 21 6485 0435, Fax: ++86 21 6485 3351, e-mail: liming.lu@mt.com
Seminars in TA User Meeting 2014 July 23–25, 2014 Chengdu
China TA Training Courses End of September, 2014 Shanghai, Guangzhou
End of December, 2014 Beijing
TA Infoday September 2014 Dalian
TA Infoday October 2014 Shanghai, Beijing
TA Infoday November 2014 Xian, Zhengzhou
TA Infoday December 2014 Hangzhou

TA Customer For details of training courses and seminars, please contact: George McLean, Marketing Manager,
Courses and Materials Characterization, METTLER TOLEDO, 1900 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, Ohio 43240, USA
Seminars in Tel: 614-438-4853, Fax: 614-985-8061, e-mail: george.mclean@mt.com
North America TGA Basics November 11, 2014 Columbus, Ohio
STARe Software Basics November 12, 2014 Columbus, Ohio
DSC Basics November 13, 2014 Columbus, Ohio
DMA Basics November 14, 2014 Columbus, Ohio
For further information regarding meetings, products or applications, please contact your local
METTLER TOLEDO representative and visit our Website www.mt.com

Editorial Team

Dr. A. Hammer Dr. S. Giani Dr. D. P. May Dr. R. Riesen Dr. J. Schawe Dr. V Chaudhary Dr. S. Domann S. Dandekar
Chemist Chemist Chemist Chem. Engineer Physicist Polymer Journalist Physical Chemist
Engineer and Chemist

N. Fedelich Dr. M. Nijman Dr. E. Hempel Dr. M. Wagner Dr. M. Schubnell U. Jörimann R. Haldankar
Chem. Engineer Chemist Physicist Chemist Physicist Electr. Engineer Analytical

Mettler-Toledo AG, Analytical

Postfach, CH-8603 Schwerzenbach
Phone +41 44 806 73 87 www.mt.com/ta
Fax +41 44 806 72 60 For more information
Contact : urs.joerimann@mt.com

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Marketing MatChar  /  MarCom Analytical

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