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Internal Quality Management System Audit Checklist (ISO9001:2015)

Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence

4 Context of the Organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.1q1 The organization shall determine external and How has the organization determined
internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and external and internal issues relevant to its
its strategic direction and that affect its ability to purpose and strategic direction?
achieve the intended result(s) of its quality How do these affect the ability to achieve
managementsystem. the intended result of the QMS?
4.1q2 The organization shall monitor and review the How do you monitor and review information
information about these external and internal about these internal and external issues?
NOTE 1 Understanding the external context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from legal,
technological, competitive, market, cultural, social, and economic environments, whether international,
national, regional or local.
NOTE 2 Understanding the internal context can be facilitated by considering issues related to values, culture
knowledge and performance of the organization.
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
4.2q1 Due to their impact or potential impact on the How have you determined what interested
organization’s ability to consistently provide parties are relevant to the QMS?
products and services that meet customer and How have you determined what
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, requirements those parties have that are
the organization shall determine: relevant to the QMS?
a) the interested parties that are relevant to the How has impact or potential impact been
quality management system; determined?
b) the requirements of these interested parties
that are relevant to the quality management
4.2q2 The organization shall monitor and review the How do you monitor and review the
information about these interested parties and their information about interested parties and
relevant requirements. their relevant requirements?
4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system
4.3q1 The organization shall determine the boundaries How have the boundaries and applicability
and applicability of the quality management system of the QMS been used to establish the
to establish its scope. scope of the organization?
4.3q2 When determining this scope, the organization How have:
shall consider: The external and internal issues;
a) the external and internal issues referred to in The requirements of relevant interested
4.1; parties and;
b) the requirements of relevant interested parties The products and services of the
referred to in 4.2; organization been considered when
c) the products and services of the organization. determining the scope of the organization?
4.3q3 Where a requirement of this International Standard How has the application of the International
within the determined scope can be applied, then it Standard within the scope been determined,
shall be applied by the organization. and how has it been applied by the

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
4.3q4 If any requirement(s) of this International Standard How have any requirements of the
cannot be applied, this shall not affect the International Standard been determined as
organization’s ability or responsibility to ensure not applicable? Show me how conformity of
conformity of products and services. products and services are not affected by
4.3q5 The scope shall be available and be maintained as Where is the scope available? Where is it Scope required as documented information.
documented information stating the: maintained as documented information?
- products and services covered by the Does it state what products and services
quality management system; are covered by the QMS?
- justification for any instance where a Does it justify how instances of
requirement of this International Standard requirements of the QMS cannot be
cannot be applied. applied?
4.4 Quality management system and its processes
4.4q1 The organization shall establish, implement, How has the QMS been established? Show
maintain and continually improve a quality me how this is implemented. How is it
management system, including the processes maintained and continually improved? How
needed and their interactions, in accordance with have the processes been determined and
the requirements of this International Standard. how do they interact?
4.4q2 The organization shall determine the processes How have the processes been determined
needed for the quality management system and for the QMS?
their application throughout the organization and What are the inputs and outputs for those
shall determine: processes?
a) the inputs required and the outputs expected What is the sequence and interaction of the
from these processes; processes?
b) the sequence and interaction of these What are the criteria, methods,
processes; measurement and related performance
c) the criteria, methods, including measurements indicators needed to operate and control
and related performance indicators needed to those processes?
ensure the effective operation, and control of these What resources are needed and how are
processes; these made available?
d) the resources needed and ensure their How are responsibilities and authorities
availability; assigned for those processes?
e) the assignment of the responsibilities and How are risks and opportunities considered
authorities for these processes; and what plans are made to implement
f) the risks and opportunities in accordance with the actions to address them?
requirements of 6.1, and plan and implement the What methods are used to monitor,
appropriate actions to address them; measure and evaluate processes and, if
g) the methods for monitoring, measuring, as needed, what changes are made to achieve
appropriate, and evaluation of processes and, if intended results?
needed, the changes to processes to ensure that How are opportunities to improve the
they achieve intended results; processes and the QMS determined?
h) opportunities for improvement of the processes
and the quality management system.

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
4.4q3 The organization shall maintain documented What documented information exists to Documented information to support the operation of
information to the extent necessary to support the support the operation of processes? How is processes.
operation of processes and retain documented this documented information retained? How
information to the extent necessary to have is confidence that the processes are being
confidence that the processes are being carried out carried out as planned determined?
as planned.

5 Kepemimpinan
5.1 Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen
5.1.1 Kepemimpinan dan komitmen untuk kualitas sistem manejemen

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
5.1.1q1 Manajemen puncak (Manajemen tingkat Atas) Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
harus menunjukkan kepemimpinan dan komitmen manajemen puncak menunjukkan
sehubungan dengan mutu sistem manajemen kepemimpinan dan komitmen berkenaan
dengan: dengan sistem manajemen mutu dalam
a) bertanggung jawab atas efektivitas sistem pengambilan akuntabilitas efektivitas
manajemen mutu; sistem manajemen mutu.
b) memastikan bahwa kebijakan mutu dan sasaran Bagaimana kebijakan dan tujuan kualitas
mutu ditetapkan untuk sistem manajemen mutu ditetapkan untuk Sistem Manajemen Mutu
dan kompatibel dengan arahan strategis dan sesuai dan bagaimana mereka sesuai dengan
konteks organisasi; arahan strategis dan konteks organisasi?
c) memastikan bahwa kebijakan mutu Bagaimana kebijakan mutu
dikomunikasikan, dipahami, dan diterapkan dalam dikomunikasikan dalam organisasi?
organisasi; Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana ini
d) memastikan integrasi persyaratan sistem dipahami dan diterapkan.
manajemen mutu ke dalam proses bisnis Bagaimana persyaratan sistem manajemen
organisasi; mutu diintegrasikan ke dalam proses bisnis?
e) mempromosikan kesadaran akan pendekatan Bagaimana Anda mempromosikan
proses; kesadaran akan pendekatan proses?
f) memastikan bahwa sumber daya yang Bagaimana Anda memastikan bahwa
diperlukan untuk sistem manajemen mutu tersedia; sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk area
g) mengomunikasikan pentingnya manajemen sistem manajemen mutu tersedia?
mutu yang efektif dan memenuhi persyaratan Bagaimana Anda mengomunikasikan
sistem manajemen mutu; pentingnya manajemen kualitas yang
h) memastikan bahwa sistem manajemen mutu efektif?
mencapai hasil yang diharapkan; Bagaimana Anda mengomunikasikan
i) melibatkan, mengarahkan, dan mendukung pentingnya mematuhi persyaratan Sistem
orang untuk berkontribusi pada efektivitas sistem Manajemen Mutu?
manajemen mutu; Bagaimana Anda memastikan bahwa
j) mempromosikan peningkatan berkelanjutan; Sistem Manajemen Mutu mencapai hasil
k) mendukung peran manajemen terkait lainnya yang diinginkan?
untuk menunjukkan kepemimpinan mereka Bagaimana Anda melibatkan,
sebagaimana berlaku untuk bidang tanggung jawab mengarahkan, dan mendukung orang untuk
mereka. berkontribusi pada efektivitas Sistem
Manajemen Mutu?
Bagaimana Anda mempromosikan
peningkatan berkelanjutan?
Bagaimana Anda mendukung peran
manajemen lainnya untuk menunjukkan
kepemimpinan dalam bidang tanggung
jawab mereka?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
CATATAN Rujukan ke "bisnis" dalam Standar Internasional ini dapat diartikan
secara luas sebagai aktivitas yang merupakan inti dari tujuan keberadaan
organisasi; apakah organisasi itu publik, pribadi, untuk untung atau tidak untuk

5.1.2 Fokus Pelanggan

5.1.2q1 Manajemen puncak (Manajemen tingkat Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
Atas) harus menunjukkan kepemimpinan manajemen puncak menunjukkan
dan komitmen sehubungan dengan fokus kepemimpinan dan komitmen
pelanggan dengan memastikan bahwa: berkenaan dengan fokus pelanggan,
a) persyaratan pelanggan dan persyaratan memastikan persyaratan dan
hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku persyaratan hukum dan peraturan
ditentukan dan dipenuhi; yang berlaku ditentukan dan
b) risiko dan peluang yang dapat dipenuhi.
memengaruhi kesesuaian produk dan Bagaimana risiko dan peluang yang
layanan serta kemampuan untuk
dapat memengaruhi kesesuaian
meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan
ditentukan dan diatasi; produk dan layanan ditentukan?
c) fokus pada penyediaan produk dan Bagaimana kemampuan untuk
layanan yang memenuhi pelanggan secara meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan
konsisten dan persyaratan hukum dan ditentukan dan diatasi?
peraturan yang berlaku dipertahankan; Bagaimana fokus pada penyediaan
d) fokus pada peningkatan kepuasan produk dan layanan yang memenuhi
pelanggan dipertahankan pelanggan secara konsisten dan
persyaratan hukum dan peraturan
yang berlaku dipertahankan?
Bagaimana menjaga kepuasan
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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
5.2 Kebijakan Mutu
5.2.1q1 Manajemen puncak harus menetapkan, Bagaimana manajemen puncak
meninjau, dan memelihara kebijakan mutu menetapkan, meninjau, dan
yang: memelihara kebijakan mutu?
a) sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks Bagaimana itu ditentukan agar
organisasi; sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks
b) menyediakan kerangka kerja untuk organisasi?
menetapkan dan meninjau tujuan kualitas; Apakah ini memberikan kerangka
c) termasuk komitmen untuk memenuhi kerja untuk menetapkan dan
persyaratan yang berlaku; meninjau tujuan kualitas?
d) termasuk komitmen untuk peningkatan Apakah itu mengandung komitmen
berkelanjutan dari sistem manajemen untuk memenuhi persyaratan yang
mutu berlaku?
Apakah itu termasuk komitmen
untuk perbaikan berkelanjutan dari
Sistem Manajemen Mutu?
5.2.2q1 Kebijakan mutu harus: Di mana kebijakan mutu tersedia Kebijakan Mutu sebagai informasi dokumen
a) tersedia sebagai informasi yang sebagai informasi yang
terdokumentasi; terdokumentasi?
b) dikomunikasikan, dipahami dan Bagaimana ini dikomunikasikan?
diterapkan dalam organisasi; Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana itu
c) tersedia untuk pihak-pihak yang dipahami dan diterapkan dalam
berkepentingan yang relevan, organisasi.
sebagaimana diperlukan. Bagaimana Anda membuatnya
tersedia untuk pihak penting yang

5.3 Peran Organisasi, Tanggung jawab dan Wewenang

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
5.3q1 Manajemen puncak harus memastikan How does top management ensure that
responsibilities and authorities for relevant
bahwa tanggung jawab dan wewenang roles are assigned, communicated and
untuk peran yang relevan ditugaskan, understood within the organization?
dikomunikasikan dan dipahami dalam
Manajemen puncak harus menetapkan
tanggung jawab dan wewenang untuk:
a) memastikan bahwa sistem manajemen
mutu sesuai dengan persyaratan Standar
Internasional ini;
b) memastikan bahwa proses
menghasilkan keluaran yang diinginkan;
c) melaporkan kinerja sistem manajemen
mutu, peluang untuk perbaikan dan
kebutuhan akan perubahan atau inovasi,
dan terutama untuk pelaporan ke
manajemen puncak;
d) memastikan promosi fokus pelanggan
di seluruh organisasi;
e) memastikan bahwa integritas sistem
manajemen mutu dipertahankan ketika
perubahan pada sistem manajemen mutu
direncanakan dan diimplementasikan.

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
5.3q2 Manajemen puncak harus memastikan Bagaimana manajemen puncak
bahwa tanggung jawab dan wewenang menetapkan tanggung jawab dan
untuk peran yang relevan ditugaskan, wewenang untuk:
dikomunikasikan dan dipahami dalam Memastikan bahwa Sistem
organisasi. Manajemen Mutu sesuai dengan
Manajemen puncak harus menetapkan standar Internasional?
tanggung jawab dan wewenang untuk: Memastikan proses memberikan
a) memastikan bahwa sistem manajemen hasil yang diinginkan?
mutu sesuai dengan persyaratan Standar Bagaimana kinerja Sistem
Internasional ini; Manajemen Mutu, peluang untuk
b) memastikan bahwa proses perbaikan dan kebutuhan untuk
menghasilkan keluaran yang diinginkan; perubahan atau inovasi dilaporkan
c) melaporkan kinerja sistem manajemen kepada manajemen puncak?
mutu, peluang untuk perbaikan dan Bagaimana fokus pelanggan
kebutuhan akan perubahan atau inovasi, dipromosikan dalam organisasi?
dan terutama untuk pelaporan ke Bagaimana integritas Sistem
manajemen puncak; Manajemen Mutu dipertahankan
d) memastikan promosi fokus pelanggan ketika perubahan pada Sistem
di seluruh organisasi; Manajemen Mutu direncanakan dan
e) memastikan bahwa integritas sistem diimplementasikan?
manajemen mutu dipertahankan ketika
perubahan pada sistem manajemen mutu
direncanakan dan diimplementasikan.
6 Planning for the quality management system
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1q1 When planning for the quality management system, How are the internal and external issues
the organization shall consider the issues referred and interested parties considered when
to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 planning for the QMS?
and determine the risks and opportunities that How are risks and opportunities determined
need to be addressed to: and addressed so that the QMS can::
a) give assurance that the quality management a) achieve its intended results;
system can achieve its intended result(s); b) Prevent or reduce undesired effects;
b) prevent, or reduce, undesired effects; c) Achieve continual improvement?
c) achieve continual improvement.

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
6.1.2q1 The organization shall plan: How are actions planned to address risks
a) actions to address these risks and opportunities; and opportunities?
b) how to: How are actions integrated and
1) integrate and implement the actions into its implemented into the QMS processes?
quality management system processes (see 4.4); How do you evaluate the effectiveness of
2) evaluate the effectiveness of these actions. the actions?
6.1.2q2 Actions taken to address risks and opportunities How are actions taken to address risks and
shall be proportionate to the potential impact on the opportunities determined as being
conformity of products and services. appropriate to the potential impact on the
conformity of products and services? Product design skills The organization shall ensure that personnel with How do you determine that personnel with
1 product design responsibility are competent to product design responsibility are competent
achieve design requirements and are skilled in to achieve design requirements? How do
applicable tools and techniques. you determine skills required in applicable
Applicable tools and techniques shall be identified tools and techniques? How do you identify
by the organization. applicable tools and techniques?
NOTE Options to address risks and opportunities can include: avoiding risk, taking risk in order to pursue an
opportunity, eliminating the risk source, changing the likelihood or consequences, sharing the risk, or retaining
risk by informed decision.
6.2Quality objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2.1q1 The organization shall establish quality objectives Where are the quality objectives and are Documented information on quality objectives
at relevant functions, levels and processes. these at all relevant functions, levels and
The quality objectives shall: processes?
a) be consistent with the quality policy, Are they consistent with the quality policy?
b) be measurable; Are they measureable?
c) take into account applicable requirements; Do they consider applicable requirements?
d) be relevant to conformity of products and Are they relevant to the conformity of
services and the enhancement of customer products and services and do they enhance
satisfaction; customer satisfaction?
e) be monitored; Are they monitored? How? How often?
f) be communicated; How are they communicated?
g)be updated as appropriate. How are they updated?
The organization shall retain documented Where is the documented information on
information on the quality objectives. the quality objectives?
6.2.2q1 When planning how to achieve its quality How does the organization determine what
objectives, the organization shall determine: will be done, with what resources, when
a) what will be done; completed and how will results be evaluated
b) what resources will be required; for quality objectives?
c) who will be responsible;
d) when it will be completed;
e) how the results will be evaluated.
6.3 Planning of changes

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
6.3q1 Where the organization determines the need for How are changes to the QMS planned
change to the quality management system (see systematically?
4.4) the change shall be carried out in a planned Demonstrate the purpose and potential
and systematic manner. consequences of changes;
The organization shall consider: Demonstrate the integrity of the QMS;
a) the purpose of the change and any of its Demonstrate how resources are made
potential consequences; available?
b) the integrity of the quality management system; Demonstrate how responsibility and
c) the availability of resources; authority is allocated or reallocated.
d) the allocation or reallocation of responsibilities
and authorities.

7 Dukungan
7.1 Sumber Daya
7.1.1 Umum
7.1.1q1 Organisasi harus menentukan dan Tunjukkan bagaimana sumber daya
menyediakan sumber daya yang ditentukan untuk pendirian,
diperlukan untuk pembentukan, implementasi, pemeliharaan, dan
implementasi, pemeliharaan dan peningkatan berkelanjutan dari
peningkatan berkelanjutan dari sistem Sistem Manajemen Mutu.
manajemen mutu. Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
Organisasi harus mempertimbangkan: kemampuan dan kendala sumber
a) kemampuan, dan kendala, sumber daya daya internal dipertimbangkan.
internal yang ada; Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
b) apa yang perlu diperoleh dari penyedia kebutuhan dari penyedia eksternal
eksternal. dipertimbangkan.
7.1.2 Orang

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
7.1.2q1 Untuk memastikan bahwa organisasi Bagaimana Anda menyediakan
dapat secara konsisten memenuhi orang yang diperlukan secara
pelanggan dan persyaratan hukum dan konsisten bertemu dengan
peraturan yang berlaku, organisasi harus pelanggan, persyaratan hukum dan
menyediakan orang-orang yang peraturan yang berlaku untuk Sistem
diperlukan untuk operasi efektif sistem Manajemen Mutu termasuk proses
manajemen mutu, termasuk proses yang yang diperlukan?
7.1.3 Infrastruktur
7.1.3q1 Organisasi harus menentukan, Bagaimana Anda menentukan,
menyediakan, dan memelihara menyediakan, dan memelihara
infrastruktur untuk mencapai kesesuaian infrastruktur untuk mencapai
produk dan layanan. kesesuaian produk dan layanan?
CATATAN 1 Setiap perubahan realisasi produk yang mempengaruhi
persyaratan pelanggan memerlukan pemberitahuan kepada, dan persetujuan dari,
7.1.4 Lingkungan untuk pengoperasian proses
7.1.4q1 Organisasi harus menentukan, Bagaimana Anda menentukan,
menyediakan, dan memelihara lingkungan menyediakan, dan memelihara
yang diperlukan untuk pengoperasian lingkungan untuk pengoperasian
prosesnya dan untuk mencapai kesesuaian proses dalam rangka untuk
produk dan layanan. mencapai kesesuaian produk dan
CATATAN Lingkungan untuk pengoperasian proses dapat mencakup faktor
fisik, sosial, psikologis, lingkungan, dan lainnya (seperti suhu, kelembaban,
ergonomi, dan kebersihan).
7.1.5 Memantau dan mengukur sumber daya
7.1.5q1 Jika pemantauan atau pengukuran Bagaimana sumber daya ditentukan
digunakan untuk bukti kesesuaian produk untuk memastikan hasil pemantauan
dan layanan dengan persyaratan yang dan pengukuran yang valid dan
ditentukan, organisasi harus menentukan handal, dimana digunakan?
sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk
memastikan hasil pemantauan dan
pengukuran yang valid dan dapat

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
7.1.5q2 Organisasi harus memastikan bahwa Bagaimana Anda memastikan
sumber daya yang disediakan: bahwa sumber daya yang disediakan
a) cocok untuk jenis spesifik kegiatan cocok untuk kegiatan pemantauan
pemantauan dan pengukuran yang dan pengukuran khusus dan
dilakukan; dipertahankan untuk memastikan
b) dipertahankan untuk memastikan kesesuaian dengan tujuan?
kebugaran mereka yang berkelanjutan
untuk tujuan mereka.
7.1.5q3 Organisasi harus menyimpan informasi Tunjukkan pada saya informasi Informasi kebugaran yang terdokumentasi untuk
terdokumentasi yang sesuai sebagai bukti yang didokumentasikan yang keperluan pemantauan & pengukuran sumber daya.
kesesuaian untuk keperluan pemantauan merupakan bukti kesesuaian untuk
dan sumber daya pengukuran. tujuan pemantauan dan sumber daya
7.1.5q4 Di mana keterlacakan pengukuran adalah: Jika ada, tunjukkan padaku Informasi yang didokumentasikan untuk dasar kalibrasi
persyaratan hukum atau peraturan; bagaimana instrumen pengukuran: atau verifikasi dimana tidak ada standar.
harapan pelanggan atau pihak terkait yang Diverifikasi atau dikalibrasi pada
relevan; atau dianggap oleh organisasi interval waktu tertentu terhadap
sebagai bagian penting dari memberikan standar pengukuran nasional atau
kepercayaan pada validitas hasil internasional;
pengukuran; instrumen pengukur harus: Jika tidak ada standar, tunjukkan
-diverifikasi atau dikalibrasi pada interval pada saya informasi yang
yang ditentukan atau sebelum digunakan didokumentasikan yang digunakan
terhadap standar pengukuran yang dapat sebagai dasar untuk kalibrasi atau
dilacak ke standar pengukuran verifikasi.
internasional atau nasional. Jika tidak ada Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
standar seperti itu, dasar yang digunakan instrumen pengukuran diidentifikasi
untuk kalibrasi atau verifikasi harus untuk menentukan status kalibrasi
dipertahankan sebagai informasi yang mereka.
terdokumentasi; Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
-dikidentifikasi untuk menentukan status mereka dilindungi dari penyesuaian.
kalibrasi mereka; Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
-terlindungi dari penyesuaian, kerusakan, mereka dilindungi dari kerusakan.
atau kerusakan yang akan membatalkan
status kalibrasi dan hasil pengukuran

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
7.1.5q5 Organisasi harus menentukan apakah Bagaimana Anda menentukan
validitas hasil pengukuran sebelumnya validitas pengukuran sebelumnya
telah dipengaruhi secara merugikan ketika jika Anda menemukan instrumen
suatu instrumen ditemukan rusak selama cacat saat verifikasi atau kalibrasi?
verifikasi atau kalibrasi yang Tindakan tepat apa yang bisa Anda
direncanakan, atau selama ambil?
penggunaannya, dan mengambil tindakan
korektif yang diperlukan sebagaimana
7.1.6 Pengetahuan Organisasi
7.1.6q1 Organisasi harus menentukan Bagaimana Anda menentukan
pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk
operasi prosesnya dan untuk mencapai pengoperasian proses? Bagaimana
kesesuaian produk dan layanan. Anda menentukan pengetahuan
yang diperlukan untuk mencapai
kesesuaian produk dan layanan?
7.1.6q2 Bagaimana Anda mempertahankan
Pengetahuan ini harus dipertahankan, dan
tersedia selama diperlukan. pengetahuan ini dan bagaimana
Anda membuatnya tersedia selama
7.1.6q3 Ketika menangani perubahan kebutuhan Bagaimana Anda
dan tren, organisasi harus mempertimbangkan pengetahuan
mempertimbangkan pengetahuannya saat saat ini dan bagaimana Anda
ini dan menentukan bagaimana memperoleh pengetahuan tambahan
memperoleh atau mengakses pengetahuan saat menangani perubahan
tambahan yang diperlukan. kebutuhan dan tren?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
CATATAN 1 Pengetahuan organisasi dapat mencakup informasi seperti
kekayaan intelektual dan pelajaran yang dipetik.
CATATAN 2 Untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan yang diperlukan, organisasi
dapat mempertimbangkan:
a) sumber internal (mis. belajar dari kegagalan dan proyek yang berhasil,
menangkap pengetahuan tidak berdokumen dan pengalaman para ahli topikal
dalam organisasi);
b) sumber eksternal (mis. standar, akademisi, konferensi, pengumpulan
pengetahuan dengan pelanggan atau
penyedia layanan).

7.2 Kompetensi
7..2q1 Organisasi harus: Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana Informasi yang didokumentasikan sebagai bukti
a) menentukan kompetensi yang caranya: kompetensi jika diperlukan.
diperlukan orang yang melakukan Anda menentukan kompetensi yang
pekerjaan di bawah kendalinya yang diperlukan dari orang yang
mempengaruhi kualitasnya; melakukan pekerjaan di bawah
b) memastikan bahwa orang-orang ini kendali Anda yang memengaruhi
kompeten berdasarkan pendidikan, kinerja kualitas;
pelatihan, atau pengalaman yang sesuai; Bagaimana Anda menentukan
c) jika berlaku, mengambil tindakan untuk kompetensi berdasarkan pendidikan,
memperoleh kompetensi yang diperlukan, pelatihan, atau pengalaman yang
dan mengevaluasi efektivitas tindakan sesuai?
yang diambil; Bagaimana Anda mengambil
d) menyimpan informasi terdokumentasi tindakan untuk memperoleh
yang sesuai sebagai bukti kompetensi. kompetensi yang diperlukan di
mana berlaku dan bagaimana Anda
mengevaluasi efektivitas tindakan
Tunjukkan pada saya informasi
yang terdokumentasi yang sesuai
dengan kompetensi

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
CATATAN Tindakan yang dapat diterapkan dapat mencakup, misalnya,
penyediaan pelatihan untuk, pendampingan, atau penugasan kembali orang-
orang yang saat ini dipekerjakan; atau mempekerjakan atau mengontrak orang
yang kompeten.
7.3 Kesadaran
7.3q1 Orang yang melakukan pekerjaan di Bagaimana orang-orang sadar:
bawah kendali organisasi harus Kebijakan mutu?
mengetahui: Sasaran mutu yang relevan?
a) kebijakan mutu; Kontribusi mereka terhadap
efektivitas Sistem Manajemen
b) sasaran mutu yang relevan; Mutu?
c) kontribusinya pada efektivitas sistem Manfaat dari peningkatan kinerja?
manajemen mutu, termasuk manfaat dari Implikasi dari tidak sesuai dengan
peningkatan kualitas kinerja; persyaratan Sistem Manajemen
d) implikasi tidak sesuai dengan Mutu?
persyaratan sistem manajemen mutu.
7.4 Komunikasi
7.4q1 Organisasi harus menentukan komunikasi Bagaimana Anda menentukan
internal dan eksternal yang relevan komunikasi internal dan eksternal
dengan sistem manajemen mutu termasuk: yang relevan dengan Sistem
a) tentang apa yang akan Manajemen Mutu?
Bagaimana Anda menentukan:
dikomunikasikan; Apa?
b) kapan berkomunikasi; Kapan?
c) dengan siapa berkomunikasi; Dengan siapa?
d) bagaimana berkomunikasi. Bagaimana?
7.5 Informasi yang terdokumentasi
7.5.1 General
7.5.1q1 Sistem manajemen mutu organisasi harus Informasi terdokumentasi apa yang Informasi yang terdokumentasi diperlukan oleh standar
mencakup: Anda miliki seperti yang ini.
a) informasi terdokumentasi yang disyaratkan oleh standar ini? Informasi yang terdokumentasi diperlukan untuk
diperlukan oleh Standar Internasional ini; Apa informasi terdokumentasi yang keefektifan Siatem Manajemen Mutu.
b) informasi yang didokumentasikan Anda miliki yang diperlukan untuk
ditentukan oleh organisasi sebagai efektivitas Sistem Manajemen Mutu
diperlukan untuk efektivitas sistem Anda?
manajemen mutu.

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
CATATAN Tingkat informasi yang terdokumentasi untuk sistem manajemen
mutu dapat berbeda dari satu
organisasi ke yang lain karena:
a) ukuran organisasi dan jenis kegiatan, proses, produk dan layanannya;
b) kompleksitas proses dan interaksinya;
c) kompetensi orang.

7.5.2 Menciptakan dan Pembaruan

7.5.2q1 Ketika membuat dan memperbarui Tunjukkan pada saya bahwa Informasi yang terdokumentasi (di berbagai media) perlu
informasi yang terdokumentasi, organisasi
informasi Anda yang identifikasi, deskripsi.
harus memastikan yang sesuai: terdokumentasi berisi: Proses peninjauan / persetujuan?
a) identifikasi dan deskripsi (mis. judul,
tanggal, penulis, atau nomor referensi);
b) format (mis. bahasa, versi perangkatDalam format media apa?
lunak, grafik) dan media (mis. kertas, Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
elektronik); informasi yang didokumentasikan
c) meninjau dan menyetujui kesesuaian ditinjau dan disetujui untuk
dan kecukupan.
kesesuaian dan kecukupan.
7.5.3 Kontrol informasi yang terdokumentasi Informasi terdokumentasi yang diperlukan Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana Kontrol informasi yang terdokumentasi.
oleh sistem manajemen mutu dan oleh Anda mengontrol informasi yang Kesesuaian dan ketersediaan untuk digunakan.
Standar Internasional ini harus terdokumentasi. Bagaimana itu dilindungi?
dikendalikan untuk memastikan: Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
a) tersedia dan cocok untuk digunakan, di Anda membuatnya tersedia dan
mana dan kapan dibutuhkan; cocok untuk digunakan.
b) dilindungi secara memadai (mis. dari Bagaimana Anda melindungi
kehilangan kerahasiaan, penggunaan yang informasi yang Anda
tidak tepat, atau hilangnya integritas). dokumentasikan?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence Untuk mengendalikan informasi yang Saat mengendalikan informasi yang Kontrol informasi yang terdokumentasi.
terdokumentasi, organisasi harus didokumentasikan, bagaimana Anda Ubah kontrol, distribusi, akses, pengambilan, penggunaan,
membahas hal-hal berikut mengatasi: penyimpanan, pelestarian, keterbacaan, retensi, dan disposisi.
kegiatan, sebagaimana berlaku: Distribusi;
a) distribusi, akses, pengambilan dan Mengakses;
penggunaan; Pengambilan;
b) penyimpanan dan pelestarian, termasuk Menggunakan;
pelestarian keterbacaan; Penyimpanan dan pelestarian;
c) kontrol perubahan (mis. kontrol versi); Keterbacaan;
d) retensi dan disposisi. Kontrol perubahan;
Retensi dan disposisi. Informasi terdokumentasi yang berasal Bagaimana Anda mengidentifikasi Kontrol informasi eksternal yang didokumentasikan.
dari luar ditentukan oleh organisasi untuk sebagai tepat dan mengendalikan
keperluan perencanaan dan pengoperasian informasi yang didokumentasikan
sistem manajemen mutu harus dari asal eksternal yang telah Anda
diidentifikasi sebagaimana mestinya, dan tentukan sebagaimana diperlukan
dikendalikan. untuk Sistem Manajemen Mutu?

CATATAN Akses dapat menyiratkan keputusan mengenai izin untuk melihat

informasi yang didokumentasikan saja, atau izin dan wewenang untuk melihat
dan mengubah informasi yang didokumentasikan.

8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.1q1 The organization shall plan, implement and control How are processes needed to meet Documented information to show processes have been
the processes, as outlined in 4.4, needed to meet requirements for provision of products and carried out as planned and can demonstrate conformity of
requirements for the provision of products and services planned, implemented and products and services.
services and to implement the actions determined controlled?
in 6.1, by: How are requirements for products and
a) determining requirements for the product and services determined?
services; How is criteria for processes and
b) establishing criteria for the processes and for the acceptance for products and services
acceptance of products and services; determined?
c) determining the resources needed to achieve How are resources determined?
conformity to product and service requirements; How is process control implemented?
d) implementing control of the processes in Show me the documented information
accordance with the criteria; that shows confidence in that the processes
e) retaining documented information to the extent have been carried out as planned and can
necessary to have confidence that the processes demonstrate conformity of products and
have been carried out as planned and to services.
demonstrate conformity of products and services to
8.1q2 The output of this planning shall be suitable for the How have you determined that the output
organization's operations. from the planning process is suitable for
your operations?
8.1q3 The organization shall control planned changes How do you control planned changes? How
and review the consequences of unintended do you review the consequences of
changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse unintended changes? What action is taken
effects, as necessary. to mitigate any adverse effects?
8.1q4 The organization shall ensure that outsourced How do you control outsourced processes?
processes are controlled in accordance with 8.4.

8.2 Determination of requirements for products and services

8.2.1 Customer communication
8.2.1q1 The organization shall establish the processes for What are your processes for communicating
communicating with customers in relation to: with customers? How do you communicate
a) information relating to products and services; information relating to:
b) enquiries, contracts or order handling, including Products;
changes; Services;
c) obtaining customer views and perceptions, Enquiries;
including customer complaints; Contracts;
d) the handling or treatment of customer property, if Order handling;
applicable; Customer views, perceptions and
e) specific requirements for contingency actions, complaints;
when relevant. Handling or treatment of customer property;
Specific requirements for contingency

8.2.2 Determination of requirements related to products and services

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.2.2q1 The organization shall establish, implement and What is your process to determine the
maintain a process to determine the requirements requirements for products and services to
for the products and services to be offered to be offered to potential customers? How do
potential customers. you establish, implement and maintain this
8.2.2q2 The organization shall ensure that: How do you define product and service
a) product and service requirements (including requirements including statutory and
those considered necessary by the organization), regulatory requirements?
and applicable statutory and regulatory How do you ensure that you have the ability
requirements, are defined; to meet the defined requirements and
b) it has the ability to meet the defined substantiate any claims for your products
requirements and substantiate the claims for the and services?
products and services it offers.
8.2.3Review of requirements related to products and services
8.2.3q1 The organization shall review, as applicable: How do you review:
a) requirements specified by the customer, Customer requirements for delivery and
including the requirements for delivery and post- post-delivery?
delivery activities; Requirements necessary for customers’
b) requirements not stated by the customer, but specified or intended use, where known;
necessary for the customers' specified or intended Additional statutory and regulatory
use, when known; requirements applicable to products and
c) additional statutory and regulatory requirements services;
applicable to the products and services;
Any other contract or order requirements.
d) contract or order requirements differing from
those previously expressed.
NOTE Requirements can also include those arising from relevant interested parties.
8.2.3q2 This review shall be conducted prior to the Show me that the review is conducted prior
organization’s commitment to supply products and to your commitment to supply products and
services to the customer and shall ensure contract services to your customers. How do you
or order requirements differing from those resolve contract or order requirements
previously defined are resolved. which differ from those previously defined?
8.2.3q3 Where the customer does not provide a How do you confirm customer requirements
documented statement of their requirements, the where the customer does not provide a
customer requirements shall be confirmed by the documented statement?
organization before acceptance.
8.2.3q4 Documented information describing the results of Show me where you retain documented Documented information of reviews describing new or
the review, including any new or changed information which describes results of the changed requirements to products and services.
requirements for the products and services, shall review including any new or changed
be retained. requirements.
8.2.3q5 Where requirements for products and services are Show me the documented information Documented information of amended reviews and how
changed, the organization shall ensure that containing changes to products and relevant personnel are made aware of those changes.
relevant documented information is amended and services. How do you ensure that relevant
that relevant personnel are made aware of the personnel are made aware of those
changed requirements. changes?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.3 Design and development of products and services
8.3.1 General
8.3.1q1 Where the detailed requirements of the How do you establish, implement and
organization’s products and services are not maintain a design and development process
already established or not defined by the customer (where detailed requirements of your
or by other interested parties, such that they are products and services are not already
adequate for subsequent production or service established or defined by the customer or
provision, the organization shall establish, other parties).
implement and maintain a design and development
NOTE 1 The organization can also apply the requirements given in 8.5 to the development of processes for
production and services provision.
NOTE 2 For services, design and development planning can address the whole service delivery process. The
organization can therefore choose to consider the requirements of clauses 8.3 and 8.5 together.
8.3.2 Design and development planning

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.3.2q1 In determining the stages and controls for design When determining the stages and control Documented information that confirms design & development
and development, the organization shall consider: for design and development, show me how requirements have been met.
a) the nature, duration and complexity of the design you consider:
and development activities; The nature, duration and complexity of the
b) requirements that specify particular process activities;
stages, including applicable design and Requirements that specify particular
development reviews; process stages including applicable
c) the required design and development verification reviews;
and validation; Required verification and validation;
d) the responsibilities and authorities involved in Responsibilities and authorities;
the design and development process; How interfaces are controlled between
e) the need to control interfaces between individuals and parties;
individuals and parties involved in the design and The need for involvement of customer and
development process; user groups.
f) the need for involvement of customer and user Show me documented information that
groups in the design and development process; confirms design and development
g) the necessary documented information to requirements have been met.
confirm that design and development requirements
have been met.

8.3.3 Design and development inputs

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.3.3q1 The organization shall determine: Can you show me how you determine:
a) requirements essential for the specific type of Requirements essential for the type of
products and services being designed and products and services being designed and
developed, including, as applicable, functional and developed, including as applicable:
performance requirements; Functional & performance requirements;
b) applicable statutory and regulatory Statutory and regulatory requirements;
requirements; Standards or codes of practice where there
c) standards or codes of practice that the is a commitment to implement;
organization has committed to implement; Internal and external resources needed for
d) internal and external resource needs for the the design and development of products
design and development of products and services; and services;
e) the potential consequences of failure due to the Potential consequences of failure;
nature of the products and services; Level of control expected of the design and
f) the level of control expected of the design and development process by customers and
development process by customers and other other relevant parties.
relevant interested parties.
8.3.3q2 Inputs shall be adequate for design and How do you determine that inputs are
development purposes, complete, and adequate, complete and unambiguous for
unambiguous. Conflicts among inputs shall be design and development? How do you
resolved. resolve conflicts among inputs?
8.3.4 Design and development controls
8.3.4q1 The controls applied to the design and How do controls that are applied to the
development process shall ensure that: design and development process ensure:
a) the results to be achieved by the design and Results achieved by design and
development activities are clearly defined; development activities are clearly defined?
b) design and development reviews are conducted Design and development reviews are
as planned; conducted as planned?
c) verification is conducted to ensure that the Outputs meet the input requirements by
design and development outputs have met the verification/
design and development input requirements; Validation is conducted to ensure that the
d) validation is conducted to ensure that the resulting products and services are capable
resulting products and services are capable of of meeting the requirements for the
meeting the requirements for the specified specified application or intended use (when
application or intended use (when known). known)?
8.3.5 Design and development outputs
8.3.5q1 The organization shall ensure that design and How do you ensure that design and
development outputs: development outputs:
a) meet the input requirements for design and Meet the input requirements for design and
development; development?
b) are adequate for the subsequent processes for Are adequate for the subsequent processes
the provision of products and services; for the provision of products and services?
c) include or reference monitoring and measuring Include or reference monitoring and
requirements, and acceptance criteria, as measuring requirements, and acceptance
applicable; criteria, as applicable?
d) ensure products to be produced, or services to Ensure products to be produced, or services
be provided, are fit for intended purpose and their to be provided, are fit for intended purpose
safe and proper use. and their safe and proper use?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.3.5q2 The organization shall retain the documented Show me the documented information Documented information from the design and development
information resulting from the design and which results from the design and process.
development process. development process.
8.3.6 Design and development changes
8.3.6q1 The organization shall review, control and identify How do you review, control and identify
changes made to design inputs and design outputs changes made to the design inputs and
during the design and development of products and outputs during design and development of
services or subsequently, to the extent that there is products and services ensuring no impact
no adverse impact on conformity to requirements. on conformity to requirements?
8.3.6q2 Documented information on design and Show me the documented information for Documented information for design and development
development changes shall be retained. design and development changes. changes.
8.4 Control of externally provided products and services
8.4.1 General
8.4.1q1 The organization shall ensure that externally How do you ensure externally provided
provided processes, products, and services processes, products and services conform
conform to specified requirements. to specified requirements?
8.4.1q2 The organization shall apply the specified Show me how you apply specified
requirements for the control of externally provided requirements for the control of externally
products and services when: provided products and services when:
a) products and services are provided by external Products and services are provided by
providers for incorporation into the organization’s external providers for incorporation into your
own products and services; own products and services;
b) products and services are provided directly to You provide products and services directly
the customer(s) by external providers on behalf of to customers by external providers on your
the organization; behalf;
c) a process or part of a process is provided by an A process or part-process is provided by an
external provider as a result of a decision by the external provider as a result of a decision to
organization to outsource a process or function. outsource a process or function.
8.4.1q3 The organization shall establish and apply criteria Show me how you establish and apply
for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of criteria for evaluation, selection, monitoring
performance and re-evaluation of external of performance and re-evaluation of
providers based on their ability to provide external providers. How do you assess their
processes or products and services in accordance ability to provide processes or products and
with specified requirements. services in accordance with specified

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.4.1q4 The organization shall retain appropriate What documented information do you Documented information of external providers’ performance.
documented information of the results of the have of the results of evaluations,
evaluations, monitoring of the performance and re- monitoring of performance and re-
evaluations of the external providers. evaluations of external providers?

8.4.2 Type and extent of control of external provision

8.4.2q1 In determining the type and extent of controls to be How do you determine the controls applied
applied to the external provision of processes, to the external provision of processes,
products and services, the organization shall take products and services and take into
into consideration: consideration:
a) the potential impact of the externally provided a) The potential impact of the externally
processes, products and services on the provided processes, products and services
organization’s ability to consistently meet customer on the ability to consistently meet customer
and applicable statutory and regulatory and applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements; requirements?
b) the perceived effectiveness of the controls b) The perceived effectiveness of the
applied by the external provider. controls applied by the external provider?
8.4.2q2 The organization shall establish and implement What verification or other activities do you
verification or other activities necessary to ensure have to ensure externally provided
the externally provided processes, products and processes, products and services do not
services do not adversely affect the organization's adversely affect your ability to consistently
ability to consistently deliver conforming products deliver conforming products and services to
and services to its customers. your customers?
8.4.2q3 Processes or functions of the organization which When processes or functions have been
have been outsourced to an external provider outsourced to external providers, how do
remain within the scope of the organization’s you consider a) and b) in 8.4.1 and how do
quality management system; accordingly, the you define the controls intended to be
organization shall consider a) and b) above and applied to the external provider and to the
define both the controls it intends to apply to the resulting process output?
external provider and those it intends to apply to
the resulting process output.
8.4.3Information for external providers

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.4.3q1 The organization shall communicate to external Show me how you communicate to external
providers applicable requirements for the following: providers, applicable requirements for:
a) the products and services to be provided or the Products and services to be provided or the
processes to be performed on behalf of the processes to be performed on behalf of the
organization; organization;
b) approval or release of products and services, Approval or release of products and
methods, processes or equipment; services, methods, processes or equipment;
c) competence of personnel, including necessary Competence of personnel, including
qualification; necessary qualification;
d) their interactions with the organization's quality Their interactions with the organization's
management system; quality management system;
e) the control and monitoring of the external The control and monitoring of the external
provider’s performance to be applied by the provider’s performance to be applied by the
organization; organization;
f) verification activities that the organization, or its Verification activities that the organization,
customer, intends to perform at the external or its customer, intends to perform at the
provider’s premises. external provider’s premises.
8.4.3q2 The organization shall ensure the adequacy of Before you communicate with external
specified requirements prior to their communication providers, how do you ensure the adequacy
to the external provider. of specified requirements?

8.5 Production and service provision

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision
8.5.1q1 The organization shall implement controlled What controlled conditions do you have for
conditions for production and service provision, production and service provision, including
including delivery and post-delivery activities. delivery and post-delivery activities?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.5.1q2 Controlled conditions shall include, as applicable: Can you show me controlled conditions for: Documented information defining characteristics of the
a) the availability of documented information that a) the availability of documented information products and services
defines the characteristics of the products and defining the characteristics of the products
services; and services;
b) the availability of documented information that b) the availability of documented
defines the activities to be performed and the informationdefining the activities to be
results to be achieved; performed and the results to be achieved;
c) monitoring and measurement activities at c) monitoring and measurement activities at
appropriate stages to verify that criteria for control appropriate stages to verify that criteria for
of processes and process outputs, and acceptance control of processes and process outputs,
criteria for products and services, have been met. and acceptance criteria for products and
d) the use, and control of suitable infrastructure services, have been met.
and process environment; d) the use, and control of suitable
e) the availability and use of suitable monitoring infrastructure and process environment;
and measuring resources; e) the availability and use of suitable
f) the competence and, where applicable, required monitoring and measuring resources;
qualification of persons; f) the competence and, where applicable,
g) the validation, and periodic revalidation, of the required qualification of persons;
ability to achieve planned results of any process for g) the validation, and periodic revalidation,
production and service provision where the of the ability to achieve planned results of
resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent any process for production and service
monitoring or measurement; provision where the resulting output cannot
h) the implementation of products and services be verified by subsequent monitoring or
release, delivery and post-delivery activities. measurement;
h) the implementation of products and
services release, delivery and post-delivery
8.5.2 Identification and traceability
8.5.2q1 Where necessary to ensure conformity of products What means do you use to identify process
and services, the organization shall use suitable outputs to ensure conformity of products
means to identify process outputs. and services?
8.5.2q2 The organization shall identify the status of process How do you identify the status of process
outputs with respect to monitoring and outputs?
measurement requirements throughout production
and service provision.
8.5.2q3 Where traceability is a requirement, the How do you control the unique identification Documented information of traceability, where required.
organization shall control the unique identification of process outputs, where applicable? What
of the process outputs, and retain any documented documented information do you retain?
information necessary to maintain traceability.
NOTE Process outputs are the results of any activities which are ready for delivery to the organization’s
customer or to an internal customer (e.g. receiver of the inputs to the next process); they can include
products, services, intermediate parts, components, etc.

8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.5.3q1 The organization shall exercise care with property What care do you provide for customer or
belonging to the customer or external providers external provider’s property while under
while it is under the organization's control or being your control?
used by the organization. The organization shall How do you identify, verify, protect and
identify, verify, protect and safeguard the safeguard that property which is provided
customer’s or external provider’s property provided for use or incorporation into your products
for use or incorporation into the products and or services?

8.5.3q2 When property of the customer or external provider What means do you use to report to the
is incorrectly used, lost, damaged or otherwise customer or external provider if their
found to be unsuitable for use, the organization property is incorrectly used, lost, damaged
shall report this to the customer or external or found to be unsuitable for use?
NOTE Customer property can include material, components, tools and equipment, customer premises,
intellectual property and personal data.
8.5.4 Preservation
8.5.4q1 The organization shall ensure preservation of How do you ensure preservation of process
process outputs during production and service outputs during production and service
provision, to the extent necessary to maintain provision to maintain conformity to product
conformity to requirements. requirements?
NOTE Preservation can include identification, handling, packaging, storage, transmission or transportation,
and protection.
8.5.5 Post-delivery activities
8.5.5q1 As applicable, the organization shall meet How do you meet requirements for post-
requirements for post-delivery activities associated delivery activities associated with products
with the products and services. and services?
8.5.5q2 In determining the extent of post-delivery activities How do you determine:
that are required, the organization shall consider: Risk;
a) the risks associated with the products and Nature, use and intended lifetime;
services; Customer feedback;
b) the nature, use and intended lifetime of the Statutory and Regulatory requirements,
products and services; when determining the extent of post-delivery
c) customer feedback; activities required with products and
d) statutory and regulatory requirements. services?
NOTE Post-delivery activities can include actions under warranty provisions, contractual obligations such as
maintenance services, and supplementary services such as recycling or final disposal.
8.5.6 Control of changes
8.5.6q1 The organization shall review and control How do you review and control unplanned
unplanned changes essential for production or changes to ensure continuing conformity
service provision to the extent necessary to ensure with specified requirements?
continuing conformity with specified requirements.

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.5.6q2 The organization shall retain documented What documented information can you Documented information describing results of review of
information describing the results of the review of show me which describes the results of changes, personnel and actions.
changes, the personnel authorizing the change, reviews of changes, the personnel
and any necessary actions. authorizing change and any necessary

8.6 Release of products and services

8.6q1 The organization shall implement the planned Show me how planned arrangement have
arrangements at appropriate stages to verify that been implemented at appropriate stages to
product and service requirements have been met. verify product and service requirements
Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria have been met. Show me what evidence
shall be retained. you retain.
8.6q2 The release of products and services to the Show me how the release of products and Documented information providing traceability, authorizing
customer shall not proceed until the planned services is held until planned arrangements release of products and services.
arrangements for verification of conformity have for verification of conformity have been
been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise satisfactorily completed, unless approved by
approved by a relevant authority and, as a relevant authority, or the customer if
applicable, by the customer. Documented applicable. Show me documented
information shall provide traceability to the information which shows traceability to the
person(s) authorizing release of products and person authorizing release of products and
services for delivery to the customer. services.
8.7 Control of non-conforming process outputs, products and services
8.7q1 The organization shall ensure process outputs, How do you identify and control process
products and services that do not conform to outputs, products and services that do not
requirements are identified and controlled to conform to requirements and prevent their
prevent their unintended use or delivery. unintended use or delivery?
8.7q2 The organization shall take appropriate corrective What appropriate corrective actions are
action based on the nature of the nonconformity taken based on the nature of the
and its impact on the conformity of products and nonconformity and its impact on the
services. This applies also to nonconforming conformity of products and services? How
products and services detected after delivery of the do you apply this to nonconformity detected
products or during the provision of the service. after delivery?
8.7q3 As applicable, the organization shall deal with How you deal with nonconforming process
nonconforming process outputs, products and outputs, products and services in terms of:
services in one or more of the following ways: Correction;
a) correction; Segregation, containment, return or
b) segregation, containment, return or suspension suspension of provision of products and
of provision of products and services; services?
c) informing the customer; Informing the customer?
d) obtaining authorization for: Obtaining authorization for use as-is?
- use “as-is’;
Release, continuation or re-provision of the
- release, continuation or re-provision of the
products and service?
products and services;
-acceptance under concession. Acceptance under concession?
8.7q4 Where nonconforming process outputs, products How do you verify conformance where
and services are corrected, conformity to the process outputs, products and services are
requirements shall be verified. corrected following nonconformance?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
8.7q5 The organization shall retain documented What documented information do you Documented information for actions taken following
information of actions taken on nonconforming keep following actions taken to address nonconformance, including concessions and authority
process outputs, products and services, including nonconformities, including any concessions granted.
on any concessions obtained and on the person or obtained and on the person or authority that
authority that made the decision regarding dealing made the decision regarding dealing with
with the nonconformity. the nonconformance.

9. Evaluasi Kinerja
9.1 Pemantauan, pengukuran, analisis dan evaluasi
9.1.1 Umum
9.1.1q1 Organisasi harus menentukan: Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
a) apa yang perlu dipantau dan diukur; Anda menentukan:
b) metode untuk pemantauan, pengukuran, Apa yang perlu dipantau dan
analisis dan evaluasi, sebagaimana diukur?
berlaku, untuk memastikan hasil yang Metode untuk pemantauan,
valid; pengukuran, analisis dan evaluasi
c) ketika pemantauan dan pengukuran untuk memastikan hasil yang valid?
harus dilakukan; Kapan melakukan pemantauan dan
d) ketika hasil dari pemantauan dan pengukuran?
pengukuran harus dianalisis dan Kapan hasil harus dianalisis dan
dievaluasi. dievaluasi?
9.1.1q2 Organisasi harus memastikan bahwa Informasi apa yang terdokumentasi Informasi yang terdokumentasi dari kegiatan
kegiatan pemantauan dan pengukuran yang dapat Anda tunjukkan kepada pemantauan dan pengukuran sesuai dengan persyaratan
dilaksanakan sesuai dengan persyaratan saya bahwa kegiatan pemantauan yang ditentukan.
yang ditentukan dan akan menyimpan dan pengukuran telah dilaksanakan
informasi terdokumentasi yang sesuai sesuai dengan persyaratan yang
sebagai bukti hasil. ditentukan?
9.1.1q3 Organisasi harus mengevaluasi kinerja Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
kualitas dan efektivitas sistem manajemen Anda mengevaluasi kinerja kualitas
mutu. dan efektivitas Sistem Manajemen
9.1.2 Kepuasan Pelanggan
9.1.2q1 Organisasi harus memantau persepsi Bagaimana Anda memonitor
pelanggan tentang sejauh mana persepsi pelanggan tentang sejauh
persyaratan telah dipenuhi. mana persyaratan telah dipenuhi?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
9.1.2q2 Organisasi harus memperoleh informasi Bagaimana Anda mendapatkan
yang berkaitan dengan pandangan dan informasi yang berkaitan dengan
pendapat pelanggan tentang organisasi pandangan dan pendapat pelanggan
dan produk serta layanannya. tentang produk dan layanan Anda?
9.1.2q3 Metode untuk memperoleh dan Metode apa untuk mendapatkan
menggunakan informasi ini harus dan menggunakan informasi ini
ditentukan. yang Anda miliki?
CATATAN Informasi yang terkait dengan pandangan pelanggan dapat
mencakup kepuasan pelanggan atau survei pendapat, data pelanggan tentang
kualitas produk atau layanan yang disampaikan, analisis pangsa pasar, pujian,
klaim garansi, dan laporan dealer.
9.1.3 Analisis dan Evaluasi
9.1.3q1 Organisasi harus menganalisis dan Jadi bagaimana Anda menganalisis
mengevaluasi data dan informasi yang dan mengevaluasi data dan
sesuai yang timbul dari pemantauan, informasi yang timbul dari
pengukuran, dan sumber lainnya. pemantauan, pengukuran, dan
sumber lainnya?
9.1.3q2 Keluaran analisis dan evaluasi harus Tunjukkan pada saya bagaimana
digunakan untuk: hasil analisis dan evaluasi
a) menunjukkan kesesuaian produk dan digunakan untuk:
layanan dengan persyaratan; Menunjukkan kesesuaian produk
b) menilai dan meningkatkan kepuasan dan layanan dengan persyaratan?
pelanggan; Menilai dan meningkatkan kepuasan
c) memastikan kesesuaian dan efektivitas pelanggan?
sistem manajemen mutu; Pastikan kesesuaian dan efektivitas
d) menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan telah Sistem Manajemen Mutu?
berhasil dilaksanakan; Menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan
e) menilai kinerja proses; telah berhasil dilaksanakan?
f) menilai kinerja penyedia eksternal; Menilai kinerja proses?
g) menentukan kebutuhan atau peluang Menilai kinerja penyedia eksternal?
untuk perbaikan dalam sistem manajemen Menentukan kebutuhan atau peluang
mutu. untuk perbaikan dalam Sistem
Manajemen Mutu?
9.1.3q3 Hasil analisis dan evaluasi juga harus Tunjukkan pada saya dimana hasil
digunakan untuk memberikan masukan analisis dan evaluasi digunakan
bagi tinjauan manajemen. untuk memberikan masukan bagi
tinjauan manajemen.
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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
9.2 Audit Internal
9.2.1q1 Organisasi harus melakukan audit internal Apakah audit internal dilakukan
pada interval yang direncanakan untuk pada interval yang direncanakan?
memberikan informasi apakah sistem Apakah mereka menentukan apakah
manajemen mutu; Siistem Manajemen Mutu sesuai
a) sesuai dengan: dengan persyaratan ISO 9001 dan
1) persyaratan organisasi sendiri untuk persyaratan lain yang ditetapkan
sistem manajemen kualitasnya; oleh Organisasi? (Tinjau catatan
2) persyaratan Standar Internasional ini; untuk menunjukkan kesesuaian)
b) diimplementasikan dan dipelihara Apakah mereka menentukan apakah
secara efektif. Sistem Manajemen Mutu diterapkan
dan dipelihara secara efektif?
(Tinjau catatan)

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
9.2.2q1 Organisasi harus: Dapatkah Anda menunjukkan Informasi yang terdokumentasi dari program dan hasil
a) merencanakan, menetapkan, kepada saya program audit yang audit.
mengimplementasikan dan memelihara mempertimbangkan tujuan kualitas,
program audit termasuk frekuensi, pentingnya proses, umpan balik
metode, tanggung jawab, persyaratan pelanggan, perubahan yang
perencanaan dan pelaporan, yang harusberdampak pada organisasi dan hasil
mempertimbangkan tujuan kualitas, audit sebelumnya?
pentingnya proses yang terkait, umpanDimana kriteria dan ruang lingkup
balik pelanggan, perubahan audit untuk setiap audit?
berdampak pada organisasi, dan hasil Dapatkah Anda menunjukkan
audit sebelumnya; bahwa pemilihan auditor dan
b) menetapkan kriteria dan ruang lingkup
pelaksanaan audit adalah objektif
audit untuk setiap audit; dan tidak memihak dan bahwa
c) memilih auditor dan melakukan audit
auditor tidak mengaudit pekerjaan
untuk memastikan objektivitas dan mereka sendiri?
ketidakberpihakan proses audit; Bagaimana hasil audit dilaporkan
d) memastikan bahwa hasil audit kepada manajemen yang relevan?
dilaporkan kepada manajemen terkait; Dapatkah Anda menunjukkan
e) mengambil koreksi yang diperlukan bahwa koreksi yang diperlukan dan
dan tindakan korektif tanpa penundaantindakan korektif diambil tanpa
yang tidak semestinya; penundaan yang tidak semestinya?
f) menyimpan informasi yang Dapatkah Anda menunjukkan
terdokumentasi sebagai bukti pelaksanaan
kepada saya informasi yang
program audit dan hasil audit. didokumentasikan dari program
audit dan hasil audit?
CATATAN Lihat ISO 19011 untuk panduan.
9.3 Ulasan Manajemen
9.3.1q1 Manajemen puncak harus meninjau sistem Berapa frekuensi manajemen
manajemen mutu organisasi, pada interval puncak meninjau organisasi Sistem
yang direncanakan, untuk memastikan Manajemen Mutu? Bagaimana
kesesuaian, kecukupan, dan efektivitasnya Sistem Manajemen Mutu dianggap
yang berkelanjutan. cocok, memadai dan efektif?

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
9.3.1q2 Tinjauan manajemen harus direncanakan Jenis informasi apa yang ditinjau
dan dilaksanakan dengan dalam tinjauan manajemen? Ini
mempertimbangkan: harus mencakup:
a) status tindakan dari tinjauan status tindakan dari ulasan
manajemen sebelumnya; sebelumnya;
b) perubahan dalam masalah eksternal dan perubahan pada masalah internal /
internal yang relevan dengan sistem eksternal yang relevan dengan
manajemen mutu termasuk arahan Sistem Manajemen Mutuss;
strategisnya; masalah yang mempengaruhi
c) informasi tentang kinerja kualitas, strategi;
termasuk tren dan indikator untuk: KPI untuk ketidaksesuaian dan
1) ketidaksesuaian dan tindakan korektif; tindakan korektif;
2) hasil pemantauan dan pengukuran; memantau dan mengukur hasil;
3) hasil audit; hasil audit;
4) kepuasan pelanggan; kepuasan pelanggan;
5) masalah tentang penyedia eksternal dan masalah tentang penyedia eksternal;
pihak berkepentingan terkait lainnya; masalah tentang pihak terkait
6) kecukupan sumber daya yang lainnya;
dibutuhkan untuk memelihara sistem kecukupan sumber daya dan
manajemen mutu yang efektif; efektivitas Sistem Manajemen
7) proses kinerja dan kesesuaian produk Mutu;
dan layanan; kinerja proses;
d) efektivitas tindakan yang diambil untuk kesesuaian produk dan layanan;
mengatasi risiko dan peluang (lihat pasal tindakan yang diambil untuk
6.1); mengatasi risiko dan peluang serta
e) peluang potensial baru untuk perbaikan efektivitasnya;
berkelanjutan. peluang potensial baru untuk
perbaikan berkelanjutan.
9.3.2q1 Output dari tinjauan manajemen harus Tunjukkan pada saya bahwa ulasan
mencakup keputusan dan tindakan yang manajemen mencakup keputusan
terkait dengan: dan tindakan yang berkaitan dengan:
a) peluang peningkatan berkelanjutan; Peluang peningkatan berkelanjutan;
b) segala kebutuhan untuk perubahan pada Kebutuhan akan perubahan pada
sistem manajemen mutu, termasuk QMS termasuk kebutuhan sumber
kebutuhan sumber daya. daya.

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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
9.3.2q2 Organisasi harus menyimpan informasi Tunjukkan pada saya informasi Informasi dokumentasi tinjauan manajemen.
yang didokumentasikan sebagai bukti dari terdokumentasi apa yang Anda
hasil tinjauan manajemen. miliki sebagai bukti ulasan
10 Improvement
10.1 General
10.1q1 The organization shall determine and select How do you determine and select
opportunities for improvement and implement opportunities for improvement? What
necessary actions to meet customer requirements necessary actions have you implemented
and enhance customer satisfaction. so that you have met customer
requirements and enhanced customer
10.1q2 This shall include, as appropriate: Show me how you have:
a) improving processes to prevent nonconformities; Improved processes to prevent
b) improving products and services to meet known nonconformities;
and predicted requirements; Improved products and services to meet
c) improving quality management system results. known and predicted requirements;
Improved QMS results.
NOTE Improvement can be effected reactively (e.g. corrective action), incrementally (e.g. continual
improvement), by step change (e.g. breakthrough), creatively (e.g. innovation) or by re-organization (e.g.
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.2.1q1 When a nonconformity occurs, including those When nonconformities occur, show me how;
arising from complaints, the organization shall: You react;
a) react to the nonconformity, and as applicable: Take action to control and correct it;
1) take action to control and correct it; Deal with the consequences;
2) deal with the consequences; Evaluate the need for action to eliminate the
b) evaluate the need for action to eliminate the cause so that it does not recur or occur
cause(s) of the nonconformity, in order that it does elsewhere by:
not recur or occur elsewhere, by: Reviewing the nonconformity;
1) reviewing the nonconformity; Determining the cause of the nonconformity;
2) determining the causes of the nonconformity; Determining if similar nonconformities exist
3) determining if similar nonconformities exist, or or could potentially occur;
could potentially occur; Actions needed are implemented;
c) implement any action needed; Review the effectiveness of corrective
d) review the effectiveness of any corrective action actions taken, if any;
taken; Make necessary changes to the QMS.
e) make changes to the quality management
system, if necessary.
10.2.1q2 Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the Show me how correction actions were
effects of the nonconformities encountered. appropriate to the effects of the
nonconformities encountered.
NOTE 1 In some instances, it can be impossible to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity.
NOTE 2 Corrective action can reduce the likelihood of recurrence to an acceptable level.
10.2.2q1 The organization shall retain documented What documented information can you Documented information of the nature of nonconformities,
information as evidence of: show me as evidence of: subsequent actions and results of corrective action.
a) the nature of the nonconformities and any The nature of the nonconformities and
subsequent actions taken; subsequent actions taken;
b) the results of any corrective action. The results of any corrective action.
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Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence
10.3 Continual improvement
10.3q1 The organization shall continually improve the Demonstrate that you continually improve
suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness
quality management system. of the QMS.
10.3q2 The organization shall consider the outputs of Demonstrate that outputs of analysis and
analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from evaluation and the outputs from
management review, to confirm if there are areas management review are considered to
of underperformance or opportunities that shall be confirm if there are areas of
addressed as part of continual improvement. underperformance or opportunities that shall
be addressed as part of continual
10.3q3 Where applicable, the organization shall select and What applicable tools and methodologies
utilise applicable tools and methodologies for for investigation of the causes of
investigation of the causes of underperformance underperformance and to support continual
and for supporting continual improvement. improvement are selected?

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