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The form of magnetic work in a fundamental thermodynamic equation

for a paramagnet
Martin Barretta)
Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Alan Macdonaldb)
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa 52101
~Received 6 March 1998; accepted 11 November 1998!
Magnetic work takes two forms in the thermodynamics of a paramagnet as developed in many
textbooks. We observe that in the case when the lattice energy is excluded, the form d W5BdM
cannot be used in a fundamental thermodynamic equation. This shows that there are thermodynamic
systems with no fundamental thermodynamic equation. © 1999 American Association of Physics Teachers.

The thermal physics of magnetic systems has been the be considered isolated from the lattice.9 The realization that
source of continuing confusion. Mandl writes in the second such spin systems are thermodynamic systems in their own
edition of his text,1 ‘‘As is well known, the thermodynamic right underlies the modern recognition of the existence of
discussion of magnetic systems easily leads to misleading or negative absolute temperatures.
even wrong statements, and I fear that the first edition was Both d W ms and d W s lead to correct forms of the first law:
not free from these.’’ And according to Kittel,2 ‘‘A great
deal of unnecessary confusion exists as to how to write the dU5 d Q1BdM ~2!
First Law of Thermodynamics for a magnetic system.’’ applies to the systems Pms and Pmsl , while
For a paramagnetic crystal in a uniform magnetic field B,
with total magnetic dipole moment M, there are two forms dU5 d Q2M dB ~3!
for the work done when B and M change: applies to Ps and Psl .
d W ms 5BdM and d W s 52M dB. ~1! Since d Q5TdS for reversible changes, we have, algebra-
The form d W ms applies when the mutual field energy is in-
dU5TdS1BdM ~4!
cluded in the system, the form d W s when it is not.3 The
forms d W ms and d W s are readily derived also by means of for Pms and Pmsl , and
statistical mechanics; we include these derivations in the Ap- dU5TdS2M dB ~5!
The thermodynamic derivations of these forms given by for Ps and Psl .
Mandl,4 Kittel,5 and Callen6 make no explicit reference to It might appear that we have obtained fundamental ther-
the crystal lattice. They assume that the volume of the crystal modynamic equations ~FTEs! for our four systems. A funda-
does not change when a change in the magnetic field is im- mental thermodynamic equation ~or relation! is an equation
posed; with this assumption, no work is done on the lattice
dU5TdS1Y dX, ~6!
alone. Consequently, the work forms are valid whether or not
the lattice is included in the system. The form d W s expressing the total differential of the energy function of the
52M dB thus applies to the systems Ps ~whose internal system in terms of S and other independent variable~s! X.10
energy is just the potential energy of the spins in the field! Equation ~5! is a valid FTE for Ps and Psl , the systems in
and Psl ~which includes the lattice energy as well!. The form which the mutual field energy is excluded. And Eq. ~4! is a
d W ms 5BdM applies to the systems Pms and Pmsl , which valid FTE for Pmsl . But we shall show that Eq. ~4! cannot be
add the mutual field energy to the first two systems. regarded as a FTE for Pms . This system has peculiarities
Now Ps and Pms , to which the lattice is external, are bona which seem not to have been noted before. They are worthy
fide thermodynamic systems, exchanging heat and work with of attention for several reasons. Since the aforementioned
their environment, possessing an internal energy, entropy, authors do not even mention the lattice in their derivations of
and temperature, and obeying the first and second laws of d W ms , it is easy to fall into the belief that Eq. ~4! is a valid
thermodynamics. The systems are in no way ‘‘unphysical’’ FTE for Pms , just as Eq. ~5! is valid for Ps . No author
or ‘‘unrealistic.’’ Indeed, the thermal physics of Ps has well- points out that Eq. ~4! is a FTE only if the lattice energy is
known applications. For example, adiabatic cooling is ex- included. The example of Pms shows that one cannot simply
plained in some elementary texts by consideration just of Ps , and automatically replace d Q with TdS in the expression of
with only passing reference to the lattice.7 And the statistical the first law and obtain a FTE. We see below, in fact, that
mechanics of Ps takes a particularly simple form, so it ap- Pms furnishes an example of a thermodynamic system which
pears frequently in developments of elementary concepts.8 has no FTE.
Notice that we do not assume that the spins are adiabati- A FTE @Eq. ~6!# is more than just an algebraic relationship
cally separated from the lattice, only that any heat transfer to among its constituent quantities. ~A! Since it exhibits a total
the lattice is considered a transfer of energy out of the sys- differential, S and X are independent, and the coefficients T
tem. Notwithstanding, the relaxation time between nuclear and Y are partial derivatives of U. ~B! Physically, S and X
spins and the lattice is so slow that these spin systems may suffice to completely determine the state of the thermody-

613 Am. J. Phys. 67 ~7!, July 1999 © 1999 American Association of Physics Teachers 613
namic system.11 Moreover, the energy function U(S,X) con- 52(]M/]S)B for Ps . Since all quantities in this expression
tains all thermodynamic information about the system.12 have the same value for Ps and Pms , the expression is also
Much of the thermodynamic formalism is built on these valid for Pms .
requirements. Yet Eq. ~4! applied to Pms fails them both, as A note about consistency: in spite of the foregoing consid-
we now describe. erations, one might try to obtain
~A! requires that S and M be independent variables. But in
Pms ~and in Ps !, S5S ms 5S s is a function of M alone: S dH s 5TdS s 1BdM
5S(M ). For S is a function of the probability p
from Eq. ~5! by taking the Legendre transform H s (S s ,M )
5 p(spin up): S5Nk B „2p ln p2(12p) ln (12p)…. p in turn
5U s 1M B, and use S s [S ms to conclude that the differential
is a function of the quantity x5mB/kT: p5e x /(e x 1e 2x );
form on the right of Eq. ~4! must be a total differential if the
the denominator is the partition function for a one-particle
form on the right of Eq. ~5! is. But the Legendre transform
system. Finally, x is a function of M by the equation of state
cannot be taken. Callen gives the condition under which
M 5Nm tanh x. ~The explicit formula for S in terms of M is Legendre transforms exist;14 translated into the present situ-
derived in the Appendix.!
ation, the condition becomes ] 2 U s (S s ,B)/ ] B 2 Þ0. Since
@The entropy S msl is not a function of M, so that Eq. ~4! is
U s 52M B and M 5M (S s ), U s (S s ,B)52M (S s )B, and the
a valid fundamental thermodynamic equation for Pmsl . condition fails.
Proof: S msl is the sum of the spin entropy, which by the
preceding paragraph is a function of M, and the lattice en-
tropy, which is an increasing function of T. If S msl were a
function of M, i.e., S s (M )1S l (T)5 f (M ), a change in T APPENDIX: STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF THE
would necessarily change M. But this is not the case: by the SYSTEM Ps
equation of state, M is a function of B/T, and so the change
in T can be followed by an isothermal change in B to restore Here we collect for reference the derivation of the proper-
M to its original value.# ties of the N-particle paramagnetic spin system Ps discussed
The spins in our paramagnetic crystal have total potential in the article. The canonical ensemble is understood in what
energy U s 52M B in the magnetic field, while the mutual follows.
field energy is MB.13 Thus the energy of the system Pms is We label the two eigenstates of a single-particle system
‘‘spin-up’’ and ‘‘spin-down,’’ with potential energies in the
uniform field « 1 52mB and « 2 51mB. Let x5mB/k B T.
U ms 5U s 1U m 52M B1M B[0! Then the single-particle partition function is Z 1 5e x 1e 2x
and the probabilities of the eigenstates are p5Pr(« 1 )
5e x /Z 1 ; q5Pr(« 2 )512p5e 2x /Z 1 . As an immediate con-
All partial derivatives of U ms are therefore identically 0 over
the state space; but the coefficients in Eq. ~4! are not.
As for ~B!, S and M do not by themselves determine the ln p2ln q52x52mB/k B T. ~A1!
thermodynamic state of Pms . Specifying S and M determines
p and thereby x. x determines the ratio B/T, but there are The ~mean! total magnetic moment is M 5Nm(p2q)
infinitely many values of B and T which yield this ratio; each 5Nm(2 p21)5NM 1 , where M 1 denotes the mean total
such pair of values corresponds to a different state of the magnetic moment per particle. Inserting p5e x /Z 1 into this
system consistent with the given S and M. expression gives the equation of state for paramagnetic sys-
Since Eq. ~4! fails ~A! and ~B!, it cannot be a FTE for tems:
Pms . In fact, since U ms [0 clearly does not contain all ther-
modynamic information about this system, there is no FTE M 5Nm tanh x. ~A2!
for Pms . In particular we see that M is a function of B/T. Rearranging
If one does take Eq. ~4! ~or any equation! to be a FTE for the first expression for M gives p51/21M /2mN and q
Pms , then the thermodynamic formalism produces incorrect 51/22M /2mN. If we substitute these values for p and q in
results, two of which we now describe. ~A1!, we get
The temperature of Pms may be obtained by setting U ms
50 in ~the algebraically correct! Eq. ~4! and solving for T: mB
T52M 8 (S ms )B; or it may be obtained from the Appendix T5 .
k B @ ln ~ m2M /N ! 2ln ~ m1M /N !#
since it is the same as the temperature of Ps . If Pms pos-
sessed a FTE @Eq. ~6!#, then the thermodynamic formalism The entropy is defined as S5NS 1 5Nk B @ 2p ln p
would define T5( ] U ms / ] S ms ) X [0, which is not correct. In 2q ln q#, where S 1 is the entropy per particle. Substituting
Eq. ~4! for Pms , S5S ms and M are not independent @as dis- for p and q, S can be written as a function of M as asserted in
cussed under ~A!#, and so the partial ( ] U ms / ] S) M does not the article:
even exist, since one cannot vary S while keeping M fixed.
Maxwell’s relations express the equality of the second-
order mixed partials of U. If Eq. ~4! were a FTE for Pms ,
S5Nk B 2 FS DS
2 2mN
ln 1
2 2mN
2 2
2 2mN DS D
then we could read off the Maxwell relation ( ] T/ ] M ) S
5( ] B/ ] S) M . As in the previous paragraph, this has no
meaning for Pms since one cannot hold one of S and M fixed
3ln S DG
2 2mN

while varying the other. Equation ~5! gives ( ] T/ ] B) S Next we compute dS 1 , using Eq. ~A1!, and dM 1 :

614 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 7, July 1999 M. Barrett and A. Macdonald 614
dS 1 52k B d @ p ln p1q ln q # dU sl 5d ~ U s 1U l ! 5Td ~ S s 1S l ! 2M dB5TdS sl 2M dB.
52k B @ dp ~ 11ln p ! 2dp ~ 11ln q !#
Adding all three lines gives
5k B @ dp ~ ln p2ln q !# 5 dp, dU msl 5d ~ U m 1U s 1U l !
5Td ~ S s 1S l ! 1BdM 5TdS msl 1BdM . ~A7!
dM 1 5d„m ~ 2p21 ! …52mdp.
TdS5TNdS 1 5TN dM 1 52BdM . ~A3! We thank Professor Harvey Leff, Professor Loyal Durand,
T Dr. John Thomsen, and Dr. Helene Bers for useful comments
The mean energy per particle is the expected value of the on earlier drafts of this paper.
eigenenergies, « 1 p1« 2 q52mB(p2q). The ~mean! energy a!
of the whole system is U s 5N„2mB(p2q)…52M B. The b!
Electronic mail: mbarrett@macc.wisc.edu
Electronic mail: macdonal@luther.edu
differential of U s is 1
F. Mandl, Statistical Physics ~Wiley, Chichester, 1988!, 2nd ed., p. vii.
Charles Kittel, Elementary Statistical Physics ~Wiley, New York, 1958!,
dU s 52BdM 2M dB5TdS2M dB, ~A4! pp. 77–82.
thus establishing a FTE for Ps . Equations ~1! and ~A3! to- We take the paramagnetic spin system to be ideal: interaction among the
dipole spins is essentially absent. The model which results from this as-
gether show that for reversible changes ~i.e., d Q5TdS! in a sumption is widely used, is an excellent approximation to real systems
system with fixed N, the work is d W s 52M dB. within its domain of application, and does not obey the third law of ther-
For the system Pms , which includes the mutual field en- modynamics. It shares all these attributes with the ideal gas model.
ergy, the internal energy is 0, but the temperature and the Reference 1, pp. 21–28 and 336–339.
Reference 2, pp. 77–82.
entropy are the same as in Ps . For reversible changes, we 6
Herbert Callen, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatics
have by Eq. ~A3! ~Wiley, New York, 1985!, 2nd ed., pp. 479–485.
Reference 1, pp. 139–145; Tony Guenalt, Statistical Physics ~Routledge,
05dU ms 5 d Q ms 1 d W ms 5TdS1 d W ms 52BdM 1 d W ms ,
London, 1988!, pp. 38–43.
and so the work is d W ms 5BdM . Charles Kittel and Herbert Kroemer, Thermal Physics ~Freeman, San

Francisco, 1980!, 2nd ed., pp. 62–64, 69–70.

As a final application of the statistical mechanics, we offer 9
M. Toda, R. Kubo, and N. Saitô, Statistical Physics I ~Springer-Verlag,
a short derivation of Eqs. ~5! and ~4! for the systems Psl and Berlin, 1995!, 2nd ed., p. 67.
Pmsl , respectively. We write U m 5M B for the mutual field 10
Our terminology is in agreement with common usage; see for example
energy, U s 52M B for the spin potential energy, and U t for Ref. 1, p. 86, and David Chandler, Introduction to Modern Statistical
Mechanics ~Oxford U. P., New York, 1987!, p. 10. The energy might be
the lattice energy; we write S s instead of S for the spin en- expressed as a function of different independent variables, so we do not
tropy to keep it distinct from S l , the lattice entropy. Taking assume that a FTE for a system is unique. However, we do not use the
differentials, term FTE to refer to equations expressing differentials of Legendre trans-
forms of the energy ~or of the entropy!.
dU m 5d ~ M B ! 5BdM 1M dB, 11
As is customary when dealing with paramagnetic solids, we take N and V
to be constant; therefore, they need not appear in a fundamental equation.
dU s 5d ~ 2M B ! 52BdM 2M dB5TdS s 2M dB, ~A5! 12
Reference 6, pp. 28–29. Callen says that ‘‘once the fundamental relation
of a system is known, every thermodynamic attribute is completely and
dU l 5TdS l . precisely determined.’’ He means by fundamental relation the expression
The second line uses Eq. ~A3!. The third line contains no of the energy ~or the entropy!, not the differential of the energy, as a
work term because the volume is essentially constant. We function of its independent variables. The difference in terminology makes
no difference for ~B!: since U is defined only up to an additive constant, U
may use the same T in both the second and third lines be- and dU can each be recovered from the other and contain the same infor-
cause the spins and the lattice are thermally coupled and mation.
assumed to be in equilibrium. 13
Reference 1, p. 26.
Adding the second and third lines of Eq. ~A5! gives 14
Reference 6, p. 142, footnote 2.


I just would like to add a couple of anecdotes. ... One is Pauli’s famous dictum on reading some
paper other than his whose identity has probably mercifully has been lost. He said, ‘‘Es ist nicht
einmal falsch!’’ @It’s not even wrong!#

George L. Trigg, in Editing the Refereed Scientific Journal, edited by Robert A. Weeks and Donald L. Kinser ~IEEE Press,
New York, 1994!, p. 142.

615 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 7, July 1999 M. Barrett and A. Macdonald 615

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