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Curriculum Change

Project 2014-1-IT02-KA201-003609
Output Identification O1_A4_A5
Output title Practices for an In Depth Analysis
Author CECE
Date 15/12/2015


Valencia Spain
Is the capital of the autonomous community of Valencia and the third largest city in
Spain after Madrid and Barcelona, with around 800,000 inhabitants in the administrative
Centre. Its urban area extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of
around 1.5 million people. Valencia is Spain's third largest metropolitan area, with a
population ranging from 1.7 to 2.5 million.

Introduction: brief description of the best practice

Today day in current school, get to keep an educational strain in the life of the
classroom is a complex task. It is necessary, for some good teaching practices,
stimulate interested and active participation of students, abandoning the traditional
teaching (book, review, Slate, notebook, memory) and favoring a more active and
complex work. It is necessary to rotate the view, cultivate new looks, believe in
interdisciplinary at the same time favoring a cooperative learning.
During the 2010-11 and in previous courses, secondary levels of education-focused:
Educational innovation experiences we have been developing since the EFA La
Students presenting four profiles type:
• Young school with learning difficulties who accept without difficulty the school
framework and who value positively continue their training in a professional
• School youth who are at risk of dropout, without qualifications I with a history of
properly documented truancy.
• Young uneducated without any qualifications and to demonstrate interest in
joining the educational system.
• Young people with special educational needs associated with personal conditions
of disability or serious behavior disorders.
• Students who have been treated with a medicine focused on the traditional class
(slate, text books, and books by subject, class teacher, and theoretical
explanations, daily-oriented...) and who, for various reasons, the medication has
not succeeded. So, we need a new treatment to all of them in the new phase that
begins: the initiation of professional qualification programs... treatment that must
be globalization and, at the same time, individualized.

Our experience of educational innovation is, these students who want and insist
entering through the window as the story of Gianni Rodari, equip them with the tools
and skills necessary to be, in the next day and in the future already, competent in all
facets of his life. Our classroom will be a new, different place filled with multiple
steps for students, equipped with the necessary tools so that students manage their
time with profitability in this modern society.

Stakeholders and Partners

Mostly 5 teachers should be implicated in the new curriculum change project but also
the all school staff must be implicate.

Approach/Methodology (dim. C, D: analysis task)


The biweekly plan is an Excel table where vertically, each student has a row that
corresponds to a horizontal and, when the following signs appear, to coordinate axis
mode, performs what appears in your mailbox.
1: to carry out the first week of the month
2: to make the second week of the month
3: for the third week of the month
4: for the fourth week of the month
X: to be in throughout the fortnight.

In the row are the following items:

Tasks responsibilities: in this box will be referenced the responsibilities of the
classroom, reason by which this box is related to, mainly, the attitude and the
procedure. The student, is the task that is, you should know do it and keep it in time.
On the other hand, we must not forget that any task or responsibility entails an
important theoretical part, which is always contained in the curriculum. You tasks or
responsibilities such as: keep tidy the workshop, management of the files of activities,
writing of Saints and ephemeris in Slate, draining press, etc.

Individual work: here shall be the work that each student must perform individually,
without more support than the Professor and, mainly, their autonomy. Box relating,
mainly, to the concept. Thus, chips, resolution of problems, summaries and diagrams,

Projects: exhibitions, murals, publications, workshops... which require a special

treatment of documentation, work, experimentation with the aim of having a common
outcome for the group.

Bibliography: list of books and necessary documentation material, related to individual

work and the student’s project. If a student must make the first week a search for
information about electric power, in this paragraph must, also the first week, appear the
book or source where to find such information.

Complementary activities: outings, excursions, viewings of videos, conferences,


Reading aloud: book which at time or specific subject is read, offering 5 or 10 minutes
to finish a kind of enjoyable and relaxed, either a mathematical hobby.

Cooperative learning (Working together) and sharing the job:

Procedure phase
Explanation of the work done during the 1 month
Physical presentation of books, materials... that are to be used: what are they good,
documentation file... etc.
We say where we want to get
The teacher's monologue
20 minutes approximately

Conceptual phase
The teacher's monologue
Master class
It is done in the section of slate conclusions and they recorded things ranging to

Actitud phase
Dialogue led by Professor: just talk who is asked
Do not ask for chips, documentation... But it worked-
Only you ask those people that you can talk: which books spends, documentation,
conclusions saca, where is currently.

Oral phase

Time table of the biweekly working plan:



Curricular schedule consists of the division of slate in a series of section who

manage and direct the life of the classroom, students anticipate what will happen on
the day and pays off in this way, the working time.

The first column is a kind of agenda: date, Saints, ephemeris, remember... and
within the many responsibilities that exist in the classroom, a student at first time full

The column that reflects tasks, to alert the classroom responsibilities, as well as the
activities that should be routine, by students or Faculty: read aloud, review files,
distribute the tasks on the agenda, etc.

Concerning the activities column aims different tasks that will happen throughout the
day: put in common, screenings, workshops, and activities in computer...

Finally, conclusions column serves for when is a master class by the Professor,
solve any doubt, put schemes...

The student meets a Board that regulates your daily work and makes students to
manage their set to be the focus of classroom space, tasks, activities and projects.
See the model below:

Impact/Results of the BP (dim A: analysis task)

Aims to win trust, autonomy and self-esteem since that is the student who, according
to their desires, pace of work, program week on your calendar and you are
performing the activities, tasks, tests, work... It is, in short, have a degree of
methodological diversification which allows self- employment and self-learning. In this
way, the classroom becomes something alive, for example, a student may be working
equations of 2nd grade while that table companion of to the side, is reviewing the
elements of the communication in Spanish.

Validation (dim A: analysis task)

The rate of students who follow the school raise the next year.

Sustainability (dim B: analysis task)

Their no extra cost to implement this activity, just craetive teachers in a creative
classroom. Mainly the teacher need more time to prepare the work for the different
groups of students who want to set up in class. To change the methodology in the
classroom and put the student as the central object of the classroom.
This is one of the added values to this good practice, because it have no cost
economic can replicate there where teachers willing to change the method of
Nowadays the same schedule is working at the school.

Replicability or up-scaling (dim F: analysis task)

Efa Malvesia is a school belong to a UNEFA, a group of school and VET Centres
represent members of associations’ network which promote the development of rural
They achieve their mission thanks to a wide range of partners, belonging to a
network of learning centres.
In Spain, there are 12 VET centres, situated in 8 Autonomous Communities.
Throughout the world, more than 1.300 schools and VET Centres belonged to a
wide network of practitioners, in 45 countries and 5 continents.
Centres are particularly developed in France and Brazil.

URL of the BP and related Web sites


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