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Module 5: Wellness Challenge

TuBinh Luong
HLAC – 1105
Brett Davis
November 24, 2019
Suggested Challenge: You can choose any of the challenges below or create your own.

Sleep Challenge

Track your sleep times and routines for three days and write what changes you can make
to improve your sleep quality and quantity. (For example, you may want to not be on a computer
or smartphone in the half-hour before you go to bed.

Recovery Challenge

Use a foam roller (these are available in the LAC gym) or a tennis ball to do myofascial
compression for at least two days.

Stress Management Challenge

Choose one of the 4A’s (avoid, alter, adapt, or accept) and apply it to a stressful situation
you’re currently experiencing. Using one of these four principles, write the small change you
plan to make to change the way you think about or respond to the situation and then implement it
on one day during the week.

Question 1: Reflection
In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Module 4 challenge from last
week. Consider answering some or all the following questions: How did it feel? What did you
learn about yourself? What behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you
did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome to complete the challenge?

In module 4 week I wanted to do the “Cardio-Respiratory Health Challenge” for this

challenge I want to plan out and fit the routine into my schedule. I want to challenge myself for
one whole week from Monday-Friday only because Saturday and Sunday will be my rest day.
For the layout plan, I am going to alternate each routine throughout the week. The goal is to
increase my heart rate so that I can feel my heart beating a little faster, which also means my
breathing will be more labored.
Monday-Wednesday: Do two brisk walks.
Tuesday-Thursday-Friday: Walk at least 20 minutes.
My routine mostly consisted of a cardio challenge. I must say that it was very stressful
when I first picked the challenge. I know that brisk walks are not my thing, but I still had to
Module 5: Wellness Challenge

overcome it for myself. I was already tired by the first day of the challenge that I thought I won’t
be able to just walk another 20 minutes for the next day. I always lose my breath easily whenever
I walk up the stair and so with the cardio challenge, I can see that my heart rate increases rapidly.
I know for sure that is something I saw improvement in myself throughout the challenge.
However, I don’t think that I want to keep up with this challenge in the long run because I
thought it was so time-consuming, even though it does show improvement. I still don’t think I
can keep up with the hard work.

Question 2: Challenge
Indicate whether you will be completing one of the suggested challenges that are stated
above in the instructions, or if you will be creating your own challenge.

If you are completing your own challenge, then this should be something you’ll do on at
least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.
Regardless of the challenge you complete for this week it needs to relate to exercise.

In the space below, write which challenge you intend to complete. If it's your own
challenge, then please describe what it is (as opposed to just saying that you will do your own

So, for this week, I want to go ahead and do the sleep challenge. Because I feel like I
don’t get enough sleep regularly. So, I need to track my sleep times and routines for three days
and see what changes I can make to improve my sleep quality and quantity. In companion with
this challenge, I need to set myself away from smartphones and different electronic devices. My
day usually consists of school and work, and after work, I would head straight home. That
usually when I feel ensured and tired somehow, I won’t even notice that I fell asleep while
strolling through my phone.

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