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Solution Study

Insights, Landscape, & Vendor Analysis

Solution Study

Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary 03

2 What is Video Marketing? 05

3 Video Marketing Maturity Model 08

4 Benefits of Video Marketing 11

5 Video Marketing Deployment Lifecycle 14

6 Vendor Selection Criteria 19

7 Video Marketing Solutions Landscape 22

8 Analyst Bottom Line 26

Action Plan 27

Our Solution Study Methodology 38

About 39
Solution Study

Executive Summary

Executive Summary
It has been said that “All Marketing is Digital Marketing,” and with good
reason! In the last decade, marketing has been transformed.
This Solution Study covers:
Marketing has moved from an environment in which traditional marketing,
brick and mortar storefronts, and Digital Marketing options all competed What is Video Marketing?
for the time, attention, and resources of the marketing department to one
in which Digital Marketing reigns supreme (with an occasional nod in the
direction of the storefront or traditional marketing channels, such as direct
mail and print advertising).
Benefits of Video Marketing

In our Digital Marketing Solution Study Series, we examine five compo-

nents of Digital Marketing. Video Marketing
In this report, we will focus on the growing practice area of Video Marketing. Deployment Lifecycle

Vendor Selection Criteria

Video Marketing
Solutions Landscape

Action Plan

Solution Study

What is Video Marketing?


What is Video Marketing?

Businesses utilize videos to provide information, education, advice, and/ Demand Metric defines Video Marketing as:
or entertainment to their target audience.

These videos include a powerful combination of elements – audio, cast/ The strategies, processes, and technologies employed
speaker(s), images, graphics, and text – that are exceptionally appealing by an organization to generate interest in their brand,
and effective at promoting messages. company, and products through the use of relevant,
Video Marketing encompasses a wide variety of activities, including engaging video content.
program planning, the alignment of target audience & video content,
video production, content distribution, video optimization & monetiza-
tion, and program analysis.
Role in Digital Marketing
The main goals of a Video Marketing program are to develop brand
Stemming from the larger umbrella of Content Marketing, Video
awareness, provide attention-grabbing content for clients & prospects,
Marketing has become an integral part of the overall digital experience.
and generate qualified, captivated leads.
Video Marketing’s role in the digital landscape can be seen in our Digital
Inherently, video is a form of content used to enhance the overall Marketing Roles Matrix on the next page.
customer experience.
Video Marketing processes and technologies are used primarily by
While the demand for video among Internet users has created the need Content Marketing. However, several other roles contribute to video
for a specialized Video Marketing focus, it remains part of the broader content, including Strategic Communications, Demand Generation,
Content Marketing practice area. Community, Social Media, and Customer Experience.

Learn more about Demand Metric’s approach to Video Marketing and

how it supports Content Marketing with our Video Marketing Playbook VIEW RESOURCE
and our How-To Guide: Enhancing Content with Video Marketing.
Roles Matrix


Revenue Accountability Budgeting & Planning WCM Thought Leadership Blog Revenue by Channel
Staffing & Channel Management Reviews & Coaching Marketing Automation Webinar Presentations Customer Lifetime Value, NPS
Management Conference Keynotes Return on Customer (ROC)
Reporting to CEO/Board Recruitment & Retention CRM

Brand Strategy Digital Marketing Budget WCM Data Sheets, Whitepapers Market Share, Profitability
Marketing Strategy Social Agency Management Content Marketing Platforms Case Studies/Testimonials Brand Equity
Mobile Marketing Strategy Communications Management Social Media Platforms Competitive Analysis Content Usage

Lead Generation & Events Advertising/Sponsorship Marketing Automation/Email Advertising/SEO Campaign ROI, Email Metrics
Inbound/Outbound Marketing Lead Generation Digital Asset Management Email Campaigns Marketing Qualified Leads
Generation Event/Survey Management Contribution to Pipeline
Sales Opportunity Management Tradeshows Webinars

Web Content Management Content Creation WCM, Blogging Platforms, MA Website and Blogs Content Views, Links Earned
Content Marketing Campaign Analysis Content Mktg & Distribution eBooks, Articles Content Conversion
Marketing Content Distribution Video Marketing Platforms Content Published
Content Scoring Videos

Online Community Management Community Development WCM Posts, Tweets, Photos User Engagement
Community &
Social Listening Social Channel Management Social Media Platforms Forums, Chats, Comments Sentiment Analysis
Social Media Social Reputation Management Social Channels & Networks
Social Engagement Articles, Community News Campaign ROI

External Communications Influencer Identification Media Contact Database News Content/Press Releases Mentions/Impressions
Public Relations Media Relations Relationship Cultivation News Distribution & Monitoring Thought Leadership Content Audience Growth & Engagement
Analyst Relations Content Creation/Distribution Analytics & Reporting Rich Social Media Content Sentiment Analysis

New Product Development Product Launch WCM New Features/Ideas for R&D Avg. Revenue Per User
Mobile App Development Product Positioning Mobile Development Platforms Gamification Avg. Order Value
Marketing Video Production/Development Competitive Analysis Video Production Platforms Competitive Analysis Conversion Rate, Renewal Rate

Interactive Experience Customer Experience Customer Profile Management Buyer Personas Customer Satisfaction Index
Customer Satisfaction Customer Journey Mapping Customer Support, Twitter Customer Journey Map Customer Lifetime Value
Experience Customer Advocacy Customer Persona Creation Survey & Social Channels Proposals, Presentations Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Video Marketing Maturity Model

As our Video Marketing Maturity Model (pages 9-10) illustrates, organizations Our Maturity Model shows the progression of an organization from Stage 1
moving from a lack of experience with Video Marketing to those which fully (Undefined) to Stage 4 (World Class) that is characterized by the following
embrace it must consider eight key components. These are: best practices:

Orientation: The posture the organization takes toward the discipline of

Level of Commitment
Video Marketing and its importance to the organization for marketing, The strength of the commitment and the focus on excellence in Vid-
sales, and revenue generation. eo Marketing initiatives and campaigns drives other best practices.

Leadership: The view of executive/senior management toward the role

Video Marketing plays in driving sales, revenue, and profits; its inherent Video Marketers create strategies, goals, and KPIs for every
value to the company. point of their Video Marketing effort.

Budget & Staff: How well Video Marketing is resourced with time, talent,
tools, money, and authority. Video Marketers develop measurable processes for each
phase to ensure progress and success.
Development Focus: How in-depth the focus of development for Video
Marketing is within the organization. Resources
World Class Organizations ensure that sufficient resources (time, talent,
Content Management: How well the organization manages video content. tools, money) exist for each initiative, campaign, and phase of their plan.

Customer Engagement: How well the organization engages with

customers using video content. Management
World Class companies effectively manage the change, progress,
and results of Video Marketing efforts.
Monetization: How well video content is able to produce a return-on-in-
vestment (ROI).

Metrics: How Video Marketing initiatives and campaigns are tracked, Demand Metric’s Video Marketing Maturity Model can be used in combi-
measured, managed, and reported. nation with the vendor landscape analysis and charts detailed in the
Video Marketing Solutions Landscape section of this report.
Maturity Model
STAGE 4 - World-Class
STAGE 3 - Mature
STAGE 2 - Progressive
Video STAGE 1 - Undefined
Marketing Defined, integrated strategy for Video
Marketing exists across an Enterprise;
Defined, integrated strategy and
Campaigns are tracked & measured by
Defined strategy and processes exist processes exist for Video Marketing
level of engagement & revenue impact
No defined strategy or process for for Video Marketing in uncoordinated across an Enterprise
Orientation pockets in organization
Video Marketing

Views video as strategic function;

Views video as new marketing oppor-
Skeptical of value of Video Marketing; Long-term commitment; Willing Fully funds; Organization
Leadership Does not use
tunity; Experimenting; Willing to fund
participant; Resources for growth integrates rich media content
test projects
(social, mobile, video)

Budget with business case to justify Budget connected to video goals;

Budget & No budget exists; Spending & Budget allocated; Defined roles &
spend; Dedicated internal point person Organization aligned for maximum
Staff staffing are ad hoc responsibilities for Video Marketing
for Video Marketing social impact

Focuses on hosting & streaming

Expects hosting, sharing, and manage- Expects all stages of Deployment Life-
Focus on video hosting & streaming; and video distribution & sharing
Development ment capabilities; Focuses on developing cycle are working properly; Focuses on
Uses basic functions to upload, down- capabilities; Uses content management
Focus load, view and process video files & basic analytics to improve marketing
optimization, monetization, and deeper Enterprise-level integrations & analytics
analytics for video success for sales cycle optimization
Maturity Model
Marketing STAGE 1 - Undefined STAGE 2 - Progressive STAGE 3 - Mature STAGE 4 - World-Class

Video library available with options Platform features such as in-video Platform enriches program; Features Comprehensive solution for video
Content to create metadata; Videos can be calls-to-action and video player include multi-level access controls, management and optimization; Moni-
Management added to playlists for a rudimentary customization, enhance a Video enhanced optimization, and metadata tors and manages video campaigns;
organization of video content Marketing program categorization for easy searching Tracks content usage on all devices

Engages users on a basic level

Has aligned video initiatives with Uses platform and analytics to engage Platform is aligned and optimized with
through free video apps, channels,
Customer customer engagement; Established users; Platform is integrated with other customer engagement activities; Video
and Social Media networks; No
Engagement strategy in place for utilizing video to
buyer personas; Actively pursuing systems to share analytics among content matches buyer personas &
ways to better use video for customers departments for customer interaction touchpoints in the sales cycle
engage customers

Platform in place that provides full

Focused on video performance; Focused on monetization; Has a
Focused on video performance; Video monetization through ad creation &
Monetization revenue is not a priority
Generating revenue on videos is an platform and processes in place to
placement, video channel subscrip-
afterthought and occurs sporadically generate revenue from videos
tions, and reseller engagement

Video analytics integrated with CRM Analytics provide social sentiment

Tracks viewer activity and level of Analytics to monitor and track video
& MA systems to provide lead-specific analysis, real-time performance
Metrics engagement as well as the overall popu- performance and conversions; May be
viewing history and behaviors for the tracking, and data on the ROI of
larity of video content tracking usage on multiple devices
sales cycle each video asset

Want to rate your organization’s Video Marketing maturity with an

interactive tool? Download our Video Marketing Maturity Assessment VIEW RESOURCE
and get started today!

Solution Study

Benefits of
Video Marketing

Benefits of Video Marketing

As discussed earlier, videos are a powerful combination of elements. When implemented properly, these elements work together to produce a wide array of
benefits for any organization, including:

Enhancing Content Marketing Initiatives Increasing User Engagement

Video falls under the unified umbrella of Content Marketing. By choosing to “play” a video, a viewer is already showing
interest in your product/service.
Although Video Marketing has taken on its own persona,
ultimately, it supplements content initiatives with a highly With video, viewers have the option of actively choosing
effective medium. content rather than just passively receiving content via
email, ads, etc.

Providing Collateral for Social Media Marketing Producing Realistic Customer Experiences

Once videos have been produced, they are powerful tools For those organizations that have little in-person
that should be shared on all of an organization’s Social contact with their clients, video provides a platform for
Media channels. organizations to show the faces of the organization and
personalize communication to specific buyer segments.
Video has become one of the most highly shared content
formats on the Internet, especially on Social Networks. In comparison to other content formats, video content
allows organizations to gain a manufactured face-to-face
interaction to connect personally with clients.
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