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The Quick and Dirty .

NET Guide to C#/VB Object-Oriented



Everyone, I'm sure, who has allowed for more than a passing perusal of .NET must be excited at
the power of its Framework. Those with a pure programming background and earlier knowledge
of pre-.NET technologies have found those to be sorely lacking in the solidity and methodology
of a pure OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) environment and or language.

All newcomers to .NET are faced with a new challenge - adjust their thinking process in
programming and undoing many bad habits they've acquired when working with a non-OOP
environment. Developers with prior ASP/VBScript experience certainly fell upon these habits
simply because it never promoted such practices. Therefore, when coming to .NET it can be
quite challenging having to rethink or relearn all "programmed" mindsets.

What I will aim at achieving in this article is to get all non-OOP programmers up to speed with
this whole brave new world of thinking when programming. Making an allowance for terms such
as classes, objects, properties, structs, overloading, inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism
can seem unapproachable to non-seasoned programmers with insufficient OOP awareness.
Therefore, my intention is to cut to the chase with all these methodologies and terms, and
demonstrate how they all fit together.

Although this article won't be an exhaustive OOP treatise, its objective nevertheless is to present
in a quick and dirty manner C#/VB Object-Oriented Programming. Moreover, even though this
article may be slightly geared more towards C#, all important VB assessments or similarities are
addressed and demonstrated. By the way, keep in mind C# is very case sensitive. Incidentally,
don't be put off at the length of this article, a lot of it is simply repeated code examples for both


Object Oriented Programming is the concept of programming with objects. What are objects?
The computer your seeing this on, the paper you may have printed this on, the printer, your car,
TV, etc. are all objects, you get the idea. Moreover, they contain features as well as other objects
within them as well. Now the great thing about .NET is that it is itself one huge object-oriented
collection. Objects not quite like the ones we'll create and mention, but of a different kind, i.e.
Data Objects, System Objects, String Objects, etc. However, unless the objects created are used
in concert with other objects they defeat their true nature.
There are two good reasons why you would love programming OOP objects. One is that you
have full control over how anyone would use the object you created, and two, encapsulation, in
other words your hard earned OOP code is protected and hidden from everyone - systematized
together. No one could modify it or change it, certainly anyone not qualified. They simply are
available for a specific use, and this is key.

Take for example, if you build one great functional object that does all sorts of math
computations, data retrieval and string formatting, and it's going to be used in your company. By
not only compiling it, but also by virtue of programming it the OOP way, you protect your
intellectual property long after you're gone.

OOP techniques promote the idea of reusability and further allow for all involved in knowing the
object's uses, concealing the inner working of your code from inexperienced programmers,
simply permitting the object its task alone.

In the old ASP/VB days, you would've had to have created a compiled COM component to
realize some of the aforementioned benefits and any gains in performance. However, with .NET
this isn't the case since the entire framework is compiled, every page and so forth. Thus building
objects in .NET is that and so much more. You have the ability to create new super objects,
modularize common code and design lightly coded, cleanly laid out pages. The bottom line is a
strong, clean architecture from which stems greater productivity and fewer headaches. No
wonder .NET's code-behind, template driven environment espouses all this!

In Object-Oriented Programming, you are dealing with objects. Now, when you embark on any
new project you obviously hope in doing the least work possible. Consequently, upon any
modifications to your project you don't have to make those changes a thousand times!

Aside from the examples we'll explore how these techniques can apply to everything you are
going to work with. Take data access for instance, why not create a data-accessing object with
properties whose parameters are the connection string and the query string? In turn, this could be
placed throughout your application thus avoiding maintenance headaches and promoting a much
cleaner design.


.NET furthers the scope of OOP by compartmentalizing objects within namespaces, as an

excellent means of categorizing and personalizing common and related fields, classes, structs or
interfaces as a collection, as well as other namespaces known as nested namespaces! When
including namespaces in an application, C# uses the "using" keyword to do that, whereas VB
specifies "Imports."

This is what facilitates and advances proper reusability and OOP practices. Devoid of this, you
would have little structure. Creating a library of common class filled namespaces makes for a
well-created application, always having modular components ready for use.

namespace JimsEstate {

public class House { ... }

public class Car { ... }

public class Garage { ... }


Namespace JimsEstate

' Classes and other types of members go here

End Namespace

Here we have the namespace JimsEstate that contains a House, Car and Garage. All are neatly
categorized together, and confusion in minimized, thus namespaces. Naming namespaces could
easily extend beyond this. JimsEstate could be named JimsEstate.Land.NewYork.LongIsland, if
you so choose. That's cool!

At any rate, we'll now look at one of the component types within - classes.

A Class in Objects

Simply put, a class is a created object. In more detail, a class is a reference type (that which
stores some type of information) that encapsulates (hides or encloses) and or modularizes
(making for flexible, varied use) any amount of methods (functions or subroutines), fields,
variables or properties or constructors (object creating function) that classifies data and performs
some kind of functionality. Thus, the focal point of OOP is to classify all common functionality
and members within a main class that when utilized or instanced in your application, it becomes
an object. Object creation is achieved by using the new keyword in your code, as we'll see.

The examples we'll mostly focus will revolve around the House class and its key
traits/characteristics. Now if we had a house class and it contained its pertinent house
characteristics (fields or variables) it would look something like this. So go ahead and place your
preferred language code section in a text file. Next save it as House.cs if using C# or House.vb
for VB. This is your source file that you'll compile in the next section.


public class House {

// Its members

// This is known as initializing a field - see

// the "Quick Structs" section further down
// public string HseColor = "gray";

public string HseBuilder;

public string HseSize;
public string HseColor;

public string Summary() {

return HseBuilder + " is building a new house that's " +

HseSize + " and is painting it " + HseColor;


Public Class House

Public HseBuilder As String

Public HseSize As String
Public HseColor As String

Public Function Summary() As String

Return HseBuilder &" is building a new house that's " &

HseSize &" and is painting it " & HseColor

End Function

End Class

The bits of information we include above in our House blueprint is who the builder is, the
house's size and its color. Further enhanced by a summary entailing overall what's included and
taking place within our House class.

Therefore, even though this is one template describing one house, it could easily represent and be
utilized for any number of houses since each of its public properties values or characteristics
may be different each newly created instance of it. In the example above, our diverse information
is contained in our public variables or fields that hold what we pass to them in memory. Our
variables and method string declaration is known as a data type. In VB the As keyword specifies
the data type, in C# the data type precedes the variable name and or method.

The term for using a class, as many times as you wish, each time with different characteristics, is
called instantiation or creating an object for use. So the first time the house class is instantiated
and assigned it can hold the properties for example, HseSize of "Big" and an HseColor of "Red",
and when re-instanced could hold some other very different information. So out of our one
House class, we've build two houses all with different characteristics; one class - many uses.

Variables as we've seen have the ability to hold one set value. Class properties unlike their close
relatives variables, as we'll examined a little further down, extend the functionality and pretense
by allowing you to carry out conditional checking within them preventing any faulty values
passed in. Therefore, you can do much, in turn furthering the nature and objective of OOP, as
we'll soon examine in the next section.
All we've discussed still needs to be demonstrated real world. Therefore, we'll now build two
houses, each with its own particular qualities. So here goes:

A House Building Class

Now that you've already created your house.cs source file, next run the command below to
invoke .NET compiler to compile your source file into a DLL we can use, and is located in our
root bin folder.


csc /t:library /out:c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bin\house.dll house.cs /optimize


vbc /t:library /out:c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bin\house.dll house.vb /optimize

Additionally, all code examples throughout are to be compiled in this manner, dependent of
course of the language of your choice.

Now that we have the "materials" for our house let's build two houses out of one blueprint if I
may. Place the preferred language code below in a .aspx page named House.aspx, then run it in
your browser.


<%@ Page Language="C#"%>

<title>Building a House</title>

<script language="C#" runat="server">

protected void Page_Load(Object Source, EventArgs E) {

// Build Jim's house

House JimsHouse = new House();
JimsHouse.HseBuilder = "Jim";
JimsHouse.HseSize = "huge";
JimsHouse.HseColor = "blue.";

Response.Write (JimsHouse.Summary() + "<BR><BR>");

// Clear the object

JimsHouse = null;

// Build Lumi's house

House LumisHouse = new House();
LumisHouse.HseBuilder = "Lumi";
LumisHouse.HseSize = "simply breathtaking";
LumisHouse.HseColor = "however she wants.";
Response.Write (LumisHouse.Summary());

// Clear the object

LumisHouse = null;


<%@ Page Language="VB"%>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

Protected Sub Page_Load(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

' Build Jim's house

Dim JimsHouse As New House()

With JimsHouse 'VB syntax shortcut

.HseBuilder = "Jim"
.HseSize = "huge"
.HseColor = "blue."

End With

Response.Write (JimsHouse.Summary())

' Clear the object

JimsHouse = Nothing

End Sub


And our results should look like this:

Jim is building a new house that's huge and is painting it blue.

Lumi is building a new house that's simply breathtaking and is painting it however she wants.

To embark on OOP reusability, by using the new keyword we declared and instantiated our
object (bring our class to use) - this is know as early binding (the prefered method of dealing
with objects). Thus, we write in C# - House JimsHouse = new House() or Dim JimsHouse As
New House() in VB; observe C#'s case preference. Essentially, what we're saying here is create a
"new House()" object called JimsHouse, that calls our classes default constructor - new House()
(which is the same as House.new()), with no parameters, whereas custom constructors utilize
Then we define or pass its characteristics to the fields in our class. Once we do all this we next
call our summary method to return to us our stats. After this, as in every example throughout this
article, you must always clear your objects. C# uses the object = null; statement, whereas in VB
it's object = Nothing to do this.

So that's it more or less, the basis of object creation and OOP. Not too shabby... but wait.

Let's Up The Variables' Property Value A Bit

Huh? Sorry, I always try for clever wordplay :-) The usage of variables as seen is direct and to
the point. But what if we had someone trying to build a house with color's that simply won't do?
Well aside from our field assignment, I'll now demonstrate fields kicked up a notch - these being
properties that allow you to perform conditional testing to prevent any faulty or unwanted values
from being passed in.

Within our properties you deal with two accessors - Get and Set, that work in a read-write
fashion. Get retrieves and references any calls from within, for which Set assigns our value when

In addition, our summary method now employs our properties as an alternative to our simple


public class House {

//Exposed variables

public string ShowSize;

public string HseBuilder;
public string HseColor;

//Private properties

private string ShowBuilder {

get {return HseBuilder;}

set {HseBuilder = value;}

private string ShowColor{

get {

if (HseColor == "red"){

return HseColor + ". But I'll change it to white.";


return HseColor;

set {HseColor = value;}

public string Summary() {

return ShowBuilder + " is building a new house that's " +

ShowSize + " and is painting it " + ShowColor;


Public Class House

Public ShowSize As string

Public HseBuilder As string
Public HseColor As String

Private Property ShowBuilder As String


return HseBuilder

End Get


HseBuilder = value

End Set

End Property

Private Property ShowColor As String


If (HseColor = "red") Then

Return HseColor & ". But I'll change it to white."


Return HseColor

End If
End Get


HseColor = value

End Set

End Property

Public Function Summary() As String

Return ShowBuilder & " is building a new house that's " &
ShowSize & " and is painting it " & ShowColor

End Function

End Class

And in our .aspx page we can add, and by now you should've gotten the VB conversion idea as
well, the code below:

House MyOtherHouse = new House();

MyOtherHouse.HseBuilder = "Dude";
MyOtherHouse.ShowSize = "looks ok";
MyOtherHouse.HseColor = "red";

Response.Write (MyOtherHouse.Summary());

So after all's said and done our results will look like this:

Dude's building a new house that's looks OK and is painting it red. But I'll change it to white.

The first and last values of our summary method are utilized from our private properties
ShowBuilder(), and ShowColor() that incorporates our conditional statement checking that if
someone tries to paint our house red, we'll change that to white. The second one is simply from
our plain variable - ShowSize. Therefore, we can clearly observe how properties are like super
sized variables. Both are accessed the same way, but properties have a little more power over
what you permit to take place.

Notice how we use words like public or private in front of our methods, properties or variables?
These are what are generally known as access modifiers. In our object, recall how our
HseBuilder, HseSize, and HseColor variables are public. With access modifiers we implicitly
determine for our object's user what members they will be allowed to be modify or gain access
to, their scope in other words.

In our example, the properties that retrieve these assigned public variables and analyze their
content are private, and accessible to the class itself and cannot be accessed externally. The true
nature of OOP insists on such, that the whole intent is defined by their proper usage, determining
their external access allowances.

There are five allowed modifiers or accessibility levels in C# and they consist of:

 public - Full access is allowed to this

 private - Accessible from within the calls that contains it
 internal - Can only be accessed from the current DLL or assembly. Friend in VB.
 protected - Like private above, and could be access in a class derived from the one it's in
 protected internal - Can only be accessed from any derived class, itself and like internal -
the current DLL it resides in. In VB this would be Protected Friend.

Note: Any time you don't specify any modifiers to a variable, it will default to private. Likewise,
on any properties or methods, its modifiers default to public.

Moreover, as far are modifiers are concerned, others exist, for both variable fields and methods,
that won't be looked into here, like extern, volatile, sealed, NotInheritable or NotOverridable, etc.
In light of the article's objective, .NET's exhaustive documentation would suffice better in
clarifying any terms not delved into here. Still, upon reading this guide, any other OOP terms
and their supposed uses won't be nearly as challenging to figure out as they may have once been.

Quick Structs

Let's now examine C# structs, or structures as they're referred to in VB. Simply stated, these little
bitties act and look just like classes, and utilize all the same kinds of modifiers and elements a
class would. You could just think of them as light weight, scaled down classes.

Nevertheless, two caveats though: One, is that they are best suited for smaller data value types
under 16 bytes - structures like numbers crunching. Thus, they are used with memory efficiency
in mind, as their memory allocation is superior to classes. Two, another key difference in
comparison to classes is that they cannot inherit from any other classes as any typical class
could, nor could they be a base class either. However, they could implement interfaces though.
Also, unlike classes, structs could be instantiated without the new keyword is you so choose.

Additionally, classes when instantiated within .NET allocate memory on the heap or .NET's
reserved memory space. Whereas structs yield more efficiency when instantiated due to
allocation on the stack. Furthermore, it should be noted that passing parameters within structs are
done so by value.

A brief word on field initialization and access. Typically, a class field could easily be initialized
or preset with a value, as shown:

public class House {

//This is known as initializing a field
public string HseColor = "gray";
However, this won't work for structs unless the fields are static. Whenever we initialize any
fields, they're typically known as instance fields/data, whereas the opposite holds true for fields
declared with the static keyword. The main difference between the two is that a static field is
accessible anywhere in your application without having to instantiate the class containing it. In
VB the equivalent keyword is Shared.


public class House or struct House {

//This is known as initializing a field
public static HseColor = "gray";

Public Class House or Structure House

Public Shared HseColor As String = "gray"

End Structure

Accessing this kind of field is as simple as:

Response.Write (House.HseColor)

Now getting back to our structs. In the House class as shown earlier, changing the "public class
House" to "struct House" make's it now a struct like so:


struct House {

// ... Rest of code here


Structure House

' ... Rest of code here

End Structure

Structs are instantiated in your page in the same manner as classes as we've shown. Again,
although our listed struct example works fine as is, keep in mind all the aforementioned
limitations and key purposes when implementing them in your programs.

Here we'll now quickly overview classes and other members they could contain and or
independently behave as:

 Fields or Variables - A value that is associated with and within an object or class.
Declared with modifiers such as public, private, static, shared, const (constants), etc.
 Constants - A consistent, unchanged value that is associated with an object or class.
 Properties - Advanced and more adaptable fields, with get and set accessors.
 Methods - Encapsulated code performing an action or storing some logic.
 Classes - A reference type that stores and encloses methods (functions or subroutines),
fields, variables or properties, constructors, and even other classes that organize data and
perform some kind of functionality.
 Structs - Light weight, scaled down memory efficient classes.
 Constructors - creates an instance of a class whenever the object is created.
 Destructors - destroys the instance of a class.
 Interfaces - Are a set of specifying arrangements with certain characteristics, that when
implemented or inherited in a class must abide by. They could contain all mentioned
 Events - Are sent notifying something of actions going to or taking place.
 Delegates - Are useful for events and for passing one method or function to another as a
parameter. Similar to function pointers in C++.
 Indexers - these allow you to index classes like you would arrays.
 Enums - Also known as enumerations, these are a series of constant and related values.

Sorry, if I blew your mind with all these terms. It's good to have an idea what they do although
you may never use all of them. Nevertheless, I thought a good passing insight was in order.

I won't go into mind numbing detail on every single aspect of OOP, nor everything listed above,
as this is not the article's intent. Rather the aim is, as aforementioned, to present the reader with a
quick and dirty introduction and synopsis on all more important commonly used principles of
OOP, so you can get a good overall idea and grasp on it.

As you now have a decent grasp on the methodology of objects, classes, and properties, we can
now press on and claim our .NET inheritance. :-)


Inheritance in OOP is simply taking features from one object and implementing them in another
one, like having a new super-duper object, with your new class being a subclass of, and
inheriting from, the derived base or main class. Inheritance plays a vital role when attempting to
create new custom controls in .NET. For example when creating a Composite Control (made up
of multiple server controls) it is formed through inheriting all the features found within the base
Class Control.

In any event, let's work with our house class in creating a new class called Location, that will
simply show us where our house is located. I'll inherit all the features of our derived house class
and then obtain the same output in addition to our location from the code below:


public class House {

// Code same as above

public class Location : House {

public string ShwLocation;
private string Loc {

get {return ShwLocation;}

set {ShwLocation = value;}

public string ShowStats(){

return base.Summary() + " It is located in " + Loc;

'Inheritance syntax in VB

Public Class Location : Inherits House

or alternatively

Public Class Location

Inherits House

' Rest of code here as above

End Class

OK let's examine what's taking place. We've created a new class Location, right in the same .cs
source file with our House class, that inherited all the features (fields, methods, etc.) from our
derived base class House. We set up our public ShwLocation field and our private Loc property
to get and set our value. Next we create a new method ShowStats() and within it use
base.Summary() to pull in the Summary() method's results from our inherited main class, and
thus our new ShowStats() method's combined results as seen below.

And our .NET page now has this:

Location oHouse = new Location();

oHouse.HseBuilder = "Peter";
oHouse.HseSize = "looks OK";
oHouse.HseColor = "red";
oHouse.ShwLocation = "New York";

Response.Write (oHouse.ShowStats());

Here we create a new Location object and we use fields that are not in our Location object, but
are in our House object! We've inherited all its features and added the ShwLocation only, and
this is one not found in our base class but our new subclass. That's inheritance.

Your result:
Peter built a new house that's looks OK and is painting it red. But I'll change it to white. It is
located in New York.

Pretty nice. Now wouldn't it be even nicer still if we could inherit from multiple classes? Sure
would, but only C++ gives you that luxury as of late. However, interfaces, as we'll look over a
little later, are just that luxury to make up for it.

Lest we become Abstracted

Huh? I thought I'd be innovative. Well, let's now look into another type of class, although
nothing new to VB - Abstract classes. These are classes that act like generic, nonfunctional
templates, on the surface similar to Interfaces, for more specialized classes that could contain
both non-abstract and abstract methods or properties, etc., intended for a new, more robust class.
Their selling point is their ability to remain silent, minimally predisposed and standing by ready
to be redefined and implemented once inherited, and further help in pinpointing any runtime
compilation or implementation errors.

Both abstract classes and interfaces cannot be instantiated. As we'll examine later, interfaces are
contracts for other classes behavior with no set functionality. Although similar in concept,
abstract classes however can contain abstract functionality (methods, etc.), as well as typical
non-abstract methods.

Therefore, creating one take's place when you use the keyword abstract as you declare the class.
When inheriting an abstract class in a regular or non-abstract class, you need to override all
methods or properties before implementing, unless they are not abstract members. When
implementing non-abstract members inherited from an abstract class in a non-abstract class you
need to use the keyword Shadows in VB and new in C#. This behavior is known as method

Abstract classes are more useful when multiple versions of a component are required and for
more larger sets of code, as opposed to an interface with its purpose aimed at smaller, unrelated
bits of functionality. Remember the Class Vs Struct comparison? Kind of like that. Moreover,
abstract classes could also inherit from non-abstract classes and even interfaces!

This is a basis for polymorphism as we'll later examine. However not quite in this context, since
we're not altering it base form to another form.

Below we create an abstract House class with abstract members. Upon creating a new non-
abstract class we inherit our abstract class and implement its features by overriding them, like so:


public abstract class House


public abstract string ShowColor();

public abstract string ShowSize();

//Non-Abstract method
public string Whatever(){

return "Anything";

public class HouseStats : House


public override string ShowColor()


return "blue";

public override string ShowSize()


return "small";

//Method Hiding
public new string Whatever(){

return "New Value";


Public MustInherit Class House

MustOverride Function ShowColor()

'Non-Abstract Method
Public Function Whatever() As String

Return "Anything"

End Function

End Class

Public Class HouseStats : Inherits House

Overrides Function ShowColor()

Return "blue"

End Function

Public Shadows Function Whatever() As String

Return "New Value"

End Function

End Class

As you can tell, the C# keyword abstract translated to MustInherit in VB, in turn defining these
types of classes and non-instantiable base classes.

Consequently, because of its design, abstract classes, and interfaces as we'll later examine, work
well avoiding run-time bugs associated with derived classes, due to their nature in being
overridden when used.


The concept of passing parameters is nothing new to OOP, and certainly not an incredibly
difficult concept to grasp, since the same techniques were used when programming ASP/VB
parameterized subroutines and functions. And what exactly are parameters? Values.

Shortly, as we explore Overloading, you'll simultaneously gain knowledge of this concept as

well, if you already didn't.

Method Overloading

Method Overloading or Overloading is the means of re-implementing a method with the same
name numerous times, providing its signatures (or number of parameter and or parameter
reference types) are different.

To demonstrate, we'll now overload our ShowStats() method (taken from the Inheritance section
code example) two different ways. Right after the default ShowStats method you can create
overloaded methods, ready for implementation depending on your purpose like so:

public string ShowStats(string StartTxt){

return base.Summary() + " - " + StartTxt + " it is located in " + Loc;

public object ShowStats(string StartTxt, string EndTxt){

return base.Summary() + " - " + StartTxt +

" it is located in " + Loc + " - " + EndTxt;

Our default ShowStats() method as noted before is the standard non-overloaded method. Above
however, we've added an additional two methods, both overloading our default method. The first
one a string method, accepts only one parameter StartTxt, thus its signature distinguishes it from
its predecessor. The second pushes further by being an object method with two parameters,
StartTxt and EndTxt. Both retrieving Loc from before as well.

And in our .aspx page we implement it, in addition to the way we did before, like this:

//Overloaded method 1
Response.Write (oHouse.ShowStats("I think") + "<BR><BR>");

//Overloaded method 2
Response.Write (oHouse.ShowStats("I'm sure","That's cool!") + "<BR><BR>");

Same name, different signatures thus overloading, and our results:

[Overloaded method 1]
Peter built a new house that's looks OK and is painting it red. But I'll change it to white. - I think
it is located in New York

[Overloaded method 2]
Peter built a new house that's looks OK and is painting it red. But I'll change it to white. - I'm
sure it is located in New York - That's cool!


Back in our section on abstract classes we dealt with interfaces in comparison. We briefly
explained that they look like classes but they don't get instantiated in your page as would a
typical class. Reason for this is that they are used or inherited by other classes for a particular
functionality as a contract. In other words, they provide specs or behaviors for other classes as to
their use or redefinition rather than their direct implementation. Incidentally, interfaces are C#'s
answer to C++'s multiple inheritance.

Now to create an interface we'd declare an interface with the interface keyword and specify the
interface name. Good naming convention suggests a capital "I" before the interface name to
avoid any confusion and to confirm a naming structure.

Key points:

 As a rule, interfaces are always, by default public, as are their members.

 Interfaces could contain the following members: methods, properties and events
 All the members within an interfaces, whether a method or field, cannot themselves
contain anything, they would need to be empty without any body text.
 Interfaces themselves could even inherit other interfaces, and without having to
implementing all its methods, unlike classes, which have to!
 Both classes as well as structs could inherit multiple interfaces.

In addition, whatever methods or properties the interfaces contain, they would all have to be
implemented upon inheriting them in your new class. Still if you prefer you can conditionally
check if an actual interface is valid from within by using the is operator.

Furthermore, implementing and redefining methods and properties of an interface can be done
two ways: implicitly, that we do, via our publicly and or virtually declared members, or
explicitly, which are referenced directly via the interface name.

Below, the C# examples are no different than before, however, the VB implementation requires
some attention. Multiple Inheritance as we've touched upon in light of interfaces, can be
accomplished this way:


interface IAllStats

int ShowSquareFeet { get; } //Interface property

void ShowOwner(); //Interface method

interface IAllStats2 {

string OwnerName { get; set; } //Interface property

void ShowLocation(); //Interface method

//Multiple Inheritance feature of Interfaces

public class UseBothInterfaces : IAllStats, IAllStats2

// Field for interface property

private string _OwnerName;

// Property implementation

public int ShowSquareFeet {

get { return 3600; } //Read only value

public string OwnerName { //Getter and Setter property

get { return _OwnerName; }

set { _OwnerName = value; }

// ShowOwner() method implemented, assigning OwnerName

public void ShowOwner() { OwnerName = "Pete"; }

public void ShowLocation() { } // ShowLocation() method implemented

public object ShowStats(){

//ShowOwner(); // Method called - overrides property

return OwnerName + " owns a house that's " +

ShowSquareFeet + " square feet";


Interface IAllStats
'This property is only read only
ReadOnly Property ShowSquareFeet() As Integer

Function ShowOwner() As String

End Interface

Interface IAllStats2

Property OwnerName() As String

Function ShowLocation() As String

End Interface

'Multiple Inheritance feature of Interfaces

Public Class UseBothInterfaces : Implements IAllStats, IAllStats2

Private _OwnerName As String

Public ReadOnly Property ShowSquareFeet As Integer

Implements IAllStats.ShowSquareFeet

Return 3600 'Read only value
End Get

End Property

'Getter and Setter property

Property OwnerName As String Implements IAllStats2.OwnerName
Return _OwnerName
End Get

_OwnerName = value
End Set

End Property

Public Function ShowOwner() As String Implements IAllStats.ShowOwner

OwnerName = "Pete"

End Function

Public Function ShowLocation() As String

Implements IAllStats2.ShowLocation
' ShowLocation() method implemented
End Function

Public Function ShowStats() As Object

' ShowOwner() ' Method called - overrides property - See results below

Return OwnerName & " owns a house that's " &

ShowSquareFeet & " square feet"
End Function

End Class

Implementing this is as easy as this:


UseBothInterfaces StatsInter = new UseBothInterfaces();

StatsInter.OwnerName = "Jim";
Response.Write (StatsInter.ShowStats());

Dim StatsInter As UseBothInterfaces = New UseBothInterfaces()

StatsInter.OwnerName = "Jim"
Response.Write (StatsInter.ShowStats())

OK, now what took place? Well, we created two interfaces that include both method and
properties (both a standard string property and readonly integer property). Next we set up our
class that inherits multiple interfaces, and we then begin defining their members from our two
interface templates.

In our above .aspx page code, we instance our class UseBothInterfaces(), and proceed to assign
our object's OwnerName() method a value, and then write out our results. Our ShowStats()
method is set up to do two things. Call, thus implement, the ShowOwner() method along with its
code (which overwrites Jim with Pete), and or return to us the OwnerName that was set from our
page's object instantiation, alongside our ShowSquareFeet() method's measurements that were
internally already assigned.

Therefore, working with interfaces offers us the ability and has demonstrated how we could
inherit and implement multiple interfaces in a class, assign and retrieve property values,
implement methods and return results that can be accomplished either internally or externally
through our web page from our two contracts. In our example we decided to implement both
interfaces, and all define all their members.

And our results:

[Results without ShowOwner() method implemented]

Jim owns a house that's 3600 square feet

[Results with ShowOwner() method implemented]

Pete owns a house that's 3600 square feet

Another point to note is that our VB code in comparison to C# requires the Implements keyword
referencing the implemented interface and method. Again upon implementing an interface, you
must implement all the members of that interface, unlike abstract classes that do not support
multiple inheritance, but are allowed to choose what members you wish to implement, as long as
you specify to the contrary.

Quick observation: Creating an instance of the class inheriting multiple interfaces is demonstrate
above in our BothInterfaces() method. Now notice that we create an instance and we could
reference any class that implements any interface. Moreover, interfaces due to their insistent
complete implemenation schema could go a long way in preventing runtime bugs.

As we'll explore polymorphism, you'll discover instantiation of a different kind, that applies to
interfaces as well.

Finally Polymorphism

Polymorphism is really pretty easy to understand. First off, it is derived from two Greek words
"Poly" meaning many and "Morphism" means forms or shapes. In OOP this is taken to mean
how one object is used as if it's another different object altogether. Key factors for polymorphism
to take place are that the methods involved are overridable. Furthermore, upon polymorphism via
inheritance, you are able to construct a uniquely new object based on a commonly derived

Any polymorphic methods in C# are declared with the keyword virtual or abstract, and the
method overriding this specifies override. In VB you're dealing with Inheritable/Overridable
methods. Contrary to overloading, overriding must include the identical features, including all
the signatures (number of parameters) as the derived base class method.


public class House

public virtual string GetStatistics()
return ("My House is spacious");

public class GuestHouse : House

public override string GetStatistics()
return ("My House now a Guesthouse is roomy");

public class Garage : House

public override string GetStatistics()
return ("My House now a Garage is wide");

MustInherit Public Class House

Public MustOverride Function GetStatistics() As String
Return ("My House is spacious")
End Function
End Class

Public Class Guesthouse : Inherits House

Public Overrides Function GetStatistics() As String
Return ("My House now a Guesthouse is roomy")
End Function
End Class

Public Class Garage : Inherits House

Public Overrides Function GetStatistics() As String
Return ("My House now a Garage is wide")
End Function
End Class

What was accomplished here through abstract polymorphism is that we overrode and modified
the GetStatistics's return value. The other concept of Polymorphism - Inheritance-Based
Polymorphism, work much along the same lines.

Our code to instantiate them is:


House myHouse = new House();

House myGuestHse = new Guesthouse();
House myGarage = new Garage();

Response.Write(myHouse.GetStatistics() + "<BR>");
Response.Write(myGuestHse.GetStatistics() + "<BR>");

Dim myHouse As House = New House()

Dim myGuestHouse As House = New Guesthouse()
Dim myGarage As House = New Garage()

Response.Write(myHouse.GetStatistics() & "<BR>")

Response.Write(myGuestHouse.GetStatistics() & "<BR>")
Response.Write(myGarage.GetStatistics() & "<BR>")

And our results are:

My House is spacious
My House now a Guesthouse is roomy
My House now a Garage is wide

So even though I declared my variables as a House, through polymorphism my House object

takes on a different type and gets transformed into myGuestHouse and even myGarage! Think of
the possibilities.

Phew! Not too bad. Well take heart that you have learned a great deal of OOP concepts and now
should find it less cumbersome.


In conclusion, beyond all we've touched upon, OOP can be quite extensive in its depth and
conceptual methodologies. There is far more that can be learned, including everything from
sealed and non-inheritable classes to delegates and events and so forth, to say the least. The
intricacy of OOP unquestionably extends far beyond what was described here.

Still, the foundation we've set forth I hope is an excellent start and overview of OOP for you.
There are hundreds of great resources online that would allow you a deeper look into the
illimitable complexities and structures of OOP. Yet, learning all these concepts is best
accomplished like most things in development, having something to make use of them in and
performing real-world work.
In close, my objective here was to introduce a direct and to the point outline of OOP that should
now have given you a firm place to stand on from which you now could plan your next move on
the road to object-oriented application development. </>

Until next time, Happy .NETing!

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