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Public methods available in Groovy Script for invocation on

different objects.
Following is a list of public methods available for some objects that can be accessed via Groovy Script. For some methods a brief information is
also presented in the Details column.

Methods for Asset object

S. Return Type Method Signature Details


1 boolean hasTag(String Returns true if the host has tag otherwise returns false if tag is not present on asset or tag itself is not
tagName) there.

2 String getName() Return asset name.

3 DateTime getCreated() Return time when asset is created. Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

4 DateTime getUpdated() Return last update time. Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

5 Long getRemoteVersion() -

6 DateTime getTagReevalDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

7 User getUser() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.core.domain.user.User object.

8 UserSnapshot getCreatedBy() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.qualysguard.domain.UserSnapshot object.

9 UserSnapshot getUpdatedBy() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.qualysguard.domain.UserSnapshot object.

10 List<Long> getTpMatchingQids() -

11 Boolean isDeleted() -

12 Set<AssetTag> getTags() Return set of com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.asset objects.

13 UUID getNetworkGuid() -

14 Set<Tag> getBannedTags() Return set of com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.Tag objects.

15 AttributeCollection getAttributes() Mehod return com.qualys.portal.application.module.core.domain.attribute.AttributeCollection object.

16 AssetType getAssetType() Return type of asset. AssetType is an enum. Possible values are:


Methods of HostAsset object

First check for type of asset using asset.getAssetType()==Asset.AssetType.HOST

S. Return Type Method Signature Details


1 String resultsForQid(Long qid) Returns the vulnerability results for the specified QID on this host, or NULL.

2 boolean hasVulnWithResults(Long qId, Returns true if the host have vulnerability with specified results.
String resultsSearch)

3 boolean hasAnyVuln(List<Integer> qids) Returns true if the host has any of the qids.

4 boolean hasVulnsWithSeverity(Integer... Returns true if the host has vulnerabilities with the severity.

5 boolean hasAllPortsOpen(List<Integer> Returns true if the host has ALL the specified ports open (UDP OR TCP).

6 boolean hasAnyPortsOpen(List<Integer> Returns true if the host has ANY of the specified ports open (TCP OR UDP).
7 boolean hasSoftwareByName(String Returns true if any of the items in the installed software list have a name that
softwareName) CONTAINS the specified softwareName (case-insensitive).

8 Map<InetAddress, getNicAddresses() Return map of InetAddress and

NetworkInterfaceAddress> objects.

9 String getHostName() -

10 Long getUserHostId() -

11 DateTime getDateIgModified() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

12 DateTime getDateVulnModified() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

13 String getLastLoggedOnUser() -

14 TrackingMethod getTrackingMethod() -

15 String getNetbiosName() -

16 String getNetbiosNetworkId() -

17 String getOperatingSystem() -

18 List<HostAssetInstance> getInstances() Return list


19 List<HostOpenPort> getOpenPorts() Return list of


20 List<HostService> getServices() Return list of

com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.asset.data.HostService objects.

21 List<HostVolume> getVolumes() Return list of

com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.asset.data.HostVolume objects.

22 List<HostProcessor> getProcessors() Return list of


23 List<HostAccount> getAccounts() Return list of


24 List<HostInstanceVuln> getVulns() Return list of


25 Set<HostAssetInstance> getInstances() Return list of


26 Map<Integer,HostInstanceVuln> getVulnMap() Return map of integer and


27 Map<Long, IndexedVuln> getIndexedVulnMap() Return map of long and

com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.asset.IndexedVuln objects.

28 Map<Integer, getInstanceMap() Return map of integer and

HostAssetInstance> com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.asset.data.HostAssetInstance

29 DateTime getLastComplianceScanDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

30 DateTime getLastVmScanDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

31 DateTime getLastScanDate Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

32 DateTime getInitializedDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

33 boolean isInRange(String ipRange) -

34 boolean isInRange(IPv4Range range) -

Methods of ScannerAsset object

First check for type of asset using asset.getAssetType()==Asset.AssetType.SCANNER

Return Type Method Signature Details

1 boolean isExternal() Return TRUE if this is an external scanner.

2 Boolean getIsUpdated() -

Methods of WebApp object

First check for type of asset using asset.getAssetType()==Asset.AssetType.WEBAPP

S. No. Return Type Method Signature Details

1 URL getUrl() -

2 URL getNormalizedUrl() -

3 String[] getUris() -

4 ScannerAsset getDefaultScanner() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.asset.ScannerAsset object.

5 Boolean getScannerLocked() -

6 String getHeaders() -

7 Boolean getBehaviorSitemapFile() -

8 String getDomains() -

9 Boolean getUseGlobalExclusionLists() Is Web App allowed to use global Exclusion Lists.

10 WebAppComment getLastComment() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.was.domain.webapp.WebAppComment


11 String getOperatingSystem() Operating system associated to the web application.

12 HttpProxySnapshot getProxy() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.domain.proxy.HttpProxySnapshot object.

13 boolean isMalwareEnabled() -

14 boolean isMalwareNotificationEnabled() -

15 String getMalwareScheduleTime() -

16 String getMalwareScheduleTimezone() -

17 Integer getMalwareSecurityRisk() -

18 Long getMalwareDomainId() -

19 Long getMalwareTaskId() -

20 int getPort() -

21 String getVhost() -

22 String getStartingUri() -

23 Boolean getHasScreenshot() -

24 Boolean getScannerLocked() -

25 ImmutableList<Tag> getScannerTagsList() Return list of com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.Tag object.

Methods of HostInstanceVuln object

First check for type of asset using asset.getAssetType()==Asset.AssetType.HOST then get a list of HostInstanceVuln objects using
List<HostInstanceVuln> list = Asset.getVulns();

Following methods can then be applied on any of the HostInstanceVuln objects from the list.

S. Return Type Method Signature Details

1 VulnDef getVuln() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.vulnoffice.domain.VulnDef object.

2 String getFqdn() -

3 Integer getPort() -

4 Boolean getSsl() -

5 Boolean isFound() If return true means open,reopen or new. If return false means fixed.

6 Boolean getIgnored() -

7 Boolean getDisabled() -

8 DateTime getFirstFoundDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

9 DateTime getLastFoundDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

10 DateTime getLastScannedDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object. Return the last scan date.

11 DateTime getUpdatedDate() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

12 Long getQgUserVulnId() -

13 Integer getCategory() Return type of vulnerability. Possible values are

1 = Potential
2 = Invalid/Deprecated
4 = Confirmed

14 String getFlags() -

15 Boolean getDeleted() -

16 Integer getVulnState() -

17 ScanFinding getScanFinding() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.scan.domain.ScanFinding object.

18 AbstractScan getScan() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.scan.domain.AbstractScan object.

19 HostInstanceVulnResult getVulnResult() Return com.qualys.portal.application.module.asset.domain.asset.data.HostInstanceVulnResult


20 Long getQid() -

21 String getResults() -

Methods of VulnDef object

First check for type of asset using asset.getAssetType()==Asset.AssetType.HOST then get a list of HostInstanceVuln objects using
List<HostInstanceVuln> list = Asset.getVulns();

Thereafter, get a VulnDef object on any of the HostInstanceVuln objects using VulnDef vulndef =hostInstanceVuln.getVuln();

S. No. Return Type Method Signature Details

1 Set<VulnPatchDef> getPatches() Return set of com.qualys.portal.application.module.vulnoffice.domain.VulnPatchDef objects.

2 String getCodevuln() -

3 String getType() -

4 Integer getSeverity() Return severity.

5 Integer getRisk() -

6 String getFixType() -

7 Integer getTimeToFix() -

8 String getRemote() -

9 String getLocal() -

10 String getCategory() -

11 String getDomainvuln() -

12 DateTime getDatePublished() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

13 DateTime getDateInsert() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

14 DateTime getDateDistrib() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

15 String getStatus() -

16 String getPopularity() -

17 Integer getVerified() -

18 String getVulnpath() -

19 String getMlVer() -

20 String getVulnsigVer() -

21 String getProperties() Possible return values (single or comma separated) are:

r = remote detection (no authentication required)

v = potential vulnerability

n = windows authentication required

u = Unix authentication required (SSH)

o = oracle authentication required

m = snmp authentication required

e = VMware authentication required

d = db2 authentication required

b = http basic authentication required

h = form authentication required

d = exploitive (dangerous, can take down services, crash, etc)

p = pci-related vulnerability

c = NAC/NAM vulnerability

22 String getOs() -

23 String getService() -

24 String getPort() -

25 String getAccessvector() -

26 String getAccesscomplexity() -

27 String getAuthentication() -

28 String getConfidentialityimpact() -

29 String getImpactbias() -

30 String getIntegrityimpact() -

31 String getAvailabilityimpact() -

32 String getExploitability() -

33 String getRemediationlevel() -

34 String getReportconfidence() -

35 String getCollateraldamagepotential() -

36 String getTargetdistribution() -

37 Float getBasescore() -

38 Float getEnvscore() -

39 String getTemporalscore() -

40 String getStatusqa() -

41 DateTime getDateReleased() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

42 DateTime getDateUpdated() Return org.joda.time.DateTime object.

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