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Q: Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual
challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma – anything that is of personal importance, no
matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to
identify a solution.

‘Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to save the world’

I concur with the above statement and hold education in high regard as the most influential tool that
can be used to shape the development of human civilization. Not only humans but the evolution of
all beings can be devoted to the idea of progress in modern yet traditional education. Education is
basically an opportunity to a better life, overall well-being and an acceptable standard of living.
However, modern education is starting to overlap traditional learning and it is this notion which I
think will lead to a downfall of society. Traditional learning methods and Methodists are losing
ground just because modern society is in need of change. This is unethical and is of great personal
importance. Why? Because I come from a culturally rich subcontinent of India where preservation of
these conventions is as important as the country’s modernization and overall development.
However, the country’s traditions are succumbing to modern education systems bringing an end to
centuries long practices. This is where I would like to find a solution to a problem which is
threatening to decapitate its very fabric of existence and the reason why this dilemma has a
personal touch.

The main motive of traditional learning is to pass on constructive values and knowledge to the next
generation while modern learning is about acquiring a specific set of skills. There was a time when
modern studies were redundant while today, we can say the same about traditions. Earlier, the
people used to teach their children to fulfill their needs. That was the basic requirement of
education. However, as society progressed, subsequently, the education had to evolve. As the
traditions eventually died out, ethics was a lame argument. School shootings, underage sexual
relations, rape of a minor are prime examples of the failure of modern education. Moreover, the
basic proposition of cleanliness is not entirely clear to a large chuck of the human population.
Overpopulation, lack of personal hygiene in developing countries, failure to acknowledge still-
considered-taboo mental illness, improper physical discipline and an unhealthy diet regime are a
constant reminder of the failure of modern education system.

It is a matter of great concern and needs to be dealt with because in a country recognized by its
culture, cannot be the face of a dying tradition. I am not, by any means, propagating that modernity
is farce. All I am trying to say that it needs to be combined with tradition to make complete sense of
the word ‘Education’.

One of the main solutions to preserving traditional knowledge is by switching to a student-centered

approach to schooling. Though time-consuming, the particular student will be ready for future
challenges. His true potential can be ascertained at an early age and can be sculpted accordingly. A
second way to preserve traditions in education is by introducing indigenous studies in the
curriculum. In this manner, it encourages the students and teachers alike to gain enhanced respect
for local cultures, its ethics and wisdom. Also, by doing so, it forms the basis for agriculture, health-
care, conservation, food preparation etc. which serves as the middle ground for sustaining various
cultures around the world. This will also help students learn across generations. Apart from
indigenous knowledge, students should also be urged to use native languages as part of their
curriculum. Learning to speak and write in different language helps in critical and creative thinking.
However, all these practices require funding and this is where it gets complicated. In most under-
developed and developing countries, schools are not well equipped and manned to consider
traditional education as they are expensive.

With this, I would conclude by urging the governments to consider traditional learning as a vital
introduction to their respective curriculums and that by doing so, it will help evolve the modern
education concepts.

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