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Modifiable Risk Factor of Lifestyle Disease

The WHO’s Western Pacific Region declares noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) as the
top killers in the Philippines. NCDs are non-infectious illnesses but can be inherited or
developed based on individuals lifestyle. An individual’s routine, food intake ,vices like
smoking, drug use , alcohol consumption or way of life can develop this lifestyle diseases. That
is why at a young age, everyone should be informed about the risk of these dreaded NCDs
and how to prevent them.


Almost every organ in the body is damage when a person smokes. It weakens the body
and lead to many diseases. Each stick has more than 4000 chemicals and consuming it
would cut an individuals life for atleast 5 minutes. Others who are exposed to cigarette smoke
are also at risk from its chemicals.

Tar -a harmful by product of smoking cigarette and is carcinogenic and accumulates

inside the respiratory system.

Nicotine- a toxic chemical compound that mostly consist nitrogen , which also make
cigarette addictive.

Carbon monoxide- a poisonous chemical from born cigarette that make heart do more
work to supply sufficient oxygen in the body.

Kinds of Tobacco Smoke

Mainstream Smoke- commonly known as first hand smoke that is both inhaled and
exhaled by the smoker.
Second-hand Smoke- a smoke puffed out by the smokers and is very dangerous to.
- aka environmental tobacco or sidestream smoke.

Third-hand smoke- cigarette offshoot which is attached to the smokers hair and clothing
as well as various surfaces.

Poor Dietary Habits

Dietary habits is the usual choice of food that people make.

Poor dietary habits - occur when the person does not follow the principle of good

a. Adequacy- refers to moderate amounts of nutrients to maintain normal body

B. Balance- refers to the correct combination of nutrients,
C. Variety- refers to the consumption of different types of food.
- it lead to malnutrition ,resulting to stress,tiredness sleep deprivation, weak brain
functions, indigestion and heart problem.
- it adds up to the risk of developing diseases heart problems such as: obesity, type 2
diabetes, osteoporosis,high bloood pressure.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle occurs when an individual is lacks the recommended level of

regular physical activity or he/she is physically inactive. Physical in active is the leading risk
factor of death worldwide.

What does physical inactivity causes you?

-increase risk of certain cancer
-contribute to anxiety and depression
-risk factor of having certain cardiovascular diseases
- decrease in skeletal muscle mass due to excessive sitting
-high blood pressure and high cholesterol level.

Types of Diseases Associated with Unhealthy Lifestyle

1. Cardiovascular Disease- a disease in the heart and blood vessels
Types of Cardiovascular Diseases
*Arteriosclerosis- a condition causing the arteries to harden and thicken

*Atherosclerosis- type of arteriosclerosis, where deposited fats hardens and become

plaques in arterial wall.

* Coronary Heart Diseases- coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked;a disease in the
coronary vessels and not in the heart.
* Heart Attack- cardiac muscle failure due to lack of blood flow in the heart.

*Angina Pectoris- chest pain narrowed coronary arteries due to inadequate oxygen
from the heart.
*Rheumatic Fever- its a fever cause by the attack of the immune system in the
heart,weaknesses and damage to its valves.

*Heart Rhythm Abnormalities- irregular heart rhythm brought about by faulty

electrical conduction system that is worsened by uncontrolled stress levels and high
caffeine intake.

*congestive heart failure- the heart is not able or below its normal capacity to pimp
blood casing liquid to accumulate in the lungs and other areas of the body.

2. Cancer- a disease where cells divide in an uncontrolled pace. This cells can form a tumor
which can be identified as benign or malignant through a biopsy procedure.
Benign- is not cancerous it may increase in size but do not invade other body parts.
Malignant- is cancerous. The tumor can spread to invade and destroy nearby tissues and
body parts. the process is called metastasis.
4 Major Categories of Cancer

*Carcinoma- an invasive malignant tumor from epithelial tissue that tends to spread to other
body parts. Ex: cancer of the skin, breast, uterus, prostate, lung, colon

* Sarcoma- a connective or supportive cancer which include muscle, bone, fat, blood vessels
and cartilage cancers.

*Lymphoma- arises in cells of the lymphatic or immune system tissues characterized by

abnormal production of white cells and decrease in resistance.

*Leukemia- cancer of the blood and bone marrow characterized by the abnormal
production of blood cells.

3. Diabetes
4. Chronic respiratory Disease- commonly called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Health is wealth. A healthy lifestyle is all about making ones health well-being and priority.

Ways tO Prevent Lifestyle Diseases

 Eat healthy food
 daily routine of Physical activity
 Do not smoke
 Drink moderate amounts of alcohol only
 Manage stress

Go4Health Programs:
* Go Smoke Free highlights the bad effects of smoking.
* Go Slow sa Tagay advocates the use of alcohol drinks in moderation.

* Go Sustansiya aims to prevent hypertension and cardiovascular diseases by campaigning

for the reduced consumption of salt, sugar fats, and high calorie food.
* Go Sigla emphasizes on the regular exercise at least three to four times a week.

Fuel for Performance

In any activity, proper nutrition is important in an individual’s performance.Food taken before,
during and after activities influence performance. Having diet supports a person activities
and helps him/her recover faster while lowering his/her risk of injuries. Eating well and staying
in good health also keeps the person from acquiring illness.

Proper Nutrition for Exercise

Nutrition is the health branch that stresses the importance of food for growth and
development as well as lowering the chances of acquiring diseases and illness. Proper
nutrition relies on the mix of food with varying nutrients that we need to eat everyday.having
too much or too little with this nutrients can lead to illnesses.

Nutrients are important food substances that help our body function properly. It provides
energy and facilitates growth and repair of cells.

6 types of nutrients
Water, protein, carbohydrates, fats , vitamins and minerals

Macronutrients - are required by the body in large amounts such as carbohydrates, fats,
proteins and water.

Micronutrients - are nutrients that are only needed in very little amounts such as vitamins, and

Before Exercise:
The food eaten before exercise serves as the energy source and will define one’s

* carbohydrates is ideal as it increases the blood glucose and glycogen levels for energy
3-4 hours before exercising.
*protein in moderate amount helps recovery after exercise.
*meal should be low in fat and fiber so as not to have digestive or stomach problem.

During exercise:

Proper food intake during exercise increase endurance and performance, prevents an
individual from getting tired easily and gives glucose to the working muscles. The amount
needed depends on the duration of exercise.
* 30-60g of carbohydrates every hour for a heavy exercise of more than one hour
* sports drink or cereal bar is also recommended for easy digestion
*small amounts of food should be taken at intervals.

*water is also required, every 15-30 min. to avoid dehydration. Avoid waiting to get thirsty
before drinking.

After Exercise:
It is important to eat after exercise to reload the body’s glycogen supply. The amount of
food depend on the duration or intensity and the schedule of the next exercise session.

*it is ideal to eat within the first 30 minutes with 1g of carbohydrate for every 1kg of
individuals weight.

*if there are no plans of exercise for a day or so, it is important to have meal that has
enough carbohydrates to replenish the glycogen stores and must also have protein in
building up and repairing muscle tissue.

Effect of Poor Nutrition

1. Poor performance
2. Long recovery
3. Immune Suppression
4. Weight Changes

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