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The passive voice is employed in a clause whose subject expresses
the theme or patient of the verb. That is, it undergoes an action or has its state changed.

In the passive voice the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the doer) of
the action denoted by the verb.

Some languages, such as English and Spanish, use a periphrastic passive voice; that is, it
is not a single word form, but rather a construction making use of other word forms. Specifically,
it is made up of a form of the auxiliary verb to be and a past participle of the main verb. In other
languages, such as Latin, the passive voice is simply marked on the verb by inflection: librum
legit "He reads the book"; liber legitur "The book is read".

Kalimat pasif adalah merupakan salah satu bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa inggris dalam
definisi singkatnya passive voice berarti suatu bentuk kata kerja transitif dimana secara tata
bahasa ingris subjek darikalimat berpelaku sebagai”pasien yaitu yang menrima aksi dari sebuah
pekerjaan.kalimat pasif umumnya kontra dengan kalimat aktif atau yang bisa dikenal dengan
active voice kalimat ini bermakna suatu bentuk kata kerja transitif dimana subjek dari kalimat
berperilaku sebagai’agen’yaitu yang melakukan aksi dari suatu pekerjaan.

Ciri-ciri kalimat pasif

1) Pasti verb 3
2) Ada kalimat bantu (to be)


The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an
action rather than the person object that performs the action.. In the words,the most important
thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.

C. Exceptions to the Rule

Not every passive verb can or should be made active. Sometimes you simply don’t know
who or what performed an action, or you deliberately want to obscure who performed an action.
Sometimes you want the focus of a sentence to be the recipient, such as when who did an action
is unimportant or less important than to whom it was done.

A passive verb puts the recipient right up front in the sentence where it gets attention:


 Ten people were killed in the plane crash.

 Tracy was featured on the TV nightly news.
 George was born on April 27th.

The passive is also customary in many expressions where a writer or speaker may choose to be
vague about assigning responsibility:


 Flight 107 has been cancelled.

 Mistakes were made.
 The check was lost in the mail.

*So when is it OK to use the passive?

Sometimes the passive voice is the best choice. Here are a few instances when the passive voice
is quite useful:

1. To emphasize an object. Take a look at this example:

100 votes are required to pass the bill.

This passive sentence emphasizes the number of votes required. An active version of the
sentence ("The bill requires 100 votes to pass") would put the emphasis on the bill, which may
be less dramatic.

2. To de-emphasize an unknown subject. Consider this example:

Over 120 different contaminants have been dumped into the river.

If you don't know who the subject is—in this case, if you don't actually know who dumped all of
those contaminants in the river—then you may need to write in the passive.
3. If your readers don't need to know who's responsible for the action. Here's where your
choice can be difficult; some instances are less clear than others. Try to put yourself in your
reader's position to anticipate how he/she will react to the way you have phrased your thoughts.
Here are two examples:

Ø Baby Sophia was delivered at 3:30 a.m. yesterday.(passive)

Ø Dr. Susan Jones delivered baby Sophia at 3:30 a.m. yesterday.(active)

The first sentence might be more appropriate in a birth announcement sent to family and
friends—they are not likely to know Dr. Jones and are much more interested in the "object"(the
baby) than in the actor (the doctor). A hospital report of yesterday's events might be more likely
to focus on Dr. Jones' role.
1. Simple past tense
Passive voice dalam simple past tense dibentuk oleh auxiliary verb was/were dan past

Subject pada passive voice merupakan object pada active voice dengan was untuk
subject tunggal, sedangkan were untuk subject jamak. Adapun agent pada passive voice
merupakan subject pada active voice.

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam simple past tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-2 + direct object S (direct object) + was/were + past participle +/- by … (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb. Bagaimana dengan intransitive verb?
Kalimat dengan intransitive verb mungkin dapat dipasifkan jika memiliki prepositional
phrase (lihat: Passive Voice pada Intransitive Verb). Subject pada passive voice
merupakan object of preposition pada active voice.

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-2int + preposition + object S (object of preposition) + was/were + past participle +
of preposition preposition +/- by … (agent)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice – Simple Past Tense

No. Active Voice Passive Voice
1 Sunmark Press printed the first book in The first book was printed in 2005 by
2005. Sunmark Press.
(Sunmark Press mencetak buku pertama (Buku pertama tersebut dicetak pada tahun
tersebut pada tahun 2005.) 2005 oleh Sunmark Press.)
2 Someone left the letter when he was away The letter was left when he was away from
from his desk. his desk.
(Seseorang meninggalkan surat tersebut (Surat tersebut ditinggalkan ketika dia jauh
ketika dia jauh dari mejanya.) dari mejanya.)
3 Tio ate sardines and rice for dinner. Sardines and rice were eaten for dinner by
(Tio makan sardin dan nasi untuk makan Tio.
malam.) (Sardin dan nasi dimakan untuk makan
malam oleh Tio.)
4 They just talked about mental health. Mental health was just talked by them.
(Mereka baru saja membicarakan tentang (Kesehatan mental baru saja dibicarakan
kesehatan mental.) oleh mereka.)
5 Yesterday, my father stayed at the hotel. Yesterday, the hotel was stayed at by my
(Kemarin ayah saya tinggal di hotel father.
tersebut.) (Kemarin hotel tersebut ditinggali oleh ayah

2. Simple present tense

Berbeda dengan active voice – simple present tense yang main verb-nya berupa verb-1
(pada contoh tulisan sebelumnya: Simple Present Tense), main verb pada passive voice
– simple present tense berupa past participle.

Past participle ditemani oleh auxiliary verb is/am/are disesuaikan

dengan subject pada passive voice (= object pada active voice) — memenuhi subject-
verb agreement. Jika memiliki modal verb (can, should, may), past participle di dahului
oleh auxiliary verb “be”. Adapun agent pada passive
voice merupakan subject pada active voice.

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam simple present tense dan modal verb:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-1 + direct object S (direct object) + is/am/are + past participle +/- by …

S + modal + bare infinitive + direct S (direct object) + modal + be + past participle +/- by …
object (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang
umum dipasifkan. Kalimat dengan intransitive verb mungkin dapat dipasifkan jika
memiliki prepositional phrase (lihat: Passive Voice pada Intransitive
Verb). Subject pada passive voice merupakan object of preposition pada active voice.

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-1int + preposition + object S (object of preposition) + is/am/are + past participle +
of preposition preposition +/- by … (agent)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice – Simple Present Tense /

Modal Verb
No. Active Voice Passive Voice
1 Pregnant women should eat dark Dark chocolate should be eaten regularly by
chocolate regularly. pregnant women.
(Wanita hamil seharusnya makan coklat (Coklat hitam seharusnya dimakan secara
hitam secara teratur.) teratur oleh wanita hamil.)
2 People make books from trees. Books are made from trees.
(Orang membuat buku dari pohon.) (Buku dibuat dari pohon.)
3 My parents treat me like a baby. I am treated like a baby by my parents .
(Orang tua memperlakukan saya seperti (Saya diperlakukan seperti bayi oleh orang
bayi.) tua.)
4 You can use the photos for free. The photos can be used for free.
(Kamu bisa menggunakan goto-foto (Foto-foto tersebut dapat digunakan secara
tersebut secara gratis.) gratis.)
5 He often sleeps on the right side of the The right side of the bed is often slept on by
bed. him.
(Dia selalu tidur di sisi kanan tempat (Sisi kanan tempat tidur sering ditiduri
tidur.) olehnya.)

Ubahlah kalimat tersebut ke passive sentence

1. My mother washed clothes yesterday

2. I and my friend go to library now.
3. My friend didn’t bring my book because forget.

Ubahlah kalimat tersebut kedalam bahasa inggris.

4. Makanan dimasak oleh ibu di dapur.

5. Apakah Koran dibaca oleh ayahku tadi pagi?

Ubahlah kalimat ke passive sentence dalam kalimat positive,negative and introgative

6. Beberapa jenis coklat diberikan oleh oom saya dari Malaysia 2 minggu yang lalu.
7. Is the math note book brought by you?

Lengkapilah kalimat berikut

8. My book……..(write) by my teacher
9. A town………(hit) by tsunami last month

Buatlah kalimat menjadi kalimat passive

10. The book/ not / borrow / by me.

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