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Parish Profile

St・ Paul′s Anglican Church

Visalia, Califomia † 2019

The mission qfthe Church is fo 7‘eStOre

all people fo unity uith God

and each other in Christ
Table of Contents

Welcome 3

Who We Are 4

Where We Live 5

Where We Came From 6

How We Worship and Serve Our Parish 7

One Week′s Parish Activities 8

About Our Diocese 10

Who We Seek 11

Finances 12

Church Office Sunday Worship and Classes

St. Paul’s Anglican Church First Presbyterian Church
2918 W. Main Street 215 N. Locust Street
Visalia, Califomia 93291 Visalia, Califomia 93291
Welcome to St. Paul′s

Welcome to our Parish Pro蝕e. In血s document we set out a descripdon ofour church. We hope血s w皿

fom a good basis for helping you to discem ifwe are the right church for you to lead・ This pro釦e was

developed to aid in our search and ou址nes血e character ofour parish and community, Our COnCernS, Our

StmCture, Ouf gOals and what we seek in a Rector. The congregation of St. Paul’s

earnestly and prayeffully supports the Vestry and血e Search Committee in their

task, and we all seek血e guidance of the Holy Spitt in ca皿ng whom God chooses Ou富Praye冒:
’′Almighty God

A new Rector w皿be joining our congregadon after we have been “wandering in glVer Of every

血e w蘭emess,’since leaving The Episcopal Church and aligning wi心血e good gift; Look
Anglican Church・ A court ba血e over legal right to血e property was decided for graciously on
血e Episcopahans, and currently St・ Paul,s is worshipping at The First your Church,
Presbyterian Church. We are seeing God,s fa血fulness w出血e oppottuhity to St. Paul’s, and so

build for the future with血e successful compledon of our new church building・
guide血e minds
and hearts of
The members of our congregation are committed and enthusiastic about our
those who sha11
ministries and血ture initiatives. We remain faithful′ dedicated and energetic
Choose a priest to
in continuing church life through worship, fellowship, and outreach. We
SerVe aS Rector,
look forward to the cha11enges ahead in building our new place of worship.
血at we may

receive a fai血ful

PaStor, Who will

lead us, teaCh us,
and samCtify us
With your Word
and Sacraments;
who will care for
us and equip us
for our ministries.
This we ask
through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

∫生みh祐A懲易クn α〃初

Who We Are

St. Paul’s Church is an established and hea皿y congregation of

approximately 200 households with an average Sunday attendance

Of 121. Before moving to The First Presbyterian Church, We held two
Well attended services each Sunday. A large percentage of the
COngregation consists of older persons who are, generally, long血ne

members of the church. These people are very faith血1 and are

Willing to do what their age and health allow. One of our goals is to

PrOVide a more intentional and intensive ministry for this group of

PeOPle′ including regular home and hospital visits.

In addition′ We have a segment of young couples and children. Currently′ it is a struggle to keep址s

group engaged in the church as we do not have the programs that some of the larger churches of
Other denominations do. We also had a good number of youths that attended our mid-Week
PrOgram at Our former location. We want to improve our ministry to血is group′ and draw血em into

greater participation in Sunday worship and study,

especia11y when our new building is completed.

St. Paul’s also sponsors a schooI of approximately 350

Students, eXtending from pre-SChool through eighth grade.

In addition to the academic program, We PrOVide daily
Chapel services and weekly Chris丘an education classes

Which provide an exce11ent oppor山nity to guide our young


In terms of the commuhity, St. Paul’s has always been, and

COntinues to

be, a leader
in community outreach ministry. The large immigrant
and agricul山rally dependent population make址s a

difficult ministry. However, there is a very high degree

Of eoumenical cooperation in this area・

Where We Live

Known as the Gateway to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Visalia is Iocated
in fertile farmland area with access to every皿ng one envisions when thinking about

◆ 3 hours southeast of San Francisco

◆ 3 hours north of Los Angeles

◆ 1 hour west of Sequoia National Park

◆ 2 hours east of the Pacific Ocean

◆ 2 hours from Yosemite National Park

Serving as the cul山ral, eCOnOmic, and commercial hub of Tulare

County′ Visalia continues to grow in population′ diversity, and

SOPhistication. Once a creekside settlement, Visalia has become a

thriving community that takes pride in the small town feel and
high quality of life that accompanies its big city amenities.
Housing and other costs of living are but a fraction of that in other
Califomia cities. Our community is truly diverse both ethnically and economically. We
are home to titans of agricu血re′ farm workers′ military families′ reCent immigrants′

freethinkers, and traditional Christians.

The downtown area thrives

With dining and shopping
experiences within walking
distance of each other. In
addition to restaurants, yOu
Can en〕Oy SeVeral micro-

breweries, live entertainment

VenueS, and the arts. The
retail corridor on Mooney
Boulevard offers access to
national stores including
electronics, fumi山re, home

improvement, and sporting


Do榊)ntO机)n Vうsalia

Where We Came From

The first Episcopal Church edifice was

constructed in Visalia in 1894 on North Church
Street. Visalia was organized as a separate
mission in 1895, and in December 1921,血e Rt.

Rev. Louis Sanford, first bishop of the

Missionary District of San Joaquiny declared the
mission to be a parish.

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The church had steady grow血for血e next

two decades. In Apri1 1945, the Rev.

Victor Rivera, a man Of great energy and
drive′ aSSumed血e rectorship of St. Paul′s

Parish and the church moved strongly

forward. The first step was the purchase
Of two Iots at Center and Hall Streets, and
in 1948 work began on that church Second church bα脇ng 1898

building. On September ll′ 1949′ the Rt. Rev・ Sumner Walters′ first bishop of the

Diocese of San Joaqui叫dedicated this new church edifice. A new administration wing

and patio was completed in 1953.

Father Rivera was elected Bishop of San Joaquin in 1968. The Rev. Stanley Sinclair
became the new rector from 1968-1972. The Rev. Donald Cole then became rector of the

Parish in 1973 and was an inspiring and loving priest・ He left St. Paul’s in June 1989 to
become Dean of St. Nmchael’s Cathedral in Boise, Idaho.

Our present rector, The Very Reverend Richard James, joined St・ Paul’s in 1990. He

COntinued growing血e congregation and increasing our very active and positive

PreSenCe in Tulare County. Since 2009, he has led us through血e separation from the
Episcopal Church and the succeeding lawsuiL as well as血e transition in 2017 from our

beloved church building to temporary worship space at血e First Presbyterian Church.

St. Paul’s will now begin the construction of a new church wi血the guidance of a new


How We Worship and Serve Our Parish

Sundav Morhin容Service:

9:30 a.m.臆Ad山t Education and Sunday School for children grades l-5

10:30 a.m.-Holy Communion, Rite H

Children’s Chapel is offered for children Kindergarten through 3rd grade

(children are brought into the service for Communion.) Nursery care is
available for infants and toddlers.

WorshiD Su即,Ort Group§:

◆ Lay Eucharist Ministers - men and women trained by血e Bishop to assist with

the word and the sacraments

◆ Lectors - men and women who read the Lessons

◆ Oblations Bearers - the bread and wine used for

Holy Communion are presented at the Eucharist

by individuals or families
◆ Ushers - men and women who assist in the

Li山rgy on Sundays, Feast Days, and Funerals

◆ Acolytes - Young people ages 9血rough 18 who

are trained and serve on a regular schedule

Nurs ery

God has blessed our church with young children. The

nursery at St. Paul’s is a great sign of life and growth.

During nursery hours, Our families can expect‥

◆ Prayers, StOry-telling, and Godly play

◆ Supervision from two adults: One Staff and one

VOlunteer who have been carefully chosen and screened

◆ Check-in list and registration for new families

◆ A private sitting area for nursmg mo血ers

◆ A safe and loving envirorment

One Week′s Parish Activities

9:30 a.m. - Holy Communion and Healing Service
lO:30 a.m. - Bible Study
5:15 p.m. - ′′Wonderful Wednesday′’is the name of our weekly Christian education

night. We begin with a family style dimer′ followed by choir rehearsal′ adult Bible

S山dy′ and classes for the youth.

6‥30 a.m. - Men’s Bible S山dy held in a local restaurant

Any given weekday: There′s a lot going on

from different comm誼ee meetings and the

WOrk that happens in between.

◆ Anglican Church Women

◆ Women’s Guilds

◆ Adult Choir

含Be11 Choir

令Daughters of the Holy Cross

◆ Spiri山al Growth and Renewal

◆ Children and Youth Ministry

Non-ParOChial Ministries

◆ Anglican Fourth Day

◆ St. Paul′s School

◆ Visalia Senior Housing

◆ Church Volunteers feeding the homeless

◆ Sequoia Deanery Medical Mission

For 20 years, the Sequoia Deanery Medical

Mission has served over 6,500 patients.
Twelve doctors have participated along with
an estimated 250 professional and support
Staff. Of these, SeVenteen have been teenagers.
We continue to Iook for additional team
members; doctors, nurSeS, dentists,
Veterinarians, aS Well as support staff.
Coffee Hour

Following瓜e service, We gather for

Coffee Hour hosted by our church

families. This gives parishioners time
for fellowship.

This is on工y a glimpse of our parish and血e people who make St. Paul′s Parish

a community of love, WOrShip, and prayer.

About our Diocese

Bishop Eric Vawter Menees is the Fifth Bishop of the

Diocese of San Joaquin having arrived in 2011.

The Diocese of San Joaquin is made up of 39 congregations

血roughout血e San Joaquin Valley, the eastem sIope of the

Sierras, and the San Francisco Bay area.

TheoIogically we are or血odox, SuPPOrting the au血ority of

Scrip山re and the lordship of Jesus Christ. We ascribe to the

Jerusalem Declaration and maintain the ancient practice of

an all-male priesthood. All three streams of Anglicanism are
active and supported in the Diocese of San Joaquin. Anyone
recelVmg a Ca11 to血e diocese would need to sign on to血e

Jerusalem Declaration without reservation.

Demographica11y the diocese is very diverse with ministries in Lao, Tagalog, Spanish
and English. We have growers with large farming operations and farmworkers.

Most of our congregations are English speaking, although Spanish is the primary
language for a large segment of the general population. In addition, We have large
numbers of people from various parts of Southeast Asia.

Mission Statement of the ACNA

Reaching North America with the transforming love of Jesus Christ

Diocesan Vision
To be an Apostolic Community,
Under Au血ority,血at Brings People

to Jesus Christ.

Diocesan Mission
As the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin We Will Call and Equip Laity and Clergy to
Bring People to and Disciple Them in a Saving Relationship with Jesus Christ.

Diocesan Core Values

Accountability, Collegiality, Transparency

Who We Seek

St. Paul,s
′・¥(1glican Churdl

Even though the diocese received an adverse ruling in the Episcopal lawsuit′ Fr.

James negotiated a settlement with the Episcopal church in a separate lawsuit which
a11owed us to keep some property and assets. These events have led our
COngregation to a renewal of God’s mission of restoration. With the leadership of

Our PreSent reCtOr′ We have purchased the land′ hired an architect′ aPPrOVed a

builder′ hired a general contractor′ and have started a Capital Campaign to soon

begin construction on our new church campus.

We look forward to the arrival of a new rector who will leverage all that our
COngregation has to offer and have the skills and experience to continue our growth in
ministries and faith. As a parish, We are Challenged to grow in the sta山re of the

fu11ness of Christ. To achieve this′ We reCOgnize three distinct areas of ministry:

◆ Worship - the praying of prayers of the Church, the celebration of the Holy

Eucharist, and the singing of hyrms of praise

◆ Fellowship - the development and strengthening of Christian relationships

among members of the parish families, and the continued grow血of this

Christian communfty
◆ Outreach - a Strengthening of personal stewardship within the parish′ and a

SPreading of that stewardship to the community

With this in mind, We Wish to continue and to develop programs that wi11 address the

… Continuity

… a Priest with a deep faith in God and a love for the Anglican Church; Who finds a

balance in worship that is welcoming′ COmforting′ and uplifting. We look forward to

joining in celebration and prayer with someone who enjoys leading worship by both
Smgmg With joy and revealing the power of quiet contemplation.
・.. Empowerment

…COmeCting scrip山re to our daily life, and challenging, informing, and motivating

With his word; a reCtOr Who includes and equips lay leaders in various levels of
ministry, and who enjoys people of a11 ages and experiences; Who is authentic and who
encourages us to include everyone as God’s own.

… Engagement

…COmeCtS PerSOnally with parishioners and is compassionate and gifted in pastoral

Care; a reCtOr Who will value and collaborate with our congregation to support us
through significant life events′ and who provides frequent hospital and home visits

…a PerSOn Wi血a sense of fun who enjoys children and youth and wi11 engage them as

full members of our community

… Communication

…a WOrthy communicator and teacher who listens to o血ers with an understanding ear

and knows how to negotiate a spirited conversation and is skilled at reaching out to
build relationships within血e parish,血e diocese and血e community;

We are searching for a leader who understands and embraces瓜e fact that St. Paul’s is a

busy parish that needs a person with administrative skills who is able to work with血e

lay leadership′ yet make timely decisions. St. Paul′s is facing new cha11enges and wi山

肌s in mind, We know that our next rector must bring the ability to build strong

relationships′ tO have patience wi心血ose who need time to welcome change′ and to

Clearly artioulate a vision for change.

A Few Important Statistics

Finances - 2019 budget of $467’884 with 97 pledging uruts

Average Sunday A壮endance - 124

◆ Age15andunder-42
◆ Age16through30-40
◆ Age30andolder-217
◆ Tot瓦-299

Fur血er financial information is available upon request.

We seeたone fo ‘‘7ge Ond mCO研agr躍fo Zead a J昨wort砂qfGod, uho calis ”S into his

O7un寂ngdom and giorg・工珊舵SS・ 2:ユ2


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