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Chronological Christology – Old Testament


Section 2: God
At a subsequent unending dimension of eternity

The God of the Old Testament was the Son, the invisible but sometimes visible, and not
the Father, the always invisible. Jesus has been God from all eternity. Since all three persons are
equally and fully God they have existed from all eternity.
The three Persons are also the same in their attributes, in their will, and in their
purpose. Scripture teaches the Trinity. The Old Testament repeatedly declares the plurality of
God. The two most frequently used words (God and Lord) that refer to God in the Old Testament
are almost always plural! The plural nouns and pro-nouns applied to God, like US, OUR, Elohim,
Adonai are powerful evidence of the Trinity hidden in the Old Testament, to be discovered after
the coming of Christ. The almost exclusive use of the plural Elohim for God and Adonai for Lord,
make a strong case that any honest seeker could see. This extensive pattern is irrefutable.
Elohim which means God is a majestic plural yet used with singular verbs for God. GOD
gives himself a name when He wants to reveal a characteristic of Himself. God often revealed
things by the name He gave for Himself. God is the ultimate authority in all matters at all times
and existence is predicated upon Him. In fact, there are a number of names that God reveals to
us in Scripture.
The doctrine of the Eternal Sonship of Jesus is the teaching that the second person of the
Trinity, the Word (John 1:1, 14), has always existed in relationship to the Father by being the Son.
This does not mean there is a biological connection between the Father and the Son because God
is spirit (John 4:24) and spirit does not have a body of flesh and bones (Luke 24:39). It is only the
Son who is incarnate. Instead, Eternal Sonship is a term that deals with relationship. Biblically,
Jesus is the eternal Son of God.
Many failed to understand this reality, and they failed to see the magnitude of Christ, and
they failed to see that the Old Testament is already, in its own context and on its own terms,
Christian Scripture. It is already a proclamation of the Lord Messiah. We also should see the Son
of God as present in the Hebrew Bible. This is a vital component lest we imagine a “crunch of
gears” between the covenants. What straddles the Old and the New is not simply a plan or a
promise; it’s a Person.
Jesus unites the Bible. He is not absent from the Old Testament, sitting on the bench,
awaiting his fourth quarter winning play. He is the player-coach-manager directing all things.
Throughout the Old Testament, he is the one and only Mediator of God Most High, marching
purposefully toward his own incarnation. Jesus is Lord. He always has been. The Son existed in
In The Old Testament in Psalm 2:7, the pre-incarnate Christ is called the Son. In Colossians
1:13, 17, the Son is before all things. These verses demonstrate that there is a relationship
between the Father and the Son that has existed from before the foundation of the universe.
Finally, in the eternal decree of God where the Son would redeem his people, the redemptive
plan had been established before the universe was created. This necessitates a relationship
between the Father who sent the Son to redeem his people. This would necessitate an Eternal
Sonship of Christ in relationship to the Father. So, it seems obvious from Scripture that the
doctrine of the Eternal Sonship of Jesus is a biblically correct position.
Chronological Christology – Old Testament

Christ said that the Father and He are ONE (John 10:30). Christ was not saying that the
Father and He were one being. Rather, He addressed the concept of complete unity between the
Father and Him. There was and always will be total harmony between the two members of the
God Family. In fact, Christ won a legal argument with the Pharisees by proving that the Father
and He, although “one,” were TWO beings (John 8:17–18).
Jehovah’ refers to both the Father and the Son, they are also ‘one’—one in purpose, goal,
mindset, willpower and determination. They are unified. There is no division in the God Family.
For that reason the Unitarian doctrine like the Iglesia Ni Cristo, that God exists only in one person
is a damnable heresy which has injured the Philippines more than any other thing. It is what has
softened and weakened this great country of ours.

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