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My new Vocabulary

Wh - aux - sub – verb

Where were you born?
What did you hide?
It was uncalled for = no era necesario
Get rid of = desasserse de
My bad = me equivoque
Hacking = hakear
I got tenure = tener propiedad
Kidnapping = secuestro
You hook up = ligastes
Something that caught my eye = algo me llamo la atencion
Burglary = asalto a una casa
Bank robbery = ladron de banco
We are the ones to be blamed = somos los culpables
Regardless of the fact = apesar de
Fresh star = un nuevo inicio
I take the bullets = acepto la responsabilidad
Mermaid = sirena
Pedestrain = peaton
She got knoched up = quedo pansona
Mugging = robo en la calle
Murder = asesino
Forgery = pilateria
Safe = caja fuerte
Kudos = congratulation
Hijacking = secuestro de un avion
Runway = pista de aterrisaje, pasarela
Are you straight? = eres macho macho
Are you naive ? = eres ingenuo
Acronyms = siglas
Deli = carniceria pequeña
What does ATM stand for? = automated teller machine withdraw
ATV = all track vehiculo
Yawn = bostesar
I´ll be right back! = ya regreso
Train = colo de bestido de bodas
Coldfeet = te dio miedo o te galliniastes
Flip a coin = boltear la moneda
Heads and tails = escudo o corona
Garter = la liga de la novia cuando se casa
Bride maid = madrina de honor
Trade off = chance something
Overhearing = lo escuche
Overdue = late
Warn you = advertirle
Ballon up = incharse
Shrink down = encojerse
Nap = siesta
Skimp = no desperdiciar
Skyscraper = rascacielo
Kebad = pincho
Keep your finger croos! = cruce los dedos
Crack finger = sacarse las mentiras
Snap your finger = sonar los dedos
Ripe = maduro
Oh crap! = o mierdad
Turnovers = ganancias
Clown = payaso
Duck = quitarse el tiro
Pacifier = (chupeta) a small rubber odject that give to a baby to suck in order to make it
Tag = (Quedo) is a game in which you touch a person and then you have to run
Hide and seek = ( Escondido) a children´s game in which one child hides and the others try
to find them
Cratches = ( Muletas) two sticks that you put under your arm to help you walk if you have
injured your leg or foot
Hammock = ( Amaca) a large piece of cloth or strong net that you hang between two
trees or poles to sleep on
Water hose = ( Manguera) a large piece of rubber or plastic and used for directing water
somewhere, usully onto a garden or fire
Handcuffs = (Esposas) two metal rings that are joined by a chain and are put on a
Blanket = (Cobija) Quilt = (heredon) is a thick, warm cover that you sleep under
Mermaid = (Sirena) an imaginary creature that lives in the sea and has the upper body of a
woman and the tail of a fish
Crawl = Gatiar
Mattress = colchon
Pillow = almohada
Braces = frenillos
Magnifying glass = lupa
Rash = alergia
Knife = cuchillo
Handle = mango
Compass = brujula
Soup = sopa
Bleach = cloro
Pass away or die = morir
Pass out or faint = desmayarse
Cravings = antojos
Kebab = pinchos
Better save that sorry! = mejor prevenir q lamentar
A little bird told me = chismo o alguien me conto
Walk me through this = explicame
What are you up to? = Que haces
Let´s just hang = pasemos el rato
A penny for your thoughts = daria lo q fuera para saber lo q estas pensando
I don´t buy you = no le creo
A fool and his money are soon parted = no le dura nada la plata
Bunked off = se fue
A penny saved is a penny earned = un centavo guardado es un centavo ganado
It´s a steal = es una ganga
We know it´s his achilles´heel = sabemos cual es supunto devil
Add fuel to the fire = echarle sal al fuego
Don´t wind me up = no me molestes
She´s an agony aunt = ella es chismosa
All eyes on me = prestenme atencion
You are all hat, no cattle = usted es pura paja y nada de nada
All that glitters i not gold = no todo lo q brilla es oro
Don´t put all your eggs in one basket =
He´s such a Show off = el es un rajon
Alimony = pención
Outlet = toma corriente
Buck = dolar
Alibi (alabai P) = cuartada
Graveyard = cementerio
Stalk = acosar a alguien
Mortgage = hipoteca
Thumbtack = chinche
Asset = activos
Tollbooth = peaje
Lug wrench = llave rana
Compass = brujula
Revenue = impuestos
Tangle = enredado
Share = en el ambito de negocios son acciones
Liabilities = pasivos
Tow truck = grua
Beret = boina
Yield = ceda el paso
Shortcut = atajo
Acarfolding = andamio
Shoulder = espaldon para carros
Detour = desvio
Get the picture = entender todo
I don´t buy you = no te creo
Wind up = no me molestes
Be up to = que haces?
Hang around = pasar el rato
I´m going to up my sticks = me voy a ir
You should shy away from him/her = deberias a lejarte de
Bunk off =abandonar
Face the music = afrontar el problema
Heading off = go to, ir a
Get slung = dañar
Don´t use jargon = no hables como doctor
I reckon = i think, yo creo
Every other week = cada 15 dias
She could foresee it = ella podria predecirlo
Don´t dispose the sewage = no vote los desechos
Break even = estamnos a mano
A can of worms = tengo muchos problemas
Show off = creido , rajon
If something comes up = si algo sale
Shut down = apagar pc, tv
No one´s perfect = nadie es perfecto
Shrank = encojer
Diferent meaning in a same word

Have = tener / comer

Fan = bien / abanico
Board = pizarra / tabla
Watch= odservar / reloj
Book= reservar / libro
Ring= cuadrilatero / sonido de telefono
Live= vivir / envivo
Outlet = tomacorriente / desahogo
Ground = tierrra / moler
Court = corte / planchel
Mean = significado / querer decir / malo
Arm = arma / brazo
Like = como / gustar
Kind = tipo / especie
Well = bien / poso de agua
Will= aux futuro / testamento
Last = pasado / ultimo
Before = antes / delante / anterior
Fast = rapido / firme / ayunar
Score = puntos / calificacion
So = tambien / i
Too= tambien / demasiado
Saw = sierra / ver
Fit = encajar / proveer algo / enforma
Type = dijitar / genero
Store = tienda / almacenar
Hard = duro / dificil / fuerte
Turn = doblar / cumplir
Fly = volar / mosca
Spell = deletrear / hechizo
Way = forma / camino
May = mayo / posibilidad
Pretty = bonita / muy
Smoke = fumar / humo
Race= carrera / raza
Sail = vela / navegar
Spend = pasar el rato / gastar
Time = tiempo /
Glass = vaso / anteojos
Run = correr / dirigir
Tissue = pañuelo / tejido
Match= partido / marcar / fosforo
Face = cara / enfrentar
Train = tren / cola
Spoil = arruinar / chiniar
Break = recreo / romper
Blue = triste / azul
Place = colocar / espalda
Back = espalda / atras
But = pero / si no
Kid = niño / cabrito
Play = jugar / obra de teatro / reproducri / tocar
Left = irse / pendiente
Right = derecha / ok
Broke = sin dinero / quebrar
That = eso / y que
Fire / despedido / fuego
Nail = uña / clavos
Sheet = sabana / hoja de cuaderno
Bear = oso / soportar
Leaves = irse / hojas de arbol
Bill = factura / billete
Key = tecla / llave / clave
Quit = renunciar / salir
Close = cerrar / cerca de distancia
Get = odtener / conseguir
Can = poder / lata / carcel
Lie = mentir / acostarse
Water = agua / regar
Milk = leche / ordeñar
Case = caso / maletin
Iron = plancha / apalnchar / hierro
Spring = aguas termales / primavera
High = alto / drogado
Pound = libra / golpe
Call = llamar / decición
Player = jugador / mujeriego
Trunk = cajuela de carro / trompa elefante / baul / tronco del cuerpo
Cap = gorra / tapa de lapiz
Thought = pensar / pensamiento
Calf = ternero / pantorrilla
Girlfriend = novia / mejor amiga
Shrink = encojerse / psiquiatra
Date = fecha / cita / pareja
Shower = ducha / fiesta (babyshower)
Mole = lunar / topo
Pen = lapicero / corral
Fat = gordo / grasa
Odd= inmpares / raro
Even = estamos tablas / pareja / liso
Tear = lagrimas / rasgar
Duck = pato / quitarse el tiro
Rash = alergia / rapido
Spot = lugar / mancha
Spare = repuesto / libre
Pawn = peon / empeñar
Pay = pagar / poner
Fence = cerca /
Punch = golpe / bebida / sacabocado
Tie = amarar / corbata
Rubber = hule / borrador
Draw = dibujar / empatado
Hot = caliente / atractivo
Land = tierra / aterrizar
Lame = lomo / enfermo
Lace = cordon / encaje
Shell = conchas / caparason de tortuga /
Shed = derramar / bodega
Ship = barco / estado de amigo (friendship)
Skin = piel / cascara
Squash = chayote
Stand = estar de pie / soportar
Track = pista de correr / pista de musica
File = archivar / lima de uñas
Pool = picina / billar
Row = fila / remos
Pole = poste / polaco persona de polonia
Dove = paloma / sumergir
Wave = ola / saludar
Cheap = barato / tacaño
Cheers = apoyar a alguien / brindar
Nuts = testiculos / nuez / loco
Fine = bien / multa
Straw = pajilla / paja de eno
Miss = señorita / extrañar
Hit = golpe / exito
Host =anfitrion de casa / anfitrion de tv
Take off = quitarse la ropa / despegar a avion
Mummy = mami / momia
Raise = aumento de salario / levantar algo
Side = lado / secundaria
Good = bien /
Mate = compañero / aparamiento de animales
Survey = encuesta / escabación
Thong = hilo de mujer / sandalias
Share = compartir / acciones de empresas
Swell = inchar / exelente
Strike = golpe / huelga
Pinch = pelliscar / pisca de algo

Body parts
Skull = craneo
Scalp = cuero cabelludo
Hair = pelo
Head = cabeza
Forehead = frente
Eyebrow = ceja
Eyelashes = pestaña
Eyelids = partados
Eyes = ojos
Chin = barbilla
Dimples= hoyuelos
Teeth = diente
Tooth = dientes
Molar tooth = muelas
Wisdom tooth = cordales
Gums = encias
Tongue = lengua
Uvula = uvula
Ears = orejas
Neck = cuello
Cheeks =mejillas
Tonsils = amigdalas
Face = cara
Mouth = boca
Lips = labios
Beard = barba
Sideburn = patillas
Mustache = bigote
Mole = lunar
Pimples = espinillas
Freckles = pecas
Armpit = axila
Shoulder = hombre
Brain = cerebro
Arm = brazo
Nose = nariz
Lungs = pulmones
Heart = corazon
Dandruff = caspa
Hand = mano
Wrist = muñeca
Fist = puño
Fingers = dedos
Fingernails = uñas
Thumb = pulgar
Index finger = dedo indice
Middle finger = de del centro
Ring finger = dedo del anillo
Pinky = dedo pequeño
Knuckles = nudillos
Pores = poros
Veins = venas
Bones = huesos
Elbow = codo
Stomach = estomago
Belly = abdomen
Belly botton = hombligo
Hip = cadera
Waist = cintura
Thigh = muslo
Knee = rodilla
Shin = espinilla
Calf = pantorrilla
Foot = pies
Feet = pie
Legs = piernas
Toes = dedos de los pies
Heel= talon
Ankle = tobillo
Skin = piel
Intestines = intestinos
Bladder = vejiga
Kidney = riñon
Liver = higado
Womb = utero
Breast = pecho
Chest = pecho
Ovaries = ovarios
Buttocks = nalgas
Muscles = musculos
Nipples = pezones
Palm = palma
Back = espalda
Throat = garganta
Ribs = costillas
Blood = sangre
Finger print = huella dactilar
Jaw = mandibula
Red blood cells = celulas rojas
White blood cells = celulas blancas

I´ve been putting off = lo he estado posponiendo

That´s fair enough = eso es bueno
Dont´t you dare = no te atrevas
Be that as it may = aunque asi sea
For good = para siempre
Are you honeymuners? = son recien casados
Are you playing hard to get? = Te haces la dificil
Let´s talk this through = hablemos mas enserio
I heard somethin that freaked me out = escuche algo q me impacto
I haven´t thought this through = no lo pense bien
For god´s sake = por el amor de dios
Let´s give it a try / shot = intentemolo otra vez
Did she get back to you? = ella te llamo de regreso
I don´t think you heart said it = no pienso q lo digas enserio
Are you corky? Es alguien q es divertido, vacilon se usa entre amigos
She´s one of a kind = el es el unico
Where are the surveillance camara? = Donde estan las camaras de vigilancia
I din´t sing up for that = no me gusta
Bring it on = traiga dele
Can i get you anything? Le puedo ayudar
He can bail himself out / I could figure it out = puede resolver los problemas por si mismo
What comes around , goes around = el q la hace la paga
Back to back = van juntos o de la mano
I´II do it what ever it takes = hare lo necesario
We can pull it off = lo podemos hacer
The more the merrier = entre mas hayan mejor
I leaving empty hands = me voy con las manos vacias
I was barefoot = estaba descalso
You tell me that after all we have been through = me echas en cara todo lo que hemos
Can i through in to your class = puedo entrar a su clase
He´s a doughe / doughe back = sos un stupido
That´s highlight = algo nuevo q no tenias idea
It turns out = resulta que
What does FYI stand for? = que significa FYI / for your information
There might not be room = no hay espacio para usted
Roll the dice = tire los dados
You are such an overachiever = sos un sobresliente
Are you a go getter? = una personas esforzada
I gottta go above call of duty = hacer mas de lo q me piden o me toca
Let´s call it off = cancelar algo
I was told you are very naive = me lo dijeron
Are you a workaholic? Es usted una persona q trabaja mucho
I owe you an ovedue apology = disculpeme por no verme disculpado antes
I couldn´t help overhearing = no pude evitar de escuchar
Let me help you out = le puedo ayudar
Have you ever had an overdarft? = nunca as estado sobre girado
Appointment only = solo con citas
I am not the one who kiss and tell = no soy sapo
Let me take you the burden = dejeme quitarle esa carga o ese peso
It´s a tad expensive = es un poco caro
You scared the hell out of me (informal) = me asusto, me sacste un pedo
It´s on me / my treat = yo pago
All that matters = todo eso importa
I didn´t mean to = no quise decir eso
Would you mind if i took a peek? = puedo dar una ojiada o mirar

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