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Preliminary Modern History - Assessment Task Two 2019

Historical Debate
Due Date: Term 1, Week 10 Wednesday, 3rd April 2019, 8:30am via Canvas)
Weight: 20%.
Topic: Case Study B – The US Civil War
Structure: Extended Response
Required Length: 1000 Words

Outcomes being assessed:

MH11-1 Describes the nature of continuity and change in the modern world
MH11-5 Examines the significance of historical features, people, ideas, movements, events and
developments of the modern world
MH11-6 Analyses and interprets different types of sources for evidence to support an historical
account or argument
MH11-9 Communicates historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in
appropriate and well-structured forms
MH11-10 Discusses contemporary methods and issues involved in the investigation of modern history

Task Description:

PART A: Extended Response

Context: The US Civil war and its causes have been examined many times over by many historians.
Various views have been argued over the years with some historians giving more weight to one
reason than the others. Some would argue that slavery was the prime cause of the war while others
would put it very low in a hierarchy of reasons, citing other causes as far more influential.

Question: Students are to write a 1000-word response to the following question:

Assess the extent to which slavery was the main and only cause of the US Civil War.

1. Complete independent research and locate both secondary and primary sources that support
your ideas about the causes of the war.
2. Compose your argument in WRITTEN form with logical sequence.

PART B – Bibliography

Students are also to submit a separate bibliography using the correct referencing according to RJAS
policy (Harvard referencing)

Bibliographies should include references for at least two primary sources and at least four
secondary sources (books, websites, documentaries) that you use to inform your research. See diary
for correct format of bibliography.

Total Marks: 27

Feedback: This will take the form of written comments highlighting areas of improvement and
quality research, argument and writing. Suggestions and direction will be added to help you know
how to improve the areas that need improving.
Marking Guidelines - Assessment Task Two 2019

Marking criteria: /27

Develops a logical and sustained argument
MH11.1, MH 11.5, MH11.6 MH11.9
13-15 - Argument communicates a sophisticated analysis of the causes of the
war and argues strongly in favour or against the significance of slavery
as a determining cause.
- Makes relevant and continuous use of sources.
- Argument is well-structured and logical and makes highly relevant
10-12 - Argument communicates a thorough analysis of the causes of the war
and argues in favour or against the significance of slavery as a
determining cause.
- Makes relevant use of sources.
- Argument is structured appropriately and makes relevant points.
6-9 - Argument communicates an analysis of the causes of the war and
argues in favour or against the significance of slavery as a determining
- Makes some reference to and use of sources.
- Argument is poorly structured and makes some relevant points.
1-5 - Argument contains little analysis of the causes of the war, is poorly
supported by sources and has little argument in favour or against the
significance of slavery as a determining cause.
- Uses one or no sources.
- Argument lacks structure and coherence and some information is
Demonstrates wide research through primary and secondary sources.
MH 11.6, MH11.9, MH11.10
8-10 - Demonstrates wide research through the inclusion of two primary and
two secondary sources and additional research.
- Sources are integrated effectively and used to enhance overall
6-7 - Demonstrates substantial research through the inclusion of a primary
and secondary source and other research.
- Sources are used appropriately and are connected to overall
4-5 - Demonstrates a satisfactory amount of research and may use primary
and secondary sources.
- Sources are incorporated poorly and may contradict overall
1-3 - Demonstrates limited research from primary and secondary sources.
- Sources are not evident or are inappropriately selected.
Includes a thorough and accurate bibliography
2 - Bibliography is thorough, accurate and/or extensive.
1 - Bibliography is poorly formatted and/or contains errors or omissions
and/or is limited.

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