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naga - WHIT a-gzgs0-sT I°% SOOWWW NYS ‘TeINOLIGR VOININO «ONT “HOVE-— vaauuva SVN3YV AYNSH “sore 9p pepruesun eens ‘opeysieatun 0160109 Cum nh ea & ce o bore asna “4 ou & : A OU seayzntoy nme oop oma j % BOIBNIRON BOIUeBU] op oWouretredod & : wis aud 8 : VAVAHGVWdN “S 'D aes OIYWNOION1OS BISINjeyaW UF BIIIULD A BoMMEULPOMIaL op seMaiqos, : ‘Ke ae : acieieteneieiian i EEE Bees < 5 3b. 20664 a : a U 2 i PROBLEMAS DE TERMODINAMICA Y \ PREFACIO CINETICA EN METALURGIA El objetivo del autor al brindar al estudiance |: ner en forma clara y precisa la manera de enc; mas. practicos de los procesas meraldrgicos, aplicanda para ello de 999999299939759 mnodo correcta los conceptos tedricos 0 fundamentos fisico - quimi- HENRY ARENAS BARREDA cos de dichos procesos. ° at } Uno de los motives que impulsaron al autor a publicar ésta oO obra, fue la gran dificultad que encuentran muchos estudiantes al atar de resolver problemas pricticos de Termodindmica y Cin Sd set debe fandamentalmente a que el estudiante co- oO solucionar dichos problemas aplicando sin razona- a Derechos Reservados Segiin ley las formulas y modelos mateméticos que nos brindan oO los textos tedricos.. Semejantes vas son irremediables y estan. oO condenadas al fracaso. Alber antes de la segunda guerra Oo mundial; le dijo aun fi -0 piensa con formu- las. Antes que el fi debe tener en su ce- oO rebro el curso de los razonamientos. Estos iltimos, en la mayoria oe tk los casos, pueden ser expuestos en palabras sencillas. Los calcu- cu los y las formulas constituyen el paso siguiente". o ©” EL autor pretende lograr su objetivo presentando resuelcos oO en forma ‘lara los problemas propuestos del prestigioso texto: “Problemas de termodindmica y cinética en metalurgia” de Upa- GO dhyaya y Dube. Cualquier observacion o sugerencia que se haga 0 Hegar con el fin’ de mejorar la presence obra sera agradecida. oO EL AUTOR EDICION PREVIA Spree ees seeeme nc ceetane tea tacaees satu eorapui 1é Zer “7° seorumnboxoota sertd sey ep eofupuypourey eI ‘e . sed v77" IE tseuatonqos */ : vets” T rseuopontos *9 & peotarsoy ‘peproeing *s | ag citetereses Rou suISIND 9 upmeEE eT -y | Soe etiiatte votupurpoures, eT ep Aoy exores eT | eee cee ceteeeee septate epdonua ‘eoupurpouray, eT op Key epunées er -z | ee ‘eopupurpoure, et op Aoq prowpad er PD (a) 0780 * O40 = "OUr +t tr bO (my %2 te + 0°290 = Ig sr + WD 9O “09 2 @ cnepl top us Fp~a YX 97s 2wruer or 2229 gp ope (> weeempey> me by sgzish =x 92% 200605 et 7PM eee —— emzoyo By F reaer eye 9 4by sor 3p. FMR - rey o00'b0,5 =6 by ooo * Yip coor * esesymep bee +b BP Xe 2p by oor w2d oppuondrp soye3 ~ YO~> wp dele/woy gsve- = ne 2) (song je + terse = MIyG (7 %It + 0% = YK + For Boy eae Jouteee eg es aga, by ObbB = x * gy 000 446.2 eee ee Ty fC duirrues wuresey? by } wuremey> op By toy 20 open ey wy o00'tes.t 78 era * Dw poupzery 4s0bI- = b © Sr ever * "VAs oor 08 un ua {x}ouai0d axq}asnqaos un ce2 042189 ap ounque> 1e e49p/5v02 95 poufub 49'=. (2NZ + Oh 282%D fep wepreny cue oF & 2%» of Sy ooh uot 072 - epromemb Fae2 Ip pou wpe sod vo pp Uaediap aoye? 313 PON hs OBE = O42 -) ~ [lawse-1 2) + (3 181-) = (Dy one Va y8br 0 soumd vegiarurs? sey 2p worromaes 2P Of? FF (9 ayy OM Btyy 4 OAD — (D ERYY 1p Geneva Mp ap 29g? 73. (x) 02% + oro -= % MH +) FoRD Fen Uarorwau a7 09 omer, umrruos 2x ¥522.92 opel. (e anvouensao06sa0 21-4 op uot 9 124 59 2p Soojupae sesee HH] (4) ae 09862 yp “(omses os*e6e-) Loastern sotye- = (oasea ¥s*out=) (omzyerx ze'e2- = 02 aw 2 O82 ay *(uomyen €'Se9-) LOZ LEDH ISI ian opunyens 50 soe) 52 ¥ sanpad 32 wojanvos and gg ua 07504, 12 & 203 ud mauojsieun a 25"9 ap 209 £29 ex02 aunsuad-2s 2583 42 opor +o eats season 98 %x9 (2 oper ‘opvens 239 29 6x 00k t9F> aod as206s09 Urjsdqep 9. 8/14 EEE BP 59 (H EL01)9» 009 | F OFDd"_ ap eLURLEYD EL 2 EM ‘ny deyuaene ward opsaanbas sote> 13 45°09 9 09 £ oFD v2 ssopupasoysuesD pare anb os anb avodns 25 £2U0}2]puOD 21 ap opuaypuadadova6y 9p 024340 4001 rt 2 poo 4969 blyoy Chth— jouproy gator * "HV jomelob 4949 + SO%T PP “a AMPOU oMag - ge SILT Keat/mot Cats x 1009 9% ~@ ep Betlot hy, x 1000 Ky $= 9245, 250 Keat. - Cetkeuto de fot Ker. Se chalanra 14q chalarca ——~ 333 Keal x — 1295 000 Keal X= 12,898 kyr chalaare EL Fey0y, PbO y Cup0 sresehtes en las escortas colcinadas ce castterttay TFencclonaron ce tewerda & Ta siguiente ecu MCL T,1N-M (+ HEL (50 H,0)) a 25 °C (298 x) FegQy * 6HC1(50 1,0) (én,duronte una’ Hxtvtactén-con 150 H,0) * 31,0, P00 + 2H1(50 40) = PbCIA(109 H,0) + 4,0, Cuz0 + 24C1(50 H,0}* 2CuC1(50 H,0) + H,0. ivlactén a 25 "C {298.x) por cada 100 kg de 1 SO, presentes, permenezcan inalterados catevie rez 1OE de Fe,095 SE PbO; SE Cu,0, 15E 5105 y el resto SnOs. (11) Los catores 6e fornacién esténdar de: Fep0s,Cu0.900.FeC1, ~ Chane de kod eateores de reaceiom a 28°C para baz 3 reazcio~ mes: : Gy Fe,0, + CHC S00) “= 2FeCls(150H,0) + 34,0 Algae) = 2692.0) + 3(-€8.32) ~ 6(-17.4) ~ © 52.4) =~ 88.26 Kealfomel de Fe,0, Linivinco’, (éé) PhO + 2HCE5OH,O) = PbCE (400 H,0) + 4,0 Alizee cciy = © 93-2) (6832) - 20-474) ~ (-52-9) = 6432 Keak/mnl Pho texcviado ® (44) Cuz + 2H (50 HO} = 2CoceCSOH,O) + 1,0 Daeg cac)= 2O 309) +(-68-32)- C4020) = 2017.4) : =~ 55/32 Keal/mol Cogo Eexrviado Moles presemies en 100 gr. de Caritenitent I Fens 2 40 Kg He 10,000 37/4599 Ge/mod = 262 anoles PLO: $ Age 0 $000 gr /225.2 97/mol = 22.4 moles tg: $ Kye Eo 5.000 90/p4'5.1 gu/mol = 34.94 moles ~ Lalo Uberade on ek precise de texdniaccsh : | fe 62e male 05 (88.26 Keak | 0284 oats PhO (638 BLEEG) #99 eneles(— $8.52 Meal pagg ce.0) @= = 6.896. Keab/ 100 kyr Canitenita.. 1.4" La redueetén del Sxido de hierro en un horno de fundictén se desarrotle siguiendo 1a siguiente réacct6a: 3Fe0, + C0 = 2Fe,04 + C09: {H* agg #1 12,7 eal ahr ag), Fe0y 4 00 + 3Fe0 6 co,5 & ; th yg = 9.8 Real (4491.0 ta), Fe04 C0 + Fe + 004: AY agg + 404 Real 18,4 ka). Catcute aNpgg para 1a reacciéa Feg0; + 20 + 2Fe + 300, Pare calcabar tl calor de ala reacaion . aplicames La. Ley de Hear, mullipticamce jor 2'y pore ta 2% y Po ah ecnacssn rerpecTvamenTe ; PHO COC 89 72939389959399 be (in D+ EZ = 94 Yt FOZ Luowy(opeasyjie> ga BL ¥ 01" x20 toutes My 23° eae 22 une (ope 7.82 x99" 290° - 20-8 = gob Ot 1890-1 ¢.01# 900 - 28 =. “ OL 49 = 1g OLX RL + 99791 = 4, 382 100/04 St°S00 t=) loayteay sr6s2- = Fun =2ou7 ead 4 (104) (ope46} 9 S02 = A OLX SIZ + sstOL © oor 05 86 ow) (opes8)/Ue2 9.4 01 x t62 = 26 = 4 08/08 96 OHH CNR = RE : 299. esed Line. 3nd opvaraes one Migaz sas tine + Poae 7 rupybowau ayuapnbys eL e opuanoe ap°(x 9S0 1) Dell A (4 062) 9.52 ‘8 o4uo2s)z 9p OP)x9 [9p UPIDHINIOL> gap uppaDees ap 4OL¥D 19 seLMDIED = 74 FO“/POM PEPE = yote/por SHA PE -= (e362 - 00961) * Ye-TMY poo EET * pomp = 10 03 wg: opmomdon ney 0379 9 70 Y bkise = = deuelyor: ARSE > pry Sue y5 867-0961) 7 beer 4 oos'ts- = wy, paw 3 ap SE yar | FF oosts- = Mav a 2 opvetepdicsoy 4 63 a 3 apr a + HD = DE py oppo (3.0864) 2.4044 © OPN FP. “wae Ua ~~) 'sp oymgn7 (e ((e4) (76 TotRs) romfopeab/ie> 6tz4 = ON'dy ” .0uf0% 8062") (oustR24 §°45- =) ONBEZ yy anh opuayars. COLL sase4 (x 862) 2,52 29599 ojN 26 [au | dP HMedaduod s4anbas sole> 19 (4): 40x 086 L) 95400 1 & O1W.t3P rey rere yy 03 6-+ Wve = e+ SOT rey (42 DE = 02% = @%4 de ry roe SHV 9 He + OVE = SOT S eeay ap boy wy 2 opemme 2¢ pe 000 be =90M/46 xe x 2b fgor ose'e- = BINT 2? “Sper ost'e- =*V 02= 7% 4 > fr ; es 6 so ons'see = = pepo » EE ge HE cog. By owes py ab Z i $= 00h's-= "uy Sot = 70% + aye & 1: apagend © ‘yye + ot = 304 fom Pepmre ae =p ap ME YY 2 aegme per IP worst 25 sauawenyabo¢sas 21 4 (2 WOE. 3 12 4 LY 19P seojapre sesme 3H opeasiova 9 6.40d:(¢ yb 6-) 189 052 2- = MSZ yw soos Poh eo oops = Pye senses, ond (ae wa +008 = 90 + So ‘7 #H 058044 [9p Up}2D"24 |p 4OLeD {9 2INDU"D -5°1 vey 59-2 "87 ae 4 ayx = 07 © + FoF Puerers 07 £ 2izes punpmng rey Soh m= 2004 + 47 = 074 + FOTIE STey (be = 79 + 249 = 093 +> O49 Py (B6)e = Zo2z+ 0747 = or2 + hoy © 7m bate LY Tore Wyfeyz = 09 + forse ) Calor se reocecdhi a 298°K. > ® DH a9¢ 6) = AHagg carceyy * Mogg (cay ~ OMeas(zrq) = ©2347) + 94.05) ~(- 259.5) = 69.25 Keak 8) Calor de reaceion & 1050°K! iygy AN i sotzy = OHegece, tf Aer IT Ap = E Cpcpreduch) ~€ Sp (reagionante) Cp fel producte + 2 Br ely mn 3492 - 2.90 0 107.7 op -2 C03 san 40-55 - 2.05% oS To + 246 x 107 T WAGE = 4.96 108 TO* + 2.46 1077 ep de fos reaccionanTes: tp 16-64 + hee WIT = 3.36% 109 T 1E64 = 042 e407 T ~ 436 x 105 TO? Cece, MO 8 hon ado T- 2d oT * 36.38 #2. «(0° T ~682% 1057 > Diferencsr? Acp de reacciom:. ~ Producto: 42.97 -99¢5 105772 2.46 x (OOF ~Meatcinwantes: ~38.38+68 x (0ST ® ~ 2.8 ¥lOFT Ace 409 # L389 R105 T7* = 5.4 KITT vose as a oer Hy [09-89 RIO T's 184 «10° Dilioso cy = ~6%252 cal {@ i Des a -€9, 250 + 4.09 (10S0-298)- 5.y 210°" (yos07- 298%) 4 ? ~ 4842-105 (Yoso - Y298) "Ss 64250 ¢3075.7 - 2932.74 ILE DH osac:) = 66006 cal = = 66.0 Keal 1a we 'é calorffica molar nedia a presién constante del hidrégeno,et oxfgeno y el vapor de agua.en e}.rango de tenperaturas 46° 254C (298 Kk) 9 100°C (373 R) son: 6.923 1,08 8, 03c41/(gFada) mot (28,95: 29,45 39,60 9/1) (not) res Pecetvanente.Caleular el calor ce formefén del vapor ce agun # 00% (373 x) an 8H pgg Para Agu eS G8 =57,80 teAl/ool (-241,84 L3/e0l). 25'c — wre He Ye Oy = MeOpvagy Align “578 Kiss 296K — 373° 33 Alii = Hae + [3p 7 ‘ ip i i Sp: Hye 692 Oy 409 AEP = ECP (productos) “EC pcreaceionanTes) Ap = (8.03) -[66.92) + fe67.09)] Ling. grads e SLR RYE col/met- grads ca 373 AN3y3 = = 57,800 cag: he HIT : Allins = ~ 59,800 . epmpoay vee re2sid : Wo1s>%o4 ap d9T eek gO * 8TH Le OF bET + 48°St pil FX OVE~ 1, Oe DOF py 3 ged SOK BPE Lod rey + re “ow: 2 ingumomroas sop op @. eal gt XO = de OF AWE + SHE bp Or ene + SES get gx O-L OF KOT + 89 ~~ 09 F eprnpead sep 45. (22 wore rarda's ~ erapoi das agg se tovfs Suv = AW LA are sedeway tamb ons © worrogs 2p 4902 (4 you fpooy 2°95 = : (gowrlrwrn 2°€8) — (FM pey 5:92 -) = lows) abtyy (02 8b yg = Betyg 2 BbE Oem 22~ 20 3p 07% (e Oo + uz = >+ OMT (100) (opes8) 7102 + a9 = % “CLOW S¥*OLL-) Lous eax y'g2- = 862, Ot XO 1 1 xo (uo) (09es6)/189 1 6.01 x O92 + ses = oo ovr > : tovee Soi fiow)(onessyyieo 34 got ote wa orcas we *(ibmgen LU'ene-)- Lom/ieox z*ce~ = 862 ye: our sed cond opuajars, coe wes 2+ our reaed Sumespdess. at 9p 0912 -vnj v2 epesoudea ‘upjooea1 ap so[e> {2 raed ceaauab eymaugy eun’gaqvenoug O1"t = 1) bg POMlrny we vhen = pouulyo bsg "tre 208 - 9° EAL b+ TbbEY ~ 006 HZ- * (262/, = 00ty gor x 82 + x ‘ (,862 ~ 001) OFF AOe. “4 (862 = 00H) 29+ - o06'4+z- =. 3 see a Hi AP (g.4 OF * BUE=1, OF ores 734) 4004 rRe~ = 70M YG gL gOh * Bzier deo xhows vor- 1499 pik sOF M2664 bg OF BEG ~ BS; Bwrucmzy- LL gOhE RAW Le OlX 2S + Shhh 1° 2LP9pond wenieyie : Menten ip dog = pik gO? ® 26C~ be OF BAG + 2°Sh Lgor on Bhs Bae: s ROR BATE Ugo ere Lg ore abe rene 98 7 Prag vworszy on. 567 dD pet gO TK Le lOl* z9¥°4 Bibh “Fos +z. Lh gOh HEAP Hb OF bwE He Thee CO OMRE x © id es ” wntedl | 209 eHG 7 pls kbPE- Le 0X B05 + MOT ~ OOH © wors70 24 ap 20305 (q poenfpory gna ~ 28 HY (284 )z-(seok-)e+ (wea-)e = hemprasencs : @) DHS = DHe # [e3.ce #416 1071 + Le e109F Aer Aly = Allg 306 + hte x to? TPQ pte OFT te L 2 LaconsTante I puede émctutese em Dile Cikesate cle Le. comsTamTe Mle, reem plazando 2 valor comeeide Je Fa enla lpid a ba T= 276°K 56,800 = Die- 3.c66298) + 0.58 x 107 3(298)" = tat x 40° UH/e98) 56s00 = AH, ~ 4090.7 + 51.54 4404 DH, = $9,240 caf Ka ccuaciin general para f AX dk es7e reaccio” stra: AH; = 0.58 «407 366T - 4.47 «09 Tfp592¢0 4) caleeuko de ba. ecancia'n. part Cp come pemessin dle fo T? La eoaciva wearer de ba forma Cpa a rhT orce- cir avinsbaw a tn peso. cud Oe una recta yaar bx He agua’ ne eleoluce gue camociende 2 pdmlos we cna ree~ fa, oh decir talents oh Op para. 2 Temperelicras, ofc - Ermenanemas dha ecsacicn . Comcemet? Hing Hing = 2895 calfat-gr (2) Nooo ~ Hig = 5.950 calfal-gr (é£) 5 base Higgs ole 108 - hele vehacioh & 4 vehacish (2) Ae cheyprondle gust pare eaten Toor ae Mm he 498K —~ F00°R 56 meceri lan $995 cat Ep promedis, wsavde: AH =m Gp AT tog =f (3940 10OT + 5.336) A hae Hr ~ Hagg = 22te do"? (T* 2982) + 5.336 (1-298) calor de n de 9939920995 anyesaduan 9p furs ue u9( (da) 4) (0936) / get got aaventves up)s244 © 99 13p ap tamyeasdaea ap ofver (2 09 4 (4 t69-362) AC) (2) 40 4.01 ¥ yorOr + 8t°22) ‘aqurysuo> upisaud & > ~oan E02 = (3.406) v9 leasyeoa 30 (4.0811 = 9.208) “wpi9e04 ey annaqawon turd Le arvsoaa4 ag2p 10m 2" 9ptonpos6 2012 ap By 106 s0te> 3p pappauED ty *24106"6}09 + (ne 3,c08*B)¥7 + (a.s2"025se18)9 + (2452"s}0N2 (4 08t }9NPO16 $07 “(4 962) 3452 e*L0s}49 run ueTURgUED 3p vopsagwombeasa pep;qura oun sed opj2np21 39 ound 2459 9p OPHx9 13. Ct 3.408 # 405149 [2 wera} wel poy bse = AY. Pfpes 26ST = C-She- 067% + Soe = THY woul ye e°She = Me(ERMF-BEDH) yerpoue/ror C8 = Ly MW ds = Ey - (7) pou fp 0832 = pomlpry bre = THY = pou/pe> soe = NCEE HKETA) Me Ve/por ¢ = 4 Od = HY - tno tHoetng = tH Moy) 2 HHCY catye SE fey) REE é.= Tu a hST Lou) ie WeAETH By ze tHv WehEtA By y = HSE YD iapgresese coved erjeambve top ump iee M? yoo 2 ay gretan sur erased Une 2p8 wre 2h sowrzem oror fe seyrucry 26006 “Pres > 4092 + Cby> TIE ort it peaehpwey 2609 = 200/792 O98'T9 = fo00'5-9 + ov0'09+ one = HH G gee {per 000°9 - = yyolEebe- 82h) yortou/pe's = 17 dy = HY (9p) poufyen 00009) = bees faery.09.= HV. ~ pouefjeo 0789. = satezer cha) Pp 24g Mes = tHe - Sy ETH favs fet Vag ee tye ME (Gy) = HE (By) ze thy a.euat (Sy) = %24FF (yp en tay (yp = MEET) 2 Cg grrseae ore te amrbre dey qarere Sta ezrin por qenne ae Capgresnainiur erm end wh De 00ap ~~ = Ensasicy) + 60, » Em Oe asrey * S¢gratite ese) ~ *08,25°C) 7 + cor” "9 aste.rary ~ 5 204°¢, rat * 9,207, talon) ) Zetes asec) 2) Celfculo det calor ole weaccitn (6) 8 299°K : Atligacey ~ Mera (coy ~ S299 (2mo} = +2642 - 83.2) = 56.78 Kealjmot ce Em producicts 3) Cdtenle Set calor para evar fa Th tes paodluclds Cit): 0 40 Lave ~ pore dkms (Em Paggrg & (Emyggrk eal. procen a tato mediante tas riguamTes chipar : Kea peg 7 SEmMegps HE MJgyeP Zr} ygoe 7 EM 41 490°K Meron OM + a ARS + ans, 1) lailiule fe AH + Emdgqeeg PSEndega°K AKT = [Reet cane rar el ie Suess age) + 2yx10-* (693*- 2984) = 2563 cal fmol eo, 2) AH = 4790 calymol zm KBPe93 HEn}cqs", 3 Cakteuto de Hy? {Emheggey =LE mb zeork Hy = CpAT = 145 cal/mot"k (4180 ~693)°K 5 BYFY.25 cal/mol Em. Y AWG = 24,300 caffe em — {2} age PEM) 907k = pera of 60 CClaggex, atin = CO t8orK, tate 9077407) * © 29,907" yar) (9.25%, lal) 4190 AN co} i ce dT eee ® 1180 2 : # [tee + 098.10 ron wi rt az 29¢ = 6.8 (4180-298) + 0.98 « 10°? (80% 296%) p +0118 (% 15- Yage) = 6608-6 cal/met co Por casta mol c/a Eo produciole ta comnamind + Jem * AM 90" S60 2583 640100 349%.28 © 21 300 @ beoy G2 Alisa cy + COM SHE + AHS + AHS 98486 cal/mel Em pore dacida = IEEE Kealfpey sey x fmt : 2240 $e * OF Read ns, 14 ppodtucido. 1M caevte ta va cia een (cay, + He1y) Saptendo que: 1 calor de foreactén esténcer del-coCl a 25°C (298 x) 5-22,2 keat/nal 45 kcal/mol. (10,25 td/mo}) respect ivanente. Tos puntos de fustén del Cu y del CuCl” son 1083°C (1256 x) y 420°C (703 X) respectivanente . ict molar de) Cu 2 presién-constante aad (22,64 + 6,28 x 10°? Tr a/(xMe01)) el punto de fustén y } en el rango de teeperatura desde! 1 Cla 4 preston constante + 8.82 + 0,06 x 10°? T - 0,68 x 108 1-2 ca1/(aredo) (nol) 9939299909935 at eergenrere oP Re “HLOM/F ssc Uap $2 04a upismy ap 01> 19 & (x 0181) Da 4 006 "796 1) LOW/L¥> S9L A. $12492C ap Up} DREIOJ 2p 20Le> vor (HELM A BEUL"EEOL) 2.00%1 £ O16 “09L-* 9149s OpMASa UE O2429y Lap UP|oemIO,s¥EI sequ9in615 501 99 2 semy> 9p t2nyezdusy e|° aequaane 212664 dod opjsanbau es 2/1? baa be - (O85 62 = BpRr OP ~ srg ar = (Carine oy 02} ‘et yey {0972} Yi0t61y = aokiyg (2) 422 0m! peay sphy oz de zpuiuw pours” pouches ofe'& = tS AB BLD BES + SSH = (445/98) gorxa30 + (862-0 Gr) gBEVIOD+ (67-086 )788 = IP (Lh g0h* 89 0-be of 200 +28 of 9 py sodas Mr ft (sepague otter po. segue) LP a3. f 2 CY HI YY apezr977 6 rpm othe oy 9 80H G | reucyon cepts opuouins poarfyer 50? 2 AOSTA = OEH) ne pour 5 HOLE 09) 2H ag oe ppdy » SY & a ee pee fpes ¢3€08 = (84 37501) OFF 4 (862-2560) H5:5 = a7, @ de igoresy + ws) | = OP 2b 9 2 yy Lepore wy souapue worrome wy sume sod 1g repre ap ae yigse HvoUing? voy op Were Lee) YP erlpeyin wy 267 gap fe pe J OPH OPH @ HYG ser fav Thy “HY MeL (09) 2M Hn) gi MeSH aay = MrBbECOD> fobneeiyy + + povod mpbr cop ye apomues 1 {OY MOE ap OPTED fio) ote + 9eacuens gos [pox 9°90 SOF ‘eok - abet) 5p = av 42 = SHV. Geyer TEKS EP (eurygeed gop. orep) . pouufpo> osh'e = TAY (e seule? 8-068 ‘Se - = ETO + (402- : (, 262-004), con) E8°s ¢ oor ze- 30% AP (4A, ob 8 BP + 49'S) J + oot'te- = i €0k ay 1 ap do fe tHe. = tH © ; con), eye tie ee hye. Lem) ee MEE gyno} aHEOR aang = MEE C9095 bored tbr oy pyerruer: L292} oeiyy mp ymre le - yeOhbe ¥ Cepreney omy Cer! ap utrrroue toy 9p ord sore cay Uururmsord wozro yor vousagip wb (1) pe apuand vip 25 Laeedhotehyy 4 (gy OBE) 303) Carportiyg x (rhb sinay ap hy wf opucin! y.0ht) © yemrne 9 Ip) Ot cperin vy wounun yap ws eununcrreg rerraes wunygerd 73 (2) + {02} aie 2. 52 9p Im x §2'0 + os'st) {7209} = na) Hodt0h eal MOM 0, eaaduea 9p 06404 19 ¥9 ((Lom)(X)/0 2.1 Ol x 58°2 ~ & i) 111) Rango de tenperatura g 25 - 260°C (298 - 1033 x) 760 - s1oc (1033 - 1183 x) DSF reas =e sos3¢ @ AM, = 326 entonet DY SFereay sassen™ Fea 930K Aes Pcp cane dr bas ag -[ WB AT» 1643 (0483 ~4033) Moo = 1837 6,2 1, Hoas ieee = 12S calfne? De Se Peay seasrie * SFO agg Ally #205 eallf/mol Cato) D Fed) 493 1537 = 2700°C 9,77 + 0,40 x 10°? T cai/(grado) (no! = 2973. K)(80,88 © 1,67 x 1079 1 a/tK)G Sv) 1a ease aténica del nferro = 55,95 CalenTamiemTs de Fe, desde: 299°K —+.4973°k. , oa” Fy erg en Eon en: cero Fe aukre Lo- hens ce Fase: ‘s.= “P< fey, ST Fee a NY (oy BE eta Lies we diy, 2" (oy EP Coogi eng OE Up, : en acct % > o [Gerace 7) IT — Rhian ses El calor abrorbiale lerin. enle procesian Preston coms 5 98 (1693-4183) 4:2 10" = 4299.9 cahjonok (16937 a493") Gin le oaea dimenminls Le enTalain Sel Fe sere é - Geel a ba numaleria betas om lps ole cada cima.

) sexi = fe Las apa: SFeduyrcrsk DHE = 165 calfonot rants) 2 Magen, geen O (elemento pore) YS Fedy tera > Saray ero 8 FONG ager = See coas"k anf e - i C, ir AH; = pee peter, AT ¥ Jigs PéFery r ‘ 1800 2 fC Bsns. 0? T0608 Tar 2 Ce9 6 ceyeed rar Sil i: Mens = 3033-298) + 259 x 10°? (10337. 298°) 4 « Dt 166% 10" CFV C18 10- 1673) + 4645 0* (1810%. 1673) 2 = ABET calfmol Sn ustow = (Fey igigeg — (Fosis'a) 0.6 «10° (Huo ~ Ye98) = 2205.4 3¥0K% 4 143.4 = 6056 calfmot 993339923939 by, Spine pes arene whey petal APC L,0P* 54-1, OF vavoegn| oos'szz- = poufpooy sszz- = 89 — To> tos (w) 2 — ieoiusgey 2.1 ot * sty “Lp ot X 82°C + oer = (tom) (x) /0 16*82) (18) (oped) /182 T6"9 = (D(H) 70 4 ¢.0F * Fo"Ot + 6otz2) (you) (ope45)/189 4 oT * ¥'2 + 82S = Tom erty 9p ermna fe gouges FEO. = Sor - Sser + SHB 4 z UP ppxpoel, 362 2662) PT (862-6291) {ayes 6y'eh6-) yoayieox §*522- = orn = : Patty is APC 1 prxbonL “aris as tp O45 f POD I YS i = fA 0" fam Om NG 2p ami pouelTo> 8th OF =. ranb opuayaes, : 20 e290) ‘.00rt © 2041 v2 olepupyasyauo> ound osoases ovs6yxo sof opepix0 sa (8) 41 ‘opuee> upsDovas ap 40je9 19° B1nate) “(tow/e E4pE). 100/199 OCG ¥:LenBy Ups2eE soysuesy ap oye un vo> (1'SS1T) 2,208 & (8) 11 ve ewrossuesd as (0) 41 SET AcbLSE + 0E9 + CHE + S7S% = (5504 - £491) 16.9 + pelo 068 + u ves esyo Sy /rny gre fuk by) +6 58°55 (88% gS) COPE BE + (abe -$51) 805 = Z 48 cor % potup * gourfgoy BE 6h = 55h poe) és peeclper SU e'er = g2954 IP 169 | + os # IP (4,0018 e+ 805) « 2 OLEH ERIEE TSI HATA 4 SHE + 543774 +970 4950'9 = AH enn: 7 seit Pls HU peeprgez 5s ¢ (wx S56 x) eye Be teen , ‘aia : if Way [ 2M Nig 4 yp rudy. | OU eIyg mlm aaa = we 8 grungy sed (joa 5041) COSTS + loses ~ exe) sve = MAEM (oy) ap eM 55th in. ors) Cy Mary PM oor24 4120), AP (Sg OF tho + be) f - Feorm Be say un agency? (P22 MeL5 ear A eae 507 wn ey rmeL0: WG ap agmasg (e if nas" 2 tig seny op hy 7 cpuwrgde ue ees HELM (0p He vowae ty 10 open “7 oberg k ysst3p Ton fy ty Maa} (r Lop errno 2p Oe pepuen tag. stouaey rapes ayia rms ® (amp) seteler o89'¢ = fHY «a = 225,500 +48 (173-298) + 0.28 x 10-3 (7e73*. 298°) z +435 ~10F (ther ~ Yayg) “225,500 + 24250 4399.0 ~ 1200.5 = = 201,542 calomel a labile Id colorde reaccidn, por ba fey de Herr: ~ AH (02) Alera cay = Mecza.cte0,)” MMeerscre = = 204,SF#2 ~ 10,928.F - 14,089.5 = -225,090.2 calmed == 223.08 Keabfomod LY? La transformctén en et manganese: puede’ ser representada como: 720°. 100% 136° Yo Maly) Hate) lor de reacciéa cuanda el, Ha (4) es oxfdado por oxSgeno puro a Mn #1 200%¢ (1473 x) Saptendo que: 184.928 fool). 0 kino). Ha(a) + Mate) = 0,55 keat/nol (2,30 k3/not). Spatin(s) «8,33 + 0,66 x 10°? ¥ cals(gradol (24,85 + 2,76 21073 Tay (grado)(wot) (44,77 I/(R){a01))- 4x 107? = 0,88 x (grado) (el) (assee ¢ 8.a2 x 1079 1 - 3,68 «105 9) Bilehe de ansee fneay 2S Mvtay Cab cular AM ty yp thn (d) * 20, rica * ti, = MnO Wiig y= 92,000 caf rabiendo Oey Wada WISK, 5 buego be on liatper of L, Teaceisin (L) ep éicanao fa try abe Hews AH iar3, rm co) 999 ot, =[ Hace reer Jog gla) IT + DHE ce oy gage 3 tfc aj dT ARE aetna! AME (p+ 8) jan 4409 +} Spc sy AT + AWE Ie Fa aor + [ cree) 47 03 Reemplazande valores : 793 # | Gore ten > T)dT & 900 cabfngt eta ar +f tess ence nso ride 4 550 colo ms Berea evel . 1393, 4973 +f 3 dT M409 = £16 (995-298) + 3.94 0"? (99372987) +980 792939993395 & ginphinpune ov rire try 9p ~ioaboas op doivapiog aut Ty 1p pou Boe ie sty {gop ogous oz ues wowerzebar mb By xo propeyues vy. WX be 6 Fo be ia voumpeg Ur rine pope oprounyesde worrpaduccs pf Hy som frey ke Ee - = (HY C Pulp GE Go~ = ( (nb) tA ~ SSzEU = Sat EE- = Coreen 9 PNA y ow 'Chhiyg = cueey yo sevrsibur 70 gouss opuarl cruz of ued ‘otro gouelror Skr kg = G°SEz~ $'8/0°% + STHO'E 4 000'zb- = eer cpreumd 2 tb 37 : oe ppm yeu ap voueszog- (2 Fonk = FOT + 054. zw (86z/r - Ath) or x88°0 + z (,862 2M) “OF #BEF + (86Y-CEAH)EE + 000°C ~ = qervre ae wy OF Fr YI aUguon mrs eMenY “wrk Oy By apouw'g & 9p pourp! Or ep mp 4 imugey ne UPL 1 40h *8B'0- 1, or x her eh) | + o00'7g> = ie YLT Guar web ye nyse of : omg? wp weg - cur 287 guy’ a i ip (ds [+ OM WARY = TOW NEEb Ly = we sear : (a14) sonar ate = (OM HIN =p oprryp7 (2 . tos, gue per 2° 9h8'b = BLOF ~Sop0k+ FAKE = 0 gut Ol ¥ LE" 1 ¢.O1 * 07'6 + Se"v) i> 21 Ol * 02 eee go + 0 (Rbir ~ OMY os v4-0 + : (86 ~ kar) ¢ OEP + (362-8861) d= D/0 gt got 2 sv'ez) M2 24 ole 15600 89° sr, APC, Lg) 40-4, 008F + wa) | = “(hoe/e-S62°C6£-) 10011 000"16- « ser, saan 0 = (0) 4h, 3p 9 08/182 OV" 92- ap a> f a i AC a pounlqe> gesh yp = MP MW) ME EAI peexd +0844 E5864 OSS4 EIT + ASHE + Ob ThOEE 4+ 778S'E = ‘ayeinera24002 oprasnd 2 (usangos (6044 -£EAb) Cor OF + (ELEF ~EOBE) £0} + rsa 12 4 203 9p s01 ‘09 29 zo 20e}2009 2nd ay@q2snquo> 506 on, . Z eae oe OSS. + (£56 ft) OFFI + (Eog-ceer)ce8 + ® @ = 7290 Yoo. + 0.9 (#3 - 298) 4s ge, 10? (993 299%) di Rye 73" 296%) 389 to" 2 @ Na = Soles indcialer + 1.52 moler dtr a 12.52 mabey +68 «407 (i113 ~ 4y299) £0, = fomol cnecial + omobes Se com beentid ng => 270, 400 + 429.5 + 793.3 ~ y08.2 ~ Calor he reacemy (La £99 °K + = 5 270, 604% iol a YAN 396 ¢c0,)~ 1AHare coo) : 27036 Keat Attiyg (1) EaTe tale elerare. la Toe I, 9801 oe com berlin: 5 = C94 000) ~ 4-26 Yoo) cnoles ok COz y 2.52 motes se Ny = 290,400 cat : : 9- [Sepa Kore 60 anumans> clita gue ba Tunes ve bos aia Bete de 500°C CHS") | 0 eT Tne oc alizan’ fa. 72~ Cibeate le 8p: wees, : See as FCO $88 «IT Yon pat e* a ~ Calor ce rencetes &VESKE yyy” VSENG 93.9 + 42.52 5 IT Alfgy (2) OH eggccay * { acp-or FER 13694 23.52.4003 T ~ fy Goh pnk A&P = ECR predech) ~ LepcreacTante) oo sec09 = [Cea 2358 8i rate Q*yar -2 3 4602... 40106 + 2.2% 40°72 x 40% 77) ; ce _ 424-4 8.8 x 4091 Bx Y0% 7-2 290600 = 136.9 (Toq~ ¥¥3) + 23.52 x YO"? (Ty 743%) Bx - ax : FARE C Yom ~ WYa33} £epcreaclanle 7 e = 136.9 Tom = 105,82 0.0418 Tags Foss + YOO RELY Bx YO? 0.4% G08 P-* opeysese eydosua ap < BEEF) + one seemmeg gy 4 MC sts (2) Kowewet Yap “odoupua v4 ep 42292 wonowa, oe Nelpoufper Phd = polujpor ogg= = gies ap wanporsdunsy stele je vod opipusidsep acres = oesea SY We BE *\ pouc/pe> 005 Pye Jy om goo Bb kt Be ited Tages ig. ff ‘ : + tenpBop ‘to airriueip soecd pp esas 1 wanjoarduay Wm 2815 Je 40g OP IFA0S 90 Aapoa = PM PUSIE SY (27h eR ums rpre wer op tiagsur opie cap oy eed Ber ae ees eB 0) raceme ol cb (Ds S08) oegy goiep amb My ued ops a0s38m 3p upyoeisea et aU 7H/pe2 005 = YG : 0% ou, Comipyeed Wee Verney ge genders wr ey Wegere = 22 Two eapene ger “189 “(L870 2602) 198/189 05 9p 39 vpp2rEIO;sueI 52 02 516 oyease..9p aaqr]. essay A. eidosug 2? eruspsedser sands upp remoysuenn ey TE D.880r°s y seed = © isha Be © bre ae pepwebnpducrea: y peer = My omens toe DOIG, Cae CH ba hed opuehege wane ~ Cab culo fe OSigp cece) # AS2e0, cite) = Siencanoy #2 Szeet eres > 2 Seng cary "ek fe40y) Las enteopfas de! C0, Al, Fey Ate = 2.8 42 (65) ~245 -2 Ce7 aCe ZL z (6.5) ~ 245-2 C9) = #94 call/ek 2A Dos Vingotes de cobre tdéntieos.uno 4 SOO%C (773 X) y el otro a 300°C 9) Reaccivn ci): FeeQy #36 = 2Fe + 20 TK) $e uoicaron en un reciato 21 fase cater ian ambos Tingotes a 400°C de temperatura, ‘que acompalla. 4 este proceso.supontendo que Ja. transferencta dé calor desde los Hingotes aT material de construcetén del re- Into et desprectable. Sehale s1 e) process ef expontsnes DH 299 céy= OH290 (20) ~ OHe¥9¢72,0,) = 36-25,000) - (-200, 000) 2425000 cI = tes Kea a Ba tendo que : Encromente h exiropee : ey "S16 1,50 1079 TF cat/ (grado) (mo (22,64 $°6,28 x 10? ¥ ap(x) {nol DSageciy = 2 Sigg, ches * 7St00.ccoy 5298; <4eq0, 59g ce = 205) + 3(993)~ 245 ~ 30439) 3 129.25 calf 8) Reaccite (0, Calor eemilisto per db lirgolt 2» Calor ahuorbiate pared Lingele 4 AUd, + 30 = 2AL + 3c0 TAS en Ge Gere es et i OS =| (S904 250 T)IT = | (EM 6 ase oar Aeros = 2 AMpg coy” Mage catcays aft ge rn = 3 (-26,000) -.(-' 404,000) S94 oe C78 = hon 573) 445 0 10-2 (E438-573) = 329,000 caf SO O8F 40.08% 102 eal fag mel = = AS" 1m ba barre. 2 en ens ASn= [exw £35107 )dr°, [s# $450) 9T = 5.94 Cle 73 beg 713) £5 x10"? (673+ 773) Imerements de anTropia.: 7 435% 3 SS, AS 350,062) ~ 2 Sage catr* 3 S29¢,ceoy 7 St9e, 20> = Sive,cAteos> = 2664) + 3097.3) - 304.39)- 12.6 = 138.33 cal/*K = 0.999 # (0.45) = - 0.899, ~ ASterai = 454 + OS G) remcerin (468): Fez0, + 2AL = AGO, + 2Fe + BMeute de AHige.caciy Fag0y + 20 = 2604 2 ANSyy + 125,000 ond 360 + 2Al = Ady * 3 4 Wigg? “327,000 ot FagOy © 2A = AlgO, + 2Fe. Bi ggy *-209,000 cal = 402 #0899) = O48 cabfamela ok oO e 0 ce oe ea e o NALLY eer rwarrrn wary > (a3) 29 (E Es FMI aay = Pag) “eps 29 © eatingg raianse Veto jeine) a aemrbg 93 9 y,3567 0 (e Ig MP Ena} & MM nay (02°79 “OPAL ) Hy 2SEP LAPT Bpinp Weaning meennn Sang Wop ems myer (a >} 79 (p Feary mianoe vered ap meev wen 90 SPT © pewerma per ayemrd ay ypann sac oraz oud un ap wer en 4g (rbten 2006 © qprpeny mye opmndiy 07.49 pou war Ye wormeiswip og ouropessyie> ogtL =, (9045 (uoapense 01 * e2°9 + 49°22) cage p46), psetesittanuoicaa. D1 Ol ¥ 05! uigysmy 3p rund ag ua my 1p upLSAy 2p 0189 26680 1 © 1o¥/82 001 99-199 upeEm) a9 orung anb opuaraes, odes as uaygenr ey 95 ousorus ja “opspungagos opin), np j2 tued 99 19 wand’ 45 12 amb raympy “rumesagend a ) 2.006 * OPrPURJBIGoS opinbs 99 ap [Oe UN.ap r>|usFIOSS Up\> ed gusoyva ne £ ruos}s ui: a tido1qua' ap oj@ied {2° uele>1e9 FE srmebipen nels) = Ps testo 9400 De tena = ne (2 ¥0005 9 93 fy wef esvo0- = * zee, Y ep 7 aa (2th 49 - 0000-43) sr2-0- =p Gee I = (3.2006 oar S10 - = (8% - (ayy nese = Words %% Uday r - otweds = 490 ; : Se hg (Met IAD Psy te weet ES hk = (ser ug — 2489) 592-0. + LBL = ai ap 588 J + nee = Ses Mf somsg toy 6 Lopenmprcaiy Ga = %0% + CVPR. se lsy PRE ton) meee Cy} 2 = yyy 2 ney pe eremD ee BISy gop epsEA RL aUnILED @ Te kcorasserk = See 1 ASS oserk 11s 3 jor de fustén ce ta Ay en su punto de fusién +2650 cayman SY OSy.= As; + O5;.4 asy 255 yoo) ‘ase 43 Ase f celedar + (- Sits) + { Seseu> a7 ehge 1 BOTT 2OE ets ase ae ayooeatint 4 (feHe rer Sota 18 es _ Rx00catmot 4 ((5. stssco"? " -[, Beat ae { hats ‘sse Setidifeemensn cioticnniia oe tim aol hy} © 850° (25k) = FS (Lm 3se ~ Ln a1 43) ~ 2.286 + 41(Ly 193 ~ Lm 4356) Exel que b tate aorToion im procicle de atiercla 0 lor glen panes: $45 x 1073 (p93 ~ 1356) 9 Shark = Ashisryen As AS = 40s 2.286 “403 2 - 2-266 2 fAshasyex = SAD e305 Asy = Cake AI AS” def enTerne’ | BSammrne™ Cor i ee * AStonenen Calor obser bide per of enlorne SAgraasyie = SAadarzatk As; Temper aTore def ealor no = sicdedig ait calbés ites ail ct ‘, shes = SADaark AS Ot AS FASS caber abner bide = Al, = AH, + AW, + All, *,pue tom foscam aa3y aes ges deerTohiin, dahon pasos 4p By dt AS; = f. ‘Seta ar “¢ ain) {segues dr 1366 oS aa ty Alt, = [7Cppeuy 37 + AMG rf eer: 4339 “did oe = use “{ 33 ars (“280i (Con eno euw aT ase 43 Ines ase cae “{ dsdT (23000) & [eeteresnte? Thar fay | : eas. asst LF (te 334 by 4433). 2 (2017) +50 9 ema dias = oes aie) ao}, 2 = ES(13K- 4483) - 3,100 #5. U- 1356) 60 (MID 43 56, + 20ysd0-* (23> ¢239) fe HFRS 4,00 + (24337) = a4 3 OkPELRAE = 0.707 = 2.198 calfnat oo ASieqerne 3ELE a Bere Calpe ot AS uitena® 72198 lfm ol Tsk Contiderande J inorre D Sento, = eee perf enterne i TO dd enTorno Elcaloraheerbide wea nepaguahas emele do, pore aistine. AH; AWG DHE © AHS; 946 dom tas enTal ute chon- ela pasos: : 39 a3 aly = [* Creag at « + Ally + “fe Cpeags dT laze has = ha verinein Toil de enTropams 1 DSi 7 AStieeme + A Staten en aste + 2eeR = Ose 2035 7, "catete tas vartactones de eatropfa del strtem y tu éntorno.pucacet case (etFtcictén teotérmiea de un wot ce Ag Iquida sobrefundide 2 850°C, entorno se hatia 2 ta mtsen temperature. Hn de Ta Ag = 961°C (1 234-K) ©o e o a oe a e o oO PW tp 8G sve rmpersgy =O 202g (S808 DE 5:5h-9.9°= : : o>) HOO! gy x CEH) xooMay 9° = 179) x00 ony Pep sty Weng Petry ss 75~ ON? Bt “Gn (0M? Garh = (y)9 + Koiay-z PP er opr xo. PP terme e72p M97 rp preppy (4 SUT ge poony 59g = HF TOE frory eg = (7 €8- = (or -Iz~ (551-9 = COW neHtgg 2 PW 00019 5 2 17) 40009 gy 2 K-00 esadieaa U1 9in2qe9 * 51 ua guesoosip os WII 2 geraomp ae ap ererbae wy) epee ap coewamatey Aeeente Begs FE ore VERE WLES IH =L OS = 4 EES-Ob - 00899 "97 wnb ure wegrisapon “mp $2" ong rmbe Wn. 504 TRE? eemoowse 97 | ota © porrks wae agg “erbsaia. wz opworry £545 "0h ~ 00689 = [04 S28€ +008/06+-Jep]-[(2816 - o0h'e5-)%] =P 499 FB mages Pepep, “meme oti 04 02 9p ape om beous rey oprolegdin aay eee Sawn (OTH)? + COWN> F-=" (BHD2 He CEQA DZ, FOU eprie yap. weroenfne x) 3p XP SG op op4%m (e Ssopeanias sot, a1uawop Mtog Og a S2( o2y-# Mey © By + Camis” 1 apiowne ay” 2 wee sted yep es (0 2 2°91 + coe*a6e-): rele Sth 8 4 bre: 2 cnet < . Sut on tortie, wmraiseg st ewer gare "SV + "SU = 15V pod . OY geen 7 erlenyun oy 9p PZT: umPeren ey, “UE 8e1 > s2ee22-) 8 BU = OoWes- = gon HT, a welt ed “oF pes oe 8 idee cee alee Stee = po sytaz- * ey rand opuayees “Gem s20"101 PPI PEE = (ea ~) + 069 ~ E08 = ‘umeoyepepomIR) 2401499 upQ2e>. 8 20d OOH - (24820-0217) z me f ; = Lx 0008), = . Sanh i Gr Feb Sag cy sets, 21 teri] + (erogy'r) + ape | = 4HO saruagy 5m a8 ‘room kom ‘avojes000002) “Pras 29 UBS 2p faqus Tewperotiom? + = Uy} + 72(0,) C4 GO) Gleuto de: ASry¢¢iy = 4 Seyxco,y * Sir0 tg ~ 5298, = YN + hs 18S = 25-5 cab fomool °K 9339923935 Calelo de 26354 ¢iy (come referencia) Teal (-1.679.096.4 321,39 F 3). DSigea) = AMexg cry TA Svoe.ca) Mage pi 1 pola calor de brmasioy ob Hy 0 ton eSrigno care biahs:' AG yg 74, = U560 Caley - 298°K (25.5 calfmpal *K) = YEIEL calfmal” ka reainwe deithsocacizy no 43 porible onlaT!, ~ Tine ho gue AW'y AS" 40 comelamTes 1 calolamos La 7” @ La cual ba reamnn Ci) aglaw tn eg uki bao (A6=6) 0 = 2450-7 C255) “3s + 2A = €AL,03> + 3£Mg) cy 3 = AGE Y, Si 7.02053. 3 AGF cmaoy = (401, 500 + #6917) - 3 (134,950 +42.09 7) = 728,950 - 70.36 7° feuto de laT de apuilibecd » 2: (aés0) 428,750 70.307 20. ay Ta 99.6 - 273 Ts 898.99°K -273° = F257 Te 976% a parler de nlx T° 4¢, dirocara: ef La vedkacedem ave! posible, sins ame Tt es de 0,5 keat (2,09 ka). La tin ae entropfa es 1.745 eal/g {7,20 J/K). cb de: earGere de cramp, 2 usando para el estado. de equilibrio,el ertterio de energfa'Iibre y adattienda * - qua-an?y-08° son indepenttented Ge 1a temperatara .cxteu' sla tenperatora a Ta cual el estaho ori 17 T 9), = S™Cbames) Age # 26 sus ASigg = 4F4S calfmot Uo apa ban on apalle. mgs: AG=0 4H-2TAS* 29 O= O-47¢5T 3 212.700 + 1,66 T cat (53.430 + 6,95 T 9). veeve: 40.000 +-1,6 T cal (-83.680 + 6,69 T J); eeeney x “ 4.000 62.8 Feat Cia © 1.71 Fo) 22 1 65°95 ~ 0086 “ : Oia (rete? 2 annnpne? PP, el7 one ted I Sritah ped owed 29me! xour over ys Ue? pewnpe wand ge] anes Voll aj bw ucroreoe MYC} (oa stat e269 2 Fosz «ane» Onme “te 1 s9"905 - 1 GOEL 3 4 B01 oui ge yuopeg tod 4g [7 0%802-= + 205 + ade = onde + sag (v6r'bt-) - (288 hI t = (e-4 ap" yz = 1 601 1 €9°85 + O4e*6LL) sch 6247 Elgg 2 = 077 gg eo. tp'0L ~ 1 BOLL 50H + : v 1 60t 1 50°91 + 0€5°92 * 97 Soy - gr 29" 2 sos + 909 + oPaae + s?np (apy ee Coupe MUD T + BEAD resmenyms Men (? ampebse ves upon unr ta wojrotuaa) 9p 2497 orbsln wo werk fend mpeae yepesptedaed to ebeeed ATF aprmae | £ (4 E121) 260001 ¥ OD4LF2e8 OPIx9 vo> 094 {923m 01n) [ns Lap U9) SEKE soiuainbys. s01 ap $9,999 20019299 TPE Lewy poe wprreuntag ap My sued (ay9isrey c1 earens EY, por bbb "th = LOM dog 34 40d Sopj2npous' 196 uopond sayriae YuhLILS 79 PO 19 owe wozr2 024 segre 2b rnp wr cow! aa517 orbasus 4 omsr8ed 40) 4 49 (262 a -P- (£09 DE rey Cor Cr Gaye ONT = (ADE + Ca Eaay. Termrwuny 107 (YF (069%) (B08) - (069-95 = (xetes © agcrjow ugmovae) for O59 = <5079N? ther a a8W.7 (ree gr 9- EMI Pe OMoy ne edo oy wk 2897 EH8, ow? tly s OV egy ¢ = 2 Okiey PS emaw *p erro iy Gabe vaocnib be amped AP worsevaad erga (reewpser poe werd ucrne S rs 7 re ry =. ame oy mene ee dae» vasa ob (27° tbLt, TA oy sapere meus wu 99004 oe 7 2» W908 73 opurputand (7) ODS + SINY B= C07GND + IGN E POUr gg 1 94 tourer £0 182-) so0eerr orrg= + | 09)'ELLLoy 7 55 'th = (SEB) BE © 060°¢h='= (rompen op" ezt-) yonseean goes +, “9BP'ELLLgg (72 #90 '5/~ > (E48) 2-74 00902 = ON oY IN =, “(490708 se52k t=) tonstern o°6s2- « “0° ELLgg f°? HEE = (48) 297 + OEE == er eve res ‘and, ope porbeya s(t }00 gonine = = O7%?? slag 3 te Sea - ? it Cee pe waaay be pene wz 0 wrod “(1 LLL) 26008. & wpysaad 5: Peres une wpen 2p warmer seA OG 72. oqrt poo 7S” # Sotau 12 sod aon 127 episussomoosap a1 siss06 52 1F suimansa TTT, wee (err @) El problema ne reduce a cateutar far AG” fe cuca @ aces an 107K 8) CugS + 2600 = E cu + 50, AGSayy. = 28,530 + 19.06 (4273) fog (1273)- 90.43 (0273) =~ 5642. ¥ cas 4) PbS + 2760 = 2 Pb + Oy DGrny 30 = 98 V4 + Ue.t (4243) Log 1273) 1U49 (1273) = F6%2 af, <) Meg Sz + YN = 7 ME + 250q7 DGtezy = 13%, 800 - 98.59 C4273) = 14,295 eal. Ef yeTat gun pucde ter produ cidopor la rediccioe del Sut. Fare omela hice con vide melaiteia 4 af cobre « 2.16 Es expontines ta reucesbn + 3g) = 2eFe>.+ 36030) 2 25°C (298 x) y 1 atm de preston (101.325 Sadiendo que: 280,40) = 87-788 ext 201.709 p00). SBogceres + GAD eat/Ugredod(oot) (27.95 271100 30,58 I/1)( SSoa.tu) + 31021 eal/(gradodteot) * Sh00,cfegtyy * 21650 ca1/(arado) (aot) (88,95 3/(K)(e01)). £Fe405) + 3CH) = 2 #-3CH20) cx’) Temenos gine eaberlar AGing ci) Aabien de pus AGa AH-TAS ~ Cntente de MMees cz y= 3 ANa9e,ch0)” Alege ¢re0,> = 3(-59, 789) ~(-19%6, 500) 223,13 cof ® ~ Cah culo a A Sigg ciy AS o9p-c4)* 2 Sigg crer* 3 “ere 0)" S298 £0.05 7 Sa96, 6H) = EVI) #3045. 245 ~ 303427 2 33.15 colfre Reemplasandet AGiyg /,~ 25133 ~ 299 (33.¢5) = 13254.3 co, To ts espeniamen.. 3. La Tercera Ley de: la Termodinamica Las capsctandes rfticas molares 2 diferentes temperaturss Temp. °C $288. -240,6-297,9 190 10K 136 38 tse eal (geado)(nol) 0,03 0,25 0,32 2,396 2.57 4,10 5,38 5,78 er W405" 1,3 9,87 10,75 17,18 22,340 2 34 1K (001) ute la eatropfa extindar del aluatnto a 25°C (298 x) de acuerds & de 1a termodingmica ya la ecvacién de Debye. De demedle conta IT Sey oe La Ternne cts omecen. YO ecuacion oe Dabye = : Sinecaes = Ys Rery nif Sor me =. (0.03) fey, aT. ate = aor+ | se ar a 7 El valorde lo inl gaol te evel, grakeemmea le dh cnca bayo La. ere. Cp vs. kn T tlt fot walorks de mT cowtepen ction 2739999909999 OF sw seepaenzrer' oy teitotny | Em EES 5 (4895s) H8bt DK (BOD y.SP Hg rte eqrep tape uer onsrsbips fou og Of Er £65 EHS AEH HOT. TEP 52:0 BPO soo -d5, SOLS 56's EAS'S. ares bbBH tobh 50TH swe bere FOE *LMp 4 a. Ww 4e a n9be 3 4p dy = OND FAEg BIL yeahs © pmb re PP empunzre edonju3 ~; (9e*92 40" goes ae [pede an89 = zoe9 + tom = INO BIC: Cy wn open hegsrmg. 2067 = [eased sezjto (stserey sree z+ 297 «804980 Fat 0 + 00+ IFT OD IED = [emeg a> dy 9 Oy + aye ey =s (09g) “Pom as wre? weed do 2p saseywn veg Come fC weey Pb M7 cegoer sue we opr oy - © -MPEUge PLP 2p surg = x x be yér. m0 sto F090 9D bore tLe semen, pemgem s, tain a pes bes 1h ESE 2108'S WS tbh 1ELH BLK BSS TENE + ere rk sesh OT oe ! 6 topper £08 Say :opoengar wee op praybing - UE Re I tereneain at can bon ® Stustilixyendlo lot valores tm ta. Formula che fos Zrapecios Sa 0s [OQVE FELT, 006 40.18 t ONT HONE LIS HRTF HBT a 2 tues + 565) a aslaces +2054) = #10 10) (mo)! “eal/(aradl 2 Sigg, cosy 7 ¥3 (OOD # F4 Ss sts 98, CNES = cal/ grace. mol Las capsetoades calorfticas molares de} plono, 2 tun cierto rango de tenperaturas son: Preston constante y para 258 203-233-203, tay 201 392 472 5.55 5,98 6,30 1 015000 an 19,75 23,26 25,02 26,36). Nevle la entropfa estindar det plone 2 25°C (298 K) termodtnimica, Adatta que Ta contribuctén de 1a °C (08 1 ate “a ecuactén de Debye. partir de Ta tercera ley oT K Ss 30 40. yO 4s0 300 eT 2v0e Hof RLBP LRYE S070. HOY Bo cp 201 392 472 SSL 698 ba : = Ha By Syrceays acres + [oy aT Tes = a Tn 290K La nT egret ae wenssalne gre FuunmnenTé | 200 inTorvaler Siteng ed Ad ainTor ade: ha SE -2-F 203 = Erion) B eonisteyen cata mat de pee ety fos wnlo- ate ebFenider fe to god Fees 552 038 (ER peo end oes ene KT ess 4 59S $58 + GOs + CIF] aslurss +9535] = o3lyns was Sazek, E*O~ (4 St) IBS2* ¥OD;quG4 auynze tap 4 (4) (x.sa2ey crmyeemens 2 Ogu rso1ep $91 OP peg Fi peebay ar oy op agen 8 2107 > 2R +90 13 -vain6)s 501 3p aytaed w fupjoisuen ease waed eoyepuypouin eL 9p 491 WU9D401 gros GesNd> erp bBB = FEB + (£0) He ek ap zapiten un v0 § s eas ] 4 O8Eda og 2 OmHS7. 28705 sae: 4 v7 war pega agre epuny mayer wepuerouneounsa, 29 Kop 2,6 <2 2p LaRTOA wz cenit iz coup epee Borg IS HS ISS opal -pomper 404 X58 98.0 wemzeeg ee Wary wrdespen wy onb (2799 sod aye OS SADE 'ooigquind. s Fe S80 G ois Fe ng FOG 57 1 99645 (2 51) 2.852— buon petra Kas! eycosaus sey vos %5 «5°55 spuop ( '56°C£) (108) (ope48)/t¥> £0°6 + %5 = 58%: ssopigiroude asynze 49 HAH, 2 Seas (50-2 Say OE clfmat oe ® 9 Peap (aoyseny = EE mm By Reematasane’s valores « 8 Peancsoyetn) = (0 nom Hy 8 3c0.5.6eneweimey? O81 + 0.26 toy 468. Ae = 9.07 EP), p aperummrired vourepo er’ soraajue ovary? oucog Pee e Te ea. (,2/¥ 089° 202) wat z 9p Upssaid wun ¥ (e) covupeD 199 UpISRy ap rund 2 Ue «OU ¥960'0+) 8/,49°9900'Or #9 $2 U}sA) 9p eaund Asus oLop aancon sp erene> 12 (84/0 OL ¥ $1°Z5) 6/14 99°C 9P 59 up}ERY 9p soleD ns (2 65) 2.426 99 59 (07H S20 ymPr> 127 UOLSNy op cand (3 Ot * 01) v8 0 pee gow hike = Qsrerr Pe /P>OShBE > Oofea ens! = rere 2 OFM SESS AAV = (8h E07) + EBS = PE Ay ure oot ¥ wetery Spy wary sks (s.0r 59") ayes Ag or b+ * [eee 1909 eh OA 8) rg ~ 2 (4-04 * SE ISSEP + (,.0F 851410279 dvr y= OF ¥ 5% M.S BhEO- = a “ze “IP bb Se gob BEE = AO mre 85 come oe : Ey gr bd MAE I Joan eet Oh ap pene asrerty oy aprons “hy vy op eatveny berry tart =m) (yop #2): srry? ed eae ed yp k wungice ied 49) Chea + 4 bey 55: : ye ya ET I-D=(8EZe+ ty Sop $504 0F9F-) 20249 Gnnk (79 epmotopdeery by beg = ty bog: aeqzioen apr md (0 . ie SAH 7 ag : peer + iy SoG $8t 7 ~ OF99~ = abe FY ve 7 Se hie sgpee Sy z (ERTL! IPO Fis z. bog Sst Y ~ OFF = use 2 2% wy? ee eu 99" asire oar (ty) Crees. anh sey reo we donde: AVE = CVug Vso) 6) ST. 599°K (0.0064 em*/9r) AE 626% 10° Kyaton @ aP = 7 °e IP 43 cecal x U2 yar 44298 S- aF La prestén de vapor P. (nestéa en'mm Hg) del arsénico. quido ests dade 3. 6G x 102.4 Bey x 44295 Senda ea = Gay etot HK 2460 ° #6 ae tog p= - E48 + 6.59, o Ores gee ee eed fe arstnica ‘8140 por ° erdeade Malm a2 ale: AP = 1alin loge = - S90, e Hands OP = dale; “AT a eae be Walia oO L!8 Sikes F o Tm S904 C18 a0 faberyek . as Prénietta nen iqiates ;por teTamTe bot valores fé Log? ne oO aie eere ; : ° a - £997 4 10. Qalrace: BP a 4 ty BT! 2 ~ 6.79 10° °K ie 'y 469 = ser 10.8 S To 514: -67Ge fo3) 2 593.9953°K C947 22460. 40,8 - 6.69 j oO Ts 320.9938 < Rae aies ie CES ©o 498: a tft, 2 VVET/ 9.44 “AD. 00 mercury fds + 9B. (4d tha ate A. ee o YomrK =. 818.5 °c o ae o © 7 o Gare C= 22000 — Cataate oe Fotarnen sth My Ligue ve Po Re d307 grfenm? Yoqs tls 300.6 Spurl ie y Fe IE fee i . LPR AI ID Gr fern ® Ug ABET gr 2 = 099 gree Vege tars = hov0s."ee/gr oO . 2 ; : : : , 2.33 c0l/gr IY 453. ifm Pig = 99998 Grice. Vig s ig =» 40002. i sues ep ea HO * 526° OL) $A OL Hs rr¥ae a5oyN : radeon v9 gh aeh AAA La9U49 “stu port ae & (ella t=") cm 5's 2 owe pS eyrase [2p wyapie cane m1 3p upi2}suesy 29 eunieagdesr et © (OME 260 2) 109/182.005 29 +9 (orueta). us. = (3438) os ‘ugyo9ea4 a1 U2 epj2apaad soye 2p pepiaues e1 TE Dizesd-o- eke ~ SesE-zET (fe 294 60-7 F HERZ sestzez = Me FUL La Me 2 PMO ee Oh EE 240 “7° opt * Wy. “Zr oot = b- per FAD “wags per >-981y 67 Aq : Dag HEE © 2,EEHO00» ty Y seatooraz * HEK@or0's EAT « ¥ jer wre seursave te Me gob HERE = (size s:0-)8 ys «0h ¥ Brine 219 Mpesoue rset Y-ytay: maeeso~ wy gp Jt (~ op [yo co mk * Pp 5 Fugacidad, Actividad y Constante de Equilibrio : |S. us eomtante de equtiieto pre ta recetén 1+ 1 reas * 49 fen el rango de 1563°C (1836 K) # 1750°C (2023 K) ests udu por tog e © LOE 3.47! Enwacte 12 expresia para’ 46?-cimo una © tre at para Ye reacetn HON 18 Ure er 4, Wo0re (1873 £) a partie de Tos stgutenter datos, (Hg) + HQ) + mo: eG = 60,180 +. 13,93 T.cal (-251.793 ¢ 98,28 T 9). 6" coms! faimaca eta T! des (He) # Vile cag = “eyo pero! Loy Kz ~_0S* (sa) 230% RT sguakamde (2) com (5.02) 3 = AG 2 zoso.. 3.47- asisT a et AG. - 59ST (gs2 = 3-47) so. 5 AG = 1457 ~ 32,253-7 WAS" pars La reamita « 48¥3°K (02) = 101g. wer An, de Ia temperatura, También encees Sabemes: (Hz) + ¥2 (02) = (4,0) A6*= -co180 er) fareeccicivtah: (Hy0)= HS +10 pg. yey § O6% 32,2539- 1457 Ye (0) = AC a 1870°K : AG. 101, wey BO F-24293 O59 27,2963 0.57 (1973) = 26,999 cod . AGSlegen= 29.0 Keal. 2 Las constantes ae equitt . ara las reacctones Seay + (CO) * Fer + (C09): CH) BB E'g 147 or mend. orb uorsrene ee 49907 43 po gee Ke szes0.e"y ees 5 G06+,956) “HO = E54 fare cere ug) HA dpe ERS HE) ae. Haire oy 2 z a Bessie 22 # orem agg? I vey opu rien yg? Aoea pe9 note 1p 4 (2 oe vo gky ap PDayg He Lore eae ISH LEY 2p waren wp epucnbyeT | + ajeezeues wo eee aad YO 27rd 4773p 7 wanpoundinay vy 90 BARD a sdeyer 1 amb opumucdny wemrwae sp aap pop. prieg (F a ELEY 2867 : Brb50 = * a f waee7 | yor © eespes 9532) = p-or0k - ener = £9V it yozos= 877-088 (ELENEBET- = OV go70 2% Pro? thee = 1600 “7 (CAV EBEE- 2 39V abe 0 ='¥ Mafkze = = fs /por 9949 a TE*hA Ee - 269k = [90 ec eenseh 4650 “N(EEFF)EBBY- = 29 ESD = 7H re (gor IhBt = Fsh-0 Ma(ektL) ABET = LOT 85h0 =H Meter mL - (ae x4abt cio 200 pene) og [Ue fpe? pggp— = SBKE = PERE = hOV a SUBbE = bb 0 MT (ELOr) £867- = 19 6660 =*y Peo peLEE = S850 Wy (CROP) BET = 10 SES. =" = yeEsOF AL = ts eda 56s7.= (ae 2)a= Sey pel rob: 564997 59-59% = tou - tov = “tog” op ees6ns= 87) EH cord += (0%) + <> po 28-tBb 2,99" (702). # <4 = (09) + COrTd @® | SbL Mb a EBAO HT Ebb) EBEY - TOV eth =H lees peo 59 'c98 = €49°0 Wy (8b) EB EY = OT | Ca70 =F wehbe - : £eR Fase)” cnt = CEREEP = ee 2 fow-sr tase? © Sy 2p pepe. poo ps0 ~£90 CH) + (702) = totH) # (02) top t= 228 41,5009" @ Fnavercre'una exprestén pare 1a vartactn de 3a energfs libre esténgar pars 1a reducctén codpleta del! aby, es decir ev + 3 My FW 'e AKO” ce) ‘como unt functén de la tenperétura'y por to tango, calcute su valor « 800°C (1073 «1 : Se cabenle AG" conte Lirweis’o ole ta T? pave paola renceiaiy! wrencadgas bogk a! 26%25 R27 - 3998) y + 4.8269 =~ ACY2.3 x 4987T 457 (-3.712f, + 4.0288) = - AG" AGI = 19,329.9 - 22.058 7 a reaccin be ~ MIR. Sfp + 168Y = - ACYVaS7 T AG, = 6592.2 - HEMT ~ react a = 8049/7 + O.8E1S = ~AG"/ 457 T- OG! =~ 3663.8 -- 3.937 T° 2 reacedog LO) = 2219/7 +1.5809. 2 -A6/9 57 T “aed = ward ~ xazsT. Divickionde case. ceusccon entre Sf coeficion® del puimer wealam he, ax! Lambinin tn respective. emcacien de. 46". WO, 04H, = WO, + 0.1 H,0 + MGs = 4732.99 = 2:24 T a WOgg + O48 My = WOz72 + 018 MeO O61 = tie.c -4397 WOeyg' # O12 Hye WO, + 0.742 MO Sa ot wz, e3¥.99¢ - 2.897. a Samana Lar cenactones an Tevieves, oblewemos ba cocacis a WO, + 3H, = We 34,0 AGo = 25.6375-20.89T - Chedte de su emerges hire a 900"C Ea sore “ey WO, + 2H, = Wt3 ho Sabtendo qe: MS, + My = Ho + 2H, Gi) AG4 = 20262 -14%95T le) Fonae mespectve cosaure fe AS. AG" = 25.840 - 20.890 7073) © ACP = 3425 cad e Ws, + MO FS) 1973) y 1000°C.(1273 x). BMyS.* By + Spt Ky “aise 1079 22s 10% 5,6 x 10? fog K = - 86745757 MoS, + 2Hy. = Mo + HS Ky B34 © 007% cyors?e) obtener mal tbdeno wetdlico de acuerdo a a) # o9"C (10737K) , eb culo Se. AG ele Las 2 remecionen: DGyonsex © ~ESPS (4073) « og F314 « 10"% = 25,202.5 cal i et DHS thy + Se Kye et AG tors = = 4875 (4073) bog £2 10% = In 9ss eal. £29339993939 (2) “9 cotew lor duv aoe ; ee 9 2Eb08 ~ = ELAM 545% [599 ge - 4 ry Gor or * 20x = "Y ste) ap. pevhdmp priser = "Wag 2s 4 ay = toy werer lgy FSF ys Se M5 «Mog SH z+ oy = yr y JE YY oe cee EPS YA CY orn rsey (27 82 epee loydunzas SF or% X15 = "Y 309) ap opuokdeag ! 024219) "02: sagoress 25 Foy C1 rere er 20 N89. ap opmpy - +I? bs EP = 1 Qweunew ‘counge : ges EMIS [7 (427) Sesip mo Hag Sa top ° a * : Sah jo weber EOA*IE = EY 8 OR Mirerene oy 20 thay — i She ves iy Per ess = 6-8 * 867 bop (east) 5454-2 MK oo seen floes ig’) a bey 8% * bEee = By: (772, © vere 2s wz 2p og ee (222 ceremwna ty wendy aptrepeuar iy sip opogeg 4 ear cet Fe sy Pt Pg poky oer S97 F 4 go anh sps3p k Ese, 30) youesy rrmigne © foorke to te soe 90 pron sy ve ~y Oot * $85 B/C oos'sg 2) -.= ty Bog Pe (2 epprens £221% ~ 2.2/5 10°74 160 parelat’de los vapares.de Hg a 1200°C (1473 €)_ pera. a = Oes atim . sh ay Pe 2etigds +. Feca0r' + Cobb euthe cfe. Ceo, 3 eOpg, 2 HABIT) 0.1483 ; eo 2 ety> + cin-« elm) + sigs a coe, +n 5¥ : Yeo, 46° = 152.600 + 11,97 T log T+ 99518 Teal 5.6 Calcate Va prestéa parcial de equtitbrio de, ios vapores ge 2n 7 CO 4 1200°C lene THt72 1) de acuerdo a 1a stgutente rencetGnz : “Reka + te 2 Oe 80% = 20,200 = 142.7 eat. (-126.387 = $,02.7 3}: Gatemtarnot ASiayyk Ae ba ndaststiey is lor wialidg 0 T clade ¢ ste = (WAY + (00) 0.35 T logf. =) 103,33 T eat” 0 Feat 9201. Waceinn 20, AC ng ciy'n' 452,600 4.4059 (Hs) tg tats -PRIBLeRIa) : = 152,600 + $3,091-- £46,092 = 59.599, 2 $9,600 cal. aire. + Cele te AG ye5 * DGrny3 = 96, ¥20 + 40. 3504993) fog 943 - 404.3373) E ¥ 84,720 98,298 ~ 482,205), : Teacaon ci): AGH 193 Lip = 7 3208-42 (1975) = 3098 cf = 215,008 cal 1 Stemande loa reaccioves : dog ka =a 1st,tos)/a.svsn (45 2 kMy0> + 56> 2 20My) +520) a6" 59,000 af 22.2595 2640) + 6 SEQ) = €2000.520,) AG: 234,908 Ks 44998 PBC MgO) + 26Ca0 + + de> -eeecenrcro HHO 4 S8°29-4 L19°652-) LOD 1 S6rDE 4 Gs0TaI > QOH ‘ “ay tape Coys ape sink ager a5) : ; saage a'ep (7054 = Fey sep = =: pe perby 2 copzrpr tapremduor bey ap cap BAA? Vor Py ap x65 K 209 99 set ‘0D #P 182 9p s2s0{44 efouse uoiaipuny ap owsey {2 06 sol. ap sysuisue ta is (x 0001) Ioi2L “uvewoanossz7 25 on i wraebri, op ayumy ep 20d" 9p) m agen topen prounussod apo wb! (vr pp zip pero 97>) oe eo Suge szooo % ips weresey wun 2poemrbs oh of ‘wipe 5 he? = F009 PP pesty vp. ome 312 43m 9778? 4 wD Bwo7;0 E254 7545 foogy-)- = L5ES8/ LOY ~~ y bog epouins 19 7> mb ory‘ eupsodusrap % —ervouboy Py F ‘ oi ly .bhed © Aapwn 2107 70 of eg op sed BIF omen rr p ut 78110 (e251) prs ea - 7,99 worse <7 vy? ena ebe yee 29 gp poowedg wy 7 wey A ee gg 0) #80. xlor-% 4 BS) = ny Coy, “ound saytoa 0909 vaissx209 omy 4 sPn soqer Ban MaypY “(x E2ST). 260521 # 20S L9P OFsqELEMbs ap Lejoued up}sIUd. FL 2149109 = oy ee - MOL Ta WE) LENS Ga + OF : vo a yd é or tbs = y 170s) + crane = coteaia +s frp : care» 545 [bein = = a sisn] Cttgy 2589 y op epops 3 PO 166 = 3 LOE - 52Bh6 + OSE'SHE 2 (£2e+) S692 Carp Soy (CAIN AYO + OSE'SHE = 99 “a Ayre BE oe ppomnus2 “apmewed Vie ; de Sib oy i opecbaremen + ttasard lay atass > 20990 phewng! ia 2p oappp MRT ee ey 2p Vapor rayre WO) fp omen? op uosapewiep ste 1 set2tt <1 00 Loft» set-o09) esr ° 607m. «0825 9 1 Setae'= Son TaR0 + ose set or : : 2.0001. * Opya%H0E [05442 Un vd epjvewuEd aysaubeE UL endooney ast ay wean « tsbfresar — = yy 1 py bees my 2 ay:0707 (eo) + 40) «= 06° = 67,500 + 20,75 T cat (-282.420 + 86,82 T J). 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Sree army ug (4) v9, 91ND 182.9 0002 “ousoy tap. waDpspR 1 005) dsCd2"¥ unsajua as opus upsepyne oy “FIPHn6 owe op “oterenr ou tr Sper zucn £0%9 proms mae (ty 404! ot 9 B502 X04) was com yo wer Ww wuruey eure wend oe Eee FA? sruvuusasasuo eo ond soneuney 02 / [Sop enema + “GQ0/:$2t"101) sae t 9p 59 onowin ovnbjapsy {9p upisaud v1 -cpsapy. ov TOOK 3474 24 © mem mpse se 99) p ~prerne NaF sseqMN van v9 (3 Oot) 26020 ¥ cmn> ap a 72) op urea Peo Aeon 906d pus. cmprorg dee eto wey ag “ 03, : afr * #0 .= ¥ eboro-= 2008 » Sesh feos ~ = : * LEASE SU ~ = 607: > 2p opmyyy — ‘Syme E54 ‘roy eae ME? Hig wane O28 © MF" 6 OF * B04 -% 702, ca “a OP 806% = ean: Ry = 95.332 To “ @ rabemres: “Phot Ty = tole ~ cy aerelwcinn dle: reemptagam clo C4) em (2) 93,332 Tho + Bo = lot Fro= 193.333 = 40% x (OF alm on poreanliqe: dat — 400% fortes — x Mis 95 % oF Mg = 100-5 ~ 8.5% af 915 5 26.98 Hale x 100 wm x Abs a (9S 26.98) + (8.5% 24.32) By xe £08 Le oma ERE = 0.923 100 = 92-3 ma HAE | Bh conlenicte he agua gabe Aer mevor de: CO11x 10-72 Vol Hh, oma Ko fly = 400-923 = 7.40 mak Mg W. Se enfatln AG a 007K. 5 Ha coialents. ole epusidibate AG" - 94,050 422.8 (5.00) = - 79,650 cal. 6.2 De acuerdo 4 Ta teorfa t6niea, un ta distea que tiene fogk = - CFLS 234497 x 500 = 34.8 aD = 48,92, M90 = 6.7, Hod © 146 Te FeO = 9,0, K = 6.3¢x 1077 2 Bi yp ; Pe / fy fej, 230 ny Wa tym, e 4a Rafe = 398 x40" Rafqag? RTE AMO 2 1000°K fa rétacten Hefty = 93.952, ad miamTenioner 26 abmosfera cons lala yen fatames banka 500°, ba rela. he epuitibnio sort de $984 10%, 21 dear gus ha camliclad cde by con rerpeele a tn cankidad Je hO presmle, para alcar Tamaremes come bane 100 gx oe axcora. (ba comporiesss ela on % om pero) jor Smsuve em com? OT = 0.38/24 = 0.185 : ~Calcalames tim pers alo mice promedis 6 ba ale- 6.3. a tabla eigutehce mstea sos valores de la denilead de sleaciones ée 2 52 acti Del paso 22 100 97 feast: —- 1.952 ar-gr nae cae 0 ef-gr 2 5423 Gr/al-g7 alenuse Ve 5423 97 /5.395 gr/em? Ve 2585 om? ) Pleacian de Em: 25-34% amy X Al D Fracnin alemica. Sk Em: bare 100 gr Alea 25.3% gr WE y ¥¥.63 92 Em Xz, 79.63 9 /65.38 210.5929. (463/e5.58) + (25-3%/20.96) 8) Akeadin dein: 19.40 aa % HE ae, x % $ is : 2 af-gr/ (00 gr de abeacan hay 25.37 gr AE 1) Fracaiin afo'mea def tm: bane 100 gr abasic 1 ae f ae a HAE 2537 G7 AC/26.%6 Sr/argr = 0.901 abe gr FEE gx Xn / 65.38 gral gra h1VF aL- $7. Teal .... 2.083 ot gr 3) Volumen Je 100 gr Je altace : OY gr A yp Bb gr Bn . 0.6/ 65.38 = 06317 (#0.c/es.38)+ (12 4/2e%) 2). at-gt 100 x7 alemesin en (00 gr dle aleacioe hay 12-4 gr Ate P= 4953 G1fom3 Vx 100 gr/¥.953 grtem? IGY ge ACL 26.96 Grfatm=gr = 0.7196 algr AL V = 20.1899 cm? 6 96 Bn, mgr 1.2428 alegre Em “ 90.6 9¢ 2a /b5.38 9x ar~3r e © Votan ‘gee sbge cena 2 ASL als 1. : . EmTetat + 495 alge Pere alomizo promedis de ta abeacin 3) Volumen de 0 g~ de Rleaccm : re m/P 100 Gr altaccrn — 2.083 af- gr Pu 5.345 (Tabla) Ve 100 gr /5.345 grfom? x — tar-ar €72529099090929999999905999 -@ececeecececceo 2x ("2x -1) ook = HT! Mops oe soen co eae aD (PB FY 088 = JV Ztupjaoned e1 opsen9e 2p “opjnbyt 2200: [9p upizeas0} sp setow JOLE2 13 HS wy TAP emerge IN 2p erin rote en “g9 yg Med ae i TKD aioe J 1) + HU = eH 3 7 elas (209K) 6 2909 p eee SEO ULE? ma sete] (R= 4) 00g = = 4 Pe Cama) (nt cy) 00th = lll gne waverar wo aysinbieny wh P eyo ne wins ey oe orwreuguon tn tex op agrees 540 urd : (2X > FOX Door = a8 ODE 0078 =X oor = (gk 00247 ~ Lock + Xoorhs + ook) + XOGHL + X GOI L~ = | pun sjinburg wom : (% o0FE# + 00/f-)(x=1) 4,2 008g. XO0HE == to ce cee Popurcneap 1896. $855. BES SEG Aupptio tommyey, bEASO” btEPO isbe'0 * 000% © pie A Ae a eagmegoe net ey A ey G9 20. aye 2p 48D © error “pay 9p. 5A M2 ys esny eh Mm vhrygeeas oe TU PP bz pp permed “7 Ou, wing og pe TTD (2 xP [eq 0ore + x0012-y°F : fen, z 124 |X 00/2 +X 00k: = (PR exp sew ae yyy - aad ma wed 1h7%. 6308+ Es64" EB0°% — BRAS'O AEST 595% HBP SHES > USER BEE ON EF fanbase sbo0r | 2158 37 “nebiee aboor” MEY. IP Bru PATA: geen oars ‘ -ouensry, gu 169° = A puesob ese4/ +6 Bh =A @ ab se/s6 bh ox. Ant 2 = 7100 x (4X) = -1100x + 1100 x? @ Fin = ( r1a0x (1 -xy}4 (4-¥)[ Lk 1198% £7100 247] =(-7100X trt0x*}+ (ex) (> 1100 + 44200 X) - = +7100 xX + 7400 x* = 1100+ 44200 x 47100 xX~ 14200 ae = 14200 X- ¥100-7100 x7 = #p00(Ax-4- X4) fachrisgande = = #400. (4-%)* pero: (4- Fey = Lem = - ¥400 x2, Va werela de In y C4 en.una al nica de In, parttendo de los stgui 08 0,9 C80. aT a ABER ARk e988 Sa'traze ta cue va Xzq V5. Calor Tale prot de emoscla pee mes da: be variate. cel cater inlegeel de megitn’ con fe Fraccise tmolar Jd Em Pama taf aster th Caer oe lar parcial ole ta omeseta. oe En y Co im ume abeauso gue conTieme 06 Kem. Se Trae La LingeaTe on he pumTo y a0 tee bervalowes? Calor de Mezele coal/mel) Fey = 65 cal/mo! Fig. 350 ) A 2X Pot Souinmey 5 : (072) [Wey () (oewe) Pep = se *¥ sapeoea ep op SHE RM OH oo my (pucrpiuepse) 48-5 = 9728 °5 = PHAE/s0LEE = 484% t28t/r0%'Cr 42/90 ~ F YOT Meg sevggirbs a agus rue) "5 FP? d00'te — = * (487) £9°€ + o80%7- = “log : 1b aSheh wiregy pbaaieg | vauuaweayazadsau 6°95 4 s9°Ss uos,uw 12° 4 ag [sp seojepae sesew sey (e 4 Se°9t + e9"T2t-) Le 4 e9"e' + oRO"62- » 98 tp) THR tys02s3 Yous) = fy) 094) 359. 084 29,4 8'F ony 29.5 09 ouaia Sab a4 s0280 wun ¥03 0 TP 9S amb’ f aw 'uaay ua. Uy. 9p: up} DesauaDUED' eL aLMDLeD. “(x ELBI)'2,0091-® ~29) siua.emaya wos 24 v2" oN 2P 4 O84 U2 OOM 2p sepiebs, souojonjor sey KETO = WW of pn 4g = 1D Bow BIKE EE BEED F BSED #95 (S456 -001) + 459 ¥ 52°88 ASE? © $466 HEE G6 = OOF * oop ¥ = oo how $% worm ug 9 ASE $6 * 02 Xomery £-07* bESb» Shbpoor FF ® $660 = = 2 perae we ae. wd ue wuny ua ole ‘aired og” Wr (P wetrenn we ot ou ope rue tay! omg OW gla un ong ee? ost at - predpor 08 3p ~ ox (¢.0f * £Bkht) T (HD (07 eRe Zh - IY * O= ~99X FX GOK HEHE lx) (OXAF) _-004 teen e A2y-= 9D ps DURE opr wmop ues ribo op foy-pa ley se ¢ ee pb a0ip = 0% 2p : curd com aggers rp (72 orm -["e] F orp: De] 5 Ort ABLE TEN gh Magan eH oz we 5 000k x £864 a 27 7 ere 7 FBG Oe eermanda op 17 9 aE OF UD OUD x7 Ip MG - a : re ore = Moy |) ot> 22 "Emy 2 om. + Lage genie? Orb = 99 ota 4 2N = OM F027 Teepe SFE > 90. "9 HIN = ON 5 pemelper OE2'ST - = 2 otfn. = FO + 097 srrecetine se: & Oey aa, aepusisy VON. = 708 tN 19V 08D = tO th + aoe buoy worreurnes 2p mucrrrose ty MnO=40X (em pero) base 100 gx de treoria. Fo = cox Xpind = 40/7097 ow farmbiimie designe a ta ectinaisn 7 aeomoctan de Tes mi- = 14 + / mer: 7 - Ast = Mreo™ 1485 40/40.94. + 60/ 71.85 DS y 20g ACE yizmy = APF eat Mpeg? 7094 XpeQ = 4-0-4 = 0.6 ae vieme a ter AG gype | Me La rcacazn td) Refemas tame aremnor: a Caletle ce La conrlamle oe cpus libro: Lak =~ AGYRT © ~ 78/4924 B18 2-O.44¥ Kee 2, k= 0.659 Hn Xt Bee 7 Xe = 1 Xt Reemplande om ca): 391-5 = = Xrtm] (0-4) Tj) (0-4) poet ¢ _ (BamJ® Berame — — Pzrdgg 24 Cunt pira)’ 3945 (0.6 Xm) = 04-04 Xm 230.9 Xam #004 Xfm = 4 eo Xtye 24/2349 Erznry Azremyet oo") 0459 [azn] © 2p azn = (0.089) = 0.9992 Xun = 4% 1073 ; a cals: atome Fm 2 99-2 Lee X gy = 0.992 masa. % Ho: % Hoa Ux 107? 54.99 : wate Hae ER 10 C54 Fn W073 5494 + A= FERIO?) SSS 100 Aabemes ackmas; aaa Uy XE 0.9492 = 8 0.992 & = 0.9992 /0.992 Bs 0957 z = 0.0934 5 400 55. 8184 mak tn = 0-467 % EI nierro.1fquide contiene 0,2 4 de AY y 0.05 de W en ms 1693 K). Determine ta posit) ids 0, AIM, por c&lcule termodi wee0re ado de nitruro Gud. La descomposictén peritéctica del Zr2ny4 a 545°C (@18 X) puede represen ‘arse: cone: produzca un pre witieny ay de ei Ka bx oF, QNITALD Laeny AUN perarcrsina sterlamein. rue. me enter tine, 632 Np, age (AN fe anak Sid produce de lat cenetmivacaines on Mat In mayer pe ext? Tyg = UIs + 812M 79.70 ateaciéns (2) la na Ya temperatura peritéctica conttene 99,2 Stomos 3 ée Zn. Calcule el coefictente.de actividad del Zn presente en lexctn Subtendo que: 8 56% (B18 1D (oPacag = rangh £78 AT (200 1- rein lpuske de A6%a B18°K de tx veaccia (i) : ° eae eee 0.006 , cals shown in Tot Lin chraim g.ut camasemirit AG sig cay = DS tus cte209 ~ AC Ze zmyy (er) fermamda HIM , hanli: guts Ut prroctacls le tin concen traci ~ Conncemet: BC xe2my - ASS, ame = -698 cab @) i o 6 e 0 oO a oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO o oO oO o oO °o e oe e oO oO CaN ays = 18 97 rebe p puerrees. % 2p erm ye> 7 Py be EES [GPIE + (sorts -)]~ ((244-)* Ges-y] = MOY, ‘ a apemnp > (o*I¥) + (ors) = 24 ayy z + <7025) wenpoaduny wy 2peDNP 2 ep wom “(pom pay €-) y otter © 24 tohue are gp Koragraotn og rnb temp un Lappe? vazep en PY Jc a opermpp azuriuney renjaa oumo opribry ox oxz‘Sor 00048 = O8k'9S —ons'zE : OV 5, : vel pers papip py 2e +b-£2 ur xp auras rey 92 99 [7 Eth e427 ead e407 pik stem ua opermiay aegg arbsninn wv Loumage) : emmrery (e 00s oor | 00sF = o00e sak “1 50 270 = #9 ups2epsx0sap Sinn we Pee laodeye we gerevesa ng’ cena PMOL pum © ‘ounro yo YO Ww op Map rin ‘pip ued marin 026 (2028) Paz er smp te (wpesap og omey evzp uaz “eporeps ey Vonnzobaw tou ba ope rare 2 OY “070K GP Ho 2h9% > orezourduuey © .9Y “U7 fe ry ! sepeg tay 9p cuarburw wey opung ot upmroee op 1 wer D APOREL- 9p 59 (2 E19) D.0081 © 091 Met£9t ay bh 8hfonn 'ber- = O* ALBA ~ Ohh bxr o=9y)) mate Ip pg emogmrpea “e1 e'ae - « TON Y¥uslarzyg 35 : op ue7 og sod 30070 £ 10°0 400 = 0% 50:0 = Bp yyy Berd yy “08e7 ate us ong-gmrbs wp se08 gr uvrzo bak an. 2140 A f108F x 1873 = -%27R @® Ke barr so? pee: Ke 2510 - AAO 2si0, dar Come €5:0,> ert. em erticle patro ru Ant, pare ef S10 y MeO como rom gases Ae put de Lehr Aut prtriot par cia tes en vey fe 40 acl nictader y pare S AL 1% cmcenToa oe om ma hi 68t, 40%, Bo: Fano loa}? Beco « Pag = 68x dot x 0104 = 292K 10% come af 5:0 y Uf Alz0.20 lorena egeui mmole tila tale dus presienes sera igusctie + Peso = Papg = VETO E = 5:24 Fat Ra Rig t Fag = 00% at 8) reason 2: Magy 4 2 1A Ge, mag = (M0) + (Ma) AG: (- 44.6) -[(-82.4) + 2(-43)] = 34-4 Keak, lollente deK: kn k =~ 34400 calf 4.99% x sg 43 =~ 7.9 Ka V8 x 10-8 is i ne » HendoF= Featso)* Pitta) eo Rgyo) Pita) = 488 x40 [0.232 : Peatgoy = ogy = Vibe «10-8 = 43% x40 Faken Frerat = 2.94% 4073 alin. ©) Reacaisn' 3? ¢ ALO) + 41M ieimay, = 3CA40) AG = 3(-74.4) - [(-256.04) + 4C-43)] Ate 02.24 Kelp Htte ant ® Calasle de Ki bn K = 93,240 /4997 0 $043 =~ 2508 K 24320 40-1" 3 Reemptazond?: 432% 40-4 - Feateo) Fo2j® = 8.1. 107% atin. La Pot epuibibacs pare la. reacciot (4) tae 9.01 ala, ab be de Eafe valor ; como on mussize «a0 ba, peeaton aera! oe OY tol alta, La. reacetzh Ae deaplagank. hacia. fa dertcha, ts cecr haa la formacon dé gas, hake. pus crlot gases Lersam la presion de epuitib io. : Spake qrtame ceume para Ci reaccian (2), aus prenin de quitibrco tr de 2.444107 >4x 10% alm. Para ta reaceea’n (3) 1a Pde eputitibeia 1 de E4440 % D ealiia tr menor gut La clel Aia tema: 4% 10" Valera y por to - Lamle ba re acurs re erplazarc hase La ty gesitr da, & decir hatin | Lado donde re conauman tes gases howl. pit Au presisy ne redux ca a ta Sef ogi tbnia+ Per fot atts for erizoler 9 sey wsadter pare obtener um a- cero tbre de aleminio renter de: SUICE y MAGNESIA. enperaturi. Las muses atéaicas del Co y del 2 58.8 y 55,85 respectivanen- prensn parcial de tos gates en ef Aésloma, si por afebago:: 22939999995 “arunenya99d80s 9g 96°95 # 94 12 CoN LP SP ieNNE Ses (9) desper raotte == (4987+ Bue 'Or~ = . OSb-) hte +(69°2-) 4 HEE = [“eeoee ee wy Jo ae + Ap er ay = 9 1 2agyy ~rbsot 2p sgmwmene my f Boring fap = PMdtorY emt '2 Fo} FOr LS IS (250°C-) 6988 +(bz60) 6958 (se00 SESS Sey coax sesh + 59S) < EER KSESH & a wo peasy + 22erse 297 erate feed vyurvaudae ww uemowte vy s2s°58'9s 4 Ste9- vos-9g 199 4 -m9°Lap.s0Dqupae s0sad 501 anb enyupy “9.0091 ‘aquowenyro0dsa3 args 56°05 524 12 4 A. Lap sea}ep28 sesey (8) “(aye g2e°Bt) 1e4/L#> 005 » sosprURA cap upisns ap Z0Te9 (e) :anb opua;ges $095 (a9) « (a0) rupi3e=4 e| eure 2ug5 4 ey6sa¥9 e199 ep190b FL a1m9L"D “(4 CERT) 9.0081 ¢,5°R #P 52 ‘uRpULSe OpErsa auOD eUnd 0} 22 “e2uj)U4 U9FIMLI Fag 19 Gama Lap BEPEALIDE Bp 8p001313009 13 F 7798897 - = 90 ted yen y 2 Band pene spre 3a en y 4 arses geese st et ease eee go Lh = = 99. SEP = BY ed TOP IR EA eny 5 WIEN ope ye, ass re ystr = 90 LOOP PAT IE en “PIETER (GRO ecg gees * LOBY + FU ELLE ® bBGY = OD 12°2@ enpegen gap prime stor ae peod tae - [290 7? t0%2-=,90 FU Sg py w Oo? me apse 2 fey) apy) TLR + 927 oy 1a = 90. rszz = (88e't) cosh - 0056 = sv4- He = tov ae Sea 4, Ceaod yore epee 28) °3q)_ ( wewh Meppucore sia) 939. +99 ebm ire 982-2 > gouges cosy = Tyy = 1ST Mpreny apf Te Ma MA Pipe corory wp ad wplaxper op epootunareT Soe area near Po byy7 Cuaped mb ypuscdap x yrbe rp! uormey PP hes pia eopungy op rap epumy @ vod k op 2p Kew pr epvoy sours — sed *Kiusy xp kay 07 api iroh tamouccme ajunuipore wpsoduor w 07 p mb prot ooulper cosh = Iu seer pore “apy 27 fen} = werd ger “tp pa copy Femvueg pe geen) oweduorrml oy 2p ome — PRU PC SPELO Len ee rurprrier 20 ove oigerrurws awed opr big Saeutieee yew e pay) Peal gem mratnae amit) 68) Thy = 760 x 0.21% 159-6 ono My @ (c) €1 sistema Fest puede ser constderado. como una solucién teeat Ps = KVR 2 x0: Z (M9 cet atitn mest pura = OY aa 2 0 oe 9 Vie = So, = 88-9 om? AG" RT En Bay + RT tm (Me) 20 nm dad cq) htdeSgeno en una aleaciéa de AL=108S¢ 4 720°C (993 65 2 0,1 cm? por 100 9 (7 x 10° m? par tg) de aleactéa cuando ests en evi ao Im f+ S595] (00. Ge LIFF 4 1900 Ont + £907 1900 bm (5595/100(5499)) veto can Mérgena 4 Se presn de 80m (83.28 WP), cate Viatee a 1a que debe e: de ntér6gen0 por 100 $ én 3 Comportaniom ls ideal: Stag = 4 onetIde esta sleactén pare cener 50,1 ow x 10°F a ce ntérdgeno por ks) de aleactén. = ° + FFES 34.59) DG 2-14, 328-6 cal/onek To 993°K «Lay de Siavert = 542K VE KS O/VI00 = 0.02646 = Catal de ba preainin barn TE pone. Sue OF om Yyaoge Fjg* 100 mom Hg ss at 7 Soluciones: II gut Sys Of om 4/100 Ge efincurr. LLL 100-4 0,1 9) de plata a 1077°C (1350 K) y 1 atm (101325 Kim?) disuelve Tot ew? (196 e oxtgeno, medida a temperatura y prestén nomnales. et oxtgeno en la plats admittendo una presién parciat 1s nisma temperatura. LGunto oxfgeno absorben 1009 VR, = She /K' = 0.4/0.02646 = 3.78 Tig = (3-98)? = 14.27 mam hg 1d de idrBgena en nierro Ifquido a 12: pres én par 10097 As cernelve 194 om? Of en EN. Te 4380 = Ley oe Siever®: Sas K'V Pa Pa Vala So,= K' VPs, 2s * recucienéo 1a presién en una cémars oe vacto ~ Cd cule oe fa eonaTamle K ps (0,123322 wn’) a 1600%C (1873) 7 Sot Fem? Kha I / SHEE = Calle oe ba ratshibtad dal Ih, a 160 xaoe Hy de presicn Tears Kis not paraal ya (973K : éeuauin (2) ola bikelad a uma. Po, 2 30 won Hj bog Sy,= - UID ce =-25¥2 a) 5 Poy ‘g 3 Sh - So, = 404 VIO" = 80.256 = 90.26 om? . Spy = antileg 2572 = 2.60107 mak Iyenhe b) SoLibibietad Sel 02 base una preston Let aie = 760 Pasa, saber Aire, traur dh, hasle alcangar 4 ppon Oy = 2B VP ace (hb bol = XP) "awa, saber puede t te 195 Uo oa nt) com een a prention det mim ty 2. la mréameT; cakes eo o 6 o oe e o o e o 0 o o o oO oO oO eo oO © oO © o tegrbre ay eeurerz dases weeny 4 eomieome, 73.: pow es WAP Marerid op We} > TY Kew sz00n k . FOr eed a usrnid weg 9 eqns yop TO PO ty way geo HemgrmrTp Og. >,045¢'= 1-4 1H H 09 ON Kab eas wituye: wun wag 9p weyd EDEN ELRI ~~ 46 57 Wr Dowrmpouge oe rb v6 op popy um) (p “es908 (2 v2 agnjosuy £9 upSse 19, and e6v0dn: ‘g6ae x09 £ 2 soy # RoEA pshy = HS Rsrcp tr = WS = oe = 60% omg = Thy eee Saree ive ne WY I 10m IY eres sob Hog Of s+) tnd p omb Pr bY Heth g on + 45 20 Oy 9 wr game RN Per awe 7 Lk yw © rb wmsrebee Symeme gre = 0% one = My “U6 Zoe Huo” WL | ; ft ae = ey “= Fy, ; 2M? ogse = hOEA bY My P= MS oa ae 7 + Pueinenz a7 oe wobay jp EP gor ecKb = Ss by ump = ty Y Bie ue popryryrgee oy ap apmaye ~ SOF 286 = Wen N/ ry wow, ornare =% “Of wwe foe = 994 sho ay 3 | eeme ay as fa weose = 8.44% 09k ww x of (9° EOF SZ = hoe ssh = Me <6 86-06 = seep ssh = Hy wy = Me CBA Sy wimeon = "hy feuoradd einrme waz emery mee Ty. ae emp ~ vw = eae vege fSht = Oxtpfok = 31 pp ewod peneni ee — PN ewan = WAH = YY pod areca oe le 7 ; : GRC 20 ) Ho ue oe her umy to yom ap boy vy cou © Eyes, = ores 0 = hy Pre (EH Wout) wemaud 70% Ty pe pompromer 2 sotires oO o . o Nth = Ye, © ¥2 He () Aran 9180 + cesT me 3080+ cesceisn CD a «Em Jaquitibrio exialivan 1.5 motes te Hy porcada. Ye = 1097 ce 0 amok de My - Constante ob epuitibis: inks ~A6/RT a Xyp = FS/ES 40-8) = 0.75 ba Km C1094 498% HIB = 0.493 e Yay = 25 Kz 4637 6 : - Aireor . Las presiores par ccles em cf egetitibnia + Pe = ¥6Omnn Hy pee: Ks Se She) e ers Wy, = O95 x FLO = 570 2m My fee). oO Fy, = 025 «760 = 190 ona Uy a Aer0> = 4 (enleala pero), let gates po demos seipuner gut 0 Ae competi tlecSanente * : o oon Ccitesle de ba conatamle ae la bey ce pce Yoes. eee Ente Colla Ty baja PR) ne xsard sees G Wet ne ly 2 KVP Preniones pan cicstes to lugar de 20, aeCivielades : s Kia mae a /VPi> = 20025) /7e— = 9068 2 10°F (ut Ee SVS 2p Bs OS75 41 20.575 alm. 0 20925 Me Kz 0039/0 = 4.415 « 1? ‘Med alo oO ¢ Reampbazamde; 4.637 = _OST5 0 ~ Calbeslo det Hy y Ny of tauetle om ta colada. a 0425 © im. ant as 204 x 10-5 Js yo My = KV! =» 204 x10-* VF% na ens ninl a paisa © #3 mak Hy = 2.4652 jor} = 0.002065 oO ‘ : 2 OX oe donde + Bi = Bi/xi © fy Emme Me 4405 VEE Begs 0.826 Joasy = 0.9r2 : © = 0195 cma % Ny : : © LG €1 Fe contenido en una sleactOn de Fett con un 85,45 de Stones de Fe se ~ Cibeuke che ka. errergen Libre molar parcial fe exceio fh © Ode is ficSiente qe #1 M1 chando se MIT8 en eqtTHbrt0 con una mecl8 98, '@ tn & aleaciin: (7.23) ©o “se0sa Formado por 57,55 de H y 42,54 de H,0 en volunen a 1 atm (101.325 N/a") Es Rt ent; Smee gays, de preston y 840% (1113 K)= ae € ee Oey = 4.987 1185 bai R72 bat : ae Ge = = 73-75 comet o HEL seacrdy edd = # . i ateactén| {4 prestGn de vapor del Cu de una aleactén de Cu-Fe a 1550°C (1823 &) co o ais 2 Tunci6n de 1a compos i dada por: Be 523150 9 1,857 cad (18180 + 7,767 9). On eeempastclbn ofthe a e fey + 40° 0.792 0,476 27 e nergfa: Uibre aster parctal de excero det Fe en la aleaeifn, supo- ot Mee cal ° ate Mey (a) © 0.5 0,486 0.889 oLa9 e — ft ne uo Cif ile le ta. réigin. bra a USK + eq (Wim?) 12,93 66,79 59,86 53,20), ; eee szio testo zaste facet sto eemorTiee welds ™ : 40s (»-00C1) “2 264201 © U2-M9 2p UoLDEaLE am 4s 8D LE pIDLA}ION Bp 59I00}21,809 501 T pomp bhere- = ” Cazenpork ~ orth ~ = 87 yerasmesper gE = (£6770) 496 P- = (S047 50 + Senys0)4867- = SV Fee wed SY 27 PIpeg - | pomp biti = {er2F)OtA - 058- =, 87 ere? Wert = (eseo-) 29 > (eor4-y £0) £967= (80-7) wy (€9-4) + €O%7 £0) Aebt = SV Cae 42009 Px) BSD or errbex eauen ger ore (sip 058- = H9) £0 = "2X MEd sy 20 amypa- 4 WSL HY = 997 2 wpitnee 9p puebagar smoue reg ibeeg vy “10 = x 4 er = OF “(ore esr sss Lone “amy eet seo esas Court yn soo ete, ", ugiaysduan a4 sp u9}20nj U2 ofege spe ep 25 (4 021) Dekh § “Ae el ate ap [eaBoiup TydyzES 1 “oDympuipousa; oWuayueyssdve2 Asap Z sya 5D o1und 42 29597 sayade: $9 aD-My ap epiIps upiDea;2 en oi) £6580 = Ye (4120-4) BbOF = #4 749 = AID Set607= Ag : 62600 = Ag WF Az iE OV ad oy = Cage's TL te oe ee ad APE O = 92y mW Ae ap ema yury » EARS 4 C2 Eva ber ELBE bbbSO — baeRP PAET-O PESIZ. bho BIEKK -EEhO-O FoR ag hyp Hx ty RUF ~ Taypag 7 Pw rngemepom d ae yu 16 wor we Ly oeagon 107 0005 Ex 2 = Var dy: (st4) 9997 Ded 2p epmyps Ep 2EE 4etko bbe0. Heo baree 0780 bred hho BLUE 58 28'0 2840 z00 "fry 8 Ways e my m0 (= °°K opwon2) by mete xp 59 = 92y sey gey wy mp @t97 Pu 22x £9 22 Cs-3y pore mucpmpar rey ing : wp Bhininy BbED b4h0 98H0 | Enso OH 2 4/20" 9kbO 2bLO or + Px. “{ €2BU) 2.0881 & A ups zear¥a>V09 esa # AD [3 K-94 [2 eam ovsyu {9 52 0419 anb opuayuodns +2129 "x opuena 94 (2p pepyayaze e] 21M218 Colcule 1a eneegla Mbre' solar de mezcta y 1a energfa Mbre molar. sntegrat ese de soluctén para. un (60 que contlene 80 étoms X de Cy, supontende qu jeactén Cu-In es una solucién regular. an Sh ertinac, ; Ef ertimaz, Conscemes acy, Sorconecemet La Tz, 2a concenTrasion « Come ae Gata de uma sobucin regular (4.25) RT kn ¥en = © %Z, I cate RY én ba, = oc x2, C4) . depyande & ipuatando : BI hn Seu. BE in ven Xin ey inbey 2 Lnten Xen Xen Reemplazam clo para Xcy = 0.8 ro bey = 0.22 Xz, 20.2 ~olan= ? fa Van. tn 0.922 (0.87 (0.2)? Ln bag = (0-8) (2.03) = - 43 Yau = 02025 ~ Cateutaned Gf, = RT tn az, Cz.= San Xen) = £997 x 1300 kn (0.2325 0:2) = 2,583.4 (299) = E516. 8 calfmnol - Cateclamdo Ef, a RT ln adey 24.98% » 1300 bn (0.922 x 0.8) = 2583.4 (-0.304) eo = -¥65.3 cal/mot MO, Cale tamde AS". Gre ke Ga ex Gee © = 08 (- 705.3) + 0.2 (- 75168) 2 (+6282) + (1503.4) = 243.6 ~ 2/22 cal/mael ~ Caluslande fa onergin tibre molar tnTagral oe excess xs ats ats Ce Xe Gey + Kew Grn de 723. BE 2 Rt be be, a x208 zy b= 0.92 GE 2 1947 x 1300°K tn.0.922 = + 209.8 cal/mob pera din: ~s Gz = ter x (300-4n 02725 =-3555 ah /mol GX 2 08-2028) + 02(-3,358) = - 837.4 cal/moe: 10. ta entropta molar parcial cde nezcla del oro o en una aleacién s611da de 0.2 03 04 0,5 0,6 0,7 0.8 0.9 Je metcls de una solucién que contenge 40 Stomas X de cobre feterminada a 500°C (773 X) y por enctna: del rango edepleto de soluctén, ° COCHECOSOCSC TS SISO SCAIOOSSS 922298990599 Ba ¥. ade ae -s [ro+ro+ rot be Men Pe/rer SEF = z S10+204 t20+%0+5s0480+ TOF ]So=s [ons + : z wy ys ay ey ] yes b eemndme, wor ap whee vp prwrtty bepensazen oF Speraprery stem $8 Ya: lho 5:0. ip pins bor, vomcon ea are ee reas * (o~ mp) 2x memy ( s'4* sae ) wo2 PX aenp wabnyan 35 a ° a 20 bho EO HOF tht ber Fz kee 95% Ws 06 Oh. €e% SH OF £90 EHO StO BO »X/My ho %0 £0.h0 S50 70 £0 BO bo 8X $0 #0 £0 90 $0 #e.€0 20 Fo vx Ys ap eroumy ws 2¢/m we Pore xy Fepunpdnesida oman eer yiesmmyosh mprre rg eed - "x « Vep: ak hon Dy NsP° Ary i 7 [257 43" +f eromeziog 0 = 2S 2 ep Oran ap pomod ondonsun vy Coston hay oe losod) p=" med mh Yerpme viprery my, : “ Ven at a a nee - “(Rs won pemsy 2% x : SP Fry. | “5 Bs. J hon toy box "2 b mar emryy dur wed sspasgur yx be pg soe Se serndns wr eey 72" epruryye posbezur voor ip whee) “207 gervems or epimendsy "26: sey roger ipend nay vi see 2 Yer Ay = sp spealadee = "3, 30. ied, ce o= Der x + Nop Vy o= sp Sy + Yep ty lr9) mryag ~ 99% 2 wenwmd wy 40, 4 08) &) sn is (rs) ASN a Hy Sh + xg 55 pare Xe, 204 mm BEL e 0735 eal/mnets Ok Xgyt e6 mn BR = £04 catfmrel-°& (dale) AS" 2-044 4735 + 06, 1409 DSM 2 1.32 calfmonl. °K (bre molar parcial de exceso de} Fe a 1600°C (1873 K) en soly- diferentes conposichores se di sequidanente out 1 OL -02. 03 #4 5 0,65 0,7 0,8 0,9 Urge cal/mol : 0-15-40 89-260 -620 -1330 -2030 2730 (BEE, aymot : 0-63. -167 -377 -1oas -2598 -5565 -8494 -11422). enerofe Mbre molar paretal se exceso de] nfquel en una soluctén equt- Sa precede ce -mamera rimilar «fa anTeror ? Su oe ignas eee te de | den = | d s Bie in Tegea. eade. Xy> 0-5 (Xie = 40), haat Xue (28-9) ae Oo Fe mi Xn Kye Kyat Tomamet ua enercla de 250 calfomod = 10mm Reauklan 10 tinTeraler Aplicands ta regla. se tes Lraptcios 3 —xs Xn t aes (Fn), 2s . { xr, dee : ye =05 5 2-250 [ 129.09 0.82 6 ose + aye +043 60.37 eos e027 core a] 5 Xp 09 Ob OF 06 AS 0.4 038 02 OF 0.3 0y 05 06 OF 08°09 52-250 [41] = - 1040 cotfamol 9.0. 40 2.33 45 4 0.66 OWS 0.25 Ott ae a 5 Gy = tO enl/nook -40 -90 -260 -620 -1330 -2030 92290920293990999 eacereeeot 60 80 £0 9:0 50 bo. eo x0 FO *Sy fe to ¢0 40. S50 90 80 BO 0 MX “SX x sn We boy o21g 00825 Bowsy = ’ “sx ee “sx bo = "Sy 1% Sap | = PON S9 bap + a"3y 1 depts over fo penby wardy ag BH CEST Zee USST STOTT 26241 66T SoTL THOT To 20 co. v0. So 90. i". 80 60 ssonep saquajn6ss sot ep siased & (x G00T) 2020 # US af sv9}2009 and us-1y 9p iupidea]e eum uD oversea 10098 OF 39 et 3199109 "ETT 2ses0 = "Fm fo. thoet = "8p yy a4 Pp teed toons = 78Q StEr0 boys2me = 7Be steeo = 78g bey seress [Ho+sro+ eros cco+sho4 : avs Jato <5 | Somadhon, 199 27 wzlou wp embag 20+SkO+ Sb OM ETA STE SETS (e2peaanses 2) memes = S200 2p wpm eur mein, (o=28% wy we) 1 wreey (cz = OE) vis 8x -apeap mabegin ag as ns opvay £00 9800 HHO HAD Nez HED zeeO THe SO "2p boy rx h 8% St Ob B90 HO sto wo BBY 28x . By boy YP meminy ot SER Faas eb ard retanteoy wel "% Yy oo Sa lrr ag | — = LY By) os see germ “YK “6OO"T GI2"t wBE'L Iss"t t2e"T ‘g6a't g60°2 corte testz > NA eo so 10 $0 sto 0 e020 10 = s0p1u2490, SenRP $3409/05)s s0F 9p 4}248d o> and v7-18 9p Up}>D"—LE FUN UB 19 Lap PI x q0 40 233° £5 40 B66 O92 s ) Xsy fog by 0017 O.04Y 0.079 att QUE 0192 236 0246 OH fey : Ugg = antileg: 0.13495 Sraficane: : = £3638 ans Yq Xm Os, 3 43638 x 04 energfa Vibre colar: parcial de exceso del In en una aleactén é¢ Cu-zn Vauida a 1027°C (1300 x) pue ser represent Bip (ealieot) = 5150 (1 = azQ)* « Nevle la activigad det cobre 2. 1027°C (1300 kK) en una soluctén equiatéatca, xs T= 4300°K G2. ccalfones) =~ S189 x) @ ce = iseso (4-2¥y,+ Xe) @ Pano 4: catewlar 6S, = oiterenciand (2) AGES 2 (5150 + 10,300 Xz - $450 x2.) Lofegrande desde Xe,~ 04 (28045) had Key # (20.0) > ae sm = 10300 dX zm - 49300 Xz: S Xzm Toreames uma ecerda, de 0-925 (4 inlerva fos) ze : = 10300 IXz,, U-Xan) Apli sande taregta de for Trapecior I GZ? . 40300 (4- Xtm) d Xam Sa oozs [ set? + 1240.9 407 4 O55 4 OFF OF - oe ba ecumnan Se Sibra- Dehew + e027 + 0.17 +04 +008) Xgy dE22 + Key d GZ = 0 S= 0025 [5.39] oe ferpe samda : 9220322399399095939 ay iy Sopwryour424 1p shang SPX or). dha? Oost * £867. Bx Toot (79 Mp72 0023, ey op Y2005 2 pp pepnyre x yurroy 207 (9:0 =02x) b:0 = “2x weed 29 cotmmepmrpen s roreg eee at Iss er > a8 seem ised Gd reser NEE SBF ab o2uase wn vs agen top sodte ap onions rey ole, PD RTL + 1 601 sse'0 = ah = 5 Rs 60) CA RTL + 1 601 5500 = abs 6 60 “ mo Hee i = 5 "6 60) SCS Mater ea FO rat ghey = 9 4 bot 3% temao sopép dbase ‘sound uz 196-9 190 “6 9p ut vd *sonén op ePisead oy “anumuenyyaaésos x & (1o4)(onesb)/129.u9 sopesouées u43tD 1k y spose ¥ (2% 0005- = or ay hoco- = ?p $0 * 8090 = "2p "29 p n> pep pypilsre v7 © 803° = Py zs 8b60- = pug ooks* 2867 oo “ “Fee = Re fons aovosg Le wp139494.vp)ae194 a7uiaynbys #4 aAsasqo “F>T> "9 2a ihe ag eT Le me PE td x qpurm(e) prpinyre P rMmisrer yp opps ~ : re) O/T? SEBTE " (s2°0) ob75 - posse. . 8°="X pao (,0.-y9'0) 0545 - = (32) (otro) 4 92x oper 9 = 029) : oad Oe Ry EE HCA oa FO OKe ay [ate] = "(207 20) wet ; ontzy $203 mapa corer | = ep J sontay som "y. ‘ (b="2x) g a“FY pear pepzozjdeum ted separyur rting 19 = (80 = "2x7 $02 °%K ieee serene xray 99 seazune rybe 007 ayer (er aeabrper sprod og (2) “xp By oor'er- = “29 p a te : “2X PAPEXTF) 008 OF * oay - = "op PMEy ipa aay sony te 2X 2. “xp ("2x -r) oor'0t) Bax - = "op 10D we “Zap ap seen po opeeryer - sx2 an “2 ‘ sx ay Panet: balleule de tr aclividadahs Cobre (kc,= 9-6) dia Sz 2-2 (- £EFFE)(1- ¥z,,) IX, de ta eonaeiny F34: ey = Mey Key dén b= = fea dfabs, cei) 0.4 e 0.6 Reemplayando (4) om Cée) = 09598 Pare sfeulo de ta Prenion det Co at rlado dn Sg, = = Xam (3.3552 U-Xz,) d Xa 3: Cdleuto fe del Cro lado piero i Xey CPE, \.a 1 800°K Coemmeers ii) fey x - BED al bag To 24 = - Xen. 3.3553 Uexecyd Xe, teat = ~ 42520 _ 4.24 fog (t500) + 13.24 2290972999099305999 dba be, = - 3.3552 Kg d Xam 1500 Baler de: bc, nando Xz,7 0-4 puede obfenere ean oO de La ceusetrn anTevior bnswa integral of finite, Be = 4864 (078 on Hy o Skink ruperior seme Kz,2 0% (Key 206) y et oO Limite inferior neve Xz =O (Key = 4) Z) Poy enim bramce dade ¥z 204, Keys 0-6 ° on a ie d =o a ‘ Kent O4 «Por ta bey de Raoult: © fa bey = \= 3.3552 x 7 Xam dem Reseiveisny = 2a - FA © Key ot Xen2e oO : ye pet B, = Gee Py i. Xe = = 23852 =| . © lem Seu Jyo.2 067 lta Sead pesas 2 xyz 3 atst x 4.864 612 amo My © caande Xen, Vep= 1 = fal =0 Bo = 2.233. x 10 mam H: o : CF t e (tJ a err (0.9%-07) id) By, en Pantamo bromce oO e "Ke, = 0.6 a = - 0.2684 = Prensa del’ ty a Le amisma. T Tomomdo anti fon Pasod: Celeste deta actividad del £m o Xzq= 24 (%.] = OY 7 = O14 Xeg= 0-6 bn 3, = - 900. i x2 Bn =~ F987 n ys00 | Zw eperrday sod wire tbyo uzmsiarp ~p Sport 2g — W2x a+ vz xp | te ated J) = Fry be, e (a ree aa) * "Ng Serp (2x - 7) : WAP PRL aire = x ~F, eo hy 6 P (gx $2) 86 iy Sopp jw » (Y?x-5) Wexp (SE x - Tex )asee Tea = bye 3 be Sire ‘ (“Fx p (S2x - Texyeezz-) way - = My Sopp Cp 2 “Ee Boy ps 2p sepon yr opwoSe;dusrry - a Buy ™ Be Copp way - = Buy Coy p Coen) 20G- C1g 2 meonse OF puranly scorns “Zyp (“Fy “F = wp (Sx - SEX) abre- = Fy bgp sok t4at + Eup: SE gare =F 2 bpp ve aesy)s “Exp Zy eno tee jo 'Ey be; oak (ZESH SD) XP Fx (oreo 5) 'g S07 p Maeda AND opuomurens re : 1 orey sh90 - Sx resy + [2x greo- = "Eg Sor i ra heater o- =” 0; (42970 +. 2x A227 ~ Fx) a60 g Soy eee 008 a. Kasra + Sie99e< pPallresy * aae-)= 8p bop : 2e70 = Sux 1 y¥.000F PF £7 ™, ce Php 8g bop op emeredt>, oom pumyroy rom Hg Hx o0ot) 26/24 ® 2C"0.01s2u6eH 2p eoyepae up}2004) wun av2}2009 amd UZ-Fy! 9p ups2eaye fun ue ojszuseu [2p pepiayaze ef £ pepiatnoe ap a1uaio1ja0> (2 94894" stegsto +ci2e iae't - S28) (tanto » he =) « "2 60 (e990 agit 99°t ged) (tea'0 + Gaby =) = ZA Boy 408 asseivas 94004 apand uZ-6H 99 UOHaROLE RUA va 2U19 19 pRDEAI22e 9p 99021213809 13 “STE Gy mur Sepp 2 S78 BL* bIz0 = “By zy Fe Ey Sh aymmy 2 bag my 20 - “UL + R2Qeng f2 wo eZ pp uarermd, Sy meme sieges = 2h SLES os “, bev (oasrrSey S540 ~ Son) = Ey Sag S25 atid ameper fo en pp eitinng storey bte0= "Fe 28/20 = 0 * 9hS'0 = "2p ponsco = “Fe foro = a (0, pn Ee uy (70) 249° ey wey Ein un erisol de alinina se halla en equilibrio Mero fundido que cont 705 mess 2 de alumsnto a una temperatura de 1727°C (2000 k). £1 egufltbrio epresentade por 2.298 XE5 - 2.298 x$5 s = 2.298 x25 4 229 xt5 | 2.298 XE, M203," Alpe cee pest? ate am do Fema mente = . y #2, ? as Kon «218 1 d fog 84 =~ 2.298 Xz, I Xam Reso 41 LniTegrecrdlo tmTre fos Limalin: Kz n= 068 Chg) como LemiSe superior y Kimt (Xtq= 1) fb liméte interior, Yyg= 0.32 Xe ,20.c8 | d fez bug = [= Xd Xe, {4) Lag aisas atbatcas ded AL y, del 0 Hon 27 y 16 respect vanente. Ange 4 Kz, 2 Ken et | as Xtn : 7 2.298 X, T= 2000°K AlOs = 2/4, + slo] 7 : fe ae 110s Fe, a [t0g YsTrqose” £49 Sag), [45 L. ° Ab = 0.0105 ana% a Lette ‘3 a Keooo 2482 540° : O« 2 mah fre Reselviende: Cuande Kyg> 4, Uyg= 4 22 “94 = 9 Selvente: Fe = Reemnplasando en ba. conaTamle de €- [49 EngDeqgoin = "092 (ace *S- 0°) guilt Kevlemxo «fo)? (amd Al fai) [Al 03} 22 ta acTividad det Al03 tr 1 (susTamcia. pure), dando: 0.92 (0.3843) " fog Syg =~ 008808 Enq = 0 14586 Pare 5: Cabeutande ta actividad Jel Mg cuando X= 03? z Ka (0 £0 Fo) (mam Abe Far) donde fay Fxg so tor coebicinTer de actividad del Ox- gene y of A Luminio om la alaiten Teraana.: ALO = oe cate a ta conse 1305 fo= fe = fo ang = Eng x Xng Ang = 0.4458 ¥ 0-32 Ang = 0927 7 20392929939999599 rs uy = = [U60-0) 16-5 -] yyee = My Brusov =9 .:oxzuny- ny few ner iaprun Dig 20 UnpacpP Geey toprumy, (e 90pe-0 boy ‘S712 Wor eprtrre 2g * guard 72 us ouabrxQ PR PP BIG wcrmbsd vy 0 ang wey ower 0g > fay 102 000d 2p pues y > oprgyp Puambod Lue “eee ue 9 rw us popywer of rrb opariger mp — S : eX HE wee a $0279 Ue opmapera span p romempun ys re te Ip beyonce 2 Oo opr iumrve sopen p> mi Hog osdues wed "(779 Un inal = Rpdewnae a expe 2 2299 epucpon woe?! My -mewprope> Pe) wor k 9 Kew 3p trae va smvey > on ve my = pee PR Re ue? apeoudporue ln An1y002t LOUD A IF erer 2169 leg : ssgpey erases tor O20 porruwin wusos un marcy speed oer “vow ra> W 9 oumrounsasche aed wip a loxyues sod mapper 2g C2 OS) (0% em) = gor sire (7) 0 Kew peg = My boy (77 8 (9: auomern? 2p wuerzere pu opurmjoury ~ CO) NG) (0 Rome) = yore ve _ BAOPXER Yb EO (1G) (Ok) = are ©) CV, or » (oxem) $9b£0 = ox z01 gly -$070°0) (0% ue -2516'0) * oF x29KE 1 9709 syrah ap azure; cue v7 U2 rosepen vor opunsey09 00 0 Rewyees- = My 60) (0 Sew x pe-5-) + bboy = Wy Coy 1 (2) 4 Gomme. opucleduary ay bo; (es) OR em = My bog (P) 42 970A oe spirebogdisnay pes = 3 : ny (srre-) * Fe= 9 OW WPT TSR bbe 2p fond 113 0 x ew = My bog: yousp or WY bap + Wee ENG boy: : owerun mp gozb0-= 94 eea0- = Y bop (SHE Kem 50°90) + P boy = 0 box (2) 49 (9) f tarep gpurSogAurry ~ (p fa av ere = 5 boy eae eee eee eeeae (294 baz + 04 boy = % boy tn cdi), (0988)" (0,001)? = 361 2 10> fi2a) 916 nfo? f sete tee Qrumumer bre valor gus pit ile Aer magi gE Gue Seriual y region re observe gued valor cabaslacl com lei) 1c ecorea ore ahya de 3.644 10°% se hard bas corres: erones mecena at, Zi TamTeo: 0 = 0,002 ms Fag = onTibg (- £:31(0.002)) = 0.9% 1éiy Corte) (0.002)2 = 3.64 x 10°F nern jo? #- 3.64 107 ’ 35 TamTeo Fan» anTiteg [- 5-34 (0.003)] = 0.9T (ey (o.969y8(0.003)? = 64 10% 2yxdo® x 3.64x 0% 0 2 0.003 ma % 48. TamTeo 2 0.2 0.0035 a Yo Fae = entibes [- 5.34 (0.0035}] = 0.9581 _ Gy (0.9588) (0.0035)? = 3.64 wo? 3.931% 2 netx oF Ee 0.0034 mar % fre = entiteg [- 5.34 (0.0039)5 = 9594 (09574) (0.0034)? = 264 x 40-7 ~ geet x 108 xe 36te 107% rea pov te T2870 Ha). 9.9034 ns brio con und aezcla de Hy-H,0 en Te ma pura a 170°C (1973 K). El equt- icin de Fe-Cr tiega a} equ = 0,00283, en un crisol de ()reasx * 29) Jcton en equitibrto contfene en nasa: Cr: 1.9085 ores de. os diversos pardnetros de interacct6n. $90: i: 00218 y 0:0,0022%. ee gieere Meus. ede o, 0b = -0,0580 9 eg “3a anterior a 1760°C (1973 4). = (H,2) le Ya vartactéa de 1a energta Tibre de Ye reacetén gIt0_ 9.00353 (Ha) + [OV 000% = bala exprenidn Le fa ona tamTe de equilibria, las, mclicriclades de Cp mand Al's 0.031 ons % 2 0.0032 ama JL sd da per aun Presiones parciater. ke. LPo) Hi, f- (mt 9» fo) ts donde Fg ts ef cocficéonte ok aclividacl def oxigene et fos gare le Aer veemplaga- aleacion Fe-cr-Af-0 (Fe = colvenTe) ce acuerdo a 7.3%? ° si a fo= fa x fy « fo o er AL 3: fag fy eons £0.20 + mA % Cr. Eo + ams ZM Cg = 20032 (0) + 4.9(-0.058) + 0.034 (+ 3-15) ee ~~ 2 2009290909299990939309959 eeeceos2eceee2tese Pees snap egrrene op wn Pep ras 2p LIT: oe ormap ~ ©) 2y sagem % peso = 0189 wos (Pg 2 Heer). (4 B22°0) Fp PEL o: omy orb BOs fe 1 a Be certo = Z ‘ = 2 Muy ruse ey op uessidey v7 WD eplvola/Iussy — rupyo>edsiuy 2p. soinsupied 4 : ‘and sosayen sanuajn6ys"so1 v6vodns “(,0/n szctet) sae t 3p $9 209 Ue $220 = OK vw Std uyyso4s ey ys “eanpepces et 9p 0119) 1M8S Ud oveqéeD 2p opivewve> {2 aina\e9 ee tery bo, ca . : > (0 heey boy crete + aahg = = (on) coy £gh ce ( eee t BH = (0 xe) boy od opruasaides ease einpepios ei 9p ouabyx0 ap ctv) opiuayues 19 G7 a.£8e1 > 9 X ee 2p opm - (10 e Loca sen + ssurty = gor F ‘ (2yesapees 23) O- 9-24 Kemernge vpus = F824, BEY, onrbsro gop poprn errrpre p WY opug sere teenies ee ana F opaanoe 9p (x £181) 2.0091 & 24 12 va ugponjos ua esqua 29 Yap ou—d Foxy 33012 £ ouoqse> 1» ‘oungae> 9p op139}9 uoD oaue ap eunpepios et auesng “ETE. aim yey route) =y Fy I a FP F092 — = Moog verde op suey thos wp ap unrvsids> wy ue opuolssdunray — BEF EG -ELLE A 4864 ~ gor x8 = WT LN eater ne cet e WAL) © DUI “hora vp ap womens my Op OF H4) E431 » 2864 ° ae PM TE PD, : pacree 7 M7 pi aied : ee ee £619°0# Z£00%0 PYEEIL © terraveres eg 2p omg izirbs op ajunjruoy — ese0o0 ere Legizmrb> 36 yumjeuoro) wo opuote/din voy Fe? (kB) AUL= S534 = OV tbevg = Y (2) 4. Cat © Kemrwri wy 2p 24977 arbareg ~ Soro = % bay @) (524600-) + (20n-0-) + 0-= Y bog Kew ay [op z+ *™ p57 = (P09) yf LL maria. del oxigeno: f, per HGS: ce gue la canTidad inna %, cle Carbone presente on ° < log fy = 8 0.€0 + A KE HE, fe9 fo ccs < ba la rol laclurt ve attr peguima. clebicle agued fo3, fo = 0-229 (- 0.2) + ma he (- 0.13} carbene proce def C0, y mo cle una aliactin tomo feare fog fg 20.0958 # (-0.13 mah C) om ef care chek actro 40 TanTeo: CE] = 0.1 ma we .Sercemplaga en(t) fog fg =- 0.0458 -0.13-ma%c (b) 242315 = 0.04 (01) + log Cat) - Caleuh Sef coc hiaiale o ackivitad det carbone on ba. = 4.2395 gf - 1.009 afeacon Cormanta. Fe-€-0 + (443)? : ; . Di Tanteo + [e] = 0.01 ms% fe = 4% 6.65 + mH 0-6 3. Fe 7 cs = 4.2315 2 ~0.04 0.07) + Log (0.01) bog fic = 04 % Cx O22 + 0.229(-0.1) Se fog fe = 0.22 ms XC - 0.022% Ce) Entos Tamteos anucrlran gic. Wyalor Sutcaclo re encuen = Sacando togarEmo ata catasion (a) abate 3 fog 2368 10"? = fog (0.0524 fg x max Cx Fe) 3 TaaTeo + [Le] = 0.031% = 2626 = fog 0.0524 + 2 hog fy t log mabe + Loy = 42345 = -0.04(0.03) + log (0.03) < ~4s2 = 2.626 = ~4.28 #2 bog fg t Og mre + beg fe eea1s. $ ibe ~ Reemplagamae Cb) y@) em fa ecumet Tanleo: [€] = 0.05% anFerior : : = 009 (0, fog (0-05, = 2626 2-428 + 2(0.0458-043ma%c) + fag 9% C eee ita a a eae + (0.22 m4%c - 0.0229) ~ 42315 # - 4303 = 2626 =~ 4.28 ~ 0.0916 ~0.26mA KC + fog mac Tan Teo: [6] = 006 mwa % $0.22 mie - 0.9229 = 423/5 = +004 (0.06) + fog (aoe) ~ 2.626 = ~ 4599S - 0.0% ms HC + bog ms XC AIRS = E2244 ~ 42545 2-004 mah co + begana yc. Cd) “1 TanTes i Le] = 0.059 ma'% wey Ella ecuacion (dl) ne renuckve per Cameo; eee 222099090092929993999995 eCeeecoeececegeccstse Jorue $€4600 = Now fae BRT = NA ew SOECE ANA ¢ue = PbO-0.: ‘ (0) We epucbagdusry — fhe = Mf S$SSP-O = My bog S570;0 + Loreen + ° = My bog (pcr* oS) 5:0 + (Ore er) b + (0) NX vue = My boy Nog kew + N5-> Kvawes Na vie = My boy bean aed! My 2p opmpen (9 YN Krew = g40°0 (Pt) * WT XN ATE = gy50°0 TN ad OF *N Xue) 7% GY ee a atin apna - BAEO-O ZY. eLBE* br SO SSE PR OT NET. 1Yfog 7247 2S ee -=oV. crear rahe 2 ayuezncer wz 2p opm yay - F555 tb = OV (£284) Ws + 079 = 99 wre = Ma- ESI. 3p “prego. yeegar = eee : kote s0 = Tap 0 BAIT s (EN) ewe} = J] sexe ew ond Teron e[srodens ag rea 90 2 diate ep or rwb.ed “og wpaediuce ar ape (QP fh bie 579 tomar ib | powrbyao jo 90 5 “(e1 69%€2 + 965¢) 19 1 'ss099 = P upysead wh A (x C08 ou sonal y op Af om 90°92 wan goed sp YEP 73 ~osop) word re Soe + pore rg ek 2 kate le sot ov sere be. rosy EFL) «Bug sand opvayens 4 9 58 soto K 9 Zire gsoo.= [>] Feewe go 08 POPE E TP ~ F sretp- (8800) Seg + (6500) ho-O- = StEZP~ 8 La Termodiridamica de las pilas electroquimicas 8.1 Le reacctén en Ta pila ée cadeto-catonel ests representaca por: Cd + Hagtt, + cal HRCI + ate. ‘donde todos 10s componente: estin preseates en sus extados esténdar, La f. eeversibte (en ¥) de cule Tos valores de 46°, 45° y aH? para la reaccién antertor ¢ 40°C (313 siguiente expresti (8° 0,67 = 1,02 x:40°4 (T+ 298) ~ 244 x 10° CF - 29 ~ Cabentande €° a 313°k Eos 0.67 402 10" a con 1a temperatura (en X) de acuer= (303-298) -2.4x 10-6 (313-298)" a Be eT) 2 4.328 x10 3£) = 43, 0.68 £02 x 104 T 40.0309 2.9 x 10 TL Yd IO” 0.243 0.9894 + 6328 «OFT 2. Yeo oT* Derivands a P conaTanTe : ae at /p = 4328 109 ~ H8 6 10° T Cobeilande valor de cf cockicianTe deTemprratord J fa fen @ 33°K F482 10°C 303) Pp (BE), wn TE RO" votre THe [= ea'teule de ba Eni bpen io - Be : at = 26 [E-7(3)p 1 9. get - 453010 ~ 5.4 I ° 7 E76 6 fo? - 5.4 x 10 AH? 2 2x 23,061 [0.66493 - 343-494 x 10°") J B= O6C#PS ve AH” 2 -33;348 caf, = Gglleule: de B62 AGS RFE” ba S prow se Tramstutiin 1 beckon es deb Col al Hg -re- ass #F (28), ouaineels: £=2 ar Sta 2x 23,064 (499 x 107%, Fe rs06t clfy-eg-qr . (Faractory) 4 z ) AS* = - 8.025 col/grade AG 2 = 2x 23,064 « O6CFIS DG" ~ 30,806. cal. fn. de una pita que thene 1a siguiente reaccién: Ba 4 PAgCL + BnCly 2A 3239239309999 nee ~Cdtenle fe (98° “ (28), 4 pesténsrostirten 0615005 ¥ 4 2546 (2584) y 1018 V4 0%, (21 1, Sep theansante, eteaTe lev ”. Descarotlarate 4a expreaién de E* que el coe laciéa de enta 0.67 - 02 xt0°T 4 0.030¢-2.4 4106 (T2596 T+ 88,604) WEP UbbE~ = Ub Ee- = HV [haze-o] bhr'ze- = HV (,.0¢* 5967 -) Sk6- 26500] pose A- = HY [%(8)2- 3] 32-74 pemoewat Mz 7 er pRue ap eeomencue pp opmre> ~ speys- = yer000's~ = 90 ThS00x 190%T *b-~ = 99 YL 2h yy MOE eo 24 - voz i Mermyreng Ti pee shepwsrd h wot snaryur orb waswege a Worrons UF 2p FI2-=,99 (2sgg ~ebsoug 9p yususnur pe 22 opnypD ~ epee omen oF * 596 P- teprmeed ye coure uum 'umpeue> rer rrimucod onefe eZ h50'0- ShE0'O _ = TAS0O- SHO _ ay ae) BO X67 ~ = Seep Sibe = (3e) 4. = BEkOO-zhSO'0 _ 47 10) APM IOP” = “SRT SEF = (36 seouenyy 2 cay wed org Speyeo conrunned ¢ 109 va vod aguezinwes woe 20h opurrucd ny 828) poreprojos ShEOO zrhso-0 gesoo ASF SEbe sae SEA ry (S) YL + ovrz = Foy, + woz “(RMN S26°COT) ane 1 spay op opesgiP pnpas-013489.19 amb Lue wapepe ramaeaadee! HL 919100 mony “GF SET) e148 ef 2 Upjooead v1 naRd Gi A GST ‘GOP 9p sOmMLEA 501 21m17) “sate zeso'oaetoto sD Huser seer set 2 4 td) mr zor 2008 deo, ugrseud 9p (,w/u szetor) 6 1 fe ayqys2aas eaqujnbonn2aye e1)d nun ue sas0yen soruaynGys soy wausyamgo as wis ore = Zon + m2 sugiooray ey lng C8 MW pr bh8'S- = AV [(,.0 thr 862 - S904] oer * 2-= 40 v By we xSye x uomy wedap § wp ap b+ vom joup peng of hapetay Z ceey eyed OT = 0 us ‘taneyerss 5 ropomeponur lenjrs weroreae 3 U3 ae as [*(S8) 2-27 47 ~ cay. 1 yrdy nyu wp ep Heren 7 ap ey a7 ate wte/ar0 po = = "(Ge Me(Sez - 82) _ apie Raver —soor) = “tae) 1b epuiny oF w0d (Beazer sor io pyimrer 422 13 water 0 4 S707 yeB6E PA SOOP 1 Ww 2y (a Syr + oun = 2SyE + HE Hi @ ass = F038), DS" = 4x 23061 « 6965 «1077 AS*= ~ 48.126 e2S/grade = CdP cubs cle ba T’maxima. tm a gue Ue caters redveéra at Th, « dalm > 2 296°K fa AG 1 negative por fo 7uela reason cerienc favors. blemenle a ala T™ Se conadderemos gue MH?y AS mo Varden conai- sera blemenTe con bo Ty récordamde adeimas pete cuando ta reaceiin atcanga Uf cpuitibris i 6" =0 (moTiende ata dereche miata. yquierda] AG" = OH-TAS™ 0 = -29,920~ T (218126) T = 24920 18.126 T = 650.7 °K ~~ BA La siguiente pila se pone en funcionamfento para determintr del cine an una aleaci6n 2n-Sn-Cd-Pb: In(pur ICL-KC1-2nCL[Zn(en Ta aleactén). La fem reversible serfs Tem. Cs att ak 5326860 (te. Eat T4757 os. Baz 877) 78 16,30 20,26 23,32 26,20. Calewte Ta actividad det Zn en 1a ateacién anterior 2 esas temperaturas. ® ancpurey | Lice Kee Encl, | tn Cateacismy Lo reactiah ole ta pila puede wepreseniTarte ! Zn cmelal pure) = Z7Caleacean) s é Aplicando ta eesoaiin 6.9 + fog a, = - Zant: i aa “sts T = Cb esl de ba acTividal a V¥ltE CHEK), Valoncca adh imi fog dg, = — REPRO HIE TE 210: nen WSIS KY hog Bz, = - 0.18 ayy = 0.6607 + actividad a. 89°C (457K) 3 - 9508 De 2306f « 16.340 .. 49 fim = OTS EF ~S 54e3.245 azn = 0.6066 a actividad a 532% (805°K) i fog Ag, = EBB 2026010" 2 B3443E 7 See 4.515 * 805 3082.895 fog Fz m = 0:8 aE az, = 05576 = acTividad » 569°C (842°K) 3 bog 2 pez ey x 2S 32 IO! LOS. 56S + Fes dep 2832 x10 oe 4sts.x 842 3852.45. fog dan 3-0-1792 Ban = 25258 RARANRIA2333993B3309939 [0-01 * £2°€6) 48 “G01 Bh ox] H30'Cz x 2-= LOD sige 224 “72120 SP re polased capone eidpegng > epeeties yest = 25 908 * E286 pro'eE xz = ePesBfarn ary exct = Sperry coves = 43S NEE) 2 P22 = 228. (09:37 specced enpone spdeesng potefper seer ~~ P29 sewers iot%rxz~ = M9 34 P22- > 920 :(68) pomeed.anjoue m9y phereg — zstho = Pp Sih 9e56 PHE'O- = asscerer —= Pp bey fee 545° Ag. * Bh BEX PIO TENE ~ = P70 Cog. 1 515% ay PE 4-01 ap vamnesoe 2°08 si212009 900 e599 2p A esdonve ey “Unjoued setom . #1 e919 {2 £0 2,005 © AS Bp a2 SP s9 arb’ gtLey 25 (95-P9 ups2eaye v9}p9]71999-19 bosaaa ls eLsd suainbys em 2p dqusseARL “wey er 9°g (ele 179 = be 9925 hp E-ONSEBL HOE XE Ae Bip P2g- = Py we: P20? [229400 «tone 2491 orbsows wy 2 OpopeD ~ 1. be cae S29r = Seq = Pg ~ poy Pap > Pay ? pePrayow wp 2yu219/490> 2p 97740 > = + soo = Pe SHERIF OH =. Pp boy an7EsC Sex sich ERD ~~ OP Stuy FBOEETE ~= 70 boy 88 ugpoomen oy leas prmoony7e “7 xp opr ypy (rape so0te py (aint hip f A g-O7 £SE%pp = "Ue 2g» (0240 werowre)p of «py [loind mb p ae : “Atpumase oprase-as us ound ojeped {9p WL * seprsoyas UPIaReLe 9P eporPeL3 19 U9 12 Lap LEADING a¥lou 34qh, ejbsaue v1 X popiayyor AOE OL UNDLED “C3 CLE) 25005 © A oT xse*et op samp F 2° PL “FO $2 upEDEate ef ap opornda19 12 us ojepeT 19p } re era heme ah ae eee o-n2213. 12 Opvarasysuen *aeoLd-o4MpED 3p wpjnb4L.upireDe eum x90 {2 opua}s 4 7042293 £01 29 oun one? cund opymby, o1MpED aUD}a e>4dsLa2m19 tid omy ee 88bh'0 = "2p £5660 - = “Fp boy Ske tl0b - £43 x Sesh EH hieoxk * op xe ae x aarp ~ ~ “Pe bog (er) (fetk3) 2.409 > Peper ~ a ; : Hog =~ 42(2.08 x 107) 240) — Ener gh 4br2 mmiblar parent dd exaero - ae Hey = -119.38 el pmo? Gy = RTM by ans GF 2 6981 671 bn H25 2 1333.28 03.85 eatee : GY = 5139.8 calymmot 4) Le EnTropia pareod deexceso ded U C813) By) = CAyF (28) +R Ln ty] tropta y le entalpfe det U en una aleact6n C4-U contentendo 1. solar de Ua 398°C (S71 x). = £3 123,061 911074) + 4 S45 hog tox 1) T's tk La remceion em lm pila: ; 372.835 + (-12.9714) Yes,pure) = “Cateacion edu) © ~ 4946 mv BF 2 - 45.626 cal/grado-mol £2 WIE «WF volt <) La Entalpin parcial de exceno del U5 7tS oats es epee vte, = -vhoxndot BE), =~ OMIM grade = ~ 108 10 Voltforado Ax 0 Git EE ar/e a) Emergca bre molar parcial delexcese = 5199.8 8 e#t (-15.626) = Prevedomemte cabeulamnes ta activicted od Uinta ahenoisn: ; 5) Meg aga FU FE 90S ages 7 Hy? 3 ~ 5345 colfmol 8.8 fem. de las pitas conde By = valencia del meal, on los elecTroliTos este. pre~ AeaTe ef Ucly gus produce toner :368” y Ut, 04 cect, 2,3 bog dy = Bx 23061 242.76 x13 Ws¥8 x ' oe 4 800°C {1073 X} son de 17,80 y 264,0 mV respectivamente. Calcule 1a vartacién: ea energie extandar de 1a rescetén, fogty = — B442-5HE LL ary 307. 825 a Feo eM = KIO + Fee ay = 0.07956 fo, MoO, |(2-0; a0} Fe, FeO £2428 mV. ~ hele del coct i cienTe de actividad : by Mo Mods [(2-Ox)aas nda] COEECCOOOCOCOCTCE TAO DOOD EDF7393893909959 Bq = Bu. 0.0786 4g. 25 kos umes be oxczemone Tranatrertn dere ef electro So Fe Xu = Tex o-3 “way ere owes ee Tru oy * vesey pe X Tap SIE «www oorp = i. FPP EAE TA - = 99 77+ ON =. 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R= (00) B= (30, 0.23) adienTe = 9-23-09 2 4.7% 10°F ie 30-0 FER 2 K/2,303 Zp Ka 2.303K 2 IO? Kx 0.0488 0.018 mien“4 b) Reaccion Sel LingoTe. B. R= (00) R= C80 , 0.3) Pendienla = 9-3-0 . 0.04 30-0 Kx 2.303 x 0.0f “Ks 0.023 min~ tes de hi ena Hemposenmin-: 08 ow (Tempo, ens: $40. 1200 2400 + 3840) - Conc.de $ en Ta B71 5.74 3502 1,00 275 (149) Es evidenTe. gute ta haubburacion 20. tera a § per Taper, cone ce Lar comsiste em eb transporte Ih a gulre desde baticho a lx inlerlase , luego miene be reaccin on ba Coleraine, por he cust tra! cleramennieyon la concenTraccom . Tomes: 0 9 20 4o 64 st. 6H SY 3.02 40 0,245 (9v/m?) H = Cdleule de K pera cada unede tor vabores. soe = pang. 02 Jamin « = 2:303 | log 8-41 = 9.0463 mini" men aq Ke 2:303., fog B41 = 0.053 mint Soa eu Ka 23031 fog 8:91 = 0.054 main * 1 Omen © Ka 2303 tog BI = 0,084 min? 64: 0.245. Etualer de K pirmamer cari consTanTe, por Lo Tan To ba Teacedon es he 15" arden 7 Demuestre que el dada de un eatertal Exte re purde demosTrar facilimente conariaer amelo tes pe- woos de Vicka amedli. . Se Cine gee Semotlrar gue para una. reacaon he TF orden d pertade de vida. mein. th ince pen dioaTe. RRA RR RAMA RAAMAARHA*S SB 99299 <7 ee) 2m Fowayabis erga: BL Ge wep as ‘stamesadey ‘ap srurisve seq 66 SUjs24 © open’ 3p op}x9 19p up} #I0NL) FL, = el 4% * BRE ty Be as szsoa yy iy : ayy te pea eethei M iaee ay? MW, Ay Ae oo0e~ = x + mee x a [1e/xy- [1¥/oco8+x)-7 LOnrucdia coy s1jun aorrnerde ey punrasorry Bef Pe ete et S 2eftoooe+!x)~ ue tye ty voxvad safe Py ty ary oy xflooos +2)- PIP YGIA YP LUPE ere aajeE Lemna He7p? 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By rruwissy %) 29 *2y/p 2 Ag 85 2 V5: wpiap O42 BEY supper 2p Uprrress Curr 09) fp, © eguapowsee my Wed wuerae ey Is prepmyad 92 *wozeusr wz rb 92 Td apne Ter weuewoepioruen ¢ Ey weed porbr aor Ne Rae eye sue pepe ep 27h Youscdeap Wr eprimse) of 2 seize = 4a RO hap IP Weak our 2p ~rpeBtiv WED by v0. = 25 40 = 22 90 505 BY 10 tape mn roumornjues ue £ 2p opuarsweg 4 G+ V = OY Feepue Ly 2p Kerrere cum was (P 4 Pr er uprreuuar uss ~7 | Constante. se ve \s3) "Cntaite de La penolcente () > (53). 9/(en®) 0.69 1,21 2,10 3,46 | 8,37 oe wo Konstance de veloctdad x 10%, Re- e ‘ : aft) (5) + OZ 0 7 ! 90). aI Otte ee eee Tomamor 2 punter de ta recka? Py = (eras «wo, 2.834) B= (100% «00%, 3.73) Determine’la energfa de activactén para ta Auoracton. 373 - 2.939 Aplicando tegartmo a ta ceuasuia Le Arnheasss : re 1.007 nto"? = 4145 x do-* Legh x tg A ~ CH342E (4) w R T Ba Ba-6,956 Tonwowes gue grater : (fr) vs. tog K : dela cussion (4) x0 obatrre que lo pendunle de fa rec- bog k . 2.839 3.083", 3.322 3.837 3.73. 2 Goes gual 20.4392 E. R Yrat® 44S 44o¥ L092 4.038 4.007 ag - 24392 E = - 6456 : R & Ea E486» 0982 ae ogg, Ee 22,544 cobfimel £a:295 Kent met a4 407, gute. am iltintice & Locos tei valores He K— eg 10 Calcule la efergfa de acttvactén en 1a cenentectén del. cobre por Aterro pirtir de una soluctén de sulfate de cobre que contiene 1,325 de Cu/t1tro 1,32 kg Co/m) a partic de lor siguientes datos: 3.0 NoTa# abioriar log ole K, hay pace Tener a7 ten Ta. eb ae r Constante de velocidad x.10%, 28 ata uf no | as yt x t0-? “PKR A ECOL CF EOOFCO6890089000327333390339 bE 8% OSB. Bey PSR. 4.9 * Lf %kU- . BbEOr- bSbB- Beeg = B~ PD Boy Hh ER PD bay votuwmny wag ye Cae geety tetanic + comgptobey opuresiny >V.= Py Ay/a- iA ripe arene wy wed emu spy oe wemonog oy S ensepigian ve taay gon tay 9p 262 ramp osesd! secre ye touerney 0 obsp oe comaed to 1p sutnront any “WPISPELP 9p osso0sd (9 tard upjaeaya2¥ 9p eyBs9u9 ef 242199 OST OFF oy Me “915M 2p 2102}>43905 a-OPTT pote 6 TTT. ono y g01m0r se “49851 19 29 a1v2} 244209 (ace cor ett eset ae x 4904) sea ee £05 one. oro 2. daa OS My UD UY La Raed ugh 9 529094244909 S01 11-5 poui/per £th'G = 3 za tho tthe 436? * OP THE * 7 aaa @) e-MIIE- = ST EP MBE Clonee OF * 2art- = VFS HFS, | (1b 5 6 op x:59-8) = (rbss ot ® zy HY ef th : Me A Ufeus si woveades wk Y apap DAS 08'S 966s Bhi ress bey She SOE She oe ae Pre 4 8A tp: emyeel og uw (F) sarees ~ yer = yey Fore 244 2° terrence wy wrpdo ag ‘ “ramoree emesis at essed i.apuop orxs'z| ,orze'e] ,orxere 4 ¢ “OT X pepjaoqan ap na] . Yr x ot 4“ Ba (sse cit -8) R= (ngs «10% -10,398) Be 103998 -C8) yo yg (9.93 - 7.56) 10-4 89342 EL v04g R Ee 10.08 «198% 2 $6,302 cal O43 42 B= %3 Kealfmol 9.127" La constante de velocidad de und reacctGn # 400°C (673 xX) ex dable “ a Soave (573 x Calcule 1a energfa de activactén de ta reacetén, e . Fens con fe Arthemias Kafe RY G5) «Pawo. ba peaceicm f° ~Yager srs. Kyax xe ae “a Ta s7Ik Pare fo. reacecin 2: HIE n EB Kaz 2x axcdhie “ay Tao 6¥3°K Reemplasance C) em tec) e/138.4 8 /as02s 2Ue Vee Le . 5 ES E ee Nee Hass016° Tornande Legonilmes : n ElisB§.. -ffsiz.25 fog BE EMBB ES psy KO 0 - E tog ee) 2 (0 9300 B18 OVE. log 2118 = 248 8RAOVE, bag 2 HE 0.30 = 3.812404 EF 2 3.245 410% E nae 215 OEY 3:87. 10 rE = 0.304 £2 0301/5605 % 40> £2 8,32F colfmol £2 5,3 Keabjmos. 2ada 4 tens{6n constente ta velo (cede. por un rSpido aumento en Ta tem 240°C-(513 kK). Calcute 1s energta de activactéo de correspondiente a.ta Fluencie dél natertal 19.13 Durante una prueba de fluen de fluencta fue exactanente du Veloadad ole Fluameia. a Ty +503°k Sees @ Te 2 513°K zeye 2x ~— PR KP MRK KF FKP RA RF FFA AAA HAA4S8*4 349935999" “| 5895-008 7 280 Keer = G57 z 546-008 azo sours BES St Se:ce- oop aro sr Se , o- ° + ° X=? Gy, Xa 4 2S boy = (armeay ¥koes veod oprye> = MP Ie Peme/on a ajwejeies « » CLD 2 LP) qrounreniyy ob upmreny - 5 % Or «pore rar pazyuns =~ S08 EAy = syunpeed whine apse bum say 2999 mb FP bog sa woe): teuren 1 eet ah oe sermon ap army oe necting "0592044 9p wp} aeAsi2" 2 esBs9¥9 HL spiape ainoye> £ ugioonas e1 ap-uapio (2 syvomnD4,5u8 aujmi9a3g ‘Ps 3mP=4 G24 pewvas2 x04 er 00"08 (5082). 0° 89°16 . ate 08"69 (soar) ‘o*¢| , 0 ° ° 0 [3 E581) 9.08: 1921) 268091 JotSvt [(X £021) 2,0¢91 (2 0 9 ensayo 6 as “wiod toes 16) “seaneaae y owt ts tints tt op ae $277, OKA So gies £7! 76 4- org BRE ape pewn syn ravage TMMOPY I2-9¢ = 7 Pomlpor $3498 = 7 2% * €8/tor0 = 3 > Fo Uth-= Fy ow KES: jor-o EE Bre bbb ahi 2 fy FH ~ 2 boy Fem ely opuriucos — eo py te ee-sror/a—? roeospe 2 VE C2 prety darry on) oye erexpest/a-7 V = Xe : LE eer pawn 1a wen &. yes fe €OF * eps zg ? a fe AOD ip toner es veg meng - 4912-2 V =a: expr Premacteed © permraze oy wv 490 2 33 f00- 69.6 400 Lg 700-€0 = Se vepiTe eB amismo sleuke pare lor demar eater: Tiempo fog Comin | Tato yk | perk 748888 3 7 ° 3 4 os 0.36 ose 45 ote 033 ost ond 2 0,36 0.998. 0.72 426 3 0.52 0.66 408 aa! 4 07 - = = ‘ i Se deraronde que la reasisns tn oe 4% orden 161) Cheuk de tas arlocicladeuipialecas ce reacuon CK) Sa HOsK: temames £ punter ce la rel AM Ra (40-11) Bx (0) y= 22 OEE D Ontes | K = 7745 x2.302° 0.909 o-4 ng 1TRO KBB 25 OMS) Py = 60/0) 0-095. 225° Ka 225 m2. 5032 0.518 on2 . 2 Bg = a rk: BEGS09)- Be fe 2 2202 2 9.36 Kz 0:36 2303 = 0.829 > O- 25 : wa ¢8ssK 1 Pea 25, 9:8) > Ba (0,0) = O=0.8 2 0.6Y Ka 06 Ye 2303 = 6974 fo Oryas . beg Kv OYTO : : debe dames uma reckax citya pemdlienTe. = oe é Tek). 4703. 4730 eet vee: K mis) 0.409 ose oaty L949 YT “gag ato! 5.98610" e820" 5398410" fog K ~ 0.388 0.286 0.081 0.4685 ne greece: Pari: J cabeale de ta Energin, ce aii veciin a grafeen? te” ® bass i (LE PEALE waitin) + yeninde ence : : eA 2 Fee wee “0b 2b =A Boers Berfoos y= APE gy xe gy AONE waly re ‘grr em nate oy © sgn su age ibe epapap | epwofedu aay wreab-pou/por Zep ey” P/po 0080 = ye (erp tober 9 op © rely) shew rygeae, vats > BP Aue rircery eb coppers e bemay9 ond cop us ey Ply 6-95 = 7 Yes HL Gefpeo 5 ot hast = theo pera eha et Gia 4 FP BES ogy w gotta ~ = 7 srebire oboe = y - fa ae . pte ppeme, gp AP® ES * Or * 26-0 (007: ppm) Vo vouingns p03 ~ {0834 sp 7m 0 od ~podme rane ope ROVERS 5 O15 ogtay = NS Tatars. paesae Grey Fo- = 2P LEbP * 6 aed SOUR (OF = epsaigroeip ray 49d05 (ho~ S914 495) = % (awe-' 07465 ) = 7 f seterd ¥ rou ua . >- pas tae opus. fo ep ve) ayyjed ai: We 2p te wopross kos op voy, pOP* tf ape ny ea - Ws" aspyo* 4 sre yy epsun a4 Yps9D¢04 ap pepys0taKn et ap es 4mo1n9 -opyquosge "ose, av 1.9 59 taaajqnosep 349} j29¢ 52 upssyusuesy ap auay 072 v0 opuanse ap ugh #59009. 0959 9p x 26 6 22705 + ohh + 609 4 | a= Maslugtag sseosquosar Tost 9p seimpiam vavasiue> and sayeya}jusdns Wai Ptsodvonsap #1 39 oypou sod weitey opts ew (x pot) 2att'e Yos%y 57 PHAGE HL BP uI2PL05IB 2p Férna nt eujusaaap amb prpi2o{on ey gp 6 @ = 17.05 2 To 6,313 x40. € ve 2.2 x40" > Ve 22* off x 6-343 x 40°, 3.94 x vor® Viz 278,932.2 x 9.2 x.10% Ve 2-28 x 407? mol cule Jom? 169 IMPRESO. EN LOS TALIERRES GRAPIOOS DE “EDITORIAL SAN MAROOS. JR PUNO 617-A R.I. 15-05828-D - LIMA - JUNIO 1,984" Jace * escorts 29229909997 “av azutre'y el Gxfgeno es: Fovemedis. = heomelse (onto mtolio oe Lo Faster de probatiliciad : P= to-* ET (réacatdn alerecTa) = 75,000 cabjmol Ef Creaccest tnversa) 7. 50,440 cal/mgol La weaccion 0? ot MSTeurs * Ooccoria = Olmerat + G)escoria 542 prio ce Sp Rseheonige are io CON AB ey OF Bes = EO C907 Ile ps) 2p eats or 9 8 um rain) Vee Ip dng Jeep ryote tog SSL 6 1 -* ey 4 gL orapaue op He eee CMS ML oy x abe pb Feo : 2 eMefapou tag ST A+8 prt00 =x PL /eryoue | of * era9x coo = Aw 48-2 fee 94 of Q) ab-po Coro = 8 O/ Pew, Toray AB ghG F epee wy eh aby £0? S08 rays 59-3 : MO SB EP NPS ab aig eae free eeeeeeeee *° bor 46 £ho..= +bips x ee «oy. eeemse op 22 SHEP coy tn PR rpeens wesnyey a OOTY? 48 rere0 ony woterbouny om tere e wo oman : . 39 : 48 Hs = Baroy x oe ze 2 O25 ENE tig ‘ oe O° Sh Bb = TET = Phe FA spear watimgon ofos : Is rer = Sgro x OE +B 10> Boor = B52 ays ited mes “wor wed eprapeid (9) 2 winsu GP wre eure sting 20209 + Ride obsaly wmmnyer vy S aeet Pow oer, (4222 GY eg LPs hb rere = ee 0p « FON FRR d AE = box geszy 1) 7925-0 x 4 * : CAC ATO 2 pong -s7 3 (XB) 0D 2p ero oY OM4BLY ap a By PB ©0 pra: Bun FL sy 16 psp: mote yap wom (:¢¢ofcap spou un y f Mer enere neta up ie seer zen ¥7 tae 29k wh é Ey , 7025 00> 2p 2taynoud ourbreg 2g 2 ty hae ove fee vac Memiger taper ims @) | (wet “4xue] Mee: 2 % z be) Soe 8 / ayes AY, a 7 ensmspemery emscrrvne o20¥ frp yy =e sepusp : az a =A eO 2yem ug wraereaigy % P pegp CMOS ay em Sone gre aly % = bey oF 90g wre79 (0) 2 g FFM KEIO — sb poy rebwrs] = y : spuop 7 Cateula da Me (mara we (O)escoria) Leaps 2. z in99 fa a ce i107 Gr laforwe Oke: ag de 0a $60°C {273-893 K) estén daeas gor 14 O73; s ee I LTS. * Paok: 6.206 1,33 x 109 To 878 x 10% reemglasande on Zag i ¥ ro rs 28537, <. 19° 1? of wo : poe ‘ £065 -& x x h3Bx Bug = 2282 10% 18a 1072(3.24 x10) ig 5.10 x C5810 P23 yg $32 0102? yg 2tb pO? Yeo 5:32 4707? 5 206s 10-23, Hage 14 410% 1x wo JL C5.28 140"? Nfeae nsot*) = 44x 402* [3:30 2 10%, 00 ‘300, Tr S Reemplajzande Sp Mg > : 600. ce as? of 300, 3. = 62+ 41S 910) Tecan tol Far 300 “ : , AS: { C2 Tote sent be cre 10 T jar 300 : soe 1 ¥ 3 AS” = i (433 6D #62 Te 678 R107 T aT ‘300 Es Ta Tegramda : * AST 2. £33.c¢0°? (800-309) + 6.2 (tm 800+ bm 300) = Get wile de [5] romaneite i ae peerage! 4 “gge'e 10%? — gsr x 10% = 19280? Stent y et (900)? (300)? t AS’ = £33 x 40°? (500) * 62 (én B00 - &m 300) = 339 0 0% (4.97 2 108) BS? = 0.665°# 6.082 6 0.32 wa eat/ma el grade * AS a HOF cal/aele grate - i 2454 i costo 00te aA COCECOCECOCOCESCEIODSS SS

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