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MITOSIS - No. of Chromosones in the parent and progeny cells is same. It is called as equational division.


Interphase M-Phase(Mitosis Phase)

∎ The Interphase is divided into 3 phases ∎ The 4 stages of nuclear division

• G1 -Phase(Gap-1)
• Prophase
• S-Phase(Synthesis)
• Metaphase
• G2 -Phase(Gap-2)
• Anaphase
• Telophase


≻ G1 Phase(Gap 1)
Cell is Metabolically active and continuously grows but does not
replicate its DN A.
≻ S or Synthesis Phase
DN A synthesis or replication takes place. During this time the
amountof DNA per cell doubles.
2C → 4C but Chromosome number remains the same 2n → 2n
⧫ In animal cell Centriole duplicates in the Cytoplasm.
≻ During G2 -phase,Proteins are synthesised in preparation for
Mitosis while cell growth continues.

≻ Prophase

⧫ Prophase is marked by initiation of condensation of

chromosomal materials
⧫ Centriole begins to move towards opposite pole of cell.

⧫ Chromosome are seen to be composed of two chromatids
attached together at the centromere.
⧫ Cell organelles Golgi Body.ER, Nucleous and Nuclear
envelope disappears.

≻ Metaphase

⧫ Morphology of chromosome is most easily studied.

⧫ Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores of chromosome.
⧫ Chromosomes are moved to equator and get aligned along
metaphase plate through spindle fibres to both poles.

≻ Anaphase

⧫ Centromeres split and chromatids separate.

⧫ Chromatids move to opposite pole.
≻ Telophase

⧫ Chromosomes reached their poles decondense and lose their

⧫ Nuclear envelope assembly around chromosome clusters.
⧫ Nucleolus, golgi body and ER reform.

Karyokinesis-Division of Nucleus is called Karyokinesis.

Cytokinesis - Division of Cytoplasm called cytokinesis

⧫ In Animal Cells - A circular constriction appears at the

equator the constriction deepens and eventually divides the
cell into two daughter cells.
⧫ In plant- There is No constriction A cell plate or New cell wall
forms across the cell resulting in the separation at two
daughter cells.

⧫ It occurs during the Growth and development of multicellular
Plants and Animals
⧫ Mitosis ensure that the two daughter cell inherit the same
number of chromosome.
⧫ It helps the cell in Maintaining proper size
⧫ In unicellular organism mitosis helps in asexual reproduction
during which two or more individuals arise from the mother
⧫ If mitosis becomes uncontrolled it may cause tumor and
cancerous growth.

⧫ Meiosis is also called reduction division because the chromo-
somes in the division are reduced from the Diploid to Haploid
⧫ Meiosis occurs in all organisms which reproduce sexually.
⧫ Meiosis reduces haploid sex cell from diploid cell.
⧫ Most involves pairing of homologous chromosome and recom-
bination between them


Interphase Meiosis-I Interkinesis Meiosis-II

∎ Meiosis-I :-

⧫ It is equational division - it is just like Mitosis

⧫ It does not leads to any change in chromosome number

⧫ In Meiosis, division of Nucleus takes place twice but division
of chromosome occurs only once

∎ Meiosis-II :-
⧫ It leads to reduction in chromosome numbers takes place.
⧫ Division of chromosome does not occurs in Meiosis-1 and only
segregation of Homologous chromosomes.
⧫ Meiosis involves pairing of homologous chromosomes and
Recombination between.


Meiosis-I Meiosis-II

● Prophase-I Leptotene ● Prophase-II

● Metaphase-I Zygotene ● Metaphase-II

● Anaphase-I Pachytene ● Anaphase-II

● Telophase-I Diplotene ● Telophase-II


# Meiosis-I :-
∎ Prophase-I :- Longer and more complex.
⧫ It has been further subdivied into the following Phases based
on Chromosonal behaviour.
i.e Leptotene Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene Dikinesis
≻ Leptotene
⧫ Chromosomes become gradually visible.

⧫ Condensation of chromosomes continues throughout leptotene

≻ Zygotene

⧫ Pairing of Homologous Chromosome and this process at

association is called Synapsis by the formation of complex
structure called synaptonemal complex. The complex formed
by a pair of Synapsed Homologous Chromosome is called
Bivalent or Tetrad

≻ Pachytene
⧫ During this stages bivalent chromosomes not clearly appears
as tetrads.
⧫ This stage is characterised by Recombination nodule the sites
at which crossing over occurs between non sister chromatids
of Homologous chromosomes.
⧫ Crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between two
Homologous chromosomes.
⧫ Crossing over leads to recombination of genetic material of
the two chromosome
⧫ Recombination between homologous chromosomes is
completed by the end of Pachytene. Leaving the chromosome
lived at the sites of crossing over

≻ Diplotene :-
⧫ It is recognised by dissolution of the synaptonemal complex.
Formation of Chiasmata (X-shaped structure)
≻ Dikinesis :-
⧫ This is marked by terminalisation of Chiasmata.
⧫ During this phase the chromosomes are fully condensed and
the mitotic spindle is assembled to prepare the homologous
chromosomes for separation.
⧫ By the end of Diakinesis the Nucleous disappears and the
Nuclear envelope also breaks down.

⧫ Diakinesis represents transition to Metaphase.
∎ Metaphase-I :-
⧫ The bivalent chromosome align on the equatorial plate.
⧫ Nuclear membrane disappears completely at the beginning of
∎ Anaphase-I :-

⧫ The Homologous chromosomes separate whle sister

chromatids remain associated at centromere

∎ Telophase-I :-
⧫ The nuclear membrane and Nucleolus reappear.
⧫ Two daughter Haploid Nuclei are thus formed.

# Meiosis-II :-
∎ Prophase-II :-
⧫ The Nuclear membrane disappears by the end of Prophase-I
⧫ The chromosome again become compact.
∎ Metaphase-II :-

⧫ Chromosome align at the equator.

⧫ And centriole from opposite poles of the spindle get attached
to the Kinetochores of Sister chromatids.
∎ Anaphase-II :-

⧫ It begins with simultaneous splitting of centromere of each

chromosome, allowing them to move towards opposite poles of
the cell.
∎ Telophase-II :-

⧫ Meiosis end with Telophase-II in which the two groups of

chromosomes once again get enclosed by Nuclear envelope.

Cytokinesis follows resulting in the formation of tetrad of cells i.e.
Four Haploid daughter
⧫ It increases the Genetic variability in the population of
organism from one generation to the next.


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