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Name: Sabiqa Naeem

Roll No: 15125

Q: What are the discoveries made by Dr. Maria Montessori by observing the child?

1. Children love to work purposefully:

Children do not work for incentives like adults but they prefer to work purposefully. If the
children are corresponded with their inner developmental needs, they work until they attain the
desired goal. Their natural desire helps them select the task and then concentrate on it.

2. The inner drive is sufficient:

The children work out of their inner purposeful urge so the adults do not need to become their
motivators or conventional teachers. They just have to give them desired necessary conditions to
work in. For the development of child it is compulsory that they work in all human fields at
specific times. Offering incentive to finish the work is not allowed to the teachers so that
children focus on their inner urge to do work.

3. When something that answers the inner needs meets the child’s eyes spontaneous interest
is kindled.

When the suitable conditions are provided to specific interest then the result is spontaneous
repetition and this spontaneous repetition further leads to concentration that is the beginning.
When children find right conditions they work with proper concentration.

4. Very young children need order for their development:

Children need proper orders for their development. This development is not only related to the
things but also with the functions, values and other human activities. Yung children are in the
process of building their personalities that will last forever. He needs consistency in everything
in his environment. Children take time to understand that things can also be different.

5. Normality depends on all the human powers working in unison in collaboration:

When suitable conditions are not available to the children, they deviate from normality. The best
way to bring child back to normality is to rectify any developmental error. If the child works
individually then the developmental errors can be rectified.
6. Activities involving sensorial concepts, language, arithmetic, art, culture was found to be
necessary for the child’s education:

Children need activities having concepts like language, art, sensorial etc for their development.
Maria Montessori has discovered that activities like these bring intelligent and voluntary
movement of the personality of children.

7. Children showed that they could assimilate the knowledge, normally considered to be too
complex for the child, if it is presented in rightful condition:

Dr. Maria Montessori realized that there are certain topics and area of knowledge that are
necessary for the development of children rather than being the subjects that should be
memorized or learnt.

8. Real discipline comes through freedom:

Educational institutes find the problem of discipline. When children are given freedom they
manage their speaking, moving, handling materials and interacting with other children. The
children reveals order, quietness remarkable work attitude striving towards perfection. Discipline
is born from freedom. It comes from inside and does not imposed from outside.

9. Real obedience is based on love, respect and faith:

When real obedience leads to inner satisfaction, it becomes real obedience and hence it leads to
real development.

10. Children are often seen to behave in certain manner:

If children are not provided with right conditions for development they sometimes behave
destructive, disorderly and stubborn but if the right conditions are provided to the children they
behave in loving orderly and responsible behavior.

11. Most of the activities presented to the children in Montessori houses of children are
result of observing the child:

These activities can be discoveries and constructed. The silence activity, walking on the line is
some of the examples.

12. Help me, DO it myself:

Rather than doing things for children it is preferable to help the children do the task themselves.
It makes the children independent in their social and individual life.
13. Montessori discovered that the environment itself was all important in obtaining the
results that she had observed:

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