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&VllUA.H .,...NATE UNfV'tR.9tTV

Or Anas Roljab
llcp•rtmcnt of ph;inn•«UliG>I cbcmlstty & Qu.1111)' (ORtrol
Fonllty of Ph•rm.><y
Syrt•n Ptiv•t..e:;,,_.._.

Rc1:0111mend::illo11 Lcuer
This lcurr Is wrltt<n on behalf of Mr T rek Alloush•grJdu.uc of Syrinn Priv:itc
Unlv•rslty (SPU), foculty or Phann•<)"

I h•vc th• chance to lmowT•"'k for two yt•rs m four undergradu;itc (Our>es.
II•h•on t.ccllcnt ap:1b11iiy,d;,sire and t<'l'mln•llOn forgood quail!)' work
Jnd or rtuarch..
Whtn comp.trod to all other undtrgtatlu•te studtnts wnh whom I h3\'t dose
conto<I. he could ti.. mnked Wttli hlghMt S'lli.anually ht ,..,the 1op his cl.us.

As for as I know. tliert art no personal, social. aradcmlr. or htollh d1fficullie> or

1hc•ppllc•ni. which your ms111u10Jhould know In •••lu•11n3 hi< •1>pllcanon
T110 l111press1on which MrT•rtk Alloush could make In ppe•r.tn.mann•r.
111111do and pcrsonnllly Is••rygood.
Fl nully Irecomm end lrTorek Alloush for aJ mlulon tuyour unlYllrslty whhuut
,1ny 1'11scrv11lfon.

Yours sincerely,

--- .-,-====-
Or Ana.'RBJBb

D•masc"'Ollie• (FO< dmlsslonl

Mauch St., Ei»•trn Moueh,oppo•lt• to Dai l\Mlalh ind near 1hc U NICEF Ofnce.
Phone :Oll6U3750 /Oll 6UJ71/0U 6U3752

Web.www.>pu .odu.sv
·far.00963 - ll -6390246 -Email lnfol!>spu.tdu.sy

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