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IOC: (Inversion of Control)

1. Spring IOC Container

2. Bean Factory
3. Spring xml based configuration using elements


1. Instantiation using a constructor

2. Instantiation using a static factory method
3. Instantiation using an instance factory method.
4. Injecting dependencies using Setter Injection and Constructor Injection.
5. Making use of idref, local, property, Inner beans, props, list, set, map, Collection
merging, null, depends-on, Lazily-instantiating beans, Life cycle methods.


Aliasing Beans

Bean Scopes

1. singleton
2. prototype
3. request
4. session

Autowiring Collaborators

1. no
2. byName
3. byType
4. constructor
5. autodetect

Shutting down the Spring IoC container gracefully in non-web applications.

Bean definition inheritance

AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming):

1. Advice, JoinPoint, Aspect, Target, Pointcuts

2. Before Advice
3. Around Advice
4. Throws Advice
5. static pointcuts

a. NameMatchMethodPointcut
b. RegExpMethodPointCut

6. Dynamic pointcuts

Data Access using JDBC:

1. Jdbc Template
2. Most of the methods present in Jdbc Template class will be covered.

Object Relational Mapping (ORM) data access: (Integrating Hibernate with


1. Introduction of Hibernate.
2. Hibernate Template
3. JndiObjectFactoryBean
4. LocalSessionFactoryBean
5. HibernateDaoSupport

Spring MVC:

1. Introduction of struts
2. DispatcherServlet
3. ContextLoaderListener, Context LoaderServlet
4. Handler Mappings

a) Bean Name Url Handler Mapping

5. Controllers

1. Abstract Controller
2. Abstract Command Controller
3. Simple Form Controller
4. Abstract Wizard Form Controller
5. Multi Action Controller
6. Throwaway Controller
6. Model And View
7. View Resolvers

a. Internal Resource View Resolver

b. Bean Name View Resolver
c. Xml View Resolver

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