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The movie Left Behind is basically about the rapture and second coming of Christ.

The movie offers one understanding to the audience, which involves the belief of few billion
Christians around the globe. At the end of days, there will be a rapture. In the Bible, like that of
the movie, this means some people will rise to join God in heaven (which explains the sudden
disappearances of the people), while others will remain on earth. There's no question of "how
to deal" with this because the fate of humanity has already been written, that is the
redemption and salvation of mankind through the forgiveness of Christ. This is the message
of Left Behind.
The only character that displayed belief in this message was Irene. Even though she was
deemed as becoming religious by her own family, she understood that such large-scale human
calamities are signs that the end times are near. Because in the movie, soon enough, ‘the good
ones’ including children just disappeared instantly, leaving only piles of clothes behind. Millions
of people suddenly vanish from Earth and everyone ends up in a chaos. Cars without drivers
pile into shopping malls, school buses fly off bridges, and Rayford’s plane is suddenly left
without a co-pilot. The rest of the movie is mostly about Rayford trying to land the plane while
his passengers complain and try to figure out what happened to their loved ones.
There are a few things in the movie that caused me to reflect on. In the movie, a passenger
suggests, after hearing explanations on the disappearances, that they all consider praying. This
point is supported by the Bible where in times of judgement, prayers have saved God’s people,
just like when Moses cried out on their behalf. So in times of confusion and doubt, God is only
where I must run to. In another scene, Chloe reaches church to look for answers but only found
Pastor Barnes there. Shocked, she asks him why wasn’t he taken up too and he is forced to
admit the reason when he says, “I knew the Words, I could quote them chapter and verse, but
that’s not enough, you have to believe.” It is not enough for me to just speak of God. I must
also believe in Him with my whole heart. As an “end-time” film, it captures the sense of
hopelessness that would take place. It is every human’s choice to then acknowledge Jesus as
Lord and Savior or to continue to live this life rejecting Him. Just as mentioned in God’s Word,
no one can truly know His timing and we all need to be focusing only on Him before people
vanish from the face of the earth. So we must guard our hearts and minds to be in tune only
with what is true and righteous in the eyes of God and ask for forgiveness from God as we turn
from our wicked ways.

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