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Cynthia Watson
Ancient History
9th Grade
Class Expectations and Procedures

Below are the class expectations that I have for my students:

1. Students are expected to be respectful at all times to others and be respectful when
students are sharing their ideas.
2. Students are expected to be on time to class.
3. Students are expected to raise their hands when wanting to answer a question or give a
4. Students are expected to be respectful to me as their teacher and obey any rules set forth
in class.
5. Students are expected to show up to all classes or provide proof for any excused
6. Students are expected to be aware of any student that they may offend when they are
giving comments and they are also expected to be non-violent when partaking in debates
or just in class. In general, students should be non-violent.
7. Students are expected to be open to new ideas and open to sharing their own ideas with
the class.
8. Students are expected to work hard and ask for help whenever it is necessary.
9. Students are expected to stay awake in class.

Below are simple procedures that students are to follow when entering the classroom:

1. When students enter the class, they should automatically go to check the homework box
for any homework that has been graded or any other assignments that have been graded.
2. After checking for graded assignments, students will pick up their daily folders from the
front of the room and begin working on their bell work.
3. Students will have five minutes to complete bell work and when bell work is done,
students will put their bell work into their daily folders.
Ms. Cynthia Watson
Ancient History
9th Grade
Class Expectations and Procedures

4. Students will then sit quietly and we will start the lesson for the day.
5. At the end of class, students will do exit work and put their exit work into their daily
6. Students will then put their daily folders back in the front of the class.
7. When students are done with exit work, they are allowed to check their current grades
that will be posted behind the teacher’s desk.
8. Students then can exit the classroom. If the bell hasn’t rang yet, students must wait
patiently before leaving the classroom because students must remain in the classroom
until the bell rings even if they finish their exit work early.

Below are a list of positive reinforcements that students will receive if they follow the
expectations and procedures presented above:

1. Students will create a safe environment for themselves and for those around them.
2. Students will be able to do extra credit assignments given throughout the semester.
3. Students will receive calls home informing parents of their good behavior.
4. Students will be able to participate when we have parties on days such as Halloween and
the last day of school.
5. Students will be able to participate when we have movie night once out of the semester in
which we will watch a current movie that relates to social studies in some way.

Below is a list of consequences that students may face if they do not follow the expectations and
procedures above:

1. Students will have to write a paragraph stating why they didn’t follow a certain
expectation or procedure. They will also have to write a paragraph explaining why
following these expectations and procedures are important.
Ms. Cynthia Watson
Ancient History
9th Grade
Class Expectations and Procedures

2. Students will receive a phone call home informing parents of any misbehaving activities.
3. Students will not be able to participate in extra credit assignments given out during the
week in which they didn’t follow an expectation or procedure. If students continue to not
follow expectations and procedures, they won’t be able to participate in any extra credit
assignments for the remainder of the semester.
4. Students won’t be able to participate in any parties throughout the semester and will have
to sit in another classroom while the party is going on.
5. If students’ behaviors turn violent, then students will be escorted to the office and may
receive further disciplinary action from the school administration.

*The expectations, procedures, reinforcements, and consequences presented above are

really important for our class to run smoothly. By following all rules and doing what is
expected, students and I can create a comfortable environment for all of us to share. I
hope that we can all work together to ensure that these expectations and procedures are
carried out. Can parents and students please sign below to acknowledge that they have
received this list of class expectations, procedures, reinforcements, and consequences?
Thank you and welcome to our classroom!
Ms. Cynthia Watson
Ancient History
9th Grade
Class Expectations and Procedures


Choose one expectation and one procedure and explain how you will teach them. Simply
reading them on the first day of class does not teach students how you expect them to behave or
what you expect them to do in your classroom. How will you ensure that students have learned
and practiced what you expect?

Students are expected to be respectful to others at all times to others and be respectful when
students are sharing their ideas:

I can teach this expectation by being an example for my students. When I am lecturing and
students have ideas or questions, I will be respectful and listen to any comments that my students
may have during my lecture. This will show students how they need to behave when students are
sharing their ideas. I will make sure that I model this behavior when I’m not lecturing as well.
When we are having a discussion and students are sharing their ideas, I will provide positive
feedback and be respectful to students while they are sharing their ideas. I will model this
behavior at all times so that students can see this in action. When students see this in action, this
will help them to start modeling the same behavior. If any students become disrespectful towards
other students, then they will receive consequences for their actions. This will show students that
being disrespectful to others is unacceptable. However, when students are respectful to others,
they will be acknowledged for their good behavior. This will show students that by being
respectful, they are doing the correct thing and they will be acknowledged for that. This will
make students want to continue to practice this behavior. During discussions, I will be able to
monitor student behavior to make sure they have learned to be respectful while others are
speaking. I can also teach this expectation to students by having students do an activity in which
they brainstorm what it means to be respectful. This will give students the opportunity to discuss
what their definition of respect is. I could also have students get into groups and act out what
Ms. Cynthia Watson
Ancient History
9th Grade
Class Expectations and Procedures

respect is. This will visually show students how they should behave when being respectful. Also,
I could have a group of students act out what being disrespectful is so that they can also visually
see what respect is not. This will help students to understand what respect is and how they should
behave in a respectful manner.

At the end of class, students will do exit work and put their exit work in their folders:

I can teach this procedure by showing students what the consequences of not putting their exit
work in their folders may be. For example, if students forget to put their exit work in their
folders, then they won’t receive credit for their exit work. This will cause students to make sure
that they put their exit work in their folders so that they can receive credit for their work. I will
ensure that students have learned and practiced this procedure by monitoring how many students
put their exit work in their folders as the semester goes on, compared to how many students were
putting their exit work in their folders at the beginning of the semester. Extra credit will be
provided for students who miss no more than 2 days of putting their exit work in their folders
throughout the whole semester. This will cause students to make sure they put their exit work in
their folders because they may want the extra credit at the end of the semester. I can also teach
this procedure by having several students actually show the class what the actual procedure looks
like. For example, I can have several students do their exit work and actually put their exit work
in their folders in front of the whole class. This will show students what is expected of them
when they are finished with their exit work. I can also bring an older student in who has been in
my class and have him/her show students how following this simple procedure has earned
him/her an A in the class. This will give students the motivation necessary for them to want to
follow the procedure because they will see the end result of what happens when they follow the
Ms. Cynthia Watson
Ancient History
9th Grade
Class Expectations and Procedures

What did you find easiest about this assignment and why? What was most challenging about this
assignment and why?

I found it easy to create a list of class procedures because I already know how I want my class to
be set up and how I want my class to run when I become a teacher. I also found it easy to create a
list of class expectations because I already know what I will expect from my students when I
become a teacher. The most challenging thing about this assignment was trying to write my list
of class expectations and procedures in the positive. It was difficult for me to not say what I
didn’t want them to do. I feel as though it is easier for me to create a list of things that I don’t
want students to do than it is for me to write a list of things that I want them to do. However, I
feel as though it is better to write the list in positive form. The reason for this is because when
rules are written in the negative, this may cause students to rebel against the rules because they
may feel as though they are being forced to not do something. If rules are written in positive,
then students may not feel as though they are being forced to do something because I’m not
saying what I don’t want them to do.

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